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Designing Consoles for Speed

Optimizing steering console geometry on high-speed boats

enhances their safety, control, and comfort.

Text by Johan Ullman H igh-speed boats are being built in

growing numbers for military,
that they are capable of operating at
speed in harsh conditions.
Graphics courtesy of coast guard, sea rescue, and law Naturally, these trends increase the
enforcement agencies, and builders of need to optimize safety and comfort
Ullman Dynamics recreational boats are taking similar on board. Higher speeds expose boat
advantage of advances in propulsion operators and passengers to higher
technologies, hull design, and com- impacts, causing significant physical
Above—The console of this Russ 750 posite materials to deliver ever-faster fatigue and increasing the risk of
GTR, from the French company Russ boats to the boating public. Indeed, injuries such as vertebral fractures and
RIBS, was designed in consultation with civilian models of military vessels and disk herniations. As a practical opera-
author Johan Ullman. This is an example military styling on recreational vessels tional limitation, higher speed also
of good console design for high-speed are popular trends in the design and reduces the time helmsmen have
operations, even though the helmsman marketing of new powerboats. to perceive unexpected events and to
and passengers sit in bucket seats Whether they are recreational or correct operational mistakes.
instead of in the optimal semi-standing professional, these models offer Performance, control, comfort, and
straddle seats, shown in the increased speed and power over more safety can be greatly enhanced on
following pages. conventional boats and the suggestion these vessels simply by getting the

62 Professional BoatBuilder
Shown in profile, this Now let’s look at more specific
generic helm console dimensions and design details for an
provides good visibility effective steering console.
forward, convenient
14° location of navigation Piano-Style Console
13.8" screens, easy access to Top surface. To minimize the dead-
(35cm) 92° the helm and throttle space distance between the screen
control, and ample space and the forward field of vision, the
for feet and legs, even in console’s top surface should slant
rough conditions. down forward. On open boats, this
51.6" top surface needs to shed water.
(131cm) 130° Remember that the far end of the top
center of gravity of each surface sets the lower limit for the
torso is above a line field of vision, and helmsmen need to
Wheel hub through the hip joints see the bow clearly. People in the
25.6" (95cm–100cm) with the spine maintain- water have been killed when the boat
(65cm) ing the same S-curvature operator couldn’t see over the bow as
it has in a full standing it climbed over the planing threshold.
position. This is the opti- Screens. The plotter screen should
mal shape for the spine be mounted on a plane optimally
to withstand impacts and inclined 12°–16° forward from vertical
vibration. at the boat’s normal cruising attitude.
geometry and dimensions of the helm The console should have a rear sur- To minimize reflected glare from
console right from the start, allowing face large enough to mount two 15" the sky, the screen should be
helmsman and crew to be as alert, (38cm) plotter screens. Even if you mounted so a perpendicular line
responsive, and effective as possible intend to fit smaller screens, build for through its center points to just below
in spite of the challenging environment. the likely industry standards of the the operator’s chin.
My design recommendations are future, as most boats outlive their Here I recommend doing the
presented in a basic checklist style original electronics. If installing only “iPhone test” as follows: Place a
and are based on medical research and one screen, place it where the smartphone or mirror against the
decades of practical experience in helmsman and navigator can see it
designing steering consoles, dash- at all times. This allows greater
boards, and wheelhouses. flexibility in crew setup.
Screens should sit as high as
General Recommendations possible without obscuring forward
An open console should provide visibility. Looking at a radar or
wind and spray protection to two plotter image often takes several
operators seated side by side. Its seconds, and refocusing also takes
geometry should allow them to sit in more than a second. The higher the
a fully balanced posture, with optimal screen sight line is, the more
vision and full control of helm and the sea in front remains peripher-
throttle even in rough conditions. ally visible while eyes are on the
Locating the driver and navigator screen.
side by side allows two sets of eyes to
look ahead with relatively unobstructed
views at all times. In case of compli- Top—The helm should allow for a
cations, accidents, or injuries, either fully balanced posture in the helms-
operator can react and reach the man and navigator, with the torso’s
throttle and the wheel. In addition, center of gravity directly above a line
the side-by-side orientation facilitates drawn through the hip joints while
nonverbal communication, including the spine maintains the same
nods, nudges, and hand signals, S-curve it has in a full standing
which are especially important in position. Bottom—Screens should
what can be an extremely noisy envi- be as high as possible without
ronment. Headset intercom systems blocking forward visibility, meaning
can never replace all means of com- the operator’s eyes needn’t travel far
munication for partners seated beside to read electronic displays, and the
one another. Single-driver consoles sea ahead remains peripherally
can be justified only on boats with an visible even when eyes are focused
inside beam narrower than 60" on the screen. To avoid glare, mount
(150cm). any screen so a perpendicular line
Fully balanced posture for helms- through its face points below the
man and navigator means that the operator’s chin.

