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Website of the news front line: https://www.gmanetwork.


Summary of the news (Issue) Ethical Issue:

A lady named Maricel dela Cruz was arrested The ethical dilemma lies in balancing immediate
after allegedly stealing milk from a store in human needs with legal and societal norms.
Pangasinan. In jail, she admitted that the milk
was meant for his one-year-old youngest son.
It is said that his child is seven and that she Ethical Question:
has not been able to buy milk for two days
due to lack of money. Can stealing ever be morally justified to fulfill a basic
human need like feeding a child, even if it violates
property rights and societal laws?

Evaluation of ETHICAL THEORY

Choose only one Ethical Theory to use to evaluate the news issue

Answer: No, stealing is wrong regardless of the intention, as it violates property rights and legal codes.

Reason 1: JUSTICE , demands respect for the rights and property of others. [2] Stealing, even for a seemingly noble cause, infringes on this
principle, causing harm to the store owner and potentially jeopardizing their own life. [3] In this place we are require adherence to established
norms and laws that protect individual rights and maintain social order and stealing undermines this principle, creating discord and potentially
setting a dangerous precedent for others.[4]

Reason 2: WISDOM (4) guides us towards solutions that benefit the common good without infringing on individual rights and stealing, driven
by desperation, demonstrates a lack of foresight and consideration for the broader consequences on the store owner and society. [6]
COURAGE (5) demands facing challenges with integrity, not resorting to actions that harm others. [7] While Maricel's situation is undoubtedly
difficult, seeking alternative solutions, even if challenging, aligns better with moral principles. [8]

Maricel's desire to fulfill her child's basic needs is understandable but Virtue of ethics emphasizes seeking solutions that uphold justice and
respect the rights of all individuals. [9] Resorting to theft, even for a seemingly noble cause, contradicts these core principles and true
compassion requires exploring alternative avenues, utilizing available resources with wisdom and courage, to ensure the well-being of all
within a just and stable society.[10]

Do you agree with the evaluation of ethical theory?

I agree with the evaluation of Virtue of ethics in this case.

Reason #1:

Virtue of ethics emphasize justice, demanding respect for the rights and property of others. [1] Stealing inherently violates this principle,
causing harm to the store owner and jeopardizing their by potentially impacting their livelihood and well-being.[2] While Maricel's intention
was to help her child, it cannot justify infringing on the fundamental rights of another individual. [3] Seeking alternative solutions that respect
justice and utilize one's own capacities through wisdom would align more closely with Natural Law principles.[4]

Reason #2:

Furthermore, Virtue Ethics promote self-preservation. [5] As a fundamental good, encouraging individuals to care for themselves and utilize
their resources responsibly. [6] By stealing, Maricel not only harms the store owner's ability to preserve their own well-being but also sets a
precedent for actions that could ultimately undermine the security, and live for everyone. [7]Recognize the interconnectedness of human lives
and respecting the right to self-preservation for all individuals is crucial in upholding the core principles of Natural Law.[8]

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