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Date : 28 March 2022

Name : Lim Zhi Min 1002059126
Kong Ping Hao 1002060642
Lama Ahmed Shehda Soliman Abougazar 1002060385


Assignment/Short √ √
Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to:
Course Learning CLO4: Explain the basic fuzzy logic concept of artificial intelligence
Outcome CLO5: Describe the utilisation of artificial intelligence in deploying the artificial
neural network
PLO1: ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE - Apply knowledge of mathematics,
natural science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialisation as
specified in WK1 to WK4 respectively to the solution of complex engineering
Programme Learning
Outcome PLO2: PROBLEM ANALYSIS - Identify, formulate, conduct research literature
and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using
first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences

CLO Marks Marks obtained

Assignment CLO 4 10
CLO 5 10
Case Study: Application of Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks in the Artificial
Intelligence System

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially

computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language
processing, speech recognition and machine vision.

The artificial intelligence assignment is to discover the needs of the AI system and then discuss
the solution with the help of artificial intelligence. Discuss any artificial intelligence system
based and describe the utilization of AI algorithm using related programming language or
toolbox based on the fuzzy logic approach and neural network.

Present your answer in this following format:

1) Introduction
2) Artificial Intelligence System
3) Methodology
4) Result
– Artificial Intelligence System Using Related Programming Language or Toolbox
5) Conclusion

Introduction 1
Fuzzy Logic 1
Neural Network 3
Artificial Intelligence System 4
Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence System 4
Neural Network in Artificial Intelligence System 8
Methodology 11
Fuzzy Logic in Medical Applications 11
Fuzzy logic in Smart Home System 13
Neural Network in Medical Application 15
Results 18
Result of Fuzzy Diagnosis System Medical Applications 18
Result of Diabetes Prediction using Neural Network Approach in Medical
Applications 19
References 21

Fuzzy Logic

In artificial intelligence systems, fuzzy logic is a method to model logical

reasoning that resembles human reasoning where the truth of a statement includes
zero and one as extreme cases but allows for different degrees of truth in between
rather than using Boolean logic which is strictly one and zero only. Figure 1.1 shows
the differences of Boolean Logic and Fuzzy Logic in diagram using temperature as
the example. Another concept we can use to define or differentiate between fuzzy
logic and Boolean logic is using colour. In Boolean Logic, there will be no transition
in colour, whereas fuzzy logic consists of colour transition. Figure 1.2 shows the
difference between Boolean Logic and Fuzzy Logic using colour interpretation.

Fuzzy logic can be used when working with imprecise data, or decisions
without clear certainties and uncertainties for example, Natural Language Processing
(NLP) uses fuzzy logic to train machines to understand text and human voice and
respond with text or speech of their own. Furthermore, fuzzy logic can be used for
other engineering application as well such as control system according to multiple
inputs and outputs from sensors (Chai, 2021).

Figure 1.1 shows the difference between Boolean Logic and Fuzzy Logic
(Adapted from Chai, 2021)

Fuzzy Logic

Boolean Logic

Figure 1.2 shows the difference between fuzzy logic and Boolean logic in
display colour transition

Other than engineering application, fuzzy logic can be used in various field or
application as well. This includes medical application such as medical diagnosis
system, smart home energy management system that to monitor, conserve and control
energy that is being consumed in our home, temperature controller system that
obtained input from temperature sensor, and many more. We will discuss more in
depth on these systems’ methodology such as how they build a Fuzzy Inference
System (FIS) to suit their application in the latter chapter, results of their simulation
will be discussed as well.

Neural Network

Neural Network in Science of Artificial Intelligence is a collection of algorithms that

attempt to detect underlying links in a piece of data by simulating how the human
brain works. In simple words, it is a model that loosely follow how the human brain
works. Figure 1.3 shows the artificial neural network architecture. In artificial
intelligence, neural network is widely used in machine learning, and deep learning
field to solve complex problem.

