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1) In how many ways 6 books out of 10 different books can be arranged in a book-self so that 3
particular books are always together? Answer- 5040

2) In how many ways can be letter of the word table be arranged so that the vowels are always

(i) together (ii) separated? Answer- 48,72

3) Find how many ways can be letters of the PURPOSE be rearranged –

(i) keeping the positions of the vowels fixed; Answer-12

(ii) (ii) without changing the relative order to the vowels and consonants. Answer-71

4) How many numbers between 5000 and 6000 can be formed with the digits 3,4,5,6,7,8? Answer- 60

5) In how many ways can be letters of the word SUNDAY be arranged? How many of them do not
begin with S? How many of them do not begin with S, but end with Y? Answer-720,600,96

6) In how many ways 8 boys can form a ring? Answer-5040

7) In how many ways 8 different beads can be placed in necklace? Answer-2520

8) In how many ways 5 boys and 5 girls can take their seats in a round table, so that no two girls will
sit side by side. Answer-2880

9) There are 20 stations on a railway line. How many different kinds of single first-class tickets must
be printed so as to enable a passenger to go from one station to another? Answer-380

10) Four travelers arrive in a town where there are six hotels. In how any ways can they take their
quarters each at a different hotel? Answer- 48

11) In how many ways can 8 mangoes of different sizes be distributed amongst 8 boys of different
ages so that the largest one is always given to the youngest boy? Answer- 5040

12) Find the number of different number of 4 digits that can be formed with the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7;
the digits in any number being all different and the digit in the unit place being always 7. Answer-120

13) How many different odd numbers of 4 digits can be formed with the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7; the
digits in any number being all different? Answer-480

14) Find the number of arrangements that can be made out of the letters of the following words: (a)
COLLEGE (b) MATHEMATICS Answer- 1260, 4989600

15) In how many ways can the colours of rainbow be arranged, so that the red and the blue colours
are always together? Answer-1440

16) In how many ways 3 boys and 5 girls be arranged in a row so that all the 3 boys are together? Answer-4320

17) Find how many words can be formed of the letters in the word FAILURE so that the four vowels
come together. Answer-576

18) In how many ways can be colours of the rainbow be arranged so that red and blue colours are
always separated? Answer-3600

19) In how many ways can be 5 boys from a ring? Answer-24

20) In how many ways 5 different beads be strung on a necklace Answer-12

21) The number of ways in which the letters of the word “VOWEL” can be arranged so that the letters
O, E occupy even places is ? Answer -12

22) 5 letters can be posted in 4 letter boxes in? Answer-1024

23) 3 distinct prizes can be distributed among 10 boys (any boy can get more than once) in? Answer-1000

24) Total number of ways in which the letters of word strange can be arranged so that the vowels
may appear in the odd places is? Answer-1440

25) The number of six letter word that can be formed using the letter of the word “assist” in which 5
S alternate with other letters is? Answer-12

26) The number of permutations if the letter in the word “BANANA” is which two letters N do not
come together is? Answer-40

27) There 11 distinct books, among them 6 books can be arranged in a shelf. The number of
arrangements so that 3 particular books will be always side by side is? Answer-8064

28) The number of different number of 6 digits (without repetition) can be formed form the digits
3,1,7,0,9,5 is? Answer-600

29) The total number of arrangements of the letters in the expression x3 y2 z4 when written in full
length is? Answer-1260

30) The number of different words that can be formed form the letter of the work “TRIANGLE” so
that no vowels one together is? Answer- 14400

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