KET FINAL TEST sau khoá 2 - đã học 60 giờ

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Name: …………………………………………. Class: ……………………… Date: ………………

A. LISTENING (15 points)

Question 1-5
For each question, choose the correct picture.
Question 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write ONE WORD, or a number or a date or a

Question 11-15

Question places problems

11 Coach station

12 Museum

13 Cafe

14 Shop

15 Car park

B. READING (19 points)

Question 1-6
For each question, choose the correct answer.
Question 7-13
Question 14-19
Football players
Many boys want to be football players because they see famous players on TV and want to be like them. These
players often (14). ……….a lot of money and seem to have fun.

It is not such an easy life, however. If you want to be a famous player, you need to train for many (15)……
every day, in good and bad weather. It is also difficult to stay close to family because you have to travel all the
time. What is (16)…….., a football player's career is very short. Most football players do not work after the age
of 35. This is why they need to make a lot of money when they are still (17)……….

Very few football players actually become famous. There are many who do well in the sport, but never well(18)
………to make a lot of money. However, this does not (19)……….many young boys wanting to become a
famous football player!

14. A. lend B. win C. earn

15. A times B. hours C. months
16. A further B. less C. worse
17. A new B. young C. old
18. A. enough B. quite C. too
19. A. end B. stop C finish

WRITING (15 points)

Lis: 15’, R:30’, W:15’


Part 1,2 test 2
P5 (Q11-15 in the test) - test 3

Test 3, part 1,2 - p41-43
Test 4 part 4 - p.57
Write: test 4 email p.58


14 c 15 B 16C 17B 18A 19B

Do you want to go sailing with me on Tuesday?

We can meet at the train station at 8 o’clock.

After that, we could can go to the fish and chips restaurant we like.

The food there is delicious.

What do you think?

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