Figure 1.3 shows the neural network architecture

Neural Networks have brought a lot of advantages and conveniences to our

daily life. For example, we would like to search for a particular store, all we need to
do is using Google to search for the store by entering the keywords such as the store’s
name or the location, then Google will give us a list of information related to the store.
Ever wonder how did Google do that? Yes, neural networks. According to Goddard
(2020), Google Search Engine is one of the Expert System that uses algorithms that
can be represented as rules that generate response to users’ query. With the
advancement of technology, the Google Search Engine has used Artificial Neural
Network (ANN) reasoning and representation to provide more accurate response to
users’ query. There are many other real-life applications that uses neural network as
well for example the subfield of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep

learning use neural networks as the algorithm to machine. In this report, we will
discuss about the application of neural network in our daily life and the methodology
on how to develop a machine that is capable of learn using neural network.

Artificial Intelligence System

Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence System

Before we jump into the discussion of each application that uses fuzzy logic to
develop an expert system, we should briefly discuss about how fuzzy logic works, its
systems architecture, and types of fuzzy inference techniques.

How Fuzzy Logic Works?

As discussed previously, fuzzy logic can be zero, one or between depend on

the input variables. Thus, we can say that fuzzy logic is dependent on the input’s
degrees of state, and the output is determined by the input’s state. In another words,
fuzzy logic is concerned with levels of membership and truth.

System Architecture

Fuzzy logic is just like other rule-based expert system, the only difference
between them is fuzzy logic able to deal with uncertainties and imprecise data. Thus,
their system architecture is relatively same. Figure 2.1 shows the system architecture
of a fuzzy logic system architecture.

Figure 2.1 shows the fuzzy logic system architecture

• Rules- It includes all the experts' rules and if-then variables for controlling the
decision-making process. The most recent update in fuzzy theory offers a variety
of suitable methods for developing and modifying fuzzy controllers.
• Inference Engine- The rules that be set will be determined by the input field.
Combine the rules and form the fuzzy output.
• Fuzzifier- Converting crisp inputs into fuzzy sets. The Sensors will measure the
inputs and send into the control system for processing.
• Defuzzification- Convert back fuzzy sets into crisp values.

Types of Fuzzy Inference Technique

In fuzzy logic, we are required to apply theory of fuzzy sets to map a given
input to an output. A fuzzy set is a collection of items that has arrange of membership
levels. It is characterized by membership function which gives the degrees of
membership to each element or item between zero and one. Thus, fuzzy inference is
defined as a method of mapping a given input to an output. There are two types of
fuzzy inference techniques, which are:

• Mamdani-style Inference
• Sugeno-style Inference

In this case study report, we will also discuss about which technique is used by
the researchers to develop an application using fuzzy logic.

Medical Application

The nature of making decision in medical field is always fuzzy. There are
many linguistic concepts and terms in medicine used by doctors or any personnel in
healthcare industry to diagnose and making prognosis on patients. For instance, in
traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is typically effective to cure or treat back
pain that is not caused by disease. Thus, words like “extreme pain” or “sever pain” are
difficult to assess and codify in rules of traditional Chinese medicine (Phuong &
Kreinovich, 2001). Furthermore, there will be chances of losing accuracy when
converting fuzzy nature input into crisp output without the implementation of fuzzy
logic. Thus, fuzzy logic technology is widely used in healthcare industry when it
comes to develop an expert system to carry out diagnosis and prognosis on a patient,

as it is able to provide the personnel in medical industry the help or assistant, he/she
needs in dealing with linguistic variables while avoiding the accuracy loss.

According to Dagar, et. al. (2015), medical authorities base their diagnostic
conclusions on medical scientist’s experience, knowledge, and comprehension in
medical field. As the demand in healthcare or medical increases, requirements of
system that related to medical becomes more complex, thus, it is hard or even
impossible to carry out diagnosis on patient without making mistakes. Thus, with the
implementation of fuzzy logic, we are able to handle complex problem. For example,
with the help of technology, human is able to develop a fuzzy logic expert system that
able to offer a precise medical report of medical data provided to the system in
medical examination. In the events of professionals or medical personnel are not
present, the expert system will still be able to provide the examination on patient with
high speed. Figure 2.2 shows the example of web-based medical diagnosis system that
uses fuzzy logic.

