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1. b 1

2. c 1

3. b 1

4. d 1

5. d 1

6. c 1

7. a 1

8. b 1

9. b 1

10. d 1

11. d 1

12. c 1

13. b 1

14. a 1

15. c 1

16. c 1


17. Restriction endonucleases recognizes a specific palindromic sequence in DNA& it cut 1

the DNA a little away from the centre of palindromic nucleotide sequence but between
the same two bases on the opposite strand making an overhang or called sticky ends .


18 A) The potato tuber and sweet potato are analogous hence show convergent 1+
B) Natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow , migration are the mechanisms
that cause changes in allele frequencies over time. When one or more of these
forces are acting in a population, the population violates the Hardy-Weinberg
principle, and evolution occurs.

19 i) R =Middle layer (½+1/2

S = Microspore mothers cell +1/2+1/2)
T= Tapetum
ii) “ T” wall layer help in providing nutrition to microspore and synthesis of
sporopollenin in exine

20. a) It is obtained from Poppy plant Papaversomniferum . it binds to specific opiod (½+ ½)
receptors present in central nervous system and Gastrointestional tract.
(Any other correct point ) (1/2
b) Its obtained from coca plant Erythroxylum coca .
it interferes with the transport of the Neurotransmitter dopamine. + ½)
(Any other correct point )

21. alien species invasion means when some alien species introduced unintentionally or 1
deliberately, becomes invasive and cause harmful impact resulting in extinction of
indigenous species (1/2
Example PLANT; Parthenium, Lantana (any one)
Animal; Clariasgariepinus (African Catfish)/ Nile Perch (any one) +1/2)
22. a) Denaturation , primer ½+1/2
b) Taq polymerase it is thermo table polymerase 1+
c) To make many copies of (amplify) small sections of DNA or a gene OR 1
Amplifying DNA content
23. a) To improve the health of women and children to guarantee safe maternity and child 1
survival and reproductive health.
b) Amniocentesis is a test on the foetus carried out during pregnancy to check for and 1+1
to detect chromosomal abnormalities and other defects or disorders in the foetus.
Amniocentesis can lead to female foeticide as it detects the sex of the foetus which
decreases the gender ratio. So, it has a statutory ban to avoid female foeticide.


Consider main 3 diagram step for evaluation

25. Klinefelter’s syndrome 1+1+1
Correct definition and symptoms

26. Diagram 1
The genetic code is unambiguous because each triplet specifies only a single amino 1
acid. +
Degeneracy means the coding of a particular amino acid by more than one codon. Since
numerous distinct codons define the same amino acid, the genetic code degenerates.
27. i) B stable population pyramid. ½ +1/2
ii) Exponential growth rate 1
iii)Its Declining pyramid and indicating population is in regression 1

28 i) Methanogens acts on cellulosic materials and agricultural waste. 1

ii) A =the biomass is mixed with water and ½+1/2
D= then is decomposed by the anaerobic bacteria
E=into the products like gasses (methane, hydrogen, carbon dioxide) and
B= the other side products (manure, fertilizers)
Correct explanation
29. I) Its showing Proinsulin is the prohormone precursor to insulin and how cleavage of ½
polypeptide chain is creating functional insulin.
ii) c peptide chain ½
iii) The recombinant human insulin can be produced by following steps:
1. The human insulin is extracted from pancreatic cells of humans and two genes are ½
extracted that are responsible for insulin chain A and chain B production.
2. In the second step we extract a plasmid DNA from a bacteria and form a plasmid ½
3. Then insert the human insulin chain A and B producing genes into this plasmid vector.
This results in the formation of recombinants DNA. ½
4. The next step is introduction of recombinant DNA again into the bacterial cell. This
results in the formation of the recombinant bacterium. ½
5. Then put the recombinant bacteria into the large fermentation tank where it
multiplies. Each bacteria will produce human insulin chain A and chain B. ½
6. These A and B insulin chains are then extracted, purified and combined by creating
disulfide bonds to form human insulin. ½
30. i) Alexander Von Humbolt (1+1)+
He observed that within a region , species richness increased with increasing explored 1+1
ii)If species richness is more
iii)The slope regression lines are similar indicating unaffected distribution in an area is

a) 9, LH 1
b) Corpus luteum is the structure which is formed by the follicles after the egg is
released from the Graafian follicle. This is a yellow coloured structure which is
present in the ovary. The corpus luteum is the structure which is responsible for
the release of the hormone progesterone. This is known as the pregnancy
hormone which causes changes in the ovary and increasing the cell lining in the
uterus. The hormone helps in maintaining pregnancy. 2

a) Autosomal recessive gene. gene for alpha thalassemia is on chromosome 16 and for
Beta thalassemia it is on chromosome 11. 1
b) Cause and symptoms-Mutation or deletion of the gene / genes resulting in reduced
rate of synthesis of one of the globin chains / alpha or beta chains. 1
c) Colour blindness and thalassaemia are categoried as Mendelian disorders because
they are caused by mutation in a single gene. Their mode of inheritance follows the 1
principles of Mendelian genetics.
d) Colour blindness is a X-linked recessive disorder. Males have higher chances of
getting affected in comparison to females because males have only one X with Y
chromosome while females have two X chromosomes (XX). Thus, for a female to get 2
affected by colour blindness, she has to have the mutant gene on both the X
chromosomes while males can be affected if they carry it on the single X chromosome
32. I) Retrovirus , RNA ½
II) No , this virus deviates from central Dogma as it shows reverse transcription. ½
iii) B = Reverse Transcriptase ; C= DNA ½
iv) NACO is the National Aids Control Organization. It is a government ½
organization of India, set up to monitor HIV+ individuals' healthcare ½+1/2
coverage and to safeguard and uphold their human rights.aims at halting
and reversing HIV epidemic in India.
v) It depends on immunity and life style of an individual too. 1

33. a) Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) ½

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) ½
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) ½

b) NO, GIFT cannot be considered as an IVF Technique because in this method 1+1
fertilization takes place in the female body.


A) Any two point of differences for each (1+1)

(i) A is female Anopheles mosquito, this mosquito acts as a vector and transmits the 1
disease from patients to healthy individuals.
(ii) Fertilisation The event C occurs in the intestinal wall of mosquito and is called as (½ + ½)
fertilisation. 1
(iii) B is the salivary glands from where sporozoites of Plasmodium are released.

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