Mayan Archetype

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Hello, I welcome you to your Mayan archetype initiation.

The Mayan archetype reading is about understanding

the ‘archetype’ that we are, our original role that we have been born to play in this Life, our True Self in the wheel
of Time. The Wheel of Time is an established concept. It is in this Cycle of Time we experience Human Life. In the
cycles of day and night, cycles of moon phases, cycles of seasons, cycles of star clusters, comets as seen in the
night sky, we humans come and go. We map this cycle of Time into calendars to remember our Past and prepare
for the Future. The Mayans are known mostly in this Modern World for their calendars, they not only created
calendars for mapping the monthly lunar phases and the yearly solar phases but also explored the larger cycles
of Time, like, Earth’s connection with bigger stars than our Sun that are outside the galaxy like the Star of Sirius
and the Central Sun. They covered time cycles as big as 26,000 years and beyond, quite similar to representation
of Yugas in our Hindu Philosophies. Archetypes were found in the calendars created by the Mayans almost 3500
years ago.

A little about who Mayans were: The ancient Mayans were one of the most advanced civilizations to have
balanced science with spirituality. The knowledge, wisdom and facts they held about the Plant & animal kingdom,
the distance between Earth and Moon, Earth and Sun and other Stars is extraordinary. The Mayans were deeply
rooted to their land, their ancestors and completely attuned to the cycles of birth & death. They did not take
Death to be scary or fearful, they embraced death with warmth of acceptance, they believed that after living the
archetypical roles in their life, death was a recreational break for the soul to rejuvenate and again reincarnate
back into a body to play another role. This journey of life through time and space was very sacred to them and
they understood that through Human Life, The Soul experiences Oneness with its Creation. That Life is a
celebration, a play between Spirit and Body, the two energies dancing the dance of Union.

So, how is this ancient archetype-based calendar connected to our Modern World?
A guy called Jose Arguelles alerted the World about the Modern artificial time-controlling calendar that we still
live in today. The 12 months and asymmetrical days of the months created during the Roman Empire to entrap
the mind of the mass into desires of the ego and were completely unaligned with Natures cycles, so that
generations of Dictator Men can rule the world. Jose Arguelles had his roots from the Mayans and with his
ancestral vision and wisdom, he demystified the Ancient Mayan calendars that were in sync with the natural
cycles of the Planet Earth, he simplified the ancient Mayan calendar and aligned it with the modern calendar. His
effort was to re-align the Human Consciousness from the artificial mechanic timeline to the nature-based cycles
of Mother Earth.

What are Archetypes: Archetypes are the glyphs or symbols that Mayans created to define the energies of each
day. They are based on both the physical and spiritual elements of Life. There are 20 archetypes and 13 numbers
that help us to understand our Present cycle of Time in this Life. The new Mayan Calendar created by Jose
Arguelles is called the Law of Time, where One entire cycle time is of 260 days, 20 multiplied by 13, and is called
the Tzolkin. 260 days are total days for gestation for a human womb from conceiving to birth. Each 20 archetypes
have 13 different tones or types, the 1st tone is Magnetic and the 13th tone is the Cosmic.

Understanding archetypes will help us to comprehend the Role who we are and what purpose we have here to
serve in our Time on this Planet. Especially in today’s Time where time has been heavily distorted by the few who
dominate and control the World for their own greed. Especially in today’s time where human mind has been
conditioned to not listen to the inner instincts of the body or follow the natural cycles of nature but rather being
kept distracted in the chaos & confusion of the outside world. Understanding our archetypical roles is important
to remember that we human are a beautiful Soul experiencing life in this Body, along with other living & non-
living beings on this Planet and not Ego-based, self-proclaimed rulers with others life at their mercy and
absolutely no right to destroy the Cycle of Life on this Planet.

You can read more about the Calendar and Other different Archetypes on

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