NSAIDs Quiz 2024 Group A

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Al-Rasheed University/ Department of Pharmacy

Course: pharmacology III / 4th stage

2nd semester quiz 2023/2024 A

Q/ ( 10 MARKS ) Choose the most correct Answer from the followings MCQs , Put
your answer in the provided table :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Which statement is correct regarding the difference between paracetamol and naproxen?
A. Paracetamol has more anti-inflammatory effects compared with naproxen.
B. Paracetamol has more GI side effects but less effects on bleeding compared with
C. Paracetamol has less risk for CV events compared with naproxen.
D. Paracetamol has fewer antipyretic effects than naproxen.

2. Which statement correctly describes the proposed mechanism of

cardioprotection from low-dose Aspirin?
A. Aspirin preferentially inhibits COX-2 to lead to a relative reduction in thromboxane A2
B. Aspirin preferentially inhibits COX-1 to lead to a relative reduction in thromboxane A2
C. Aspirin preferentially inhibits COX-2 to lead to a relative reduction in prostacyclin
D. Aspirin preferentially inhibits COX-1 to lead a relative reduction in prostacyclin levels.

3. A 58-year-old woman who is obese comes to the emergency department with diaphoresis
and crushing chest pain that radiates to her left arm. The physician orders an ECG and checks her
cardiac enzymes to confirm his suspicion of myocardial infarction. Because of the quick
response and intervention, she survives and is ultimately discharged with a prescription for low-
dose daily aspirin to inhibit platelet aggregation. Which of the following enzymes is the
intended target of aspirin in this patient?
A. Cyclooxygenase
B. Lipoxygenase
C. Phospholipase A2
D. Prostacyclin synthase
E. Thromboxane synthase

4- A 64-year-old man presents with mild-to-moderate musculoskeletal back pain. He states he
has tried paracetamol without relief. His medical history includes diabetes, hypertension,
hyperlipidemia, gastric ulcer (resolved), and coronary artery disease. Which is the most
appropriate NSAID regimen to treat this patient’s pain?
A. Celecoxib
B. Indomethacin and omeprazole
C. Naproxen and omeprazole
D. Naproxen
5- Which of the following statements concerning the anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs are
A. Anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs results from inhibition of cyclooxygenase
B. Anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs results from inhibition of phospholipase A2 and
reducing prostaglandin and leukotriene synthesis
C. Anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs results from induction of cyclooxygenase II expression
which results in reducing the amount of an enzyme available to produce prostoglandins
D. All of the above
6- Choose the correct statement about nonopioid analgesics:
A. All have anti-inflammatory property
B. All lack dependence producing liability
C. All act exclusively at peripheral pain mechanisms
D. All inhibit prostaglandin synthesis
7- Which of the following is a disease modifying antirheumatic drug whose active metabolite
inhibits the enzyme dihydro-orotate dehydrogenase:
A. Leflunomide B.Nimesulide C.Sulfasalazine D.Colchicine

8- Patients taking chronic doses of nonselective non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs

(NSAIDs) should periodically be screened for which of the following toxicities?
A. Nephrotoxicity B.Peripheral neuropathy C.Cardiotoxicity D.All of the above

9- The constellation of adverse effects associated with non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs does not
include the following
A. Sedation B.Gastric irritation C. fluid retention D. Rashes

10- Sulfasalazine is used in the following disease(s):

A. Bacillary dysentery B.Ulcerative colitis C.Rheumatoid arthritis
D. Both ‘B’ and ‘C’ are correct

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