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Balibago Senior High School





A Thesis Proposal
Presented to
The Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Sta. Rosa City, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Research II


January 2024
Balibago Senior High School



Chapter 1



The pursuit of universal education is a cornerstone for societal

development, and the enrollment rate in senior high schools plays a pivotal role
in achieving this goal. Balibago Integrated High School, like many educational
institutions, faces unique challenges that influence its senior high school
enrollment rates. Understanding these factors is crucial for devising targeted
interventions and policies that can enhance enrollment and ensure equitable
access to education. This research aims to explore and analyze the
multifaceted elements influencing the enrollment rate at Balibago Integrated
High School's senior high school level.

Balibago Integrated High School serves as a microcosm where various

socio-economic, demographic, and institutional factors converge to shape the
educational landscape. Socio-economic factors such as income levels, parental
occupations, and household dynamics have a profound impact on a student's
decision to pursue senior high school education. Additionally, community
perceptions, cultural beliefs, and the availability of support structures further
contribute to the complex web of influences shaping enrollment rates.
Balibago Senior High School



Demographically, the student population's composition, including gender

distribution and age demographics, can significantly impact enrollment patterns.
Understanding whether certain groups face barriers or exhibit distinct
enrollment trends is essential for crafting inclusive policies that cater to the
diverse needs of the student body. Furthermore, exploring the influence of
geographical location and transportation accessibility is critical, as these factors
can create disparities in enrollment rates among different regions within the
school's catchment area.

Institutional factors, including the quality of education, availability of

resources, and the effectiveness of outreach programs, are instrumental in
shaping enrollment rates. The school's reputation, curriculum offerings, and
extracurricular activities contribute to its overall appeal to potential senior high
school students. This research will delve into the specific institutional factors
that either facilitate or hinder enrollment, shedding light on areas that may
require improvement or enhancement.

As the global landscape of education undergoes continuous

transformation, it is imperative to scrutinize the factors affecting senior high
school enrollment in Balibago Integrated High School. This research seeks to
provide actionable insights that can inform educational policymakers, school
administrators, and community stakeholders about the dynamic interplay of
influences impacting enrollment rates. By addressing these factors, we aim to
Balibago Senior High School



contribute to the creation of a more inclusive and accessible senior high school
education system, ensuring that every student in Balibago Integrated High
School has the opportunity to pursue their educational aspirations.

Background of the study

Education serves as the foundation for individual and societal

development, and the enrollment rate in Senior High School (SHS) plays a
crucial role in shaping the future of students. This study aims to delve into the
factors influencing the enrollment rate of Grade 11 students at Balibago
Integrated Senior High School.

The transition to Senior High School represents a critical phase in the

academic journey, and understanding the determinants of enrollment can
provide valuable insights for educational policymakers and institutions.
Balibago Integrated Senior High School, as the focal point of this research,
offers a unique context for examining the multifaceted factors that contribute to
enrollment patterns.
Balibago Senior High School



Several elements may influence enrollment, including socio-economic

factors, educational policies, parental involvement, and students' perceptions
the benefits of SHS education. By comprehensively examining these factors,
this study seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the challenges and
opportunities that impact the enrollment rate in Grade 11 at Balibago Integrated
Senior High School.

This research is essential not only for the specific school under
investigation but also for informing broader educational strategies to enhance
enrollment rates, ensuring that all students have equitable access to quality
senior high school education. Through a detailed exploration of these factors,
this study aims to provide actionable recommendations that can contribute to
the improvement of the overall enrollment landscape in Senior High School.

Theoretical Framework
Balibago Senior High School


Because of the factors affect of the enrollment rate in the this school
year. In this study was supported by the study of Sarah Antwi's intitled
"Analysis of Enrollment, Retention, Completion, and Attrition Rates of Regular
and Distance Learning Students in the Masters Education Programmes at
KNUST" (Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology, 2021)
provides insights into the factors influencing enrollment rates in educational
programs.Antwi's study highlights the significance of socioeconomic factors,
accessibility, school facilities, and academic performance in determining
enrollment rates.The study suggests that students from lower socioeconomic
backgrounds may face barriers to enrollment, such as financial constraints and
limited access to educational resources. Additionally, Antwi's research
emphasizes the importance of accessible schools

Conceptual Framework


Statement of the Problem



Balibago Senior High School



Statement of the Problem

This study is have a aims to find out the reasons why the enrollment rate in
the Balibago Senior High School decrease.

