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15 Duties Of A Housekeeping Supervisor
The duties of a housekeeping supervisor include developing strategies to
improve an assigned space and overseeing the housekeeping staff's
productivity. Here are some of the main duties of a housekeeping supervisor:

1. Assign housekeeping tasks

A housekeeping supervisor takes on various roles to effectively manage the

entire housekeeping department. They assign cleaning and maintenance tasks
and ensure that the team efficiently completes any delegated duties. As a
housekeeping supervisor, you could also provide team members with specific
instructions or suggestions to accommodate customer requests.

2. Create staffing schedules

Another responsibility of a housekeeping supervisor is to create daily schedules

for the staff. Completing a schedule and assigning tasks in advance enables
effective communication and efficient operation by clearly coordinating the
department's work activities. An effective scheduling process allows you to
enforce rules and regulations about breaks, lunches and attendance.

3. Provide orientation and training

Orientations and training introduce the employees of an organisation to the

organisation's policies and standard regulations and specific procedures. This
may include cleaning and maintenance methods, organisational layout and
guidelines for using supplies and equipment. As a housekeeping supervisor,
you can provide your team with adequate training to ensure that the
department's maintenance processes comply with the establishment's

4. Offer high-quality customer service

A housekeeping supervisor guarantees a high standard of customer service for

an organisation to maintain customers' credibility by providing a consistent and
satisfactory experience. You can address customer complaints, conduct
employee investigations and take corrective actions. As a housekeeping
supervisor, you are responsible for communicating customer feedback to staff
members and suggesting improvements.Related: What Is Customer Service?
Definition And Career Advice
5. Manage the inventory and order supplies

The housekeeping supervisor is responsible for checking inventory and supply

routinely to maintain adequate stock levels. An essential part of this role is
ordering supplies when inventory levels are low and arranging the
maintenance and repair of equipment. It is crucial that staff members have
easy access to any necessary supplies and equipment to complete their tasks.

6. Issue supplies and equipment to staff

A housekeeping supervisor provides every team member with the supplies and
equipment they require. You are also responsible for keeping track of what
every staff member uses to help locate missing items. If a team member works
with a piece of hazardous equipment or a dangerous supply item, you can
ensure that they follow the necessary safety precautions.

7. Hire new staff and recommend transfers and dismissals

A housekeeping supervisor is responsible for screening job applicants and

hiring new employees for the housekeeping department. As a supervisor, you
analyse each team member's performance and use those evaluations for
promotion decisions. You can also use the documentation from these
evaluations to transfer a team member if better opportunities arise in other
departments or locations or dismiss an employee for sub-par performance or
failure to comply with policies, rules or regulations.

8. Perform cleaning duties when there is a staff shortage

A housekeeping supervisor works alongside the staff members of the

housekeeping department. If the department does not have enough available
team members or there is an urgent matter needing attention, it is your
responsibility to help the team perform cleaning and maintenance tasks. You
can also assume additional responsibilities and ensure the timely completion of
tasks such as sweeping, vacuuming, restocking inventories and guest room

9. Prepare reports

A housekeeping supervisor is responsible for recording and tracking work

assignments, personal requests and time cards and preparing detailed reports
for analysis. You could also be responsible for tracking room occupancies,
departmental expenses and employee payrolls and preparing reports for
presentation to management teams. Regularly creating and reviewing reports
helps you identify and resolve minor problems before they become serious.

10. Establish standards and procedures for work

It is essential for a housekeeping supervisor to know the specific protocols,

standards and procedures for an establishment. You can use that knowledge to
properly train members about guidelines for important issues such as personal
protective gear inspection or chemical standards, physical cleaning or terminal
cleaning. This ensures your team's compliance, efficiency, discipline and
consistency in the performance of tasks.

11. Attend staff meetings to discuss policies

The housekeeping supervisor represents their department in organisational

meetings. They are responsible for arranging and attending staff meetings to
explain and discuss the company's updated policies. Regular staff meetings can
ensure that team members are aware of important information and procedure

12. Examine and determine the need for repair and replacement

A housekeeping supervisor is responsible for examining the premises,

equipment and supplies. If there are any necessary repairs to the furniture or
fittings, you can report them to management and initiate the repair process. If
any equipment or supplies are not functioning properly, you can arrange for
repairs or replacement.

13. Ensure compliance with safety and sanitation policies

Sanitation and safety protocols are crucial in housekeeping to safeguard staff

and customers' well-being. They increase safety by reducing the likelihood of
illnesses, hazards and injuries. You are responsible for ensuring every team
member is aware of and complies with any safety and sanitation policies.

14. Recommend service improvements to the management

A housekeeping supervisor analyses and evaluates records and forecasts

departmental requirements. You can also collect customer feedback to report
any findings to the management team. This enables the organisation to find
areas of opportunity for improvement continuously.
15. Give clear instructions

Effective communication is an important trait for a housekeeping supervisor.

Interacting with customers, training new employees, educating team members
and reporting to management all require exceptional communication skills. It is
essential that the housekeeping team feels comfortable approaching you to
discuss concerns or request assistance. Since you are responsible for training
and monitoring an entire department, it is important to possess practical verbal
and written communication skills.Related: Writing A Housekeeper Resume
Objective (With Examples)

Skills Required To Become A Housekeeping

A housekeeping supervisor has several duties and responsibilities. To efficiently
execute these tasks, you can rely on a variety of skills, such as:

Attention to detail

Paying attention to detail helps you check that every team member efficiently
completes their tasks without errors. The team's responsibilities include
maintaining critical aspects of the establishment. It is crucial for you to monitor
every minute detail for compliance with maintenance
standards.Related: Attention To Detail: Definition, Examples And Tips

Organisational and management skills

Organisational and management skills are beneficial for delegating appropriate

and achievable tasks to individual team members. These skills can help you
identify and understand priorities and areas of opportunity. These skills are
valuable for monitoring the cleaning process and keeping track of supplies and
equipment to complete scheduled tasks effectively. Some duties requiring
these skills include organising employee shifts, training team members and
handling customer requests.Related: Management Skills: Definition And

Time management

As a housekeeping supervisor, you can use time management skills to

coordinate the timely completion of tasks by analysing specific tasks'
requirements and delegating them accordingly. Time management skills help
you create and manage daily schedules. As a housekeeping supervisor, skills
like decision-making and prioritisation, delegating and outsourcing jobs,
planning and building a system and setting clear boundaries can be essential
for your success.Related: Time Management Skills: Definition And Examples

Physical stamina

Since housekeeping involves excessive walking and standing for long hours, it
requires exceptional physical stamina. You and your team rely on a basic level
of physical fitness to sustain the rigorous work. Your physical stamina helps you
monitor and manage your team or temporarily replace a staff
member.Related: Essential Housekeeping Skills (Definition And Examples)

Tips For Becoming A Successful Housekeeping

Here are a few tips for making a successful career as a housekeeping

 Enrol in programmes that offer housekeeping training to

develop the necessary skills. These programmes can be
beneficial for securing a supervisory role.
 Have a thorough and working technical knowledge about
maintaining equipment and housekeeping supplies. You can
use this knowledge for training other staff members.
 Develop and practise communication
skills. Practical communication skills are essential for ensuring
the department's effective operations and dealing with
customers, staff and management.
 Apply for junior-level positions to gain hands-on experience
in the housekeeping industry. Prior experience and success
demonstrate your ability to succeed in a more prominent role in
the industry.

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