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Here's a mixed exercise with fill-in-the-gap sentences for you to practice

conditionals 0, 1, and 2. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verb form.


1. If she __________ (arrive) on time, we __________ (start) the meeting early.

2. If you __________ (study) more, you __________ (get) better grades.
3. If it __________ (snow), we __________ (go) skiing.
4. If he __________ (have) a car, he __________ (drive) to work.
5. If they __________ (win) the competition, they __________ (receive) a
6. If it __________ (rain), we __________ (bring) our umbrellas.
7. If I __________ (see) him, I __________ (say) hello.
8. If you __________ (invite) her, she __________ (attend) the party.
9. If we __________ (eat) too much, we __________ (feel) sick.
10. If they __________ (call) me, I __________ (answer) the phone.
11. If it __________ (be) hot, we __________ (go) for a swim.
12. If she __________ (practice) more, she __________ (improve) her skills.
13. If you __________ (work) hard, you __________ (succeed).
14. If they __________ (not hurry), they __________ (miss) the train.
15. If I __________ (have) a million dollars, I __________ (travel) the world.
16. If it __________ (not rain), we __________ (have) a picnic.
17. If he __________ (study) more, he __________ (pass) the exam.
18. If you __________ (not listen), you __________ (not understand).
19. If we __________ (not leave) now, we __________ (be) late.
20. If they __________ (work) together, they __________ (finish) the project
21. If she __________ (have) more time, she __________ (read) more books.
22. If I __________ (win) the lottery, I __________ (buy) a house.
23. If it __________ (be) sunny, we __________ (go) to the beach.
24. If you __________ (ask) nicely, I __________ (help) you.
25. If they __________ (not arrive) soon, we __________ (start) without them.
26. If he __________ (travel) to Japan, he __________ (try) sushi.
27. If we __________ (not eat) breakfast, we __________ (be) hungry.
28. If you __________ (not hurry), you __________ (miss) the bus.
29. If she __________ (not have) any plans, she __________ (join) us.
30. If they __________ (not come), we __________ (be) disappointed.

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