Explanation Reporting

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External -

 Dito pumpasok yung mga limitations and restriction na meron tayo. At dahil dito nag kakaroon ng limit
yung strategic action na maaring icommit ng isang company. Dahil din dito nag kakaroon yung mga
company ng alternatives or change of strategy to address a certain problem or situation.
 Sa industry attractiveness naman pumapsok yung mga competion na nagaganap. Na sha-shape nito yung
startegu na makasabay at mag match sa indysry at changes because we all know that ang isang company
na hindi naka sabay sa pagbabago at globaslisyon ay napagiiwanan.
 Dito naoopen yung mga strategy na magiong open sa opportunities. For example, globalization. Sa
dami ng benefits na nabibigay satin ng gliobalisasyon we should take granted of that benefits.
 Na proprotectathan din ito ang isang company sa mga threats at sa m,ga future performance.

For Internal naman, we all know na meron strengths and weaknesses inside the company or isang

 Yung strategy na gagawin at ginagawa natin dapat nag mamatch sya sa kung ano yung strengths ng
company/ organization na meron tayo. Ito dapat yung nagiging foundatiopn or ground natin sa pag gawa
ng statregy kasi mapupuno lang nfg rink at danger if gagawa tayo ng statragtey tapos hindi pala doon
magaling or hindi tayo doon nag statand out.
 Alam nyo ba na sa pag gawa ng strategy crucial na magkaroon ng isang helath relationship ang mga
under nito na mag reresult ng commitment sa mga itp na magkaroon ng strong bonds. Sobrang
importante na magkaroon ng isang Manager na may strong leadership kasi we all know that for us to
satrt having a good result as a group, dapat meron tayaong mag lelasade for us to achieve our common

 In simpler terms, this quote means that in

order to be successful, you need to decide
what things you're not going to do. It's
about making choices and focusing on
what's most important, rather than trying to
do everything.

Business Ethics - In simple terms, this means using basic moral rules to guide how people behave and
make decisions in a company or organization.

 Imagine you're playing a game with rules (like a board game). Most managers make sure that the way
they play the game follows the official rules (which is like making sure their company's strategy is
legal). However, they might not always think about whether their actions are fair or right (which is like
making sure their strategies are ethical). So, while they avoid breaking the rules, they might not always
consider if what they're doing is truly fair or morally acceptable.

"selfish interest" refers to the idea of acting in a way that benefits yourself without considering how it
might affect others. It's like thinking about what you want or need without thinking about how it might
impact other people.
sYung mga tao na greedy sa wealth and powerand status madalas na nacocomity to kasi na siside na nila
yung ethical pricples nila for them to gain personal gain.

"Heavy Pressures" typically refers to situations or circumstances that create a lot of stress, strain, or
difficulty for someone. It could be a combination of factors like high expectations, tight deadlines, or a
challenging environment that puts a lot of pressure on a person.
For example, Si Culo nahihirapan na sya imeet yung quota at malapit na yung deadline. Makakaramdam sya
ngayon ng heavy pressure at dahil si Culo nga ay inaalagan yung kanyang fame, power, reputation. Willing
na sya iset aside yung mga morals nya just to comlply with the deadline.
"Profitability over ethical behavior" means that someone or a company prioritizes making money or
being financially successful more than they care about doing the right thing or behaving ethically. In simpler
terms, it's when someone values making a profit more than they value being fair, honest, or following moral
Dito, mismomg company itself yung mandarugas. And since yung company itself yung nag pupush ng mga
gnaitong gawain, yung mga employess under thei company would also think na its fine since the would
company allowed such things just to reache the profit goals even thoihj their ethical behavior ay hindi na
alam kung tama or mali yung ginagawa nyila. Na iign ore na nila kung ano yung tama. Tsaka langing nawsa
isipi na nila a yung palusot na “lahat naman ginagawa to”

The Chief Architect Approach: Imagine a company is like a big puzzle, and the owner or CEO is the
person who decides how all the pieces should fit together to make the picture complete. In this case, that
person is not only in charge of making those big decisions but also comes up with new ideas to help the
company grow and succeed. So, they wear two hats: one as the main strategist, deciding the company's
direction, and the other as the main entrepreneur, coming up with new ways to make the company better.

The Delegation Approach: this means that the person in charge is giving a big part of the job of coming up
with a plan to other trusted people in the company. These could be managers who are in charge of different
parts of the business, a group of talented people from different parts of the company, teams of workers who
can make decisions about a specific process or job, or sometimes even outside consultants who are brought
in to help with new ideas.

The Collaborative or Team Approach: in simpler terms, the statement means that a manager who is
responsible for making strategies is taking a middle approach. Instead of making decisions entirely on their
own or relying solely on others, this manager is involving key peers (colleagues at the same level) and
subordinates (employees they manage) to help come up with a strategy that everyone agrees on. It's about
working together to find a solution that works for the whole team.

The Corporate Entrepreneur Approach: In simple terms, the corporate entrepreneur approach is when
bosses at the top of a company encourage their employees to come up with ideas for new products or
businesses. They want their employees to think like entrepreneurs and take the initiative to develop and
support these new ideas. It's like they're saying, "Hey, if you have a cool idea for something new, go ahead
and run with it! We'll support you."

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