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Ejaculation disorders

Article in International Journal of Advanced Studies in Sexology · June 2020

DOI: 10.46388/ijass.2020.13.24


7 278

3 authors, including:

Alexandru Cordoş Delcea Cristian

Universitatea Crestina "Dimitrie Cantemir" Sexology Institute of Romania


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International Journal of Advanced Studies in Sexology https://www.sexology.ro/jurnal
© Sexology Institute of Romania ISSN 2668-7194 (print), ISSN 2668-9987 (online)
Vol. 2(2), 2020, pp. 85-88 DOI: 10.46388/ijass.2020.13.24



“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Iași, Romania

Corresponding author email: eugeniacoscodan@gmail.com

Ejaculation disorders are one of the sexual problems faced by the male population. These are common
and are often associated with other comorbidities. This article aims to present conclusive information
in the identification of ejaculation disorders, together with the psychological factors directly involved
in their onset and evolution.

Key words: sexual impulse, sexual behavior, ejaculation disorders, premature ejaculation sexual
dysfunction, delayed ejaculation, physiological factors, psychological factors.

INTRODUCTION sexual behavior. Also, another important factor

in terms of the evolution of sexuality, may be
Since ancient times, sexuality has played
the surprise of the parents by the child, in the
an important role in the development and
evolution of mankind. Each society, depend- middle of the love act, an action interpreted, in
ing on the culture, religion, values, traditions, most cases by the child, as an aggression.
customs, specific to each geographical area, Thus, people who receive a rigid and
presents certain rules in order to adapt, both to severe education may develop sooner or later:
the community they belong to and to the rela- deviant sexual behaviors, sexual dysfunctions,
tionships between individuals. These rules also paraphilias, gender identity disorders, ejacu-
apply to sexual behavior. The natural expres- lation disorders and others. In the following,
sion of natural sexual impulses was often we will address ejaculation disorders that are
limited by formal and informal education. In specific to men.
the study “Demonstration of fetal penile erec-
tion in utero”, conducted in 1980 by Hitchcock Theoretical approach
DA, Sutphen JH, Scholly TA., it is certified that According to the “Pocket Clinical
the impulses that are part of sexual behavior, Psychiatry Handbook” by Kaplan & Sadock,
appear from the first months after birth, in the 2015, ejaculation disorders refer to sexual
form of “erection”. dysfunctions that are affected by a number
Parents’ reactions, education, and atti- of factors, such as: biological, psychological
tudes toward sexuality, in terms of these and sociological factors. “The expression of
sexual impulses, contribute to and influence sexuality can be affected by internal and exter-
the evolution and development of future adult nal genitals, hormones and neurohormones,

*Corresponding author: 3 Toma Cozma Street, Iaşi 700554, Romania, Phone: +40 232 201 028


intrapsychic dynamics, interpersonal relation- without higher education. According to Kaplan

