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06 北京卷七选五 备战 2023 高考英语复习之


一. 七选五速选技能

二. 真题详解 (思路解析, 阅读高频词,长难句分析 )

三. 拔高突破练





秒杀技能 一 词汇线索

1. 代词

代词是指代前面涉及的名词或形容词,利用这种指代关系和代词的单复数对比可以快速解题。如:it, they,

he ,she, one, some 等。





秒杀技能 二 试题位置线索

1. 问题在段首



2. 问题在段尾

若第一段的段尾是问题,通常会有一些信号词如转折词,或提领词引出来。如:Here are some….

若末段段尾是问题,通常是结论,概括性词句。通常由下列词引出:therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in

short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word 等。



3. 问题在段中



秒杀技能 三 细节逻辑线索

1. 因果关系:空格前后的句子有着原因和结果之间的关系,这种关系往往说明了前因后果或者前果后因的

情况。表示因果关系的连词有 as a result, thus, therefore, so ,such 等。

2. 转折关系:如果空格前后是两句话逻辑上的逆转,则空格处很有可能是个转折关系的句子。表示转折关

系的连词有:however, nevertheless, still, though, yet, at any rate, in spite of, in any case, whoever, whatever, on

the contrary, in contrast, by contrast, by comparison, not…but 等。

3. 例证关系:空格前后的句子为了证明另一句而举的例子。形式多样,需要细心观察。

4. 递进关系:空格前后如果是逻辑上的递进关系,则空格处很可能是个有递进关系的句子。表示递进关系

的词有:further, furthermore, also, likewise, similarly, moreover, in addition, what’s more, either, too, neither, not

only…but also 等。

5. 平列关系:表示平列关系的词有:first, second…; firstly…secondly…thirdly; in the first place…; for one

thing…, for another thing; to begin with, to conclude 等。

真题剖析 1

(2022 年 北京卷)
Health and fitness help a person live a good and healthy life. Often due to various pressures, we tend to ignore

our health. ____15____ It is the fitness level of our body that helps us fight these diseases.

____16____ We need to be fit to have a healthy body. Similarly, if we are healthy we shall naturally be

attracted towards maintaining the fitness of our body. Health is the state of our body at a given time. We may not

have any disease but still have a weak body, which is ready to be targeted by viruses. ____17____ This does not

definitely mean that we are not healthy. It means the fitness level is not in accordance with our age and the climatic

conditions we live in.

It is important for everyone to devote some time to health and fitness. ____18____ For instance, we must

exercise daily regardless of our age and working style. There are different levels of exercises for different age

groups and we must do them according to our own health and age.

Additionally, it is important to relax our body. We should have at least six to eight hours of sleep every day. It

helps in improving our immune (免疫) system and protects us against diseases. ____19____ This, in turn, gives us

new goals of health and fitness.

A.Fitness levels decide the quality of life.

B.Health and fitness are interrelated to each other.

C.It also helps in keeping us calm and relaxes our mind.

D.For instance, we may have a tendency to catch a cold easily.

E.If we keep our body fit, we can enjoy life in a better manner.

F.There are some activities which everyone should do in our life.

G.This makes our body suffer and we will catch other diseases.


1. various

高考链接 (2021 北京卷 阅读理解)When I saw the various supplies we had collected, it hit me that every kit

we were to build that day would eventually be in the hands of an Iraqi child.

2. similarly

3. maintain

高考链接 (2021 北京卷 阅读理解)Among the signatories of the warning was Bob Johnson, the originator of

the "ecological footprint" concept, which measures the total amount of environmental input needed to maintain a

given lifestyle.

4. fitness

5. condition

6. suffer

7. in accordance with


高考链接 (2020 北京卷 阅读理解)For the past five years, Paula Smith, a historian of science, has devoted

herself to re-creating long-forgotten techniques.

9. tend to

10. in return


1. We may not have any disease but still have a weak body, which is ready to be targeted by viruses.

2.There are different levels of exercises for different age groups and we must do them
according to our own health and age.

真题剖析 2

( 2021 年 北京卷 )


Music has long been considered to be an enjoyable pastime for many people. ____35____ The mental

health benefits from music can't be argued.Music could also be helping you with many other health problems

behind the scenes.____36____However,for the same reason,music can be very beneficial if one is in

pain.By distracting (分心) the mind from the pain,music,people say,can lower stress and anxiety

levels.This,of course,can lead to less pain.

Many people enjoy relaxing music in the evening prior to going to bed.____37____While the validity of the

idea is still being assessed,the lowered stress can even be tied back to blood pressure.Similarly, according to

researchers,listening to just 30 minutes of soft music every day may help with healthy blood sugar levels,
through the lowering of stress and anxiety.

