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FRENCH NEWS IN ENGLISH SINCE 2002 December 2023/January 2024 Issue 254 €6.25

American author is to publish in ‘Equity release’

revamp aims
Photo: Susan Kaiser Greenland

France due to US ‘climate of fear’ to boost sector


Comment, page 15

Property price drop set to continue but rural areas are less affected
AN AVERAGE 3% year-on-year drop areas where they had increased most ‘key interest rates’ to 4%. “It’s hap- ple’s purchasing power.” build prices saw a slight year-on-year
in French property prices has been con- in recent years, and more slowly in pened progressively,” said Mr Cantin. Annual sales of non new-build drop by August, which reached 3% in
firmed in new notaire figures, with areas where they stayed more moder- “A year ago rates were rising but there homes are likely to be below 900,000, a November, slightly more in houses
sellers advised to accept a negotiation ate, said the president of the large estate had not been a price impact. drop of 300,000 year-on-year. than for flats. In Paris the figure as of
downwards if they need to move. agents’ federation Fnaim, Loïc Cantin. “Now, we see a very noticeable lower- But where people are able to buy, November was 6.1%.
The fall is expected to continue for at The fall is mainly due to the rise in ing month-on-month. It takes time for they are negotiating. “They don’t hesi- Many cities showed the steepest drops
least another six months. mortgage rates from less than 2% in sellers to adapt to market realities. tate to offer 10 or 15% off.” Sellers who but the picture is not uniform. Flat
Large cities, especially Paris, are most 2022 to over 4%. Rates are affected by “Over the next six months, no doubt, need to sell, must listen, he said. prices barely changed in Lille, Marseille
affected and rural areas the least. the Central European Bank, which has this tendency will continue, since sale The latest report by the French and Rouen but dropped 8% at least in
Prices are dropping the fastest in sought to reduce inflation by raising prices are still not proportional to peo- notaires states that average non new- è Turn to Page 2

MPs to decide Do not be afraid to dream big... Inside

First rule
on ‘win-win’ of French
visa plan for Rip up the
recipe book
second homes
The Back Page
‘Restricting visiting time has economic impact’
Pacs or
by Liv Rowland on our regions. The adoption of the amend-
BRITONS with second homes in France are
ment shows the importance that the Senate
attaches to the Franco-British relationship. I your rights
after death
being urged to write to the French MP for hope that MPs will be sensitive to this issue
the area where their property is if they sup- and keep this provision in the text.”
port the ‘automatic visa right’ plan that was Ms Berthet was referring to the complica-

of partner
approved by the French Senate in November. tions many Britons face in obtaining visas to
They should explain how much they value spend extended periods at their French homes,
their time in France. most of which were bought pre-Brexit when
The idea has been added to an immigration the 90/180 days rule did not apply. The visa Page 32
bill which MPs will debate from December process must also be repeated for each visit.
11. It needs their approval to be brought in.
Senators voted to allow British sec-
The change would give an automatic right
to stay for longer than three months due to
ond-home owners to bypass the Schengen
area 90 /180 days rule and return in effect to
being British and owning a second home in
the country. Le Pen
goes where
the pre-Brexit situation of not needing a visa No application would be needed and it
to stay in France for up to six months. could work, for example, by showing a doc-
France can set immigration rules for its ument proving home ownership at the bor-

her father
own territory so is able to do this. der, an assistant to Ms Berthet said.
The plan is said to be a ‘win-win’ for Full details would remain to be worked out

Interview Claudie Haigneré

Photo: CNES/ESA/PEDOUSSAUT Manuel, 2001

France as Britons integrate well and many in an additional decree.

areas benefit economically from the time
they spend in France. It would also free up
Not all agree with the plan though. In the
Senate, a minister said it was not needed as could not...
First French woman
time for overworked visa processing staff. visas exist. A socialist senator also opposed it
Senator Mar­ tine Berthet (Savoie, Les saying Britons “often make house prices rise”. Page 14
Répu­blicains), who wrote the amendment, However, an MP for President Ma­ cron’s

to go into space
said: “I am delighted. I was able to make my majority Renaissance party has since told L 14574 - 254 H - F: 6,25 € - RD
colleagues aware of the difficulties that these campaigners they will look closely at the pro- French
British people have encountered since Brexit posal and their position is not yet finalised. Living
and the economic impact that this has had è Turn to Page 6
2 News The Connexion December 2023
US author publishes only in France to avoid ‘climate of fear’ 3
1-11 Clubs ‘faking’ women’s cricket matches
FRANCE Cricket (FC) – the involved in the investigation. team if they up to Division 1 the following

Photo: shutterstock_poltu shyamal

Groups launch legal fight to demand hunting restrictions 4
Audrey Tautou lured back to acting by Jewish artist’s story 5 association that promotes the She said she had visited wanted a men’s year and why none of the play-
How Britons abroad can now register to vote again 6 sport in the country – is facing grounds where matches were team to play in ers from those teams or their
allegations of turning a blind supposedly taking place. the top leagues. under 16s players ever join any
Fines pile up on motorway with no toll barriers 7
eye to ‘fake’ women’s matches. “I saw people having picnics Clubs can be of the top division clubs.”
Farmers juggle ‘food sovereignty’ with eco transition 8 It is allegedly obtained subsi- and kids cycling around at the fined if they The French national team
MPs call for end to fines for private forest walks 9 dies from cricket’s international time of the game, but there fail to fulfil fix- reached the European World
Fuel allowance, GP fees... What’s new in France? 10 governing body, the ICC, by were no matches. Then the next tures and there Cup Qualifiers in Spain in
Pantomime finds new French fans 11 A cricketer
reporting phantom matches. day the results were appearing were €20,000 plays a stroke September, but lost its matches.
Comment 12-17 An investigation by French
state-owned TV channel France
online,” she said.
Asked where the ICC money
in fines in the
first year of the rule but the next
Ms Lieury blamed a lack of
players coming through the sys-
TV angel Mimie turns disability into driving force 12
Lozère prepares Mongolian horses for life back in the wild 13 24 claimed to find results in the was going, she said: “I’ve no season that dropped to €5,000. tem. She said there are also
Simon Heffer/Nabila Ramdani 14 women’s second division that idea. When I asked to see the A coach with men’s fourth funding difficulties. Her own
Women bringing equality to France’s ‘noble’ building trade 15 were fabricated and had been accounts I was pressured not to division team Vipères de Valenc- team, Les Duchesses in Nantes,
Readers’ letters 16-17 rubber stamped by FC. ‘be nosy’. iennes, James Worstead, told gets nothing from FC, she said.
ICC funding is linked to the Ms Rodriguez, who plays for France 24 it can be difficult to FC chairman Prebagarane
Practical 18-21 development of women’s and Lisses CC in the Ile-de-France, assemble a female team so many Balane told a cricket website the
Your questions 18 junior cricket. It gave FC said: “The vision being por- clubs “pretend” to have one. allegations are “baseless”, but FC
Make sense of radars and speeding fines 19 €320,000 out of a total €520,000 trayed to the outside world is Former international player would not comment to us until
Vous? Tu? Correct form of address still causes angst 20 budget for 2022. fake, to gain FC more money Sabine Lieury, President of it has prepared a legal response
Risky cold medicines remain on sale 21 Former France international and clubs like ours [first divi- Nantes Cricket Club, told The to France 24.

player Tracy Rodriguez, who sion] don’t see any of it.” Connexion: “I’ve often won- The ICC told Sky Sports it was
Photo: Alain Rico

was elected to FC’s board in In 2021, FC ruled that clubs dered why the team that won investigating. We have asked for
PAGES 2021 but left this year, was had to have a junior and female the Divison 2 title never made it confirmation of this.
French living
France’s iconic eateries: from train
station gems to bustling brasseries
‘I tell women to be bold,’ says first French woman in space
Property price drop ‘could hit 6%’
13 desserts, a festive Provencal feast Î Continued from page 1
Antiques hunt gives interiors inspiration Besançon, Nantes, Angers and Rouen. Sales Year-on-year changes
Museum lets you glimpse the future of history in Lyon
volumes in non new-build houses dropped
at least 8% in Amiens, Orléans, Nîmes, Saint-
in France in November
Etienne, Valence, Lyon and Toulon and 3-6% (non new-build homes)
DIRECTORY 22-27 in Le Havre, Rennes, La Rochelle, Toulouse, n Property prices overall: -3%
Medical cannabis experiment extended for pain relief 28 Le Mans, Grenoble and Lille. n House prices overall: -3.2%
Price comparison site Meilleurs Agents
Many ways France Services can help 29 n Flat prices overall: -2.7%
states in its November ‘barometer’ that,
Versailles at 400: from hunting lodge to opulence 30 month-on-month, cities saw drops apart n Property prices overall in France out
from Lille, Montpellier and Toulouse. side Ile-de-France: -1.9%
Charity shop aims to raise €100,000 in year for animals 31
Nantes saw the biggest fall (-0.8%), fol- n Flat prices outside Ile-de-France: -0.3%
Money / Work/ Property 32-39 lowed by Marseille and Lyon (-0.5%). n House prices outside Ile-de-France: -2.7%
However rural areas had a 0% change n Flat prices: 0%: Marseille, Lille, Toulon
The Back Page 40
Photo: Ilgonisf_shutterstock

month-on-month and show a 2.2% rise on n Flat prices -8%+: Besançon, Mulhouse,
First rule of French cooking? Rip up the recipe book November 2022. Amiens was among Nantes, Angers, Rouen
Mr Cantin said: “Marseille has not seen cities experiencing n Volume of house sales: -8%+:
Contact Us steep rises, whereas Nantes has increased a
lot so the correction is more severe.
highest price drops
for houses
Saint-Etienne, Amiens, Orléans, Nîmes,
Valence, Lyon, Toulon
Subscribe / resubscribe at: “In Nice, prices are more stable. Over half the population is 65+; they already own It is possible, however, that by the end of nostic study ratings. Some people are selling
property and have capital and have less need the year the average annual price drop in homes as they do not want to have to reno-
Subscription queries: of loans or to negotiate.” non new-build will up to 6%, he said, add- vate under new environmental rules, he said.
Nathalie: +33 (0)6 40 55 71 63* The government and ECB say there will be ing: “But remember that if you sell for less, it One factor keeping prices dropping too
*Rate set by your operator no more interest rate hikes for now. However, also means you can buy for less.” much is a lack of new-build due to the high
Adverts: fluctuations linked to world events are Mr Allouche said there are three factors price of raw materials and fewer buy-to-let
Editorial: always possible, and if inflation rises, the affecting price drops, firstly the type of prop- tax breaks.
rates could rise again to compensate. erty; for example studio flats are selling bet- Some sellers refusing to lower their prices
Write to: The Connexion, The CEO of the ERA Immobilier network ter than big houses and so are dropping less. or taking their property off the market is
Le Grande Bretagne, 30 Av. Grande Bretagne, 98000 Monaco in France, Eric Allouche, said the drops are Location is the next factor. “If you’re in a another, he said.
@ConnexionFrance moderate compared to the slump in sales but sought-after coastal resort the prices will “Historically, buying property is always a
the latter is not a “catastrophe”. “We only drop much less.” safe investment in the long-term,” he added.
The Connexion went over one million sales in 2019,” he said. The third factor is the condition and diag- “Just don’t buy and resell straight away.”

Rise in tax office checks on wealth Act soon if you

Contributors: Liv Rowland, Ken Seaton, Simon Heffer, Nick Inman, Samantha David,
Brian McCulloch, Justin Postlethwaite, Nabila Ramdani, Théophile Larcher, Nick Jenkins,
Jared Paolino, Victoria Gibson, Annaliza Davis Sub-editing: Sarah Henshaw
Design: Lynne Spaight Proof reading: Richard Henshell Editorial consultant: Bruno Lacombe
THE NUMBER of people facing tax office checks years. While prices are now tending to drop (see
received local
Directrice de la Publication (Managing Editor): Sarah Smith
Rédacteur-en-Chef (Editor-in-Chief): Sarah Smith
over the value of their properties is reported to be
have been on the rise since summer.
page 1 and above), if you pay IFI and have been
declaring the same value for several years it would
tax bill in error
The Connexion is published by English Language Media Sarl Tax lawyers consulted by business news maga- be wise to check your property’s value for the next IF YOU received a taxe d’habita-
Registered office: Le Grande Bretagne, 30 av. Grande Bretagne, 98000 Monaco zine Capital said there had been a notable increase, declaration, based on its value on January 1, 2024. tion bill in error this autumn you
Environmental policy: possibly coinciding with the obligation for every- The same applies if you have not paid before but should alert your tax office as
The Connexion is printed on recycled newspaper. one to make an online Biens immobiliers declara- may have risen into taxable levels of property soon as possible to avoid having
Subscribers to The Connexion receive their copy wrapped in tion of property ownership by August 10. wealth. These are €1.3million after a deduction of to pay it and claim the money
biodegradable eco-friendly film. This is fully compostable at home. It could also simply have been due to tax offices 30% on the value of your main home. back.
Subscription prices: going through this year’s declarations for the Patrim, a tool that can be used to make a value In most cases the deadline for
Annual: French address: €69, Les contenus Si vous souhaitez
copier et diffuser impôt sur la fortune immobilière (IFI) to calculate estimate is accessible via your personal space on the tax, which as of this year is
address outside France: €85.50, DE THE CONNEXION des articles de The Connexion
dans le cadre de votre
bills that went out to be payable by September 15. the French tax site or you can use the notaires’ only payable on second homes,
100% Digital: €54 sont protégés activité professionnelle

Three-month: French address: €19.65, par le Vous devez en demander

Either way, the figures for recent years show a property website which has a map of recent aver- is December 15.
address outside France: €23.80, droit l’autorisation au CFC trend towards more checks related to property age prices in a given area ( Tax officials admit that thou-
100% Digital: €15 d’auteur
ownership, including IFI and stamp duty on prop- In the case of checks, officials will make a com- sands of bills were sent out to
Digital subscriptions only available if you
subscribe at
Contact /
erty sales, from 67,308 in 2018 to 78,602 in 2022. parison with similar properties sold in your area people who should not have to
Encart abonnement sur une diffusion partielle / Encart calendrier sur une diffusion partielle A leading tax workers’ unionist, Solidaires recently. Checks can take place up to the end of pay. This was said to be due to
Printed by Rotimpres, Finances Publiques, told Capital there had been “a the third year after the one when the tax was due, them having moved home
Impressions Rotatives, 17181 Aiguaviva (Girona), Espagne will, as we came out of Covid-19, to cover all of the eg. 2026 for 2023’s tax. recently and therefore having
All copyright is reserved to the publisher. Reproduction in whole or part of any potential areas of tax checks”. If you are fined and/or asked to pay extra tax, two addresses registered on file.
text without permission is strictly prohibited. The Connexion cannot accept
responsibility for claims of advertisers or their professionalism. Le Figaro also reported last year on more tax you can appeal, for example explaining the basis You can contact the tax office
Mensuel Depôt légal – a parution. offices looking into whether people have account- of your evaluation, including any features that by private message via your
RCI 10 S 05218 ISSN: 1742 - 6421 CPPAP: 0126 I 85379 ed for the property price hikes market in recent might reduce its value compared to the average. account on
The Connexion December 2023 News 3
gift for our
American author publishes ‘black’ novel
SINCE 2002
in France, citing a ‘climate of fear’ in US
are right to seek out ‘authentic’

A WHITE American author migrant’s harrowing journey to

connects to ies: This number FEBRUARY FRANKS
the fire brigade
(Sapeurs-pompiers M 1 New Year’s
deal with medical ), they also T 2 Day
and should emergencies
be the first
W3 F 2 Chandeleur F 1 APRIL
call in life-threat port of T 4 S 3 St David’s Day
ening situations S 2 M 1 UK Easter

whose latest novel features a the US. voices to tell the stories of mar-
u 15: Samu F 5 FR Lundi deMonday
(for other S 4 S 3 T 2 JUNE
medical call-outs) urgent S 6
Pâques W 1 FR
u 112: Universal Épiphanie M 5 M 4 W3 Fête du travail
S 7 T 2 S 1
services numberEuropean emergenc T 6 Waitangi T 5 T 4
- works from y M 8 Day F 3 S 2
phones including W7 W6 F 5
u 17: Police/Ge mobiles all T 9 T 8 T 7
S 4 M 3
S 6 S 5
u 114: Emergenndarmes W 10 F 9 F 8
T 4
cy calls (to S 7 M 6 UK May W5
if you have use T 11 S 10 S 9 Day
or hearing) difficulty speaking M 8 T 7

black female character has pub- Critics argued that its author ginalised groups, especially as
F 12 S 11 T 6
u EDF-ENE S 10 Mothering Sunday T 9 W 8 FR Fête
DIS: S 13 M 12 de la Victoire F 7
+ your departmen09 726 750 M 11 W 10 T 9 FR L’Ascensio
S 14 T 13 S 8
(eg 24 for t number Mardi Gras T 12 T 11 F 10 n
the Dordogn M 15 W 14 S 9
electricity e): Valentine’s Day W 13 F 12 S 11
u GAS: 0800 emergencies T 16 T 15 T 14 S 13
M 10
u 3237: 47 33 33 Gas W 17 S 12 Mothering T 11
emergencies F 16 F 15 S 14 Sunday
(€0.35/min) T 18 M 13 W 12
Out of hours S 17 S 16 M 15
details (see pharmacy T 14 T 13

figures show that white authors

F 19

lished the book exclusively in Jeanine Cummins, who is not

also www.323 S 18 S 17 St Patrick’s T 16
u 09 74 S 20 Day W 15 F 14
75 36 46: M 19 M 18 W 17 T 16
English-speaking S 21 T 20 T 19
S 15
(state health cpam M 22
T 18 F 17 S 16 Father’s
insurance/refunds) W 21 W 20 1st day F 19 Day
T 23 of Spring S 18 M 17
T 22 T 21 S 20
W 24 S 19 T 18
F 23 F 22 S 21
T 25 M 20 FR Pentecôte W 19
S 24 S 23 M 22
F 26 Australia T 21 T 20 1st day

an immigrant or of Mexican are already over-represented.

S 25

France, citing a “climate of fear”

S 24 T 23 St of
S 27 Day
M 26 George’s Day W 22 F 21 Fête de Summer
M 25 W 24 la Musique
Tax planning S 28 T 27 T 26 T 25
T 23 S 22
M 29 F 24 S 23
Investments T 30
W 28 W 27 F 26 S 25 M 24
T 29 T 28
UK pensio W 31
S 27 S 26 Fête T 25
ns F 29 Good S 28 des
M 27 UK Spring Mères
Estate planni
© ELM 2024


S 30 Clocks M 29 Bank Holiday
ng Zone A: Besançon, HOLIDAYS * +1 hour * T 28 T 27

heritage, was unqualified to Penguin Random House, the

S 31 UK Easter

over identity politics in the US

Zone B: Aix-Marsei Bordeaux, Clermont-F Sunday T 30 W 29 F 28
w w w. b l e Zone C: Créteil, lle, Amiens, errand, Dijon, FR Dimanche
vinsfran Caen, Lille, de Pâques T 30 Montpellie
r, Paris, Toulouse,Nancy-Met Grenoble, Limoges, S 29
z, Nantes, Lyon, Poitiers F 31
Versailles Nice, Orléans-To S 30
Rennes, Rouen, KEY
ION PUBLISH Strasbourg French Bank
ES HELPGU Holidays
Order at IDES ON IMPORT * Potentially
subject to change UK Bank Holidays FRENCH NEWS
No 19/Special
SINCE 2002

Digital guide

nnexionfrance.c Joint French

For residents

and second
home owners + updates 2023
Digital guide

and UK Bank Law and

+ updates 2023


om or call
SINCE 2002

What to do For residents

Wills in

FRENCH 83-86 and second-home

NEWS IN for key foreign pages owners
SINCE 2002 – pages

income types update

Nathalie on
added Four30, 2023

in France

13, June

write about the topic. largest of the ‘big five’ publish-


publishing industry.



06 40 55
et testaments
en France Doctors + specialists
This guide was
+ What tax is Reimbursements
updated in August

71 63
to include information
France's 2021 on
+ Formalities Hospital stays
foreign inheritance relating to after a death
and children law choices
+ Help to stay How to complete Carte Vitale
and in June
with details
of a challenge
at home in older
French law and to that
Impôt sur le your
about automatic warning
+ Retirement age revenu S1s / Ehics
/ Ceams
regime changes
homes declaration/s
PLUS ways
income) Covid updates
to reduce
your final tax Moving over
Your questions
The new tax-site answered
for all
property owners

THIS month, all our print Seth Greenland, 68, claims Some said her identity was ers, reported that only around

Photos: Seth Greenland

subscribers will receive a that such politics mean white not the problem but the misrep- 24% of its contributors identi-
complimentary A4 desk writers are being “strongly dis- resentation of it by her publish- fied as black, indigenous or
calendar showing British and couraged from writing charac- er, who overstated her personal people of colour in 2022.
French bank holidays and ters who are not white”. and ethnic links to the Mexican Despite the concerns of
other important dates in He told The Connexion: “I’m an and migrant experience. authors such as Mr Greenland,
both countries. American writer, I tell American Seth Greenland said storytelling should ‘create empathy’ Others said American Dirt books by white writers dealing
We came up with the idea a stories, and not all Americans inaccurately portrayed the with racial themes or including
few years ago after search- are white. To be hamstrung by publisher Liana Levi, that access to books, the other is to migrant experience, was taste- characters from marginalised
ing fruitlessly for something the notion that I’m supposed to prompted Mr Greenland to limit what gets taught in lessly marketed or was promot- groups are still finding outlets.
similar for our own office. We stay in the ‘white’ lane, to me, self-censor in the US and America’s public universities.” ed at the expense of Latinx “There are many books pub-
hope it proves useful. frankly, it’s ridiculous.” launch the book in France. In the 20th century, many authors who had written about lished in the US that have enor-
Best wishes for the season, He joins writers such as Joyce He hopes to publish Plan black American artists and intel- the subject with greater nuance. mous backlash and are eagerly
The Connexion team Maynard and Bret Easton Ellis, américain in the US after prov- lectuals, such as entertainer The backlash has left some US received by publishers because
who have voiced similar con- ing its viability overseas. Josephine Baker and writer publishers wary of stories about they will sell,” Mr Paulson said.
Calls for ski cerns to French newspapers.
In France, debates over topics
The book has not been reject-
ed by any US publisher to date.
James Baldwin, were embraced
in France for their creative
marginalised groups that have
been written by authors who
This Other Eden, by Paul
Harding, exploring the conse-

train routes to such as ‘sensitivity readers’ –

people hired by a publisher to
Ken Paulson, director of the
Free Speech Center at Middle
talents in a way that seemed
impossible in the US at the time.
are not part of them.
However, Mr Greenland
quences of eugenics in an inter-
racial fishing community, was

be expanded
flag content that could be con- Tennessee State University, said For Mr Greenland and others warns this attitude is danger- shortlisted for the 2023 Booker
sidered offensive, inaccurate or there was no evidence suggest- who see self-censorship as a ous. “What art is about, what Prize, due to be announced on
stereotypical – and cultural ing widespread self-censorship growing problem, the perceived novel writing is about, is the November 26.
EUROPEAN rail operators are appropriation have not permeat- was happening in the US. need for white authors to seek exploration of consciousness In a review for The New York
being urged to help expand ed public discourse to the same “The real threats to free creative refuge abroad might other than our own, in order to Times, queer black writer Danez
door-to-door train services to extent as in the US. speech in America largely come also be traced to the controver- foster a deeper connection, to Smith praised Harding’s novel,
French ski resorts from London, It was this, as well as his exist- from the legislative side,” Mr sy surrounding American Dirt, create empathy,” he said. describing it as “so real it could
Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam. ing relationship with French Paulson said. “One is to limit a 2020 novel about a Mexican Others argue that publishers make you weep”.
The appeal for tenders comes

Firms fight for cash Reviving nation’s toymaking

from resort operator Comp-
a­gnie des Alpes, which wants
more rail links to open to the
Alps for winter 2024-25.
The firm owns 10 ski areas,
including Les Arcs, Tignes and
Méribel, and has been offering
door-to-door ski holidays from
for your flight delays skills, one mascot at a time
London and Paris for two years, A NEW French company has 40% if legal action is required.

