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Submitted by



Under the Guidance of

DR. Balamuthu Krishnan

S.NO Title

i Certificate

ii Declaration
iii Acknowledgement

iv Executive Summary
1 Introduction

2 Review of Literature

3 Industry and Company Profile

4 Data Analysis and Interpretation

5 Findings





I K.SHIVA SHANKAR do here by declare that the Internship report entitled

“EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURES' being submitted to MLR Institute of Technology,

JNTU, Hyderabad is my own piece of work and it has not been submitted to any other

institute or published at any time before.


ROLL NO 22R21E0052


I am thankful to the Management and Principal who are very co-operative with and

helped me to complete the project work.

I am also thankful to Dr.M.V.Narasimha Rao Professor and Head, Department of

MBA and also DR. Balamuthu Krishnan, , Internal guide who has helped me a lot and

encouraged me whenever I needed help and guided me to make the study more in-depth and

accurate. He/She was always there as a strong pillar of support throughout the making of the


I am very thankful to the management of “HERITAGE FOODS LIMITED”, who

provided me with all the vital information required for the project work and gave me an

opportunity to make up a live project viz, “EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURES” for the

stipulated period of 45 days. The organization provided me with all the inputs required in

making the project very knowledge.

I am thankful to all the staff members of MBA Dept., who are very co-operative with

and helped me to get the details that were required for the survey and gave their opinion and

suggestions during my survey.


PLACE: ( 22R21E0052)

Employee Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of

employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale

and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The

welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee

welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through

infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and

unemployment for the workers and their families.

Labor welfare entails all those activities of employer which are directed towards providing

the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages or salaries.

Labor welfare has the following objectives:

1. To provide better life and health to the workers

2. To make the workers happy and satisfied

3. To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual, cultural and

material conditions of living of the workers.

The basic features of labor welfare measures are as follows:

1. Labor welfare includes various facilities, services and amenities provided to workers

for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status.

2. Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits

available to workers due to legal provisions and collective bargaining

3. Labor welfare schemes are flexible and ever-changing. New welfare measures are

added to the existing ones from time to time.

4. Welfare measures may be introduced by the employers, government, employees or by

any social or charitable agency.


1. It helps in improving recruitment.

2. Employers get stable labor force by providing welfare facilities. Workers take active
interest in their jobs and work with a feeling of involvement and participation.

3. It improves moral & loyalty of workers.

4. It helps in improving industrial relation & industrial peace.


1. To identify the various welfare measures implemented in the organization.

2. To analyze the employee satisfaction with respect to welfare measures.

3. To give suggestions and recommendation for the promotion of welfare measures.


1. An overview of the welfare measures existing at HERITAGE FOODS IND LTD IN,
Hyderabad since safety and welfare are two important elements essentials for improving the
productivity of an organization.

2. The existing welfare measures would help the organization perform better. This study
would throw light on the perception of the employees regarding safety and welfare.

3. HERITAGE FOODS IND LTD of Hyderabad can identify the areas where it can
improve so as to improve the performance of the employees.

The basic principle in the research has been adopted in the overall methodology. The
following methodology has been used for meeting the requirements,
 Defining objectives
 Developing the information sources
 Collection information
 Analysis of information
 Suggestion
The methodology followed for collection, analysis under interpretation of data in explained
There are generally three categories of research based on the type of information required,
they are
1. Exploratory research
2. Descriptive research
3. Casual research
The research category used in this project in descriptive research, which is focused on the
accurate description of the variable in the problem model. Consumer profile studies, market
potential studies, product usage studies, Attitude surveys, sales analysis, media research and
prove survey s are the,
Examples of this research. Any source of information can be used in this study although most
studies of this nature rely heavily on secondary data sources and survey research.
1. Primary Source: Discussions with plant staff, Interviews, Questionnaire administered.
2. Secondary Source: Journals Magazines and articles from prominent newspapers and
Population and Sample: There are 140 Officers & Supervisors and 100 Managerial staff
.The questionnaire is administered to 50 Officers and Supervisory staff and 50 Managerial

a) Sampling unit: the study is directed towards the executive of different level.
b) Sample size: sample size of 100 is taken in this study


Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is
provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of
the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures
need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes
monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for
health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the
workers and their families.
Labor welfare entails all those activities of employer which are directed towards providing
the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages or salaries.
Labor welfare has the following objectives:
1. To provide better life and health to the workers
2. To make the workers happy and satisfied
3. To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual, cultural and
material conditions of living of the workers.
The basic features of labor welfare measures are as follows:
1. Labor welfare includes various facilities, services and amenities provided to workers
for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status.
2. Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits
available to workers due to legal provisions and collective bargaining
3. Labor welfare schemes are flexible and ever-changing. New welfare measures are
added to the existing ones from time to time.
4. Welfare measures may be introduced by the employers, government, employees or by
any social or charitable agency.
5. The purpose of labor welfare is to bring about the development of the whole
personality of the workers to make a better workforce.
The very logic behind providing welfare schemes is to create efficient, healthy, loyal and
satisfied labor force for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to make
their work life better and also to raise their standard of living.

Welfare of Employees
Chapter V of the factories Act contains provisions about the welfare of
employees. These are as follows:
 There shall be separate and adequately screened washing facilities for the use of male
and female employees.
 There shall be suitable places provided for clothing not worn during working hours
and for the dying of wet clothing.
 There shall be suitable arrangement for all workers to sit for taking rest if they are
obliged to work in a standing position.

 There shall be provided the required number of first-aid boxes or cupboard (at the rate
of one for every 150 workers) equipped with the prescribed contents readily available during
the working hours of the factory.
 The State Government may make rules requiring that in any specified factory
employing more than 250 employees a canteen shall be provided and maintained by the
occupier for the use of the employee.
 There shall be provided sufficiently lighted and ventilated lunch room if the number
of employees ordinarily employed is more than 150.

2.2 Article/JOURNALS

The following are the outcomes of studies conducted by various researchers on Employee
Welfare practices in Organizations:
TITLE: Employee welfare
JOURNAL: Published by babu K.V.S.N Jawahar,valliS.kaleshaMasthan
(Volume 14,Issue 2 (Nov,- Dec.2013))
Health, safety and the welfare are the measures of promoting the efficiency of employee. The
various welfare measures provided by the employer will have immediate impact on the
health, physical and mental efficiency, alterness, morale and overall efficiency of the worker
and there by contributing to the higher productivity. The basic propose of employee welfare
is to enrich the life of employees and to keep them happy and conducted. Welfare measure
may be both statutory and non-statutory; laws require the employer to extend certain benefits
to employees in addition to wages or salaries. In the present study an attempt has been made
to study the employee welfare facilities and its impact on emlpoyee’s efficiency at
vindhaTelelinks Ltd. Rewa Madhya Pradesh. The study show the employee welfare facilities
and its impact on employee efficiency at vindhatelelinks Ltd. Rewa appear good. The average
mean score and percentages score of the overall of 22 items has been computed at 3.64(66%).

TITLE:A study on employee welfare measures
JOURAL:Published by Logasakthi K. and Rajagopal K.(2013)
Vol.1(1)pp 1 -10.(2013))
The present study is made an attempt to identity welfare facilities and employee’s satisfaction
level about welfare facilities adopted at Bosch limited, Bangalore. To achieve the aforesaid
objective data is gathered from 100 employees of thr organisation with random sampling
technique. It is found that most of the respondents are aware about the legislative and non-
legislative employee welfare facilities provided at the company, welfare facilities like
medical, canteen, working environment, safety measures etc., are provided by the company.
And most of the employees are satisfied with the welfare facilities adopted by the company
towards the employee’s welfare.

TITLE: Current trends in employee welfare schemes.
JOURNAL:Published by MohanReenu and Panwar J.S (2013)
(Vol. 1,Issue 6, Nov 2013)
Employees are undeniably crucial stakeholders who influence organizational effectiveness by
stabilizing the tremors caused by business environment. Every organization has an
inexplicable role to play in providing welfare facilities to the stakeholders not just monetary
but also non-monetary, which go beyond money of which employees are the one who make
the cut if prioritized. A satisfied employee is the key ingredient for progress of every
organization and the concept of employee was and will always a part of organizational
efficiency. These facilities may either be voluntarily provided by the progressive and
enlightened at will as a social responsibility towards employee, or laws may compel them to
make provision for these facilities by the government and trade unions.Employee have
always been an integral part of an organisation and in and this study an effort is put to realize
the measure implemented to seek employee welfare service sector by the way of making their
work life contented.

