Common Business Processes and activities-RPA

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 Common business processes and activities

 Activities in commercial functions

 Activities in support functions
 Industry specific processes
 RPA applications for personal use
 For more on RPA
 Sources
Common business processes and activities
1- Customer onboarding
Most B2C businesses have a customer onboarding process that is critical
to reduce churn and get customers to start using the product.
Using OCR and cognitive automation, most customer onboarding actions
can be completed instantaneously even in companies that rely on legacy
systems, greatly improving customer experience.

Other activities common to many business functions

We listed above some major end to end processes where RPA can be
applied but there are other use cases as well. RPA provides your teams a
Swiss Army knife of automation and they should be using it as automation
opportunities arise. Some other areas where RPA has been used are:

2- Data updates
Most departments including HR, customer service and marketing routinely
need to update customer/personnel data which is constantly changing.
Setting up bots for auto updating relevant data from forms or email can
ensure that departments can access fresh and correct data.

3- Data validation
Most data validation controls can be embedded in databases. However,
there’s data validation tasks such as cross checking data against publicly
available data, for which RPA automation is more suitable than other tools

4- Extracting data from PDFs, scanned documents and other formats

Screen scraping, OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and basic pattern
recognition technologies enable data extraction from almost any format,
reducing the need for keying in data. Feel free to review a data driven list of
machine learning powered solutions. These can be easily integrated to
RPA solutions to extract data and process documents.


Watch how an insurance provider used IBM Robotic Process

Automation by combining mobile capture and intelligent document
processing to automate its quoting process and streamline the customer
experience in this demo.

5- Periodic report preparation and dissemination

Every business requires regular reports to inform managers and ensure
teams are aware of their progress. Preparing such reports and sending
them over every week or month is not labor intensive but it distracts
employees. RPA can help to automate periodic reporting. RPA solutions
can easily auto-generate reports, analyze their contents and based on the
contents, email them to relevant stakeholders.

For example, a telecom operator report showing areas with connectivity

issues has different recipients based on its severity. CTO should be copied
in reports with critical issues and head of network should be copied in
reports with major issues. RPA bots can analyze reports to modify
recipients according to provided criteria.
6- Data migration and entry
Legacy systems still perform critical functions at companies. For example,
legacy billing systems need to interface with other systems and such
systems may not have the capability to pull relevant data from APIs. In
such cases, employees manually migrate data using formats like CSV.
RPA can prevent such manual labor and potential clerical errors it brings.

Furthermore such systems that keep data up to date enable improved

analysis and decision making. We are living in a day when even marketing
has 5000 applications to choose from. RPA can help integrate applications
and allow for more holistic analyses.

7- Generating mass emails

Mass emails relying on data from multiple systems are painful to produce
manually. Especially if you are sending them frequently, consider
automating the process.

8- Quote-to-cash
Every business needs to sell to survive. issues in the operations side of
selling are costly, they can result in customer complaints or selling at
reduced prices due to clerical errors.

Automating complete sales operations process

 reduces the rate of manual errors

 provides a faster service to your customers. Since automation can
speed up processes, customers will receive invoices earlier, leading
to earlier payments and improved cash flow.
 reduces costs

Quote-to-cash automation requires a few technologies:

 Document understanding: Combining Natural Language Processing

(NLP) and computer vision, companies can extract information from a
wide variety of documents such as emails and order forms to
automate conversion of customer communication to structured data
including orders.


Hypatos is one of the leading companies in this area and they explain in
detail how they combine NLP and computer vision to achieve document

 Moving data between different systems: All customer communication

involving new orders needs to be processed. The resulting structured
data needs to be inserted in the company’s ERP or order
management system. RPA bots or scripts can be used for this

This can also be simpler process to automate since it mostly relies on

company’s structured data to generate invoices to be sent to customers.

9- Procure-to-pay (p2p)/source-to-pay (s2p)

Since procure-to-pay process involves extracting invoice and payment data
from multiple systems like supplier emails, enterprise resource planning
(ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), banks, vendors,
logistics companies and since not all these systems provide easy
integration methods they generally involve some form of manual labor.
RPA bots can fill integration gaps. Since they work on the front-end, they
can provide an easy way to automate integrations.

Additionally, some of the information coming in will be in the form of forms

(e.g. invoices that the company receives from its suppliers). This data
needs to be extracted, validated and enriched. For example, companies
need to assign general ledger (GL) accounts to invoices without purchase
orders (POs). For more info, feel free to read our articles on automating
invoices and extracting data from invoices.

With a fully automated procure-to-pay, you can ensure that procurement

best practices are followed and there’s a single source of truth for all
Activities in commercial functions

10- Lead nurturing
Leads arrive through a myriad of channels such as LinkedIn, lead collection
forms and vendors.


Argos Labs shares a simple example of how they automate nurturing leads
from LinkedIn in their RPA+ Assistomation video.

