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NEWEST IN UNIT 3 electoral system

3.1 Different electoral systems. 3.2 Referendums and how they are used.
• First-past-the-post (FPTP), Additional Member System • How referendums have been used in the UK and their
(AMS), Single Transferable Vote (STV) Supplementary impact on UK political life since 1997.
Vote (SV). • The case for and against referendums
• The advantages and disadvantages of these different
• Comparison of first-past-the-post (FPTP) to a different
electoral system in a devolved parliament/assembly.

3.3 Electoral system analysis.

• Debates on why different electoral systems are used in the
• The impact of the electoral system on the government or
type of government appointed.
• The impact of different systems on party representation
and of electoral systems on voter choice.

3.1 FPTP must be replaced with a more proportional voting system. HFDYA
3.1 Elections in Westminster must be reformed. HFDYA
3.1 FPTP is functioning well in UK democracy. HFDYA
3.1 FPTP must be replaced with SV/AMS. HFDYA
3.1 The advantage of more proportional systems outweigh the disadvantages

3.3 FPTP is an ineffective system for electing representatives. HFDYA

3.3 Elections do not enhance UK democracy. HFDYA
3.3 FPTP leads to undemocratic governments. HFDYA
3.3 Voter choice is minimised in UK elections HFDYA
3.3 SV should be used for UK general elections. HFDYA
3.3 AMS is the most democratic voting system in the UK. HFDYA
3.3 FPTP is the key factor in entrenching a two party state. HFDYA
FPTP must be replaced with a more proportional voting system. HFDYA

themes counter dismissal Own view

Strong and stable FPTP favour and tend to produce strong stable parties Labour Party received a huge ‘winner’s bonus’ with their Govt created not strong or stable they lack legitimacy -
1997 Blair - 176 percentage of seats being 20.2% higher than their negates compromise
Labour Party received a huge ‘winner’s bonus’ with percentage of votes. This allowed Labour to secure the
their percentage of seats being 20.2% higher than their largest-ever parliamentary majority in history (179 seats) on 2015 TORY WON
percentage of votes. This allowed Labour to secure just 43.2% of the national vote = elective dictatorship BUT ELECTED BY JUST 37% POPULAR VOTE SO
the largest-ever parliamentary majority in history (179 63% DIDN'T EVEN VOTE FOR GOVERNING PARTY
seats) on just 43.2% of the national vote = elective
dictaorship Not guaranteed → led peter tatchell foundation protest outside HoC for
2010, 2015,2017 failed to produce single decisive govt voting reform
These include devolution to Scotland, Wales and majority
London, the introduction of new rights - failed to achieve main objectives No longer fulfil traditional strengths of single party
protection instruments including Human Rights and → even seen in coalition and how win of tory in
Freedom of Information Acts. 2017 - DUP Theresa may supply and confidence —--campaign was based on avoiding a lab and SNP
COALITION GOVT [but still lasted full term parliament] coalition
Minor party can do well SNP - passing legislation lack legitimacy
Despite UKIP 1 seat from 4 mil votes in 2015 still wide
success bc biggest influence had on tory party 2017 general election. Theresa May called a snap GE in
order to gain a larger majority

Was defeated 230 on her brexit plan in 2019

Proportionality ensure 2 party system w centrist policy manifesto, BOUNDARY COMMISSION REVIEW unfair election w ARTIFICIAL MAJORITYS
ensure no one feels excluded as main party adopt Not solve the problem of safe seat because bc not
minor party policy consider voting patterns within area 2015 con gain 37% votes but 51% seats
1979 = The three main parties won 94.6% of all votes, Significant political impact likely benefit tory
with the Conservatives and Labour winning 80.8%. Boundary Reviews can have a significant political impact. Total estimated amount wasted votes according to
This indicates a clear ideological choice for voters The current plans for the 2023 will likely benefit the ‘makevotesmatter’ -2019 – 71.2%
TORY MANIFESTO - lower emission rates to zero Conservative Party who if the 2019 General Election had
2050’ from GREEN party been run under the new boundaries, would have won
between 5-10 seats more. Given the fact there are more
First Past the Post requires a party to win seats in England, but less in Wales and Scotland, this will
concentrated support. This has the effect of limiting likely come at the expense of Labour and the SNP.
the ability of extremist parties to get into Parliament,
as although they might be popular across the country, DISPROPORTIONATE
they are very unlikely to have enough support within a especially for minority parties
particular constituency to beat one of the major 2019
parties green party 860,000 for single MP
1979 - national front 0.6% votes 191,000 and NO TORY 38,000 for single MP