TITLE:Journal of Workplace Behavioural Health
JOURNAL:Published by Joseph I. and Varghese R.(2009)
Vol. 24 (1&2) pp: 221-242.
Welfare is concerned with the total well being of employees both at work and at home.
Employee welfare entails all those activities of employer, which are directed towards
providing the employees with certain facilities and done towards the comfort and
improvements of employees. Health, safety and welfare are the measures of promoting the
efficiency of employee. The various welfare measures provided by the employer will have
immediate impact on the health , physical and mental efficiency, alertness ,moral and overall
efficiency of the worker and there by contributing to the higher productivity. The basic
purpose of employee welfare is to enrich the life of employee and to keep them happy and
conducted. Welfare measures maybe both statutory and non-statutory,laws required the
employer to extension benefits to employees in additional to wages or salaries. In this paper
and attempt has been made to study the employee welfare speciality and it's impact on
employees performance.
TITLE: Employee Welfare measures in mining industry - A study with reference to statutory
welfare measures.
JOURNAL:Published by Resma S. and Basavraju M.J.(2013) Volume.3(7) PP.157-164.
The present study is made an attempt to identify the employee welfare measures adopted in
IT industry . Employee welfare means anything done for the comfort and improvement of the
employees oven about the wages paid which is not a necessity of the industry. The basic
purpose of employee welfare is to enrich the life of employees and keep them happy.
Employees spend at least half their time at work or getting to it or leaving it. They know that
they contribute to the organisation when they are reasonably free from worry and they feel
that when they are in trouble/problems, they are due to get something back from the
organisation. People are entitled to be treated as full human beings with personal needs hopes
and anxieties.


The Indian food industry is poised for huge growth, increasing its contribution to world food
trade every year. In India, the food sector has emerged as a high-growth and high-profit
sector due to its immense potential for value addition, particularly within the food processing
Accounting for about 32 per cent of the country’s total food market, The Government of
India has been instrumental in the growth and development of the food processing industry.
The government through the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) is making all
efforts to encourage investments in the business. It has approved proposals for joint ventures
(JV), foreign collaborations, industrial licenses, and 100 per cent export oriented units.
Market Size
The Indian food and grocery market is the world’s sixth largest, with retail contributing 70
per cent of the sales. The Indian food processing industry accounts for 32 per cent of the
country’s total food market, one of the largest industries in India and is ranked fifth in terms
of production, consumption, export and expected growth. It contributes around 8.80 and 8.39
per cent of Gross Value Added (GVA) in Manufacturing and Agriculture respectively, 17 per
cent of India’s exports and six per cent of total industrial investment. The Indian gourmet
food market is currently valued at US$ 1.3 billion and is growing at a Compound Annual
Growth Rate (CAGR) of 20 per cent. India's organic food market is expected to increase by
three times by 2021.
The online food ordering business in India is in its nascent stage, but witnessing exponential
growth. With online food delivery players like FoodPanda, Zomato, TinyOwl and Swiggy
building scale through partnerships, the organised food business has a huge potential and a
promising future. The online food delivery industry grew at 190 per cent year-on-year with
an estimated Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) of US$ 300 million in 2021.
According to the data provided by the Department of Industrial Policies and Promotion
(DIPP), the food processing sector in India has received around US$ 7.54 billion worth of
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) during the period April 2000-March 2021. The
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) estimates that the food processing sectors have the
potential to attract as much as US$ 33 billion of investment over the next 10 years and also to
generate employment of nine million person-days.

Some of the major investments in this sector in the recent past are:
 Global e-commerce giant, Amazon is planning to enter the Indian food retailing sector
by investing US$ 519 million in the next five years, as per Mr.HarsimratKaurBadal, Minister
of Food Processing Industries, and Government of India.
 Parle-G Agro Pvt Ltd is launching Frooty Fizz, a succession of the original Mango
Frooty, which will be retailed across 1.2 million outlets in the country as it targets increasing
its annual revenue from Rs 2800 CR (US$ 0.42 billion) to Rs.5000 CR (US$ 0.75 billion) by
 US-based food company Cargill Inc, aims to double its branded consumer business in
India by 2021, by doubling its retail reach to about 800,000 outlets and increase market share
to become national leader in the sunflower oil category which will help the company be
among the top three leading brands in India.
 MadeOver Donuts (MoD), outlined plans of expanding its operations in India by
opening nine new MOD stores by March 2021.
 Danone SA plans to focus on nutrition business in India, its fastest growing market in
South Asia, by launching 10 new products in 2021, and aiming to double its revenue in India
by 2021.
 Uber Technologies Inc plans to launch UBER-EATS, its food delivery service to
India, with investments made across multiple cities and regions.