Figure 2.2 shows the web-based medical diagnosis system that uses fuzzy
logic [Adapted from Das, et. al., 2016]
Smart Home System

Technology nowadays have been progressed towards automated smart home

that able to react according to the actions of the resident. It is widely discussed and
have been researched during the last decade as it brings a lot of advantages and
convenience to human’s life. For instance, we can use automated smart home to
monitor our power consumption to save electrical energy and eventually leads to
reducing cost. This can be achieved by implementing a fuzzy-based energy
management control system to lower our house’s used energy without causing
discomfort to us. According to Collotta & Pau (2015), to satisfy the requirements such
as monitoring and managing the power consumption and cost saving without causing

any discomforts to residents, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is used. Figure 2.2 shows
the proposed architecture of smart home system that uses Bluetooth approach.

Figure 2.3 shows the proposed architecture of smart home system with
Bluetooth approach. [Adapted from Collotta & Pau, 2015]

There are other approaches in developing a smart home system other than
using Bluetooth. For instance, Jie et al. (2013) have conducted a smart home project
by attaching a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag on household electrical
appliances to allow the residents to use smartphone to control them. There are
researchers using MATLAB to conduct a simulation on smart home system by
adjusting the fuzzy parameters to activate or switch on certain electrical appliances.

Kumar et. al. (2015), has conducted a simulation and design of a modelling an
electric fan speed control using fuzzy logic approach. This system relies on data from
temperature sensor to manage the fan speed and eventually saving power
consumption. According to their research paper, while the temperature sensors
detected the room temperature, it will convert the crisp values into fuzzy sets and pass
into the system. The rule will be set up to manage the output values by using if-else
condition. After that, the fuzzy sets will convert into specific decision or real value at
system output. Hence, this will automatic control fan speed based on the room
temperature values.

Neural Network in Artificial Intelligence System

As discussed in introduction, artificial neural network is designed to work like

the human brain. Thus, it contains more than one layer of artificial neurons which are
input layer, middle or hidden layer, and output layer as shown in figure 1.3. The input
layer of artificial neural network is made of input neurons that provide initial data into
the next layer or hidden layer of neural network to further process data. In another
words, the input layer of the artificial neural network is where the process begins
(Techtopedia, 2018).

To allow the machine to learn and increase their accuracy over time, neural
networks rely on huge set of data when it comes to training. This process may take up
to months to develop a machine that able to recognise patterns in the data and come
out with predictions that are very accurate. Thus, they are a very useful and powerful
tool in helping human to categorize and classify data with high speed.

Before we jump into the discussion of the application of neural network in

Artificial Intelligence, we will first discuss what is neural networks and how it works
and learn.

How do neural networks learn?

Each neuron is connected to another by links, and each link is assigned with
threshold and a weight that has numerical value. These weights in the link are the
fundamental unit of the artificial neural network as they represent the strength and
relevance of each neuron’s input. Neural networks learn when these weights are
adjusted repeatedly.

The threshold in the link act as an activation. If the output of the neuron is
above the specified threshold value, then it will activate the node and proceed to send
the data to the next layer of neural network.

What is Perceptron

In 1957, Frank Rosenblatt introduced the simplest form of neural network that
only consists of one neuron with adjustable weights and a hard limiter. This simplest
form of neural network is called Perceptron as shown in figure 2.4. These days, we
have two types of perceptron which are single layer and multilayer. Perceptron is

usually used for supervised learning as this algorithm allows the neurons to learn and
process the patterns in the data set one at a time.

Figure 2.4 shows the perceptron introduced by Frank Rosenblatt [Adapted from
S, 2022]

Neural Networks in Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence, whereas deep learning is a

subset of machine learning, thus we can say that deep learning is machine learning as
shown in figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5 shows Machine learning is part of artificial intelligence and contains
deep learning. [Adapted from Wolfewics, 2022]

Machine learning is a very general term which mean it is an ability of a

machine to learn from data by using algorithms to learn and study the patterns in the
data set and produce prediction whenever there is new data being fed to the machine.

There are many approaches to achieve machine learning’s concept, for instance,
traditional method such as linear regression.