Photos: Doudou et Compagnie / Inset: Cesar Mendez_shutterstock

including train transport to joined a crowded field targeting Delayed will have to compete
Bourg-Saint-Maurice, Savoie. travellers whose flights have with similar firms, including
It said it carried 12,000 cus- been delayed, overbooked or Germany’s AirHelp and UK
tomers last year, despite not cancelled, aiming to secure site Flightright. It is among 10
being able to run the Paris route compensation for them. firms compared here: tinyurl.
due to a lack of trains, and facing Since 2004, European regula- com/5n7628w8.
reduced seat numbers and dates tion CE 261 grants air passen- The French start-up says only
on the London route. gers departing from or arriving 20% of passengers know they
The firm wants European rail in an EU country specific are entitled to compensation.
operators to offer trains for up to rights, and repays a fixed Delayed co-founder Jérémie
two weekly journeys between amount if their flight is can- Peiro said: “The number of
mid-December and mid-April. celled, delayed for more than post-Covid passengers explod-
It is in partnership talks with three hours, or overbooked. ed and airlines were not organ-
other tourism operators looking You can claim this yourself by ised to deal with it. Fortunately,
Some of the 2024 Olympic Games mascots, inset, are
to take advantage of these poten- contacting your airline’s cus- the law is retroactive and air
being made in Brittany, a former hub of soft toymaking
tial routes. tomer service by registered post passengers can claim compens-
As well as encouraging people or via its website, with support- ation up to three years after THE COMPANY making the a former garden centre, which Joly aims to change this.
to visit French ski resorts, rather ing documents such as your their disruption.” mascots for the 2024 Olympic opened last year. “I hope soft toy production will
than go to Switzerland, Austria ticket, boarding card (if applic- Delayed might also expand to and Paralympic Games is hop- CEO Alain Joly, who founded increase in France, that’s the
and Italy, Compagnie des Alpes able) and expense receipts. cover other means of travel, ing to relaunch the French toy- the firm in 1999, said: “The objective,” he said.
said the additional train routes However, Nantes-based including rail, ferry and bus. making industry by bringing in Olympic contracts are a great The Olympic deal brought
would reduce the industry’s car- Delayed claims to make the Half of flights in Europe were a new generation of talent. honour, a great source of pride. challenges, including the need
bon footprint. whole process faster and easier. delayed last summer and nearly Doudou et Compagnie, from “We’re also using this to show- to design new machines and
It said fewer than 0.5% of the Travellers input details, such 2,000 were cancelled every day Val d’Oise, north-west of Paris, case our expertise. train a new generation for
nine million French people visit- as departure and destination in 2022, according to the air won the tender to design and “We want people to under- the labour-intensive industry,
ing the Alps annually travelled airports, flight numbers and the traffic management body make the games’ mascots, based stand what’s behind the design which Mr Joly said had lost 30
by train and 80% of the more reason their flight was disrupt- Eurocontrol. Two-thirds of on the Phrygian cap, a French of a plush toy, the many stages years of savoir-faire.
than one million British skiers ed or cancelled, at flights left on time – a decrease symbol dating from the that require lots of know-how.” It takes eight people to per-
travelled by plane. The platform then determines on the 2019 average of 73%. Revolution, in November 2021. Mr Joly previously ran a firm form the steps to make each toy
n Some ski resorts have opened if they are eligible for compens- The right to compensation It followed controversy over in the 1970s and 1980s with and they cost €9 more than the
slopes earlier this year thanks to ation. If they are not – for depends on three criteria: the the mascots being largely made three factories in Brittany, an Chinese-made ones, but they
unusually good snow cond- example, if a natural disaster or flight’s country of departure in China. area once known for soft toy are bigger, have thicker ‘fur’ and
itions, with the cross-country a security risk was to blame – and arrival, and the nationality Some commentators also production. He was forced to retain the ‘memory’ of their
skiing tracks at Bessans, Savoie, the online service is free. of the airline. Passengers can found the mascots’ appearance shut by Asian competition. shape better, the firm says.
being the first, on November 4, If a customer is eligible and reclaim up to €600. bizarre, likening them to the He then launched Doudou et Some of the French-made
followed by Tignes and Val decides to make a claim, the If you would rather claim on anatomical shape of a clitoris. Compagnie, with its own manu- mascots are now being export-
Thorens on November 18. Delayed team acts on their your own, you can find more While 75% of the toys are facturing based in Asia. Doudou ed to China and the US. Since
The rest of the country’s ski behalf to secure compensation. details of what to do at tinyurl. being made by the firm’s teams is French for a child’s favourite November 2022, 70,000 have
stations are set to open this The firm takes up to 25% of com/t99m6jdx and at tinyurl. in Asia, the rest are being made soft toy. The lion’s share of pro- been sold. Production is set to
month: successful payouts, rising to com/flight-comp. at a 3,500m2 Brit­tany factory in duction remains overseas but Mr rise to 1,000/day in early 2024.
4 News The Connexion December 2023

Senate votes overwhelmingly for ban on inclusive writing

ALMOST three-quarters of
senators have voted in favour of
a bill to ban gender-inclusive
For: ‘Language has to move’ Against: ‘No cosmetic changes’
writing from all areas where THE BILL is proof that there is still a She added: “Inclusive writing is a CHANGING the French language runs battle lies.” When asked how it could help
French is legally required “in lot of work to be done to clarify the lever for working on gender equality. the risk of distancing future generations members of the LGBQT community feel
order to protect the language”. purpose of inclusive writing, said ling- “It’s not at all a question of undermin- from the country’s formidable literary more visible, Ms Audugé replied: “It is
The legislation, if passed, would uist Jana Rameh, a consultant at Mots- ing existing grammar. It’s about making past, warned Sophie Audugé, spokes- what you might call an identitarian
prevent a generic masculine Clés, an agency that helps firms adopt a personal effort to use the means that woman for SOS Education, a non-profit essentialism. It’s strategic and political.
being replaced by masculine and inclusive writing. are already present in our language.” aiming to improve the education system. “The majority of people in these com-
feminine forms. Examples in use “What it seeks to do is to build a lang- Ms Rameh dismisses claims by supp- “There’s a clear danger in cutting our munities have no desire to be singled out
include ami.e.s (friends) and uage that is more egalitarian, that is orters of the ban that inclusive writing younger generations off from history and for this part of their identity.
artisan·e·s (craftspeople). more inclusive for everyone,” she said. hinders reading and comprehension. making them believe that there’s a need “Let’s be clear, there’s nothing more
The ban would cover educa- “It’s a way of moving towards greater “The Catalan alphabet uses the mid- in France to feminise the language to communitarian than telling someone
tion as well as adverts, instruct- equality between women and men.” point [full stop] between two l’s, to say improve equality between men and ‘we’re going to make you visible’.”
ion leaflets, job offers and all It has led to a rise in women applying that it means something different. For women,” she said. “It’s not true. Alongside the weight of intellectual
official documents. for certain jobs, as well as an important people who speak Catalan, even those “I think our younger generations need history, she also cited a major report from
It would automatically nullify shift in work culture, she said. with dyslexia, it’s not a problem. to learn from women’s struggles, whether SOS Education about the complications
legal documents that contain it “You can’t use inclusive writing and “The idea would be to teach this from it’s Colette or Simone Veil, to understand that inclusive writing, such as using the
unless they also carry a trans- have a gender pay gap or be sexist at a an early age and help schoolchildren how a woman today takes her place in median point, could pose to blind and
lation into traditional French. company,” she said. understand that, for example, the mid- society: through education, through partially sighted people, as well as those
The bill must be approved by For Ms Rameh, changing language to point is just an abbreviation. intellectual demands, through the battle with autism, dyslexia or dyspraxia.
MPs, who are divided on the reflect a shifting society is fundament- “In French, it’s hard to separate the of ideas with men, and through her ability None of which means French cannot
topic, to become law. al. “Any living language, by definition, grammatical gender from the neuter to develop a way of thinking. evolve with a changing society, she said.
Senators say the language is a has to move,” she said. “Language for human nouns. Inclusive writing “It’s certainly not by lowering the level “We can be resolutely modern, while
barrier for people with learning evolves from the desire of its speakers allows a certain of education, by preserving the French language identity.
difficulties. The Ministry for to express certain needs that cannot be linguistic invent- making cosmetic “The Académie française dictionary is a
Culture issued a ‘recommend- expressed using existing means. iveness. changes to lang- benchmark because, obviously, a national
ation of wisdom’ about the bill. “French is perceived as more fixed “By using the uage, that we will language takes a long time to develop.
Other countries with gendered because there’s a certain institution median point, or improve the status That is something that we have to recog-
language have also pushed back responsible for regulating the evolution employing words of women. nise and respect.
against this. of the language. such as ‘iel’, “On the contrary, “But there are institutions that don’t

Photo: Scheenagh Harrington

Berlin mayor Kai Wegner said “Historically, there have been a lot of non-binary peo- today more young have to let themselves be carried away by
he will not use it and the world’s debates about gender and inclusivity, ple are better girls from the least fashions, and which must preserve what
oldest linguistic academy, Italy’s and in fact before the 17th century reflected in the privileged back- is most profound in a nation’s identity,
Accademia della Crusca, said the each profession had its respective fem- French language, grounds don’t have which is its language.”
masculine plural was the “best inine form. It was with the establish- far more than access to education The ninth edition the Académie
way to represent all genders”. ment of the Académie française that when only the to escape from the française dictionary, first published in
We spoke to two experts on we moved towards a language that generic mascu- The median point in writing allows both situation. 1694, is now up to spermatophytes and can
both sides of this debate. was masculine.” line is used.” masculine and feminine forms to be read “That’s where the be seen online at

Groups launch legal fight to The serious job of

hospital clowning
demand hunting restrictions

Photo: Jordan Colin

TWO organisations are demand-
ing the government take respons-
ibility and regulate hunting to
Chasseurs and cyclists agree to share land
reduce the danger to the public, HUNTERS and cyclists have based on a series of meetings POORLY children in the
Photo: Un jour un chasseur/Mila Sanchez

in the first stage of what could be reached a land-sharing deal and discussions between south of France are being
a lengthy legal process. after 15 years of debate, with members of Les Vieux cochons made to feel a little better,
In a letter to ministers whose the aim of enabling both seillonnais bike club, which thanks to 40 volunteer clowns.
portfolios include hunting, the organisations to carry out their was founded by hunters and RIRE Clowns (tinyurl.
groups are calling for regulatory weekend hobbies safely. many of whose members com/42a4bu48) is celebrating
measures, including a ban on From this year, hunters based continue to take part. 30 years of bringing smiles to Volunteers Pâquerette and
hunting at weekends and a reduct- Morgan Keane was in the commune of Seillons Mountain biker Éric Michel the faces of patients, families Lililou entertain a patient
ion in hunting zone sizes. fatally shot by a hunter Source d’Argens, in the Var in said the two groups enjoyed a and staff at hospitals in including paediatrics. It’s
If the government does not act, the south of France, have good working relationship, Montpellier and Sète in the really very intimate work.”
the case could go before the Paris around roads and houses to pro- agreed to use only one of two thanks to social media easing Hérault department. She also helps train each
administrative court and, event- tect inhabitants and people who zones every weekend, leaving the lines of communication The non-profit association new crop of volunteers.
ually, to the Conseil d’État, the use the countryside,” she said. the other free for bikers, run- between the two groups. is one of just a few in France The association pays for the
highest administrative court. Ms Sanchez said the groups’ ners and walkers. The hunters even issued a to combine so many volun- training, which includes 12
Marion Fargier, who works in demands were complicated by The two sectors cover an area Facebook invitation for locals teers and professional clowns. workshops and ‘buddying up’
the legal department of the wild- the hunting lobby, who she said of around 1,000 hectares and to share a meal after a hunt, Nadine Pons, 66, also with a professional clown.
life protection organisation “immediately raise their voice”. are separated by a road. and more get-togethers are known as Clown Roudoudou, Volunteers are also offered
Association pour la Protection “We’re talking about a leisure Hunt leader Sébastien Sorja planned for the future. started out as a volunteer with monthly clown labs, as well as
des Animaux Sauvages, one of activity that monopolises the posts details of the hunting Christian Burgio, president the association in 1998. listening workshops with a
the groups involved, told The entire public space. We’re dealing areas on a shared WhatsApp of the bike club, said the Now, she is one of the four professional psychologist.
Connexion: “We want real, bind- with a problem of democracy.” group every week. cyclists were planning to intro- professionals who work spec- When it comes to potential
ing national rules, laid down by Both groups hope for a positive It allows the local cycling duce the hunters to their sport ifically with child cancer clown candidates, Ms Pons
the state and properly enforced. response from the letter, but are club’s 180 members, including the next time around. patients and their families. said they look for people who
“The state is responsible for the braced for a longer fight. around 100 children, to enjoy Mr Sorja said the meetings The experience for both are stable and committed.
safety of the population. It is the “We are still preparing for their sport, minimising the were “the icing on the cake of groups is very different. “For me, a clown is com-
state that must take regulatory litigation,” said Ms Fargier. risks of disrupting the hunt or this very good understanding”. “A volunteer goes to meet pletely authentic, someone
steps to ensure everyone’s safety, There are five million licensed shooting accidents. He said the hunters tried to children in hospital in depart- who can empathise with child-
not leisure enthusiasts.” hunters in France, with just over The usual Wednesday hunt communicate and share as ments where they don’t actu- ren and families,” she said.
The second group, Un jour un one million active participants, has also been switched to much as possible, so they ally see the children again,” The rewards for the volun-
chasseur (One day one hunter), according to the National Thursdays, giving non-hunters could demonstrate they had a Ms Pons said. teers’ hard work and dedica-
was co-founded by Mila Sanchez, Hunters’ Federation. more time to enjoy outdoor different vision and approach. “They have a one-off miss- tion speak for themselves.
28, after her friend Morgan A spokeswoman for the federa- activities when many children “Everything’s going really ion. As for us professional “There are some unexpect-
Keane, pictured, was fatally shot tion said its objective, “and that might not be at school. well,” he said. clowns, we specialise in ed moments and very beauti-
in his garden by a hunter in 2020. of all hunters, has always been to The agreement has taken 15 “A dialogue has been estab- oncology, so we work in day ful encounters, but there’s a
“We want them to put in place aim for zero accidents”. years to come to fruition, lished between us.” hospital, in-patient, protected lot of laughter too,” she said.
significant safety distances Hunting safety app launches: Page 21 care and intensive care units, “We are clowns after all.”
The Connexion December 2023 News 5

Audrey Tautou lured back to acting by Jewish artist’s story

by Liv Rowland Charlotte’s spoken to her

Photo: / AlamyStockPhoto

All art: Collection Jewish Museum, Amsterdam © Charlotte Salomon Foundation

work (left) doctor friend
THE STORY of a young German artist was inspired of her an­guish
who moved to France before being by her life. over her moth-
deported and killed in Auschwitz has Right, a er and grand-
encouraged actress Audrey Tautou to self-portrait mother. She
leave semi-retirement for an intimate and, far said she found
six-show performance at a Paris theatre. left, actress herself at a
From January 19-25, Tautou will be Audrey Tautou crossroads,
alone on stage as she narrates the life of wondering
Charlotte Salomon, accompanied only “whether to
by a musician and projected images at alone with him” take my own life, or undertake some-
La Seine Musicale. – a reference to thing eccentric and mad”. Her friend
Tautou told L’Obs: “The artist is so what is believed encouraged her to put it all into her art.
beautiful, her work so strong. And it’s to have been sex- “I will live for them all,” she wrote,
essential to speak of Nazism, of deport- ual abuse. Else­ referring to the women in her family. “I
ation, of which she was a victim. That’s where, she shows sat there by the sea and looked deep
why I accepted this adventure, which is work, much of which became Life? or lished the art in turn, and organised an him asking her to “share a bed with me”, into the heart of humanity. I became my
completely new for me.” Theatre?, consisting of 769 pieces. exhibition in 1961 and in 1971 donated saying it is “natural”. mother, my grandmother… I learned
The play’s text has been reworked by She asked a doctor friend to keep the it to the Jewish museum in Amsterdam At one stage, she left him to paint in to travel all their paths.”
French writer David Foenkinos, with works for Mrs Moore, who had Charlotte, whose visa was linked to a hotel room on Cap Ferrat, but was The powerful results evoke many
whom Tautou, 47, has worked previ- returned to the US, taking several being her grandfather’s carer, suffered obliged to go back due to visa issues. themes, some dark and disturbing,
ously, from his 2014 novel Charlotte. Jewish children with her. “Keep this multiple family traumas in her short life. She wrote: “To have gained insight into others full of the light and beauty of
Born in 1917 to a Berlin doctor and safe, it is my whole life,” she said. Soon after joining her grandparents, every­thing then have to return to take southern France. The last image shows
nurse, Charlotte suffered tragedy when It combines images and texts inspired she moved with them to Nice, where care of him… I was sick, I was constantly Charlotte in a swimming costume,
her mother died when she was eight. by her and her family’s lives (however her grand­mother died jumping from beet-red from mute rage and grief.” looking at the sea as she sketches.
She later began art studies but after the names are changed). a window after the outbreak of war. She added that “my grandfather was Life? or Theatre? can be viewed online
the Kristallnacht attacks on Jews in Charlotte, who had recently married She had been told her mother died the symbol for me of the people I had at
1938, her father and stepmother fled to and was pregnant, was arrested with her from flu but her grandfather later said to resist… someone who had never felt L’Ermitage no longer exists, but the
the Nether­ lands while she went to fellow refugee husband by the Gestapo she had also killed herself – as had her true passion for anything”. nearby street bears its name and the
France to be with her grandparents. at L’Ermitage in September 1943. aunt and several other relatives. In one Shockingly, a confession text, only mairie put up a plaque about Charlotte
They, and other Jewish refugees, had They were deported to Drancy, out- painting, he says to her: “Why don’t published in 2015, reveals she poisoned in 2015. She is not yet a household
taken refuge at l’Ermitage, the villa of side Paris, and sent to Auschwitz. She you go ahead and kill yourself?” him with an omelette laced with drugs name, partly because her art is not sold
American millionaire Ottilie Moore, in was killed by gas after arrival, aged 26. Charlotte and her grandfather were her grandmother had kept in case of the on the open art market. However, retell-
Villefranche-sur-Mer, near Nice. The doctor later passed the art to imprisoned briefly in a camp in the Nazis’ arrival. She says she watched him ings of her story are becoming more
France soon became less safe: the Mrs Moore who gave it to her parents. Pyrenees. Life? or Theatre? shows her die and sketched the scene. Some com- common, including a 2021 animation,
Nazis occupied the north in 1940, then They kept it for years, showing it only crou­ching on the floor in a crowded mentators think the confession is also a voiced by Keira Knightley and in French
fully occupied the south in late 1942. to the father of Anne Frank, who had train en route to the camp with him but work of art and mixes fact and fantasy by Marion Cotillard (
In the few years Charlotte spent on asked if they thought his daughter’s she writes she would “rather have 10 but it is generally thought it was true. films/charlotte-1). For the Paris show,
the Riviera, she made an outpouring of diary was worth publishing. They pub- more nights like this than a single one Some time earlier, Charlotte had see

Cracked homes: MP calls Are you a contractor or thinking

of working remotely from France?
for shrinkage diagnostic
HOUSE-buyers should be told could also be told about the enough account of realities on
about the risk of structural dam- number of nearby houses where the ground. If you are planning on working
age from clay soil shrinkage claims have been paid out linked The new decrees should help, from home in France as a freelancer,
before purchasing a property, a to this. taking more account of the ‘slow Are you a contractor or thinking of working
contractor, remotely from France?
or for your existing
French MP recommends. His report, which is adviso- and progressive’ nature of the UK employer and have concerns
Cracks can be caused when the ry, also states that house loans phenomenon. Experts say fra-
If regarding compliance,
you are planning social from home in
on working
soil that houses are built on and taxe foncière should be gility can build up over years, so charges or declaring your work
shrinks during droughts, then suspended on properties where even small cracks should not be France as a freelancer, contractor,
then Challenge & Co. have
or for your existing UK employerthe and have
swells after rain, known as retrait- the cracks are so bad that they ignored.
perfect regarding
concerns solution. compliance, social charges or
gonflement des argiles (RGA). cannot be safely lived in. It takes an average 13 months
A certificate on this as part of Insurers should pay to rehouse between a mairie alerting offic- declaring
As youryour work then Challenge
English-speaking Umbrella& Co. have
the file of diagnostic checks is victims, he adds – a maximum ials and a ‘cat nat’ decree, a thecompany
perfect solution.
in France, we can provide
one idea in Vincent Ledoux’s re- of six months’ cover, which he process that is much faster for Asyou
your English-speaking
with employee statusUmbrella
under company in
port to the Interior Ministry. deemed insufficient, comes into other natural disasters. France, we canSalarial
you with employee status
our Portage giving
It follows a government order force next year. Officials mostly use data from
under ourfreedom
you the Portage Salarial regime
to freelance giving you the
in February aimed at changing A record €3.5billion was paid national bodies to assess whether
the rules that deter­mine when a for homes damaged by droughts an area was subject to ‘unusually freedom to freelance
the worry without the worry of self-
of self-employment
natural disaster can be declared, in 2022, according to estimates. intense’ heat at the time of the employment
in France. in France.
thus making it easier to succeed Although the amount is likely claim, when compared to the
with RGA insurance claims. to be a quarter of that for this last 50 years.
• Employee, Health, Unemployment & Retirement
Decrees putting it into action are year, half of homes are estimat- The coming reforms include
expected shortly. ed to be potentially at risk. The recognition that damage can n Employee, Health, Unemployment
The order also called for better problem usually affects detached result from a succession of more • No administration
& Retirement benefits
training for insurance assess- houses rather than flats. ‘average’ hot episodes. • Fully Compliant solution for your Agency,
ors and for them to be held In recent years, claims for A new body is also to be set up No administration
n Current Employer or Clients
accountable if their reports are this represent 60% of catastro- to report annually on how useful • Member of PEPS (syndicat des Professionnels de
n Fully Compliant solution for
later found to be false. Many vic- phe naturelle claims. Repeated the criteria used are. l’Emploi en Portage Salarial)
your Agency, Current Employer
tims end up hiring their own ex- heatwaves are making fissures Note that if you have a home
pert to support a claim, costing worse and increasing the num- less than 10 years old, this is cov- or Clients
about €1,000-2,000 and often a ber of communes involved. ered by the garantie décénnale. English speaking helpline +33 (0) 249 880 125
n Member of PEPS (syndicat des
percentage share of any payout. Roughly half of requests by Otherwise, you need to con- Professionnels de l’Emploi en
Mr Ledoux’s report says more communes to have episodes rec- tact your mairie if you identify Portage Salarial)
could be done: for example, ognised are turned down, leav- cracks, especially if they are go-
surveys could examine the risks ing some people unable to live ing across the building, are more
when planning permission is in a home for which they are still than 2mm wide, and/or appear
sought for buildings, and prop- paying a mortgage. to be growing. Some are purely
erty advertisements could have a Public finance watchdog Cour aesthetic.
link to, where des comptes has said criteria Associations for people affect- English speaking helpline +33 (0) 249 880 125
potential buyers can learn about used by national officials who ed by home damage – sinistrés –
risks in the property’s area. They make these decisions do not take can also advise.
Residency cards /
6 News
Visas / Admin The Connexion December 2023

