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Bull VoIcanol(1986) 48:3 15

Vol6i ology
© Springer-Verlag 1986

The dimensions and dynamics of volcanic eruption columns

RSJ Sparks
Department of Earth Sciences,Universityof Cambridge,CambridgeCB2 3EQ, England

Abstract. Eruption columns can be divided into three Introduction

regimes of physical behaviour. The basal gas thrust
region is characterised by large velocities and de- Explosive volcanic eruptions are characterised by the
celerations and is dominated by momentum. This formation of convecting columns or plumes which
region is typically a few hundred metres in height and transport pyroclastics and volatiles high into the at-
passes upwards into a much higher convective region mosphere. These ejecta are then distributed by winds
where buoyancy is dominant. The top of the convective over large areas to form pyroclastic fall deposits. The
region is defined by the level of neutral density (height last fifteen years have seen considerable progress in
He) where the column has a bulk density equal to the understanding the physics of eruption columns.
surrounding atmosphere. Above this level the column However, several fundamental aspects of column be-
continues to ascend to a height H r due to its momen- haviour are still incompletely understood. The number
tum. The column spreads horizontally and radially of useful observations on eruption columns, document-
outwards between height HT and HB to form an ing their dimensions and ascent rate, also remains
umbrella cloud. Numerical calculations are presented remarkably few. The main purpose of this paper is to
on the shape of eruption columns and on the re- develop a general model of eruption columns based on
lationships between the height H B and the mass dis- theoretical and experimental studies of plume dynamics
charge rate of magma, magma temperature and atmo- and on observations of volcanic eruptions. The study
spheric temperature gradients. Spreading rate of the seeks to understand their dynamics in a quantitative
column margins increases with height principally due to way and to provide a basis for interpreting the dimen-
the decrease in the atmospheric pressure. The re- sions of eruption columns. A subsidiary aim is to relate
lationship between column height and mass discharge this general model to the transport of pyroclasts within
rate shows good agreement with observations. The the column as a step towards understanding and
temperature inversion above the tropopause is found to interpreting the geological characteristics of pyroclastic
only have a small influence on column height and, fall deposits.
eruptions with large discharge rates can inject material
to substantially greater heights than the inversion level.
Approximate calculations on the variation of convective
velocities with height are consistent with field data and General structure of eruption columns
indicate that columns typically ascend at velocities from a
few tens to over 200 m/s. In very large columns (greater An eruption column can be conveniently divided into
than 30 km) the calculated convective velocities approach two distinct parts (Sparks and Wilson 1976): the gas
the speed of sound in air, suggesting that compressibility thrust and convective regions (Fig. 1). The gas thrust
effects may become important in giant columns. Radial region encompasses the basal part of the column which
velocities in the umbrella region where the column is is dominated by the momentum of the flow and in which
forced laterally into the atmosphere can be substantial and buoyancy effects are negligible. Within the conduit and
exceed 55 m/s in the case of the May 18th Mount St. vent region expansion of volatiles accelerates a mixture
Helens eruption. Calculations on motions in this region of pyroclasts and gas to high velocities. The material is
imply that it plays a major role in the transport of coarse accelerated to some maximum or exit velocity which
pyroclastic fragments. can be considered as the initial velocity condition at the
4 Sparks: The dimensions and dynamics of volcanic eruption columns


bJ _

\tQ- ('US ,'-h~ ~ - ..~ ~ . l v ~ •

H B -- _


'..('.l~rAr '/4o

Fig. L Sketch of the main features
g ~,\,\m of an eruption column. The vari-
ation of velocity and density with
~g height is schematically depicted

base of the column. Theoretical analysis and obser- sufficient air to lower the density to less than the density
vations suggest that exit velocities vary from somewhat of the surrounding atmosphere. Such dense material
over 100 m/s in weak strombolian eruptions (Blackburn was postulated to collapse back to form pyroclastic
et al. 1976) to perhaps as much as 600 m/s in large flows (Sparks et al. 1978; Wilson et al. 1980). The
plinian and vulcanian eruptions (Wilson 1976, 1980; conditions required to produce a smooth transition to
Wilson et al. 1980). The exit velocity is known to depend the convective region without collapse depend prin-
strongly on the explosion pressure at the level of magma cipally on the vent and conduit geometry, the volatile
fragmentation which in turn is closely correlated with content of the magma and the vent exit pressure. Wilson
the mass fraction of gas (Wilson 1980; Wilson et al. et al. (1978) found that a steady, non-collapsing column
1980). could not be sustained for magma discharge rates in
The gas thrust region typically only occupies a small excess of approximately 106 m3/s, suggesting an upper
fraction of the total column height from a few hundred limit for the rate of material transport in high eruption
metres to perhaps a few kilometres in the largest columns.
eruptions. As depicted in Fig. 1, the flow is characterised Much of the height of a volcanic eruption column is
by rapid deceleration and reduction in bulk density of dominated by buoyancy effects and is considered the
the column. Wilson (1976) analysed the motion of the convective region. Wilson et al. (1978) and Settle (1978)
gas thrust region for steady flow, assuming that the demonstrated that, to a first approximation, the height
column behaved like a momentum jet. The results of of a volcanic column, Hr (in metres), is directly related
this analysis were applied to understanding the con- to the thermal flux by the following expression
ditions for column instability and collapse to form
3 1
pyroclastic flows (Sparks and Wilson 1976; Sparks et al. Hr = 5.773 (1 +rO- g [ a Q s ( O e - Oao)]~g, (1)
1978). Theoretical analyses of the gas thrust region for
unsteady conditions, in which discrete explosions oc- where Q is the volume discharge rate of magma in m3/s,
cur, have been presented by Wilson (1980). Detailed s in the magma specific heat, 0e is the initial temperature
fluid dynamic models of volcanic jets have also been of the erupting material, 0,o is the atmospheric tempera-
presented (Kieffer 1984; Kieffer and Sturtevant 1984). ture at sea-level, a is the magma density and n is the
The work cited above recognised two kinds of ratio of the vertical gradient of the absolute temperature
eruption column behaviour in the basal region. In one to the lapse rate. (Table 1 lists all symbols and their
kind, mixing and heating of air into the turbulent definitions.) Equation (1) is a modification of an ex-
column resulted in a smooth transition upwards to a pression derived by Morton et al. (1956) in their classic
turbulent plume dominated by buoyancy effects. For study of thermal plume ascent. The good agreement
this to occur sufficient air had to be mixed into the between theory and observation (Wilson et al. 1978;
lowermost parts of the column to make the bulk column Sparks and Wilson 1982) indicates that thermal plume
density less than the surrounding atmosphere. In the theory could be successfully applied to volcanic col-
other kind of behaviour, part of the column decelerated umns despite complicating effects, such as the presence
to zero velocity (effectively running out of kinetic of entrained solid materials and the complicated pheno-
energy). This occurs when the column fails to mix with mena occurring in the vent region. In this paper the
Sparks: The dimensions and dynamics of volcanic eruption columns 5

