Microsoft Word - Schema - & - Connections

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Schema/Making Connections Focus Lessons

Week 1 Modeling making connections





Think Aloud/Model Read text that is personally meaningful Model (think aloud) how you relate to parts of the text, how that helps you understand what is happening in the story or how the character might feel RWM pg 57-58

Working eye-eye, knee-knee Read aloud Ask children to get E2E, K2K and discuss connections, report out Discuss how talking about a book with a friend helps you understand things you didnt notice RWM pg 56 Think aloud/Modeling Using a Venn Diagram Building Schema Through Author Studies Read Oliver Button is a Sissy Compare Oliver and Grace Read a variety of books by the same author Chart connections Model how to use a Venn Discuss how by reading more than one book by the same Next day discuss text-text connections Diagram sheet author, you can make predictions, make generalizations and compare them Read Amazing Grace RWM pg 65 Model how to make predictions based on what you know RWM pg 67 about Oliver Button is a Sissy RWM pg 63-64 Literature Response Coding Text-Text connections Read aloud Discuss how to use two-column notes, response notebooks, Venn diagrams Model how to use sticky notes Work with a buddy to respond to previously read texts to make where you made a text to text connection Text World Connections Read stories that have current event themes Next day, bring in an age appropriate articles that show comparisons Response options Venn diagram 2 column notes RWM pg 67 Schema: Mention that schema is also used to build background for topic studies, good for science and social studies; RWM pg 67-68

Making meaningful Model & Invite children to share their connections Read aloud story that would be personally meaningful to connections many students Using their charted Invite children to share their connections responses, discuss which Remind them to connect to the text by saying things connections actually help like, When I read (or heard) these words, it reminded us understand the story Discuss the difference me of . . . or When I saw the picture it made me think . between connections and . . Chart their responses coincidences RWM pg 58-59 RWM pg 59-61 Small Group Discussions Releasing Responsibility-Coding Sticky Notes Read aloud Think aloud while coding Ask children to hold their connections in their heads Model coding sticky notes with T-S to mark places in Place children into groups of 4 and ask them to discuss your reading their connections and draw their most meaningful on Discuss how sometimes there ARE no connections in large sheets of paper certain books, dont force them! Share out again emphasizing how discussion enhances Introduce response notebooks understanding RWM pg 61-63

Week 5 Text-World

Week 4 Text Text

Week 3 Text Text Connections

Week 2 Small group individual release

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