When it comes to heart health,there is speculation (推测) that it's not the style of music, but rather the

tempo that makes it so good for your heart health.In one European study,participants listened to music as the

researchers monitored their heart rates and blood pressure.____38____ On the other hand,when the music

slowed,the participants' stress and anxiety levels became lower and the effects on heart rates appeared to follow


____39____But there is a whole range of other health issues that turning up the radio could be beneficial

for,which is what makes music so valuable.

A. This feeling can also result in many other health problems.

B. Some experts say that music can be harmful if it is too loud.

C. This idea is a little off-the-wall but still has scientific backing.

D. They say it can play a big role in calming the brain enough to sleep.

E. The implications of music on overall well-being are really impressive.

F. It is also highly popular due to the individualized effects on stress and anxiety.

G. Interestingly,the more cheerful the music was,the faster their heart rates were.


1. mental

高考链接 (2020 新课标 I 卷 阅读理解)The beauty of rereading lies in the idea that our bond with the work is

based on our present mental register.

2. benefit

3. argue

4. scenes

5. lower

6. anxiety

高考链接 (2021 天津卷 阅读理解)In all, 80 examinations were conducted for the project between January

and September, 2019, focusing on the imaging procedures that would cause anxiety.

7. assess

8. blood pressure

9. When it comes to

10. participants

11. rate

12. issue

高考链接 (2021 天津卷 阅读理解)Space to practise became an issue between us because we shared a room.


1. While the validity of the idea is still being assessed , the lowered stress can even be tied back to blood


2.When it comes to heart health ,there is speculation (推测) that it's not the style of music , but rather

the tempo that makes it so good for your heart health.

3.On the other hand , when the music slowed , the participants' stress and anxiety levels became lower and

the effects on heart rates appeared to follow suit.



Passage 1
Many people often find themselves waking up in the middle of the night, unusually awake and excited. __1__
That's really frustrating. However, there is no need to worry. Here are some effective ways to help you fall asleep
Remain in bed. For you to fall asleep, your heart rate needs to slow down. When you get up, your heart rate
goes up. So, avoid going to the bathroom during the night if you can. Do not eat too little or too much for dinner.
Do not drink and fill your bladder ( 膀胱) before bed. __2__ It may make you fall asleep faster, but it may also
disrupt your sleep later in the night.
Stay in the dark. When you cannot sleep, LED lights on printers and cable boxes may be the reason. The same
is true for light streaming in through cracks in curtains. __3__ You should cover lights with tape and wear a sleep
mask. A popular choice has deep eye cups so your eyes can open and shut while you wear them.
Quiet your mind. Try ways to relax, such as deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness exercises. __ 4__ The

point is to keep your brain busy with something that is not demanding and is relaxing.
__5__ If your wake-up time is 6:30 am and your clock reads 3:00 am, do not think “Oh, no! I have only
three hours left!” Instead, say to yourself “Oh, great! I have three more hours to sleep!\”
You have a problem if you wake three times a week for more than three months. It may affect your quality of
life. You need to find a sleep expert who can help identify the cause and fix it.
A.Think in a positive way.
B.Maintain a calm attitude.
C.They may keep you awake.
D.Most importantly, avoid alcohol in the evening.
E.You can do simple math problems in your head.
F.Getting up to do some mild exercise is also helpful.
G.Tossing and turning in bed, they are unable to fall asleep.

Passage 2
Resolving(解决) Conflict in Friendships
Conflict is surely a common problem in life and friendships. 1 That’s because there isn’t enough depth to
guarantee all the trouble it takes to smooth over the disagreement.Unfortunately,even when the friendship reaches
a deeper level,conflict continues to happen and can break apart a relationship.Here are some resolutions.
Resolve it the day it happens.One rule my parents follow in their marriage is that they don’t go to bed angry
with each other.They always attempt to resolve things the day it happens so that in the morning ,it’s a fresh start
with no past grudge (怨恨).I’ve found I need a short cool down period so that I don’t act in anger. 2 Whatever
you do,don’t let things ride for too long.
3 Sometimes if you sit down and talk things over , you begin to see where the other person is coming
from.Realize that everyone has been created differently with various talents ,abilities,and personality traits.For
example,you might be a leader while your friend is more of a follower.You may be frustrated with him or her for
not being very decisive.Yet it is important to understand that each person is unique and needs to be appreciated.
Initiate resolution. 4 Even when you think the other person is wrong,it’s not a bad thing to say “I’m sorry if
I offended you in that way.” If you’re honest and genuine in delivering your words ,there’s a good chance your
friend will respond positively.
Most importantly,be loving in what you do.Try to focus on peacefully resolving the disagreement.It is not a
most pleasant task to resolve conflict in any friendship. 5
A.Don’t expect too much.
B.Try to see from the other person’s perspective.
C.Be the first person in a fight to say sorry for your part.
D.Many shallow friendships end up being ruined after an argument.
E.To say sorry bravely when a conflict breaks out is a better resolution.

