LIT Scheme of Work For ISP5 Session 2023

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Subject: Literature in English (0475) Class: ISP5

Educator: Ndosak Cleopher Bih

TEL: 670688981

School Year: 2023/2024.


1&2 -General -Genres of literature Students recall their

Revision -Elements of past knowledge in
Literature - literary
-The Rhetorical devices concepts and be able to
IGCSE apply them in practical
assessmen -A0s 1 AOs 2 -AOs 3 literary appreciation
t following the IGCSE
Objectives AOs 4 assessment
in details objectives.

3&4 Othello by -Presentations of the -Candidates should Work

William writer’s biography have enough submitted to
Shakespeare -Summary biographical the students.
-Themes background knowledge to
-Background -characterization the writer’s life in other to
-Act 1 -setting decipher the situations in
Scenes 1 & -Style and Language the story and relate well
2 -Mood with the pre-set
-Impression expectations.

5 Act 1 Scene 3 -Students’ Readers should be able Original

Presentations - read, interpret text and Othello text
Summary identify literary elements with
-Themes and aspects used, then translated
-characterization show how it is relevant in version to
-setting bringing out meaning in ease
-Style and Language the text (play). understandin
-Mood g

6&7 Act 2 -Students’ Candidates should be able
Scenes 1, Presentations - to read the play and
2, and 3 Summary respond (by commentary)
-Themes to it from the following
-characterization perspectives: a)Content
-setting and meaning
-Style and Language b)Exploring Language,
-Mood style and structure
-Impression c) as well as developing
an informed personal

8&9 Act 3 -Students’ Candidates should be able

Scenes 1- Presentations - to read the play and
4 Summary respond

-Themes (by commentary) to it

-characterization from the following
-setting perspectives: a)Content
-Style and Language and meaning
-Mood b)Exploring Language,
-Impression style and structure
c) as well as developing
an informed personal


10 Act 4 -Students’ Candidates should be able

Scenes 1- Presentations - to read the play and
3 Summary respond (by commentary)
Themes to it from the following
-characterization perspectives: a)Content
-setting and meaning
-Style and Language b)Exploring Language,
-Mood style and structure
-Impression c) as well as developing
an informed personal

11 Act 5 -Students’ Candidates should be able

Presentations - to read the play and
Summary respond (by commentary)
-Themes to it from the following
-characterization perspectives: a)Content
-setting and meaning
-Style and Language b)Exploring Language,
-Mood style and structure
-Impression c) as well as developing
an informed personal

12 Introduction -What is poetry? Candidates should be able Handouts

to Poetry -Characteristics of to understand and can and notes
Poetry -The sense of a appreciate poetry from
poem its linguistic features to
-The sound of a its literary relevance.
poem -Poem types
-Rhyme, rhythm,
mood and tone
-How to analyze a poem

13 -Robert - Students’ Students should gain the

Browning, Presentations -Poem ability and skills to
‘Love in a summary approach a literary text
Life’ -Themes (poetry) and attempt
-Style giving a sound level of
-Lauris -Form of the poem appreciation from the
Edmond, -Rhyme pattern linguistic, sound, meaning
‘Waterfall’ -Rhythmic pattern and figurative categories
-Tone with respect to the IGCSE
-Mood assessment objectives.
-Deeper meaning
-Personal impression

14 -A R D - Students’ Students should gain the

Fairburn, Presentations -Poem ability and skills to
‘Rhyme of summary approach a literary text
the Dead -Themes (poetry) and attempt
Self’ -Style giving a sound level of
-Form of the poem appreciation from the
-James -Rhyme pattern linguistic, sound, meaning
Joyce, ‘I -Rhythmic pattern and figurative categories
Hear an -Tone with respect to the IGCSE
Army’ -Mood assessment objectives.
-Deeper meaning
-Personal impression
15 -Philip - Students’ Students should gain the
Bourke Presentations -Poem ability and skills to
Marston, summary approach a literary text
‘After’ -Themes (poetry) and attempt
-Style giving a sound level of
-Charlotte -Form of the poem appreciation from the
Mew, ‘Rooms’ -Rhyme pattern linguistic, sound, meaning
-Rhythmic pattern and figurative categories
-Tone with respect to the IGCSE
-Mood assessment objectives.
-Deeper meaning
-Personal impression

16 -Mary - Students’ Students should gain the

Monck Presentations -Poem ability and skills to
(‘Marinda’) summary approach a literary text
, -Themes (poetry) and attempt
‘Verses -Style giving a sound level of
Written on -Form of the poem appreciation from the
Her Death- -Rhyme pattern linguistic, sound, meaning
bed at Bath -Rhythmic pattern and figurative categories
to Her -Tone with respect to the IGCSE
Husband in -Mood assessment objectives.
London’ -Deeper meaning
-Personal impression
Pope, ‘From
An Essay

17 -Percy - Students’ Students should gain the

Bysshe Presentations -Poem ability and skills to
Shelley, summary approach a literary text
‘Stanzas -Themes (poetry) and attempt
Written in -Style giving a sound level of
Dejection, -Form of the poem appreciation from the
Near Naples’ -Rhyme pattern linguistic, sound, meaning
-Rhythmic pattern and figurative categories
-Algernon -Tone with respect to the IGCSE
Charles -Mood assessment objectives.
-Deeper meaning

Swinburne, -Personal impression

‘A Leave-
18 -Elizabeth - Students’ Students should gain the
Thomas Presentations -Poem ability and skills to
(‘Corinna’), summary approach a literary text
‘The -Themes (poetry) and attempt
Forsaken -Style giving a sound level of
Wife’ -Form of the poem appreciation from the
-Rhyme pattern linguistic, sound, meaning
-Derek -Rhythmic pattern and figurative categories
Walcott, -Tone with respect to the IGCSE
‘Nearing -Mood assessment objectives.
Forty’ -Deeper meaning
-Personal impression

19 -Henry - Students’ Students should gain the

Wotton, Presentations -Poem ability and skills to
‘The summary approach a literary text
Character of -Themes (poetry) and attempt
a Happy -Style giving a sound level of
Life’ -Form of the poem appreciation from the
-Rhyme pattern linguistic, sound, meaning
-Sir Thomas -Rhythmic pattern and figurative categories
Wyatt, ‘I -Tone with respect to the IGCSE
Find No -Mood assessment objectives.
Peace’ -Deeper meaning
-Personal impression

20 -Elinor - Students’ Students should gain the

Morton Presentations -Poem ability and skills to
Wylie, summary approach a literary text
‘Now Let No -Themes (poetry) and attempt
Charitable -Style giving a sound level of
Hope’ -Form of the poem appreciation from the
-Rhyme pattern linguistic, sound, meaning
-Rhythmic pattern and figurative categories
-Tone with respect to the IGCSE
-Mood assessment objectives.
-Deeper meaning
-Personal impression

21 General
with work

22 General
revision with
23 Start of

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