1. What is the demographic profile of the repondent?

2. What is the factor affect the enrollment rate ?
Balibago Senior High School




NULL HYPOTHESIS: There have a no factors affecting the enrollment rate in

Balibago Senior High School.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The fucos of the study is to identify the reason why the factors can affect
about the enrollment rate of the Balibago Senior High School. The respondent
will be the grade 11 students in Balibago Integrated Senior High School. The
limitation of this study is only in the Balibago Senior High School.

Significance of the Study

As perceived by the researchers, the study proves very important to the

For the future students, it is a useful research to cite or base their own thesis
Balibago Senior High School


For the teachers, it will help them potentially get more students, as well as
understand how students pick their schools of choices.
For the parents, they may choose to be more open to enroll in public schools
such as Balibago Integrated Senior High School.
For the administration, they may choose to use this thesis as reference to
improve and change some things and add features in the school.

Definition of Terms
1 Affecting: Having an influence on or causing a change in something. In this
case, it refers to the factors that have an impact on the enrollment rate of senior
high school students.
2.Balibago Integrated Senior High School: The specific educational
institution being studied in your thesis, located in Balibago, Philippines.
3. Enrollment: The process of registering or enrolling students in an
educational institution or program.
4.Enrollment Rate: The percentage of students who are enrolled in a specific
educational institution or program compared to the total number of eligible

5. Factors: Influential elements or variables that have an impact on a particular

phenomenon or outcome. In this context, factors refer to the various aspects
that affect the enrollment rate of senior high school students
6. Grade 11: The grade level in the senior high school system where students
are in their first year of specialized subjects and career tracks.
Balibago Senior High School


7 . Senior High School: The last two years of the K-12 education system in the
Philippines, focusing on specialized subjects and career tracks to prepare
students for higher education or employment


This chapter presents the different literature and studies both local that
support the analysis of the study.
Balibago Senior High School



Local studies
Based on Abbie Cohen,(2023) argues that the current enrollment
decline should not be a surprise. The underlying causes have festered for
decades. Among these causes is the tension between the different purposes of
public schools. Those who see schools primarily as a means of social mobility
have promoted a variety of school choice initiatives. These efforts have pulled
resources out of traditional public schools, making it more difficult to reduce
inequality and prepare all young people for participation in a democratic
society. The shortcomings of public schools, particularly in urban communities,
have fed a growing mistrust of schools, which leads more families to seek other
options. These trends put at risk public schools’ ability to serve the public good.

According to Dee, T.S. et al.(2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has

profoundly disrupted schooling nationwide, raising serious concerns about the
impact of the pandemic on childrens learning, the ways online learning may be
exacerbating racial inequities, and the need to balance the strong desire for in-
person learning with the risks posed by the pandemic. To date, these debates
have centered around the experiences of children still enrolled in public
schools, either remotely or in-person. Relatively less has been written about the
experiences of the missing childrenthose who have not enrolled in public school
at all.
Balibago Senior High School


According to Francisco A. and Makoto Tanka (2019).While the literature
acknowledges the importance of transport infrastructure and improved
connectivity to economic growth, a less explored aspect is how these
investments impact human capital. This paper seeks to address this gap by
evaluating the impact of the Roll-on/Roll-off (Ro-Ro) policy -a policy that
allowed for a more efficient mode of inter-island transfer within the country -on
school attendance in the Philippines. Using a difference-in-differences strategy,
we compare the school attendance of children in municipalities near the Ro-Ro
and the non-Ro-Ro ports over the span of ten years.

According to Gamboa (2021) aaserts that the alarming numbers of

drop out caused by the pandemic “exacerbate an already existing high number
of out of school youth which has been established at 3.5 billion in 2017.

According to Giustinelli and Pavoni (2018 ). High school students all

over the world encounter problems on finding the right career path and program
that will suit their personality and skills or raise awareness on their academic
track. Students commonly display limited awareness and substantial belief
ambiguity, especially regarding lower-ranked options thereby showing
significant heterogeneity in students’ initial knowledge and learning patterns
across demographics and socioeconomic characteristics Several studies have
identified various factors that influence students’ SHS track preference.

