Effective Executive Padayao

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Padayao, Domenique R.

What makes and Effective Executive

Mahatma Gandhi - The Anti Wars Activist with a Global Legacy

Mahatma Gandhi made several contributions to the world.

Through a kind of nonviolent civil disobedience, the leader of the Indian
independence struggle accomplished incredible exploits that would inspire
millions of people worldwide, including many of the individuals on this list.
Gandhi was an inspiration to world leaders, scientists, philosophers,
and even businesspeople. His spiritual significance was equal to the extent of
his contribution in India's liberation.
In 1869, Gandhi was born in India, which at the time was a part of the
British Empire. It's possible that his boyhood was unusual for the Gandhi that
history books recall.
Gandhi rebelled against his very devout upbringing by smoking, eating
meat, and even stealing after being forced into an arranged marriage at the
age of 13. At eighteen, he sailed to London to pursue his legal studies.
Gandhi, at 24 years old, was eventually sent to South Africa from his
budding legal career in India. He saw firsthand the ingrained racial
segregation and injustice that characterize South African life here.
When a white man threw young Gandhi from a train station on June 7,
1893, for refusing to move to the back of the vehicle, it was arguably the most
significant turning moment in his life. Gandhi would go on to carry out his first
—though undoubtedly not his last—act of civil disobedience with that.
Gandhi launched his first widespread campaign of civil disobedience in South
Africa around 1906. Before going back home to fight for Indian liberty, he
would spend the next nine years defending Indian rights in the nation.
Gandhi would rise to prominence in the freedom struggle over time.
Gandhi's "Quit India" movement in 1942, following years of struggle and
several arrests, cleared the path for Britain's ultimate exit from the nation.

Gandhi was a pacifist, yet after India gained independence, a Hindu radical
who despised Gandhi's acceptance of Muslims killed him.
A semiautomatic handgun fired at point blank range murdered a man who had
dedicated his life to advocating nonviolence. Gandhi is renowned today for his
dedication to nonviolent protest, nonviolence, and modest lifestyle. Millions of
people were moved to action by his message of love, tolerance, and
abstaining from greed. He is regarded as one of the greatest leaders of the
20th century today because of the inspiration he provided to civil rights
campaigns in the US and South Africa during the Apartheid era.

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