Though sales personnel should focus on building relations and selling,
most of their time is spent on operational activities in most organizations.

RPA offers a method to automate those activities:

11- Creating and delivering invoices

This is a case of data replication. Same sales data needs to exist in both
CRM and accounting systems. Instead of manual data replication, bots can
update accounting records, prepare and deliver invoices from the right
email accounts.

12- Updating CRM

Updating interactions to CRM is time consuming and unproductive yet
necessary. Because Salesforce acts needs to act as the source of truth
regarding customer interactions. That’s why there are all sorts of memes
about “If it is not in salesforce, then it doesn’t exist.”

There is an emerging class of solutions that allow companies to integrate

their email, call and other communication data to CRM. If you can not find a
good solution for the CRM system you are using, you could write a simple
bot to update your CRM records with customer contact data.
13- Updating scorecards
Companies that lack integration between HR and CRM systems can
leverage RPA bots to ensure that CRM changes are uploaded to
scorecards so sales reps can see their progress real time.

To learn more about RPA’ impact on sales you can read our 6 Use Cases
of RPA in Sales article.

Activities in support functions

L1 Tech support
Without increasing automation capabilities, IT support teams can find
themselves overwhelmed with simple yet time consuming queries. This
results in slow service and demotivates most support personnel who do not
enjoy repetitive tasks that do not challenge them intellectually.

Bots can automate various complex system administration tasks around IT

applications and infrastructure, including tasks such as:

14- Regular diagnostics

It’s painful to hear the same problem from multiple people. And that’s
exactly what happens when a system has a catastrophic failure. As teams
work to resolve the problem, they also need to deal with colleagues’ calls
asking when the system would be up. Regular diagnostic work by bots puts
tech support teams one step ahead of all other teams and lets them
respond to possible failures before regular users can notice them. This
improves both user satisfaction and saves support personnel from wasting
time on calls about problems they already know about.

Businesses can also leverage workload automation (WLA) tools, which can
schedule and trigger workflows, for regular diagnostics such that WLA tools
can monitor processes and automate status checking and notify users of
process failures or errors.


UBS, a Swiss investment bank and financial services firm, leverages

workload automation in its IT operations. By integrating Redwood’s
monitoring, alerting, and error-handling workload automation solution, they
were able to cut the total cost of ownership for its IT process solutions by

15- Fault remediation

RPA bots, especially chatbot-enabled RPA bots, can be programmed to
leverage fault remediation responses from a command catalogue to assist
users with their troubleshooting. For instance, a user might contact the
software company and tell its chatbot that their software “keeps crashing.”
The chatbot would leverage its database for the appropriate remediation
applicable to software crashes, and promptly provide the user with an

Customer Relationship Management

Customer contact centers rely on a number of different systems provided
by a variety of vendors. Level 1 contact desks mostly process a high
volume of simple repetitive tasks, an ideal match for RPA.

A customer rep needs to understand the customer’s intent, perform the

necessary actions by switching between different systems and applications
and inform the customer. This has several disadvantages, customers need
to wait while the rep is busy dealing with data, sometimes asking for
information that had been asked before. This reduces customer satisfaction
and increases call duration. It’s a rare example of a company wasting its
resources while creating dissatisfaction for its customers.

The solution requires identification of frequent customer queries,

examination of customer rep actions in response to these queries, and
building RPA solutions to facilitate those actions. There can be a variety of

 Customer rep can launch a bot whenever several pieces of data

need to be synchronized across systems. With the press of a button,
the bot completes all actions in milliseconds. This is a simple RPA
implementation that can be programmed within hours and create
value quickly.
 A dashboard can be created for common queries. Customer rep will
fill the necessary data to resolve the issues and bots will use that
data in several systems to complete the transaction. Such
dashboards will require more effort but still are feasible to create
within weeks for most common actions.

These are the typical use cases where such automation solutions can be
employed to automate high frequency/repetitive tasks:

16- Loading a detailed customer profile

This allows the RPA bot to bring up all the information regarding the
customer’s previous interactions with the company on demand.

17- Getting detailed billing data

Whenever you call customer service regarding your most recent payment,
you need to stay on the line for a minute or two while the customer service
rep scrambles to pull your record and understand it. With an RPA bot
programmed to retrieve that data, your payment data can be invoked in
seconds with a single click from the rep.

18- Updating user preferences and other user information

Instead of connecting to a live agent, customers can use an RPA chatbot
to, for instance, update their user preferences, address, contact
information, personal information, and more.

19- Resolving simple but common customer issues

For example, resetting a broadband customer’s connection to the server
can fix some simple connection issues. This can be done without switching
screens with a simple RPA bot.

20- Automating multi-step complex tasks that require little decision making
Some legacy systems force customer service reps to complete numerous
steps to complete some common tasks. If these steps do not require
human judgement, they can easily be automated, saving significant time.
21- Opening up internal tools to customers or employees
Almost all customer service or tech support departments have internal tools
with advanced functionality. They rely on service reps to use those tools
and serve internal or external customers. Especially if those tools are in
legacy systems, it is difficult to expose them directly to customers or
employees without training. However RPA offers a solution.