Table 1. List of symbols, their definitions and units

Symbol Definition Unit

b Characteristic horizontal length scale L

Cp Specific heat of air at constant pressure LZT - 2K - 1
f Fractional parameter defined in Eq. (19)
Fo Buoyancy parameter L4T- 3
G Stratification parameter T- 2
h Height L
h' Height of tropopause L
hi Normalisation parameter for plume height L
ho Focal depth of plume below vent L
H Scale height of atmosphere L
He Height of neutral density where plume density equals atmospheric density L
Hr Height of eruption column L
K Entrainment constant
m Mass flux of air and pyroclasts in umbrella region M T- 1
M Mass flux of solids in plume at height H e M T-
n Ratio of vertical gradient of the absolute temperature to the environmental lapse rate
rt c Solid fraction at plume centreline
P Pressure ML - 1T- z
q Density ratio of plume and surrounding atmosphere
O Volume discharge rate of magma L3T -
Q, Rate of heat production at source ML2T -3
1"0 Vent radius L
R Normalization parameter for plume width L
R' Radial distance from plume axis in umbrella region L
S Specific heat of magma LeT- 2K - 1
T Temperature K
Atmospheric reference temperature (sea-level) K
u Characteristic vertical velocity of plume L T-
Uc Plume vertical velocity at centreline L T-
tAr Radial horizontal inflow velocity L T-
U Normalisation parameter for plume vertical velocity L T-
V Volume of parcel of air La
X Radial horizontal distance from plume centreline L
Density of ambient fluid (air) M L- 3
ga Density of local atmosphere at height h M L 3
9~ao Density of atmosphere at sea-level M L- 3
8 Plume bulk density M L-3
~c Plume bulk density at centreline M L-3
7 Empirical constant of proportionality between plume height and width (Eq. 8)
,/ Empirical constant of proportionality between plume height and width modified to account for
pressure and temperature changes in atmosphere
A Normalisation parameter for plume buoyancy L T-2
F Adiabatic gradient in atmosphere K L-1
O, Temperature of surrounding atmosphere K
Oao Temperature of atmosphere at sea-level K
Oc Temperature of plume at height H e K
Oe Magma temperature K
OHz~ Temperature of all air transported in plume to height He, neglecting all heat added from magma K
O' Stratosphere temperature K
Mean density of atmosphere in height interval ( H r - H B ) M L -3
O' Reference density (air at sea-level) M L-3
o" Magma density M L-3
~5 Ratio of specific heats of air at constant pressure and volume
Z Fractional parameter defined in Eq. (25)
6 Sparks: The dimensions and dynamics of volcanic eruption columns

