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Internet-PDF from “Casting Plant & Technology “ 03 / 2012, pages 42 – 51

© Giesserei-Verlag, Düsseldorf

Authors: Prof. Eberhard Ambos, Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, Dr. Oliver Brunke and Dr. Dirk Neuber,
GE Sensing & Technologies GmbH, Wunstorf, Holger Lux and Dr. Ingo Stuke, GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies
GmbH, Ahrensburg, Wolfgang Besser, Druckguss Heidenau, Dohna/Dresden, Mike Ziesemann, Druckguss Hoym, Stadt
Seeland/OT Hoym, Prof. Christian Heikel and Andrea Huxol, Polytechnic of Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Lemgo

High-speed computer tomography

employed in pressure die casting
A remarkable leap in technology

The continuous efforts – especially

undertaken by companies of the auto-
motive industry – to cut down on fuel
consumption and as a result reduce the
environmental footprint have a clearly
perceptible effect also on die castings
made of aluminium alloys.
While retaining more or less the
same dimensions, numerous compo-
nents have become lighter as a result
of smaller wall thicknesses. The design
solutions of these components differ
strikingly from those of former compo-
nent generations. Other components
have become larger in dimensions and
technologically more complex due to
increasing functional integration and
the deliberate avoidance of joining
or assembling activities. Hydraulic or
pneumatic elements, which used to be
arranged outside the components, are
to an increasing extent being integrated
into them. As a result of this, the inte-
gral components often contain geomet- Industrial (left) versus medical CT unit (Photos: General Electric)
ric elements of very small dimensions.
Material strength specifications, espe- rosity in the casting. Generally, pores and shape of the functional elements,
cially dynamic strength properties, also are acceptable at locations where the are becoming increasingly exacting.
become increasingly more exacting. strain condition is insignificant or Irrespectively of these technologi-
Among the customers of die casting when gas and pressure tightness does cal aspects, customers of die casting
shops, awareness has been growing not matter. This, however, makes exact shops are extremely demanding as far
that when using die cast components knowledge of the characteristics of the as manufacturing dynamics and de-
the focus should not only be on the ad- porosity, i.e. location, volume and size livery performance of their suppliers
vantages of an effective manufacturing of the pores, indispensable. Numer- are concerned. The time from pattern
process. An eye should also be kept on ous efforts have been made to develop development to series production of
the less favourable aspects, for example progressive calculation procedures for a casting must be minimized. Imme-
the unavoidable inclusion of gases as a highly stressed Al pressure die castings diate, quality-improving reactions
result of the employment of gas-tight that take into account the existence are expected whenever there are any
moulding materials. However, for the of defects in the castings [1-4]. At the shortcomings in the manufacturing
engineer it is important to get clear in- same time, requirements on the pre- process. All these factors have conse-
formation about the locations of po- cision of the castings, i.e. dimensions quences among others for the testing

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Figure 1: In a high-speed, automatic helix in-line CT unit the gantry, which accommodates the x-ray tube and the
multi-line detector arranged opposite, rotates about the specimens on the conveyor belt [6]

equipment used in die casting shops

in the future. This article presents re-
sults and experience gained from the
world’s first application of high-speed
computer tomography (CT) in pres-
sure die casting and in the preparation
of a specific case of series production.

Development of high-speed
computer tomography systems
Triggered by the increasingly more ex-
acting demands of companies in the
automotive industry, there has been
growing interest in the development
of new non-destructive testing tech-
niques. The commonly used 2-D x-ray
testing method is not suitable to pro-
vide rapidly enough a sufficient quan-
tity of information about the complete
casting. Due to the fact that for a rather
high capital investment and high oper-
ating costs involved the user only gets a
fairly low sample through-put rate, con- Figure 2. Laboratory-scale high-speed CT scanning a die casting

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Figure 3: Series-type high-speed CT unit