However, in the 2009 European Elections under the

Closed Party List the BNP won 6.2% of votes and won
2 seats in the European Parliament. Winners bonus - most vote wins - 2019 = Conservatives
clearly received a ‘winner’s bonus’ with their percentage of
Boundary commission review = independent body seats 12.6% higher than their percentage of the vote.
ensure constituencies contain roughly equal no voters
so everyone eligible vote represented equally

Voter choice MP constituency link, representative in HoC - local Many safe seats - mp cant be held accountable in the, so WASTED VOTES Total estimated amount wasted votes
issue less care for local issues bc guaranteed win according to ‘makevotesmatter’ -2019 – 71.2%
This guaranteed win seen by lack of turnout as voters feel
Heathrow expansion, HS2 railway, 8 tory MP against they have no real choice The turnout in the three most marginal seats was 7.3%
party line Two party system -ALWAYS NO CHOICE simply not vote or higher
Division local areas - representative democracy more 2017 and 2019 elect than in the three safest seats.
choice bc voter specific to constituency, hold opens Increase tactical voting Liverpool Walton ‘65% turnout [safeseat]
surgeries 1 in 5 voters plan tactical vote to avoid wasting vote vs
East Dunbartonshire [80% turnout] [marginal seat]
Yougov 2019 - 19% tactical vote

General Elections under FPTP have traditionally seen SPOILER EFFECT - As there are usually only two likely
relatively low numbers of Spoiled and Invalid Ballots. LED TO VOTE SWAP 2015-17 trade switch constituencies winners in each constituency, a spoiler effect can quickly
Whilst some ballots are deliberately spoiled and are to vote from online - require trust bc → some live in safe become apparent. This occurs when a third party
not simply due to a lack of understanding as to how seats so vote useless rather trade it w another person prevents an ideologically similar opponent from
they should be completed, such low numbers may winning simply by being in the race. This can result in an
give some indication of the simplicity of FPTP: 2019 – overall result within a constituency that is to the disliking
0.3% 2017 – 0.3% 2015 – 0.2% of a great many voters

EG = In 2010 UKIP won 919,546 votes. Many UKIP voters,

had UKIP not been in the case, would have voted for the
Conservative candidate.
There were 10 constituencies in which UKIP won more
votes than the winning margin of either Labour or the Lib
Dems. This means UKIP voters by casting their vote
likely allowed a party to which they were ideologically
opposed to take the seat. For example, in Wells the
Liberal Democrat beat the Conservative candidate by
800 votes, whilst the UKIP candidate won 1,711.

AMS [proportional system] hybrid = scotland, 2 votes for a local and regional representative
Scotland, the Greens are currently in a coalition with the Former Labour MSP Brian Wilson said: ” I regard the list
SNP, having won 8 regional list seats. [2021] entered MSPs as a breed, as an under-employed waste of space.
power sharing arangment They have no constituency, they have no role, and they are
not elected by anyone”
Wales, Plaid Cymru formed a Coalition with Labour
between 2007 and 2011 after winning 15 seats.

Simple easy NO it can be complicated, with people getting confused over

exactly what they’re supposed to do with their two votes.
Having two votes can also lead to wasted regional votes if a
party wins a big share of the constituency result. This regularly
happens in the case of the SNP in Scotland. In 2019, there
were nearly 1.1 million regional votes for the SNP which
returned only 2 regional seats.

1st round conducted using FPTP so shares disadv

Too much power to party - control over regional list - can only
select the candidates they gave

Voter choice YES Every voter has at least one effective vote; even if the A number of ‘issue parties’, for example, the Women’s
constituency vote is wasted, the regional vote will count. It Equality Party 2.15%, Rejoin EU 1.91%and Animal Welfare
gives voters a greater choice – they can select a minority 1.73% were only in the regional list system. This is because
party for the regional vote without fearing it will be wasted they know they will not win seats under the constituency
= seen in SPLIT TICKET VOTING system and are unlikely to win under the regional system.
However, they know that they may receive enough votes in the
Scot parl elec 2021 regional system to bring prominence to their issues. This is
SNP received 1,291,204 constituency votes but 1,094,374 because voters know that their regional vote will not matter as
regional list votes – 196,830 less much if voting for a major party. = still 0 regional seats