application of Eq. (1) to volcanic columns is examined pressible fluids can be expressed by three relationships
more closely.
Sparks and Wilson (1982) developed a theoretical d(rcbYu) = 2 rcKu, (2)
treatment of volcanic plume ascent for the analysis of
movie film of the 1979 eruption of Soufriere, St. Vincent. b2u = nbY g :c '
They modified the results of theoretical and experimen-
tal studies of plume ascent by Morton et al. (1956) and
Turner (1962) to take into account the effects of ~, ~ , (4)
entrained solids on the bulk density and temperature of
the plume. They were able to obtain good agreement where h is the height, b is the characteristic horizontal
between estimates of magma discharge rate based on dimension of the plume, u is the characteristic vertical
the analysis of the film and based on Eq. (1) Sparks and velocity, c~is the density of the surrounding fluid, ~', is a
Wilson (1982) also developed a method of estimating reference density (usually taken as the atmospheric
the particle content and temperature of these plumes by density at sea-level), fi is the characteristic plume
using the dynamic theory to deduce the bulk density density and K is a constant. Experimental studies
and finding the unique combination of temperature and indicate that the vertical velocity and density profiles of
particle content consistent with both the bulk density a plume with circular symmetry have a Gaussian dis-
and original magma temperature. This study gave a tribution (Rouse et al. 1952 Turner 1979) described by
further indication that convective plume theory can be --X 2
usefully adapted to eruption columns. The convective u(x,h)=uc(h)expI~l , (5)
region of a column should show a steady decrease in
velocity and bulk density as depicted in Fig. 1. r-x ~]
fi(x,h)=[fic(h)-~]exPLb~, (6)
In a stratified atmosphere a plume will eventually
reach a level where it has the same density as the where uc and tic are the vertical velocity and bulk density
surroundings (Morton et al. 1956). The plume will of the plume on the plume axis at height h, and x is the
spread out sideways, but will also continue to rise in the radial distance from the plume axis. Thus, the horizon-
centre, because of its excess momentum, to reach a tal length scale b is the distance from the plume axis at
maximum height. A plume will thus display a well- which the bulk density and velocity are 1/e of those
defined top at height Hr and a base at a height He, at values on the central axis. The parameter b does not
which the bulk density of the plume equals the atmo- represent the visible radius of the plume but is directly
sphere density (see Fig. 1). Continuity demands that the proportional to it. Sparks and Wilson (1982) observed
plume will flow sideways between these two levels to that the ascent velocities of the visible edge of the
form a forced intrusion, thereby creating the character- Soufriere plumes were about 37o of the centreline
istic mushroom or umbrella shape observed in many velocities, suggesting that the visible radius is about 2b.
volcanic columns. It is convenient to treat the be- The constant K in Eq. (2) is known as the entrain-
haviour of this region separately from the lower con- ment constant and is based on the assumption that the
vecting region and it is therefore termed here the radial inflow velocity at some distance x = r from the
umbrella region. plume axis is related to uc by
u,=Ku c. (7)
Analysis of plume dynamics Laboratory experiments suggest that K = 0.09 for r = b.
Plume theory Laboratory plumes are observed to spread sideways
at an approximately constant rate and the angle
The fundamental analysis of turbulent gravitational
between the centreline and the plume edge usually
convection by Morton et al. (1956) forms the basis of the
varies little with height. The relationship between h and
investigation of plume behaviour. Experimental studies
b can be expressed by
and further theoretical work (Turner, 1979) have con-
firmed their analysis as an accurate description of b =Th. (8)
thermal plume dynamics. Detailed treatments of plume The theoretical and laboratory studies of Morton et
theory are given in several publications (Morton et al. al. (1956) show that ? is constant for nearly all the height
1956; Turner 1962; TurnEr 1979; Sparks and Wilson of a plume rising in a stratified environment. For an
1982) so only an outline of the pertinent results of the environment with a linear density gradient ? approx-
theoretical analysis are given here. Table 1 lists all imately equals 0.125. Morton et al. (1956) presented the
symbols, their definitions and dimensions. results of numerical integration of Eqs. (2) to (4) for the
Conservation of mass, momentum and buoyancy in case of a thermal plume in a stratified environment. The
a plume with a circular symmetry involving incom- useful results are cited here
Sparks: The dimensionsand dynamicsof volcaniceruption columns

1 1 3 can be estimated readily by extrapolation as indicated

h = 0.41 K-2FoEG-gh ~ (9) in Fig. 1. The correction involved can be significant for
some volcanic plumes.
1 1 3
b = 0. 819 K-~Fo~ G-ER (10) This basic plume theory requires a number of
modifications for application to high volcanic eruption
1 1 I columns. The principal modifications are summarised
uC= 1" t 58 K - 2 Fo4 GE U, (11) below.
1.) The Earth's atmosphere is stratified with a
j= 0 819 K - 2 Fo~- G~-A. (12) hydrostatic contribution to the density field. The plume
model requires modification to take account of the
decrease in hydrostatic pressure with height.
The parameters R, U and A are parameters which 2.) The Earth's atmosphere has a steep temperature
depend on the normalised height hi, defined in Eq. (9). A gradient beneath the tropopause, but has an approx-
table of numbers enabling these parameters to be imately constant temperature within the stratosphere.
calculated for any given value of h 1 is provided in The adiabatic decrease in temperature with height does
Morton et al. (1956). An important result of their not have a constant gradient and so the linear approx-
analysis was to show that the top of the plume occurs at imation in Eq. (13) is inexact at great heights.
a value of hz = 2.8. Subsequent experimental work has Consequently, for columns rising high within the stra-
confirmed that this result is in excellent agreement with tosphere the definition of G in Eq. (13) requires
data for plumes which range in height from less than 20 modification.
cm to several kilometres (Turner 1979). Equations (10) 3.) A volcanic plume contains entrained solids with
to (12) describe the change of column radius, velocity ranges of temperatures, dimensions and densities. The
and bulk density with height. thermal and mechanical interaction between solids and
The two governing parameters G and Fo represent entrained air could be complicated, making many of the
the buoyancy flux at the source and the density underlying assumptions in the simple thermal plume
stratification of the surrounding fluid. For a thermal theory suspect. For example, plume motions can no
plume in the atmosphere Morton et al. (1956) took longer be interpreted in terms of density changes
account of the compressibility of the atmosphere by associated with temperature effects, but must take into
substituting potential temperatures and densities for account the importance of solids content on density
absolute temperatures and densities. They thus defined (Sparks and Wilson 1982).
G and F0 in the following way 4.) The conditions at the base in the gas thrust
region depart from those appropriate for a plume
(Kieffer 1984). However, the detailed complexities of the
G = g (r)(1 + n), (13)
r. gas thrust region do not appear to have any significant
influence on overall plume behaviour (Wilson et al.
1978; Sparks and Wilson 1982).
F° ~o Cp Tn' (14) Modifications (1) to (3) are considered in detail in
this paper.
where F is the adiabetic decrease in temperature with
height in the atmosphere ( = 9.8 °C/kin), Tn is the source
atmosphere temperature, n is as defined in Eq. (1), cp is Eruption column width
the specific heat of air and Q' is the rate of heat
The analysis of Morton et aI. (1956) was concerned with
production at source. For the volcanic case the rate of
a buoyant plume rising in a stratified environment of
heat production is related to the magma discharge rate
uniform fluid. They found that the spreading rate of a
by plume was almost constant except near the base.
Q ' ~- Q s G ( O e - - Oa). (15) However, a plume ascending high into the atmosphere
experiences a decrease in hydrostatic pressure which
Substitution of Eqs. (13), (14) and (15) into Eq. (9) for h 1 causes an additional expansion which must be added on
= 2.8 yields Eq. (1). to the expansion due to turbulent entrainment. A parcel
Considerable attention should be given in applying of cold air entrained into the plume at height h o and
this theory to the definition of the height h. In plume local pressure Po will experience an isentropic expan-
theory h is measured from an imaginary point called the sion in moving up to a new height h at pressure p
virtual source, where b = 0 and uC= oo (Fig. 1). Such a
point cannot in practice exist and the source of any
plume has a finite width. The depth of the virtual source v0
8 Sparks: The dimensions and dynamics of volcanic eruption columns

