Creative Writing Course

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Creative Writing Course (Digiskills) 29-5-20 Amina/Aisha Teachers

Lecture 2:

Original wirting , in which self expression , original through, imagination, expression capture ho rahi ho ,

Basic life experience related life how you present creatively is writing.

Lec 3:

Two writings types

Fiction & non fiction and have different generas

Like poem it might be short stanza, shape poety sonnet, like tree shape, river shape, fee verse, black
verse etc

the type of book or story that is written

about imaginary characters and events and does
not describe real people or deal with facts, or
a false report or statement that you pretend is true:
[ U ] She wrote detective fiction and made a good living at it.
[ C usually sing ] It was a fiction, though widely believed, that he
had once been rich.

/ˈfɪk.ʃən/ US

B1 [ U ]
the type of book or story that is written
about imaginary characters and events and
not based on real people and facts:
The book is a work of fiction and not intended as a historical account.
a writer of children's fiction

C1 [ C or U ]
a false report or statement that you pretend is true:
[ + that ] At work she kept up the fiction that she had a university degree.
When he's telling you something, you never know what's fact and what's fiction.
More examples
 This is the acclaimed historian John Taylor's first sortie into fiction.
 Romantic fiction and reference books are a staple of many public libraries.
 A thwarted love affair is the (very) stuff of fiction.
 Fact is intermingled with fiction throughout the book.
 For many television viewers the dividing line between fact and fiction
is becoming increasingly blurred.

 non-fiction
 noun [ U ]
 UK
 /ˌnɒnˈfɪk.ʃən/ US
 /ˌnɑːnˈfɪk.ʃən/

 writing that is about real events and facts, rather than stories that
have been invented

memorie reporting, buisnes writings etc online you may find wikipeida page to draw , Eulogy for wife
death, articles, blogging,

citizen gerenalism , to take self pic and make write up,

bueines writing like instruction business writing, email communication don’t offend some body, report
wirrting, resume , cover letter, personal portfolio

Topic 4 | Introduction - Why would you want to Write?

Shandana minhas pak, mongreal books hain self writer, lint vika ji, slef experience wrote and then
momoire published job opportinites, social media marketing, sizzlers, film critics, editors, booki writing,
novel wirting ebooks, medical dr engineer as per thieir field can write up

What exactly is copywriting?

 Copywriting is the act of writing text for the purpose of advertising or
other forms of marketing. The product, called copy, is written content
that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a
person or group to take a particular action.
Niche, blog, technical , genral writers

Topic 6 | Let’s Get Writing - What is Fiction Writing?

Fiction Is imagination, to be observant, inspired by real life. Day dream technique, imagination,
descriptive writing, practical things and take imagination something out of practicle and use it for fiction.
Novel , poetry, sicience , real fictions.

Cli fi , related to climate fiction, like jurasic park

Comedy fiction, means comedy and seriousness makes comedy

K rule ----Kaa rule , creats funny something scientifically proved, cadillic,Quadruple,quantatino

Ga--- sound also create funny.

Rule of Three--- make three comedic sentences , 2 of one kind while 1 is other to make sudden funny
impression like eat less , dink less and get Nasa space to reduce gravity.

Comparision goal---

Timing ---- important in comedy

Cliché--- terms of area

Extremities---- to listen hear and read funny

What is story--- ingredients, incidents, twist to funny, language

Timing and frequency

Avoid ---sarcasm

Mems, jokes, vlogs,

Suspense kay hamain malom na ho sakay agay kya ho, ‫تھہرڑی ٹنشن‬

Means first show the situation and then result , the result which we did not discuss before, will be
shocking and process is suspense, use shorten sentences and speed to create suspense and breath

4-create constraints that complicate character’s goal

5- depict charater’s dilemma,

So take charater to peek of suspense upto peek like what is suitcase inside and complicate create
dilemma and then finally it was up and horror to see deadbody

Buildup suspenseful incident

Reveal vital information the characters donot klnow

Use shorten sentence and pace and speed

Create constraints of characters

Depict dilemma of character

Topic 12 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Fiction: Suspense/Horror-

Applications & Techniques (Part II)

Topic 13 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Fiction: Sarcasm


Straight razser without disgracing others

Self worlless nesss sacasim; means to depreciate himself to praise up somebody in simple words tanz

Dadpan sarcasm; means to refer something unknows to show sarcasm

Polite sarcasm:

Obnoxious sacarsm : little badtameez, why did I work , why not others

Manic sarcasm: become panic or fuly badtamiz

Timing and way of timing ; can indicate sarcasm

Context: should indicate sarcasistic

Write expression, he was mischievious, eyes were twinckling etc facial expression

Consistent: be consistanet that sacaism understood (punctuation , capitalization, spelling, internet


Topic 15 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Fiction: Drama

Hero, heroin, charaters, fellows , its features, and storie, make each charters, outline story and don’t
press happy handing it might be good or bad

Topic 16 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Fiction: Drama-Applications

& Techniques (Part I)
Plot charaters setting climat, climax, ending
Main plot, struggle of monther, mom one, two , three, son , 2 chldren, setting is moutaneous place,
thunder , stom, mountain , darkness, now sketch the plot

Topic 17 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Fiction: Drama-Applications

& Techniques (Part II)
Like independence particition time Pakistan, the authoer first bulid situttion, then charater building then
sketing plot or main events

3 month



Seeking shcelter ina a caver.

Plot building,

It was realy hard to walk in mudy park………….