However, with the advancement of technologies, we are able to use a more

sophisticated method to achieve this concept which is a complex algorithm and is is
known as deep learning. Deep learning is an evolution of machine learning where it
uses an algorithm that loosely follow human brain, and this algorithm is known as
deep learning.

What is Supervised and Unsupervised learning?

According to Rubin (2020), with unsupervised learning, we are just merely

exposing a machine to huge number of data sets without labelling the data. In another
words, data acts as a teacher. With unsupervised learning, we feed unlabelled data to
the machine, meaning human do not need to intervene on the datasets to train the
machine, thus the term unsupervised learning; However, with supervised learning, we
need to label each data in the data sets before we feed them to the machine.

Medical Application

Artificial Neural Networks have been used for solving complex problem that
is difficult for human to solve as they are fast in recognizing the patterns in the data
set given while human is unable to do so. They are able to come out prediction based
on the data given with high accuracy thus it is widely used in medical application for
diagnosis and prognosis. For example, artificial neural network can be used in
develop a system that able to provide accurate diagnosis of Neurological and
neuropsychiatric diseases. According to Ozsahin & Ozsahin (2020), these two
diseases are caused by the degeneration of the central nervous system and symptoms
caused by these diseases can only be treated in the early stages, but it is hard to get
diagnosed with human input to the imaging techniques due to inaccuracy. Thus, we
can apply neural networks into the imaging techniques to increase the accuracy and
eventually able to provide early and more effective treatment to the patients. With
neural network applied in the system, it is able to learn from the data sets given and
evolve based on experience thus eliminating the need for human input and therefore
able to eliminate human error which then increase the accuracy.

Furthermore, neural network can be applied to detect for diabetes after
extracting information from data set. With the medical healthcare system these days
fill with data and information, we can use this data and information to train our
machine that equipped with neural network to produce prediction and diagnosis on
patients. The reason behind widely use neural network in medical application is its
ability to predict based on data set thus, it is suitable to use for early diagnosis of
certain disease (Srivastava, et. al., 2019).

Fuzzy Logic in Medical Applications

One of the fuzzy logic systems that carried out by researchers in healthcare
industry that we would like to discuss is from Dagar, et. al. (2015). In their project,
they have proposed Fuzzy Diagnosis System using fuzzy logic. The system was
developed using Fuzzy Inference Toolbox in MATLAB as it is a powerful Graphical
User Interface that provided by MATLAB to edit the rules in the fuzzy inference
system. Figure 3.1 shows the Fuzzy Inference System in MATLAB using Fuzzy
Inference Toolbox.

Figure 3.1 shows the Fuzzy Inference System in MATLAB using Fuzzy
Inference Toolbox. [Adapted from Dagar, et. al. 2015]

We have also constructed an overview of the flowchart to develop a Fuzzy
Diagnosis System using Fuzzy Inference Toolbox in MATLAB as per their
methodology. Figure 3.2 shows the flowchart of their process in developing Fuzzy
Diagnosis System.

State the rules

Define Input Define Output that will execute
Variables Variables the output in
the rules editor

Figure 3.2 shows the flowchart of their process in developing Fuzzy Diagnosis

Figure 3.3(b) shows the outputs

of this system
Figure 3.3(a) shows the inputs
of this system

To develop a Fuzzy Inference System using the toolbox provided by
MATLAB, first we need to install MATLAB and open the software. Then we can
proceed to select the fuzzy inference toolbox to insert the input and output to the
fuzzy inference system. Figure 3.3(a) and (b) shows the inputs and the outputs for this
Fuzzy Diagnosis System.

Once they are defined, then the next process will be executed which is using
the MATLAB GUI edit the rule. Figure 3.4 shows the GUI of Rule Editor for the
Fuzzy Inference Toolbox.

Figure 3.4 shows the Rule Editor [Adapted from Dagar, et.
al. 2015]
Since this research project did not carry out any simulation on the Fuzzy
Diagnosis System that they developed, thus their value of defuzzification and
relationship between the output with respect to input will be discussed in Results

Fuzzy logic in Smart Home System

There are several papers and projects we have referred to related to Fuzzy
logic in smart home system. Most of the researchers did not carry out simulation and
in the papers only show the process of developing a Fuzzy Inference System. Thus, in
this section, we will be discussed more on the steps in fuzzy control system.