F.However,it is worth the efforts because it results in a deeper friendship.
G.For some,counting to one hundred before saying anything may be an option.

Passage 3
An important part of raising your children is teaching them good manners as it helps them be more successful
in life. 1 Here are some “old-fashioned” but important manners for your modern kids.
Saying “thank you” to service workers
Saying “thank you” is the base of all good manners but these days many children overlook thanking the people
that help them in many little ways each day , like waitstaff , store clerks , and bus drivers.It’s not just about
politeness but about teaching children to recognize and acknowledge others’ contributions as valuable. 2
Taking turns talking
Teach your children to tap your arm and then wait patiently for you to acknowledge them before speaking.If
they do interrupt ,calmly tell them it’s rude to interrupt and let them know you’ll acknowledge them shortly. 3
Offer your children the same politeness and don’t interrupt them when it’s their turn to talk.
Using their indoor voices
4 A parent should teach their children early on how to moderate their volume and tone based on the
situation.You can make it into a fun game for little ones,like seeing who can whisper the quietest at a cinema.
Covering a cough or sneeze
These days it’s more important than ever to teach children to cough or sneeze into a tissue or their elbow.It’s
not just a matter of hygiene (卫生)—no one enjoys getting sprayed. 5 Don’t forget to teach them to say “excuse
me” after.
A.Remember it goes both ways.
B.Consequently it makes others feel cared about.
C.Games are very important for children’s good manners.
D.Crying,laughing,or just talking,children can be very loud.
E.Lacking basic manners will affect kids in all areas of their lives.
F.It is also a way to help others feel safe and comfortable around you.
G.Eventually it’s about teaching them not to treat others as their servants.

Passage 4
Last Sunday I was thinking about the difference between successful people and those who don’t achieve
anything significant.I made an interesting discovery.This difference may at first look obvious ,but the fact is quite
the opposite. 1
Everyone has a purpose behind their actions.If they don’t , they wouldn’t take action. 2 When they take
action,at the back of their minds they think about success that this action is going to bring them.
3 What’s the purpose behind your actions?Do you work to thrive(蓬勃发展) or to survive? Do you go to

work to feed your family or to create an amazing lifestyle?
Different purposes will result in completely different life experiences.People who work to survive are the ones
who fear that some unexpected bill will arrive.They go to bed worrying about money and unimportant things.They
hate their employment but don’t quit because they doubt their own ability to create something greater.I know this
kind of feeling because I was like that once.That’s a very uncomfortable state to be in because you are constantly
worried about insignificant things. 4 Therefore,you cannot achieve anything great.
Now there are some people who don’t accept the “Life is hard” story and they are fueled by an entirely
different purpose.
They work to thrive. 5 They have a beautiful vision and they take constant action to make that vision a
A.And they don’t think about why something cannot be done.
B.Such an attitude invites great opportunities to you.
C.It lies in what motivates people to take action.
D.So let me ask you a few questions.
E.And this makes you take even more or better quality action.
F.This state does not allow you to be creative.
G.But successful people have a completely different purpose behind their actions.

Passage 5
Understand Your Pet’s Body Language
Body language is different depending on what sort of animal you have chosen as your pet. 1 Understanding
your pet’s body language will help you to be a better communicator , as you can even copy some of its
movements,expressions and sounds to send your message in a way it understands.
• 2 If your dog isn’t looking directly at you,but is looking out of the corners of its eyes so that you see a lot
of the whites of the eyes , it might be about to have an aggressive outburst.If your dog is feeling stressed or
aggressive,its wide eyes will be accompanied by a rigid(绷紧的) body.
•If your cat looks at you and blinks at you slowly,it’s likely communicating affection. 3 For cats,closing
one’s eyes in the presence of another is a way to show trust.If your cat feels threatened , its tail will likely be
upright; its back will likely be arched,too.
• 4 If your bird’s pupils( 瞳 孔 ) enlarge and shrink rapidly , this can be a sign that it’s excited , greatly
interested,scared or angry. 5 Birds will shake their feathers while cleaning themselves;if their feathers remain
shaking,however,this could mean they’re unwell,in which case,take them to an animal doctor for a checkup.
A.Pets’ health depends on your daily care.
B.You can do this back at your cat to show your love,too.
C.The context is important in telling which emotion it might be.
D.Birds can be quite expressive through their eyes,feathers,and voices.