Frequency of usage of most functionality follows the pareto principle. A few

functionalities are quite commonly used while the rest are almost never
used. After identifying the popular functionalities of an internal tool, it is
possible to write simple web interfaces that complete those functionalities
with the help of bots. This saves users time while reducing the burden of
support teams.

22- Software installations

RPA can enable single click installations of complex systems with
interdependent components.

23- Automated testing

RPA tools evolved from testing tools that mimic user interactions. While
tests can be built into software, it is important to test from a user
perspective. Such tests are time consuming when performed manually.
However, they can be lightning fast when they are automated.

Common test scenarios are automated with RPA tools and these tests are
run after every version, ensuring that new bugs are not introduced to the
code. Obviously, more creative manual tests are required based on the
specific feature developed in each new version. However, automated
testing with RPA tools can facilitate testing and improve software quality.
Since these tests tend to be simple, no code RPA solutions are ideal in
such scenarios.

24- Financial planning
Financial planning involves the unexciting exercise of processing and
merging financial statements from numerous departments in a Financial
Planning & Analysis (FP&A) system which can be at least partially

25- Bank statement reconciliation

Extracting data from bank statements to reconcile records and compare
them against the company’s own records was manually done via complex
spreadsheets. However, this is a process that can relatively easily be
automated. An important point to pay attention to is that rules based
automation could break when the company changes the banks it is working
with. It is best to test the bots’ initial outputs after your company changes its
banking service providers.

26- Daily P&L preparation

Large financial services companies, especially those in the trading
business, track P&L and risk exposures daily. While some companies have
automated these processes, some companies still rely on excel, legacy
tools, and manual effort to complete these reports.

Some vendors claim1 that they worked to automate daily P&L preparation
for a financial services company. Resulting RPA installation reduced
handling time from 60 minutes to 20 minutes, increasing accuracy of

27- Candidate sourcing
Companies relying on legacy HR systems can use bots to automate
aggregating CVs, assessment results and interview notes using bots.
However, most modern HR systems take care of these functionality
reducing the need for custom solutions.

Businesses can leverage web crawlers which can pull data from online job
search platforms such as Glassdoor or LinkedIn to create talent pools,
compare candidate data, and understand the job market. To learn more
how recruiters can benefit from web crawlers/scrapers, feel free to read
our data-driven article about web scraping use cases in recruiting.

The video below demonstrates how Bright Data’s Data Collector can pull
data from individual and company profiles on social media platforms:

28- Employment history verification

This process includes numerous routine steps such as arranging
interviews, maintaining records. A candidate verification service
provider1 implemented an RPA solution in 8 weeks and reduced 40% of its
manual labor.

29- Hiring, onboarding, & headcount reduction

Especially for growing or shrinking firms hiring and firing brings significant
burden on HR and other support functions like IT, security, facilities
management. While it is costly to build a solution that encompasses all
these functions and completes the necessary tasks for new or leaving
employees, RPA bots can be deployed relatively fast and effectively.
Automating part of the process and measuring its progress on the RPA bot
management module brings speed and transparency to the whole process.


In the case of onboarding, having an AI-enabled tool can further facilitate

the onboarding process, and help recruiters assess candidates based on
data-driven insights. For example, the following diagram demonstrates
how IBM’s AI-enabled RPA solution:

 automates the capture and processing of new application documents

 triggers a workflow process for each new application that is submitted
 centralizes the storage and governance in an applicant folder
 launches a rule-based decision service to make hardware ordering
and provisioning decisions

Source: IBM
30- Payroll automation
Payroll function requires repetitive processing of payroll taking into myriad
regulations and company rules. While modern payroll software provides a
good solution for this process, some companies rely too much on legacy
systems to be able to make the switch to a modern payroll software. They
can rely on bots to increase automation in the payroll management

We have have discussed payroll automation technologies in more detail in

another article, in case you’re curious.


In this IBM case study, Sicoob, a Brazilian financial cooperative, was able
to automate 13 business functions using IBM Robotic Process Automation,
– Insurance quotes
– Payroll loans
– Credit limit analysis
This resulted in repetitive task time and cost savings of 80% and 10-20%

31- Absence management

Your personnel will be notoriously bad at recording their absences and
vacations. Personnel can be genuinely confused about or unaware of the
absence management system. Second, they will not want to learn or
remember how to use the system because once they do that, they will be
required to fill in all their absences and no one wants that. The problem is
that while it is not ethical to hide someone’s absences, it is also not a major
crime like embezzlement. It is something that can easily be forgotten by the
absentee, therefore easily forgiven. Easiest solution: Let people decide
their vacations as long as they get their work done.