ventional industrial computer tomo-

graphy systems have so far only been
used by large foundries operated by
carmakers. Most recently, these factors
have led renowned suppliers of x-ray in-
spection systems to realize the advan-
tages of medical computer tomography
also for industrial applications and they
have systematically implemented this
technology in equipment for non-de-
structive material testing.
The charm of this development is
that the scanning rate can be sever-
al hundred times higher than that of Figure 4: The scanned aluminium die casting
conventional CT systems, markedly re-
ducing the time needed for a scan. As illustrated in Figure 1, the gan- die cast parts. The studies were con-
According to [5], all current CT sys- try assembly (scanning unit), which ducted by General Electric (GE) Sens-
tems for medical applications operate accommodates the x-ray tube, rotates ing & Technologies GmbH, Wunstorf,
in a helical mode, with the object to about the casting to be tested, while General Electric (GE) Sensing & Inspec-
be scanned moving along its longitu- a conveyor belt is moving the casting tion Technologies GmbH, Ahrensburg,
dinal axis through the radiation plane through the gantry at low speed. and Druckguss Hoym GmbH, Stadt
and the gantry assembly rotating at a Seeland/OT Hoym, all Germany, in
constant angular velocity. Depending Results of tests of real parts cooperation with several automobile
on the instrument type, several axi- and performed under produc- producers. Whereas initially a labora-
al planes can be captured at the same tion conditions tory-scale unit (Figure 2) was used, as
time (multi-plane or multi-line helix The past twelve months have seen in- the examinations proceeded, the in-
CT). This makes the process faster and tensive studies verifying the suitabili- dustrial-scale unit developed by GE
reduces artifacts of movement. ty of high-speed CT for the testing of (Figure 3) in parallel to the studies was

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Figure 5:                         
           !   "#!$ % 

Figure 6: Simulation of the test piece visualizing porosity in different planes of the part (red: probability of pore for-
   *#+!$ %4* *+ %  ##+'

being increasingly used for the tests. » reconstruction rate: > 16 planes/s, cial requirements in terms of oil tight-
The technical data of the latter are as » 16-channel data acquisition for high ness.
follows: specimen through-put rate,
» Maximum size of test of the pieces: » typical detail resolution or voxel size Comparison of simulation re-
approx. 400 mm x 300 mm x 800 (XY): approx. 0.2 to 1.0 mm, depend- sults versus tomograms
mm (W x H x L), ing on the size of the reconstruction In the initial phase of the examina-
» high-capacity x-ray tube with max. area. tions, which involved the testing of
140 kV, 380 mA current, in contin- the first high-speed industrial-scale CT
uous operation max. 140 kV, 25 mA Below, we will describe the examina- system, a major point was to compare
current, tion procedures and results of the ex- the simulation of the casting, generat-
» max. generator power 53 kW at 440 aminations by way of example of a cast ed by a well established simulation pro-
mA, part for a renowned German carmaker gramme [8], with the tomograms of the
» typical scanning rates from 5 to 10 – a pedestal for an oil pump (Figure 4). cast parts. Figures 5 and 6 show the sim-
mm/s, These castings must comply with spe- ulation result. Visible are volume def-

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a b

Figure 7: Transparent 3-D model of the test pieces: a) with the highest degree of porosity (part No. 4) and b) with the
 %     $ 7 #'

icits due to shrinkage as well as pores

and their positions within the casting.
Total porosity in % (percentage of volume)

Based on the simulation, the die 0.4667

0.5 0.4082 0.4519
caster can make a first assessment as to
0.3936 0.3905
whether or not the positions and the 0.4
likely dimensions of the volume def- 0.4082
0.3802 0.3641 0.3587
icits fall within the specifications of 0.3275
the castings. However, the exact posi-
tions of the pores in the casting as well 0.2
as their volume and the exact size dis-
tribution of the pores are not visible in 0.1
the simulation images.
Here, high-speed computer tomog- 0
raphy can be an excellent method to 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
enhance the simulation of porosity in Number of parts
castings. For this purpose, forces were
joined with the developers of the sim-  Total porosity relative to number of parts
ulation software, which is a renowned
company in this field. The tomograms manufacturing parameters. This will The pore content distribution in these
tell the designers and computation en- enable the component designers to co- tested parts was between 0.2491 % and
gineers in the automotive industry the operate with the foundry technologists 0.4667 % ( ). Meanwhile, oth-
exact positions and exact volumes of the at a very early stage of the development er castings tested in greater number
pores. From this information, they can process, taking advantage of the expe- have provided similar values. Consi-
derive conclusions as to the strength- rience from the manufacture of similar dering all tested parts, the detected de-
related specifications of the cast parts or identical parts. Time-consuming and fect sizes range between 0.75 m3 and
(Figure 7). In the first die casting shop costly repetitive work can be avoided by 197 m3.
to use the high-speed CT unit, the idea falling back on knowledge from previ- For casters with a deeper interest in
was born to build up a generalized data ous efforts. technological aspects, the repetition
base of scanned die castings complete For the tomographic scanning, 120 accuracy of the pore volume measure-
with all related technological data and parts were randomly chosen from stock. ment may be of certain relevance. To