Food Processing Companies in India:

The Heritage Group was founded in 1992 by Mr Nara Chandra
BabuNaidu. It is one of the fastest growing private sector
enterprises in India, with five business divisions, namely, Dairy, Retail, Agri, Bakery and
Renewable Energy, under its flagship Company Heritage Foods Ltd. The annual turnover of
Heritage Foods crossed Rs 2026.99 crore.

Introduced primarily for British settlers in India, Kissan
has been present in India since 1935. The UB Group,
under the Late Mr VittalMalya then, acquired Kissan
from Mitchell Bros in the year 1950. However, in 1993,
Hindustan Unilever Ltd took it over from the UB Group.
Since its launch, innovation has been the main approach.

LT Foods employ around 900 employees in India and

abroad. The company’s flagship brand ‘Dawaat’
launched in 1980’s is now recognized as the leading
brand in the industry. The company has a strong
nationwide distribution network in the domestic market
that sells products such as branded rice, wheat and pulses.

Raindrops basmati rice comes from the house of REI

Agro Ltd – world’s largest basmati processing company.
REI Agro Ltd was established in the year 1994 with a
vision to consolidate the fragmented basmati rice
industry. Today REI is India’s leading food major and is
listed in Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), National Stock Exchange (NSE), London.

Modern Dairies is prestigious is an ISO: 9001, ISO 2000,

ISO 17001 (environment management) and HACCP
(food safety), certification to its credit. The company
manufactures a wide range of milk and milk products.
Strategically located at the centre of milk rich belt in
Karnal, on the National Highway No 1, just 166 Kms from North Delhi.

Nestle came to India when it set up its first factory in

Moga, Punjab in 1867. Presently, it has four offices and
around eight manufacturing facilities across India. Nestlé

has been a partner in India's growth for over nine decades now and has built a very special
relationship of trust and commitment with the people of India. The company's a...

Established in 1989, Kohinoor has presence in over 60

countries. The company owns one of the finest basmati
rice brands, also a wide assortment of food products that
include wheat flour, ready-to-eat curries and meals,
simmer sauces, cooking pastes to spices, seasonings and
frozen food. At present, the company has customers in the USA, Canada.

Hatsun Agro Product Ltd is the largest private sector dairy

in India. It was established in 1970 and has since been a
pioneer in promoting dairy products. Presently, Hatsun
has chilling centres in more than 68 locations, over 1,348
contract vehicles, milk sheds spread over 10 districts in
Tamil Nadu and three districts in Karnataka, and over 300,00...

Parle Agro is the largest Indian food and beverage

company, which started in 1929 as Baroda Bottling
Company for carbonated beverages. The original
ParleCompany was started in the year 1929 and was
owned by the Chauhan family. Parle became popular
with the release of its products such as Frooti and Parle-G. Parle Agro, today, is aRs 2,200

Started in 1924 with the establishment of the MTR

restaurant, MTR Foods today stands tall as an Indian
heritage brand. A household name, MTR Foods has
consolidate its market leadership in the south of the
country and is all set for a strong pan-India presence,
beginning with forays into the northern, western and eastern regions.

McCain Foods INDIA is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
McCain Foods Limited in Canada. Since 1957, the
company has been engaged in agriculture research and
development (R&D) and in the development of
the frozen food market in India and other countries of the
subcontinent. Thecompany's products are used by leading
fast food chains, hotelsand restaurants.
Exports of processed food and related products:
 During FY11–19, India's exports of processed food and related products (inclusive of
animal products) grew at a CAGR of 11.74 per cent, reaching US$ 19.2 billion.
 Main export destinations for food products have been the Middle East and Southeast
 In FY20* India’s exports stood at US$ 1.3 billion.

