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Cost and financial accounting – Session 4 – IML 2023

Operating cycle: “The engine of profit” “The engine of liquidity”

Accounts payable - > Raw Material - > W.I.P. Work in progress/process - > Finished goods ->
Accounts Receivable - > Cash -> repeat

The Longer it takes to complete an operation cycle – the longer it takes us to generate profit, as such
we want to make the cycle repeat as quick as possible.

As long ass you generate enough liquidity to pay your creditors – Your business will stay afloat.

Working Capital - The capital that is necessary to pay for the current assets which are required to
keep the operation running , e.x. to fund the Inventories, Accounts Receivable and Cash necessary to
keep operating the business.

The investment made in working capital by the organization itself from its total pool of funds is
estimated as : Working Capital = Total Current Assets – Total Current Liabilities

Working Capital Structure

A firm should not fund too much of its working capital by accounts payable or short-term funding,
this in turn could cause serious problems if business slows down and could lead to liquidity
problems, where the company has difficulty in paying its bills as they fall due.

In such cases creditors and other providers of short-term funds can easily stop supplies or call in
short term loans/overdrafts. This can lead to the firm’s bankruptcy.

Ratio Analysis – Assists the analysis in the assessment of:

- Operational Profitability
- Liquidity
- Asset Management and efficiency
- Debt Management

Inter-relatedness of Financial Ratios

ROI (ROCE)  Balance Sheet Ratios


Income Statement Ratios Sales / Capital Employed (Asset turnover)


Profit / Sales (Profit Margin) Fixed asset turnover ratio <- Working Capital Ratio


Sub-Analyzed as a cost to sales Ratios Acc. Payable, Receivable Liquidity Ratio

Inventory, Turnover Rate

Where do the Numbers come from in the Higgledy/Piggledy Ratio set? H/W for Session 5
Principles of Accounting 2 – Last chapter deals with Financial Ratios and

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