According to Goksen (2018) Transferring to another school, leaving for

an extended period of time, and being rejected for admission can also be
regarded as dropping out of schools.
Balibago Senior High School



According to Golez, (2018) Some have linked this high dropout rate to
the “ill-planned” and “haphazard” implementation of K–12 education. According
to data, 3.8 million Filipinos, or 1 in 10 of those within the ages of 6 and 24, did
not go to school in 2016. 53% of the 3.3 million people in this age group, who
should already be in senior high school or college, come from the poorest
families. They are between the ages of 16 and 24.

According to Golez,(2018),One contends, however, that millions of

people continue to be denied of their right to education, even if the state “brags”
about the growth in net enrollment in elementary and high schools. Some
potential causes for dropping out include: the distance between schools, lack of
a school in the barangay, lack of regular transportation, high cost of education,
illness or disability, housework, marriage, employment or seeking employment,
lack of personal interest, inability to handle schoolwork, issues with academic
records, and insufficient family income to pay for a child’s education.

According to Henciar & Madzik (2018) Academic institution sought to

artner the requirements of the costumers prospective students and other clients
like industry artners when preparing an educational program.

According to Hernando and Malipot, (2018). The K–12 program,

according to the Department of Education, has steadily increased the number
Balibago Senior High School


of dropouts who returned to their studies. Since senior high school began in
2016, the number of students who have returned to school has increased by
half, from 158,000 to 370,000, according to a positive trend in the K–12
enrollment data.

Jeminez, E. et al (2021) To overcome market failures due to externalities

or lack of an effective credit market, countries often try to improve access to
education by providing more public school places. However, if there is already
an active private sector, then some of the public expansion may draw away
students who may have gone to school anyway. This would attenuate any
efficiency gains. This paper estimates this crowding-out effect for the
Philippines, a country with a large private education sector. Using regional data
over the past 10 years, we estimate that the large expansion in the public
secondary education sector is negatively associated with private secondary
enrollment. The range of the response is around four or five fewer private
school students for an increase of 10 public school students. On the other
hand, the crowding-out effect is insignificant at the primary and tertiary levels.

According to Jüttler, et al. (2021) found that students’ interest, career

goals, and perceived benefits of the track were the primary factors that
influenced their track preference. The study found that students who had a
genuine interest in a particular track were more likely to choose it. The study
also found that students who saw the potential benefits of a track, such as
employment opportunities and earning potential, were more likely to choose it.
Balibago Senior High School


According to Lamela (2021) This study focused on the track preference,
factors that affect the choice of track of incoming senior high school students
and the extent to which these factors influence their track preference.
Descriptive quantitative survey was used to gather data from 269 randomly
selected Grade 10 students enrolled in the seven public secondary schools in
Mandaon. Data were analyzed using frequency, ranking and weighted mean.
Findings revealed that most of the students prefer Academic Track over other
tracks. There were various factors in varying extent affecting the track
preference of the students. Work opportunity, family income, aptitude, interest,
school performance and facilities are highly influential factors, while parents
and teachers aremoderately influential and peers are slightly influential. Result
imply that students’ choice of track is directly influenced by both external and
internal factors.

According to Lorenz et al. (2020) found that academic performance, peer

influence, parental guidance, and career aspirations were significant predictors
of students’ track preference. The study found that students with high academic
performance tended to choose academic tracks, while those with lower
academic performance preferred TVL tracks. The study also found that peer
influence and parental guidance played a crucial role in shaping students’ track
preference. Students who had peers and parents whosupported their preferred
track were more likely to choose it. Moreover, career aspirations also
influenced students’ track preference, with students who had clear career goals
more likely to choose tracks that aligned with their career aspirations.
Balibago Senior High School


A study by Lu, et al (2021) found that the availability of resources and
opportunities was a crucial factor that influenced students’ track preference.
The study found that students who had access to resources and opportunities
related to a particular track, such as equipment and facilities, were more likely
to choose it.

According to Pafili & Mylonakis (2019) the choice of career of the

studenys is being influenced by some factors from the social environment
mainly the parents as immediate family who play are active role in choosing
right education for third children.

