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Role of court

Research question
 1,What is the primary purpose of courts in upholding justice within a legal
 2,What mechanisms do courts employ to prevent and address instances of
 3,How does the court system contribute to educating the public about legal
rights and responsibilities?
 The court plays a vital role in upholding justice and ensuring the fair
resolution of disputes. It serves as a neutral forum where legal conflicts are
adjudicated, interpreting and applying laws to promote societal order. The
court's decisions set precedents, contributing to the development and
evolution of legal principles
primary purpose of court in upholding
justice within legal system.
 Foundation of Justice: Courts form the core of justice, resolving disputes and
ensuring accountability for actions.
 Fairness and Equality: Courts ensure equal treatment, regardless of
background, fostering justice and preventing discrimination.
 Adjudication of Disputes: Courts settle conflicts, interpret laws, and shape
legal principles through evidence examination and precedents.
 Maintenance of Social Order: Courts address offenses, deter unlawful
behavior, and provide remedies ,ensuring societal order ,security.
 Resolution of Injustice: Courts rectify unjust decisions through appeals,
acknowledging human fallibility and committing to continuous improvement.
courts employ to prevent and address
instances of injustice?
 Legal Precedents and Consistency: Courts use past decisions to ensure
fairness and predictability in applying the law.
 Due Process: Courts guarantee a fair hearing, evidence presentation, and
argument challenges, enhancing decision legitimacy.
 Rules of Evidence: Strict rules ensure only relevant, reliable evidence is
considered, preventing unjust outcomes.
 Access to Legal Representation: Ensures fairness by providing
representation, especially for the economically disadvantaged.
court system contribute to educating the
public about legal rights and responsibilities

 Court Decisions as Legal Lessons: Courts teach the public by setting

precedents, guiding individuals on lawful conduct.
 Legal Resources and Information: Courts provide accessible resources,
empowering individuals to understand their legal rights.
 Community Outreach Programs: Courts engage communities, educating
about legal concepts to enhance awareness.
 Self-Help Centers: Courts establish centers aiding those without
representation, promoting empowerment and self-sufficiency.
 Public Legal Education Programs: Courts collaborate for seminars and
materials, enhancing the public's legal understanding.
 Courts play a vital role in administering justice, interpreting laws, and
resolving disputes. They ensure fairness, uphold legal principles, and
safeguard individual rights within a society.

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