An unlimited vacation policy can increase autonomy of your team while

saving them from non-value adding bureaucratic work. A slightly harder
solution: Set up a simple RPA bot to cross check absentee reports against
time logged in the corporate network and let your teams fill in the absences
they had. You could also use another simple bot to simplify filling in
absence information so your personnel does not forget to notify the system
when they have an absence.
32- Worker’s compensation claims
An American pharmacy store chain automated its worker’s compensation
claims2. It is claimed that on any given day, they have around 2,000
employees, nation-wide, on a leave of absence. By leveraging RPA, they
were able to load what kind of leave the employees were on (paid or
unpaid) and instantaneously exchanged the data between the pharmacy
and its claims management service provider.

33- Expense management

Though there are sophisticated dedicated expense management solutions,
most companies still use outdated systems that require employees to
provide details on their expenses. Most of those details such as expense
amount, date or location are already available in the receipts provided by
employees. An OCR capable RPA solution can extract important fields
from receipts automatically, allowing employees to waste much less time
with expenses. This can also save them from carrying around receipts as
simply taking pictures of their receipts would be enough to extract the
relevant data from receipts and fill important fields in the expense form.

34- HR virtual assistants

Putting all of these services together for employees is also possible. A
chatbot that authenticates customers and serves all their HR-related
needs would help HR departments to focus on higher value added
activities. Such a bot could help employees register sick leave and vacation
time, request information about their work contract, and submit expense

35- Updating inventory records
Inventory management typically involves reconciliation across multiple
systems as companies find it challenging to bring all inventory
management features under one system. RPA bots can automate such
intersystem reconciliation and communication with ease.
36- Issuing refunds
Process of issuing refunds is far less optimized than more frequent
processes at a company, leading to significant delays and customer
dissatisfaction. This is a concern because customers requesting refunds
are already dissatisfied customers and making them more dissatisfied can
lead them to share their complaints with others, hurting your company’s


In the case of refunds, IBM’s RPA solution leverages AI to read, classify,

and extract customer data. The digital decision-making feature uses the
extracted customer information to route and prioritize each customer’s
refund request. Based on the priority level assigned, a workflow for issue
resolution is created, and the customer is informed of the refund decision.

37- Compliance
Changing business, regulatory or tax requirements such as introduction of
VAT in Dubai in 2018 require businesses to validate thousands of records.


IBM’s case study shows how global specialty finance company Credigy
leveraged IBM’s RPA solution to automate over 25 business processes and
was able to:

 Process account-based documents by email, media download, or

other types of automation and automatically load documents into an
internal system that users can easily access by account.
 Forward suspicious emails for URL scanning and alert users if URLs
appear malicious
 Support compliance by automatically downloading updates from a
variety of sites and loading data into specific tables for review.
 Automate IT audits including password strength tests. If a user’s
password fails a strength test performed by the robot, the user
receives an email requesting a password update that complies with
password rules.
Automating repetitive tasks enabled Credigy to continue growing its
business at a 15%+ compound annual growth rate, and the company plans
to deploy hundreds of RPA robots within the next two years.

38- Updating vendor records
Vendor master file is important to keep up-to-date to ensure that different
departments or units can coordinate their spending. Updating such files
with bots can relieve procurement professionals from simple tasks to focus
on managing vendor relationships.

Industry specific processes

According to our experience and research, financial services including
insurance and BPO seem to be the top users of RPA technologies.

Financial Services
39- Know Your Customer (KYC)
While dedicated KYC solutions are emerging, if your company does not
prefer to use one, it is possible to use RPA bots to automate portions of
KYC process. For edge cases that require human intervention, case can be
forwarded to an employee.
40- Loan processing
As with most document processing tasks, this process is also suitable for
RPA automation as complex business logic can be embedded in bots
partially automating loan decisions and the manual processes that follow
the decision.

41- Trade execution

In cases where legacy systems are not capable of storing complex limit
orders, RPA bots could help. However, this is more of a band-aid case as
in the long run, moving to a sophisticated and capable trading system
would probably be a good investment given how it could improve trading
and reduce the load of traders. Even in 2000s, working as a software
engineers working with traders, I was surprised that humans were still
keying in trades and engaging in day trading in banks. Given the richness
of data and speed of machines, it is surprising that there are still humans
working on this.

42- Same day funds transfers:

The co-Operative Bank needs to complete payments using The Clearing
House Automated Payment System (CHAPS) which offers same-day funds
transfers. The manual process which took 10 minutes per request was
automated and reduced to a few seconds of turn around time per request3.
Process steps include checking for fund availability, performing the transfer
to the point where manual authorization is required without error, charging
the customer and notifying the account.