According to Selda (2019) Some researchers defined this issue as failing

to attend class for two weeks in a row in one admission; while some defined
this as failing to enroll in school despite having reached the mandatory school


A study by Chen (2018), found that school’s efficient use of facilities,

campus security, status of the school’s surrounding and effective management
were important in selecting school
Balibago Senior High School



The competition among senior high schools requires each school to

compete and stand against the competition. The number of schools competing
for students causes tight competition between schools in North Sulawesi as
according to Central Bureau of Statistics the number of schools compare
students is 197 to 48,140.(Central Bureau of Statistics [CBS], 2018)

According to the Chronic Poverty Research Centre‟s (2018) submission,

many school age children are out of school or are unable to complete the basic
education. The Education for All (EFA) goals mainly address issues affecting
enrolment and retention of school age children in schools. Education for All
(EFA) is an initiative which aimed at bringing educational benefits as well as
promoting inclusive education among children of school ages. These according
to researchers have not been achieved in many countries including
Nigeria.Despite efforts by international organizations, considerable number of
children of school age in Irepodun, Kwara State still roamsabout the street
during school hours.

According to Ducan and Brooks-Gunn (2018) poverty can contribute to fall in

enrolment as well as retention in schools.

According to Estevan (2019) emphasized that in Brazil, although there is

an improvement in the quality of public school which also increase the
Balibago Senior High School



According to Namukwaya & Kibirige ( 2018)factors affecting enrolment

and retention of students in schools can be studied in the context of the
people‟s livelihoods and survival strategies

The purpose of this research is to investigate and analyse higher

education institutions’ enrolment and drop-out rates within the Gauteng
province, South Africa. Large-scale secondary data from the General
Household Survey, obtained from Statistics South Africa (2018) were used.
This study’s findings show that finance, orphan-hood, transport to the higher
education institutions and, to a lesser extent, unplanned pregnancies, are some
of the main factors that affect the enrolment rate of students. This study hopes
to be useful to policy-makers, research managers and other decision-makers
within the higher education (HE) landscape


Research Design
Balibago Senior High School



This study will make use of a quantitave research to know the factors
affecting the enrollment rate of senior high school, in Balibago Integrated
Senior High School. The researchers want to conduct a quantitative research
study to determine the relationship between independent and dependent or
outcome variables within a population. Quantitative research design are either
descriptive subjects usually measured once or experimental subjects measured
before and after a treatment. A descriptive study establishes the only
association between variables, while the experimental study establishes it

Respondent of the Study

The Respondent of the will be Fifty (50) selected students. Population of

Grade 11 students in Balibago Senior High School they will be respond to the
questionnaire to the questionnaires that will be given that containing the study
about the percentage of the factor of affecting the enrollment rate in the Senior
High School.

Distribution of Respondent in Balibago Senior High School

Balibago Senior High School


Grade 11 students 50

total 50

Instrumentation and Validation

The study employed a mixed-methods approach to comprehensively
explore the factors influencing the enrollment rates among Grade 11 students
at Balibago Integrated Senior High School. Two primary instruments were
developed to gather data: a structured questionnaire and semi-structured

Instrument Design: The questionnaire was designed based on a thorough

review of literature and consultations with educational experts.
Validity Assessment: Content validity was ensured by subjecting the
questionnaire to a panel of experts in education, refining items based on their

Balibago Senior High School


To study factors affecting enrollment rates at Balibago Integrated Senior
High School, define variables like socio-economic status, accessibility,
academic performance, and perceptions. Create a structured questionnaire
with closed-ended questions, use random sampling to select a representative
group, and administer the questionnaire to selected participants. Analyze the
collected data using statistical tools, interpret the findings in the context of
Balibago Integrated Senior High School, cross-validate results, and compile a
comprehensive report with recommendations for improvement. The success of
the research depends on the questionnaire design and data analysis.
Balibago Senior High School



Chapter 4
This chapter presents the analysis and the result of the data gathered by the
use of survey questionnaire used in the study that is answered by the
Balibago Senior High School



Statement 4 3 2 1 Total Total Interpretation

1.The quality of a variety of Senior High 18
School program Balibago Senior High 36%
School influenced my decision to enroll
2.The proximity of Balibago Senior High 5
School to residence affected my 10%
decision to enroll
3.The reputation and quality of education 12
at Balibago Senior High School played a 24%
significant role in my decision
4.The other cost and other fees in the 14
Balibago Senior High School Is 28%

5.In the Balibago Senior High School is 10

no tuituin fee. 28%
6.The overall learning environment and 10
Facilities in Balibago Senior High School 20%
met my expectation.
7.The recommendation of the
teacher,parents and peers were
influenced my decision to enroll in
Balibago senior high school.
Balibago Senior High School



8. The communicaation an
information provide by the school
administration regarding enrollment were
clear and helpful.
9. Extracurricular activities and
oppportunities offered at Balibago Senior
High School.

