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Long answer type questions
Atomic structure
1. What are the postulates of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom? Explain the various series of line spectra
in hydrogen atom using Bohr’s model
2. How are the quantum numbers n,l,m1 arrived at? and explain the significance of these quantum,
3. a) Explain the difference between emission and absorption spectra?
b) Explain (i) Aufbau principle (ii) Hund’s rule (iii) Paul’s principle?
4. a) Show that the circumference of the Bohr orbit for the hydrogen atom is an integral multiple of the
Broglie wavelength associated with the electron revolving around the orbit?
b) Explain photoelectric effect?
c) Limitations of Bohr’s theory.
d) Plank’s quantum theory.
Classification of elements and Periodicity in properties
5. Define IE1 and IE2. Why is IE2 > IE1 for a given atom? Discus the factors that effect IE of an element?
6. What is a periodic property ? How he following properties vary in a group and in a period? Explain.
a) Atomic radius b) IE c) Electro negativity
d) electron gain enthalpy e) Nature of oxides
7. Write an essay on s,p,d and f block elements
Chemical Bonding and Molecular structure
8. What do you understand by Hybridization? Explain different types of hybridization involving S and p
9. Give an account of VSEPR theory and its applications.
10. Given the molecular orbital energy of (a) N2 and (b) O2. Calculate the respective bond order. Write the
magnetic nature of N2 and O2 molecules.
11. Explain the factors for the formation of ionic compounds.
Organic chemistry
12. Describe the methods of preparation of ethylene. Give equation for the reaction of ethylene with the
a) Ozone b) Hypo Halous acid c) Cold and dil. Alk KMnO4
d) Heated with O2 at high pressure e) Br/ CCl4
13. How does acetylene react with the following reagents? Give the corresponding equations and name
the product formed in the reactions.
a) Acetic acid b) water c) Hydrogen d) Halogen
e) Hydrogen halide f) Ammonical AgNO3 and CuCl2
14. Describe any two methods of preparation of benzene? Explain the Halogenations, alkylation,
acylation, nitration and sulphonation of benzene.
15. Describe two methods of preparation of ethane. Give any three reaction of ethane.
16. Write the preparation of Ethan using the following methods
a) Wurtz reaction b) Kolbs’s electrolysis
Short answer type questions
Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
1. Given any four characteristic properties of transition elements.
2. What is lanthanide contraction? What are its consequences?
3. Write a note on (i) Atomic radius (ii) Metallic radius (iii) Covalent radius
4. What is diagonal relationship? Give a pair of elements having diagonal relationship. Why do they
show this relation.
Chemical bonding and molecular structure
5. Explain the hybridization involved in PCl5 molecule
6. Even through nitrogen in ammonia in sp3 hybridization, the bond angle deviate from 1090281. Explain.
7. Explain the hybridization involved in SF6 molecule.
8. Explain Fajan’s rules and give suitable examples.
9. Define dipole moment. Write its applications.
10. What is Hydrogen bond? Explain the different types of Hydrogen bonds with examples.\
11. Explain the formation of co-ordinate covalent bond with one example.
States of Matter : Gases and Liquids
12. Write the postulates kinetic molecular of theory of gases
13. Deduce a) Boyle’s law and b) Charle’s law
c) Graham’s law d) Dalton’s law from kinetic gas equation
14. State and explain Graham’s law of diffusion? Problems.
15. State and explain Dalton’s law of partial pressures? Problems.
16. Define (a) RMS (b) average and (c) most probable speeds of gas molecules. Give their inter
17. Find the RMS most probable and average speeds of SO2 at 27oC.
18. Find the RMS speed average speed most probable speed of CO2 gas at 27o.
19. Derive ideal gas equation.
20. Balance the following redox equation by ion-electron method taking place in acidic medium.
A) Cr2O7 2  SO2  Cr 3  SO42 B) MnO4  SO32  Mn 2  SO42
C) MnO4   SO2  Mn 2  HSO4 D) H 2O2  Fe 2  Fe 3  H 2O
E) MnO41  C2O42  Mn 2  CO2
21 Determination of Empirical formula and molecular formula problems
22. Balance the following redox equation by ion-electron method taking place in basic medium

a) MnO4  I   MnO2  I 2 OH
b) P4    PH 3  H 2 PO2 

c) Cr (OH )3  IO3 
 I   CrO22
23. Calculate the molarity of NaOH in the solution prepared by dissolving 4g in enough water to form 250
mL of the solution.