Strong stable govt YES[onl AMS manages to create a situation where proportional COALITIONS EH
results can still occur with a strong government. This is → in Scotland, the Greens are currently in a coalition with the
y in scot because of the combination of the two voting methods SNP, having won 8 regional list seats. [2021]
and within the same system.
wales] in Wales, Plaid Cymru formed a Coalition with Labour
2016 – SNP: 48.8% between 2007 and 2011 after winning 15 seats.
2021 – SNP: 49.6%
WALES 2016 – Labour: 48.3% —---------
2021 – Labour: 50% SNP and Labour have held strong positions in the Scottish
Parliament, if AMS was deployed across the UK it is unlikely a
majority government, or even a strong minority government
would be achieved. This is because the electoral support of
Labour and the SNP is disproportionately high in Wales and
Scotland respectively compared to England

Proportionality YES PROPORTIONAL for minor party 2016 There can be overhang seats Under AMS, the overall results
GREEN PARTY 7% reg vote = 6 seats are designed to be proportional. This means that after the
Ensure NO over rep in 2021 parl elec- SNP already 62 seat constituency results are counted, the regional votes will be
for, 47% constituency vote so despite 40% in regional used to bring the party up to the overall number it should have
only 2 seats for it in order to make the results proportional. However, a situation
The SNP won by far the most number of votes in both the can emerge whereby a party wins more seats under the
constituency and regional votes. However, the formula regional system than its overall result indicates it should be
ensured that they were not able to dominate both the entitled to. This most often can happen where there are strong
constituency and regional vote – with only two regional regional parties. Hypothetically, if AMS was used in the UK for
seats won. This is in order to ensure the overall General Elections, there would be a significant risk of
proportionality of results overhang seats for Plaid Cymru and the SNP.

2021 Scottish parl elec 2021 = SNP 43% VOTE = 49% SEATS
SNP Total Percentage of votes: 44.02% Total Percentage of
seats: 49.06%

Conservatives Total Percentage of votes: 22.69% Total

Percentage of seats: 24.03%

Labour Total Percentage of votes: 19.75% Total Percentage

of seats: 17.05%
Electoral Reform Society shows the Conservatives
would have won 81 fewer seats under the regional list
proportional representation method of voting. = HUNG


STV [proportional system] - northern ireland, ranking candidates in order
representation YES multi-member constituency
Examples of wide choice of representatives from
the 2022 Northern Irish Assembly

1 constituency had 2 parties represented.

9 constituencies had 3 parties represented.
8 constituencies had 4 parties represented.

Simple easy NO
2017 Northern Irish Assembly Invalid Ballots - 9,468 (0.76%) ➢ UK
General Election 2019 – 0.36%

the counting of votes is slower, and the full results of the election
are likely to be known within 48 hours rather than the 7-8 hours
under FPTP.

STV LOCAL SCOTTISH ELEC - In 2017 invalid in Local Elections in

Scotland. This was 1.95% of all ballots cast. In the UK General
Election of the same year under FPTP were invalid, this was 0.23%.

Voter choice YES More reps, also no safe seat so vote valuable w
competition = each candidate for each party is listed
separately on the ballot paper, so there is a choice
over both the party and the candidate that the voter
is choosing.

In Northern Ireland the same constituency

boundaries are used in Assembly Elections in
General Elections.
The safest seat under STV is Belfast West.
2019 General Election Belfast West – Sinn Fein win
with 53.8% of the vote: turnout 59.1%.

2022 Assembly Election Belfast West – Sinn Fein

win 4/5 seats with 6,918 first preference votes:
turnout 64.6%.
→ In the same constituency boundaries turnout is
higher under STV as there is more competition.

Strong stable govt NO political disagreements that have ended power-sharing

These include: 2017 – A breakdown over the handling of a green
energy scandal.
2022 – A failure to form a new Executive over disagreements over
the Northern Ireland Protocol between the UK and Northern Ireland.
Therefore, you should be careful in blaming all the breakdowns of
the Government in Northern Ireland on STV.

much slower process of forming a government, and this can lead to

periods of instability in government - Following the General Election
in the Republic of Ireland under STV in 2020 it took 140 days for a
new government to be formed following the election when Fianna
Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party entered a coalition together for
the first time

Proportionality YES 2022 NI - Sinn Fein – 29.02% of votes and 30% of

Even for lesser, minor parties
UUP – 11.17%of votes and 10% of seats


Electoral Reform Society shows the Conservatives
would have won 53 fewer seats under the regional
list proportional representation method of voting.