The overflow of word that makes me emotional/ spontoaneous overflow of powerflow feelings’

Emotions and less words but flow feelings

Beauty is truth , truth feeling

Poetry aristic words rendering style

Free verse,

Rythem words style nai hota,

Haiku—japnease style poetry its particular patern

Sonnet—particular rythem

Blank verse

Limrik – funy form of poetry


Sustina , vilanaile, aquasti , naratic----history and epic couplet---histroy in poetric way

Topic 19 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Fiction: Poetry-Applications

& Techniques (Part I)
Poetry meter, makes rythem or verse or lyrics or utar charao, feet make meter some part make one feet
and all feets make poetry meter or rythem, basic five meter are thre

Haiku---- fallin in the ground

I realized the life in the grude

The moral was down

Iamic pantamer

Topic 22 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Fiction: Limericks & Jingles

Jingles--- subha binaka , sham binaka ………..sahat binaka

Is it familiar, it is easy to rmember, melody keep remember

Limerick--- funny poetry ,

Funny –5 lines poetry

Five lines

1,2,5th lines 7 to 10 sylabils

3rd and 4th ines have 5 to 7 sylabils

Paper plats glasses, disposal plat, disposal bottles , etc

Limiric--- 125th lines words ryme 7 yp 10 sylabils

34th lines are 5to 7 sylables and end word rym

Humaour hona zaori hay

s Get Writing - Writing Fiction: Limericks & Jingles-Applications
& Techniques (Part II)
jingle writing==== funy ryme or non funny

greeting cards, hallmark, blue mountain are sites to submit greeeings writings

Topic 27 | Let’s Get Writing - What is Non Fiction Writing?

Original wirting , factual wirting, information, research , reporting etc

It must involve real people, facts and events

Non fiction boring na ho but again but keep remember, its be factual real

Topic 28 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Narrative Non Fiction

Beginning, middle and end tabhi jakay narrative non fiction banta

Words, rythem , stle to speak all the inclusive

Topic 29 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Creative Non Fiction

Meorres, self story, and others story or motaivational sotry,

Personal , like there was a shortage of water tubewell installed

Topic 31 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Expository Non Fiction

Expose the truth to expose , provide facts int the truth for education and truth, nalysis and

Topic 32 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Informational Non Fiction

Information to people about world , news base

Topic 33 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Persuasive Non Fiction

Arugument to convice people to purchase, propaganda,
Topic 34 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Argumentative Non Fiction
Aguments to persuade

Topic 35 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Descriptive Non Fiction

Describe image like description detail

Topic 36 | Let’s Get Writing - Writing Illustrative Non Fiction

Pics making by words, analyse and present pic to something, with pics, pics video aside to describe

opic 39 | Phases of Writing - Importance and Strategies of


P- preview audience

L-listing of ideas

A-Assign numbers

N-note down sentences

Brain storming, mind map, and PLAN,

Topic 40 | Phases of Writing - Why Research?
Reseah is necessary for correction info, it change mind, light new info and give idea what others do,

To find thing new or style new,

Topic 41 | Phases of Writing - Strategies for Research

A lot things can not be read whole , things to take in view and take concern things only , outline reads

Then evey paragraph first and last sentence see , it will give idea about writing of paragraph

Books , mag, and intenet and other sources,, interview with relevant person, before interview
plan first

opic 42 | Phases of Writing - Conducting an Interview

structured, unstructured, semi structure,

Topic 43 | Phases of Writing - Discussion with Novelist, Short-

story Writer on Phases of Writing


1- Brain storming
2- The expand collected ideas into writigns
3- Eiditing

Topic 45 | Phases of Writing - Writing, Finding your Flow, Facing

Writer’s Block
1-Environment should be comfortable not distracting

2- things like stateionery which compel you to write

4- Routine follow up
5- Inspirtion
6- Potential
7- Groit discipline
8- Plan to follows, out line or plan
9- Curse of perfectism
10- Likhtay jain phir uski nok palak drust karain font flow break up
11- Incubation
12- Reseach ideas

Phase :

First scenario then reason , cause and effect should follow like cloud first then raining. The problem
should come first then solution., case study then soltuon

We can reverse as well , first result but reason after,

Opening para and closing para, you have to create interest , famous person , words or hook , text
heading , sub heading , bullets schemes, better paragraph should be short

Live with passion, Support the Cause “ Freedom of Kashmir Serve the Purpose’

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Eiditing: Topic 48 | Phases of Writing - Criteria for Editing

Eiditing is must , loud it so you hear necessary otherwise overlook, see after some time


Rite with close door and rerite with open door firs write wwhat ever in your mind 2 nd rewrite to refine
your idea accoeding yoru audientc ete, books reading structure paragraph vaculbary all will be good by
it, find friends to share writing



Brainstorming .. write without censoring filtering, then refine shortening ,

Mind map


Printed material

Interview from experts

Writing environment, like envoirontmnt or place to write every ting there to makeyou comfortable

Discipline and perseverance……….once in middle we need motivation

Writing block………

Take a break to take new ideas

Watch………………. 5 min for free writring

Text evaluation:

Editing and nok plak sanwarna

Grammer should be good, ACCODING TO topic, words , tone check sad or happy,

Keep and collect ideas and sources ieth you to write articles

Noun and vers,

Rich in noun like particular cap , heel, house , same for feelings

Make assignment of yoru mood what you feel full day take 3 5 moods and describe with exact nouns

Discover adjectives
Adverb, use minimum add to verb

; : both are in conjection sentences : is also related to same ; is some whtat little
difference ‘ use for ownership’ “ for speech”

Entertainment writing
Reviews and reviews or crtitique,
Video games writing
Colums for diaily issues,
Fashion generalism
Culture art and theater
Reach see , understand
Screen plays

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