10. The overall satisfaction of

current students at Balibago senior high
school is a good quality of the school
11. Economic factors such as
affordability influence my enrollment
12. It is important to think the
school curriculum before you enroll.
13. The accesi bility of Balibago
Senior High Influencing the enrollment
14. The quality of academic
programs offered at the school is a
factors of the enrollment rate.
15.Strands and tracks in Balibago Senior
High School affect my choice.
Balibago Senior High School


16.The social mobility have promoted a
variety of the school choices initiatives.

17. The career opportunities in Balibago

Senior High School which influenced my
decision to enroll in this program
18. Mistrust on public school which leads
other families or students to seeks other
19. It is needs to improve the program
that offered of the Balibago senior High
20. Students interest career, goals ,
influenced their choice to enroll.
Balibago Senior High School



The result of the number one (1) with the question, The quality of a

variety of Senior High School program Balibago Senior High School influence

my decision to enroll.Have 11(36%)strongly agree, have 23(46%) agree, have

8(16%)disagree, and have 1(2%) strongly disagree.

Based on the data obtained from question number (2) The proximity of

Balibago Senior High School to residence affected my decision to enroll. Have

5(10/%)strongly agree, have 28(56%) agree, have 15(30%)disagree, and have

2(4%) strongly disagree.

The result of the number three (3) The reputation and quality of at

Balibago Senior High School played a significant role in my decision.Have

12(24%)strongly agree, have 22(48%) agree, have 15(30%)disagree, and have

1(2%) strongly disagree.

Based on the data obtained from question number four (4) The quality of

academic programs offered at the school is a factor of enrollment rate. Have

7(14%)strongly agree, have 29(58%) agree, have 7(14%) disagree, and have

7(14%) strongly disagree

Balibago Senior High School



The result of the number five (5) Strands and In Balibago Senior High

School is no tuition fee. Have 14(28%)strongly agree, have 27(54%) agree,

have 4(8%)disagree, and have 0(0%) strongly disagree.

Based on the data obtained from question number six (6) The overall

learning environmentand facilities in Balibago Senior High School met my

expectation. Have 10(20%)strongly agree, have 26(52%) agree, have 12(24%)

disagree, and have 1(2%) strongly disagree

The result of the number seven (7) The recommendations of the

teacher,parent and feers were influenced by decision to enroll to Balibago

Senior High School. Have 18(36%)strongly agree, have 23(46%) agree, have

9(18%)disagree, and have 0(0%) strongly disagree.

Based on the data obtained from question number eight (8) The

communication an information provide by the school administration regarding

enrollment were clear and helpful. Have 12(24%)strongly agree, have 26(52%)

agree, have 7(14%) disagree, and have 5(10%) strongly disagree

Balibago Senior High School



The result of the number nine (9) Extracurricular activities and

opportunities offered at Balibago integrated Senior High School. Have

12(24%)strongly agree, have 26(52%) agree, have 12(24%)disagree, and have

0(0%) strongly disagree

Based on the data obtained from question number ten (10) The overall

satisfaction current students at Balibago Senior High School is good the quality

if the school. Have 15(30%)strongly agree, have 21(70%) agree, have 0(0%)

disagree, and have 0(0%) strongly disagree

The result of the number eleven (11) with the question, Economic Factor

such as affordability influence my enrollment decision.Have 8(16%)strongly

agree, have 35(70%) agree, have 5(10%)disagree, and have 2(4%) strongly


Based on the data obtained from question number twelve (12) It is

important to think the school curriculum before you enroll. Have

14(28%)strongly agree, have 28(56%) agree, have 3(6%)disagree, and have

5(10%) strongly disagree.

Balibago Senior High School



The result of the number thirteen (13) The accessibility of Balibago Senior High

School influencing the enrollment rate.