Food processing and its segments
 The food processing industry is one of the largest industries in India and ranks fifth in
terms of production, consumption and exports. As per the latest data available, food
processing sector is expected to reach US$ 258 billion in FY19.
 In FY19* (till December 2020), food processing industry constituted 18 per cent to
India’s GDP through manufacturing.

The Heritage Group, founded in the year 1992 by Mr. Nara Chandrababu Naidu, is one of
the fastest growing Public Listed Companies in India, with two-business divisions-Dairy and
Renewable Energy under its flagship Company Heritage Foods Limited (Formerly known as
Heritage Foods (India) Limited).The annual turnover of Heritage Foods crossed Rs.2642.89
CR in financial year 1992-20.
Currently Heritage's milk and milk products have a market presence in Andhra Pradesh,
Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Odisha, NCR Delhi, Haryana,
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Uttarakhand.
In the year 1994, HFL went Public and was oversubscribed 54 times. HFL shares are listed
on BSE (Stock Code: 520552) and NSE (Stock Code: HERITGFOOD).
About the founder:
Mr. Nara Chandrababu Naidu
Heritage Foods Limited, India
Mr. Nara Chandrababu Naidu is one of the greatest dynamic, pragmatic, progressive and
visionary Leaders of the 21st Century.
With an objective of "Bringing prosperity into rural families through co-operative efforts", he
along with a fewlikemind friends and associates promoted 'Heritage Foods' in the year 1992
taking opportunity from the Industrial Policy, 1991 of the Government of India to which end
he has been successful.
At present, Heritage has a market presence in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Odisha, NCR Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan,

Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Uttarakhand. More than three thousand
villages and three lakh farmers are being benefited in these states. On the other side, Heritage
is serving millions of customer needs by, employing more than 2400 people and generating
indirect employment opportunities for more than 10000 people. Beginning with a humble
annual turnover of Rs.4.38 CR in 1993-94, the annual turnover of Heritage Foods crossed
Rs.2642.89 CR in financial year 1920-20.
Mr. Chandrababu Naidu was born on April 20, 1951 in Naravaripally Village, Chittoor
District, Andhra Pradesh, India. His late father Mr. N. Kharjura Naidu was an agriculturist
and his late mother Smt. Ammanamma was a housewife. Mr. Naidu did his schooling in
Chandragiri. He went on to study at the Sri Venkateswara Arts College, Tirupati. He later
also obtained his Masters in Economics from the Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati. Mr.
Naidu is married to Mrs. Bhuvaneswari, the daughter of Mr. N T Rama Rao, Ex-Chief
Minister of Andhra Pradesh and a famous star of Telugu Cinema. Mrs. N Bhuvaneswari is
the Vice Chairperson & Managing Director of the company.
Mr. Naidu held various positions of office in college and organised a number of social
activities. Following the 1977 cyclone, which devastated the DiviseemaTaluk of Krishna
District, he actively organized donations and relief material from Chittoor district for the
cyclone victims. Mr. Naidu has always evinced keen interest in rural development activities
in general and the upliftment of the poor and downtrodden sections of society in particular.
Mr. Naidu has held various coveted and honourable positions including Chief Minister of
Andhra Pradesh, Minister for Finance & Revenue, Minister for Archives & Cinematography,
Member of the A.P. Legislative Assembly, Director of A.P. Small Scale Industries
Development Corporation, and Chairman of Karshaka Parishad.
Mr. Naidu has been honoured with numerous prestigious awards including "Member of the
World Economic Forum's Dream Cabinet" (Time Asia), "South Asian of the Year" (Time
Asia), "Business Person of the Year" (Economic Times), and "IT Indian of the Millennium"
(India Today).
Mr. Naidu was chosen as one of 50 leaders at the forefront of change in the year 2000 by the
Business Week magazine for being an unflinching proponent of technology and for his drive
to transform the State of Andhra Pradesh. Mr. Naidu has been re-elected as the Chief
Minister of Andhra Pradesh in the 2019 elections.

