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CHAPTER 2  They thought they were a victim of theft, kaya

sinunog ang mga kabahayan ng mga tribu roon.

Content and Context Analysis of Selected Primary
 During this time, meron na lang silang 3 barko
Resources in Philippine History
 Yung isa, nasira. Yung isa tumakas at bumalik
ng Espanya

Content and Contextual Analysis MARCH 16, 1521

Context Analysis – evaluates the authenticity of  They landed on Cebu

a source (External Criticism)  Magellan met Raja Humabon: he agreed to
serve under Spain
 Date – when it was produced?  There was a trade wherein, Magellan would fight
 Localization – where did it originate? Lapu-lapu (Raja of Mactan)
 Authorship – who wrote it?  Magellan asked Lapu-lapu to be part of the
 Analysis – what is the pre-existing colonization under Spain, Lapu-lapu refused.
material served as the basis for its Magellan threatened Lapu-lapu, the following
production? day his 49 men to Lapu-lapu’s men
 Integrity - what was its original form?  Magellan thought that the people of Lapu-lapu
 Credibility - what is the evidential value would be afraid and run if they burned their
of its content? houses, however, the natives were mad and
killed most of Magellan due to their fury
Content Analysis is an analysis of a source (in  Magellan was shot through the right leg with a
whatever medium, including multi-media) that poisoned arrow, on that account, Magellan
helps us to understand the text within the ordered his men for frontal assault.
context of its historical and cultural setting.  Some of his men fleet away from the area but
(Internal Criticism) only 10 to 15 men remained with the captain
 The Filipino warriors they fought with were called
as “Pintados”
Antonio Pigafetta ang the First Voyage Around the  The more tattoos you have on skin, you are
World considered a veteran in wars
 Magellan was severely injured, with that most
Ferdinand Magellan
natives noticed that as an advantage to rush
 Magellan was born on 1480 and died April 27,
upon him with iron and bamboo spears,
 Portuguese navigator and explorer who sailed
 Magellan was referred as mirror, light, comfort,
under the flags of both Portugal (1505–13) and
true guide
Spain (1519–21)
 Raha Humabon invited the defeated men for a
 Ferdinand Magellan is a Portuguese explorer,
feast but it was a trap. 27 men were killed.
denied by the Portugal to explore. Introduced to
the King and Queen of Spain by his idea to NOVEMBER 8, 1521
explore the eastern part using the western route
 Arrived in Moluccas (Muluku) SPICES ISLANDS
Antonio Pigafetta with two ships : Trinidad (not in good condition
 Venetian scholar he studied astronomy, and may butas na) and Victoria
geography and cartography.  Traded for spices
 Wrote the history of Magellan’s voyage, the  Victoria was commandeered by Juan Sebastian
latter’s assistant to document the cartography Elcano
and the flora and fauna
SEPTEMBER 6, 1522 - Sanlucar de Barraneda
 Antonio Pigafetta was commissioned by the King
of Spain to write a chronicle of his voyage. Victoria was able to return to Spain under the leadership
 Treaty of Tordesillas: The world was divided of Sebastian Elcano. 18 survivors. But a total of 35 was
into half, Spain for the West and Portugal for the able to return to Spain.
 Spices Islands or Moluccas (Muluku)
SEPTEMBER 20, 1519
 5 ships ang ginamit: Victoria, Concepcion,
Santiago, Trinidad, San Antonio CUSTOMS OF THE TAGALOGS
Juan de Plasencia
 270 crew members
 Atlantic Ocean, Brazil, looked for a passageway.  Joan de Portacarrero was born and raised in
 Strait of Magellan can be found on Falkland Extremadura, Spain in 16th century during the
Islands (Islas Malvinas) country’s Golden Age (Siglo de Oro)
 It may look small, but Magellan took 38 days to  Came to the Philippine Islands as one of the first
cross to Pacific Ocean missionaries.
 It was named by Magellan as Mar Pacifico or  One of the first to form a grammar and
“Tranquil or Calm” vocabulary of the Tagal language.
 It took them 99 days to cross the Pacific Ocean  His interactions and observations with the
Tagalogs influenced him to write the book,
MARCH 6, 1521
Relacion de las Costumbres de los Tagalogs
 They landed on Landrones Islands or Islands (Customs of the Tagalogs, 1589)
of the Thieves. This is presently known as  He died at Lilio, La Laguna in 1590.
 Plasencia wrote the CoT as a report to the Friars
in Spain.
 It contains the political, social, economic, and
cultural systems that were already in place
among Filipino communities prior to the arrival of
Spanish colonizers.
 Also, extensive information reconstructing the
political and socio-cultural history of the Tagalog


 Barangays are headed by datos or

 They govern and lead captains in wars as
the head of the barangay
 Maharlicas are the nobles or the free-born
 They should accompany the datos in times
of war. Provides the needs.
 Aliping Namamahay are the commoners.
They are married, and serve their master if
he is a dato or not. Lives in their own
houses: children can’t be sold or be slaves.
 Aliping Saguiguilir are the slaves. They
can be sold: being profited a portion of land
to work faithfully.
 5 taels, price of ransom & 10 or more taels,
wholly free
 1-3 taels, for maharlicas to move from one
barangay to another
 Arbiter – fair and just men
 Simbahan – a temple or place of adoration
 Pandot – festival or worship
 Nagaanitos – way of worshipping
 Badhala – maker of all things
 Lic-ha – images with different shapes
 Dian Masalanta – patron of lovers and
 Lacapati and Idianale – patron of
husbandry and cultivated lands
 Umaluhokan - messenger


KKK – Kataastaasang, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan

ng mga Anak ng Bayan was founded by Andres

 Created due to the abusive, harsh colonial

government, and the call of Filipinos for freedom
 July 6, 1892 – Jose Rizal was arrested, three
days before the establishment of La Liga
 July 7, 1892 – establishment of the Katipunan
by Andres Bonifacio
 Originally written as by Emilio Jacinto

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