43- Account Closure:

For The co-Operative Bank, account closure was lengthy and time
consuming. It required the manual cancellation of direct debits and
standing orders, transfer of interest charges and the transfer of funds from
one account to another etc. Now the system is automated with RPA so
customer service agents can complete an electronic form over the phone
which is sent to a central mailbox where it is processed by the RPA system
with no manual intervention3.
44- Validating and processing online loan applications:
RPA can be used to built intermediary bots between the online system and
the main frame that used business logic to ask the user to fix incorrect
entries, make the loan decisions and generate confirmation letters3.

45- Audits:
Banks need to reply to requests by the auditors for company audit reports.
Bots have been used to find all the customer’s accounts year end balances
and returns the audit to the audit clerk in the form of a Word document.
This can reduce an average audit which can take several hours to
complete and a large audit that can take several days into an operation that
can be completed in minutes

46- Logistics – Trade Finance

Trade finance involves multiple parties coordinating and ensuring the

delivery of goods and payments. Banks and companies communicate
through letters of credit and other documents which need to be processed.
See diagram below from IBM

For more, feel free to check our articles on RPA in finance and intelligent
automation in finance.

Source: IBM

47- Claims processing
Claims processing is at the heart of every insurance company. Since
customers make claims at a time of misfortune for them, customer
experience and speed are critical in claims processing. There are
numerous factors that create issues during claims processing such as

 Manual/inconsistent processing: Claims processing often involves

manual analyses completed by outsourced personnel/ claims
 Input data of varying formats: Customers send in data with various
 Changing regulation: No insurance company has the luxury of not
accommodating to changes in regulation in a timely manner. This
requires constant staff training and process update.

These lead to human biases in claims processing which can lead to losses,
customer dissatisfaction and lack of visibility in a crucial process. RPA bots
can deal with all these issues. Essentially, bots take in unstructured data in
forms, extract structured data and process claims based on pre-defined
rules. This approach takes care of all major issues with manual claims

 Claim verification can be automated with rules

 Bots can deal with various data formats to extract relevant data
 Rules can be changed with regulatory changes, without any need for
training, immediately ensuring compliance.
 Faster claims processing improves fraud detection.

48- Appeals processing

After claims are processed, some claims result in appeals which is another
process that can benefit from automation. RPA providers claim4 to have
automated 89% of appeals processing with 99% accuracy.

49- Responding to partner queries

Numerous industries such as telecom or insurance rely on independent
brokers to sell their products and services. It is crucial to serve these
partners in a timely manner to maximize their sales. South African
insurance company, Hollard mostly automated responses to partner
queries by building bots that interpreted incoming email and resolved
simple inquiries while passing complex ones to humans.

You can also check our articles on RPA in insurance, underwriting

automation and intelligent automation in insurance.
Numerous telecom back-office processes have been automated. Examples

 50- Credit checks: Required for post-paid accounts and typically

involves manual processes
 51- SIM swapping: Assigning a new SIM to a user. Could be due to
a change of SIM format or a case of lost/stolen SIM
 52- Customer dispute resolution: Automatically classifying
disputes, resolving ones that can be automatically resolved and
assigning the more complex ones to related parties is a relatively
simple yet effective back-office process to automate
 53 – Porting customer numbers: Customers switching to other
operators need to get their numbers ported which can be fully

Retail includes labor intensive and constant operational and analytics
activities like launching new promotions. RPA bots can help retail
companies without state of the art systems to bridge the gaps in their
systems and automate their process. RPA bots can automate several tasks
in retail, such as:

54- Product categorization

Global retail companies need to harmonize SKU data from multiple markets
to be able to look beyond numbers to insights like “What is our toothpaste
market share in Eastern Europe?”. Traditionally these tasks required
employees to manually match SKUs to categories in complex
spreadsheets. Since this is a task that does not directly impact customers,
fault tolerance is not very high and RPA bots can be used to automate the
process saving thousands of hours of work. Everest Group’s
report provides details on a specific example.

55- Automated returns

Automating returns can both improve customer satisfaction and reduce
manual labor. RPA bots can be used to automate manual aspects of the
returns process such as checking customer purchase record from the

56- Trade promotions

Shop floor trade promotions require a significant amount of back-end admin
work. Key tasks include

 creating and allocating funds for promotions

 generating reports that give visibility of promotion performance

RPA bots can automate these tasks as they are mostly mundane back-
office tasks. Bots can make it easier and faster for retailers to launch trade

57- Inventory/supply chain management

Some retailers rely on legacy systems for stock keeping. RPA bots can
perform constant checks on these systems providing data on key metrics
like items with low stock levels or rapidly changing stock levels.

For more, check our articles on RPA in retail and intelligent automation in

58- Bill of Material (BOM) processing
Bill of material is the document that contains each raw material,
component, and instruction required to manufacture or repair a product. It
is the core document of manufacturing and varying personnel use BOM
throughout the lifecycle of products’ manufacturing. Any errors in BOM can
lead to adverse chain impact on the remaining production cycle and result
as a loss. RPA can automate Bill of Material processing with support of
OCR and deep learning based data extraction technologies.