where Vo is the initial volume, V is the final volume, and height HB is the same as if all the air had been
q5 is the ratio of the specific heats at constant pressure incorporated at a fraction Z of the column height, then
and constant volume (q~= 1.40). the air temperature 0HB can be estimated. This para-
Air is entrained into a turbulent plume over a range meter is the temperature of all the entrained air at height
of heights between the ground and height H , (Fig. 1). At H s, assuming no transfer of heat from the solids. Of
each height interval h the mass flux of air entrained into course, entrained air is continuously heated by the
the plume will be pyroclasts and the plume in fact has a higher tempera-
ture, 0c, at height Hs. The additional expansion due to
6 M =2rib Ku~(h) ~(h) 6h, (17)
heating must therefore be
where c~(h) is the local air density.
V~ 0c
The problem of finding the total volume change - (21)
associated with decreasing hydrostatic pressure due to V 0H~'
expansion of all the parcels of air incorporated over the where Vis the volume as defined in Eq. (16) and ~ is the
column's height was approached in the following way. volume at temperature 0c. Assuming that this additional
As a first approximation it was assumed that the total volume is only involved in lateral expansion the width
volume change was the same as if all the air at height HB of the plume at height h is
had been entrained at some fraction of the column 1
height,f Thus, the appropriate value of p in eq. (16) is ( V ' ~ ( Oc \½h
evaluated at height h
h =fH 8. (18)
The problem in using these ideas is that neither 0~
For example, the volume change (V/Vo) for a column nor appropriate values of f and Z can be known in
height of 20 km and f = 0 . 5 was assumed to be the same advance. Consequently, the appropriate values off, Z
as raising air from 10 to 20 km height. This volume and 0¢ have to be calculated by a numerical technique
change must be added on to that caused by spreading to involving an iterative procedure. The problem becomes
produce a modification of Eq. (8) more tractable if it is assumed t h a t f a n d Z are equal to
t each other. This cannot be strictly true since the
temperature and pressure variations in the atmosphere
are independent. However, this approximation can be
It is assumed here that the excess volume only changes justified a posteriori since it can be shown that com-
the radius of the plume and does not cause any major puted values o f f and Z are always close to one another.
departure of the vertical velocity from that predicted by
Eq. (10). This will be justified later since Eq. (11) is in
reasonable agreement with observations (see Sect. 3.4).
30 , .- /
Figure 2 shows the variation of the parameter
1 :/oY.7
7' [ 7 ' = 7 (~0)Y] as a function of column height (HB) for
-g /,6 / (3~b
different assumptions of the parameter f.
The dimensions of the plume will be further mod- b-

ified by the presence of hot solids, and thus Eq. (19) must $
be modified further to take account of magma tempera- 112
ture. All the air entrained into the column from the I0 -

surface to height H e is heated by the hot pyroclasts. A

similar argument to that described above can be used to
predict this heating effect. Entrained air cools adiabati-
cally according to
o I I I I
o.~ 0.2 0.3 o-4

Fig. 2. Variation of parameter 7' with height H B for buoyant plumes.

where To and T are the initial and final absolute The solid curves show values of 7', as defined in Eq. (19), for three
temperatures, Po and p the pressure at height different values o f f The dashed line shows the variation of 7' estimated
h(h=ZHB). If it is assumed that the temperature at by numerical integration for a temperature of 1000 °C
Sparks: The dimensions and dynamics of volcanic eruption columns 9