February/March 2013 63
Left—The wheel should be mounted so the steering column points toward the operator’s shoulders. That way, any bracing force
applied by the helmsman during high-speed operations will be in the same general direction as the wheel shaft. Right—Orient throttle
controls so that at cruising speed they point straight up; this allows for better fine adjustment by a hand at about elbow level.

upper half of the screen. If you see

the reflection of the sky or your
face, the screen is not steep enough. If
you see your chest, the angle is right.
Keep in mind that the trend is to
present not only radar and chart
images but also engine data on the
screens. This means there will be
larger screens and fewer separate
gauges in the newest boats.
Do not let the top of the helm
cover the lower part of the screen.
Shelf. A shelf beneath the screens
can house switches and LEDs. This
surface should be parallel to the deck
or slant 2°–3° back for drainage.
Helm Surface. The helm and
throttle should be fitted on a plane
or planes inclined 45°–60° from
Left—Below the helm and throttle plane, the console should be cut away (about 45° horizontal. Two factors determine
from vertical) to provide space for the operator’s knees to flex. The area should be this plane: (1) When the steering
clear of obstructions such as ignition or power switches, which the knees might hit c o l umn points toward the helms-
during operation. Right—The vertical rear surface down to the deck should be at least man’s shoulder level, the distance to
11.8" (30cm) forward of a vertical line through the center of the helm. the shoulder should remain relatively
constant all around the steering
movement, so that force applied
The wheel should during slamming will then also be in
be offset slightly to the same main direction as the wheel
port from a fore- shaft. (2) The throttle should be
and-aft line drawn positioned such that at cruising
though the driver. speed the lever points straight up.
This permits better When the boat goes over waves,
postural balance, this position assures that fast, fine
as the operator’s throttle adjustments will be made
hands at the helm with a forward-backward movement
and throttle are of the hand, which gives better control
symmetrical to and requires less effort than a vertical
the torso. movement. It also reduces the risk of
accidental throttle movements during
vertical slamming.
Locating the helm station to port
has the advantage of allowing the
driver to operate the throttle with his

64 Professional BoatBuilder
To optimize deflection, the side-
walls of a console should converge
forward, each at 6°–11° from the
center­line. To further enhance wind/
spray deflection, a “kick” angle can be
added at the aftermost sections of the
sidewalls. This surface should be
0.6" –0.8" (15mm–20mm) wide and
angle out about 30° from the sidewall.
A molded FRP console will allow
natural laminar airflow and reduce
turbulence with large-radius rounded
front corners. This will further
enhance wind/spray deflection.
A fully aerodynamic console has a
Left—Placing helmsman and navigator side by side puts two sets of eyes on the water, hemispherical front pushing air up and
a real advantage during high-speed operations in rough weather or sea conditions. to the sides. Similarly, a well-designed
It also facilitates nonverbal communication and enables two people to reach the boat windscreen will have a negative angle
controls in the event of an accident or injury. Right—A slight “kick” angle at the to push the air high enough to create a
trailing edge of the console will help deflect wind and spray. bubble behind it that moves with the
boat, eliminating wind in the faces of
operators and passengers. By finishing
or her right hand and placing the The rear surface of the console the top with a kick of about 30°, it is
controls within the copilot’s reach in enclosing the space down to the possible to build a windscreen you can
an emergency. (Note: The inverse is deck should be vertical (perpendic- see over without the need for protective
true for left-side-travel countries, ular to the deck), and at least 11.8" eyewear. (Specific details and adjust-
where throttles and shifters are most (30cm) forward of a vertical line ments will have to be made and veri-
commonly operated with the left through the center of the helm. fied during sea trials.)
hand.) Lateral Measurements. The helm This effect requires a laminar flow
A tiltable helm is a good idea as long should be offset from a centerline against the front surface of the con-
as it is strong enough to take up the through the driver by 2.4"–2.8" (60mm– sole and will be compromised by
significant forces from the helmsman 70mm) away from the throttle. This objects or people seated right in front
steadying himself during slamming. way, both hands—helm and throttle— of it.
Below the Helm. The next surface will be symmetrical to the torso when An aluminium console can encour-
below the helm and throttle plane of engaged. This gives better control of age enhanced laminar flow by incor-
the console should be cut away to the boat and postural balance. porating forward faces that slant to
allow room for the operator’s knees Ideally, a console for two opera- push air sideways.
to flex forward under the main con- tors should be at least 53" (135cm) If possible, windscreens should be
trols. This plane can normally be at wide at the rear. This provides sufficient fitted flush with the console front. This
about 90° to the main controls’ face, wind and spray protection, important will reduce turbulence and promote
or 45° from vertical. It is important especially in cooler climates. Normally, laminar airflow upward. Any support
that this panel not be cluttered with 5.9" –7.9" (15cm–20cm) of free deck structures on the outside will normally
protruding objects such as ignition space on each side of the console is spoil that flow. Ideally, the supporting
keys or power switches, at least not sufficient for passage past it as frame should be affixed on the inside
where an operator’s knees can hit long as the console is not too deep of the windscreen or at a distance from
them while under way. longitudinally. the console.

