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Marist College Kogarah

‘The End Crowns the Work’

Semester 2, 2020
Luca Castelvetere

Year 8

Religion Catholic Studies
Personal Development Health and Physical Education
Technology Mandatory
Visual Arts

Mr John Riordan
Year 7-8 Guide to interpreting Reports
The College report’s on a student’s progress within the courses studied over the designated reporting period.

The Course Result is based on all assessment tasks calculated to a mark out of 100 for the year.
Course Result

Students are placed in one of four quartiles (1, 2, 3 and 4) based on their Course Result. For example, the first quartile (1)
Course Quartile indicates students who have come in the top 25% of the year. The second quartile (2) indicates those students who are in
the top 50% of the year.

The Course Grade is based on all assessment tasks completed for the year. The Course Performance Descriptors have
been used to determine these grades; Extensive, Thorough, Sound, Basic, Elementary.
Course Grade

Result Distribution All students receive an A to E grade in the course. The results of all students are displayed in the
Result Distribution table.

Course Mark and The shaded area in the graph highlights the range of results achieved in the course. The solid black vertical line indicates
Distribution the individual Student’s Result and the dashed red vertical line indicates the Average Result of the cohort in the course.

The Areas of Learning are based on syllabus requirements and are related to one or more specific assessment tasks which
Areas of Learning assess the individual student’s course performance; Extensive, Thorough, Sound, Basic, Elementary.

The class teacher reports on the individual student’s application in the areas of classwork, participation and attitude in the
Application to Learning course. All students will receive one of the following descriptors; Consistently, Usually, Sometimes, Rarely.

Areas of Learning

Descriptors of the Grades and Areas of Learning

The Common Grade Scale shown below is used to report student achievement in the Preliminary Stage 6 courses in all NSW schools. The Common Grade Scale
describes performance at each of five grade levels.

The student demonstrates extensive knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts and applies highly
A Extensive developed skills and processes in a wide variety of contexts. In addition, the student demonstrates creative and critical
thinking skills using perceptive analysis and evaluation. The student effectively communicates complex ideas and information.

The student demonstrates thorough knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts and applies well-developed
B Thorough skills and processes in a variety of contexts. In addition, the student demonstrates creative and critical thinking skills using
analysis and evaluation. The student clearly communicates complex ideas and information.

The student demonstrates sound knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts and applies skills and
C Sound processes in a range of familiar contexts. In addition, the student demonstrates skills in selecting and integrating information
and communicates relevant ideas in an appropriate manner.

The student demonstrates a basic knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts and applies skills and
D Basic processes in some familiar contexts. In addition, the student demonstrates skills in selecting and using information and
communicates ideas in a descriptive manner.

The student demonstrates an elementary knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts and applies some
E Elementary skills and processes with guidance. In addition, the student demonstrates elementary skills in recounting information and
communicating ideas.

Application to Learning

The class teacher also provides a report on the student application to their learning for each subject studied.

Consistently The student consistently works to a high standard demonstrating commendable levels of initiative, persistence and engagement
with the learning process.

Usually The student usually works to a high standard demonstrating commendable levels of initiative, persistence and engagement with
the learning process.

Sometimes The student sometimes works to a high standard demonstrating commendable levels of initiative, persistence and engagement
with the learning process.

Rarely The student rarely takes responsibility for learning and generally does not engage in the learning process.

Never The student does not take responsibility for learning or the learning process.
Luca Castelvetere
Teacher: Miss Rosemary Biasi
Marist College - Kogarah - 2020 - Year 8 Semester 2 Report

All students will receive one of the following descriptors for each component of the Homeroom Profile; Consistently, Usually, Sometimes, Rarely.


Attendance Period 20/07/2020 - 11/12/2020

Number of Attendance days in this Report 94

Whole Days Absent (Explained) 2 Partial Days Absent (Explained) 0

Whole Days Absent (Unexplained) 0 Partial Days Absent (Unexplained) 0

Homeroom Profile

Cooperation: Maintains respectful relationships with the Homeroom Teacher and peers. Consistently

Uniform: Wears the College uniform in an exemplary fashion. Consistently

Grooming: Meets the College grooming expectations. Consistently

Religion Catholic Studies
Luca Castelvetere
Teacher: Ms Sophie Kirk
Marist College - Kogarah - 2020 - Year 8 Semester 2 Report

Throughout Semester 2 students explore the Sacraments of Initiation gaining a deeper understanding of how these Sacraments empower Christian
lives. Students also develop values, understanding and skills in relation to Catholic moral teaching, its relationship to moral character, the way it
addresses moral issues and the call to work for justice in the world.