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this end, one and the same casting was
scanned fifteen times. This provided
the following result: The repetition ac-
curacy of defect volume measurements
is 0.32 ±0,03 % for 15 repetitive scans
of the same casting.
To validate the volume defects found
in the tomograms, the specimens with
the highest (part No. 4) and with the
lowest porosity (part No. 10) (both
shown in Figure 7 as transparent 3-D
models) were subjected to metallo-
graphic examinations. Figure 9 shows
the result of the metallographic ex-
amination of the part with the largest
content of porosities detected by the
tomographic scan. It is obvious that
the positions of the predicted pores
and volume deficits due to shrinkage
in the tomograms largely correspond
to those in the microsections. The im-
ages shown in the lower part of the fig-
ure are microsections cut through the
spatial structure of the volume defects. Figure 9: Metallographic examination of part No. 4, the part with the highest
As microsections are two-dimen-    $ 84
sional illustrations, an exact compar-
ison with the complex volumetric
structure of the pores and shrink holes
is difficult to accomplish. Any – even
most minute - deviations in the posi-
tion of the cut or in the sample prepara-
tion may alter the two-dimensional mi-
crosection. The imperfections visible
in the transparent 3-D model (Figure
7) take the shape of ramified pore ac-
cumulations. The dimensional extent
can be confirmed by a microscopic ex-
amination, but not the exact shape of
the defect. Also part No. 10 (see trans-
parent 3D model in Figure 7b), which
was found to have the lowest content
of detected porosity, was subjected to
a metallographic examination. The re-
sults are shown in Figure 10. The ex-
amination confirms the clearly small-
er amount of defects compared to the
other casting, as was indicated by the
transparent 3D model.
In summary it can be concluded
from the first comparisons between Figure 10:9        7 #!  %   -
the tomograms and the metallograph- %    $ 84;
ic examinations that there is a high de-
gree of correspondence between the ual pores and their minimum dimen- Dimensional accuracy of the
positions and dimensions of the de- sions, additional examinations will be measurements
tected defects. However, in order to be necessary, e.g. on defined reference Earlier examinations have already
able to make a conclusive statement samples with internal microdefects of shown that modern, high-resolution
about the detection limits of individ- exactly known dimensions. industrial CT systems attain a measur-

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ing precision that is comparable with

that of established coordinate mea-
surements. A key feature of CT scan-
ning is that all surface points are cap-
tured simultaneously - including all
hidden undercuts, which cannot be
captured by other non-destructive
measuring methods [9-11]. In order
to also gain knowledge as to whether
the newly developed, high-speed CT
system, which is based on medical he-
lix computer tomographers, would be
suitable to perform dimensional mea-
surements of specimens (in addition
to the detection of porosities in cast-
ings), comparative measurements were
made of test casting No. 5. The CT mea- Figure 11: Dimensional deviations of the tomograms versus the fringe-pro-
surement results were compared, on jection-based measurement of part No. 5
the one hand, with exact touch probe
measurements and, on the other hand,
with the results of fringe pattern pro-
jections. Use was made of surface data
captured by the Atos fringe pattern
projection system developed by GOM,
Braunschweig, Germany.
For assessing the measuring accura-
cy, the company which had developed
and manufactured the high-speed CT
system made measurements with a spe-
cial touch probe. The touch probe is
an 80-mm-diameter carbon fibre tube
of 500 mm length. It is fitted with 40,
extremely precisely ground corundum
balls. Comparison of the tactile mea-
surement with the tomographic mea-
surement reveals a very high accuracy
of ±10 μm for the CT measurement.
Likewise, a high degree of corre-
spondence was found between the CT
data and the fringe projection data Figure 12:<       =###;$  >
( ): absolute deviations of the CT and by fringe projection
surface data are in the < ±100 μm range
for 67 % (1 sigma) of the points. Great-
er deviations are predominantly found Integrating the high-speed CT With the high-speed CT arranged
in areas which are “difficult to access”       “at the line” (Figure 13), it is possible
for the fringe projection measurement. As to the integration of the newly de- to scan the complete production pro-
Figure 12 shows a 2D section with a veloped CT system into the production gramme of the foundry. During the
comparison of measurement results for flow, a differentiation is made between trial phase of a new die or when a pre-
a nominal distance of 91.000 mm. The two basic variants: the at-line and the viously used die is being “re-started”,
GOM system measured 90.910 mm, the in-line arrangement. The at-line ar- the produced castings will be imme-
speed|scan CT 90.865 mm. Hence, the rangement is recommendable pri- diately sent to the high-speed CT for
absolute deviation between the fringe marily to small and medium-size op- scanning. From the evaluation of the
projection measurements and the CT erations, which are characterized by tomograms and the assessment of the
data for this dimension is 0.045 mm. a diversified production portfolio of casting result, conclusions can be de-
Based on 15 measurements of casting No. small and medium series. In this case, rived as to whether it might be neces-
5, the spread of the CT data is ±10 μm for the CT unit is set up directly in or near sary to modify the technological pro-
distance and diameter measurements. the casting shop. cess. This procedure will be repeated as

