Діагностична робота Doing things

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Diagnostic test

Doing things
Date______ Name____________________________________________Form 2

І. Прочитай текст і постав “+” або “–“. Read the text and put “ +” or “ –“.

We are in the yard .The weather is sunny . I am playing with a cat. Ann is jumping
like a frog . Max and Fred are playing football .Jack is swinging .We are making
faces and having a lot of fun.

1.Ann is swimmimg. ____

2.Max and Fred are playing basketball. ____
3.I am sleeping. _____
4.Jack is eating. _____
5.The children are in the park. _____
6.We are making faces. _____

ІІ. Fill in the blanks and match. / Заповни пропуски і з’єднай.

S _nday Понеділок
Th_ _sday Середа
S_tu_day Вівторок
M_nd_y Субота
Fr_day Неділя
T_e_day П’ятниця
W_d_esday Четвер

ІІІ. Read and write. / Прочитай і поєднай.

Clean clothes
put on face
go to up
wash school
have teeth
get lunch

IV. Make up sentences and write. / Утвори речення і напиши.

1. swimming. / is / Fish _________________________________________________
2. is / He / face. / washing _______________________________________________
3. brother / My / а book. / is / reading _____________________________________
4. am / I / walking. ____________________________________________________

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