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Organizational Communication

( Dual Program )
PRAD 305
Spring 2024
Dr . Neam Mohy El Din
Chapter 2
Check list :
• Definitions of Organizational communication .
• Reflections of Internal Corporate Communication Efficiency .
• Content of Organizational communication .
• Objectives of Organizational communication.
Definitions of organizational communication

Organizational Communication as Process

•As with other forms of communication, organizational communication is best
understood as an ongoing process , The process happens in developing
strategy, planning, decision making, and executing the work of the
• The process also happens during unexpected crises, changes in the external
environment, encounters with competitors.
• The process happens between individuals performing daily work and
includes messages to large numbers of employers, customers, and
• All these interactions taken together create and shape the ongoing organization.

lecture 1 3
Organizational Communication as People

⚫Individuals bring to organizations sets of characteristics that influence how

information is processed.
⚫Organizational communication contributes in creating relationships and assists
both individuals and organizations in achieving diverse purposes.
⚫Organizational communication happens between and among people who share
both work and interpersonal relationships. and also between and among people
who are geographically separated and who may speak different languages and
have widely differing cultural perspectives.

lecture 1 4
Organizational Communication as Messages
⚫Organizational communication is the creation and exchange of messages. It is the
movement or transmission of verbal and nonverbal behaviors and the sharing of
information throughout the organization.

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Organizational communication as purpose

⚫Organizational communication is planning , organizing, coordinating , controlling

and decision making .

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Reflections of Internal Corporate Communication Efficiency
1- Enhancing job satisfaction is achieved by employers who offer effective department that puts employees'
interests and needs first, pays attention to their concerns and recommendations, and places a high value on
establishing a positive organizational work environment. Therefore, the individuals operate within the
boundaries of their satisfaction which translates into attitudes toward their work. All of this is only possible
when internal communication is used effectively and in a way that increases employee satisfaction.
2- The quality of administrative processes is significantly influenced by internal communication throughout
all managerial operations, including planning, organizing, coordinating, monitoring, and decision-making.
Through internal communication, members of top management can establish organizational goals for
employees, and coordinate various activities within the organization to prevent conflicts and inconsistencies
between departments, monitor the activities of subordinates, select of the best alternatives for making
well-informed decisions.

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3- Improving Job Performance: Internal communications play a crucial role in informing
management about the challenges faced by employees. It contributes to increasing alignment in their
perspectives, fostering better understanding and reducing misunderstandings and differences of
opinion. This positive impact on mutual understanding reflects favorably on job performance
4- Development of Skills and Creativity: Through internal communication within the organization,
employees can interact with each other and inquire about matters they may not be familiar with. This
interaction leads to the development of their skills and enhances their ability to face and overcome
emerging challenges.
5- Reducing Organizational Conflicts: Organizations cannot operate efficiently without continuous
interaction among individuals and various groups. Individuals rely on each other for various purposes
such as exchanging information, collaboration, task completion, and more. This interdependence can
lead to cooperation or conflicts and contradictions. Here, internal organizational communications play
a role in achieving coordination between employees and different departments, helping to reduce
conflicts and promote harmony.

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Message Functions
❑ When we talk about Message functions within organizations, we are talking
about what communication does or
how it contributes to the overall mission of the organization.
❑ In our attempt to understand organizational communication from the
Functional approach, we describe message functions in three categories:
❑ organizing functions, relationship functions, and change functions.
❑ Each function is seen as important for an open communication system
1- Organizing Functions
❑ Establish the rules and regulations of a particular environment. Policy
manuals, employee handbooks, orientation training, and a variety of other
sources convey information about how the organization expects to work and
what it requires of its members.
❑ These organizing messages define and clarify tasks, develop work
instructions, and evaluate task accomplishment.
❑ The effectiveness of organizing messages can be evaluated by how well
organizational members understand and perform tasks, how rules and
regulations are understood and followed, and how sufficiently daily
operations support organizational goals. In sum, the organizing function of
communication guides, directs, and controls organizational activity.
2- Relationship function
❑The relationship function of organizational communication serves a personal function
by establishing connections between employees and customers. It helps individuals
identify their roles within the organization. This function also contributes shaping
individuals' identity with the organization, fostering a sense of "belonging" in their work
environment. It aids in coordinating work units to improve performance.
❑The effectiveness of relationship messages is reflected in individual satisfaction with
work relationships, productivity, employee turnover, overall support for organizational
❑ Whereas organizing messages communicate how the organization operates, relationship
messages establish the human interactions that make such operation possible.

3- Change Function
❑ Change communication is the process through which the organization obtains new
ideas and information, chooses among various alternatives..
❑ Change communication is essential for continual adaptation to the environment and
for meeting the complex needs of individuals working together . Timely and creative
change communication is required for a dynamic and open system
❑ Change messages happen in organizational problem solving, individual decision
making, feedback from the environment, and other choice-making situations.
❑ The effectiveness of change messages can be determined by whether the organization
gathers information from the best available sources and acts on that information with
a timely, quality decision
Objectives of Internal Corporate Communication
There are two approaches to present the objectives of internal corporate communications within
First: Objectives at the internal level of the organization, which are divided into:
1- Employees
Providing employees with information about what is happening within their organization achieves a
greater level of understanding and trust, reflecting positively on increased productivity. Certainly,
supplying employees with a sufficient amount of accurate information reduces rumors that can lead to
wasting time in baseless discussions.
There are three areas for providing information to employees in the organization:
1. Information about the organization: its production, future, and important decisions.
2. Information about the organization's policies, especially those related to their roles.
3. Information related to any urgent issues facing the organization.
Informing supervisors of the tasks to be performed, as well as the plans, policies, and procedures to be
followed, aims to achieve the goals set for them.

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2- The leaders are able to guide, supervise, and influence the employees.
❑ Recognizing accurate information and data.
❑ Understanding the reality of what is happening within the organization truthfully.
❑ Achieving complete coordination between the activities of different departments within the
Second: Objectives at the external level of the organization:
3- Audiences
❑ Providing the audiences with information about the organization's activities and events through
various media channels (such as the website, magazine, brochures, etc.).
❑ Understanding the public's opinion on its activities, policies, and products.
❑ Identifying public complaints and suggestions to improve its goods or services.
❑ Strengthening public relations and convincing them of the various services it offers.

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