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Part 1 (Personal Data)

1. Sex: 1. ( ) male 2. ( ) female

2. Age _ _ years.

3. Do you have permanent residence in Bangkok

( ) Yes ( ) No

4. Family Status:

1. ( ) single 2. ( ) married

3. ( ) separated/ divorced 4. ( ) others

(please identify) _ _ __

5. Educational Level: \\J I

1. ( ) high school 2. ( ) college

3. ( ) university certificate 4. ( ) bachelor degree

5. ( ) master degree 6. ( ) doctorate

6. Occupations:

1. ( ) student/undergraduate 2. ( ) government

3. ( ) owning business 4. ( ) private officer

5. ( ) others (please identify)

7. Income per month: l1ri1 O' at\~

1.( ) 5,000 Baht or lower 2. ( ) 5,001-10,000 Baht

3. ( ) 10,001 - 15,000 Baht 4. ( ) 15,001-20,000Baht

5. ( ) 20,001- 25,000 Baht 6. ( ) 25,001-30,000Baht

Part 2: Original Product

I.Do you use shampoo?

1. ( ) Yes. 2. ( ) No.

2.Identify brand name of shampoo that you used

(If your answer included Sunsilk shampoo please, continue to answer

question no.3-10.)

From question no. 3 - 10 only tick mark the response most closer to your
feeling (only 1 answer).

3.Quality of Sunsilk shampoo exact to your expectation.

1 2 3 4 5

Absolutely exact Exact O.K. Not exact Absolutely not


4. You are satisfied with Sunsilk shampoo.

1 2 3 4 5

High satisfied Satisfied O.K. Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

5.You will buy Sunsilk shampoo in next purchase.

1 2 3 4 5

Surely buy Buy May buy Not buy Surely not buy

6.You will recommend friends or others to know Sunsilk shampoo's

I 2 3 ,. 4 5

Surely May Not Surely not

recommend Recommend recommend recommend Recommend

7. You feel that Sunsilk shampoo is different from other shampoo brands.
1 2 3 4 5

Very different Different So so Indifferent Very

8.You think that you are stable to Sunsilk shampoo brand.
1 2 3 4 5

Absolutely stable Stable So so Not stable Absolutely

not stable

9.If Sunsilk Shampoo is not available in the store, you don't feel difficulty
to select other brand of shampoo instead of Sunsilk Shampoo.
1 2 3 4 5

Extremely not Not difficult moderate difficulty Extremely difficult


IO.When other brands of shampoo offer discount price, you will buy that
brand instead of Sunsilk Shampoo.
1 2 3 5

Surely Buy Buy May not buy Not buy Surely not buy
Part 3: Extended Product

l.Do you use Olive-oil mixed shampoo?

1. ( ) I have used 2. ( ) I have not used

3. ( ) I plan to use

2.Identify brand name of Olive-oil mixed shampoo that you have used it.

(If your answer included Sunsilk 's brand please, continue to answer
question no.3-11.)

From question no. 3-11,only tick mark the response most closer to your
feeling (only 1 answer).

3.Quality of Olive-oil mixed Sunsilk shampoo exact to your expectation.

1 2 3 4 5

Very exact Exact So so Not exact Very not exact

4.You are satisfied with Olive-oil mixed Sunsilk shampoo.

1 2 3 4 5

Highly satisfied Satisfied OK Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

5.You will buy Olive-oil mixed Sunsilk shampoo in next purchase.

1 2 3 4 5

Surely buy Buy May buy Not buy Surely not buy

6.You will recommend friends or others to know about Olive-oil

mixed Sunsilk shampoo.

I 2 3 4 5

Surely May Not Surely not

recommend Recommend recommend recommend recommend

7.You feel that Olive-oil mixed Sunsilk shampoo is different from other
Olive-oil mixed shampoo.
1 2 3 4 5

Very much Different So so Indifferent Very much

different Indifferent

8.You think that you are stable to Olive-oil mixed Sunsilk shampoo brand.
1 2 3 4 5

Extremely Extremely

stable Stable So so Not stable not stable

9.If Olive-oil mixed Sunsilk Shampoo is not available in the store, you
feel difficulty to select other brand of shampoo instead of Sunsilk
1 2 3 4 5

Very much difficult moderate not difficult not difficult

difficult at all

10.When other brands of Olive-oil mixed shampoo offer discount price, you
will buy that brand instead of Olive-oil mixed Sunsilk Shampoo.
1 2 3 4 5
Surely Buy Buy May not buy Not buy Surely

Not buy

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