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Học tại Prep, đỗ mọi kỳ thi tiếng Anh https://prep.


Section 1.2: Học từ vựng qua video (2)

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Chọn đáp án thể hiện nghĩa của những từ in đậm trong các cụm từ / câu sau:
This financial fund is used to pay for welfare benefits such as unemployment and sickness pay.

A. quỹ
B. tài nguyên
C. sự cứu trợ

I'm afraid you've missed the deadline - the deadline for applications was Sep 30th, 2022.

A. cơ hội
B. mục tiêu
C. hạn chót

In 60 percent of the households surveyed, both spouses went out to work.

A. vợ
B. vợ / chồng
C. con cái

In a football game, a team can take a penalty kick if the opposing team breaks a rule.

A. ghi bàn
B. vi phạm
C. phạt đền

Natural Resource

A. tài nguyên
B. thảm họa
C. hạn chót

Older people tend to be more conservative . They are not willing to change to meet new

A. sáng tạo

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Học tại Prep, đỗ mọi kỳ thi tiếng Anh

B. bảo thủ
C. dài hạn

Điền các từ vựng đã học với định nghĩa tiếng Anh và gợi ý tương ứng trong ngoặc:
+) to refuse to give something or to keep back something (8 LETTERS) ___________
+) to give (something, such as an official form or a legal document) to someone in authority so
that it can be considered, dealt with, approved, etc. (START WITH LETTER “F”) ___________
+) to need to pay or give something to someone because they have lent money to you (3
LETTERS) ___________
+) continuing a long time into the future (START WITH LETTER “L”) ___________
+) belonging to or shared between two or more people (5 LETTERS) ___________
+) to promise or give your loyalty, time, or money to a particular principle, person, or plan of
action (START WITH LETTER “C”) ___________
Nghe và ghi âm cách bạn đọc các từ sau:

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Học tại Prep, đỗ mọi kỳ thi tiếng Anh

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Chọn 1 từ thích hợp trong bảng để hoàn thành mỗi cụm 3 câu sau:
CỤM 1:

a) The hospital has set up a special ______ to buy new equipment.
b) He plans to donate money to ______ health centers.
c) The ______ provides money to clean up chemically polluted industrial sites.
Từ cần điền vào cả ba chỗ trống: ___________

a) This book is an indispensable ______ for researchers.
b) To conserve _______ (s), please reuse this carrier bag.
c) Common examples of natural ______ (s) include air, sunlight, water, soil, stone, plants,
animals and fossil fuels.
Từ cần điền vào cả ba chỗ trống: ___________

a) We want _____ solutions, not short-term palliatives.
b) Requited love is not enough to sustain a ______ relationship.
c) The ________ unemployed now constitute a sort of underclass.
Từ cần điền vào cả ba chỗ trống: ___________

Thay thế các từ/ cụm từ trong ngoặc trong đoạn hội thoại sau bằng các từ/ cụm từ đã học
trong bài:
[M] I'm no good with numbers, so my ___________ (wife or husband) usually ___________ (paid)
our taxes. She does all the calculations and fills out the forms.
[W] You're lucky. Now, I usually have to pay an accountant to prepare my taxes. Because
actually, it was my fault 2 years ago, I changed jobs but forgot to ask my employer to

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Học tại Prep, đỗ mọi kỳ thi tiếng Anh

___________ (take back) enough money from my paychecks to pay taxes and received a
___________ (punishment / fine) at the end of the year.
[M] I did that once. Last year was the one time I filed our taxes, but I did it two months after the
___________ (cut-off date) and also had to pay a huge penalty.
[W] Yes, the penalty is ten percent of what you ___________ (have a debt), isn't it? I guess that's
why your spouse is the one who usually files your taxes.

Nghe và điền từ còn thiếu vào chỗ trống của đoạn script dưới đây:
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Have you thought about how you will ___________ your children's college education? Don't wait
until they are in high school. The time to begin saving is when your children are still ___________.
A good way to start is by investing some of your ___________ in the stock market. You will get a
good return on your money there. The best strategy is to ___________ a certain amount of your
monthly income to your stock ___________. Even after just two or three years, you should start
to see your investment grow. By the time your children are ready for college, you'll be ready to
___________ for it.

Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành các câu TOEIC part 5 dưới đây:
If you have any questions about the regulations for ——— taxes with the federal government,
please contact your accountant first.

A. filing
B. committing
C. owing
D. withholding

The reason for a penalty for underpayment of taxes is you and your spouse haven’t chosen to
file a _____ tax return.

A. conservative
B. long-term
C. separate
D. joint

If you have overpaid your income taxes, you will get a _____ at the end of the year.

A. deadline
B. refund
C. resource
D. investment

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Học tại Prep, đỗ mọi kỳ thi tiếng Anh

People who use professional tax preparation services get larger refunds and avoid _____ for
underpayment and missed deadlines.

A. reward
B. return
C. commitment
D. penalties

My employer often ______ a part of money from each paycheck to apply toward my income

A. invests
B. owes
C. withholds
D. commits

Hoàn thành đoạn văn TOEIC Part 6 sau:
April 1, 20–

Mr. Roger Earnshaw 2943 Northern Boulevard New Orange, NH

Dear Mr. Earnshaw,

Enclosed are your completed tax forms, which I have prepared for you at your request. I am
sorry to report that you will not receive the $500 refund that you expected. Instead, my
calculations show that you (1)____ $450 in taxes, as well as an additional penalty of $45 for
underpayment of taxes. The reason for this is that you and your spouse have chosen not to file
your taxes (2)____ this year. You may want to reconsider this for the future since, as you can
see, it is more costly for married couples to file separately. If you and your spouse wish to
continue to file separately, you may want to ask your employer to (3)____ a greater amount from
your paychecks so that you don't end up owing money again next year. This will be even more
important if you get the salary increase that you have been hoping for.

Write out a check for the taxes that you still owe and the penalty and mail it together with your
tax forms before April 15 (4)_____. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.


Kathleen O'Hara CPA

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Học tại Prep, đỗ mọi kỳ thi tiếng Anh

A. get
B. owe
C. reduce
D. know

A. jointly
B. apart
C. finally
D. on time

A. fund
B. receive
C. earn
D. withhold

A. holiday
B. schedule
C. deadline
D. anniversary

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