24. Calculate the normality of oxalic acid solutions containing 6.3 g of H2C2O4.2H2O in 500 ml of
25. Calculate normality of H2SO4 solutions of 50 ml of it completely neutralizes 250 ml of 0.1 N Ba(OH)2
26. Calculate the molarity, Normality, Molality problems.
27. Calculate w/w, w/v, v/v problems.
28. State the first law of Thermo Dynamics. Explain its mathematical notation.
29. Extensive and intensitve properties
30. State and explain the Hess law of constant heat summation.
31. Explain spontaneity of a process in terms of Gibbs energy.
32. State the second law of thermodynamics and explai it.
33. What is entropy? Explain with examples.
34. Define het capacity. What are Cp and Cv? Show that CP-Cv = R
35. (a) State the third law of thermodynamics. What do you understand by it.
(b) What are the " H " sign conventions for exothermic and endothermic reactions.
36. Define the following terms
a) Enthalphy b) Entorpy
Chemical Equilibrium and acids- bases
37. Discuss the application of Lechatlier’s principle for the industrial synthesis of Ammonia and sulphur
a) N 2( g )  3H 2( g )  NH 3( g ) (Habers process)
b) 2SO2( g )  O2( g )  2 SO3( g ) (Contact process)
38. Explain the concept of Bronsted acids and Bronsted bases, Illustrate the answer with suitable
39. Explain Lewis acid-base theory with suitable example. Classify the following species into Lewis acids
and Lewis acids and Lewis bases show these act as Lewis acid/base.
a) OH- b) F- c) H+ d) BCl3
What is conjugate acid base pairs? Write the conjugate acid base of each of the following
a) OH- b) HCO3 c) H2O 4) H2O2
40. Derive the relations between Kc and Kp for equilibrium reaction.
a) N 2( g )  3H 2( g )  2 NH 3( g ) b) 2SO2( g )  O2( g )  2SO3( g )
41. What is solubility product? Explain the common ion effect on solubility of ionic salts.
42. Write a notes on
i) common ion effect
ii) The relation between Ksp and solubility (S) of a spaningly soluble salt. BaSO4
43. What is PH? Find the PH of 0.1 M HCl solution.
Hydrogen and its compounds
44. Discuss with relevant chemical equations, various methods of preparing hydrogen peroxide, which of
these methods is useful is useful to prepare D2O2?
45. Write the chemical reaction to justify hydrogen peroxide can function as an oxidizing as well as
reducing agent.
46. Explain the terms hard water and soft water. Write a note on the (i) ion-exchange method and
(ii) Calgon method for the removal of hardness of water (iii) Clark’s process
47. What is temporary and perminant hardness of water? Mention which ions cause the hardness of water.
48. Write a few lines on the utility of hydrogen as a fuel.
49. Explain the following with suitable example.
a) Electron-deficiency hybrids b) Electron-precise hybrids
c) Electron rich hybrids
S-Blok Elements (Alkali & Alkaline Earth metals)
50. What do you about Castner-Kellner process? Write the principle involved in it.
51. Given a account of the biological importance of Na+ and K+ ions.
52. What is Plaster of Paris? Write a short note on it.
53. Discuss the various reaction that occur in the Solvey process.
54. Given an account of the biological importance of Ca+2 and Mg+2 ions.
P-Block elements group-13 (Boron family)
55. Explain the structure of diborane.
56. How does diborane react with
a) H2O b) CO c) N(CH3)3 d) NH3
57. Explain borax bead test with a suitable example
58. Give two methods of preparation of diborane.
59. What are electron deficient compound? Explain why BF3 acts as a lewis acids.
P-Block elements group-14 (Carbon family)
60. Explain the difference in properties of diamond and graphite on the basic of their structure.
61. Why is diamond hard?
62. What are silicones? How are they prepared? Give on example. What are their uses?
63. Write a note on a) Sailicates b) Zeolites c Fullerenes
64. Give reasons for the following
a) Graphite is a lubricant b) Diamond is a abrasive
Organic chemistry
65. Complete the following reaction and name the product A, B and C.
H 2O hot metal tube AlCl3  CH 3Cl
CaC2   A   B  C
66. Name the products A, B and C formed in the following reactions. Give the equations for the reactions.
Br2 / CCl4 Alc. KOH Br2
Ethylene   A   B  C .
