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I. TASK A Cheska S.

Calis BSSW 1-A

1. Who was the sender? What was his/her motivation or intention for participating in the

communication situation?

- The sender of the said video was the two participants, the customer and the
owner, their intention in participating in the communication situation was to buy
products (buyer) and serve the customer (owner).

2. Who was the receiver? What was his/her motivation or intention for participating in the

communication situation?

- The receiver of the said video was the two participants, the customer and the
owner, as the communication process goes by the two participants change into a
sender-receiver and receiver-sender, the owner’s intention in participating was
to serve the customer while the buyer’s intention in participating was to buy

3. What was/were the sender’s message/s? How did the receiver/s interpret the message/s?

- As the buyer enter the store and told the owner the things that he wants to buy
(he is the sender in that situation as he initiates to start a communication), the
owner (receiver at that moment) interprets the message according to what he
hears and understand and there the communication starts to circulate. As the
buyer saw the wrong feedback (in which in that situation the buyer was being
the receiver) he again decodes it and starts to send the message clarifying to the
owner the product that he really wants to buy and the process goes on.

4. What was the medium used? Was it effective in conveying the message/s?

- A face to face channel, at some point it is effective as the sender and receiver
was able to clarify the wrong message but ineffective as the communication
process end because the owner got fed up.

5. What was/were the feedbacks? How did the receiver/s send the feedback/s?

- The feedback was the message itself and the gestures, reaction that the owner
have shown. The owner sends the feedback in an irritating way through his
gestures, reactions and the tone of his voice while the buyer’s feedback was the
unclearness of the message because of his accent and incomplete information.

6. Was there any noise? If yes, how did the noise affect the message/s?

- Yes, the incompleteness of the information and the accent or the way the buyer
speaks the message is unclear in the part of the owner in which it leads to

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