The first step in the procedure was to take the case of additional expansion due to heating can be estimated to
f = z = 0.5, estimate a column shape from Eqs. (16) and give the column shape for a given magma temperature.
(19) and then calculate the volume change of all parcels Figure 3 shows the visible edge of the plume at 1000 °C
of entrained air by numerical integration. Equation (17) magma temperature for columns up to 30 km high. The
was used to calculate the fractional contribution of each estimated shape is not strongly dependent on magma
height interval to the total mass flux at height H B. The temperature and is not greatly different to that shown
total volume change caused by entrainment over the for temperatures in the range 600°C to 1000°C. It
whole height of the column could then be compared should be stressed that the calculations shown in Fig. 3
with the volume change based on the original assump- apply to the level of neutral density (height HB), and thus
tion o f f The numerical integration was then repeated they strictly represent a plot of width against height H B.
with the new values of 7' until the results reached However, the actual width of columns a,t heights other
convergence, with the chosen value o f f producing the than H 8 are likely to be similar since measured buoyan-
same volume change as calculated by the numerical cies of convecting plumes are never large.
integration. The analysis predicts that the spreading rate of
Figure 2 shows the results of this procedure showing volcanic plumes should be greater than that predicted
the best estimate of the variation of ?' with height. The by simple plume theory (7 =0.125). Although the data
simpler assumption o f f = 0 . 5 gives a reasonable ap- are meagre, Sparks and Wilson (1982) estimated
proximation to heights of about 16 km, beyond which ?'=0.17 for a plume from the Soufriere volcano at
the numerical result increasingly departs from this approx- h = 8 km, and a value of?' = 0.16 was estimated from the
imation, giving lower values o f f at greater heights. An photographs of the May 18, 1980, plinian column of
appropriate value off can be interpolated from Fig. 2 for Mount St. Helens. These values are similar to the
any height H B. Physically, the decrease infwith height present calculations (Fig. 3): for example, for a magma
reflects the fact that very high columns consist of a large temperature of 1000 °C ?' =0.19 at 5 km. It is noted that
proportion of air entrained from the lower atmo- ?' cannot be determined with great accuracy as its value
sphere. The curves in Fig. 2 are modified when the will depend on how the visible edge of the plume is
transfer of heat from the pyroclasts is taken into interpreted. The visible edge of the plume was assumed
account. However, the variation of the parameterfas a to have a radius of 2b in these calculations.
function of height H B is effected negligibly by magma
temperature so that Fig. 2 can be used to interpolate a
Column height
value o f f for a given column height HB. As described in
the next section, the temperature 0Ccan be estimated Previous studies (Settle 1978; Wilson et al. 1978; Sparks
from heat balance considerations and 0 ~ from in- and Wilson 1982) used Eq. (1) to predict the heights of
terpolation of f on Fig. 2 and use of Eq. (20). The columns assuming that the atmosphere has a constant



20 f

\ /

~5 \ /
\ /
\ /
W \ /
I IO /
x. /
\ /
\ I
\ I
2O IO o IO 20 o

Fig. 3. Width of eruption columns as a function of the height H e for a magma temperature of 1000 °C
10 Sparks: The dimensions and dynamics of volcanic eruption columns

lapse rate and temperature gradient. They found good and Tarbuck 1979). Sparks and Wilson (1982) assumed
agreement between observed and predicted heights for that X= 0.5, which is a reasonable approximation for
columns extending to heights greater than the tropo- small columns. A further approximation can be made
pause. This result is somewhat surprising since the by equating Z with f i n Eq. (18). Table 2 compares values
temperature gradient changes at the tropopause and ofz andffor 30- and 15-km-high columns calculated by
the adiabatic temperature gradient is not a constant numerical integration. The values are sufficiently sim-
when integrated over large heights. ilar so that only small errors in estimating the tempera-
This paper takes a different approach to estimate ture are introduced by assuming that f=7.. The para-
column height so that the effects of entrained solids can meter fbecomes smaller for large columns (Fig. 2) and
be considered. The bulk density of a volcanic plume is a thus the approximation f = 0 . 5 would yield inaccurate
function of the solids content (no)and temperature of the results for columns much greater than 15 km high. A
plume, 0c. The centreline density, tic, can be related to value of f can be interpolated from the curves in Fig. 2
these parameters and the atmosphere density, %, at for each height H B. With a suitable value o f f chosen Eq.
height h by the following expression (24) and (26) represent simultaneous equations which
can be solved for plume solids content nc and plume
~o _ Oc(1-nc)q nc~a (23) temperature 0c for the condition corresponding to
Pc Oo a height H~.
Figures 4 and 5 show the variations of solids content
where a is the density of the solids. Equation (23) and plume temperature as a function of height H~. Two
neglects the volcanic gas component, but the contri- sets of calculations were made for different atmospheric
bution of this gas to the total mass is negligible in a conditions. The tropical atmosphere model assumed a
plume. At the level of neutral density (height HB) %~fie tropopause height of 17 km, a surface temperature of
= 1 and the second term on the right-hand side is 293 K and a lower atmosphere temperature gradient of
negligible, leading to a simple relationship between -5.3 K/km. The temperature atmosphere model as-
local air temperature, solids content and plume sumed a tropopause height of 10 km, a surface tempera-
temperature ture of 273 K and a lower atmosphere temperature
gradient of 6.5 K/kin. Each curve in the diagrams is for a
different initial magma temperature, 0~. The effect of the
124, tropopause is evident on the solids content curves (Fig.
5) by inflexions in the curves, which are particularly
prominent in the temperature atmosphere model. The
Unique values of nc and 0c can be determined for a
reversal of the gradient in the plume temperature lines is
given initial eruption temperature, 0e, by developing an
a direct consequence of the temperature inversion in the
argument first presented by Sparks and Wilson (1982).
tropopause. It is important to emphasise that the curves
The cloud at height h consists of entrained air which has
in Fig. 4 and 5 only apply to the level of neutral density
been absorbed over a range of heights between the
(height HB).
surface and h. Each elementary mass of air cools
The important effect of eruption temperature is
adiabatically. Air entrained at the ground cools most,
evident in both diagrams. At any given value of H B the
whereas that entrained at level h will not cool at all. The
solids content of the plume has to increase as the
average cooling (A 0) is some fraction (Z) of the ma-
magma temperature decreases. In order for the plume
ximum given by
to maintain the neutral density condition the plume
temperature has to increase as the solids content
(25) increases and magma temperature decreases.
The total mass flux of entrained solids can be related
to the height and centreline velocity by the following
where H is the scale height of the atmosphere (~ 8 km).
Heat conservation yields

