Ls Comp lb8 Teacher Guidance

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Teacher guidance for

digital activities in the
Learner’s Book
The guidance in this document provides suggested software and websites for various features
and activities throughout the units in Learner’s Book 8. It also provides guidance on Source files,
such as Python code, spreadsheets and databases that have been pre-made for certain activities
and are available for free on Cambridge GO.

Unit 1 Computational thinking and programming

General notes
Some examining boards provide pseudocode, or reference languages, as part of the curriculum
framework. This is to ensure learners know what pseudocode looks like. Although learners
do not necessarily need to write using this pseudocode, it will help them to know what the
pseudocode will look like and what key words are used so that they will be able to follow any
pseudocode the examining boards provide.
To complete the programming tasks, learners will require desktop computers, laptops or tablets
with a suitable Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Recommended IDEs are IDLE
or PyCharm, but there are many others available for use. If programming tasks also have
pre-written Python code available, this will be noted below.

Topic 1.1
Activity 1.1
In this activity, learners will work in pairs. One learner needs to receive a flowchart, and the
other learner needs to receive a Python program. Each learner then needs to write the input and
output statements in pseudocode for either the flowchart or the Python program. Once finished,
learners swap their pseudocode and then re-create the flowchart or Python program based on
their partner’s pseudocode. Please provide a flowchart and Python program to your learners;
you could use any flowchart or Python program from this unit.

Topic 1.2
Activity 1.2
Learners are asked to create an audio or video presentation about selection. Some examples of
software that learners could use are Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Windows Movie Maker,
iMovie, Keynote and Prezi, which is an online resource for creating presentations. If, however,
learners don’t have access to the appropriate equipment to record their presentations, they can
act them out in class.

1 Cambridge Lower Secondary Computing 8 – Ellis & Lawrey © Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023

Topic 1.3
Stay safe!
This feature informs learners that there are specific search engines designed for children
and young people to ensure they are not exposed to inappropriate content. Some of these
search engines are Safe Search Kids and KidzSearch.

Activity 1.4
This activity asks learners to create an animation that shows how a linear search finds a value.
Learners could do this using Microsoft PowerPoint, for instance.

Topic 1.4
Programming task 1.8
Although it is recommended that practise typing in Python code themselves, if you
wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Programming task 1.9

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Programming task 1.10

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Programming task 1.11

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Activity 1.5
For this activity, learners will need access to the Python code that is available in Source file available on Cambridge GO.

Programming task 1.12

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Programming task 1.13

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Programming task 1.14

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

2 Cambridge Lower Secondary Computing 8 – Ellis & Lawrey © Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023

Programming task 1.15

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Topic 1.5
Programming task 1.16
Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Programming task 1.17

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Programming task 1.19

You might wish to provide learners with the pseudocode for them to type over with the equivalent
Python code. If so, the pseudocode is available as Source file
on Cambridge GO. Please note that until the pseudocode in this file is written over with correct
Python code, it will not run.

Programming task 1.20

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Programming task 1.21

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Topic 1.6
Programming task 1.22
Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Programming task 1.23

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Programming task 1.24

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

3 Cambridge Lower Secondary Computing 8 – Ellis & Lawrey © Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023

Programming task 1.25

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Topic 1.7
Activity 1.10
Learners need to write the game of Fire, Water, Earth using iterative development. They can use
any suitable technology to create their game. For example, they could use a micro:bit, or they
could create it using Scratch or Python. Learners could even use presentation software like
Microsoft PowerPoint.

Programming task 1.27

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Activity 1.11
For this activity, learners will create a test plan for the test data they identified in Unplugged
activity 1.23. To create their test plan, learners can use software like Microsoft Word, Microsoft
Excel or Microsoft Access.

Programming task 1.28

Although it is recommended that learners practise typing in Python code themselves,
if you wish to provide them with the Python code directly, it is available as Source file on Cambridge GO.

Activity 1.12
For this activity, learners will need access to Python code which is available in Source file available on Cambridge GO.