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Result /100 92

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Quartile 1

Course Grade Result Distribution

Student's Result E D C B A

0 0 9 89 78

Course Mark and Distribution

Student's Result

Student's Result Average Result Range of Results

Areas of Learning

Exploring the meaning of 'sacrament' by examining the rituals associated with the Sacraments of Initiation. Extensive

Identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas. Extensive

Articulates an understanding of how aspects of Christian living can assist people to grow in goodness and draws meaning Extensive
from examples of good and evil in life and in the Scriptures.

Assesses actions and explains consequences, taking account of a range of perspectives, when seeking solutions and putting Extensive
complex ideas into action.

Application to Learning

Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently

Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently

Exhibits commitment to home study and personal organisation. Consistently

Luca Castelvetere
Teacher: Mr Arthur Stathopoulos
Marist College - Kogarah - 2020 - Year 8 Semester 2 Report

Throughout Semester 2 students respond to a variety of texts critically, imaginatively and interpretively and compose accurate, clear and coherent
texts. Students make connections between texts, they recognise the main ideas and points of view and the ways in which texts seek to position
responders. They experiment with form and language in different modes and technologies to produce various types of texts for specific purposes.
They explore texts critically, evaluating content, challenging points of view, considering and appreciating cultural expressions. Students also engage
with print, film and digital texts with an informed awareness of the language forms and features and structures of those texts.

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Result /100 67

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Quartile 2

Course Grade Result Distribution

Student's Result E D C B A

1 23 110 30 12

Course Mark and Distribution

Student's Result

Student's Result Average Result Range of Results

Areas of Learning

Demonstrates an understanding of how poetry can express aspects of their broadening world and their relationships within it. Thorough

Identifies, considers and appreciates cultural expression in texts. Sound

Engages with wide reading. Thorough

Application to Learning

Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently

Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently

Exhibits commitment to home study and personal organisation. Consistently

Luca Castelvetere
Teacher: Mrs Kathryn Weber
Marist College - Kogarah - 2020 - Year 8 Semester 2 Report

Throughout Semester 2 students develop their understanding and fluency in mathematics through inquiry, exploring and connecting mathematical
concepts, choosing and applying problem-solving skills and mathematical techniques, communication and reasoning.

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Result /100 77

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Quartile 2

Course Grade Result Distribution

Student's Result E D C B A

0 20 94 39 24

Course Mark and Distribution

Student's Result

Student's Result Average Result Range of Results

Areas of Learning

Operates with fractions, decimals and percentages. Sound

Represents, interprets and analyses single sets of data. Sound

Classifies, describes and uses the properties of triangles, quadrilaterals and congruent triangles and calculates areas and Thorough

Represents probabilities of simple and compound events. Extensive

Uses algebraic techniques to solve simple linear equations. Thorough

Application to Learning

Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently

Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently

Exhibits commitment to home study and personal organisation. Consistently

Luca Castelvetere
Teacher: Miss Chloe Yianoulatos
Marist College - Kogarah - 2020 - Year 8 Semester 2 Report

Throughout Semester 2 students develop knowledge and skills required to investigate and describe the interactions between people, places and
environments across a range of scales in order to be become informed, responsible and active citizens.

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Result /100 58

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Quartile 3

Course Grade Result Distribution

Student's Result E D C B A

5 49 71 47 4

Course Mark and Distribution

Student's Result

Student's Result Average Result Range of Results

Areas of Learning

Describes processes and influences that transform environments and discusses management of these environments for their Thorough

Explains how interactions and connections between people, places and environments result in change. Elementary

Communicates geographical information using a variety of strategies. Sound

Application to Learning

Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently

Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently

Exhibits commitment to home study and personal organisation. Consistently

Luca Castelvetere
Teacher: Mr Anthony Muscolino
Marist College - Kogarah - 2020 - Year 8 Semester 2 Report

Throughout Semester 2 students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to recognise and use features of the Italian language, including
pitch, accent, rhythm and intonation. Students also explore elements of Italian grammar, including the systematic nature of verb conjugations.