In this section, we will mainly discuss about the project carried out by Vainio (2007), which is using fuzzy logic to construct a fuzzy control system for smart
home. In their methodology, they have stated the steps on how to build a fuzzy
control system with three major steps which are fuzzification, fuzzy inference, and

To conduct fuzzy inference, the real values must be fuzzified. Fuzzification is

performed using membership functions that specify the input value and its degree of
membership for each variable. Figure 3.5 shows the membership function of linguistic
variable ‘time’.

Figure 3.4 shows the membership function of linguistic

variable ‘time’. [Adapted from Vainio, et. al. 2007]

Fuzzification Inference

Fuzzy systems employ a very basic rule table that represents the behaviour of
the overall system. All the fuzzified values that has been fuzzified in the first step will
be aggregated to achieve a complete degree of truth by using operators such as
minimum and maximum operators. Minimum operators indicate that the smallest
degree of membership of the values will be taken, while maximum operator indicate
that the biggest highest degree of membership of the values will be taken. Figure 3.5
shows the rule table related to this project.

Figure 3.5 shows the rule table to determine the membership

of the values of output [Adapted from Vainio, et. al. 2007]

After carried out the aggregation of linguistic variables using rule table, we
will proceed to defuzzified the fuzzified values to real outputs signals. There are
several methods in carry out defuzzification.

Neural Network in Medical Application

As discussed in the previous chapter, the role of neural network is used to

carried out prediction or diagnosis of a patient by feeding vast amount of data sets. In
this section, we will be discussed about the research paper or project carried out by
Srivastava, et. al. (2019) on using Neural Network to predict diabetes. Figure 3.6
shows the overview flowchart of their process in developing the diabetes model.

Data Collection Build the model

Figure 3.6 shows the process in building a diabetes

prediction using Artificial Neural Network approach

Data Collection

According to Srivastava, et. al. (2019), the diabetes prediction model is

developed using Python Programming Language. In the data collection process, they
have collected the data from a platform where it provides predictive modelling in
which researchers and companies will upload data for research purpose. The dataset
that used by them, all the patients are females with at least 21 years old. Following
shows the attributes of the dataset:

• Number of times pregnant

• Plasma glucose concentration at 2 h in an oral glucose tolerance test
• Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg)
• Triceps skinfold thickness (mm)
• 2-hour serum insulin (mu U/ml)

• Body mass index (weight in kg/(height in m2)
• Diabetes pedigree function
• Age (years)
• Class variable (0 or 1)
However, the dataset obtained by them contains missing attributes values, thus,
an extra step must be taken which is data pre-processing using a Python package
named NumPy and some statistical techniques. In this dataset consists of 768
instances, thus, they used 688 for training to ensure the model will have high accuracy
while the remaining 80 will be used for testing purposes. Figure 3.7 shows the
training sample data.

Figure 3.7 shows the data for training the model [Adapted
from Srivastava, et. al., 2019]

Data Pre-processing

This step is needed as some of the attributes in the dataset contains missing
values. With the presence of missing values in the data set, it will lead to inaccuracy
of the result or output and eventually decrease the model accuracy. By using statistical
technique in handling these missing values, the mean of the column method is used to
replace zero with appropriate calculation. Figure 3.7 shows the mean value of

Figure 3.6 shows the mean value of attributes [Adapted
from Srivastava, et. al. 2019]

As mentioned previously, to handle the missing values in the attributes, a

Python package named NumPy is used to get the mean function and manipulate the
existing data from 0 to calculated result. According to Srivastava, et. al. (2019), we
need to prioritize the attributes, so the weight will be calculated as per the given
priority. Prioritizing attribute is necessary to achieve more accuracy of diabetes
detection, which then able to demonstrate that which reason influences the diabetes
detection on which priority. Figure 3.7 shows the figure of attribute priority.