How Britons abroad can now register to vote again

LONG-AWAITED details on and whose parents or guardians
how to re-register to vote in the
UK have been published for cit-
were registered but left more
than 15 years ago or were not
What is needed if you cannot sign up until January?
izens who have been living registered; IF YOU were previously registered in a UK ments – the regulations say that local council
overseas for more than 15 years. Election n Overseas British citizens who constituency, you will need to give your address
there, but if you left more than 15 years ago and
officers can ask for an ‘attestation of previous
residence’. It is unclear on the website if provid-
Regulations are due to come have lived in the UK at some
into force on January 16 and officials in point but never registered to vote. have not since been registered as an overseas ing this upfront will be an option.
voter, records might be difficult to access. If so, This will be a signed statement that you used
will affect around three million
people worldwide, including
the UK are If you fall into the following
groups, you can register already: you should look for any documentary proof of to live at a named UK address, giving an indic-
many in France, who had lost expecting n You were previously regis- your last UK address. This could include a: ation of the dates when, to the best of the attest-
their right to vote. tered to vote and left less than n UK driving licence (even expired); or’s knowledge, you lived there.
Those UK citizens should be
quite a rush 15 years ago; n Court document such as a grant of probate or Attestors should be UK electors and of ‘good
able to apply via a revamped Jenny Shorten, n You were too young to be letters of administration; a letter from the Office standing in the community’, unless overseas
online process before the end of registered but your parents or of the Public Guardian confirming the registra- electors. They can do this for only two people.
January, in time for the next UK
LibDems in France guardians were registered in the tion of a lasting power of attorney; Ms Shorten said it is so far unclear if a person’s
general election, which is likely for more than 15 years and are UK and you left the UK togeth- n Letter from HMRC; ‘good standing in the community’ is meant to
to be in spring or autumn. not registered should do so er less than 15 years ago. n Council tax demand letter or statement; relate to the the constituency where you will vote.
Groups supporting Britons in before the new year.” Britons who have never lived in n Rent book issued by local council; statement The opportunity to deal with the postal voting
France also advise those who The new regulations, currently the UK will not be able to vote. of benefits or entitlement to them; letter from the delays from which people suffer “has not been
have not lost their voting right going through final checks, set DWP confirming entitlement to a state pension; fully grasped” in the regulations, she added. The
under the former 15-year limit, out details about how UK How to register n Letter from a school, college or university government has promised it will prioritise send-
and have not yet registered, to do nationals can re-register follow- Start preparing your documents, confirming attendance or the offer of a place, or ing overseas ballots but intends to go on provid-
so now at ing the Elections Act 2022. including making copies, scans a letter from the Student Loans Company; ing ‘business reply’ envelopes for return, which
abroad. Do not assume you are Ms Shorten said they give elec- or good quality photographs if n Official copy of the land register entry for the are not always familiar to French post offices.
still on the register – up to now, tions officials the details needed you are applying online, which relevant address or other proof of ownership, It also remains likely that time will be too tight
annual renewal has been required to finalise forms and other admin is recommended. such as a solicitor’s letter confirming purchase; once again for some Britons abroad to be sure of
for people overseas, though this is and their publication is “a relief ”. You will need your National n Form P45 or P60, or a reference or payslip their ballot arriving on time, Ms Shorten said.
changing to every three years. In addition to people who Insurance number or a UK issued by a UK employer; She advises the proxy option. It has been
Jenny Shorten, president of were registered in a UK constit- identity document, such as a n Bank passbook or statement, or a letter from promised that this will now be easier to select
LibDems in France, said: “We’ve uency before moving abroad UK passport – even an expired a bank confirming the opening of an account, or online at the same time as registering to vote.
been told by several election and who have been away for one might be acceptable. a credit card statement; A proxy does not have to live in the constituen-
administrators in the UK that more than 15 years, these other If applying now, you need to n Utility or mobile phone bill, or letter from an cy where you will vote, because it is possible to
they are expecting quite a rush groups will be able to register: supply the address where you or insurance company. ask for a proxy vote by post. They must be a UK
when the new process opens. n People who were too young your parent/guardian were last If all else fails – for example, because you left voter, and, according to the new rules, should not
Britons who have not been away to vote when they left the UK registered to vote. the UK as a child and never had such docu- be a proxy for more than four people overseas.

Visa plan: second-home owners make News in brief

n Increased fees are confirmed

‘big contribution’ to their communes

for people going to visa
appointments at TLSContact
in the UK.
The processing fee for a long-
stay visa has risen from €36 to
Continued from page 1 shows otherwise,” he said, add- €55 (this is in addition to the
What did Senate reject or back in the new immigration bill? ing: “There are areas where the €99 visa fee); the use of the pre-
Two other amendments relat- THE SENATE has, in the main, toughened the ally. They would have to apply, stating their second homes are those that the mium lounge is €100, up from
ing to foreign second-home immigration bill, as initially drafted by the desire to become French, and must not have French would not buy.” €50; courier return of the pass-
owners, including one for a Interior Minister. Here are decisions of note: spent more than six months in prison. Britons also pay property port with the visa sticker is €30,
five-year visa aimed at all Rejected Quotas for economic migration should be taxes for the full year and claim up from €18 and a ‘prime time’
foreign owners, were rejected. Residency cards to regularise illegal immigrants enforced, and living in France irregularly should no benefits. appointment (on Saturdays and
Senator Berthet promised to working in under­staffed sectors. be a délit (crime) with a €3,750 fine. Many make a “significant” mornings from 7:30 to 8:30)
consider what amendment Toughened Obtaining a multi-year residency card should economic contribution to their costs €60, up from €50.
could help British second-home The aide médicale d’état healthcare scheme for be made dependent on showing level A2 in communes, he added, but they n Lawyers for campaigner Alice
owners in an interview with undocumented migrants should be replaced French, which requires ability to communicate are not “all privileged or rich” Bouilliez report having a full
The Connexion in June. with a more restrictive one related to serious, in simple, routine tasks and use common and many made sacrifices to courtroom and a lot of questions
We contacted her because she urgent conditions only. expressions. At present, applicants only have afford a second home. from the judges at a hearing
was among lawmakers who Immigrants should live in France for five years to take lessons if their level is insufficient. The idea is also supported by about Britons’ post-Brexit rights
expressed support for them in before claiming housing benefit or family allow- Kept the founder of Facebook group at the European Court of Justice
2022 to Facebook group France ance, as opposed to six months. New four-year ‘medical talent’ residency card 180 Days in Spain. Andrew in Luxembourg.
Visa Free, which later turned its Immigrants who want to bring over close fam- for doctors, pharmacists and midwives. Hesselden said he is “delighted They are awaiting the result
attention to opportunities pre- ily via regroupement familial should have to wait Added to see French senators recognise after pleading before the court
sented by the new bill. for 24 months, rather than 18, should have The senators accepted an amendment allow- the issues that British part-year on the issue of lost rights,
We ran a survey to help and ‘regular’ income, and their family members ing residency cards to undocumented migrants residents have faced since including European election
more than 1,000 people replied should have a minimum (A1) level of French. who sue landlords who take undocumented Brexit” and he remains “hopeful voting, which they believe
( Children born in France to immigrant famil- migrants and charge rack rents. of similar recognition in Spain”. should not have been so easily
Ms Berthet had written to the ies would no longer become French automatic- n Bill includes stricter rules for retirees: Page 10 Read more about the Senate taken away by the Brexit vote.
Foreign Affairs Ministry in debate at Mrs Bouilliez, a retired civil
spring 2022 about the 90/180 have been struggling to offer tradespeople and said he is “It seems normal to me to make MPs’ email addresses can be servant from Gers, said: “It went
days restriction Britons face. enough appointments to cope active in his village community. it easier for British citizens who found at a lot better than expected.
She also pointed out that all with the demand since Brexit, Charlotte Allain, who has have owned a property in France details by clicking on their name. “Our lawyers put our argu-
EU visitors to the UK can stay including Britons wanting to owned a home in Limousin for from before Brexit to come”. Tools such as might ments across really well and got
for up to six months under UK move to and/or work in France. 17 years, said there is “finally a She said she would support the help those without fluent several questions, which they
immigration law. Previously, they would have light at the end of the bleak amendment if it is debated, as French, but ask a French speak- answered beautifully. Hope is
This September, she then mainly processed visas for, tunnel of Brexit”. opposed to just accepted, by er to check your letter. still alive.”
wrote to the Interior Mini­stry among others, people such as She hopes to spend as much MPs, “in the name of the histor- It is unclear how the idea n Campaign group British
proposing a ‘special status’. UK-based Asians and Africans time in France as possible dur- ic friendship between our coun- would work with the European in Europe, which supported
She referred to King Charles who wanted to move to France. ing her retirement. “We love tries, as well as the beneficial, Entry/Exit Sys­ tem automated Britons during the Brexit pro-
III’s recent state visit to France Dozens of Britons have written our home and France,” she said. notably economic, effects that it border checks due next year. All cess and received a charitable
as evidence of the valued rela- in support of Ms Berthet’s idea. We also contacted the MPs’ would have for our country”. EES users will also pass in front fund grant for this year to work
tionship between the countries. Fraser Watson, who has had a France-UK friendship group. France Visa Free founder of an official’s desk. on overseas Britons’ voting
The procedure in the UK to home in Tarn for 15 years, said The office of its president, Steven Jolly, 67, a retired teach- Some Britons wonder if boat or rights is appealing for donations
obtain a temporary long-stay it would encourage him to Franco-Briton Alexandre Hol­ er with a home in Mayenne, mobile-home owners could to continue its work.
visa for stays of four to six spend half the year here and royd, said he supports the idea called the adoption of the idea benefit. This is unclear, but they This will include liaising with
months is costly and complex. invest in home improvements. but has not defined his position by the Senate “very pleasing”. might be more likely to be seen officials over the last steps
Many readers who have tried Otherwise, he is considering with regard to the amendment. “When I began the campaign as a ‘French home’ if located for re-registering, and helping
say they could not face it again. selling and reinvesting in the One of its vice-presidents, to get a better mobility arrange- at a marina/park on a settled to inform Britons worldwide
French consular officials, and US. He estimated he has spent Caro­line Colombier (Charente, ment, there were some who said basis, especially if they pay about their new rights. See brit-
three offices run by contractors, in excess of €200,000 with local Rassemblement National) said: we would never succeed. This property tax.
The Connexion December 2023 News 7
150 new admin help Tomb of tragic first Miss France restored
centres to be opened Fines pile up on

Photos: Wikipedia/Comoedia illustré /Cimetières de France et d’ailleurs

AN ADDITIONAL 150 France Services centres,
offering free support with admin tasks, are set to
open by the end of this year, taking the total to
motorway with
no toll barriers
2,750 outlets across the country.
These walk-in sites provide face-to-face support
related to nine areas of bureaucracy, including
tax, health, family, housing and employment.
Trained staff can help with a range of digital pro- FRANCE’S first stretch of the toll is taken automatically
cedures, including renewing driving licences, motorway without toll barriers for motorway badge-holders.
filling in tax forms or applying for benefits. has amassed more than 180,000 APRR told The Connexion:
The goal is for everyone to have access to such outstanding fines in its first “For foreign plates, we work with
help within 20 minutes of their home. year – with many foreign driv- specialised collection companies,
Find your nearest France Services centre using ers among them. often located in the countries of
this interactive map: Agnès Souret, left and The automated system covers origin.” It said it could not iden-
See also page 28 inset,, and her restored
inset the A79 between Digoin and tify these companies.
tomb, above Montmarault in central France, Drivers’ organisation 40 mil-
Warning issued over THE TOMB of the first Miss France has
been restored to its former Art Deco
Basque-based tour guides launched a
petition to have it restored.
a busy route linking the
German, Swiss and Italian bor-
lions d’automobilistes said people
were not adequately informed

deadly Devil’s weed

glory, almost 100 years after she died at Jérôme Zapata, 41, said he was com- ders to the Atlantic coast. about the system and should be
the age of just 26. pelled to act after feeling “ashamed at the APRR, the firm handling the warned before being penalised.
Bayonne-born Agnès Souret, who rep- catastrophic state” of the tomb. data, said drivers in many other The system claims to improve
GARDENERS have been resented Aquitaine, won a contest “The marble was no longer pink and countries, including the UK, are traffic flow and reduce fuel use
Photo: Wikipedia/Taka

warned to watch out for launched by a journalist and the now was rotting. There were large cracks and sent fines if they do not pay. as drivers do not stop at tolls.
toxic plant datura stramon- defunct newspaper Le Journal in 1920 to the stained glass on the top of the tomb However it could not explain Other motorways scheduled
ium, or Devil’s weed, find ‘the most beautiful woman in France’ was falling to pieces. Now it’s a marvel.” how UK addresses are accessed to become barrier-free include
pictured. The plant has after sending in her communion photo. The restoration cost the village of as the official exchange of driver the A13 (Normandy) and A14
been spotted in several She went on to become a stage star, Espelette, home to just 2,000 people, data between the UK and France (west exit of Paris), the A69
areas, most recently in appeared in a silent film and danced with more than €15,000, but Mr Zapata said it ended with Brexit in 2021. (opening in 2025) between
Yvelines and Haute-Saône. the Monte-Carlo Opera and at the Folies has also put a star back into the spotlight. Drivers’ plates are photo- Toulouse and Castres, and the
It is sometimes found in Bergère. Then, on a tour in Argentina, “More people are recognising Agnès graphed as they pass through A40 in Haute-Savoie.
vegetable plots and has she contracted peritonitis and died. Souret, the first Miss France,” he said. the 88km stretch of the A79.
large oval ‘toothed’ leaves as well as a nauseating Her mother Marguerite sold the home The 2023 edition of the annual Miss The owners have three days to n More than 100 French resi-
smell, according to government agencies. in Espelette that Agnès had bought for France competition takes place in Dijon pay online or a €90 penalty fol- dents fined for driving in
All parts of Devil’s weed are dangerous. If her to pay for a magnificent Art Deco and will be broadcast on December 16 on lows, in addition to the toll fee. London’s ultra low emissions
touched with bare skin, it can lead to vomiting mausoleum. The pink marble edifice was TF1. Last year’s event attracted a peak of The fine increases to €375 if it zone are waiting for news about
and hallucinations. A family of four were pois- listed as a historic monument in 2006, but 8.1 million viewers, almost on a par with is not paid within 60 days. a legal challenge after claims that
oned by it in 2020 but survived. If consumed, despite the accolade it slowly fell into the 8.7 million who watched the most There are also pay machines their data was illegally accessed
depending on the amount, it can be fatal. disrepair. Then, in January 2021, two popular stage of the 2022 Tour de France. at nearby service stations and by Euro Parking Collection.

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8 Agriculture The Connexion December 2023

Farmers juggle ‘food sovereignty’ with

eco transition and dwindling workforce
France’s agriculture minister has pledged an extra
€1billion for farming in 2024 – a 15% rise in the budget.
The aim? To support environmental transition and
attract more workers. However, as Nick Inman discovers,
this might be easier said than done
I LIVE in a rural community and I was being paid for such intensive
admire the farmers I know. domestic food production.
It is a demanding job and without Since then, farmers have been subject
them there would not be much to eat to mounting public criticism about

Photos: Nick Inman

in the shops – all of it would be their record on pollution and habitat
imported from far away at enormous protection, and have had to deal with Pressure to be both profitable and sustainable is
cost to the environment. heavy government regulation. making life increasingly difficult on French farms
Then again, around me I see endless Farming needs to change, to adapt to
fields of maize and sunflowers kept
under control with fertilisers and pest-
both the threat of climate change
and global economic forces that do ‘We do our own thing, we serve our own customers’
icides, and chainsaws ripping through not favour anything other than indus- PATRICK Massé and Isabelle Lauzin, pictured right, run the countryside. Patrick
ancient woods and hedgerows to trial production. a 33-hectare mixed organic farm north of Tarbes and Isabelle are not
squeeze a few more square metres of That change is made more difficult to (Hautes-Pyrénées) but they are in the process of retiring. eco-campaigners and have
cash-crop cultivation. effect because of a paradox that began They started out not with the aim of getting rich but to no interest in persuading
On the news, there always seem to be in the 1950s. While French agriculture make a living while sticking to their principles. more conventional farmers
disgruntled farmers living off Common was becoming more efficient, it was The concept is holistic and sustainable: they grow crops to change their ways: “We
Agricultural Policy (CAP) subsidies simultaneously starting to decline. to feed their animals and in return get natural fertiliser to do our own thing; we serve
blocking the roads in protest at some People born into farming commun- produce crops our own customers.”
new government directive preventing ities began to leave the land in search “We didn’t want to use chemicals,” Patrick explains, “and Nevertheless, they show
them doing exactly what they want. of more varied, less demanding work. we wanted to avoid problems with water consumption.” what can be done with commitment and hard work.
“Farming has changed,” agrees Jean- A few years ago, they had an enormous oven built in They would like to pass on the farm when they retire, but
Self-sufficiency and subsidies Luc Laffonta. “I used to have some free their barn so that Isabelle could turn the farm’s cereals neither of their sons wants to go into agriculture, and find-
To understand what is really going on time. Now I don’t have any. In high into wholemeal bread, which is supplied to shops around ing someone else willing to take on a demanding outdoor
in French agriculture, says Jean-Luc season, I have to survive on four or five the region. job for the scant financial reward has not proved easy.
Laffonta, who runs a family arable farm hours of sleep a night.” She regularly welcomes visits from school groups so that They are resigned to the possibility that their fields and
of 70 hectares in the Adour valley, north For a long time, he found it difficult children can learn about the reality of making a living in pastures might have to be left to be swallowed by nature.
of Tarbes (Hautes-Pyrénées), people to recruit an assistant but he has now
need to know the historical context. found someone dependable and that ination, who keep the landscape well These two pressures meet in a way even from farming families dating
It begins almost 80 years ago when a enables him to “catch up with work tended and rural communities alive. that most of us are unaware of: con- back generations – do not want to
decision was taken, after World War that should have been done long ago” Farmers are also essential to the scientious farmers might do all they work the land at any price. They want
Two, to make France as self-sufficient and even have the occasional weekend culture of good French living: they can to reduce their environmental a 35-hour week, a working day that
as possible in food production. off. If not, farming for most of the year supply the foods and wines that make impact but they have to compete with starts after dawn, not before it, com-
It is hard for us to imagine how things is a 24/7 commitment. up the most famous culinary tradition cheap food imported from other coun- fortable conditions, the sociability of
were in post-war continental Europe. At the same time, the mass import- in the world. tries where regulation is more lax. being part of a team, and a guaranteed
Until the 1950s, field size was deter- ation of cheap foreign food began to be a No surprise, then, that in September Subsidies alone are not the answer. salary at the end of the month.
mined by how many family members reality for consumers and the domestic Agriculture Minister Marc Fesneau No farmer wants to depend on them
and hired hands could be mustered to farm industry became less important. proposed an additional €1billion for – they would much rather prices reflect ‘Dialogue is key’
pull out the ever-encroaching weeds, Farming now contributes only 1.6% farming in 2024 – a 15% increase in the worth of their produce. The government believes financial
and the choice of crops was entirely to French GDP. The 760,000 people the budget – and €2.5billion for 2025 Those prices fluctuate, of course, for incentives will be enough to fix the
dependent on the climate. and 2026. Part of this will go towards good or bad. problem. If it is wrong, small farms