Have 12(24%)strongly agree, have 32(64%) agree, have 5(10%)disagree, and

have 1(2%) strongly disagree.

based on the data obtained from question number fourteen (14) The quality of

academic programs offered at the school is a factor of enrollment rate. Have

8(16%)strongly agree, have 32(64%) agree, have 5(10%) disagree, and have

5(10%) strongly disagree

The result of the number fifteen (15) Strands and Track in Balibago Senior High

School affect my choice. Have 8(16%)strongly agree, have 26(52%) agree,

have 10(30%)disagree, and have 6(12%) strongly disagree.

Based on the data obtained from question number sixteen (16) The

social mobility have promoted a variety of school choice initiatives. Have

Balibago Senior High School


7(14%)strongly agree, have 32(64%) agree, have 10(20%) disagree, and have

1(2%) strongly disagree

The result of the number seventeen (17) The career opportunities in

Balibago Senior High School which influenced my decision to enroll in this

program. Have 6(12%)strongly agree, have 33(66%) agree, have

11(22%)disagree, and have 0(0%) strongly disagree.

Based on the data obtained from question number eighteen (18) Mistrust

on public school which leads other families or students to seeks other option.

Have 2(4%)strongly agree, have 33(66%) agree, have 11(22%) disagree, and

have 0(0%) strongly disagree

The result of the number nineteen (19) It is needs to improve the

program that offered of the Balibago senior High school. Have 14(28%)strongly

agree, have 33(66%) agree, have 15(30%)disagree, and have 0(0%) strongly

Balibago Senior High School


based on the data obtained from question number twenty (20) Students interest

career, goals , influenced their choice to enroll. Have 14(28%)strongly agree,

have 28(56%) agree, have 4(8%) disagree, and have 4(8%) strongly disagree.



Here are some simplified recommendations for students, teachers, parents,

and administrators regarding senior high school education:

For Students:

1. Raise awareness: Spread the word about the benefits of senior high school

education through events, workshops, or presentations.

2. Seek guidance: Consult with school counselors or teachers to understand

the available tracks and make informed decisions.

Balibago Senior High School



3. Explore career options: Research different career paths and consider the

requirements and opportunities associated with each track.

For Teachers:

1. Provide career counseling: Guide students in choosing the right senior high

school track based on their interests and abilities.

2. Promote the benefits: Share success stories of alumni who pursued senior

high school and highlight the opportunities it offers.

3. Collaborate with parents: Work together with parents to address any

concerns and discuss the importance of senior high school education.

For Parents:

1. Attend information sessions: Participate in school-organized sessions to

learn about the senior high school curriculum and benefits.

Balibago Senior High School


2. Encourage exploration: Support your child in exploring different career

options and discussing their interests and aspirations.

3. Support decision-making: Provide resources and guidance to help your child

succeed in their senior high school journey.

For Administrators:

1. Improve infrastructure: Ensure that the school has the necessary facilities

and resources to support the senior high school curriculum.

2. Enhance career guidance programs: Invest in comprehensive programs that

provide students with information about different tracks and career


3. Strengthen partnerships: Establish connections with local industries,

colleges, and universities to offer real-world experiences and career pathways.

Balibago Senior High School




AGE: 15-17 Years old 18-20years old 21- and above

AGE: 15-17 Years old 18-20years old 21- and above



Your location is NEAR FAR at the school.

Balibago Senior High School



SOP 2 Reasons and factors about the enrollment rate.

DIRECTION: Put a check in the box for your answer if ever you are
every statement.
3- AGREE (A)
Balibago Senior High School



16.The social mobility have promoted a variety of school

choice initiatives.
17. The career opportunities in Balibago Senior High School
which influenced my decision to enroll in this program.
18. Mistrust on public school which leads other families or
students to seeks other option.
19. It is needs to improve the program that offered of the
Balibago senior High school.
20. Students interest career, goals , influenced their choice to
Balibago Senior High School


Balibago Senior High School


Balibago Senior High School



intro The pursuit of universal education is a cornerstone for societal

development, and the enrollment rate in senior high schools plays a pivotal role
in achieving this goal. Balibago Integrated High School, like many educational
institutions, faces unique challenges that influence its senior high school
enrollment rates. Understanding these factors is crucial for devising targeted
interventions and policies that can enhance enrollment and ensure equitable
access to education. This research aims to explore and analyze the
multifaceted elements influencing the enrollment rate at Balibago Integrated
High School's senior high school level.