Left—A well-designed composite console will push air to the sides and over the top with a minimum of resistance and resulting
turbulence. A low windscreen installed at a slight negative angle can eliminate wind in the helmsman’s face by pushing air
high enough to flow over the head. Right—This Brunswick 1000 Impact model RIB sports a well-designed aluminum console with
flat faces angled to push aside wind and spray when operating at speed.

February/March 2013 65
Closed or Semi-open Cabin
A cabin dashboard in a high-speed
vessel should have the same geom­
etry as one in a console dashboard.
The inside width of a cabin should be
at least 59" (150cm) to allow passage
past a second row of occupied seats.
The width of a semi-open console for
just two can be narrower.

Optimally, the legs supporting a
T-top should have a diameter of 2.2"
(55mm) or less so they will not reduce
the field of vision. Pupillary distance is
normally 2.2"–2.8" (55mm–70mm), The cabin dashboard in an enclosed helm station should have the same dimensions
meaning that a narrower object will and orientation as those discussed for the console. Cabin structure will further limit
allow the brain to the see the whole visibility from an enclosed helm, and adequate space for operators and passengers to
picture behind it without a blind spot. move around the seats must be a design consideration.
T-top legs on the sides should be posi-
tioned far enough apart longitudinally
that they do not overlap or project side and full body balance. In this position Height Adjustment
by side in the field of vision to create a the leg muscles—quadriceps and Designing to maintain consistent
visual obstruction greater than 2.2". hamstrings—keep the pelvis in the sight lines is important. Fortunately,
If the T-top legs come up out of the same upright position it has when a seated eye height varies very little
console, the windscreen and side person is standing or horseback riding. between tall and short people.
screens should be attached outside, on The spine maintains its natural Differences in body height are mainly
the far side of the legs—not on flanges S-shaped posture, which is essential in the length of the legs, not torsos;
projecting into the field of vision. to minimize the risk of pain and therefore, to maintain consistent sight
A common mistake I’ve seen is a injuries caused by slamming impacts. lines, short and tall operators need
windscreen slanting backward, pushing Slouching—a C-shaped spine— not be seated at different heights. It is
air up under the T-top, where it can should always be avoided, especially easy to find one optimal seat height
create a venturi effect. To address this during impacts. (Note that this is for the correctly designed steering
issue, consider a negative-angled wind- how most of us sit in office chairs, in console to allow good comfort for a
screen to reduce the upward airflow. automobiles, and in airplanes.) wide range of body heights.
Alternatively, a backward-slanting Optimizing the position of the helm To optimize leg positions for
windscreen should shed the air so and throttle relative to the helmsman extremely tall or extremely short
far forward of the front edge of the allows for controlled vessel operation people, provide alternative supports
T-top that the wind can blow over it. with bent arms while seated in a fully for the feet rather than adjustable
balanced posture. Upper arms should heights for the seat pan.
Posture be allowed to “hang” close to vertical. Note that it is essential that a helms-
The semi-standing straddle position Hands should be below shoulder man’s or passenger’s feet are in firm
is the optimal posture for operators height and only slightly above contact with the deck or structures
and passengers to withstand impacts elbow height. fixed to the deck. This is done by vary-
and maintain full control of the vessel I don’t recommend building con- ing degrees of knee flex: tall people
soles or cockpits for standing sit with their knees bent more, and
drive positions. Several stud- short people with their legs straighter.
ies have shown that standing Regardless of the subject’s height, the
up on board high-speed craft impact at slamming triggers muscular
increases impact exposure on reflexes in the legs and in postural
the spine by an average of muscles along the spine, stabilizing
50% and, in the worst cases, and protecting it from the impact. In
as much as 300%. addition, to be in full control it is
essential that the helmsman feel the
boat’s movements with his or her
hands and feet. Positive contact with
the deck is best achieved by adjust-
able, nonsuspended footrests that fold
Locate the supporting legs of away when not needed, or by a fixed
a T-top far enough apart that multilevel footrest, not an adjustable
they do not overlap and create seat height. When deployed, footrests
a visual obstruction wider than should be located under the front half
2.2" (55mm). of the operator’s foot. As a general rule,
the center of a simple horizontal foot
66 Professional BoatBuilder
Left—Because height of the eyes is largely a function of leg length, vertical adjustment is not necessary, even on the helmsman’s
seat. Here, the eyes of a 5'1" (157cm) person land just below the shoulder of the 6'6" (199cm) author when the two are standing.
The eyes of those same individuals seated on a straddle seat are at nearly the same height. Similarly, slight variations
in the bend of arms and legs make longitudinal adjustment of straddle seats unnecessary in a well-designed helm station.
Right—A seated 5'6" (167cm) person is compared to the author.