Automatic irrigation was a dream for creating a “food sovereignty and eco- “The war in Ukraine has made grain will be swallowed up and farming will
the future. Farm work was back-break- logical transition fund” to support prices go up,” one farmer told The become ever more ‘industrial’.
ing. My late neighbour Pierre showed farmers decarbonising their activities, Connexion, “which should be good for Mr Laffonta is adamant that we
me his ox-drawn plough that he used developing renewable energy product- me but I don’t want to profit from should see farming as more than a busi-
until the first tractor arrived in our ion or adapting to climate change. someone else’s misery.” ness. It is part of an ordered society.
village. He grew up using the same In high With half of France’s farmers due to To ask farmers to sort out their own
farming techniques employed by the retire in the next 10 years, Mr Fesneau Difficult choices ahead problems is to miss the point. We are
ancient Gauls 2,000 years ago. season I have said he also wants the number of new Choices will have to be made: cheap connected to them as consumers. If we
Then, French agriculture suddenly to survive on farmers joining the profession to grow food is not always compatible with expect to buy their products at the
leapt into the modern world. Farmers
needed to be encouraged to let go of the
four or five exponentially.
To that end, the government is set-
the highest standards of production or
environmental protection.
lowest prices, we can hardly ask for
environmental protection as a comple-
traditional methods of cultivation, to hours of sleep ting up a ‘farmland holding fund’ to Vast fields of maize without trees and mentary service.
mechanise, to concentrate on profitable Jean-Luc Laffonta, make land more easily available to hedgerows can make agriculture profit- “Clearly, agriculture and society need
crops, and to make liberal use of syn- those who wish to purchase it. able but they provide no habitats for to engage in dialogue,” he said.
thetic chemicals to boost production. Farmer wildlife. Farmers know this but cannot “This is possible and always con-
This required a generous regime of employed in it (only a quarter of Appeal for patience always do anything about it. To replant structive with the vast majority of peo-
subsidies and policies favouring farm- whom are women) represent just So, once again, French farming is in hedgerow is a hefty investment of time, ple: those who are grateful, those who
ers that drove the sector forward for 2.4% of the workforce – far behind the transition. The challenge for the future energy and money. Government and are aware, those who don’t pretend to
the next 30 years. service sector. is for it to continue producing food EU subsidies help but they are not suff- know everything, those who question
while also respecting the environment. icient in themselves. rather than assert. Those who trust us,
Environmental cost & declining workforce Political clout Mr Laffonta appeals for critics to be Then there is the problem of handing who acknowledge the complexity of
This policy of nurturing agriculture Yet no politician can afford to treat patient with farmers, especially with on farms to the next generation. Most our profession.”
at any cost to keep produce flowing farming as a marginal economic force. those, like himself, who are making an only keep going because of a hidden Everyone – farmers, consumers, cam-
into the shops was almost universally Every presidential candidate knows effort to operate in a sustainable way. form of private subsidy: pluriactivité. paigners, politicians – wants the same
accepted during the boom years of the that he or she does not stand a chance Adaptation takes time, he emphasises. This is a hybrid lifestyle in which one thing at heart: a living countryside in
Trente Glorieuses – the three decades at the polls if he/she has not visited It means unlearning the old ways and or more members of a farming family which the human need to exploit the land
of post-war prosperity. agricultural fairs to admire prize bulls adapting to the new – and sometimes earns income from non-agricultural is balanced with the needs of nature.
The result was that France became or been photographed at market stalls recovering traditional methods lost in work. It often involves various forms of If France is to continue to be a major
the biggest food-producing country in sniffing local cheeses. the rush for growth and monoculture. paying guests for holidays à la ferme. food producer and meet its environ-
the EU – accounting for 18% of the The land is held in almost sacred Farmers are squeezed from two An estimated 40% of farm revenue in mental commitments, the various part-
total – and the third-biggest food reverence and the custodians of most directions, he says. They are expected France comes from these other activ- ies involved are going to have to adapt
exporter in the world. of it (52%) are farmers. to comply with ever-tighter environ- ities. It is only a short step from here to to the demands of an increasingly
Only in the 1980s did it become They are the people who keep France mental regulations and also to make a sons and daughters abandoning farm- free-market and wisely climate-
apparent that an environmental cost looking as it does in the nostalgiimag- living with the minimum of subsidies. ing altogether. Many young people – concerned modern world.
The Connexion December 2023 News 9

MPs call for end to fines Should £5 bust be sold for £2.5m?
A MARBLE bust bought for £5 bled across it and Invergordon

for private forest walks

Photo: The Highland Council

and once used as a doorstop is council turned to Sotheby’s for
the work of a famous French a valuation.
sculptor and could raise £2.5 Sotheby’s said the piece was
million for public works in the “very collectible and therefore
Scottish Highlands. marketable”.
TWO MPs are calling for the Some memers of the Easter The auction house found a
Rural pathways at risk
Photo: Assemblée Nationale 2022

abolition of a law that fines the Ross Area Committee want to buyer willing to buy £2.5million
public for entering private for- FRANCE’s rural pathways are sell the sculpture – but others for it and pay for a museum-
est, saying it is wrong to crimi- at risk of being lost by being say it is part of local history and quality replica to be displayed
nalise access to nature. sold or illegally fenced off, an must remain. in the Scottish town.
Since February, anyone walk- organisation has claimed. The bust was created in 1728 Asked what would happen if
ing on private rural and forestry Codever, which lobbies to by Edmé Bouchardon, whose the public decided to keep the
land, which accounts for 75% of maintain spaces for outdoor other works can be found in the bust, a spokesman for the
France’s forests, can, in theory, leisure activities, said land gardens of Versailles and also in Highland Council said it would
be fined up to €750 after the consolidation to create farms, the Louvre. be “inappropriate” to comment
introduction of the Privacy Act. roads or railways, and local It depicts Sir John Gordon, an or speculate on any outcomes at
It sought to limit the fencing residents illegally fencing off 18th-century Highland MP and such an early stage.
of natural areas, which affected Vienne MP Lisa Belluco public paths were contribut- descendant of the Scottish Bouchardon, who died in
wild animals’ wellbeing. Ecologist MPs Jérémie ing to their disappearance. family that founded the local The Bouchardon bust 1762, created the bust while he
However, some landowners Iordanoff and Lisa Belluco have “It happens everywhere, port of Invergordon. should maximise what’s in it, was living in Rome and Sir John
have used the law, dubbed by tabled a bill to repeal the unfortunately,” said Codever The bust has been on loan to rather than maximise its value. was on the Grand Tour.
critics the “privatisation of nat- Privacy Act which they say director Charles Péot. the Louvre in Paris and the “They are spending tens of Bouchardon’s other works
ural spaces”, as a way to protect criminalises access to nature. “These rural pathways are Getty Museum in Los Angeles. millions converting Inverness include the Four Seasons foun-
their property by preventing They also plan to propose a very important because Now, the decision on whether Castle into a museum, so per- tain in Paris, an equestrian
people accessing their land. second bill to explore improv- they’re part of our heritage, a to sell will now be decided by a haps they should put some statue of Louis XV in Place de la
Since the act was passed, ing access, including urging bit like historic monuments. public consultation. things in it,” he said. Concorde that was destroyed
activists have been fined for local authorities to maintain “They are essential if you Art historian Bendor Gros- The Bouchardon Bust was during the Revolution, and
entering a private plot of forest rural paths for the public. want to enjoy walking in all venor said: “It would be nice if thought to have been lost during neoclassical statues in the
in the Alpes de Haute-Provence, “We don’t want to put land- its forms. A whole host of they kept it. a local government reorganisa- gardens of Versailles.
and Isère landowner Marquis owners in a difficult position,” nature sports and walkers “If I was reading the council tion. Since its rediscovery in
Bruno de Quinsonas-Oudinot Vienne MP Ms Belluco, 35, told need these trails.” report with a sceptical mind, it 1998, it has mostly been kept n A painting in the home of a
used the law to ban what he The Connexion. Mr Peot said Codever wants looks like they’ve been quite keen safely in storage. pensioner in Hauts-de-France
dubbed “disrespectful onlook- “We understand that they also to change legislation to better on selling it for some time now.” In 1930, it was bought for just that almost got sent to the tip
ers” from setting foot on his have their own imperatives, and protect rural pathways. Although he understood why £5 by Balintore council in a has been bought by the Louvre
land in the Chartreuse they need people to respect He also encouraged people millions of pounds might be house sale. for €24 million.
Mountains nature reserve. their properties. to use them as much as possi- attractive, Dr Grosvenor said it It later found its way to a An auctioneer identified the
The Marquis said he was pro- “But access to nature, to green ble to prevent nature reclaim- was a “reductive” viewpoint. storage shed, where it was used work by chance as a masterpiece
tecting his flora and fauna, spaces in general, is absolutely ing the paths, as well as help “If the local council has a as a doorstop for a while. The Derision of Christ by 13th-
claiming a “flood of attacks”. essential for so many reasons.” volunteer to maintain them. heritage collection, then it Then, a local councillor stum- century Italian painter Cimabue.

Water heaters Many flights to be axed

turned off for
four million
as software is upgraded
THOUSANDS of flights arriv- expected to be affected. State-
your savings
MORE than four million house- ing at and leaving the Paris of-the-art air traffic control
holds are to have their water region will be cancelled in early management software 4-Flight,
heaters automatically turned off 2024 as new air traffic control developed by Thales, will be
this winter for the second con- software is deployed. tested at the Orly Area Control

from inflation.
secutive year to ease demand on Airlines have been told to Centre (ACC).
the grid. reduce flights from Charles de It replaces the current system,
An official decree will enable Gaulle, Paris-Le Bourget, Orly which is one of the oldest in
energy suppliers, including and Paris-Beauvais airports by Europe, dating back to the 1970s
Enedis, to access Linky meters 20% between January 9 and and blamed for many delays.
and prevent water heaters firing February 14. Officials said upgrading the
for a maximum of two hours A total of 16,500 short and technology was a “necessary evil”
between 11:00 and 15:30. medium-haul flights will be as it would be able to handle
The move affects the 4.2 mil- cancelled during that period. more aircraft, while also optim-
lion households that have both Air France flights alone account ising traffic flow. We are all too aware of the recent inflation Talk to the people who know
Linky meters and energy con- for 4,379 cancellations. 4-Flight has already been challenges, but you also need to look ahead
tracts that include two hours The airline said customers deployed in the Aix-en-Provence and understand how the rising cost of 0 805 112 163 (N0 Vert)
off-peak energy per day. would be notified directly and and Reims ACCs. living can impact your savings and income
Their water will instead be offered automatic rebooking on It is scheduled to be installed throughout retirement. Even low levels can
heated at night. No other appli- another available flight. in the Brest and Bordeaux erode your spending power year after year.
ances will be affected. Long-haul journeys are not centres by November.
Clients will be notified a few Take steps now to try to protect your

Bakers win legal fight to

days in advance and action will savings and retirement income – talk to
only be taken on days when our local advisers. Blevins Franks has
there is high demand for energy. 45 years’ experience providing financial
The prevention measure can
apply from December 1 to April 1.
Enedis is also to test using
open seven days a week planning advice to British expatriates. We
take the time to get to know our clients,
so our investment advice is based on your
Linky meters to automatically A NEARLY 20-year-old decree ations representing employers
reduce power in 200,000 homes that forced bakeries in south and their staff. specific situation, objectives and risk profile.
nationwide. The trial is limited east France to close one day a Mr Dufour said lifting the We then provide an ongoing service, with
to weekdays and will cut power week has been repealed. restriction would help put bak- regular reviews to give you peace of mind.
from 6kVA or 9kVA to 3kVA for From February 1, 2024, baker- eries on an equal footing with
up to four hours at peak times. ies, bakery-pastry shops, bread outlets such as supermarkets
This would allow low-level shops and outlets with a fixed or that also sell bread. INTERNATIONAL TAX ADVICE • INVESTMENTS • ESTATE PLANNING • PENSIONS
equipment to be used but might mobile bread counter across the It also aimed to better meet Blevins Franks Group is represented in France by the following companies: Blevins Franks Wealth Management Limited (BFWML) and Blevins Franks France SASU
prevent bigger items, such as Hautes-Alpes can open seven the needs of the buying public, (BFF). BFWML is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority, registered number C 92917. Authorised to conduct investment services under
the Investment Services Act and authorised to carry out insurance intermediary activities under the Insurance Distribution Act. Where advice is provided outside of
dishwashers, also operating. days a week if they wish. following changes in the food Malta via the Insurance Distribution Directive or the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II, the applicable regulatory system differs in some respects from that of
Malta. BFWML also provides taxation advice; its tax advisers are fully qualified tax specialists. Blevins Franks France SASU (BFF), is registered with ORIAS, registered
Households will be told in Prefect Dominique Dufour, trade over the past 20 years. number 07 027 475, and authorised as ‘Conseil en Investissements Financiers’ and ‘Courtiers d’Assurance’ Category B (register can be consulted on
Member of ANACOFI-CIF. BFF’s registered office: 1 rue Pablo Neruda, 33140 Villenave d’Ornon – RCS BX 498 800 465 APE 6622Z. Garantie Financière et Assurance de
writing if they are included, but who repealed the March 2003 Despite the change, businesses Responsabilité Civile Professionnelle conformes aux articles L 541-3 du Code Monétaire et Financier and L512-6 and 512-7 du Code des Assurances (assureur MMA).

Blevins Franks Trustees Limited is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority for the administration of retirement schemes. This promotion has
they cannot refuse. More details decree, said the decision came must comply with the rules con- been approved and issued by BFWML.

are to be announced. after consultations with organis- cerning weekly rest for workers.
10 What’s new The Connexion December 2023

Fuel allowance, GP fees, energy rewards... what’s new in France

1: Electrical repairs sign up in your space on Engie’s ed for a discount of between it has been announced. More
Know your licence points

Photo: Nomad_Soul - shutterstock

A BONUS that gives money website and you will receive 20-25% on a third-party policy, details are now awaited.
off repairs to household items alerts of ‘challenge’ days. and 12% to 15% on comprehen- Some driving schools said DRIVERS with French licences who
is rising from January 1 See sive insurance. teenagers were already opting want to know how many points they
Launched a year ago, it aims to take a test rather than accom- have can soon find out using a secure
to stop people discarding items 3: Free public transport 5: Fuel allowance panied driving courses, which new website MesPointsPermis.
and works via accredited firms BUSES and trams in THE €100 fuel allowance has have a higher success rate. Scheduled to launch this month, it
(see: Montpellier are to become been extended to cover 1.6 will also allow drivers to find out the
It is available for residents completely free for residents million more people on low 7: Car selling app expected date for recovering any
and second-home owners and (not visitors) from December wages who use their cars for A NEW government app can licence points they have.
is not related to income. 21, making it the first French work, including travel to work. replace paperwork when buy- From January 1, points will no
The bonus is being doubled city to offer free public trans- Up to six million people ing and selling a used car and longer be lost for speeding within
for TVs, washing machines, port all year round. Residents could benefit from the cheque, speed up the process. five km/h, but you can still be fined.
tumble dryers and dishwashers can claim their free transport which is paid per car. To qual- Simplimmat.gouv enables
and is rising from €15 to €40 pass either online or in a TAM ify, the earnings limit is €1,600 buyers and sellers to follow the
for vacuum cleaners. Montpellier transport store. net per month for a single steps to legally exchange the €31.50. Many other medical tion rates are €9.99 on the web
For some other appliances, person, and €4,800 for a couple vehicle as long as they are both tariffs also rise by €1.50. or €12.99 on iOS and Android.
including laptops, cookers and 4: EV insurance rise with two children. Apply at physically present. In all cases, the amount reim- Parent company Meta con-
kettles, the bonus is increased ELECTRIC vehicle insurance Each must have the app bursed by the French social firmed data from subscribers
by €5. The €180 repair price premiums are set to increase as downloaded and have their security system stays at 70%. would not be used for adverts.
threshold for laptops (the their exemption from a special vehicle paperwork to hand. Initially, the subscription will
repair must cost at least as tax on insurance contracts 6: Teenage drivers 10: Solving disputes cover all linked Facebook and
much) drops to €150. (taxe spéciale sur les conven- FRANCE will allow 17-year- 8: Electric TER tested DISPUTES can now be amic- Instagram accounts in a user’s
New kinds of appliance will tions d’assurance) comes to an olds to take a driving test and, THE FIRST in a new line of ably solved by a judge prior to accounts centre but extra fees
qualify for the bonus, including end on January 1. This account- if they pass, drive on the roads, 100% electric TER trains is a court hearing and subsequent for any new accounts added
shavers, microwaves and print- being tested in Nouvelle- ruling. A confidential discus- will apply from March 1.
Aquitaine. A TER built in the sion can be had before a hear-
ers. See:
Reforms to RSA benefit 12: Gun ownership
Photo: ricochet64_shutterstock
A bonus to help pay to repair early 2000s has been retrofitted ing between the judge and
clothes and shoes was also PEOPLE who receive the social welfare to draw all of its power from parties that can lead to an JANUARY 1 is now the dead-
launched in November. benefit revenu de solidarité active must a lithium battery and is now amicable settlement. line for people who hunt with
See soon devote up to 15 hours a week to an quieter and more eco-friendly. If it does, the parties can guns to declare firearm owner-
activity that helps them find work and Refitted TER trains will enter draw up an agreement with the ship on a website, with other
2: Energy rewards register with the job centre, Pôle Emploi. service in late 2024, between help of the court clerk. gun owners having to declare
ELECTRICITY supplier Engie Disabled and sick people, and single Bordeaux and Mont-de-Marsan. by dates later next year.
is rewarding clients who save parents of children under 12, are exempt. 11: Paid-for Facebook These deadlines have been
energy this winter. The changes are part of the Full 9: GP fee has risen FACEBOOK and Instagram put back several times.
To benefit, Engie clients can Employment Act, which will see Pôle THE COST for an appointment users in France and the EU, You can create an account at
sign up to the free écodéfi + Emploi rebranded as France Travail. to see a GP (médecin traitant) aged 18 and over, can now opt
service, where they can save The measures will be rolled out over has risen from €25 to €26.50. to subscribe to paid-for, ad-free You will need your hunting
money by being careful with several years from January 1. Fees to see a specialist that versions of these social media licence and proof of address
usage on certain days. You can were previously €30 are now platforms. Monthly subscrip- and identity.

Immigration bill tightens Most homes not ready Dates for your diary
December 6: St Nicholas Day.

for January’s waste law

rules for foreign retirees
Towns in the north and east of
France celebrate the figure who
has been the patron saint of the
FROM JANUARY 1, household into compost and biogas. Lorraine region since 1477.
‘biowaste’ must, according to the Councils are also meant to offer
RETIREES and early-retirees moving to France fecture should also be satisfied that you are Agec Law, be separated from the financial help to people who December 6: The deadline to
would face stricter rules if an article added by integrated in France and can, if it wishes, ask rest of your rubbish. want to do composting at home, use the online service allow-
senators to France’s new immigration bill is your mayor for his or her view on this; It can be dealt with either by or offer training in doing it. ing you to rectify any missing
passed into law. n If you are under 65, you should pass a French yourself – by turning it into Questions have been asked income or other mistakes in
The issue was flagged to us by a reader con- test showing you have at least level A2 in the compost to reuse on your plants about whether this will put up your income declaration.
cerned that the change might stop retirees re- European language levels. This means you can use – or by the council. local taxes to compensate for
maining in France beyond a few years. This basic everyday expressions and can cope in simple However, in most of France costs. Arguably, it will not be the December 7-10: The Lyon
is not the case, but the requirements to stay situations. It is one level up from the most basic residents and local authorities case if communes group togeth- Festival of Lights. More than
would change. beginner level, A1. From the age of 65, this is not are reportedly not ready. er to organise this, and if the vol- two million people enjoyed
If retained by the Assemblée nationale MPs this required; There is, as yet, no sanction for ume of waste treated in tradi- this festive spectacle last year.
month, article 1er bis will mean that foreign retir- n You will need to provide evidence that you lived members of the public or coun- tional plants is reduced.
ees cannot stay in France for longer than five years in France as your main home in the previous five cils that fail to comply, but EU Most rubbish is now burned December 15: The deadline for
by renewing ‘temporary’ one-year residency cards years in an ‘uninterrupted’ manner. law says that by 2025 no bio- or put into landfill, despite 70% small businesses and freelancers
on an indefinite basis, as they can at present. waste should be disposed of in being recyclable. The law aims to pay local business property
They will instead be obliged to apply for, and The official service-public website states that ordinary tips and incinerators. to reduce carbon emissions, tax (cotisation foncière des
obtain, a 10-year carte de résident, which is evidence of the latter requirement can include, Households will be expected improve soil with compost, entreprises, or CFE). If you set
currently optional, after their fifth year in France. for example, your French income tax statements, to have another separate bin at and boost biogas production. up in 2023, you should file
This is because the new article says you cannot previous residency cards, receipts from your card home for kitchen waste, such as Some areas have taken a lead, your CFE declaration before
renew a ‘temporary’ (one-year) residency card renewal applications, or certificats de scolarité peelings, coffee grounds, old such as in Greater Reims, where January 1, 2024.
more than three times. (documents showing you were studying in a bread and meal leftovers, as well authorities have expanded exist- It is also the deadline by
It is aimed at forcing immigrants who work in French educational establishment). as green garden waste. ing rural individual and shared which to order an EV and still
France to apply for ‘multi-year’ cards (usually of In theory, according to EU law, to acquire this It is then up to you and your composting schemes, and plan benefit from the 2023 scale
four-years duration), which involves a language card you should have made France your home neighbours if you want to turn to increase voluntary drop-off eco bonus.
requirement. in an ‘uninterrupted’ manner for five years and this into compost for your own points from 150 to 500.
However, the ‘visitor’ cards obtained by retirees should not have been away for more than six use. However, it is not compost- Composters are being offered December 20: Details of uni-
and early-retirees cannot be replaced by a ‘multi- months at a time, or more than 10 months in total ing that is obligatory, but separ- at competitive prices in some versity courses will be available
year’ card. Instead, after one year on a visa de over the last five-year period. ating biowaste from other waste. areas: for example, from €15 for on the Parcoursup website.
long-séjour valant titre de séjour ‘visiteur’, they In another bill article, obtaining a ‘multi-year’ So, for example, blocks of flats a 400-litre model in Toulouse to
would be able to obtain a first ‘visitor’ residency card will involve passing a language test at A1 should have new containers €36 in Dordogne for a 600-litre December 23-January 8:
card, then renew it three times. level, as opposed to just taking a test and agreeing where you can place this (often composter and bucket. Christmas school holidays.
After that, they would have to obtain a ‘resident’s to take lessons if you do not meet this level. with a brown lid). By 2019, 157 local authorities
card’ to stay on. The latter is called carte de rési- This would particularly affect self-employed and Councils should offer collect- had set up or were organising December 25: Christmas bank
dent de longue durée – UE, and lasts 10 years. employed workers and people coming to France ion solutions, whether locations separate collection. The 25 holiday. December 26 is not a
The new article was proposed by a Les Répub- to join family members, who will typically get a where you can bring it, door-to- communes around Lorient in bank holiday in France.
licains senator for Brittany and a Centrist senator ‘temporary’ one-year card as their first card. door collection, or special bin Brittany launched this in 2002.
for Occitanie. It is unlikely to pose too much difficulty, as most lorries designed to collect it so it The council said: “Every year, December 31 New Year’s Eve,
Compared to renewing a one-year temporary of them would in any case rather obtain a four- is not mixed with other waste. 37kg of biowaste is collected also known as le réveillon de la
card there are extra requirements, including: year card, then renew annually, and the A1 In the latter case, special treat- from each inhabitant, totalling Saint-Sylvestre. Also the end of
n Signing a ‘Contract of Republican Integration’ language level requires only very basic French. ment plants are also needed, 8,000 tonnes per year and much the flu vaccination campaign.
saying you adhere to Republican values. The pre- For more on the immigration bill see page 6 where the waste can be recycled less waste is sent to landfill,”
The Connexion December 2023 News 11