Balibago Integrated High School serves as a microcosm where various socio-

economic, demographic, and institutional factors converge to shape the
educational landscape. Socio-economic factors such as income levels, parental
occupations, and household dynamics have a profound impact on a student's
decision to pursue senior high school education. Additionally, community
perceptions, cultural beliefs, and the availability of support structures further
contribute to the complex web of influences shaping enrollment rates.

Demographically, the student population's composition, including gender

distribution and age demographics, can significantly impact enrollment patterns.
Understanding whether certain groups face barriers or exhibit distinct
enrollment trends is essential for crafting inclusive policies that cater to the
diverse needs of the student body. Furthermore, exploring the influence of
Balibago Senior High School


geographical location and transportation accessibility is critical, as these factors
can create disparities in enrollment rates among different regions within the
school's catchment area.

Institutional factors, including the quality of education, availability of resources,

and the effectiveness of outreach programs, are instrumental in shaping
enrollment rates. The school's reputation, curriculum offerings, and
extracurricular activities contribute to its overall appeal to potential senior high
school students. This research will delve into the specific institutional factors
that either facilitate or hinder enrollment, shedding light on areas that may
require improvement or enhancement.

As the global landscape of education undergoes continuous transformation, it is

imperative to scrutinize the factors affecting senior high school enrollment in
Balibago Integrated High School. This research seeks to provide actionable
insights that can inform educational policymakers, school administrators, and
community stakeholders about the dynamic interplay of influences impacting
enrollment rates. By addressing these factors, we aim to contribute to the
creation of a more inclusive and accessible senior high school education
system, ensuring that every student in Balibago Integrated High School has the
opportunity to pursue their educational aspirations.

In your thesis titled "Factors Affecting Enrollment Rate of Senior High School in
Balibago Integrated Senior High School Grade 11th," you may consider the
following definitions and terms:
Balibago Senior High School


1. Enrollment Rate: The percentage of students who are enrolled in a specific
educational institution or program compared to the total number of eligible

2. Senior High School: The last two years of the K-12 education system in the
Philippines, focusing on specialized subjects and career tracks to prepare
students for higher education or employment.

3. Factors: Influential elements or variables that have an impact on a particular

phenomenon or outcome. In this context, factors refer to the various aspects
that affect the enrollment rate of senior high school students.

4. Balibago Integrated Senior High School: The specific educational institution

being studied in your thesis, located in Balibago, Philippines.

5. Grade 11: The grade level in the senior high school system where students
are in their first year of specialized subjects and career tracks.

6. Enrollment: The process of registering or enrolling students in an educational

institution or program.

7. Affecting: Having an influence on or causing a change in something. In this

case, it refers to the factors that have an impact on the enrollment rate of senior
high school students.
Balibago Senior High School


It is important to conduct a thorough literature review and research to further
explore and define the specific factors affecting the enrollment rate in your
study context. This will provide a solid foundation for your thesis and help in
analyzing the data and drawing conclusions.

**Background of the Study**

Education serves as the foundation for individual and societal development,

and the enrollment rate in Senior High School (SHS) plays a crucial role in
shaping the future of students. This study aims to delve into the factors
influencing the enrollment rate of Grade 11 students at Balibago Integrated
Senior High School.

The transition to Senior High School represents a critical phase in the academic
journey, and understanding the determinants of enrollment can provide
valuable insights for educational policymakers and institutions. Balibago
Integrated Senior High School, as the focal point of this research, offers a
unique context for examining the multifaceted factors that contribute to
enrollment patterns.

Several elements may influence enrollment, including socio-economic factors,

educational policies, parental involvement, and students' perceptions of the
benefits of SHS education. By comprehensively examining these factors, this
study seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the challenges and
opportunities that impact the enrollment rate in Grade 11 at Balibago Integrated
Senior High School.
Balibago Senior High School



This research is essential not only for the specific school under investigation
but also for informing broader educational strategies to enhance enrollment
rates, ensuring that all students have equitable access to quality senior high
school education. Through a detailed exploration of these factors, this study
aims to provide actionable recommendations that can contribute to the
improvement of the overall enrollment landscape in Senior High School.
Balibago Senior High School



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