59- Inventory Control

Same as inventory management in retail, RPA bots can facilitate inventory

controls by alerting you when the stock level is lower than demanded. For
instance, an automotive manufacturer5 is claimed to have used RPA
software to automate inventory control processes. The bot follows these

 Reads the emails and notifications received from demand planners.

Emails would need to follow certain style guidelines to ensure that
bot picks up data correctly from emails
 Extracts the data from emails and updates the safety stock details in
the ERP automatically
 Notifies stakeholders in the process after updating stock levels.

60- Proof of Delivery (POD)

PODs are important documents for the customer service department of

manufacturers. The document is highly labor-intensive and contains high-
risk for human errors. RPA bots can track logistics systems and once the
delivery occurs, links the shipping data into the warehouse management
system. This frees time from customer service employees along with
improving response time.

We’ve explored RPA and intelligent automation use cases in

manufacturing industry. Feel free to check.

61- Patient Appointment Scheduling

The RPA bot schedules patient’ appointments based on diagnosis, doctor

availability, location, and other variables including financial statements and
insurance information.

62- Enhancing patient care by supporting analytics

RPA bots can collect various medical data. For example, RPA bots can
transfer patient data to third party healthcare analytics service to deliver
accurate diagnosis and improved patient care without restricting any
confidentiality regulations.

Feel free to check our articles on healthcare RPA and intelligent

automation in healthcare.


A comprehensive list of RPA use cases in government is listed by

Capgemini image shown below:

Source: Capgemini

63- COVID-19 health tracking & alerting automation

Like all tech companies, RPA companies also aim to help public authorities
manage the pandemic. A vendor claims that its bots help a health agency
by picking up the records of symptomatic people and sending alerts to the
appropriate healthcare teams7. This system reduces manual work and
eases the process of tracking symptomatic people.

You can also check our article on intelligent automation in government.

RPA applications for personal use

 64- Hobbyist use free editions of RPA solutions to build bots for
personal use for applications like transferring business cards to
Salesforce or pulling data from multiple websites to identify best
deals on auction websites
 65- Another app from a hackathon was built for P&G: Automated
receptionist for welcoming visitors to enterprise campuses

For more on RPA

To learn more about RPA, read:

 Our complete guide on RPA

 Benefits you can reap from RPA
 Our guide on RPA innovations that you can work with today, such as
no code RPA
 In-Depth Guide to Top 150 RPA consultants in 2022
If you believe your business would benefit from adopting an RPA solution,
look at our most up-to-date and comprehensive list of RPA products.

Please keep in mind that RPA is not the solution to all business problems.
Machine learning expertise may be necessary to automate complex
business problems. If you need help in identifying solution providers in RPA
or another category:

Find the Right Vendors

And don’t forget to download our RPA whitepaper:

Get RPA Whitepaper

We relied on reports (e.g. these real world RPA use cases) as well as our
experience while compiling this list. The specific case studies mentioned

1. Employment verification case study.

2. Worker’s compensation claims case study.
3. The co-operative case study
4. Inventory control case study.

Business Situation
The client depended on demand planners to manually update the safety stock levels for
various products in the ERP system. While there was a standard operating procedure (SOP)
defined for this process, this was a non-value adding activity for the demand planners.
Further, the frequent deviations from the SOP led to errors that significantly impacted the
fulfilment of the market demand. The client needed an automation solution that could
automate their safety stock updation in the system and improve the fulfilment of the market

Business Challenges
Our client had two significant business challenges that prompted the need for a Robotic
Process Automation (RPA) solution:

 Safety stock updation by demand planners was a repetitive, manual, and non-value adding
 This manual process was prone to errors, which resulted in stockouts and loss of sales.
Arvind Solution
Arvind’s team of supply chain management experts and automation/RPA SMEs developed
automation bots to solve for the above-listed challenges. The critical facets of this solution
are listed below:

 The RPA bot would run once a week, which triggered a series of steps listed below.
 The bot would read the emails and notifications received from the demand planners.
 It would mine for specific information, data points, and filters in the email and update the safety
stock details in the ERP without any need for manual guidance or intervention.
 As a final step, the bot notifies all users, including demand planners, of the status of the

 Customer

Fortune 500 firm

 Industry

Fashion Industry

 100% elimination of manual efforts for safety stock updation
 Saving of 40-person hours per week (i.e., 1 FTE per month)
 Error-free safety stock updation
 Improvement in sales turnover due to timely demand fulfilment

5. Appeals processing case study

6. P&L preparation study
7. Health tracking case study
Ultimate Guide to RPA in SAP: Top
20 Use Cases & Examples
Most of SAP processes are manual and repetitive, such as accounting
processes, transaction management, and reporting. This makes RPA a
great candidate for automating SAP and redirecting resources to higher-
value activities and processes.