Pantomime finds new French fans FRENCH NEWS IN ENGLISH SINCE 2002

Photo: Secret Pantomime Society

Subscribers save money
+ benefit from exclusive
daily web articles

Photo: Les Troubadours Britanniques de Limoux

SPS bring Pinocchio to life, left, and, above, the cast of
Robin Hood, by Les Troubadours Britanniques de Limoux
THE TRADITIONAL Christ- musical. We might have started Here are some recent subscriber
mas pantomime, often put on
by Britons living abroad, is
off as a little pantomime just
among the British community,
Art form has roots here too web-only articles:
attracting a wider audience as but now we’re truly inter- IT IS often believed pantomime is a British import to France, n ‘Black computer visa right’ for Britons?
more and more French people national.” a cultural injection for Britons living abroad screen’ scam targets n Free, Orange, SFR:
enjoy the colour and fun. Another group is hard at who miss the dash of festive colour. people in France which mobile operator
While Hollywood films work on its Christmas show. The panto tradition also has French roots, n See four places voted best covers France?
can come with subtitles for Launched in 2013, Les Trouba- however, starting with jugglers performing
‘Ugliest in France 2023’ n Thefts from private
non-English speakers, amateur dours Britanniques de Limoux at medieval village fairs and continuing in
pantomime groups need no (The British Troubadours of the local theatres that replaced them. There, n What is the ‘automatic letterboxes multiply

In our January issue...

such support to ensure that the Limoux) was created so people the 16th-century Italian art form Commedia
people coming to their shows living in the area could indulge dell’Arte flourished, giving rise to characters
are having a great time. their love of amateur theatre. including Harlequin and Pierrot.
“Probably more than half of
our audiences now are French,”
said Martin Walker, a member
Trudy McGilvray, 65, joined
after moving to France in 2016.
“I’m passionate about the
In 18th-century London, the knockabout Harlequinades, a
combination of slapstick and music, delighted audiences for
around 100 years. In Paris, Jean-Gaspard-Baptiste Deburau,
Your questions answered
of Toulouse-based Secret Panto- whole art of theatre and mak- pictured, owner of the Théâtre des Funambules, became one of the n Am I legally obliged to permission to sell?
mime Society (SPS). ing it inclusive and sharing it country’s most celebrated pantomime performers of the 1800s. change my residency card n What is lightning certifi-

Photo: Wikipedia/Arsène Trouvé

“They love the fact that we with people,” she said. Both countries then took the art form in different directions. if I move within France? cate for home insurance?
are breaking down the wall “There’s a large British contin- France embraced comedies of manners, while in Victorian n How do you open a joint n Does French forced heir-
between the audience and the gent in the area but for our last England, a change in the law allowed dialogue to be spoken for bank account? Are there ship law affect tontine?
people who are on stage.” dress rehearsal, we performed the first time in theatres that did not have a royal patent. It meant different kinds? n I am 70: why did I not
SPS is part of a thriving panto to the local lycée and we had fairytale characters, principal boys and dames were soon woven
network in south west France, more than 100 students come,” into plays, evolving into what we now know as pantomime. n Children are set to inher- obtain any money off taxe
and has been entertaining audi- she said. it house; do we need their foncière bill?
ences almost every year since it “We also do a French potted amateur drama association, from Cwmbran in Wales,
launched in 1984.
“It’s quite an achievement to
panto version at fêtes.
“It explains the eccentricities
founded by veteran actor
Donald Douglas, is based in
said the group of passionate
amateurs pride themselves on
reach 40 years, especially for an
amateur group,” said Mr Walker,
of the dame being a man, but
playing a woman, and so on.”
Les Cabannes, in the Ariège.
Launched just after lockdown,
putting on a good show.
“We are trying to make our
The courts system: taking legal
who moved from Congleton Like SPS, the Troubadours the group put on a Christmas Cinderella visually entertaining action and who does jury service
in Cheshire to France in 1997 has an international cast, with revue last year, with songs, so if French people come, they

with his aeronautical job. a core of English and Welsh poems and mini-plays. will see a lot of visual gags.
He first got involved with players but also American, It followed it up with a full “They won’t actually have to
panto in 2000, making his stage French, Finnish, German and play and, when asked what follow every piece of dialogue

debut in 2008. To celebrate the Dutch members. the next project should be, because it’s going to look colour-
big 40, the troupe is staging a The Troubadours’ pantomime “unanimously everybody said ful, bright and fast-moving.”
special version of Aladdin. this year is Puss in Boots. we want to do a pantomime”,
“It is going to be the biggest Ms McGilvray has no said chairman Phill Hill. n Aladdin runs from
one we have ever done because concerns when it comes to Rehearsals are well under way January 27 to February 3 at
we go into five different panto- language barriers between the for their Cinderella panto Théâtre Musical de Pibrac.
mimes. We kick the show off global cast and the audience. “We are an older theatrical
with five different dames on “Pantomime is inclusive troupe, and so needed to find n Puss in Boots runs from De-
stage,” he said. theatre, it’s very visual and fast. something we could cast within cember 8-10 at Le Théâtre dans
When asked how the annual There’s music and dancing so it the group and that would also les Vignes in Couffoulens.
show goes down with locals, transcends nationality.” work for our audience, who are n Cinderella runs from
he said: “French people love A more recent addition to mostly retired people, or over December 15-16 at the Théâtre
it, even though it’s in English, the France-based pantomime the age of 50,” Mr Hill said. Le Colombier in Les Cabannes.
because it’s so colourful and family is The Tarn Players. This The 57-year-old, originally

More EV chargers and new ‘affordable’ model unveiled Save money with
France’s most popular
THE BUDGET to install electric nance 12 projects to add 2,500 fast
vehicle (EV) chargers across France
has been increased by €268 million.
or ultra-fast chargers to the coun-
try’s main roads and autoroutes.
shopping influencer
The bulk will go into the Advenir Electric mobility trade body Avere
programme, which aims to install said in a study that average EV These and many more practical tips and topics
175,000 publicly accessible chargers drivers, who charged at home 85% about life in France + full access to our website

Photo: Citroën

by 2025, and is currently focusing of the time, saved up to three times

on apartment blocks. the cost of diesel or petrol.
Rules of many syndics de coprop- The body also called for more
riété (elected bodies that manage control of public charging point FRENCH carmaker Citroën’s ‘affordable’ EV, the ë-C3,
Subscribe now at
the common areas of flats), current- costs, warning that some firms add pictured, is set to go on sale next summer for €23,300
ly make it difficult for chargers to connection and other hidden fees, before grants. The maximum grant available is €7,000.
be installed. including parking, to their prices. Made in Slovakia, the ë-C3 will have a range of 320km, to receive the January edition at your home and
Advenir said it is working to In May, the symbolic target of and is compatible with superfast 100kw chargers, which
change attitudes and regulations. 100,000 public chargers was reached should give it 80% battery charge in under half an hour.
benefit from full access to our web articles.
In addition to the money for the in France. It might also be eligible for an upcoming state rental Only €69 to a French address
programme, €68 million of govern- The government aims to deploy scheme offering EVs for €100 a month, before insurance.
ment funds will be used to co-fi- 400,000 of them by 2030. Only the Renault-owned Dacia Spring currently qualifies. Or call
call Nathalie on 06 40 55 71 63
12 Profile / Culture The Connexion December 2023

TV angel Mimie’s greatest power is

turning disability into a driving force
Mimie Mathy may be little What they say about her
known outside of France ‘She is the face of courage and
but in her home country self-sacrifice. It is an extraordinary
feat to have overcome disability to
she has inspired millions such an extent and turn it into a
by overcoming disability to strength. I think she has given a
lot of inspiration to a lot of people.
achieve TV stardom and a She is a life lesson’
place in viewers’ hearts, Patrick Bruel, singer
Théophile Larcher looks at ‘I said “If you’re big in your head,
her extraordinary life you’ll be big”. And she put all that
into practice because she’s intelligent.’
Michel Fugain, singer
THERE is a guardian angel watching
over France’s 67 million people and ‘Joséphine? Like Joséphine,
Photos: Abaca Press / Alamy

her name is Joséphine Delamarre. Ange gardien?’

At least, that is the premise of the What US film actor Brad Pitt
21-season (and still going strong) TV reportedly said to a PR woman
Above: At the César Awards 2020 with her Dix pour cent
series Joséphine, ange gardien. called Joséphine at the
castmates and, inset, with her father in 2013 (Mathy credits
Virtually every French person from Mimie Mathy 2023 Cannes Film Festival
her parents for putting her disability into perspective)
the age of three, across all back-
grounds, genders and regions, will up on the outskirts of Lyon. Her cond- “Michel took over from my parents. 11.8 million viewers. Mathy was lured not afraid to speak up on issues she
have watched at least one of the 104 ition stopped her growth at 132cm, He helped in telling me that I was to rival channel TF1 after it sent flow- feels strongly about, calling out French
episodes in their lifetime. and Mathy claims to have understood different but that I should use it as a ers to congratulate her on the success snobbishness over popular culture on
Launched in 1997, it is among TF1’s as young as four, during a trip to the driving force rather than a weakness,” of the shows. TV, for example.
most profitable shows, with viewing butcher, that it would mark her out as she said in 2001. Laurent Chouchan, screenwriter She revealed in 2015 that she had to
figures ranging from six to 11 million ‘different’ by the looks and comments Like most aspiring actor/singers, of Une nounou pas comme les autres, send a letter to the César Awards, the
per episode. she attracted. she was drawn to Paris and from 1982 pitched a new TV show about a guard- French equivalent of the Oscars, in
The eponymous heroine, who uses a However, she credits her parents with to 1984 joined Le Petit Théâtre de ian angel sent to Earth to resolve order to be recognised as an actress
mixture of psychological insight, per- helping her put her situation into per- Bouvard, a popular TV show show- people’s problems – and the rest, as and be able to vote.
suasion and magical powers to help spective, compared to other ailments casing the most promising French they say, is history. “I wrote a letter to Alain Terzian
people who have problems, is played and disabilities, and she was never stand-up comedians and where future Joséphine, ange gardien was the [former president of l’Académie des
by Mimie Mathy. allowed to wallow in self-pity. stars such as Les Inconnus, Chevallier making of the channel, pulling in César] saying ‘I don’t think that when
She is now not only one of France’s Her father, an amateur saxophonist, et Laspalès and Muriel Robin rose jaw-dropping audience figures. Depardieu comes to make a TV film,
highest paid actresses, but among also introduced her to music, and she to fame. The show also helped launch the he stops being an actor.’
its best loved too. Mathy, 66, has developed an interest in theatre while It was there that she met Michèle careers of many French actors and “You’re not a TV actor or a film or
consistently ranked among the 50 performing at Village Vacances Famille Bernier and Isabelle de Botton, with has been broadcast in Belgium, theatre actor; you’re just an actor.”
Personnalités préférées des Français – holiday camps, which offered enter- whom she formed a female comedy Switzerland, Italy and Quebec. Her successes have also been belittled
an annual end-of-year popularity chart tainment and activities for children. trio called Les Filles, and she soon Mathy says she is often approached in the left-wing media, but such criti-
published by Le Journal du Dimanche – Keen to pursue her passion, Mathy started picking up small roles in by strangers in the street who mimic cism does not faze her.
since 2002. applied to a French variety group TV films. the finger-snapping her on-screen “If you ask me to choose between a
“I have to admit this chart makes me called Le Big Bazar, which was set A string of stand-up shows from the character is famous for before disap- certain ‘intelligentsia’ – I am putting
feel good. It is a little Christmas gift up by singer Michel Fugain. late 1980s to the early 1990s helped her pearing back to heaven at the end of it in inverted commas because I am
that I like,” she once told Europe 1. He advised her to finish her studies become a household name in comedy, each episode. Children, she adds, will unsure of its intelligence – and the
She has also carved a career for her- first, but called her back in 1979, when and audiences packed Paris’s most often call her ‘Joséphine’. public, I do not hesitate and choose
self in comedy and music and, since she was 22, with an invitation to join popular venues, such as Le Point The show’s success and her natural the public,” she said in an interview
1994, performed numerous times in the Atelier Fugain in Nice, the first Virgule or Le Splendid, to see her. likeability have seen plenty more work in 2017.
the annual Les Enfoirés charity con- music hall/variety school in France. Nationwide fame was achieved with offers come Mathy’s way, including in More recently, her outspokenness
cert, raising funds for the charity She chose the stage name Mimie Une nounou pas comme les autres (‘A an episode of the hit comedy-drama made news in July after a post on
Restos du Coeur. rather than her real name Michèle – it nanny like no other’), a TV film she show Dix pour cent (‘Call My Agent!’), the social network X (formerly
However, Ms Mathy’s path to success was the nickname she was given when co-wrote for France 2 in 1993 that playing a caricature of herself. Twitter) lambasted a journalist who
has not been an easy one. she started performing aged 17. attracted 12.8 million viewers (52.7% She is equally well-known for her falsely claimed TF1 was pulling the
She was born with achondroplasia, As well as teaching her the practical of the audience share). charity work – as well as fundraising plug on its flagship programme.
a form of dwarfism, on July 8, 1957. lessons for life in the entertainment The follow-up Une nana pas comme for Les Restos du Coeur, she is a good- “Joséphine still has some great miss-
The oldest of three sisters, she grew industry, Fugain served as a mentor. les autres (‘A girl like no other’) secured will ambassador for Unicef. Mathy is ions to accomplish,” she promised.

‘Special and different’: French culture remains an exception to the rule

Thirty years after of ‘Americanisation’, as manifest- nomic and social aspects, while be protected from market mech- For 2024, the CNC will receive to revolutionise the media land-
ed by the influence of, for exam- the United States refers simply anisms, on one hand, because it a projected €746million. This scape, sustaining l’exception cul-
the concept was ple, Hollywood blockbusters. to ‘entertainment,’” she said. touches on the ident-ity of peo- helps explain why, in France, turelle has become tricky.
formalised, we look at France wanted cultural goods It means a solely commercial ple but it also carries a whiff of domestic films’ market share in Consumers now have more
how treating culture and services to be an exception product in any other country, elitism because it sees itself as cinemas is 41%, compared to options to seek out what they
in international treaties, notably such as a McDonald’s hamburg- special and different.” 27% in Germany, 22% in Spain, want to watch, undermining
differently from traded with the World Trade Organ- er, can be imbued with cultural That difference has been nur- 21% in Italy and 8% in the UK. France’s ability to impose effect-
goods plays out in ization, and to protect and pro- significance in France, moving tured for decades, with quotas CNC president Dominique ive quotas and leading to more
mote its own production. Free- from merely ‘foodstuff ’ to a imposed on non-French movies Boutonnat used these statistics scrutiny of a film’s profitability.
practice in France market rules should not apply. symbolic attack on French and music on TV channels and in the Le Monde article to under- After winning the Palme d’Or
THIS autumn, France’s ‘cultural French governments had long farming and way of life. radio stations, and mandatory line the success of l’exception in May, Anatomy of a Fall direc-
exception’ rule, which allows viewed culture as a unique port- The concept has spawned financing of French films. culturelle, insisting it also allows tor Justine Triet went so far as to
films, books, music and other folio, requiring privileged legis- endless debate. While one side The latter takes the form of a for more diverse films to be accuse the state of abandoning
culture to be treated differently lative treatment. supports its redistributive ideal tax on all cinema tickets, includ- made, which regularly pick up the cultural exception.
from standard commercial This attitude stems from and championing of risky or ing US blockbusters, which is major awards. But critics point For economist Françoise
goods, was hailed a success France’s unique interpretation idiosyncratic projects, oppo- funnelled into the Centre out that a quarter of French Benhamou though, the concept
in an article in Le Monde. of what culture is, says Hélène nents accuse it of being a foil National du Cinéma (CNC) films sell fewer than 10,000 tick- is still alive. While its definition
The term l’exception culturelle Ruiz-Fabri, professor of interna- to protect French film, TV to foster new French films. Its ets, and argue that the system might be blurry, the notion is a
was coined in 1993 during tional law at the Sorbonne and and music producers from budget is also fed by a tax on handsomely rewards France’s cornerstone of French cultural
General Agreement on Tariffs expert on cultural diversity. commercial reality. TV channels and, more recently, top actors for films that often policy and pride. “What remains
and Trade negotiations in “Culture in France embraces “This is the ambiguity of it,” platforms such as Netflix, turn out to be financial flops. today is an exception for culture
response to a perceived threat philosophical, political, eco- said Ms Ruiz-Fabri. “It should Disney+ and Amazon Prime. As digital technology continues and for France,” she said.
The Connexion December 2023 Nature / Parenting 13

Lozère plains prepare

Inset: spatuletail_shutterstock
Mongolian horses for
life back in the wild
Professor Simon Payne, species was discovered by ation of the horses before return
Russian explorer Colonel to the wild in Mongolia,” says
a nature writer Przewalski in 1879 in what is Mr Perrin, its current director.
specialising in now Mongolia. Within 100 In 1993, 11 horses came to
years, however, they were Le Villaret from zoos across
conservation and extinct in the wild. Europe and immediately
rewilding, visits the Competition with domestic responded well to the cond-
animals, hunting, and capture itions, establishing family

Photo: Simon Payne

innovative French for zoos, circuses and private groups and breeding.
project helping rare collections killed them off. Reintroduction to Mongolia
So the last truly wild horse followed, with two groups
horses thrive once was gone. Others you might travelling 7,000km to a new
again on the steppes think of as wild, such as those home in Khomyn Tal, in the Above: Przewalski’s horses
in the Camargue, or mustangs west of the country. bear a striking resemblance
of Central Asia in North America, are simply Florian Drouard, Takh’s oper- to those depicted in the
feral domestic horses. ational manager for conserv- Lascaux cave paintings from
ONLY a few small clouds dot Only a few takhi survived in ation translocations, recently the palaeolithic period, inset
the vast sky above the rolling captivity in zoos across Europe returned from a scientific
plateau of the Causse Méjean, in and beyond, but recent efforts monitoring visit to Mongolia. Right: A family group on the
Lozère in southern France, when have seen some return to their “The project has been a big Causse Méjean

Photo: Simon Payne

I visit – a site that that for the last homeland in Mongolia at last success,” he says.
three decades has been home to – and run free again. “The horses have adapted
a surprising rewilding scheme. Claudia Feh, a Swiss equine well. There are now 143 horses
Only metres from the tiny specialist, is among those who living wild at Khomyn Tal.”
road that leads to Le Villaret, had a vision for their reintro- So successful has the scheme Despite its apparent success, Finally, there is the risk of population in the Causse
the hamlet where it is based, duction – with two crucial been that the Mongolian gov- however, the future of the cross-breeding between takhi Méjean. There are also uncert-
is a small group of browny- elements. First, the horses ernment declared Khomyn Tal Takh programme is fragile. and the many domestic horses ainties within the association,
cream, stocky horses. should be prepared by living a a national park in 2020. In Mongolia, the threats to in Mongolia. following the death of Luc
With dark, stiff manes and wild life, with no feeding or Sebastien Carton de Gram- the takhi are serious. The true wild horse might Hoffman and the subsequent
large, boxy faces, they are dis- human intervention, in as mont, who has worked at Takh Overgrazing, especially, is a be lost to history and cave closure of the Mava foundation.
tinctive – and familiar: perhaps similar conditions to Mongolia from the start, says: “If you country-wide problem. Cattle, paintings. Mr Perrin says: “The associa-
from the palaeolithic cave as possible. Second, she wanted look back just over 30 years, sheep and especially goats, kept Consequently, Takh’s focus tion is in danger, financially.
paintings we all know from them returned to the wild in there were no Przewalski’s for high-value cashmere, far has shifted slightly in recent After celebrating 30 years of
Lascaux, a few hours north of established family groups. horses in the wild. They only exceed the carrying capacity years. “We have to keep the takhi at Le Villaret, we need to
here. These are Pzrewalski’s With backing from the Mava lived in zoos. Now, between of the grasslands – sometimes horses here, as a reservoir for make sure the horses are still
horses, or ‘takhi’ – their name foundation, set up by the Khomyn Tal and two other seven to 10 times, says Mr the survival of the species,” here in another 30 years.
in Mongolian, from where philanthropist and co-founder reintroduction sites, there are Carton de Grammont, who last says Mr Perrin. “So we are looking for new
they originate. of the World Wide Fund for more than 800 in the wild.” visited Mongolia in 2022. The fragility of the population investors and new support.
Jean-Louis Perrin of Takh, the Nature (WWF) Luc Hoffmann, He adds that the horses Climate change is also an and conditions in Mongolia “We need a bigger commun-
Association pour la Sauvegarde Ms Feh acquired 400 hectares coming from France were issue, leading to greater desert- has given new momentum to ity to follow us, as financial
du Cheval de Przewalski, says: at Le Villaret, and Takh was introduced to the wild in ification in a country already Takh. Working with partners donors but also to be part of
“It is a wonderful site, truly born. established family groups and dominated by the arid and in Spain and Hungary, it is the project.”
unique, and remarkable to “It was something unbeliev- were more able to survive in semi-arid conditions of the searching for suitable European Those interested in support-
think we have now had these able at the start, to find a place Mongolia, coping better with Gobi Desert in the south. With habitats, where takhi can live ing it can find more inform-
animals here for 30 years.” The so well suited to acclimatis- predators and other pressures. this comes reduced grazing. wild, as well as maintaining the ation at

No fussiness, strict bedtimes and other French parenting rules

Cynthia Spillman cheeks, wishing them bonne nuit. This must comply with them. When it is allowed to master skills and develop her many friends, English and French.
could take a long time and, of course, bedtime, there is no room for debate. tenacity. They are raised to accept that Nowadays, most Frenchwomen work.
points out some the next morning we had to repeat it, Parents demand their own space in life can be challenging, that difficul- There is an expectation that they will
of the differences wishing them a good morning. the evening. ties will come and that there s no go back to work as soon as possible
of bringing up In France, politeness and manners French parents also expect their need for self-pity. and childcare is lined up to allow it.
are non-negotiable. children to sleep all night as early Experience is the best teacher, and The French extended family still
children in France We also had duties drawn up on a as possible. French parents are there to support, exists, but parents resume their lives, a
chart, such as laying and clearing the This does not mean leaving them when necessary. However, French part of which is centred around caring
I WAS brought up ‘the French way’ table, washing the dishes and general to howl, but the expectation is that children are expected to first have a for their children.
and it continues to serve me well. domestic chores. the child should at least be given go themselves. To conclude, French parenting
While what I am about to say is in no Once a week, my grandfather would the chance to self-soothe before Credit is given only where credit is methods have their advantages but
way meant to denigrate the British or sit at the head of the dining table and the parent rushes to their aid. due. When they are given praise com- you do not have be a slave to them.
American way of bringing up children, distribute our argent de poche – if we mensurate to their achievements, then Take what you like, and leave the
I do feel there are certain aspects of had been well behaved. Fussy eating is out they can develop a true sense of pride rest.
French parenting that we can benefit From the start, French children are in their accomplishments.
from adopting. Socialising with adults expected to eat vegetables, fruit, and n You know what works best for your
One of the refreshing aspects of adult foods, albeit puréed when they Parents have their own lives child. While it is beneficial to learn
Respect and discipline are paramount France is that children are allowed to are tiny. They are repeatedly served the My mother came from a generation from another culture, if your child is
My parents were authoritarian and socialise at family and other events. same as adults. If they do not eat it, of women who generally did not work, happy, then you are doing a great job.
my mother ruled the roost in terms This way of relating provides the they will not be offered anything else. but that did not stop her being one of n No parent is perfect, so do not
of discipline and instilling respect in child with social skills that will last Perpetual snacking is also frowned the chic-est people I ever knew. be consumed by guilt.
her five children. a lifetime. Children, on certain occa- upon. Food is to be savoured and Despite having five children, she n Do not compare and despair.
We were taught to respect our sions, are allowed to stay up well past enjoyed. Treats are permitted, but never had a hair out of place. She was Children are all different and there is
elders, not to interrupt and the basics their usual bedtime and they must fit within reason and at the right time. always beautifully dressed and no law which says you must raise your
of “please” and “thank you”. in with the adults, rather than the everything coordinated. children ‘the French way’.
When I was a child we had to ask other way round. No mollycoddling It did not have to cost a fortune n Look for the similarities in
permission to leave the table, and However, in France parents are strict French parents believe in instilling either. My mother crafted a full life for child-rearing and not the differences.
every night before bed we went round about having their own time too. confidence in their children. They herself, pursuing her interests in fine n Children will always be unpredict-
kissing everybody goodnight on the Boundaries are enforced and children learn by experience. Children are arts, volunteering, and socialising with able. Do not beat yourself up!
14 Comment The Connexion December 2023
Simon Heffer, the renowned political commentator
Nabila Ramdani is a French-Algerian
journalist, broadcaster, and author of Fixing and historian, turns his gaze to French politics
France: How to Repair a Broken Republic, Simon Heffer is also a columnist for the Daily and Sunday Telegraphs
published in Autumn 2023.