Topic 1.8
General note
This topic requires the use of micro:bits. Micro:bits are small devices that can be used with the block-based
programming language accessed for free on the MakeCode for micro:bit website. Programs are saved and
downloaded to the micro:bit via a cable connection and the micro:bit then runs the code. A micro:bit has
built-in input devices including buttons and sensors to determine the direction it is facing and any motion.
It also has built-in output devices including LEDs that can be turned on and off individually. Additional
devices can be built to interact with the micro:bit to allow a wider range of programs to be developed;
however, none of these is required to complete the programs in this course.
Note that other physical computing devices are available, and you may need to adapt the activities
accordingly. If you are unable to access physical computing devices, there is an emulator and more
information on the MakeCode for micro:bit website. This has a virtual micro:bit which can be used to test
a program, or used in place of a micro:bit where they are not accessible, or are limited in number. The
website also simulates two micro:bits that can be programmed independently and tested. The programs are
saved on the MakeCode for micro:bit website but learners will need to create an account to allow them to
save and then access their programs in successive lessons.
Getting started
For the Now try this! activity, learners are asked to write a micro:bit program using the
MakeCode for micro:bit website, which is available from Microsoft. Learners are asked to do three

4 Cambridge Lower Secondary Computing 8 – Ellis & Lawrey © Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023

tasks: (1) output a different image depending on the micro:bit button pressed, (2) find the outdoor
temperature and output an image on the micro:bit to indicate what temperature it is outside and
(3) count how many times buttons A and B are pressed and output this number on the micro:bit.

Activity 1.13
Learners need to create a presentation, report or information booklet about data communication.
They can use a variety of software to do this activity. To create a presentation, learners could
use Microsoft PowerPoint or free animation software like OpenToonz. To create a report or
information booklet, they could use Microsoft Word. Learners could record a video if
video-recording equipment is available to use.

Unit 2 Managing data

Topic 2.1
Practical task 2.1
For this activity, learners are tasked with using a flight simulator. The recommended website for this
activity is GeoFS. If this is unavailable, other flight simulators include:
• Richie Carmichael Flight Simulator
• FlightGear Flight Simulator (this is a download, so it would need to be installed for learners first)
• Microsoft Flight Simulator (this is a game available from Microsoft, but it is paid-for software).

Practical tasks 2.2–2.3

For these activities, please provide learners with access to the Source file 2.1_keep_it_kool.xlsx.
This Source file is an Excel spreadsheet. Learners will need to answer three what-if questions.
The answers to these questions are available in the separate Learner’s Book answers file, which is
available digitally on Cambridge GO.

Topic 2.2
Practical tasks 2.4–2.6
For this activity, provide learners with access to the Source file 2.2_book_reviews.accdb.
This Source file is a Microsoft Access database file.

Unit 3 Networks and digital communication

Topic 3.1
Activity 3.1
Learners are asked to create a poster or infographic about copper versus fibre optic cables.
Any presentation software can be used, such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe InDesign.

Topic 3.2
Activity 3.2
Learners need to create a diagram or flowchart showing how an echo check looks for errors in
data after it has been transmitted. Software such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint
could be used to create the diagrams or flowcharts. Learners could also explore Prezi, an online
resource for creating presentations.

5 Cambridge Lower Secondary Computing 8 – Ellis & Lawrey © Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023

Activity 3.3
Learners are challenged to create an advert for a company which provides security software.
Learners are encouraged to be creative with their advert, and they can create it as a still image
or as an animated advert. Software that could be used includes Microsoft Word or Adobe
InDesign for a still advert, or they could use the free animation software OpenToonz for an
animated advert.

Unit 4 Computer systems

Topic 4.1
Activity 4.2
Learners will create a poster which gives information about the role of primary memory
in a computer. They will need to create this poster using software such as Microsoft Word,
Adobe InDesign or similar.

Topic 4.2
Activity 4.3
Learners are asked to create a quiz about the features of an operating system. They could write
out their questions on a piece of paper or type them out using word-processing software like
Microsoft Word. Learners could also use a website for creating quizzes, like Kahoot!, which is
available as a website or an app.

Topic 4.5
Activity 4.6
To carry out this activity, learners will require access to the Quick, Draw! website. This is an
online drawing game where the AI guesses what you are drawing as you draw it.

6 Cambridge Lower Secondary Computing 8 – Ellis & Lawrey © Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023

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