. , ~h, O' (h-h')~_(i
) _ n ~ )F/4~>_- l /] , Table 2. Estimates of the parameters of f and Z by numerical
integration of Eqs. (16), (17), and (20). Calculations were for a sub-
L _ - - J
tropical climate
f Z H B (km)
where h' is the height of the tropopause, and O' is the
0.303 0.357 30
stratosphere temperature which can be approximately 0.484 0.467 15
considered a constant up to 40 km altitude (Lutgens
Sparks: The dimensions and dynamics of volcanic eruption columns 11

o/1% o o
800 8O0

Fig. 4a, b. Variation of centreline solids
content in plume with height He, where
the plume has a density equal to the
surrounding atmosphere. Each curve is for
a different magma temperature in °C.
Calculations are shown for a tropical (a)
a I I I and temperate (b) atmosphere
0"01 0.1 0.5 0-01 0-1 0"5


expression modified from Sparks and Wilson (1982)
uc = 0.775 G~-. (28)
M =(7') 2 uc ~h 2 n c %. (27)
G will clearly vary from place to place in the
The relationship between height and particle con- atmosphere (see Eq. 13). However, the square root
tent for a given eruption temperature can be used, dependence in Eq. (28) suggests that an average value of
together with an estimate of velocity, at height H B to 1.156 × 10 .4 is an adequate approximation for present
estimate the mass eruption rate. At the level of neutral purposes.
density (h=HB) Eqs. (9) and (11) can be combined to Figure 6 shows the basal column height H e as a
give function of mass eruption rate for a temperate climate

3o[ll o/ o /J I / , , i
o7T7 J-

-- 20


oL a b
220 240 260 280 220 240 260


Fig. 5 a, b. Variation of centreline plume temperature with height HB, where the plume has a density equal to the surrounding atmosphere. Each
curve is for a different magma temperature in °C. Calculations are shown for a tropical (a) and temperate (b) atmosphere
12 Sparks: The dimensions and dynamics of volcanic eruption columns


I0 2 I0 ~' 104 I0 5

,o , ' ,ooo_#/// - ,o





-g 0 a I I I I 0 $
IO6 io7 io 8 io 9 -r"

"1- I02 I0 3 104 IO5 3
LU I I ~ / 1 _ 40
-r- IO00



Fig. 6a, h. Variation of basal column height (Hs) with
I0 mass discharge rate of magma. Each curve shows
calculations for a different m a g m a eruption tempera-
ture. The equivalent volume discharge rate for a
m a g m a density of 2500 kg/m 3 and the column height
(Hr) is also indicated. Calculations are shown for a
b I I I I tropical (a) and temperate (b) atmosphere
I0 6 107 I0 8 I0 9

and tropical climate. Each curve is for a particular of discharge rate of magma. This relationship is derived
initial eruption temperature. As would be anticipated from the numerical results of Morton et al. (1956), who
from qualitative arguments the height HB at which a calculated the variation of velocity with height in the
column spreads out increases with mass eruption rate region above height H Bwhere momentum is dominant.
and increases with the initial temperature. The height For the purpose of estimating h o it was assumed the
Hris also indicated since this is the parameter which is magma volatile content was 3~o, the exit velocity 400 m/s
usually recorded. The height H r is related to HB by the and the exit pressure was 1 arm. For these values and a
following relationship given magma discharge rate the vent radius r o can be
calculated and h o estimated by ~o=0.125 ho.
Hr = 1.32 (h o + HB), (29)
Figure 7 shows a comparison of the theoretical
where h o is the focal depth which is estimated to be function predictions with observations of the height H r and mass
Sparks: The dimensions and dynamics of volcanic eruption columns 13