67. What is substitution reaction? Explain any two substitution reaction of benzene.
68. Which type of compounds react with ozone? Explain with one example.
69. Give two examples each for chain, position and functional isomerism.
70. What do you understand about geometrical isomerism? Explain the geometrical isomers of 2-butene.
71. Discuss Markonikov’s rule and Kharash effect.
72. Write the following
a) Distillation b) Chromatography
73. How do get Benzene from acetylene? Explain the halogenations and alkylation of Benzene.
Very short answer type questions
Chemical bonding and molecular structure
1. What is Octet rule?
2. Which of the two ions Ca2+ or Zn2+ is more stable and why?
3. Cl- ion is more stable than atom-why?
4. Why argon does not form Ar2 molecule?
5. What is the best possible arrangement of four bond pairs in the valence shell of an atom to minimize
States of matter : Gases and Liquids
6. What are STP conditions?
7. What is gram molar volume?
8. Why the gas constant ‘R’ is called universal gas constant.
9. Which of the gases diffuses faster among N2, O2 and CH4 why?
10. How many times methane diffuses faster than sulphurdioxide?
11. Give the relation between the partial pressure of a gas and its mole fraction.
12. What is aqueous tension?
13. What is Boltzmann’s constant? Give its value.
14. What is RMS speed.
15. What is compressibility factor?
16. What is compressibility factor?
17. Why pressure cooker is used for cooking food on hills?
18. What is critical temperature? Give its value for CO2.
19. What is surface tension?
20. What is coefficient of viscosity ? Give its units,
21. Calculate kinetic energy 3 moles of CO2 at 27oC? ( In calaries)
22. Calculate kinetic energy of 5 moles of nitrogen at 27oC?
23. State dalton’s law of partial pressures?
24. Find the RMS velocity CO2 gas at 27oC?
25. Calculate the ratio of kinetic energies of 3gm H2 and 4 gm O2 at given temperature?
26. How many number of moles of glucose are present in 540 gms of glucose?
27. Calculate the weight of 0.1 mole of sodium carbonate.
28. Calculate the number of molecules present in 1.12  107 c.c of a gas at STP
29. What is a redox concept? Give an example.
30. What do you mean by significant figures?
31. The empirical formula of compounds is CH2O. Its molecular weight of 90.Calcualte the molecular
formula of the compound.
32. What are the disroportionation reactions? Give examples.
33. What are the cmproportionation reaction? Give examples.
34. How many moles of methane are required to produce 22 g of CO2(g) after combustion.
35. Calculate the oxidation number of sulphur chromium and nitrogen in H2SO5, Cr2O72- and NO3- suggest
structure of these compounds.
36. A solution is prepared by adding 2g of a substance A to 18g of water. Calculate the mass percent of
the solute.
37. How number of CaCO3 moles are present in 200 gm of CaCO3?
38. What are the oxidation numbers of Mn in KMO4, MnSO4, MnO4-?
39. Calculate the oxidation number of oxygen in O2F2, OF2 and H2O2.
40. Calculate the mass percent of the different elements present in sodium sulphate (Na2SO4)
41. Assign oxidation number to the underlined elements in each of the following species.
a)NaHSO4 b) H2P2O7 c) CH3-CH2-OH d)CH3-COOH
42. Define a system. Give an example.
43. No heat is absorbed by the system from the surroundings, but work (w) is done on the system. What
type of wall does the system have?
44. State the first law of the thermodynamics.
45. What are intensive and extensive properties.
46. Give the equation that gives the relationship between U and H .
47. State the third law of thermodynamics.
48. Explain the relationship between Gibbs energy change and equilibrium constant.
49. Enthalpy of combustion of carbon to CO2 is -393.5 kJ mol-1 calculate the heat released upon
formation of 35.2 g of CO2 from carbon and dioxygen gas.