E.When dogs feel stressed out or threatened,their eyes will look larger than normal.
F.Once familiar with each other’s presence and body language,cats and dogs can play together.
G.If you’re unsure of your pet’s body language,consider reading some articles for your specific animal.

Passage 6

Keys to a Good Family Life

In posters and ads,we often see pictures of happy families,but family life is not all smiles and laughter.All
families are different and have problems , but you can make your family life better with hard work and
determination. 1
Spend time together as a family.Some people are too busy for family time.You have to set aside time to plan
and spend special times together. 2 Make the conversation around the table pleasant and caring;maybe ask each
person how their day was or what is happening in their school or work life.Doing household chores together also
3 Allow members of your family to express their own feelings and ideas.Maintain eye contact and don’t
interrupt when someone is talking.Listen carefully to what they are saying,before you judge or disagree.Hearing
someone else,and being heard by that person,is the foundation of a good relationship. 4 Try not to be angry at
someone’s opinions.Even if you think that they are wrong,listen with an open mind to show that you care—and
remember that no one is perfect.
Meet each other’s needs.Give time to each and every one of your family members.Know what is going on in
their lives and what they need help with. 5 If they need help with something,set aside time to do so.To be aware
of your family members’ emotional and physical needs,you need to communicate.
A.Listen to their problems.
B.Try applying the following steps.
C.Allow each person to be an individual.
D.So these steps will help you all get on well.
E.Respect your family members’ feelings and ideas.
F.Every day it should be eating at least one meal together.
G.Each family member has his or her own opinions or suggestions.

Passage 7
Though China has increasingly adopted Western influences , the traditional family structure is still highly
valued and holds a vital position in Chinese culture.Both traditional and modern Chinese families have similar
values and morals to one another. 1
In the traditional Chinese family , the man is very important. 2 At the same time , he is given all the
decision-making power when it comes to his wife , family and other family members.He is also responsible for
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taking care of and paying for his children.In modern families,the family members consult elders about important
decisions,but the father no longer has the final say with regard to his adult children’s lives.
Traditional Chinese mothers usually stay at home to take care of the home ,the children,and the rest of the
family. 3 However,they still rely on their husbands or fathers for financial support at some point in their lives.
In many Asian cultures,the elders of the family are respected for their wisdom.In both traditional and modern
families , elders are taken care of and looked up to by the rest of the family. 4 Even in modern
households,many grandparents live with their children.
5 But the family structure and the importance of family values remain a focus.Families are still honored and
respected,whether you live in the traditional,rural environment,or the modern,urban city.
A.He gains his independence from his family.
B.Many modern Chinese women have careers.
C.These have been a part of daily life for many centuries.
D.Women in modern times are actually completely independent.
E.He is responsible for maintaining,providing for and protecting his family.
F.Chinese culture has experienced many dramatic changes in recent years.
G . In traditional families , including those living in a rural environment , many households include five
generations living together.

Passage 8
Why Gratitude Is Significant
As far as I’m concerned,no matter what you’re going through,there is always a reason to be thankful.But
not only that—being thankful might just be exactly what you need to do if you’re going through a tough time. 1
Researchers found that having a grateful attitude helps strengthen one’s immune system , lower blood
pressure , improve sleep and motivate people to exercise regularly. 2 Practicing gratitude also has been
associated with better quality of life for individuals who struggle with stress,anxiety and depression.
Having gone through a period of depression myself after cancer surgery 10 years ago , I can tell you this
illness can be severe. 3 I knew I was in trouble when I couldn’t eat or sleep.It took me well over a year to come
out of that dark valley.
During that time I sought forms of treatment for depression , including professional counseling and
exercise.One thing recommended to me by a counselor was keeping a gratitude journal. 4 This simple exercise
lifts my sight out of the darkness and helps me see the truth around:there are people who love and care for you;
there’s purpose in life.
5 In reality,there is no single cure for it.If suffering,you may prefer to seek professional counseling and
care.Still,I would encourage you to practice gratitude.Think of a few things you can thank life for.You might be
surprised by how significant an effect it can have.
A.Every day,I would set down three things I was thankful for in life.

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B.Now I realize depression does not go away by practicing a single exercise.
C.It itself carries a host of health benefits.
D.Being grateful accounts for your recovery.
E.Gratitude is good for your mind,body and soul.
F.Depression makes you feel as if you are dead inside.
G.For example,I would sincerely convey my gratitude loudly.

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