SV [majortian form] london local elections, get a 1st and 2nd choice
NOT RELEVANT = The Elections Act (2022) saw First Past the Post replaced the Supplementary Vote for all the elections it was previously
used for in the UK. However, despite this, it is still a named voting system on the specification and you need to understand how it works.
representation STRONG REP LINK CREATE 2 party system = 2021 London Mayoral Election: In the
mayoral election 75.3% of voters placed one of their two votes for
either the Labour candidate or the Conservative candidate

2021 55% LAB AND 44% CON

Simple easy 2021 GREATER MANCHESTER = Andy Burnham –

Labour 473, 024 67.31% S0 2nd pref vote Not Needed

Voter choice TACTICAL VOTING - The reason for this is that a point is made it is often claimed that winning candidates have
second vote will only be counted if it is for one of the won over 50% of the vote. However, this not the case. As only
candidates that makes it through to the second round. votes towards the top two candidates are valid in the second
For example, every London mayoral election has been preference counting, many thousands of votes are likely to be
won by either Labour or the Conservatives. Therefore, a discounte
voter may choose to ensure that one of these parties → In the six elections for the Mayor of London none have been
receives their second vote as that is the only way they won on first preference votes. The highest first preference total
are likely to influence the election. For example, if there received was 44.2% for Sadiq Khan in 2016.
is a voter whose two favourite parties are the Greens
and Lib Dems, it may make more sense for them to put
Labour as their second choice rather than one of these
two partie

Strong stable govt yes must be able to achieve 50% of the valid votes

Proportionality NOT ALL VOTES EQUAL WASTED VOTES - because only votes for the two parties that
WASTED VOTES make it to the second round will be counted. This means that any
GREEN 197,000 vote for any second preference vote for any of the other parties is,
IB DEM 111,000 therefore, in essence, wasted.
London Mayoral Elections 2021 – 347,722 ballots did not go
through to the second round as the second preference votes were
not for either the Labour or Conservative candidate.


FPTP remains a proportional system as it allows for the 2010 2015 2017 the system failed to produce single AMS
STRONG AND perpetuation of a strong and stable government to be decisive government majorities -much more proportional system
STABLE places as FPTP is a plurality system that involves MPs System finds a balance between need for constituency
GOVERNMENTS needing the most votes , not the majority Even if party gets under 50% vote they can still form gov representation and the need for a fair distribution of seats
and many coalition or minority gov have been formed
AO1: 2019 general election allowed for the Conservative which aren’t strong or stable Minor parties can become more influential
Party to be put in government with an 80 seat majority; it - regional list
is a strong and stable government as its majority. will **JOHNSONS CONSERVATIVE PARTY WON 42% OF THE
allow for gov to pass their pledges easily 2020- VOTE BUT WAS REWARDED 56% seats -58% electorate Less risk of elective dictatorship - as there is more checks +
withdrawal act didnt vote for tory balance
2nd layer of representation - party list - diverse candidates
WINNERS BONUS - the largest party gains extra seats by Without prolonged uncertainty - party divisions less likely
default Minority SNP gov - 2016 - 63 seats
Fptp LEADS TO DISPROPORTIONATE representation in REGIONAL vote equalises and makes it more proportionate
the HOC
AMS in order to form single party gov a party must have broad
popularity across the whole country not just in concentrated
pockets- great number of parties can have input on policy -
supports greater legitimacy of gov = wales and scotland have
consistently had single party dominance and scotland did have a
majority follow 2011

STV - encourages greater multipartyism - as the proportionality

would reduce the geographic distortions currently caused by fptp
and reduce the restrictive impact on the development of the party
system =
SINN FEIN - 29% of votes and 30% fo seats
DUP-21% votes-27%seats

voter choice FPTP does not need to be replaced as the system has FPTP is a pluralist system - which often leads to the STV
allowed for voters to express their choices properly and ACCUMULATION OF SAFE SEATS - thus eliminating - no safe seats under STV candidates cannot be
elect delegates reflective of their ideologies voter choice - the electorate may want overall change in complacent and must campaign everywhere
gov but can't - Fewer votes wasted - most voters can identify a
2019- 421/650 seats - won with an absolute majority representative they have personally helped to elect -
—>indicates that the electorate are given choices for - 2019 - 70% votes wasted due to safe seats may 2022 elections - vast majority of voters 97% were
delegates that suit their best interest rendering votes incapable of changing satisfied with the process of voting
64% of seats in hoc have substantial legitimacy outcome in such constituencies - FPTP is - Multiple votes cast in order of preference - votes not
flawed in giving voter choice used may help a candidate reach a quota
- Turnout will be low in safe seats - Liverpool - No requirements of tactical voting as know vote will have
Walton -65% impact on election
Can distribute preferences across parties - allows voters to express
highly complex preferences - every mp therefore directly
accountable to the electorate