discharge rate. All the data fall close to or within the Two eruption plumes have detailed data on the
stippled field defined by the 1000 °C and 600 °C calcu- variation of ascent velocity with height: Soufriere in
lations. The dashed curves for 1000 °C and 600 °C using 1979 (Sparks and Wilson 1982) and the first plume of
Eq. (1) are shown for comparison. Somewhat surpris- the Mount St. Helens eruption of May 18, 1980 (Sparks
ingly, use of Eq. (1) gives results which are not greatly et al. in press). These data compare quite favourably
different to this treatment, although the assumptions with the calculations, It should be noted in comparing
encompassed in this equation cannot be correct above the theory and observations that the velocity obser-
the tropopause. vations have been systematically modified by a mul-
tiplicative factor of 1.666. The modification is made
Column velocities because experimental studies show the ascent velocity
of a starting plume is less (by a factor of 0.6) than the
The variation of centreline velocity with height can be internal centreline velocity (see Turner 1962; Sparks
approximated by use of Eq. (11) and the table of values and Wilson 1982). It is also emphasized that the natural
given in Morton et al. (1956). Figure 8 shows the eruption columns do not necessarily have a steady mass
variation of centreline velocity with height calculated in discharge rate. Indeed, the data on Mount St. Helens
this way for several column heights, showing the can be interpreted as evidence of a discharge rate which
increase of velocity at a given height with increasing increased as the plume ascended (see Sparks et al. in
total column height. press).
These calculations are undoubtedly very approx-
imate since they take no account of the detailed The umbrella region
interaction of solids and entrained air. The calculations
must almost be completely incorrect at the base of the This region is of great interest since it is now apparent
column where the column is not buoyant and momen- that the transport of pyroclasts is strongly controlled by
tum is dominant. The height below which the column this region (Carey and Sparks in press)• For a given HB
has a greater density than the atmosphere is indicated in the mass flow of air and solids, m, is known and
Fig. 8. Behaviour should only depart from that of a therefore the average radial velocity in the region
buoyant plume in the lowermost few hundred metres to between Hr and He can be calculated by continuity
perhaps a few kilometres in very high columns, as m
already documented by Wilson (1976). vR-2 rc R'(HT--HB) ~' (30)


lo 2 io 3 io 4 io 5 . - f -

i i i '~iii~i'Jl~-----I

i II _'

I • , , , J

2o t-
z I

Fig. 7. The relationship between column height H T and
io mass discharge rate of magma. The stippled area is
enclosed by the curves for 1000°C and 600°C for
tropical and temperate atmospheres. The d a s h e d c u r v e s

°I o I
I0 6
10 7
I0 8 10 9
show curves calculated by Eq. (1). The observed data
points are from Wilson et al. (1978), Settle (1978) and
Sparks and Wilson (1982)


14 Sparks: The dimensions and dynamics of volcanic eruption columns

indicated in the diagram. Unique satellite data from

Mount St. Helens (Sparks et al. in press) have recorded
25I\\\ \
% (b the radial expansion of the initial May 18th eruption
,,/ column. The data plot along a trend parallel to the
\ theoretical lines just beneath the line for a 26.8 km high
\ column. Mount St. Helens' plumes reached an altitude
2o - '\.~ of between 24 and 25 km suggesting that the simple
treatment given here is reasonable.
An interesting aspect of Fig. 9 concerns the be-
haviour of very large eruptions column. The theoretical
curves for columns greater than 30 km extend back to
-~'1 ",'X radial velocities greater than the sound speed of air
~"~.. . ',/\ (270-300 m/s at this height). It is certain that com-
pressibility effects must become important and that the
simple treatment becomes inappropriate. If the radial
~D \ / \\ velocities are less than predicted then continuity re-
bJ \'\ \e quires that either the pressure and therefore density of
IO-- the plume increase in this region or the height H r is
greater. These differences must themselves influence
behaviour in the convective part of the column.

5 '\'~ Conclusions

This study presents an analysis of the dimensions and

dynamics of eruption columns. The properties of the
q=l.O plume have been estimated at the level of neutral
density by an approximate numerical technique. At the
I00 200 300
Fig. 8. Variation of velocity with height in an eruption column I \ I
300 %
calculated by methods given in Morton et al. (1956). q is the density
ratio ~a/~c in Eq. (23). The solid line (q = 1.0) represents the height H B
\ /'
of neutral density. The dashed line (q = 1.0) represents the approximate
\ /
height at which the column has a neutral density, although the "~ I o o
calculations are not valid at or beneath this height. This lower line is "E
approximately the height where there is a transition from the gas v 30 \i{ ®~ • "g,
thrust to the convective region. The solid data points are observations ,
of plume ascent velocities for the April 22, 1979, eruption of Soufriere,
St. Vincent (after Sparks and Wilson 1982) and the giant cloud of
Mount St. Helens formed on May 18, 1980, after Sparks et al. 1986). > Io \ // ~ (
Note that the velocities plotted are 1.666 times the observed values _j

where R' is the radial distance and 0 is the mean density

of the plume in the height interval H r - H B. This
expression cannot be true for small values of R', but for
the motion when R' is greater than the plume radius at
height He, the treatment should be adequate. However,
it should be noted that Eq. (30) does not take into
n.- 3