50. State Hess’ law of constant heat summation.
51. State Hess’s law of constant heat summation.
52. Define a) Heat of solution b) Heat dilution
53. Define Heat of formation? Give an example.
Chemical Equilibrium and acids – bases
54. What is homogeneous equilibrium? Write two homogenous reactions.
55. What is heterogeneous equilibrium? Write two heterogenous reactions.
56. (a) Define equilibrium constant (b) State the law of mass action
57. Write the relation between Kp and Kc with example
58. Give two chemical equilibrium reactions for which Kp = Kc
59. What is conjugate Acid- Base pair? Give example.
60. What is the value of Kw? What are its units?
61. All bronsted bases are Lewis bases. Explain.
62. All lewis acids are not Bronsted acids. Why?
63. Give two examples of slats whose aqueous solutions are basic.
64. Give two examples of salts whose aqueous solutions are acidic.
65. Calculate the pH of 0.05 M NaOH solution.
66. Find the pH of 0.05 M Ba(OH)2 aqueous solution
67. Derive the KC, Kp relations for the reaction PCl5( g )  PCl3( g )  Cl2( g ) .
68. Concentrations of hydrogen ion 3.8  10 3 M . What is its PH?
69. Calculate the PH of 0.05 M H2SO4 solution?
70. Calculate the PH of 1.0  108 M solution of HCl?
71. What is meant by ionic product of water? What is its value at room temperature.
72. What is Lewis acid? Give one example.
73. Calculate the PH of 0.1 M HCl solution.
Hydrogen & Its compounds
74. Name the isotopes of hydrogen. What is the ratio of the masses of these isotopes?
75. Why is dihydrogen used in welding of high melting metals?
76. Explain the term “SYNGAS” (or) synthesis gas.
77. What is meant by coal gasification? Explain with relevant, balanced equation.
78. What do you mean by autoprolysis? Give the equation to represent the autoprotolysis of water.
79. Mention any three uses of H2O2?
S-Block elements (Alkali & Alkaline Earth metals)
Biological importance of Na, K, Ca, Mg
80. Lithium reacts with water less vigorously than sodium. Give your reasons.
81. What happens when magnesium metal is burnt in air?
82. Write a balanced equation for the formation of ammoniated IIA metal ions from the metals in liquid
83. Write the average composition of Portland cement.
84. Describe the important used of caustic soda.
85. Describe the important used of sodium carbonate.
86. Describe the important uses of quick lime.
87. Why are alkali metals not found in the free state in nature.
88. Why is gypsum added to cement.
89. Write properties of washing soda.
90. What is plaster of pairs. Mention its use.
91. Why are IA group elements called Alkali metals
92. Lithium salts are mostly hydrated why? Give one example.
93. Why is KO2 paramagnetic?
P-Block elements group-13 (Boron family)
94. How do you explain higher stability of TICI?
95. Is boric acid a protic acid? Explain.
96. Explain inert pair effect.
97. What is the hybridization of B in diborane and borazine?
98. Give the formula of borazine. What is its common name?
99. Give the formulae of (a) Borax (b) Colemanite
100. Sketch the structure of orthoboric acid.
101. Write the structure of AlCl3 as a dimer.
102. Give two uses of aluminium.
103. What happens when boric acid is heated?
P-Block elements grop-14 (Carbon family)
104. Why is CO poisonous?
105. What is allotropy? Give the crystalline allotropes of carbon.
106. How does graphite function as a lubricant.
107. Graphite is a good conductor – explain.
108. Diamond has high melting point- explain.
109. Write the use of ZSM-5.
110. C-C bond length in graphite is shorter than C-C bond length in diamond- explain.
111. Diamond is used as precious stone-explain.
112. SiF6 -2 is known while SiCl6 -2 is not- explain.
113. Name any two man made silicates.
114. How is water gas prepared?
115. How is producer gas prepared?
116. What is use of dry ice?
117. Write the hybridization of carbon in the following
a) CO2 b) Diamond c) Graphite d) Fullerence e) CO3-2
118. Write two crystalline allotropes of carbon mention the hybridization present in them.
119. Why diamond is hard?
120. Give the use of CO2 in photosynthesis.
121. CCl4 is not dissolved in water but SiCl4 dissolves why? Give reason.
122. Define catenation? Write two allotrophic crystalline forms of carbon?
123. What is producer gas?
Environmental chemistry
124. What is chemical oxygen demand (COD)?
125. What is Bio chemical oxygen demand (BOD)?
126. Name the major particulate pollutants present in Troposphere.
127. Green house effect is caused by ………… and ……………. Gases.
128. Which oxides cause acid rains. Ad what is it PH value?
129. Name two adverse effects caused by acid rains.
130. What is classical smog? And what is its chemical character ( oxidizing reducing)?
131. What is PAN? What effect is caused b it.
132. How is ozone formed in the stratosphere?
133. Give the chemical equations involved in the ozone depletion by CF2 Cl2.
134. What is ozone hole? Where was it first observed?
135. Name three industrial chemicals that pollute water.
136. What agrochemicals are responsible for water pollution?
137. Define the terms sink & TLV.
138. What is Eutrophication?
139. What is pollutant, contaminant, speciation.
140. What is green house effect?
141. Define receptor and sink.
142. What are the harmful effects caused by ozone layer depletion.
Organic chemistry
143. Write the reagents required for conversion of benzene to methyl benzene.
144. How is nitrobenzene prepared.
145. Write the conformation of ethane.
146. Write the structures of trichloro ethanoic acid, Neopentane, P-nitrobenzaldehyde
147. How is ethylene prepared form ethyl alcohol? Write the reaction.
148. What is the product fromed when sodium propionate is heated with soda lime.
149. What is dehydro halogenation? Write the equation for the formation of alkene from alkyl halide.
150. Write the IUPAC
a) CH3-CH2-CH2-CH= CH2 b) CH 3  C  CH 3
151. Write the structural formula of the following compounds
a) 3,4,4,5- Tetra methyl Heptane b) 2-Menthyl-1-butene
152 Write IUPAC names of the following compounds
3 3
| |
a) (CH3)3C CH2C(CH3)3 b) CH  CH  CH  CHO
153. Write the IUPAC name of the following
a) CH2 = CH – CH = CH2 b) CH 3  CH 2  C  CH 3
154. Write the IUPAC names of the following compounds.

1) CH3-CH2-CH2-CH= CH2 2) 3)
155. Write the functional isomers of organic compound C3H6O.

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