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School Vicente P. Trinidad National High Grade NINE

MICHELLE V. BORLAZA Learning National Reading Program
Teacher Area:
Teaching Date Catch Up Friday Quarter:
Guide Section/Time 12:40 – 1:40 PM Checked ALVIN PATRICK Q.
9 - Benevolence by: PEÑAFLORIDA, School Head

Component No. Activities

Preparation and 5 Pre-Reading
Settling In Activity 1: Wanna Try?
 To activate the schema of the learners, the teacher will
present a video commercial.
 Please see this link.

Note: The teacher may use other video advertisement/commercial of his


 After the learners watch the video commercial, a transcript

of the advertisement will be presented to them and
 The teacher will ask the class to read/sing it aloud.

Our best ever hotter, juicier, tastier, burgers!

Our best ever hotter, juicier, tastier, burgers!
Tikman na! ang mga McDonald’s burgers
Level up ang sarap, what a winner!
Daming binago all over! Tuktok, gitna, inner, and outer
Now juicier, tastier, fresher, softer, toastier, meltier,
Big mac, quarter pounder with cheese, double cheese
We’re the rappers who are lovers ng McDoonald’s Best-
 Discussion of the video will follow guided by the following

a. What words from the video were repeated all through

Answer: hotter, juicier, tastier, burgers

b. Are there words in the video that tells you to do

something? What word are they?
Answer: Yes, Tikman na! ang mga McDonald’s burgers

c. What is the purpose of the video?

Answer: To persuade, to convince the audience

d. In persuasive argument, what do we call the choice of

words use to convince the reader and influence
making a decision?
Answer: Emphasis Markers

 The teacher will process the answers of learners by

having a short recap about the five types of emphasis
markers and will proceed with the reading activity.

Dedicated 10
Reading Time During Reading
 The class will be working by pair.
 Each pair will be given a copy of the text


 When the teacher says GREEN LIGHT! Each pair will start
reading silently together.
 When the teacher says RED LIGHT! The pairs will stop reading.
 Then the teacher will call a pair to read aloud the part they
were reading before the y stop.
 The process goes on until everybody finishes reading the text.

Note: The teacher will say RED LIGHT every last sentence of each paragraph.

Activity 15 Post Reading

Activity 3: Read, Talk, Connect!
 After reading the text, the pair will talk to each other and ask
the following questions:
a. What issue is the text focusing on?
b. What is the writer’s purpose for writing?
c. What lines from the text used emphasis markers?

 The learners will also accomplish the text connection chart


 The learners will write about how they would relate the text
to themselves, to a previous text with the same topic they
have read before, and to the society where they belong.
 Sharing of answers and output with class will follow.
 The teacher will facilitate a short discussion.

Reinforcement 25 Activity 4: Lights camera, Action!

and Reflection  The learners will be divided into 5 groups.
 Each group will make a short commercial/advertisement on
how a student can take care the environment using emphasis
markers to persuade.
 Output will be guided by the rubric below:

Wrap up 5 Activity 5: Dialogic Journal

 The students will make a journal entry in their notebook.
 They will write the title of the text and the author.
 They will make a table with two columns.
 In the first column, they will write down anything from the
reading text that catches their attention or seems significant
to them.
 In the second column, they will write down why they find
that part of the text interesting or why it catches their

Prepared by:

Teacher III, English

Taking Care of The Environment

We fulfill our daily duties; we live our respective roles in life. Still, in
the process, we tend to forget some important people and things. It's
not difficult to identify what is pointed over here.

After reading the previous line, many of you would say "of course I
am concerned, and I do take care of the environment." This makes us
bear the consequences of not being eco-friendly. This is important
because only we "the human beings" have the duty to take care of our
environment, no aliens would arrive from Mars or Venus to take care of
this planet.

There are a lot of many ways to contribute in making the

environment cleaner. You only need to pick up any one or more than
one such method which you can do.

Reusing and recycling materials like paper, cardboards, plastic bags

(unless they are unhygienic) will help a lot in reducing land pollution.
Instead of throwing the organic wastes of your house, make manure out
of it and use it for your plants. You can find out on the internet easily
how making manure on your own.
To take care of the environment, you need to develop a concern in
your heart. Concern makes all the difference. See around yourself, the
trees, the flowers, the azure of the sky, birds chirping, beautiful scenes
of sunrise and sunset. Don't you feel attracted by these phenomena? If
yes, your concern to save the environment will automatically rise, as
neglection of the environment will adversely affect these things.

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