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Lifting the Veil of Villainy: A Study of Feminist Revisionist

Mythology in Kavita Kane’s The Fisher Queen’s Dynasty

Dissertation submitted to Mahatma Gandhi University in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of Arts

Submitted by

Anandu Santhosh
(Reg No: 210021004606)
Jenish Kumar
(Reg No: 210021004610)
Vivek V
(Reg No: 210021004616)

Under the Guidance and Supervision of

Dr. Krishnapriya K L
Assistant Professor


(Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam)

March 2023


This is to certify that this project entitled “Lifting the Veil of Villainy: A Study of Feminist
Revisionist Mythology in Kavita Kane’s The Fisher Queen’s Dynasty” is an authentic
record of work done by Anandu Santhosh under my guidance and supervision and that no
part thereof has been presented earlier for the award of any degree, fellowship or associate
ship etc.

Counter signed by

Dr. Krishnapriya K.L Ms. Veena Vinod Mr. Jithin Jose

Supervising Faculty Head of the Department of English Principal in-charge

Name and Signature of Name and Signature of

Internal examiner External examiner

I, hereby declare that the project entitled “Lifting the Veil of Villainy: A Study of
Feminist Revisionist Mythology in Kavita Kane’s The Fisher Queen’s Dynasty” is an
authentic record of work done by Anandu Santhosh, Jenish Kumar and Vivek V and no part
of this project work has been presented before. While preparing this report, I have not copied
from any other report. The findings in this report are based on the data collected to the best of
my knowledge and belief.

Anandu Santhosh

Jenish Kumar

Vivek V

Place: Pambanar


In the beginning, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the almighty God for
his abundant grace and mercy throughout the study. I would also like to express my
special thanks to the principal Sri.Jithin Joseand, Head of the Department of English,
Veena Vinod (Assistant professor) for providing us an opportunity to undertake this

I would like to extent my heartfelt gratitude to my project guide Dr.Krishnapriya K L

(Assistant Professor, Department of English), for her constructive support, guidance,
and cooperation at each and every point of this project study.

I take this opportunity to record my sincere thanks to all the faculty members of the
department of English for their immense help. I also thank my parents for their
unceasing encouragement and support. I also place on record, our sense of gratitude to
one and all who directly or indirectly lent their helping hand in this venture.

Anandu Santhosh

Jenish Kumar

Vivek V

Chapter I 1-5


Chapter II 6-13

The Metamorphosis of Matsyagandha

Chapter III 14-20

The Matriarch of Mahabharata

Chapter IV 19-32


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