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Result /100 85

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Quartile 2

Course Grade Result Distribution

Student's Result E D C B A

0 5 12 89 70

Course Mark and Distribution

Student's Result

Student's Result Average Result Range of Results

Areas of Learning

Applies features of Italian pronunciation and intonation patterns. Thorough

Identifies variations in linguistic and structural features of texts. Extensive

Application to Learning

Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently

Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently

Exhibits commitment to home study and personal organisation. Consistently

Personal Development Health and Physical Education
Luca Castelvetere
Teacher: Mr Alex Sinadinos
Marist College - Kogarah - 2020 - Year 8 Semester 2 Report

Throughout Semester 2 students develop critical thinking skills by accessing health information and recognise the need to develop habits for positive
health and a lifetime of physical activity. During practical lessons, students participate in a wide variety of moderate to vigorous physical activities to
apply, adapt and vary movement skills with increased confidence and precision.

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Result /100 78

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Quartile 1

Course Grade Result Distribution

Student's Result E D C B A

2 12 61 84 19

Course Mark and Distribution

Student's Result

Student's Result Average Result Range of Results

Areas of Learning

Refines, applies and transfers movement skills in a variety of dynamic physical activity contexts. Thorough

Applies and refines interpersonal skills to assist themselves and others to interact respectfully and promote inclusion in a Thorough
variety of groups or contexts.

Application to Learning

Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently

Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently

Exhibits commitment to home study and personal organisation. Consistently

Luca Castelvetere
Teacher: Ms Pia Harrison
Marist College - Kogarah - 2020 - Year 8 Semester 2 Report

Throughout Semester 2 students select and use appropriate strategies to generate creative plausible solutions to identified problems to plan and
conduct an investigation. They discuss how developments in scientific knowledge and technology have contributed to finding solutions to problems
involving the use of energy transfers and transformations in simple systems and explain how advances in scientific understanding influence the
choices people make about resource use and management practices in shaping sustainable futures.

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Result /100 52

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Quartile 3

Course Grade Result Distribution

Student's Result E D C B A

21 39 47 40 29

Course Mark and Distribution

Student's Result

Student's Result Average Result Range of Results

Areas of Learning

Relates the structure and function of living things to their survival and reproduction. Elementary

Perfom an investigation to find solutions to problems involving energy transfers and transformations and anaylses how Sound
energy causes change in a system.

Explains how advances in scientific technologies have lead to our understanding of the processes that occur within and on Thorough
the Earth's surface.

Application to Learning

Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Usually

Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Usually

Exhibits commitment to home study and personal organisation. Usually

Technology Mandatory
Luca Castelvetere
Teacher: Mr Lewis Williams
Marist College - Kogarah - 2020 - Year 8 Semester 2 Report

Throughout Semester 2 students learn practical application of tools and machinery to develop skills in the safe use of a range of technologies to
design, produce and evaluate solutions to identified needs and opportunities.

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Result /100 58

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Quartile 4

Course Grade Result Distribution

Student's Result E D C B A

1 16 39 84 38

Course Mark and Distribution

Student's Result

Student's Result Average Result Range of Results

Areas of Learning

Uses tools, materials and techniques to produce a quality project. Sound

Participates in theory and design related activities. Thorough

Application to Learning

Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently

Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently

Exhibits commitment to home study and personal organisation. Sometimes

Visual Arts
Luca Castelvetere
Teacher: Ms Katrina Appleyard
Marist College - Kogarah - 2020 - Year 8 Semester 2 Report

Throughout Semester 2 students develop an awareness of how practice, the conceptual framework and the frames affect the making and the critical
and historical studies of art. Students learn how artists represent their intentions, meanings and ideas when developing meaning in artworks.

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Result /100 81

Overall Course Results Student's Result

Course Quartile 1

Course Grade Result Distribution

Student's Result E D C B A

0 8 19 121 28

Course Mark and Distribution

Student's Result

Student's Result Average Result Range of Results

Areas of Learning

Uses a range of strategies to explore different artmaking conventions and procedures to make artworks. Thorough

Investigates ways to develop meaning in their artworks. Thorough

Explores aspects of practice in critical and historical interpretations of art. Extensive

Application to Learning

Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently

Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently

Exhibits commitment to home study and personal organisation. Consistently

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