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Figure 13: High-speed CT system in at-line arrangement

long as a consistently high quality lev- This can be done manually upon a sig- ically discharged via the gate. Here the
el of the castings is achieved. This ar- nal indicating an out-of-spec casting or operator can pick up the scanned spec-
rangement affords the benefit that the automatically by a robot. imen and take it to whatever process
considerably high expenditure on the The testing procedure is as follows: steps will follow next. The captured
CT technology is equally spread on all The industrial “speed|scan atline” CT volume data of the specimen will be di-
die casting machines and the castings unit consists of a radiation-proof cab- rectly transmitted to the visualization
produced with them. in with an integrated, rotating ring- and analysis station, where any neces-
In large-series or mass production, shaped scanning assembly, the gantry, sary defectoscopic and metrological
especially when extremely exacting and the sample transport system that examinations will be performed.
quality requirements must be fulfilled moves the casting through the gantry. For the examinations of the above de-
(e.g. castings for the aviation and auto- The radiation-proof cabin is fitted with scribed cast part, the specimens were
motive industries which are subject to a slide gate which opens for the speci- placed on the conveyor belt of the CT
mandatory testing), it may be useful to mens to run into and out of the scan- unit. It took approx. 4 s to transport the
set the high-speed CT unit up in an in- ner. The operator will place the speci- parts from there to the working area of
line arrangement (Figure 14). In this men on an integrated roller table and the gantry, approx. 23 s to scan them
set-up, the procedure is a follows: Ev- feed the part into the system via the (from the start of the gantry until the
ery cast part is transported to the CT by gate. Behind the gate, inside the radia- parts had completely passed through)
a conveyor belt. Depending on the size tion-proof cabin, a conveyor will move and again 4 s to take them back to the
of the casting, it takes 10 to 90 s to gen- the specimen into a pre-scan position. original position on the roller table. The
erate the tomogram. The internal com- Then the operator will close the gate 3-D defect evaluation of a part’s tomo-
puter compares the tomogram with a via a two-handed operation. The scan- gram takes approx. 15 s. The cabin com-
“quality standard” of the castings. As ning process will start automatical- plies with the radiation protection re-
a result, castings with acceptable de- ly after the operator has selected the quirements as stipulated in the German
fects are discharged via the conveyor scanning parameters at the operator x-ray regulations (RöV [7]) for a fully pro-
belt without any intervention, where- panel. When the scan has been com- tected device. The cabin is rated for x-
as out-of-spec castings are sorted out. pleted, the specimen will be automat- ray sources with a maximum accelerat-

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Figure 14:@ ><F$   >   '  ;!"'  ;%   $  
adjustment, (3) slide gates (radiation protection), (4) scanning unit (gantry), (5) specimen, (6) radiation-proof cabin

ing voltage of 140 kV and equipped with » reduced scrap rate as a result of im- of the standard equipment available in
a radiation-proof floor. The unit can be proved quality control, all die casting shops with a technolog-
easily integrated into industrial produc- » expansion of the product range by ically challenging production range.
tion processes. It securely protects the more complex parts (e.g. castings sub- It is expected that the next few years
imaging system from dust and other for- ject to mandatory testing and used in will see further developments in high-
eign matter. The cabin is fitted with an high-stress applications such as avia- speed computer tomography that are
optimized and active air-conditioning tion and automotive engineering), geared, for example, towards an en-
system that effectively extracts the heat » avoidance of unnecessary machin- largement of the space available to
generated by the scanning process. ing work. accommodate the specimen. This
would make it possible to also non-
      Summary and future develop- destructively test larger components
of high-speed CT ments (e.g. structural parts for the car body)
The economic effects arising from the The comprehensive tests with the new- in the future in an economically effi-
use of high-speed CT technology will ly developed, high-speed CT technol- cient way.
largely depend on the circumstances ogy using real die cast parts for high- The partners intend to pursue this
in the specific company. This aspect stress applications have shown that development in further research proj-
was also part of the examinations. For these new testing devices are actually ects and in cooperation with additional
obvious reasons, in this article we have mature for use in industrial production partners, especially with the intention
to limit ourselves to the presentation and that they perform highly efficient- to use high-speed computer tomogra-
of qualitative information. ly. Thanks to the exemplary coop- phy to sophisticate strength calcula-
eration between the developer and tions for aluminium die castings.
The benefits identified include: manufacturer of the equipment and
» streamlining and qualitative enhan- a renowned die casting plant, it was References
cement of the simulation process, possible to achieve the intended per-
» shorter pattern development process formance parameters in a short time.
for new die casting dies, The partners to this project are con-
» faster attainment of quality targets vinced that in the near future high-
after production with used dies, speed CT technology will become part

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