For context, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) integrates all processes

in an enterprise such as finance, manufacturing, HR, supply chain,
services, procurement, into a single system. Systems Applications and
Products (SAP) is the most commonly used ERP software on the market
today. SAP software include applications or “modules” such that each
module focuses on a specific area in the business. Depending on the
industry, a combination of SAP modules is used to meet the company’s
need. SAP software help industries in:

 Collecting consistent data from all the different sources in the

 Sharing this data among different departments in the business in a
single database
 Having visual presentations and deeper insights and analytics for a
better decision-making process
RPA applications in SAP
RPA bots can tackle data entry, report generation, alerts, and other rule-
based tasks in almost all of the departments connected by SAP software.

1. Finance and Accounting

Finance modules in SAP enable up-to-date financial insights, fast and
accurate processes, and strategic use of financial data. RPA bots can
automate many tasks in SAP finance modules, such as:

 Accounting:
1. Account Payable (AP) process handles receiving, processing,
and paying money owed by the company. A highly automatable
process by RPA which we covered in our article AP
2. Account receivable (AR) process handles collecting money
owed to the company. Similar to AP, AR is highly automatable.
AR is the last step in the order management process and you
can read how AR is automated in our article on order
management for businesses.
3. Account reconciliation: Matching figures in the general ledger
against the figures in the bank statement
4. Financial close produces a report of all the previous processes.
This informs stakeholders of the company’s financial
performance over a specific time-period.


For instance, Rede Lojacorr, an insurance brokerage company,

leveraged IBM’s RPA solution to automate insurance processes. As a
result, the company was able to:

 Increase the efficiency of process execution by 80% without needing

to hire staff to support operations
 Process ~700 payments per day
 Increase the speed of data capture, processing, and delivery to
brokers and clients
Feel free to read our article RPA use cases in accounting to learn more
about automation potential in accounting.

 Financial planning:
1. SAP software focuses on analyzing financial trends and uniting
plans and actuals in one financial system.
2. RPA bots can gather data about financial trends and forecasts
to allow for faster analysis, budgeting, and operational

 Treasury:
1. SAP software allows for the user to analyze cash flow, capital,
payments, and financial risks from KPIs, reports, and liquidity
2. RPA bots in SAP can automate cash positioning (predicting
expected payments and expected receipts of the day) and
extracting reports from profit and loss (P&L) statements.

For more on RPA in finance, read our article Top 4 RPA Use Cases /
Applications in Finance in 2021

2. Interface and Connection

SAP systems need to be integrated to other systems. SAP environments
may be connected to different SAP and non-SAP systems in one enterprise
through Interfaces. These interfaces can be connected via:

1. SAP Process Integration (SAP PI), a platform integrating SAP and

non-SAP applications to allow the exchange of data between internal
softwares in the enterprise and/or external systems outside the
2. SAP Process Orchestration (SAP PO), a more advanced version of
PI that combines process management and integration features of
SAP, as well as SAP business rules management features.

The connection of these SAP and non-SAP interfaces helps in processing

numerous transactions on a daily basis. Feedback about errors in these
transactions is not easily detected unless a specific transaction has not
been completed. In this case, the user is required to identify the problem,
where it happened, and how to fix it.

Implementing RPA to monitor interfaces can allow for continuous

inspection of processes and connections, to identify any errors and report
them to the user for immediate response.

Businesses may also leverage workload automation (WLA) tools for

monitoring interfaces because WLA enable the execution, monitoring, and
logging of processes across multiple business platforms from a centralized
point, thus, providing a holistic view of all processes running.


An example of using workload automation for connection of SAP and non-

SAP systems can be seen in IT operations of BSH, a home appliance
company. BSH used Redwood Workload Automation to automate their
supply-chain activities. Despite the fact that BSH had a diverse set of
systems in its datacenter, including “five major central SAP ERP systems,
23 additional SAP systems, seven central non-SAP systems, and more
than 2,000 servers,” Redwood Workload Automation orchestrated BSH’s
automation capabilities across multiple environments.

3. Recruiting
Recruiting is a highly automatable task in SAP because of its mundane
nature. The recruitment process in SAP revolves around the following

1. Requisition management is done by the management and

recruiting team and is not a good candidate for automation. It
includes determining
o which positions need to be filled in the company

o how candidates are going to be selected

o how candidates will be assessed
2. Job posting aims to attract candidates by posting job applications. If
applications are going to be posted in to pre-determined job portals,
then this task can be automated. However, as the company reaches
out to new types of talent, this needs to be considered. For example,
Linkedin can be a great job board for a business development
candidate but honeypot can be better for finding software
development talent.
3. Candidate outreach includes searching in talent pools or
publications in different social media . This step can be automated by
programming the bots to scan talent pools and databases for
qualified candidates and outreach them with automatically
customized messages. However, this involves NLP capabilities from
the RPA bot and applications from RPA marketplaces may be
necessary to build such a capable bot.
4. Application entry and tracking, accepting application coming from
different sources such as emails and LinkedIn messages.
o RPA bots can automate this task by collecting, processing and
organizing candidate information to be stored in the company’s
ERP system.
o RPA chatbots can further improve this process by sending
automated replies to candidates as follow up, as well as
answering simple questions from candidates and providing
application instructions.
5. Job offer creation and sending, preparing individualized job offers,
which can be time-consuming due to variation in candidate’s
o In companies where a similar offer template is shared with
many employees, RPA bots can automate the job offer creation
process by:
 Preparing offers with each candidate’s information
 Process offer letters faster and with fewer errors
o In companies where offers vary significantly, hiring process can
be completed manually. This is one of the most important
processes in the company and if customizing offers are
necessary to win the talent war, companies should do that.