Heritage Slogan
Bring Home Health & Happiness
When you are healthy, we are healthy
When you are happy, we are happy
 Delighting every home with Fresh & Healthy products and empowering the Farmer
To be a nationally recognized brand for Healthy and Fresh products with a revenue of INR
6000 Crore.(USD 1 Billion) by 1922We anticipate, understand and respond to our Customers'
needs by creating high quality products and making them available through innovative and
convenient channels we embrace the right technology to delight our Customers. We are a
strong supporter of balancing Economic, Social and Environmental aspects to create a better
tomorrow. We are devoted to empowering the Farmer community through our unique
'Relationship Farming' Model We aim to be the Employer of Choice by nurturing
Entrepreneurship and Promoting Empowerment, alongside transparency.

Mr. Seetha RamaiahDevineni
Mr. SrivishnuRajuNandyala
Mr. Rajesh Thakur Ahuja
Nara Mrs. Bhuvaneswari
Vice-Chairperson &Managing Director,

Mrs. Brahmani Nara
Executive Director,
Quality policy of HFIL:
We are committed to achieve customer satisfaction through hygienically processed and
packed Milk and Milk Products. We strive to continually improve the quality of our products
and services through upgradation of technologies and systems.
Heritage's soul has always been imbibed with an unwritten perpetual commitment to itself, to
always produce and provide quality products with continuous efforts to improve the process
and environment.
Adhering to its moral commitment and its continuous drive to achieve excellence in quality
of Milk, Milk products & Systems, Heritage has always been laying emphasis on not only
reviewing & re-defining quality standards, but also in implementing them successfully. All
activities of Processing, Quality control, Purchase, Stores, Marketing and Training have been
documented with detailed quality plans in each of the departments.
Today Heritage feels that the ISO certificate is not only an epitome of achieved targets, but
also a scale to identify & reckon, what is yet to be achieved on a continuous basis. Though, it
is a beginning, Heritage has initiated the process of standardizing and adopting similar quality
systems at most of its other plants.
Milk Producers
Change in RATNA DEEPs of rural families in terms of
 Regular high income through co-operative efforts
 Women participation in income generation
 Protect the farmers from price exploitation by the un-organized sector
 Provide remunerative prices for milk
 Increase milk productivity through input and extension activities
 Supplementing agriculture with dairy farming
 Financial support for purchase of cattle; insuring cattle
 Establishment of Cattle Health Care Centres
 Supplying high quality Cattle feed
 Organizing 'RythuSadasu' and video programmes for educating the farmers in dairy

 Timely supply of quality & healthy products
 Supply high quality milk and milk products at affordable prices
 Focus on nutritional foods
 More than 4 lakh happy customers
 High customer satisfaction24 hour help-lines ( <10 complaints a day)
 Enhancing the Technical and Managerial skills of employees through continuous
training and development
 Best appraisal systems to motivate employees
 Incentive, bonus and reward systems to encourage employees
 Heritage forges ahead with the motto "add value to everything you do “Shareholder
 Dividend Payment since Public Issue (January 1995)
 Highest importance to investor service; no notice from any regulatory authority since
2001 in respect of investor service
 Very transparent disclosures

 1st Prize in National Energy Conservation Awards-2021
 1st Prize in National Energy Conservation Awards-2020
 2nd Prize in National Energy Conservation Awards-2020
 National Energy Conservation Award 2019
 National Energy Conservation Award 2012
 National Energy Conservation Award 2010
 National Energy Conservation Award 2008


1. Do you think Employee Welfare is needed in a banks?
(a ) YES (b) NO Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 YES 100 100
2 NO 0 0
TOTAL 100 100

% of respondents




60 Percentage


0 0
1 2
yes no

To above question, almost 100% of the employees thought that the Employee
Welfare programs is needed in a company.

2. In Your Organization Educational assistance provided for children’s education
A) Yes
B) No

S.No Options No. of Responses Percentage

1 YES 85 85
2 NO 15 15
TOTAL 100 100





10000 S.No. Company Name

8000 1 ICICI Bank




Most of the employees in the organization are saying that the organization is bearing the
children’s education as a Employee Welfare program.

3) Rate the Welfare program, you are getting in the organization
Particulars % Rating
Canteen Subsidy 100%
Festival Allowance 50%
Night Shift Allowance 65%
Heat Treatment Allowance 75%
Rest Room Facility 15%
shift timings 10%
Safety practices 55%
death in harness 95%
HRA 100%
Uniform Allowance 50%

Amt of advances(in Lakh)

20% Amt of advances(in Lakh)

From the above table we can find the employees in the organization are getting benefits from
the organization as an employee welfare programs
Most of the employee given the rating for the facility of canteen for their food and
refreshment facilities in the organization, the organization is allowing the house rent
allowances also.