AMS - also greater voter choice - have two votes to cast as they
can choose to exercise 2 votes for different parties - 56 regional
MPs and 73 constituency MPs - the scottish electorate receive dual
representation as their list MPs are voted on based on their parties -
in comparison to the constituency MPs that are voted for based on
the MP the self and what they put forward in the constituency

2019 - 141 marginal seats - this means the individual candidate
becomes more important - so mps likely to campaign closely with
electorate and listen to their individual concerns in order to secure
vote in these swing seats = may result in tactical voting
representation (party FPTP keeps extremism at bay - minority parties who are minority parties find it harder to break through threshold
and voters) not representative of views STV :
-parties who account for wider population likely to gain Large proportion of voters almspot 50% are represented -more likely that minority groups will be elected - candidates don't
larger vote share by MPs they did not vote for need a majority of the votes to be elected just a known quota -
-82.4% of the public feel represented by labour and allowing minority viewpoints to be represented -64.8% happy with
conservative -2019 Parties with concentrated support do well - unfair to results of NI 2017 election
-unlike minority parties who often represent single smaller parties depriving them of realistic chance of
causes and issues then become irrelevant and lose winning seats - 2019 - took over 800k votes per seat to Voters have a number of representatives - they can approach
support elect a Green Party MP , only took 38k to elect a following the elections meaning they are likely to have someone
conservative MP who shares their ideological viewpoint
/2015 UKIP won 3.8 million votes in this election but. only
got 1 single seat - had national support but didn't get -more incentive to put up team of candidates who reflect the
constituency level diversity of society

AMS - more representative - parties have incentives to put equal

numbers of men and women on their top up lists -
Due to discrepancies between votes and seats - partisan 40% of welsh National Assembly female members
representation - unlikely - fptp less likely than any other
system to generate a parliament that is demographically AMS allows for a direct relationship between electors and their
reflective of the country at large - only 52 BAME constituency representative

Greater representation
2016 - Cons only got 22% of constituency votes in 2016 - SNP got

3.2 Referendums are an advantage for the UK’s democracy. HFDYA

3.2 Referendums cause more problems than they solve. HFDYA
3.2 Referendums should be used more. HFDYA


registered to vote VOTING AND 84% STILL 2022 ARGUMENTS TO LEAVE, denies Lowest turnout 42% → ref was result of agreement
Key constitutional issues of right and education another ref by supreme court - only when govt between lib dems and con in coalition, change FPTP
Alex salmond = ‘the scot ref was the vote of a generation’ wishes provide is still in lib dem manifesto
Also given lessons on politics - education Create divide, ref happen as result of pressure Wales 2011 primary legislative power only 35%
from SNP which has not stopped but continues turnout
Result 55% no independence to destructive erosion of UK → undermines legitimacy or decision and
44% yes independence effectiveness of direct democracy

Only high participation on issues of big constitutional

change and even then result so divided that ref still
fails alleviate tensions but creates more division

LEGITIMACY BREXIT ADVISORY, remain parl sov ISSUES stormont after ref so temporary and not Legitimacy is questioned as public misunderstood
MP dominic grieve ‘eu ref was an advisory ref’ long term also legitimacy of eu ref is questioned issue of brexit by media painted as a immigration
Followed as sid leave 51% v remain 48% SCAREMONGERING ON BOTH SIDES = ref and VOTER google search next day was WHAT IS EU
electoral commision, fined leave campaign for next day AFTER the vote
breaking electoral law
1998 good friday = 81% turnout and 71% said yes approve good - exceeding statutory limit spending of 7 million Also fact check twitter change
friday agreement Birklands model should act as delegates do → false info so Q legitimacy of ref as public largely
LEGITIMACY OVER DECISION everything constituents want they have uneducated due to false info
autonomy Undermined representative democracy as people
As ref given as tory had fear they would lose had signed petitions 6mil to stop trigger article 50
voters to ukip and even w answer of leave there and also 4million signatures on e petition for a
was still division and understanding on a soft or second eu referendum = as results lacked legitimacy
hard brexit so show refs not very effective since voters fed w lies and misinformed
CREATE TRUST DEFICIT w govt and undermines rep
democracy as rep more educated and their job to act
on behalf constituents as pet brands model

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