ships, socio-economic status and prevalent & Sadock, 2015, “it is considered to be related
cultural morals.” When multiple episodes of to partner satisfaction”.
ejaculation disorder occur, “sexual perfor- Premature ejaculation can be occasional,
mance anxiety” inevitably occurs, and it accidental and can occur in the presence of
“aggravates the disorder and tends to perpet- strong emotions or at the other pole, when he
uate it.” does not feel any emotion towards his girl-
In the literature, ejaculation disorders friend. Also, this disorder can occur after a long
include the following sexual dysfunctions: period of abstinence or early onset of sexual
premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, activity, being conditioned by the absence
retrograde ejaculation, anejaculation. of sex education, when the body is not fully
Premature ejaculation (PE) is also called The physiological factors involved in this
premature ejaculation. Before defining this disorder are:
disorder, it is important to know the defini- • drug use;
tion of the duration of sexual intercourse. The • prostate surgery;
answer to this question can be found in the • chronic prostatitis;
paper entitled: “Male sexual dysfunctions. • thyroid disorders;
Erectile dysfunction and ejaculation disor- • urogenital inflammation caused by sexu-
ders”, by Ion Dumbrăveanu, namely: “... as ally transmitted infections.
long as both partners feel good”. Premature ejaculation disorder is most
In the same vein, the author encourages often associated with several psychological
us to differentiate between sexual intercourse factors, such as:
and latent intravaginal time. To begin with, it • unconscious fear of the vagina;
is important to know that a fulfilling sexual act • couple or family relationship problems;
consists of at least three components, namely: • depression;
foreplay, play and postplay. • anxiety related to sexual performance.
The prelude, for some younger, inexpe-
rienced people, is often missing, or done in Delayed ejaculation is also found in
a hurry. However, in some works of sexol- psychology works with the name of late ejacu-
ogy, the foreplay is mentioned as a significant lation, and refers to the situation in which the
component, given the quality of a fulfilling act man is facing a significant delay in ejaculation.
of love. The recommendation to perform this The causes of this disorder can be both physi-
step is about 30 minutes, during which the cal and psychological.
man explores by caressing, gently touching the Physiological factors include:
woman’s erogenous zones. • age;
In this way, the woman relaxes and adjusts • the presence of diabetes;
to her boyfriend, who prepares her for the next • spinal cord injuries;
stage, namely play. In the above-mentioned • multiple sclerosis;
paper, the definition of premature ejaculation • the presence of a drug treatment (this
is also mentioned, which “is characterized by can be antidepressants, antipsychotics, strong
the occurrence of ejaculation at an interval of anesthetics, drugs that treat high blood pres-
less than 2-3 minutes from the intrusion or at sure or those that relax muscles, tranquilizers
least 25-30 frictions.” In other words, it refers to or inhibitors of serotonin uptake).
the situation in which the man reaches orgasm And the psychological factors include:
and ejaculation before he wants to. • untreated sexual traumas from
This disorder is “more prevalent in young childhood;
men, men with a new partner and those • alcohol consumption;
with higher education,” compared to those • drugs;

Ejaculation disorders

• late secondary hypergonadism; In the same formula, we can mention that

• stress; at the level of psychological factors, in addition
• couple or family relationship problems. to those mentioned, are added: limiting beliefs,
prejudices, dysfunctional thoughts, feelings of
Another disorder included in ejaculation shame and guilt accumulated from childhood.
disorders is anejaculation (it is when it is
impossible to ejaculate, regardless of the dura-
tion of sexual intercourse, even if there may be
the presence of orgasm). Physiological factors In conclusion, it is important to mention
can be: that in the psychotherapy of sexual dynamics
• the consequence of neurological diseases; disorders, the diagnosis is made by an author-
• traumas to the spine; ized specialist in ejaculation disorders. If drug
• surgery; treatment is recommended, it is applied in
• multiple sclerosis; conjunction with psychotherapy sessions.
• diabetes; With the help of a complex approach, in
The psychological factors in this disorder order to solve psychological and emotional
may be similar to late ejaculation disorder. problems, both consciously and unconsciously
they are approached through psychotherapy:
Retrograde ejaculation or “dry ejacula- automatic thoughts, erroneous conclusions,
tion” (is when semen is directed to the blad- sexual traumas related to sexuality acquired in
der, instead of through the urethral canal). This childhood and adolescence. Numerous studies
is considered to be a disorder, even if the man (Delcea C, 2019; Delcea C, 2019; Voinea M. M.,
reaches orgasm. Under such conditions, normal & Delcea C., 2020; Delcea C., Perju-Dumbrava
ejaculation is completely absent, or only a very D., Kovacs, M. I., et al, 201) confirm our results.
small amount of semen may be expelled. This For effectiveness in treating ejaculation
phenomenon can be easily observed immedi- disorders, it is recommended to look beyond
ately after orgasm, when it can be seen that the the act of treating sexual dysfunction itself,
urine is “cloudy”, being mixed with semen. We which is the correct relationship to sexu-
must also mention that this disorder can affect ality, taking into account both the sexual
the quality of semen, in the case of the man com­ ponent and the emotional component.
who wants to have children.
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• multiple sclerosis;
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