O Marine Le Pen
She is a regular columnist in The Connexion. n 12 November between
100,000 and 180,000 people
(depending upon which news

France should face

source one believes) marched

goes where her

through Paris and other French cities
to protest against anti-Semitism, in

up to the horrors of
an event arranged by the two houses
of the French legislature.
The immediate cause was the

father could
shocking attack on Israel by Hamas

its colonial past

terrorists on October 7, with its
knock-on effect of whipping up feel-
ings against Jewish people around
the supposedly civilised world.

not and backs

Although he did not take part, the

Photo: Wikipedia/Pierre de Coubertin/Isabel Hapgood

THE past power of Imperial France defines march had the endorsement of
much of central Paris. You can see it in the President Macron, while two of his
classical buildings, grand avenues, statues and predecessors, Nicolas Sarkozy and
triumphal arches. All are testaments to a way François Hollande, led it.

France’s Jews
of life that was exported across the world. With them was Elisabeth Borne,
Gallic culture was viewed as a natural succes- the current prime minister, whose
sor to the glory that was once ancient Rome, father survived Auschwitz but later
and the French wanted it spread far and wide. committed suicide; as well as Gérard
The great problem with this mission was that Larcher, the head of the French
it was defined as a “duty to civilise the inferior Senate, and Yaël Braun-Privet, the
races”, as Jules Ferry, the 19th-century Prime speaker of the Assemblée nationale.
Minister put it. The French considered them- 19th-century Prime There could not have been a more supporters of Mme Le Pen. Now it forge a common, non-racial vision of
selves to be top of a racial hierarchy that justi- Minister Jules Ferry establishment demonstration of is shifting onto Islamic extremist France for the future.
fied them exerting control over alleged lesser support for the Jewish community’s groups, or to some on the hard left. He had made various deeply offen-
peoples. Hence the slaughter and conquests across the globe. right to live without fear. In 2007 I went out to Saint-Cloud, sive remarks about the Jews through-
Millions of people were subjugated by a country which revelled in the However, perhaps the most to the luxurious housing estate out his career (the worst of which
motto of ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’. remarkable turn of events was that outside Paris originally built by was to dismiss Hitler’s genocide of
The French Colonial Empire occupied territory from Gallic the current frontrunner in the opin- Napoleon III for members of his the Jews as ‘a detail of history’, a
North America to West Africa, and from the Middle East culture was ion polls to be the next president of court, to interview one of its modern remark he repeated so often that he
to the South Pacific. At its height in the 1920s and France, Marine Le Pen, and a contin- residents – Jean-Marie Le Pen, father was fined three times for saying it).
1930s, it was second in size only to Britain’s. viewed as gent from the Rassemblement of Marine and then leader of what When I asked M Le Pen whether
By the middle of the 20th century, nationalists in a natural National also showed up, in an was still called the Front National. his party’s reputation for anti-Semi-
Imperial jewels such as Algeria were rising up against apparently seismic rearrangement of M Le Pen had managed to get into tism was not a problem, he did not
the French, and prosecuting ferocious wars of liberation successor the French political landscape. the final round of the 2002 presiden- quite reply that “some of my best
that, after years of bloodshed, ended in victory. to the glory The legislature called the march tial election, a measure of the French friends are Jews”, but his adamant
These are the simple reasons why, in this day and age, ostensibly because of the more-than public’s mounting disillusion with denial that he was an anti-Semite
colonialism has become a very ugly word. that was 1,250 anti-Semitic attacks recorded the mainstream parties. was not far off that.
Many of the monuments to Empire – the buildings and once since October 7: but anyone with the Despite the thrashing he took in Even his daughter, who has sent
the roads – obviously still have real-world usage. slightest grasp of history knows that that contest, which was a landslide her father, now aged 95, to outer
Left-wing groups had a habit of defacing statues of ancient the problem of anti-Semitism in for President Jacques Chirac, darkness and striven to rid her party,
those linked with slavery and the like a few summers Rome France has run through its national M Le Pen remained worthy of note with its new name, of any taint of
ago, and the ‘yellow vests’ (gilets jaunes) anti-govern- life since long before the 20th centu- in the following contest. anti-Semitism, has had difficulties
ment movements desecrated the Arc de Triomphe around the same time, ry, never mind the 21st. in this respect. Not least with her

but such attacks have largely fizzled out. In modern times it starts with the obtuse remark in the 2017 election
This is because stone and metal constructions are relatively easy to dis- Dreyfus affair; then, in July 1942, the campaign that France had not been
connect from an often shameful past. ineradicable scandal of French police responsible for the round-up of July
So too were the kind of artefacts that filled the Palais de la Porte Dorée rounding up French Jews that led 1942, on the grounds that the Vichy
in 1931, when the Paris Colonial Exhibition opened there. Ostensibly a to the temporary imprisonment of regime “was not France”.
chance to show off ‘diverse cultures’, the museum was seen as a means 13,152 of them either in the Winter However, with Mme Le Pen now
of whitewashing the crimes of the colonialists and their so-called “civilising” Velodrome, or Vel d’Hiv in Paris, or more anxious than ever to sanitise
adventures. at the transit camp in the northern The principle of ‘my the reputation of her party, the prin-
While handmade carpets and frescoes made thousands of miles away suburb of Drancy. ciple of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my
were displayed, there was no mention of the squalid labour camps, prisons Most of those arrested were sent
enemy’s enemy is my friend’ is becoming predominant.
or military encampments that filled France’s stolen overseas territories. to Auschwitz and were murdered. friend’ is becoming She first raised this in the 2012
The crimes against humanity, including genocides, were certainly never Of the 38,000 who were eventually election campaign, when she said
showcased and explained. deported by the end of September predominant that the RN and the Jewish people
You get a chilling sense of the deceit during visits to the Palais de la Porte 1942, a mere 780 were alive in 1945. had a “shared concern about radical
Dorée, an Art Deco pile that now contains the Museum of the History of Jacques Chirac finally apologised Islam”. Even before the recent outrag-
Immigration, as well as a tropical aquarium. This follows multiple name for this enormity when he became es had amplified that point of view,
changes over the years as – predictably – successive administrations have president; until then, as with rather M Le Pen had, not least under she was urging French Jews not to
attempted to move the institution away from its horrific antecedents. a lot of what happened during the the influence of his daughter, been emigrate to Israel, saying that the
France’s current president, Emmanuel Macron, has called colonisation in German occupation, the French engaging in various public relations French state was obliged to protect
Algeria a “crime against humanity” with – crucially – the proviso that we preferred not to talk about it, or to exercises – or stunts – to show that its Jewish community against “radi-
cannot simply “sweep this past away under the rug”. pretend it had never happened. his party had changed. cal Islam in problematic areas’”.
Such a comment – made just before Macron came to power in May 2017 – But all through recent decades the It had been rooted in the mindset It was clear from the November 12
triggered fury among political opponents, especially those on the far right. French Jewish community – which of someone who had been a combat- rally that French Jews are now wel-
Members of the Rassemblement National party in particular view French numbers around half a million peo- ant in the Algerian war in the 1950s come in a range of political homes –
Algeria with immense nostalgia. They remain extremely bitter that the ple and, as such, is the largest in (as M Le Pen had) and it took a pret- with the possible exception of the
North African country was lost to its indigenous population and have never Europe, and third only to Israel ty dim view of those who were not far-left La France Insoumise, which
apologised for the 132 years of colonisation. Nor have any governments. and the United States – has suffered français de souche - ethnically French is aggressively pro-Palestinian.
It is for precisely such reasons that there should be a proper museum prejudice, or outright attacks. - though M Le Pen never expressed So Mme Le Pen’s warm sentiments
focused on colonialism – one that does not hide behind euphemisms, and There have been many incidents, whether his preference was for towards them may not necessarily
publicly presents all the relics from an era when supposedly lesser peoples reported in the press and on televi- Franks or Gauls. convert into active support in 2027.
were enslaved, exploited and killed by a self-styled European master race. sion, of Jewish graves in cemeteries Now there were photo opportuni- However, the battle against ‘radical
This legacy has not disappeared and it should be exhibited in all its being defiled and damaged. ties and videos of M Le Pen with Islam’ in France will remain mainly
gruesomeness. The blame was usually apportioned black people and brown people, rhetorical, and rhetoric is one thing
to the far right – people regarded as smiling happily as they sought to in which Mme Le Pen excels.

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The Connexion December 2023 Comment 15

The women bringing equality to Vive La Différence

France’s ‘noble’ building trade
Small things we notice about
life in France By Peter Wyeth

Painter and decorator Cerise Cerise

National neighbourliness
Steiner wants to radically front row, CHRISTMAS came early this
increase the number of second year in Indre.
from left, In fact, it came in the high heat
women workers in the building and her of summer, and not just once,
trade. She tells Scheenagh

Photo: Tatevosian Yana_shutterstock

team of as with the conventional holiday,
Harrington her plans experts but almost every other day.
are out to This feeling of festive benef-
THE FRENCH building industry needs prove that icence was thanks to the
to undergo an equality revolution and be women can neighbours in our hamlet.
regarded as a ‘noble’ profession once again, do building It has just four full-time resi-
says the founder of a movement working work just dents, another who comes only
as well

Photo: Ulrike Monso

to bring more women into the trade. a few times a year, and us – a Gifted fruit and vegetables
Marseille-based painter and decorator as men Parisian-English couple who, in
Cerise Steiner, 43, is the driving force principle, should alienate as many people as possible.
behind Les Fabricoleuses, a group that Yet in this tiny place, more or less in the centre of France if
aims to enhance the profile of the industry. you put a pin in the map, a basket of goodies would invariably
“If an eight-year-old girl says ‘I’m going don’t really care as long as the work is of women DIY enthusiasts. It took, almost await us each time we visited. Courgettes, tomatoes, peppers,
to be a house painter, I’m going to be an done well,” she said. to the day, nine months to bring the femmes marrows or cucumbers, plums or greengages (reine-claude)
electrician, I’m going to be a plumber’, the When asked if customers expect a lower bricoleuses into the world.” in various combinations.
parents’ immediate reaction is ‘no, you’re rate from women builders, she said it The multi-phase Les Fabricoleuses We have a small garden at the front and at the back, and a
going to take your general baccalauréat happens occasionally, but added: “The movement combines an inclusive, incubat- decaying plum tree, but no vegetable patch. All our neigh-
exam first and then we’ll see’,” Ms Steiner main thing is to stop haggling. ing network “like the LinkedIn of women bours have one nearby or in adjoining plots, as there is more
told The Connexion. “When you go into a restaurant, you in construction”. In phase two – roll-out land than people in Indre. And as our neighbours mainly live
“We have to stop denigrating this business, don’t start asking for a discount on the in 2024 – holistic support, from admin to alone, they produce more than they can eat.
which is noble and praiseworthy.” meat or a little bit off the coffee.” legal, sales and wellbeing, will be offered. Even in Paris, there are imaginative attempts to replace
Her ultimate goal is to educate tradesmen There were signs of change in the build- The coming weeks will also see the urban anonymity with a village atmosphere. Our son has an
about how to work with women and teach ing industry before Les Fabricoleuses. launch of the third phase of the project: allotment just the other side of the périphérique, producing
both sexes to work together. The French Building Federation the maison des bricoleuses, or DIY house. tomatoes and marrows aplenty and hosting barbecues.
“We’ve been hearing about gender divers- began to promote feminisation in 2006. Located in Marseille and containing Last year, The Connexion ran a feature on Paris resident
ity for a few years now,” she said. “It even launched a campaign about it, three floors, it is a “place of re-use and Patrick Bernard, who founded the Hyper Voisins (Super
“I hope one day we won’t even be talking which I don’t think went far enough,” said local creation”, Ms Steiner said, featuring a Neighbours) association in 2017, which aims not just to run
about it any more. I’m fighting all the Ms Steiner. “Today, just 1.6% of building drop-in centre for integration, retraining social events but to radically change the way local areas
stereotypes. I don’t care if you’re a man or site workers are women. In five years’ time, and post-creation support. There will be operate in the city.
a woman. If you do what you love and I hope to increase that to 3%.” opportunities for older women too. Here in Indre, other examples of neighbourliness abound. I
have the abilities and skills, let’s go for it. The former cultural events manager, who “I set up this project with a strong solid- was spread-eagled under the car doing a minor repair when
“There are men who do very well in front had always had an affinity for painting, arity angle,” she said. our neighbour spotted my perilous jack and offered his own
of a computer but would be incapable of switched careers to land a job on a build- “All these women out of work, for exam- grown-up version, much to my wife’s relief.
carrying loads like my female painters.” ing site on the eve of her 40th birthday. ple, because clothing retailer Camaïeu has On another occasion, having finally got around to rebuilding
Women employed by women also have a An “astonished in a good way” co-worker gone bankrupt or supermarkets are using part of the garden perimeter in an attempt at drystone wall-
90% chance of being paid for their skills, planted a seed when he admitted it would automated tills. What are they going to do? ing, but without the cross-stones needed to secure it properly,
rather than gender, and face far fewer be “complicated” to achieve his ambition “Instead of offering them a job as a he offered his almost-new orange concrete mixer so that I
instances of harassment, Ms Steiner said. of training a female plumber. cleaner or canteen assistant, I would like to could pour reinforcement between the awkward sandstones.
There are advantages for customers too. “The next morning, I woke up with the take them on work experience on building The French are often thought stand-offish, but our modest
Single women and older clients actively idea of bringing together women’s know- sites or via our female network. experience has been quite the opposite, with help, advice,
prefer being offered a choice of either how,” Ms Steiner said. “If they like it, we can find them training and kilo after kilo of delicious vegetables and fruit offered
female or male tradespeople. “Couples “In the beginning, it was just a collective and they can join the building industry.” unreservedly by generous neighbours.
Admittedly, this is the country, and a tiny settlement to

Let’s raise a glass to drinking less wine

boot, but we have been made to feel incredibly welcome.
I am certain it all began when I painted the front of our
little house in 34C heat last summer, which won respect for
being so English and mad. My wife is not entirely convinced,
by Samantha David thing is, though, I have realised that we but we do share the feeling of being entirely blessed in our
are actually a bit out of step with our hospitable hamlet.
Photo: Dasha Petrenko_shutterstock

I SEE that the French government is British friends and relations.

spending up to €200 million to destroy If you only have a small demi-pêche

wine lakes in the Languedoc and Bordeaux (beer laced with fruit cordial) once or

regions due to over-production. Aside twice a week, British drinking habits


from the obvious jokes about being willing come as a shock. They drink so much

to dispose of the problem for a much lower and so fast, compared to the way people
price, I am kind of not surprised. consume their alcohol in France.
Per capita wine consumption in France Visiting London, I was amazed at the   
French drinking habits are so very    
in 1960 was a staggering 120 litres a year, size of the drinks served. We went to the
different to those of the British
descending steadily to 24.2 litres in 2023. Christmas market on the South Bank,
Of course, some of this is due to the rack and fridge. (This is France, after all, which was very festive and fun, and got   
popularity of other drinks. As well as and it would be a sin not to sample the some mulled wine, which came in an 
cider and craft beers, the market is now fruits of the vignerons’ labour.) enormous plastic beaker, practically a
crammed with cocktails, mocktails and But instead of knocking it back, we share third of a bottle.        
everything in between. a single bottle around four to five people at And that was the ‘medium’ size.      
There is also the driving factor: the dinner. We are healthier and wealthier for A friend mentioned exactly the same 
French police are increasingly tough on it, not to mention finding that one glass thing the other day. He has family coming   
SIRET 48003796900015

anyone who tries drink-driving. each gives us all the giggles. from Britain for Christmas, and said
It is not news that the younger gener- Because we are buying less, we are gloomily that he knew they would all
ation drinks more moderately than their actually buying better wine, and drinking end up drinking too much.
parents (red eyes on social media are so it has become more of an occasion. I can see how it happens. No one wants
uncool). There might well be other reasons. We are even starting to notice what we to be considered a spoilsport or a wet
Who knows? Speaking for myself, I just drink, whether we like it or not. Labels blanket. On the other hand, feeling
got bored with it. There are so many other have been soaked off favoured bottles and obliged to get plastered is not great either.
fun things to do. I would sooner do exer- stuck on to the fridge door. We have been I am stocking up on 0% beers for
cise than drink when it comes down to it. to tastings at wineries, distilleries and Christmas, along with wines from the
It is not like we have given up complete- breweries. As a result, I like to think we Loire Valley, which can have an alcohol
ly in our house. There is still wine in the are more discriminating drinkers. The content of just 8.5%. Cheers!
16 Letters The Connexion December 2023

Talking point: Is wealth trickled down or frittered away? perceive no benefit at all from letting abroad because he does not want to
Ferry fares
ONE advantage of living close to
by Nick Inman
the jet set play. pay for all this stuff through taxes Calais is the ability to pop over
WHY are the French so reluctant to Allowed to keep their money through must despise the values of the Republic, for British goods or fish and
let the wealthy be wealthy? Why do advantageous tax arrangements, the say the French. chips in a day.
so many of them object to the policies rich can spend it on stuff that brings Should politicians really pander to Before one crisis or another,
of trickle-down economics? no benefit to anyone (arms, drugs, vice) his or her every caprice if that is their there were cheap day return ferry
There was much griping when or is made in another country (planes, attitude to solidarity? fares available to Dover, but
Emmanuel Macron, often accused of yachts, other luxury goods), or hoard it Trickle-down assumes there are two recently I have discovered they
being a president for the rich, abolished all in banks. kinds of people: the tiny minority with no longer exist – only three-day
the wealth tax, on the premise that if They also create their share of prob- far too much – more than they could or full-price tickets.
the rich can be encouraged to stay in lems. Their luxury lifestyle can be ever need – who should be allowed to In the last few weeks, I have
France, it will benefit us all. highly polluting, and property specul- do what they want; and the vast major- noticed more and more English

Photo: Travel-Fr_shutterstock
It seems like a no-brainer: someone ation can mean that ordinary people ity with not enough, who are unable to customers in the Calais super-
has to create the wealth before it can cannot afford housing in their own make any satisfactory lifestyle choices. markets stocking up on wine and
be shared around the rest of society. areas. As a result, communities die. It also puts the profit motive above all cheese. I asked one couple how
Incentivise those entrepreneurs with Wealth can be a precondition of other values, and that offends the com- they had got over and, to my
tax breaks and they will invest in altruism or selfishness. The one is to munitarian French. surprise, they told me about a
France, creating jobs. And when they A superyacht in the Port of Antibes be encouraged but the latter is not to If having money is to be treated as a £39 day ticket from DFDS.
spend their money on goods and ser- be indulged. virtue, so too must having an attitude On checking the tariff for the
vices, they will create even more jobs. very Gallic objections. For a start, What the average-thinking French of service and self-sacrifice. Calais to Dover direction, how-
Make it too difficult, however, and trickle-down has not been proven to person will tell you is that irresponsible Maybe we do need the wealthy to ever, the same day return would
they will skip off and live in another work beyond all doubt. The presence affluence goes against the values that throw their cash around, but we also be no less than four times dearer.
country. of millionaires in a society does not hold civilisation together. need teachers, nurses and carers to do I emailed DFDS and they final-
The French have been watching the guarantee there will be no food banks, Much of what makes modern life live- their jobs, knowing that what they ly admitted I could only travel in
UK and US experiment with trickle- sink estates or in-work poverty. able stems not from competition and give and get back cannot be measured that direction if I was prepared
down theory since the 1980s, and many Rich people do not necessarily spend high-flying but sharing. in euros. to pay 75% more, by buying two
of them (not just on the left of politics) their money on things that create Law and order, education, health, single tickets.
remain sceptical. secure, well-paid jobs and their largesse transport infrastructure, the adminis- Do you agree or disagree with Irish Ferries are following the
It is worth considering for a moment does not reach to all people and parts tration of cities – these are not items of Nick Inman? Tell us why at same policy. By choosing the
why this should be. It is not just resent- of the country. consumer choice but common goods. right day and juggling off-peak
ment or jealousy of the rich but some The disabled and disadvantaged will Any billionaire who threatens to move sailings at unattractive times, it
is just about possible to obtain