I --

W Io


account further entrainment of air as the plume expands Fig. 9. Variation of radial expansion velocity with radial distance in
radially. umbrella region for columns of different height H r . Data for the May
18, 1980, giant cloud of Mt. St. Helens are plotted (after Sparks et al.
Figure 9 shows the theoretical relationships be-
1986). The dashed curve plots the locus of points where the radius of
tween distance and radial velocity for different column the plume at height H B is equal to the radial distance. The calculations
heights. The calculations are only given for the situation using Eq. (30) are unlikely to be valid at smaller radial distances from
beyond the radius of the column at height HB, which is the plume axis
Sparks: The dimensions and dynamics of volcanic eruption columns 15

given height HB the amounts of air entrained from all Acknowledgments. This work was supported by a grant from the BP
levels between the source and that height have been Venture Research Unit. Many of the calculations were carried out at
the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution as a summer guest. The
calculated. The temperature of the plume and the solids use of Henry Dick's computer and office is gratefully acknowledged.
content are estimated by a heat balance between all the Discussions with Steve Carey, Herbert Huppert and Lionel Wilson
entrained air and the pyroclasts and consideration of helped the development of the models. Careful reviews by Steve Carey
the bulk density. The column height can be estimated and Sue Kieffer are acknowledged.
from these calculations as a function of magma dis-
charge rate, magma temperature and the atmospheric
conditions. References
Major conclusions of the study are itemised as
Blackburn EA, Wilson L, Sparks RSJ (1976) Mechanisms and
dynamics of Strombolian activity. J Geol Soc London 132: 429-
1.) An ascending eruption column expands at a 440
faster rate than a simple thermal plume rising in an Carey SN, Sparks RSJ (1986) Quantitative models of the fall-out and
incompressible fluid because of the decrease in hydro- dispersal of tephra from volcanic eruption columns. Bull
static pressure with height in the Earth's atmosphere Volcanol (in press)
Kieffer SW (1984) Factors governing the structure of volcanic jets. in:
and the heating effect of the entrained pyroclasts. The Explosive volcanism: inception, evolution and hazards. National
enhanced spreading rates agree with the meagre field Academy Press, Washington DC, pp 143-157
data. Kieffer SW, Sturtevant B (1984) Laboratory studies of volcanic jets. J
2.) The relationship between column height and Geophys Res 89:8253-8268
Lutgens FK, Tarbuck EJ (1979) The atmosphere: an introduction to
mass discharge rate shows good agreement with obser-
meteorology. Prentice-Hall, Eaglewood, Cliffs, NJ pp 413
vations. Previous calculations (Wilson et al. 1978); Morton BR, Taylor GI, Turner JS (1956) Turbulent gravitational
Sparks and Wilson 1982) on column heights using a convection from maintained and instantaneous sources. Philos
modification of the results of Morton et al. (1956) Trans R Soc London Ser A 234:1-23
cannot be correct for columns substantially greater in Rouse H, Yih CS, Humphreys HW (1952) Gravitational convection
from a boundary source. Tellus 4:201-210
height than the tropopause. However, the more elab- Settle M (1978) Volcanic eruption clouds and thermal power output
orate model here does not differ greatly from the use of of explosive eruptions. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 3 : 309-324
Eq. (1) despite its shortcomings. Sparks RSJ, Wilson L (1976) A model for the formation of ignimbrite
3.) The temperature inversion above the tropopause by gravitational column collapse. J Geol Soc London 132: 441-
does have an inhibiting role on column height, but the
Sparks RSJ, Wilson L (1982) Explosive Volcanic Eruptions - V.
effect is not great given the very large ranges of mass Observations of plume dynamics during the 1979 Soufriere
discharge rates evident in nature. The differences in eruption, St Vincent. Geophys JR Astr Soc 69:551-570
results for a tropical and temperate atmosphere are also Sparks RSJ, Wilson L, Hulme G (1978) Theoretical modelling of the
minor. generation, movement and emplacement of pyroclastic flows by
column collapse. J Geophys Res, 83:1727-1739
4.) Approximate calculations on the variation of Sparks RSJ, Moore JG, Rice CJ (1986) The initial giant umbrella
convection velocity with height in columns with dif- cloud of the May 18th, 1980, explosive eruption of Mount St.
ferent total heights are consistent with data from the Helens. J Volcanol Geotherm Res (in press)
1979 Soufriere eruption and the 1980 Mount St. Helens Turner JS (1962) The starting plume in neutral surroundings. J Fluid
Mech 13:356-368
eruption. Columns typically ascend at velocities from a
Turner JS (1979) Buoyancy Effects in Fluids. Cambridge University
few tens to over 200 m/s with the velocities increasing Press
with discharge rate. Wilson L (1976) Explosive Volcanic Eruptions III. Plinian eruption
5.) The umbrella region of rapid horizontal growth columns. Geophys JR Astr Soc 45:543-556
is identified where the plume spreads out above the level Wilson L (1980) Relationships between pressure, volatile content and
ejecta velocity in three types of volcanic explosion. J Volcanol
of neutral density. Calculations of radial velocities Geotherm Res 8:297-314
within this region show good agreement with obser- Wilson L, Sparks RSJ, Huang TC, Watkins ND (1978) The control of
vations of the 1980 Mount St. Helens column. eruption column heights by eruption energetics and dynamics. J
6.) For columns greater than 30 km both the vertical Geophys Res, 83:1829-1836
velocities in the plume and radial velocities in the Wilson L, Sparks RSJ, Walker GPL (1980) Explosive Volcanic
Eruptions IV. The control magma properties and conduit
umbrella region are calculated to exceed 300 m/s, close geometry on eruption column behaviour. Geophys JR Astr Soc
~o the sound speed of air. Since compressibility effects 63:117-148
become significant when velocities are greater than 60%
of the speed of sound, the simple model may become
invalid for very high columns.
7.) The model presented in the paper forms the basis
of an analysis of fallout from explosive eruptions which
is presented by Carey and Sparks (in press). Received May 1, I985/Accepted August 1, 1985

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