4) What are the methods used in your organization in order to help the staff in managing
as welfare?
a) Rest room
b) Yoga and Meditation
c) Physical Exercise and indoor games
d) Music
e) None of the above
Particulars Response (No of persons)

Rest room 45

Yoga and Meditation 14

Physical Exercise and indoor games 20

Music 20

None of the above 1

50% Mar '21
40% S.No. Company Name
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

Employees are managing the stress by using rest rooms and , by meditation and yoga by
Physical Exercise and indoor games and using other.

5) Is it necessary that the organization should take up the programmers for welfare
a) Yes
b) No
Particulars Response (No of persons)

Yes 90

No 10



4.P/E Ratio

0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

90 respondents said that the organization should take up the programmers for welfare and 10
are said that no need to do.


1. The study shows that 75% of the respondents opined adequate safety training programmes
are conducted at HERITAGE FOODS IND LTDLTD., and 25% of them opined it is not.
2. The study shows that 62% of the respondents have attended safety training programmes
and 38% of them have not.
3. The study shows that 10% of the respondents have rated the training programmes as
highly effective, 84% have rated it as effective, 5% have no opinion and 1% says it is
4. The study shows that 91% of the respondents opined that the management provides safety
awareness and 9% opined that it does not.
5. The study shows that a majority of 84% employees feel that LIL mostly creates safety
awareness through bulletin boards and the least through safety competitions as only 14%
believes that safety awareness is created through safety competitions.
6. The study sho2ws that 36% of the respondents feel that the safety goggles provided are
inadequate and 34% feel that the safety measures provided while working on cranes are
7. The study shows that 45% of the respondents say that they always make use of the safety
measures provided to them, 54% uses them sometimes and 1% never uses it.
8. The study shows that 55% of the respondents opined that the machines, equipments and
tools are well designed, 58% opined that they are well maintained and 57% opined that they
are well guarded.. A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE WELFARE.
9. The study shows that 35% of the respondents believe that the layout of the workplace is
designed to avoid accidents, 21% says it is not so and 44% believe that to an extent the
workplace is designed to avoid accidents.
10. The study shows that 46% of the respondents believe that the safety measures provided
at HERITAGE FOODS IND LTDLTD., reduce the severity of accidents, 9% believes
otherwise and 36% believe that to an extent the safety measures help in reducing the severity
of accidents.
11. The study shows that 81% of the respondents feel that always immediate actions are taken
to investigate accidents, 14% feel that it is so sometimes and 5% feels that immediate actions
are never taken to investigate accidents.


 Executives working in technical areas to be trained effectively in the areas of their

role and interpersonal dependence and relations to make empowerment more fruitful.

 A training program may be undertaken about "Shared Leadership" which brings high

morale and high productivity and makes the empowerment a success.

 The subordinate staff who is going to be empowered must be ready to take up this

responsibility. A study is to be conducted among the subordinate staff to find out their

readiness to discharge the new roles under this empowerment program. This helps in

identifying the training areas, to make the subordinate staff completely ready for undertaking



With regard to value of people, the analysis leads to the conclusion that the Executives give a

reasonable value to the Human Resources in the Organization. However, in respect of

concept about power, they are somewhat agreed to share the power. As far as information

sharing with lower rungs is concerned, they are very positive.

As far as clarity is concerned, the executives are somewhat agreed i.e., neutral.

Following good welfare programmes.


1) P. Subba Rao, Personneland Human Resources Management, Himalaya Publishing

House, 2001 (2nd Edition).
2) Biswajet Patnayak, Human Resources management, Pentice-Hall Of India-2002.
3) Arun Monappa, Mirza. S. Saiyadain, Personnel Management, Tata Mc Graw-Hill
Publishing Company Ltd, 1998.
4) Annual Reports and Magazines of ultra tech cements.
5) William. B. Werther, Jr. Keith Davis, Human Resources And Personnel,1999
6) Management, Tata Mc Graw –Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 1998.
7) C.R.Kothari, Research Methodology, Vikas Publishing House,2000
8) K. Aswathappa, Human Resource & Personnel Management. The Mc Graw-Hill
companies, 2004.



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