IBM Process Mining automatically records every task and activity executed
on SAP by HR teams once they explicitly allow for it and adds this data to
the ongoing analysis on the process mining platform. By doing so, process
mining monitors operations and deliver insights on HR processes. The RPA
candidate capability highlights the activities that are ideal for automation.

For more on automation in HR, feel free to read our articles:

 What is RPA for HR? – Top 9 RPA use cases in HR [2021]
 Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are specialized systems that
automate most of these tasks in an end-to-end manner. Rather than
building their specific automation systems, companies may find it
easier to adopt an ATS.

4. Sales
SAP modules for sales include many tasks that can be automated by RPA,
such as:

1. processing sales orders (requests, conditions, and confirmations)

2. data management (sales and contracts documentation entry, update,
and validation)
3. error corrections.

According to Statista, ±$7 trillion e-commerce B2B sales orders are

processed. Given the slower growth of e-commerce in B2B, a similar
volume of orders could be manually processed each year by account
managers and sales representatives.

RPA can improve these processes by:

 Data gathering, about clients, orders and requests, as well as

updating this database.
 Minimizing errors due to manual data entry
 Purchase order follow up, to ensure that the vendor received the
goods or services, accepted and confirmed the purchase, and finally
made the payments.
 Automating reports about completion of processes

One appropriate use of RPA is browsing for bids and Requests For
Proposal (RFP). This process is done by a sales representative to find
interesting sales opportunities. RPA bots can be programmed to crawl bid
websites, search for relevant RFPs and alert responsible to take the lead
from there.

For more, please read our article on order management.

5. Supply Chain
Both procurement and logistics in the supply chain department provide
opportunities to implement RPA because their SAP modules include
routine tasks like

1. For procurement SAP modules, RPA bots can automate

transactional tasks such as maintaining vendor records, and contract
generation and validation. For contract related tasks, NLP capabilities
are required and there are numerous AI vendors operating in the
space. Rather than using RPA, companies can also work with a legal
tech vendor and automate their end-to-end contract management
2. For logistics SAP modules, RPA bots can automate preparing
shipment schedules, shipment tracking, warehouse inventory, and

Implementing RPA in supply chain SAP modules will increase ROI, reduce
costs and errors of manually conducted tasks.

Why should businesses implement RPA in SAP?

Businesses using SAP ERP software will benefit from RPA implementation

 Decrease time spent on mundane, repetitive tasks.

 Reduce errors due to manual data entry.
 Ensure the compliance, quality and accuracy of outcoming reports
and services via automated monitoring
 ERP systems were built for interdepartmental collaboration on critical
enterprise processes. RPA makes it easy to automate processes on
the ERP systems and provides more incentive for businesses to
adopt the ERP as a single platform to share data and optimize
 Improve SAP and non-SAP interface connections
by providing constant transaction monitoring

A system integration firm implemented ARGOS labs low-code/RPA in their

SAP software and reduced 60 hours of report generation tasks per month.

What are some RPA in SAP case studies?

Zeuilling pharma is the largest distributor of pharmaceutical and healthcare
products in Malaysia. They have ±15,000 clients in Malaysia. They supply
distribution, digital and commercial services to enable healthcare
accessibility in Asia.

Implementing RPA into their SAP software allowed Zeulling Pharma to:

 Automate sales orders, invoices, bills, and shipment tracking.

 Cleared an entire backlog of more than 10,000 IT-related cases in
need of auditing
 Allow for more orders to be placed due to continuous RPA bots’
 Free employees to perform more strategic tasks

Which RPA solution to use in SAP?

Companies can rely on SAP’s RPA solution, Contextor or other RPA

SAP acquired Contextor in 2018 and integrated them as part of their

offering. However, most RPA software provides integrations to SAP and
companies look at their overall automation needs while purchasing an RPA
solution. Therefore, we see that SAP Contextor is not one of the top RPA
providers when we rank RPA providers according to their market presence
or momentum.

For more on RPA

If you are interested in applying RPA in your businesses, feel free to

read our article Top 67 RPA Usecases / Applications/ Examples, and
our in-depth article about the different solutions you can integrate to
automate over 42 back office processes.
Automotive leader implements RPA solution to
de-risk its inventory management and reduce s

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