They said it … Priorité à droite

I WRITE following your online
Language supremacy a few lower fares from P&O,
which could possibly make a day
trip viable, but well short of the
article on the history of priorité DANIEL DE POLI’S tongue must have been practically poking day offer from other firms.
Time is expanding. We’ve never à droite and its characterisation through his cheek when he wrote his letter on “Anglo Saxon propa- To sum up, cheap day returns
done so many things in one day by one of your readers as a
“dangerous practice”.
ganda” claiming language supremacy (Connexion, November).
Virtually all business, economics, science, medical and engineer-
from France are pas disponible
but in the other direction it is
since the dawn of humanity Priorité à droite is far from ing communications circulate throughout the world in English, most definitely ‘welcome
Jean Viard that, being designed to slow including to and from China and India (where it is one of its two aboard!’. What is going on?
Sociologist on the modern world’s relationship with time, on France Info down traffic to avoid road users official languages). Most higher-education teaching in the world is Malcolm GALE,
being placed in danger. Any now in English. International organisations such as the UN General Pas-de-Calais
Few countries give such pride danger that arises does so from
people driving in a manner that
Assembly or the International Court of Justice in the Hague con-
duct their public affairs primarily in English. Nato’s Jens Stoltenberg Editor’s note: DFDS said its day
of place to their language ignores the law, by not slowing and Europe’s Ursula von der Leyen usually use it, and admirably so, trip offer is to encourage people to
down in anticipation of other to communicate to the world. travel and spend in the duty-free
Amin Maalouf road users joining from the By current definition, you can have only one lingua franca at a shops onboard and ashore at
Author and perpetual secretary of the Académie française, in Le Figaro
right, as they are entitled to do. time, whereas the writer appears to think there are several. Let us Calais and Dunkirk.
Stress had been building The Code de la route enshrines just say that English predominates wherever the focus is on trying It is currently only available

priorité à droite in law but with to get things done. In contrast, French is more drawn out, flowery, from the UK because customers
up inside me for years an obligation to drive in a aspirational, and perfectly suited, for instance, to diplomacy requir- have a larger duty-free allowance
manner that anticipates others ing finely-crafted waffle (langue de bois), haute cuisine, ballet for entry into the UK than those
and France saved my life not driving carefully enough to lessons, and ditto a couple of other fields. On the strength of his travelling back into France.
Jonny Wilkinson avoid collisions. So even though self-serving arguments, Mr de Poli predicts a “bright future” for the “The duty-free spend offsets the
English rugby star on his five years playing for Toulon, on C à vous a driver has priority to enter French language. He should not hold his breath! lower ticket revenues generated
from the right, they must Geoff STAINES, Paris from providing a £39 fare,” it said.
Can a nation subsist when approach a junction in expect-
ation that a car already on the DANIEL DE POLI’S letter was hilariously inaccurate – Ireland and
Customers travelling from
France can still take advantage of
allegiances are determined by road does not give way. All in Malta, both EU, have English as an official language. And whether three-day and five-day short
content consumed on smartphones? all, very sensible advice.
Peter HARRIES, Nièvre
he likes it or not, English is the international language for business.
David PERRY, by email
break fares, which offer a saving
on the standard return fare.
Natacha Polony
French journalist on the tribalism of social networks, in Marianne

Jean-Luc Mélenchon would like to Dans le passé – 10, 50 and 100 years ago
look like Lenin, but he ends up DECEMBER, 2013 DECEMBER, 1973 DECEMBER, 1923
Abaca Press / Alamy

looking like Donald Trump Artificial heart transplant first UFO ‘religion’ born Dixmude airship disaster
ON DECEMBER 18, a 75-year-old AN ALLEGED alien ONE of history’s worst airship disasters
Gérald Bronner Frenchman became the first in the world encounter on December 13 took place on December 21 when a
Sociologist on the leftwing politician and NUPES leader to be fitted with a revolutionary artificial inspired former French German Zeppelin given to the French
refusing to call Hamas a terrorist organisation, in Le Point heart in a 10-hour operation at Georges pop star-turned-sports car Navy as part of war reparations exploded
Pompidou Hospital in Paris. journalist Claude Vorilhon, pictured, to in mid-air off the coast of Sicily, killing
The French don’t Until then, artificial hearts were
designed to be temporary until a donor
change career yet again by founding a
new religion called Raëlism.
all 52 people (42 crew and 10 passengers)
on board.
even like themselves could be found, and beat at an unchang- The name was taken from the moniker At the time of the accident, the Dixmude

ing rate. The model developed by French Vorilhon himself assumed after his UFO held world records for distance and flight
Ridley Scott firm Carmat, however, boasted a five- meeting – Raël. He claimed, in a book duration. An inquiry later concluded that
Director responds curtly to criticism from the year life and claimed to be the first to called Le Livre qui dit la vérité, to have it had been struck by lightning 2,000
French press of his new film about Napoleon fully replicate the self-regulated contrac- been expressly chosen by an extraterres- metres above the Mediterranean near
tions of a real heart, theoretically giving trial species known as the Elohim to where fishermen had seen two ‘burning
It is not the President of the recipients a better chance of resuming reveal that humanity had been created globes’ fall into the sea. Two bodies were
Republic’s place to go to a march normal life. Further testing was paused
when the patient died in March 2014
using their advanced technology, and to
prepare for their return. Today, Raëlism
eventually recovered – its commander and
a radioman – along with parts of the ship’s
due to an electronic component failure, claims tens of thousands of members but cabin and a burned French tricolor.
Emmanuel Macron 10 weeks after receiving it. It obtained has faced strong criticism from journal- No other wreckage or trace of the other
President responds to criticism for not attending
a march against anti-semitism in November European CE certification in 2020. ists, ex-followers and anti-cultists. passengers was found.
The Connexion December 2023 Letters 17

The Connexion letters pages are Strategic financial planning

sponsored by for your life in France. w w w. b l e v i n s f r a n k s . c o m

Peanut butter is not just for Americans Automatic visas for EV fire risks
second-home owners
I DO NOT often feel a need to found that the French simply do As it is not available year- COLIN BURTON (‘Enough EV
comment, but when it comes not get it. I struggled to find it round, I stock up when I can. scaremongering,’ Connexion,
to peanut butter (‘Sales soar in our local supermarkets when They typically sell 700g pots November) is correct in saying
as US expats look for taste of I moved here in 2006, so would and the price is below €3. THANKS to the many readers who sent feedback on the Senate’s lithium-ion batteries do not
home’, Connexion, November) occasionally bring a jar or two I have also recently found pin- recent approval of an amendment to France’s immigration bill, contain metallic lithium but
I cannot hold back. back from the Netherlands dakaas being sold in the France which would give British second-home owners an automatic lithium carbide. My error.
I agree that Americans love when visiting family. Asia shop in Pau for €2.89 for long-stay visa right without any formalities. Here is a selection However, the fact remains
the stuff and probably consume Then US brand Skippy turned 500g – just 10% more expensive (you can find more online by searching the word ‘senate’): that water poured on to a
more than anyone on the planet up on the shelves. It is very than the Netherlands. cracked lithium-ion battery
– but that is only because there expensive, as your article It is made by PCD – I WAS absolutely staggered to see that of the list of 50 senators reacts vigorously and exotherm-
are a lot of them in a very large points out, but also about as Swartberg, who have been who gave their support to one of the three amendments tabled for ically, and each EV carries
country that grows peanuts. ‘peanut’ as American chocolate making the stuff since 1905 debate, not one was from the Dordogne, the department with one about half a tonne of them.
The Dutch probably consume is chocolate. and are Dutch. of the highest proportion of British second-home owners in France. My letter (‘EVs on ferries,’
as much per head of popula- It is sweet, oily and just tastes They supply private label I find it more than surprising that there is currently no endorse- Connexion, October) was not
tion, and especially love a pea- ‘modified’. Not for me. The branded products, so you often ment of any long-stay visa solution from either Marie-Claude to take sides in any gas-guzzlers
nut spread called pindakaas. French Menguy product is very find it being sold under differ- Varaillas, Sénatrice de la Dordogne or Serge Mérillou, Sénateur versus tree-huggers debate.
They were probably the first similar, with no real texture. ent names, but it is the same de la Dordogne [both Socialists]. This is despite their constituents We have had 100 years to
to start importing peanuts in Lidl occasionally sells stuff inside. being some of the poorest in France and the economic benefits of learn how to deal with petrol-
Europe and several very large McEnnedy ‘American Way’ The Dutch peanut butter longer visits by non-EU second-home owners being significant. eum fires, and precious little
companies have seen huge peanut butter in both smooth snob would, of course, prefer Don’t they care about the economic well-being of their communi- time to learn how to deal with
successes from this, feeding and crunchy varieties. It is a bit Calvé pindakaas. You can buy ties? A few months ago, I wrote to both these representatives but did this new chemistry. My plea is
the Dutch appetite for not browner, less sweet, more ‘pea- it in 1,000g jars – with the not even get so much as an acknowledgement from them. for an urgent, thorough risk
only peanut butter but also nut’ and has a wonderful tex- same plastic lid as PCD. Russell HALL, Dordogne assessment regarding EVs on
satay sauce. ture. In fact, it tastes much like Can you tell I am obsessed? ferries, by a competent author-
Being Dutch myself, I need Dutch peanut butter, not at all Jan ZUIDHOF, IT IS not just humans who have suffered since Brexit. An Animal ity that does not have a vested
my peanut butter and have ‘American Way’ – thankfully. Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Health Certificate to allow a UK resident to take their cat/dog to interest in the outcome.
France on holiday with them now costs £205 every time. Given that some ferry comp-
Share Let off steam or share a point
of view on an aspect of French life What is more, the certificate only lasts for four months so even anies, such as Norwegian firm
Linky meters your Email: or write to:
The Connexion, Le Grande Bretagne,
if visa requirements are relaxed for second-home owners, as has
been proposed, I and other pet owners will still not be able to stay
Havila Kystruten, turn away
EVs, and airlines impose strict
missing a trick views! 30Please
av. Grande Bretagne, 98000 Monaco
include your name and department of France
in France for more than four months.
I am seriously thinking about selling my property in France, as
limits on lithium-ion batteries,
I am not the only person who
I AM very happy with my Linky or country where you live. Letters used may be edited are many expat friends. Wake up, France! Do you want the British thinks there is a degree of risk.
and the supporting apps. for space and sense; the Editor’s decision is final. to keep spending at restaurants, retail parks, tourist venues, and I know that car fires are very
Letters received may be used online and/or in print.
However, I am curious why paying taxes here, or not? infrequent, but you can walk
there are not more benefits
available to consumers? Amazon delivery problems Carol HOLLOWAY, by email away from one on land and let
it burn out. Not on a ferry.
For example, could not the HAVING lived in France for they cannot find my house. WHILE I wholeheartedly agree with the proposal, I fail to see Martin SCOTCHMER, by email
hours for heures creuses and some 22 years, I have become a One admitted he did not know what the French government is doing to help people who have
heures pleines be more flexible, great fan of buying online via how to use GPS. moved here recently and on a permanent basis. Difficult words
and be defined by the user In the past, I have If I manage to contact There is so much red tape and huge waits when applying for I READ your online article
online within certain guidelines? found it competitive on price Amazon France (not always visas to live here. And they want to put us through that process about difficult English words
If each Linky meter was pro- and its customer service second easy) I am told I will be sent every year and charge us each time for the privilege! When we are for French people with interest.
grammed to allow for three to none. another order. My most recent here permanently and contributing to the country, why are they One word I find impossible
periods of heures creuses during Recently, however, it seems to one did not arrive and I was not doing more for us? It seems a little unfair, don’t you think? to pronounce is bouilloire
each day, say for a total per day have made some grave errors told to chase up the delivery Lisa PALMER, by email (kettle). You have to change the
of seven or eight hours, would in its delivery choices, using a company. I have still not shape of your mouth halfway
that not allow for more effi- company called Colis Privé. received a refund. I FULLY understand that the focus of these negotiations and and I fail every time
ciency and thereby benefit both From what I can make out, As an experiment, I ordered amendments has been on Britons who own property in France. Conversely, my French friend
the user and the energy Colis Privé uses just about any- from and However, there are other nationalities as well. We are American. who visits English church with
demands on the system? one who can drive to deliver Both packages We have owned a second home in France for over 20 years. I me sees words coming up and
Also, it could be a fine selling orders, whether they know the arrived promptly and without would think that Americans could be placed in the same category points to them in horror. They
point for those still reluctant to area or not. Several of my drama. Needless to say, I will as Britons. We contribute a lot to the economy as well when we include ‘faithlessness’ and
install these meters. orders have not been delivered. not be using again. are in residence. ‘thoughtlessness’. Tant pis!
Mike MENNING, by email The Colis Privé drivers state Tony HILLYARD, Manche Charles CAMPBELL, by email Sheila BRITTEN, by email

You can debate and comment on articles via our Facebook Government should do more to
You said it … page: Here is a selection of
recent popular subjects... You can find the original
articles at
tackle scourge of mosquitoes
FRANCE has been putting out sometimes by tiger mosquitoes.
Unregistered ‘faith healer’ Smartphone can cut inoperative or leaking sewage, “Many such structures were
warnings to be careful about I recognise them by the stripes
banked up to €40k/month energy bills by 25%, says how will they properly moni- painted to disguise their true
being bitten by mosquitoes, when I have killed them.
“I guess in our turbulent French tech expert tor this new system, which is role, so it is in keeping with
especially tiger mosquitoes, I have even been bitten in bed
times some people turn “Our total consumption for by no means as problem-free what would have been in place
which carry diseases dangerous by mosquitoes that have some-
towards alternative therapies a year is just over 4,000kwh, as it might seem” AF in 1944” MM
to human health and life. how managed to get into the
and away from the rather costing about €750 with no “What about mosquitoes?” NM I live close to the Gironde house, despite keeping windows
harsh, conservative health- ‘smart’ devices but hot water “We have the system. It’s been Petanque refs threaten estuary in a beautifully peaceful tightly shut even during heat-
care. Maybe they just need tank set on HC every other four years, and no problems. to boycott French contest area. Here, it is normal practice waves.
to talk and feel understood. I night. Pretty sure I couldn’t It just takes up space” LGW over drunk players to spray the marshes by helicop- I am not the only one affect-
am sure they listen and that is save 25% regardless what I ter to keep down the number of ed, or complaining. My neigh-
“Not to mention falling over at
rare these days” AH splurged on ‘smart’ equiva- mosquitoes of all species. bours and friends are too.
the slightest thing and writhing
lents!” PG Row after association This year, however, eco What is the point of warnings
“Judging from the four or five in fake agony” PG
daily unwanted phonecalls we “Don’t think my mobile will load makes Normandy war warriors got at the regional if nothing is being done to stop
get from a local ‘psychic’, I sus- wood into my logburner!” DS bunker look like a house government and spraying has the spread and protect people
Tour de France 2024 subsequently been stopped. who live in rural areas close to
pect many more people like this “Quite right to make a fuss. route revealed
are making a bomb from super- Reed bed sewage system Such buildings are now rare The consequences are that standing water?
stition and irrational beliefs. In can replace septic tank and historical monuments.Why “Now renamed: ‘Tour of parts every time I go outside there You can bet that if the Seine
fact, my spirit guide tells me that “As the government has yet should some idiot just decorate of France’” MJ are swarms of mosquitoes that was full of them, something
they are not declaring all their to complete inspection of all them according to a misplaced “‘Tour of the same parts of immediately attack. would be done.
money in their tax return!” AF septic tanks and with so many personal taste?” AF France’” RG I cannot use my pool or sit in Nick MURTON-DOUGLAS,
the garden without being bitten, by email
18 Your Questions The The
Xxxx 2020

Q& A What can I expect from my

answered first-ever mammogram?
Send your queries about life here to Liv Rowland I RECENTLY turned 50 and have received a
letter telling me I need a mammogram. Why
by email to is this, and what can I expect? G.R.

Are acupuncture visits reimbursed? MAMMOGRAMS are X-rays that are used to detect

Photo: Peakstock _shutterstock

abnormalities in breast tissue, particularly cancer.
Eight out of 10 breast cancers occur in women aged
IS acupuncture (and other alternative puncturist who is not also a medical 50 and over. That is why France’s national screening
therapies) reimbursed in France and, if professional. You can look for a health campaign sends letters every two years to women
so, do I have to see my GP first? E.P. professional with the term acupuncteur at: aged 50-74 to invite them for free mammograms. Reimbursement is Outside those ages, you are not eligible for free
ALTERNATIVE or complementary thera- on the basis of a consultation fee: for exam- screening, but a doctor can prescribe a mammogram Mammograms should be done every two years
pies, such as acupuncture and chiropractic, ple, 70% of a standard €25 GP consultation. at any age if they deem it necessary.
are known in France as pratiques de soins There is no state reimbursement for any Transgender women who have taken feminising The entire procedure takes around 15 minutes. If
non conventionnelles. dépassements (additional fees that some hormones for at least five years, or who are over 50, you have implants, you must tell the technician, as
The health ministry acknowledges that doctors are allowed to charge). should also have mammograms every two years. they will need to take additional X-ray images.
such therapies can ease some symptoms You must be in the usual ‘health path- If you are not yet menopausal, make an appoint- Mammograms do not feel very pleasant, but they
without any ill-effects, but it says there is way’, meaning you will obtain only a 30% ment at your local radiology centre, health clinic or are not usually painful. Once it is done, you wait
not enough proof that all are effective. reimbursement if the doctor is not your hospital within 15 days of the start of your period, while the images are checked. Depending on the
It also warns that some alternative thera- own GP or you were not referred with a when your breasts are generally less sensitive. results, you might have to repeat some of them.
pies can even be harmful if used instead prescription for the sessions from your GP. On the day of the mammogram, you will be asked If your test is part of the screening programme,
of traditional medication or treatment. If you obtain reimbursement, then top-up lots of questions, including about your family and the images are automatically read a second time
As a result, they are mostly not recognised insurance will repay some or all of the rest, medical history, current treatments, contraception, by another radiologist to confirm the results.
as equivalent to conventional treatments depending on your policy. the results of your last mammogram if relevant, any In certain situations, an ultrasound is also needed
and their costs are not, therefore, always Hypnotherapy and homeopathy work in risk of pregnancy and any pain. – for example, if the density of the breasts makes it
reimbursed by the state system. the same way. However, homeopathic medi- After entering the mammography room, the radio difficult to interpret the X-ray correctly.
However, there are exceptions. cines are no longer reimbursed by the state. technician (not the radiologist) will ask you to strip This scan is not covered by the free campaign. It
The ministry recognises acupuncture’s Prices charged for therapies vary and to the waist. Do not wear deodorant, powder, cream costs from €40 and is reimbursed at 70% by social
effectiveness against certain types of state reimbursement is not always avail- or perfume on your upper body, including under- security, and 30% paid by you or your health top-up.
chronic pain and nausea and you can be able. However, some top-up health arms, on the day of the examination. They can cause You will be given your mammogram images to
state-reimbursed if you have this adminis- insurance policies offer a flat rate amount false images which might be mistaken for lesions. take home, keep safe, and bring in at your next scan.
tered by a doctor, dentist or midwife who per year towards alternative therapies even You should also remove any jewellery that could Apart from the two-yearly screening programme
has been trained to do this. There is no where there was no state reimbursement, interfere with the results. (when you should take the letter received in the post
state reimbursement if you see an acu- so you should check your policy. For the X-ray, the radio technician will place your to have the procedure free of charge), mammograms
breast on the mammography plate before a second cost €66.42, with 70% reimbursed by social security.
plate compresses it. The technician will tell you In this case, you or your top-up health insurer are
Do I need a contrôle technique to when to stop moving and hold your breath while the
images are taken. The machine then rotates to take
responsible for the remaining €19.93.
Breast cancer in men is less common, with fewer

give my car to my granddaughter? an angled image of the breast.

The same steps are repeated for the other breast.
than 1% of cases. Age, family history and rare cond-
itions like Klinefelter syndrome can be risk factors.

I WANT to give my car to my grand-

daughter. What admin is needed and
screen: it is only
valid for 15 days
What can we do about How can I avoid being scammed
do we need a contrôle technique? A.C. and will allow
your grand-
noisy new neighbours? selling €2,000 electric bike online?
IF YOU are the sole owner of the car, then daughter to apply WE LIVE in a quiet area but our new
I WISH to sell a €2,000 several delivery options
yes, you can give it to your granddaughter. for her registra- neighbours are really noisy. Is there
electric bike. If I try this (
If anyone else is named on the registr- tion certificate. anything we can do? J.Y.
online, how do I avoid Once a purchase is confirmed,
ation certificate, you must obtain their Fill in the back
being scammed? G.T. the buyer pays and the money
signed permission. You cannot give away of the detachable THE ACTION you can take will depend
is held by the firm while you
any vehicle under a long-term lease. coupon on your certificat d’immatriculation, on the type of noise, when it happens
THERE are a lot of online send the item. You receive pay-
The admin process of giving your car to then turn it over and write: vendu le (sold and where you live.
platforms for selling second- ment once the buyer confirms
someone for free is the same as selling it. on) with the date and time, and sign it. Give Repetitive, intensive sounds in daytime
hand goods in France. receipt and that the item is as
You must ensure your details on the it all to your granddaughter. The coupon hours can be classed as ‘abnormal neigh-
The most popular are advertised.
certificat d’immatriculation are up to date allows her to drive while her certificat bourhood disturbance’.
Leboncoin and eBay and you If they confirm reception
before handing the car over. d’immatriculation is being processed. Between sunset and sunrise, noise dis-
should generally be on safe only, you get the money three
Cars over four years old will need a If you have smartphone and a France turbance is referred to as tapage nocturne
ground with these. days later. If they do not notify
contrôle technique (CT) roadworthiness Connect ID, the new government app and includes any noises made by a person,
As a seller, your concerns will anything, you get it 10 days
test from an accredited centre, which Simplimmat automates the entire paper- object or animal where the people
be about being paid and making after sending.
must be dated within the past six months. work process. responsible are aware but do not take
sure your item is sent safely. The money appears in your
If the results say the car needs a second In France, it is important to also remember action to stop.
Paris-based firm Leboncoin wallet on the site, from which
inspection, it must be carried out within the issue of gifts tax, though depending on In either case, it is advisable to try
advises sellers to contact buyers you can transfer it to your
two months of the initial test. the various allowances available and the to speak to the neighbours first about
only via its secure messaging bank account or use it on the
If it is not done by that deadline, you value of the car, none might be payable. the problem as they might be unaware.
and to use its own payment site. In the event of the buyer
must organise another complete CT. If the car is a birthday gift and its value If necessary, you can write and alert
system. It warns to delete email being dissatisfied, the money is
Next, you need a certificate of adminis- is ‘reasonable’ compared to the donor’s them to the issue. If that does not help,
queries not using, held until the issue is resolved.
trative status less than 15 days old, which income, it is not obligatory to declare it. you can send a registered-post letter with or eBay asks people to have
you can obtain at Giving a car to a family member is receipt slip asking them to stop. their identify verified to have
It proves the car has no outstanding loans deemed declarable by your granddaughter Another avenue is to use a conciliateur
Also be wary of emails asking an account and then provides
linked to it and any fines have been paid. (the tax can be paid by either of you). de justice, a free local mediation service
you to click links relating to a a customer guarantee.
Make the transfer declaration on the If it is worth less than €15,000, she can (see In small
Chronopost delivery, especially You can ask the eBay team to
Ants site by filling in Cerfa n° 15776. do this online using her personal space at towns and villages, the mayor might also
if you have not arranged to step in if there are problems.
You will also need to provide the date, or she can print out Cerfa be able to step in.
send the item this way or if the It uses detection methods to
and time of the transfer, the car’s kilo- n° 2735 and send this to the tax office. In extreme cases, you can call the local
email is not clearly related to a identify suspicious bidding
metrage and the new owner’s full address. If the car is worth more than €15,000, she police or gendarmerie or request a legal
recognisable transaction. activity and aims to step in
You and your granddaughter must fill it can make the same declaration, or defer it tribunal.
Leboncoin offers a way to before transactions are final-
in, and each of you keeps a copy. Note until after your death using Cerfa n° 2734. The tribunal is free, but you must pay
print off a delivery label and ised. See
down the transfer code displayed on the Find full details at for a commissaire du justice beforehand.