Figure 3.7 shows the attributes priority [Adapted from Srivastava, et. al. 2019]

Build the Model

In this stage, there are a lot of packages in Python imported to build the model.
The first package will be used in would be Pandas Package to convert the dataset in
excel sheet to array to be read by Python. The build in method inside this package will
be ‘read_csv()’.
After able to convert the dataset in excel sheet to array, then the next step
would be constructing the algorithm of Neural Network. Figure 3.8 shows the
methods that are self-constructed by Srivastava, et. al. (2019).

Figure 3.8 shows the self-constructed method [Adapted
from Srivastava, et. al. 2019]
The last package that is used in building the model will be from Package
MatPlotLib which is used to plot the graph of the predicted values and output. This is
a self-constructed method as well named ‘Graph_Plot()’.

Result of Fuzzy Diagnosis System Medical Applications

As discussed in the methodology of the Fuzzy Diagnosis System. The project

constructed by Dagar, et. al. (2015) does not contain simulation. Thus, in this section,
we display the result of their defuzzification value in the Fuzzy Inference Toolbox
provided in MATLAB. To view the defuzzification value, we can use the Rule
Viewer as it allows the user to view the roadmap of the whole fuzzy inference process
thus able to view the value of defuzzification as well. Figure 4.1 shows the Rule
Viewer in MATLAB.

Figure 4.1 shows the Rule Viewer in MATLAB [Adapted

from Dagar, et. al., 2015] 18
Furthermore, they have included the relationship between the outputs and
inputs using Surface Viewer. Figure 4.2 shows the Surface Viewer.

Figure 4.2 shows the Surface Viewer in MATLAB [Adapted

from Dagar, et. al., 2015]

Result of Diabetes Prediction using Neural Network Approach in Medical


The result of the Diabetes Prediction model is shown in graph format.

According to Srivastava, et. al., 2015, the red line indicates the anticipated values of
Diabetes while the blue lines display the actual value. Figure 4.3 shows the graphical
model. Thus, it is observed that by using large amounts of dataset to train the model,
we will be able to improve the accuracy of the prediction as shown in figure 4.3, the
predicted value which is closer to 1 and above 0.5 are considered as positive whereas,
closer to zero and below 0.5 are considered as negative. To conclude this research
project, this diabetes model is useful in healthcare industry and health policy makers,
so that authority can take preventive measures to prevent human from getting diabetes.

Figure 4.3 shows the graphical model of Diabetes Prediction

Model [Adapted from Srivistava, et. al., 2019]
Artificial Intelligence System is at the foundation of a new venture to develop
computational intelligence models. It had brought a lot of convenience for human life.
The core concept is that intelligence may be expressed in terms of symbol
frameworks and symbolic actions that can be written into the systems. Artificial
Intelligence system could outperform human experts such as solving problem,
machine learning, and making inferences.

According to Mbaabu (2020), Fuzzy logic is currently widely being used in

our life. Fuzzy logic is a powerful tool for resolving a wide range of computing issues
around the world. This technique has been used to regulate activities in a variety of
technologies and systems depending on pre-defined situations. Fuzzy logic will be
used in a wide range of products and technologies in the future. Due to technological
innovation and digitalization, the scope of fuzzy logic applications will keep rising.

As for neural network, it is well suited for forecasting data set by learning
from previous examples. There is no need to implement more info which can create
more chaos than prediction results. Neural networks could diversify and noise

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Mbaabu, O. (2020, December 22). An Overview of Fuzzy Logic System.

Ozsahin, I., & Ozsahin, D. U. (2020, January 1). Neural network applications in
medicine. ScienceDirect.

Phuong, N. H., & Kreinovich, V. (2001). Fuzzy logic and its applications in medicine.
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Rubin, J. (2020, December 10). Unsupervised Neural Networks Explained.


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Srivastava, S., Sharma, L., Sharma, V., Kumar, A., & Darbari, H. (2019). Prediction
of Diabetes Using Artificial Neural Network Approach. SpringerLink.

Techopedia. (2018, May 31). Input Layer. Techopedia.Com.

Vainio, A. M., Valtonen, M., & Vanhala, J. (2007). Learning and adaptive fuzzy
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