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St. Dominic Academy of Pulilan, Inc.

(PAASCU Accredited)
Pulilan, Bulacan

SY 2021-2022
“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the
sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” (James 1:6)
Name of the Student:____________________ Grade and Section:______________
Subject: Organization & Management 11 Quarter: Second
Teachers: Mr. Maverick B. Roxas Time Frame: Week 1 - 2

Opening Prayer for Class

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit… Amen.

Thank you God for all the things you've made our world to be.
For every single living plant, insect, bird and tree.

Thank you God for all the people you have placed around us.
For every single parent, friend and teacher that we trust.

Thank you Lord for all the gifts you send to us each day.
For every single meal and snack, for cuddles, toys and play.

Thank you God for caring for us, we know you always see,
Our every need, our worries, cares, our laughter, joys and tears.

Thank you Lord that you're our friend, you delight in all we do,
Especially when you hear our prayers, and we give thanks to you. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit… Amen.
 Discuss the nature of organizations (ABM_AOM11-Ih-j-15)
 Distinguish the various types of organization structures
 Identify the different elements of delegation (ABM_AOM11-Ih-j-18)
 Differentiate formal from informal organization (ABM_AOM11-Ih-j-19)

Week 1-2 - Lesson 4: Organizing

By the end of this lesson, you will:

1. Identify the nature and types of organizing

2. Compare and contrast the formal from informal organization.
3. Provide the different elements of delegation

NOTE: ALL LESSONS/CASE STUDY would be done through CLE (online) and for
(offline) through worksheets

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permission from St. Dominic Academy of Pulilan, Inc. and the teacher in charge
Organizations exert a great influence on many aspects of human life.
Introduction Everyday we deal or transact with establishments such as schools,
hospitals, department stores, shops, and drugstores. These
establishments are composed of people, resources, and activities that have been arranged in such a way that
they are able to effectively carry out their specific tasks or objectives. Though each organization is defined by
different goals and objectives, they are all established through a common process. A good manager must be
knowledgeable regarding the organization process to ensure that an effective system is established to carry
out the objectives and strategies formulated in the planning stage.



A management function which involves assigning tasks,

allocating resources, and coordinating work activities in
order to achieve a common purpose.

Types of Organization Structures

An organization structure is a system made up of tasks to
be accomplished, work movements from one work level to
other work levels in the system, reporting relationships, and communication passageways that
unite the work of different individual persons and groups.

Clears out issues related to authority rights,

responsibilities, and reporting relationships. Authority
VERTICAL STRUCTURE rights refer to the legitimate right of individuals, appointed
in positions like president, vice president, manager, and the

Refers to the departmentalization of an organization

HORIZONTAL STRUCTURE into smaller work units as tasks become increasingly
varied and numerous.

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permission from St. Dominic Academy of Pulilan, Inc. and the teacher in charge
Departments formed are of two types:

 Line departments – deal directly with the firm’s primary goods and services; responsible for
manufacturing, selling and providing services to clients.

 Staff departments – support the activities of the line departments by doing research,
attending to legal matters, performing public relations duties, etc.

Meanwhile, departmentalization may be done using three approaches:

 Functional approach – where the subdivisions are formed based on specialized activities such
as marketing, production, financial management, and human resources management.

 Divisional approach – where departments are formed based on management of their

products, customers, or geographic areas covered.

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permission from St. Dominic Academy of Pulilan, Inc. and the teacher in charge
 Matrix approach – is a hybrid form of departmentalization where managers and staff
personnel report to the superiors, the functional manager, and the divisional manager.

NETWORK STRUCTURE A collection of independent, usually single function

organizations/companies that work together in order to
produce a product or service.

Delegation refers to assigning a new or additional task to a subordinate; it may also refer to getting
work done through others by giving them the right to make decisions and take action.

Steps in delegation include:

 Define the goal clearly – Managers

must clearly explain the task

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permission from St. Dominic Academy of Pulilan, Inc. and the teacher in charge
objective and the work or duties someone else is expected to
 Selecting the person who will be
given the task – The selected
subordinate must be competent and
must share the manager’s task

 Assigning of responsibility –
Managers must explain that the
responsibility assigned to the
selected subordinate is an
expectation for him or her to
perform the assigned tasks well.

 Asking the person assigned

about his or her planned
approaches to accomplish the
task objectives – It is expected
that the person chosen to do the
task already has a tentative plan
of action that may be presented
to the manager, to assure him or
her that the person assigned could achieve the task objective.
 Granting the assigned
person the authority to act –
If the manager is satisfied with
the tentative plan of action
presented, granting of the
authority to act immediately
follows. Authority is a right to
act in ways needed to carry out
the assigned task.
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permission from St. Dominic Academy of Pulilan, Inc. and the teacher in charge
 Giving the assigned person
enough time and resources to
do the task, while at the same
time emphasizing his or her
accountability – Accountability
is the assigned person’s
willingness to complete the job,
as agreed upon.

 Checking the task

accomplishment progress –
Following up and discussing the
task accomplishment progress at
regular intervals is necessary.
 Making sure that the task
objective has been achieved


Advantages of Disadvantages of
Delegation Delegation
It prevents work overload among It may cause laziness among
organization managers. organization managers.
It provides opportunities for
employee or subordinates assigned It may encourage too much
to do the task to fully utilize their dependence on others.
talents on the job.
It leads to empowerment of
employees or subordinates assigned
to do the task, as it allows them It may cause lack of control over
freedom to contribute ideas and to priority management problems.
perform their job in the best
possible way.
It increases job satisfaction among
the assigned employees or It may cause low self-confidence
subordinates, which may lead to among managers.
better job performance.

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permission from St. Dominic Academy of Pulilan, Inc. and the teacher in charge
Formal and Informal Organizations
Formal organizations are characterized by hierarchical and reporting relationship among groups or
members. On the other hand, informal organizations consist of informal groups born out of the need
for social affiliation. Both formal and informal organizations may exist in the same organization

Formal organizations have the following functions/advantages:

1. Accomplish goals that require cooperation or collaboration among formal groups in the
2. Produce or bring about new and creative ideas and solutions to company problems
3. Coordinate interdepartmental activities
4. Implement company rules/regulations and policies
5. Orient/train new employees

Meanwhile, informal organizations’ functions/advantages include the following:

1. Satisfy the members’ need for affiliation
2. Give the individual members a chance to develop their self-esteem
3. Give individual members an opportunity to share their ideas
4. Lessen individual members’ insecurities
5. Provide a mechanism to solve members’ personal and interpersonal problems.

Performance Task #1
Analyze the organizational structure of your student council, particularly the assignment of
tasks and duties among officers. Identify which among the types of organizational structure
is best suited for your student council.


Written Work #1
Write a personal reflection regarding how you can use the principles and theories of
organization in improving the way you do your daily activities



In the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As we close this meeting, Lord, we want to give honor to You.

Thank You, God, for the time we had today to discuss issues and
make decisions.

May You bless each person who took the time to gather here
today and let
Your hand of protection be on them throughout the rest of the week.

Let the work done here tonight come to fruition, and let it all be
for Your glory. Help us each to do our parts to bring the plans
discussed to life. Amen.

In the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be shared, reproduced, or transmitted in any means without the
permission from St. Dominic Academy of Pulilan, Inc. and the teacher in charge

1. Organization and Management Cabrera,Altarejos and Riaz

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be shared, reproduced, or transmitted in any means without the
permission from St. Dominic Academy of Pulilan, Inc. and the teacher in charge

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