support pipe is 5.1" (13cm) aft from the large enough to be comfortable for the dragging icons on the screen requires
lower rear surface of the console. hand to grasp and rest on for extended support of some part of the hand. I
Similarly, there is no need for longi- periods. The throttle position should be suggest that touch-screens be sur-
tudinal adjustment of a straddle seat rel- where static muscular tension is mini- rounded by structures for hand sup-
ative to the console. A shorter person mized. This means that you should port.
will drive the boat with slightly never have to support the weight of
straighter arms than a taller person. your upper arm with muscular force Considerations for Bucket Seats
(Compare the design to bicycles and and never have to stretch your arm out Bucket seats are justified when over-
motorcycles, in which distance between to reach the controls. Your hands head clearance can’t accommodate
the handlebars and saddle differs very should not be near shoulder level. proper optimal sitting postures or when
little.) Elbow level or just above is fine, as the the boat’s center of gravity must be
best precision and control are achieved kept very low. However, the seats
Controls when your elbow angle is near 90°. create specific design challenges such
High-speed boats are normally A support surface for the hand as the need for legroom under the
driven with one hand constantly hold- creates a physical reference, which dashboard, longitudinal adjustment
ing the throttle. Thus the grip should be increases the precision of throttle of the driver seat or the helm and
adjustments. Some throttle controls throttle, and limited sight lines over
are designed so the lever shafts the bow, none of which we cover in
can be gripped with a hammer this story.
grip while the weight of the base
of the hand rests on the housing. Mock-up
This form allows for very precise Pain is often a sign of impending
control for one throttle lever. injury and should never be accepted
Any control buttons used at as a part of normal working condi-
speed should be positioned tions. Good design can minimize
where the operator’s hand can fatigue, discomfort, pain, and injury to
find and actuate them unaided operators and passengers on high-
by the eye. speed boats. Designing a good con-
As touch-screens become sole or cockpit is, at its most basic
more common, it’s important to level, a matter of common sense
note that precision in tapping and based on belief in what you as a
designer can see and feel.
The most efficient way to verify your
Hand supports around these touch- complex console design is to build a
screens facilitate the drags and mock-up. The cost is low, and all
taps necessary for precise operation measurements and sight lines can be
of the electronics even in confirmed.
rough sea conditions. Install the helm and throttle, and,

February/March 2013 68

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