FUTURE QUESTIONS My street name has changed

but I haven’t moved. Do I have
What are the rules for claiming
any benefits to help me pay
How do you open a joint bank
account in France? Are there
I have been told to get a light-
ning certificate for damage to
- SEND IN YOURS... to update my carte de séjour? for care and other services? many different kinds? my home – how do I do this? To receive the next issue at home... subscribe at by December 12
The Connexion December 2023 Practical 19

Make sense of radars and speeding fines

John Kitching, a
director of French Law
Consultancy Limited,
answers a reader query

How can I pay lower CGT social charges?

Q: MY HUSBAND died a few the retained funds to you.
years ago. I sold our French I have obtained these using
house early this year. As I am a the CA8421 (
UK resident, the no­taire asked hmrc-cert) which you can
for a certificate confirming my submit online via Govern-
affiliation to UK social security ment Gateway (usually
or otherwise he had to hold fastest) or print and post to
money back. I wrote to HMRC PT Operations North East
with no reply. What can I do? England, HM Revenue and
Customs, BX9 1AN.
A: This is a familiar issue In a covering letter (or
when selling a French the online form), I suggest
pro­perty unless it was held you quote your NI number,
solely by the deceased and say you sold your French
sold at the same time as holiday home on date X
dealing with their estate. and the French notary
UK residents selling a needs the certificate to
home can benefit from a confirm you were affiliated
low French social charge to UK social security for
rate on any taxable capital the UK tax year of the sale,
gains if they provide an according to conditions in
HMRC certificate confirm- art. SSC 10.3 (c) of the EU/
ing they are not affiliated UK Trade and Cooperation

to French social security. Agreement. Say no other
While waiting for it, the member state’s social
notaire retains money security legislation applied
equi­valent to the differ- in that tax year and you
ence between applying the are still resident in the UK
France’s expanding not initially enthusiastic about the details download directly notice de paiement about how social charges at the low or and still liable to the UK for
them which is perhaps why it to the national traffic offence to pay. This can be by a card at standard rates, but usually social security purposes.
network of speed was laid down that warning processing centre in Rennes, in, by phone, at a releases the rest of the sale The form is not ideally
cameras is credited signs had to be placed in front Ille-et-Vilaine. tax office, or at certain tabac proceeds minus any tax worded. I suggest putting
with reducing road of each one, usually one kilo- While these onboard cameras shops where you can pay with and social charges to you. the sale date in boxes
metre ahead. were being developed, rumours cash up to €300 or a bank card. Once the certificate arr- about start dates, and your
deaths but most These signals now cover spread that fines were being You can also pay by cheque ives, he or she will release explanation where you can.
drivers still loathe longer stretches of road, warn- recorded by a green Renault in an envelope provided.
Call +44 (0) 16 63 74 54 88 for a free initial consultation.
ing of speed cameras over Espace – and drivers of green If you pay within 15 days
them. We look at how stretches of 15km or so. Renaults complained of being of when the avis was issued
the related fines work Around 50,000 acts of vand- given rude gestures. (usually about a week after the
alism against speed cameras The avis also gives details of offence), you pay less: €45 for
FRANCE’S first speed camera were recorded over the past 10 the number of points you lose most fines, as opposed to €68.
was tested as early as 1946,
using technology developed
years and an estimated 60%
were badly damaged or com-
off your licence*. French
licences usually start with 12
If you have not paid within
45 days of the date, and have
Question from
during World War Two.
It was called the Mesta 100.
pletely destroyed during the
gilets jaunes protests of 2018.
points and they are deducted
for offences – for 95km/h in
not sent in the form to contest
the fine, it goes up to €180.
a second-home
However, it took until the That same year, a survey an 80km/h zone, you lose one. The authorities apply certain owner...
1970s, when road deaths hit a revealed that most (75%) In theory, holders of foreign technical error margins to all
peak of around 18,000 a year, French people believe speed licences should swap to a speeding picked up by cameras,
for gendarmes to start to
deploy a new generation of
cameras are there just to make
money for the government.
French licence so the points
can be deducted.
meaning they take off a few
km/h from the speed recorded Owning a second home in France
moveable roadside radars. This perception is not helped A blue document in the enve- before seeing if a penalty Photo: Shutterstock.com_E. Spek

They started with the Mesta by the fact that when a fine lope is used to contest the fine, applies. In zones under Are we required to have our chimney swept?
206, known as the radar arrives in the post, it is in an called a formulaire de requête en 100km/h, this is 5km/h; above Q: WE PLAN to come to our second home for Christmas but
barbecue, because it looked like envelope from the Finance exoné­ration. The first part is to this 5%. These are doubled in have not had the chimney swept this year. What are the
a BBQ on a tripod. Ministry and not from the use if the car flashed has been the case of private radar cars. rules about this and what is the best way to get it done?
Following his re-election in police or gendarmes. stolen, or if you had it scrapped Thanks to data exchange
2002, then-president Jacques Inside are several forms, before the offence. You give agreements, drivers from 20 A: THE RULES about sweeping chimneys serving wood
Chirac, who fractured his along with the fine itself and details, inclu­ding police reports countries, including Ireland, and pellet heating systems and traditional fireplaces
spine after skidding on ice in a green avis de contravention, of the theft or a receipt from the caught speeding in France will changed this year. Previously, the regulations were set by
1978, decided to make reduc- which gives details of the scrapyard, and that should be have fines posted to them. a prefectural or local council decree and could vary
ing the number of deaths on that. If you were not You can find the full list at around the country.
the road a national priority. Our main image driving at the time, From October 1, the frequency is laid down in decree
Annual road deaths by then was drawn for you can also use part Automatic cameras could be n° 2023-641 and requires the owner or tenant of a proper-
had fallen to around 8,000, The Connexion by of the blue form to used to catch people not wear- ty to have the flue swept at least every 12 months by a
following the introduction artist Perry Taylor. give the driver’s ing seatbelts or using phones, qualified professional. For collective systems in flats, the
of measures such as stricter For more of details and a new fine and car-sharing lane violations. management syndic is responsible for organising this.
drink-drive laws, seat belts his work visit will be issued with Another recent innovation is
and points-based licences. their name on it. radars capable of discriminat- A professional ramoneur (sweep) must hold a diploma rec- ognised by the local chamber of trade. You can find one
President Chirac’s campaign Then there is a ing between cars and lorries, to
more than halved that number. third part to use if fine lorries for going over their near you at Expect to pay around
Anyone who drove in France offence, with the speed regis- you contest the fine for other (often lower) limits. €70-€90. The decree also obliges homeowners to be given
in the 1990s will remember the tered and the legal limit. reasons – such as getting a A few hundred radars information about the proper use and maintenance of sol-
traffic was much faster than it The date and time of the woman in labour to hospital or tronçons, meanwhile, check id-fuel burning appliances to reduce fine particle emissions.
is today. When the gendarmes offence are also listed, along- if you have proof that the average speed over a few kilo- Sweeping your chimney is essential for keeping your stove
or police were out on the road side the location and the type speed camera is wrong. metres, so you must take care not only efficient but also as safe as possible. Dirty or badly
with speed traps, flashing of speed camera. In that case, send the form if there is one in your area. kept chimneys are the main cause of chimney fires.
lights from oncoming cars Apart from the ‘fixed’ kind, back with an explanation of
The decree does not specify dates for sweepings and more
warned other drivers to these include ‘moveable’ cam- why you should not be fined * From January 1, drivers in
than once a year is recommended (but not obligatory),
slow down. eras that can be installed on on a separate piece of paper. France will cease to face a
The early traffic cameras had the roadside or ‘mobile’ hand- You must nonetheless pay the points deduction for going up including at least once when the heating system is in use.
film that had to be physically held ones. However, increasing fixed amende forfaitaire fine to 5km/h above the speed limit You must obtain a certificate for the work and retain it. This
removed and processed, but by use is now also being made of (€68 in the case of the 95km/h – but fines will remain. is proof the chimney has been swept and can be required
the 1990s, digital photography cameras installed inside police in an 80km/h zone) and the This will cancel out the by your insurer if you need to make a claim over a fire.
arrived. In 2003, fully automat- cars, as well as in voitures radar case goes to court. If you win, requirement for foreign licence- You can, in theory, be fined up to €450 for not getting your
ed cameras were introduced – unmarked cars driven by you will be repaid. holders living in France to chimney swept.
for the first time. MPs were civilians. When they flash you, The envelope also contains a exchange to a French licence.
20 Language / Finance The Connexion December 2023

Vous? Tu? Correct form of There’s more to festive

vocab than Joyeux Noël
address still causes angst C’EST COMME ÇA
Curiosities of the French language
by Annaliza Davis
by Nick Inman need to change things between
them, they get into a short con-
I NEVER cease to be surprised versation which starts: On peut

Photo: MilanMarkovic78_shutterstock
at the number of conversations se tutoyer? (‘Can we call each
I overhear between French other tu?’). Or: On se tutoie ou
people about the difference on se vouvoie?
between vous and tu – the It is a reasonable request but
formal and informal ways of it is very occasionally risky as
saying ‘you’. it puts the other person in a
We do not have this problem potentially difficult situation.
in English because we lost ‘thee’ If he or she wants to preserve
and ‘thou’ around the time distance or rank – if they are THIS is such a wonderful 05:00 on the 25th is probably
America replaced Britain as the your boss or the Minister of time of year, but one in which not much better.

Photo: fizkes_shutterstock
major speaker of the language. Finance, for example – they misunderstandings are rife You might also be asked Où
English likes to simplify might not wish to switch from when speaking with French passez-vous la Saint-Sylvestre?
things. Why have two words vous to tu. Saying as much, neighbours. This is a shortened version of
for ‘you’ when one will do? however, will sound haughty. Most of us have got to grips le réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre.
Vous sends a message that the It is rare to hear anyone say with Joyeux Noël, so wishing The official feast day of 4th-
other person is not one of your non, je préfère qu’on me vouvoie Knowing whether to tutoyer a boss can be tricky to gauge someone a Merry Christmas is century pope Saint Sylvester is
mates and that some respect (‘I prefer to be called vous’) or done something wrong.’ darity. The Revolution briefly straightforward, until you are December 31, so really this per-
and deference is required, but je suis plus à l’aise avec le vou- As a foreigner, I grant myself banned the use of vous, All confronted with Bonnes Fêtes!. son is asking: ‘What are your
to me it always feels cold and voiement, but it does happen. exemption and almost every- trade union comrades are tu. In You might already know that plans for New Year’s Eve?’

Most times, however, the one I meet gives me the same. 1968, everyone on the streets faire la fête is ‘to have a party Finally, remember that the
other person will almost I am outside the standard called each other tu by default, or celebrate’, but in December French do not give (donner)
audibly breathe a sigh of relief pecking order and talking to hoping to bring the old stuffy bonnes fêtes is bandied around presents, but instead use the
and say ‘of course’. Secretly, me is a little like talking to a world to an end. whether you are planning an verb offrir.
that is what they wanted too, child who has not quite figured Vous, however, has never gone event or not. Consequently, mon père m’a
but they felt awkward being out how big society works. away. Someone else in the con- It is rather like the American offert €100 is often misinter-
I talk to everyone the first to say anything. I talk to everyone as tu unless versation might tell the group ‘Happy Holidays’, a wish that preted as ‘my father offered
as tu unless I am Now, this negotiation of
different ‘younesses’ creates
I am applying for a driving
licence or complaining in a
they have always called their
parents vous, which sounds
you will enjoy all your festive
me €100’.
English speakers might
applying for a a problem – as you will have shop. No one yet has socially positively Victorian to me. Next up, be prepared for understand from this that
worked out. Each French person snubbed me because I called Then everyone in the room questions about your plans the money was offered but
driving licence lives in their own world di- them tu on our first meeting will be drawn into a debate for le réveillon (ray-vay-yon), not accepted.
or complaining vided up into vous-people and when it was clearly the wrong about whether or not primary which typically relates to New The phrase actually means
tu-people and is expected to thing to do. school children should call Year’s Eve dinner, but can also ‘my father gave me €100’.
in a shop remember the difference. And so we come back to their teachers tu, which seems refer to Christmas Eve. This also explains why, when
Sometimes, they have to stop that conversation between to lack respect. Remember that many French a salesperson asks c’est pour
unfriendly. Still, to master and reflect: ‘Did I agree with two French people who have At what age should a fledgling families still have a traditional offrir?, they are inquiring if your
French, it is important to know this particular person to use tu welcomed each other into their French person learn the tu/vous dinner of several courses on purchase is intended as a gift.
how vous/tu works. In theory, or are we still vous?’ ‘tutoyering’ orbits. distinction? There seems to be December 24, often followed If it is, they might even gift-
everyone in the universe is a And then they think through This is the occasion for a general agreement that from by a church service, concluding wrap it for you – and usually do
vous to me unless I unilaterally the consequences: ‘If we didn’t discussion about the rules that college onwards, teachers and with gifts after midnight. a far more impressive job than
decide otherwise or agree a agree it and I do it, they will be do not exist and everyone is students should call each other This sounds like a recipe for the rest of us.
change of status with the offended. However, if we did welcome to join in. vous and thereafter every adult disaster for excited children – However you plan to celebrate
other person. agree it and I talk to them as Someone, for instance, might interaction must be on the basis giving them toys, then sending this year, bonnes fêtes to you
When French people feel a vous, they will think they have declare their socialist soli- of vous. Have you got that? them to bed! – but waking at and yours.

Tax treaties override local law and leave many confounded

into effect in France on January 1, 2010. This Financial Accounts (FBAR), state taxes, and exit There are other, less significant, rules
Money Matters replaced the original treaty signed between the
two countries in 1968.
taxes make the US difficult. Very specialised
knowledge is required, and not just of the tax
applicable where the position is less clear and
often down to the nationality of the individual.
Robert Kent of The fact that there is a treaty means that where, treaty. Getting technical here would be However, most people will fall into either the
Kentingtons explains. for example, UK Statutory Residence Test (SRT) irresponsible, since I have no experience or main home test or the time spent test.
rules might apply, they can be overridden by the qualification in US tax. treaty, potentially rendering the SRT rules null. In the UK, however, I have both, so I can cover 2. Property income
Where an individual is domiciled and resident the pertinent points. UK rental income, under the terms of the treaty,
WHEN it comes to international tax legislation, in France, the UK accepts and applies the tax is taxed in the UK, as property, under its terms,
it is easy to feel bewildered. treaty ruling, not local HMRC rules. The UK/France treaty is always taxed ‘where it is situated’. It is
We often come across people puzzled by what The tax treaty between the US and France 1. Residency. The Double Tax Treaty states: assessable in France with a 100% tax credit.
is assessed and taxed, and where, or who are initially came into force on January 1, 1996, “He shall be deemed to be a resident of the Likewise, French property rental income is
struggling to define their residency position. signed in Paris in 1994. There have been two Contracting State in which he has a permanent always taxed in France, even if the owner lives
This is completely understandable. Cross- updates since then, in 2004 and 2009. home available to him”. in the UK.
border legislation does, and will, conflict, I have read many tax treaties relating to France This could be an accommodation that you own
creating great confusion. and the one with the US is significantly more or is (officially) rented. 3. Pensions
It is good, therefore, that between most countries complicated than any other. What is essential is that it is available for your All pension income that is not military or civil
in the world there exists international legislation When it comes to tax domicile, it is a bit like use and under your complete control, so if the service is taxable in France. As with property
known as a ‘tax treaty’ or ‘tax convention’. driving a car – best to stick to driving one at a property is owned by you but is rented out, this rental income, it is still declarable but receives
‘Double taxation treaties’ are agreements time. The issue is that, for a US national, this is is not deemed a home. a 100% tax credit in France.
reached between two countries, designed to not possible, since the US government will not Residency can also be determined by where In conclusion, it is impossible to understand
avoid situations where people are required to let you leave the hypothetical US tax car to drive you spend ‘most of your time’. Many ancillary the tax and/or residency position by merely
pay tax twice on the same income, or where the French one, insisting on dual reporting and laws (both French and in the tax treaty) refer studying local law. International tax treaties
residency might be in contention. tax payment, regardless of where your assets and to 183 days. However, it is important to can, and do, override it.
The main point, which it is vital to understand, income are. understand that: Not understanding this often creates
is this: tax treaties can, and do, override local law. This makes life particularly challenging for n if you spend less than this time in France, but significant problems for people who spend their
US nationals. In recent years, we have seen an it is where you have spent ‘most’ of your time, time between countries or have income and
Do the UK and US have a double increasing number drop their US nationality to you will still be considered a resident; assets from various cross-border sources.
taxation treaty with France? avoid the spectre of the IRS. n once you have spent 183 days in France, you It means that taking advice from a qualified,
The current tax treaty between the UK and The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act are not deemed resident from the 183rd day, but professional source, conversant in international
France was signed in London in 2008, coming (FATCA) and the Report of Foreign Bank and from the day of arrival. tax, is vital.
French living
Food Wine Homes Gardens Interviews Events
Stunning French winter

gardens to explore
The life of suffragette
Marguerite Durand


A tasty pick of France’s iconic
eateries, from brasseries
to train station gems
Photo: La Cigale
2 Brasseries French Living I December 2023

Eat your way around

France in style at a busy
and bustling brasserie
All over the hexagon you will find brasseries serving delicious and affordable traditional
French cuisine. Samantha David picks out some gems and even tries out dining in the dark

s we are all deliciously and

Photos: left, Le Cigale, and inset, vr23@lephotographedudimanche

greedily aware, France is
jam-packed with restau-
rants, ranging from the
incredibly simple and cheap
right up to the eye-wateringly formal and
expensive. It is a cut-throat world, how-
ever; restaurants open and close as regu-
larly as sunflowers. But some flourish,
becoming iconic in the process.
The cuisine is queen, of course. Who
would eat in a restaurant with bad food?
But service and decor are also important.
Parisian brasseries are famous for falling
short on the service front, but make up
for it with fabulous decor – fancy plaster-
work, gold paint, large mirrors, brass
accessories, mahogany wood, stained
glass, red plush seating, enormous pot
plants, and elaborate chandeliers throw-
ing soft light over white tablecloths.
The business of Parisian brasseries was
originally to brew beer, but after losing
the Franco-Prussian war in 1871, an
influx of refugees from Alsace arrived in
Paris, bringing their love of beer and sau-
erkraut with them. Brasseries began to be
transformed; their premises grew in size,
with owners often commissioning stun- and dark wooden tables. In the past the Above: The beautifully children’s menu (fish fingers or crispy where you can wait for your train in
ningly ornate, Belle Epoque buildings. opening hours were limited, and the decorated Le Cigale fried chicken with pasta followed by ice classic, gold-leafed comfort just for the
The cuisine became as important as the waiters were paid solely on a commission brasserie in Nantes; cream) is perfect. To eat there you need price of a drink.
beer, and gradually many of them ceased basis. They had to ‘buy’ the dishes from inset, the beautiful to buy a ticket to the museum, but this is Leave Paris, and you can explore hon-
brewing completely. the kitchen, serve them, and ensure the dining toom at Le no bad thing. (Say hello to that children’s ourable brasserie outposts in France’s
Compared to bistros, cafés, and restau- bill was paid. If it was not, they had to Train Bleue in the favourite, the polar bear sculpture by other big cities. Lyon, of course, is famous
rants, brasseries are large; they are full of absorb the cost. It meant that the waiters Gare de Lyon in Paris François Pompon). for its posh restaurants, and you can
joyful noise, are open all day, and offer a rushed people through their meals, liter- The Musée D’Orsay website has a long spend as much as you like on a gastro-
long menu composed of traditional dish- ally running from table to table, never list of people who benefit from free nomic menu in any one of its Michelin-
es such as soupe à l'oignon, steak au wasting a minute. entrance. It is also free for everyone on starred temples to fine cuisine. But there
poivre, and coq au vin. You can have Nowadays they are salaried and the the first Sunday of the month. Also, a is also the delightful Brasserie Georges.
breakfast, lunch or dinner there, or pace is merely brisk; they no longer good tip is that the restaurant becomes Founded in 1836 by Georges Hoffherr
stop for morning coffee, after- object to you lingering over a salon de thé at 3pm, so you can drink from Alsace, as well as being a brewery
noon tea or an early coffee. Reserving is not a coffee for €3.30 in order to luxuriate it specialises in choucroute. The decor is
evening drink. possible, however, and in the decor (if you can resist the cakes, wonderful, and the staff genial, although
Some of the oldest queues form at mid- of course). hurried. (Do not dare to dilly-dally when
brasseries retain their day and 7.30pm, but Another address worth remembering is ordering your food!)

extraordinarily everyone always Au Pied de Cochon because it is open 24 Despite being located behind a railway
beautiful dining gets seated some- hours and serves food at all hours. If you station, almost underneath an overpass,
rooms, providing how, especially if want oysters washed down with a glass of the atmosphere is slightly more up-mar-
the perfect excuse they are prepared champagne at 3am, this is the place to go. ket than a bouillon like Chartier, although
to explore legend- to share a table. After an all-nighter, this is where you can it is far from formal. The dining room,
ary Parisian institu- The restaurant is buy croissants for €2 and groggily sip decorated with photos of celebrities who
tions like Le Grand open and serves food coffee before heading home to bed. If have graced their tables, is the largest in
Colbert, Brasserie
Floderer, Bouillon
non-stop from
11.30am to midnight.
Some of you can keep your eyes open, you will
certainly appreciate the glittering mirrors,
France, and when the rows of red leather-
ette benches and booths are full of enthu-
Racine, Bofinger, and the
Café du Commerce. It would
The food is resolutely
traditional. Start with prawns
the most brass-work and fancy wallpaper. It is also
a great place to go for their Beaujolais
siastic diners, the noise is impressive.
A favourite venue for birthday parties,
be sinful not to patronise these glo-
rious palaces constructed in honour of
and avocado, herring and potato, or
a hard-boiled egg with mayonnaise. Main
iconic and Nouveau party in November.
The main train stations in Paris have
especially on Saturday nights, the live
band plays ‘Happy Birthday’ in a different
French cuisine. Here are a few personal courses include steak, roast chicken, spa- oldest been undergoing redevelopment in recent style for every table (jazz, swing, blues,
favourites to inspire you. ghetti bolognaise, and sausages. Do not years with the additions of modern shop- rock, etc).
One of the best known is Bouillon expect fine cuisine, just decent food at brasseries ping malls and food courts, but easily the You will need a reservation for Brasserie
Chartier in Paris. Opened in 1896, it is knock-down prices in an amazing fin- most beautiful restaurant of them all is Georges unless you turn up midweek at
one of the cheapest places to eat in Paris, de-siècle dining room. Going there really retain their the celebrated Le Train Bleu at the Gare around 8.30pm, when you might get a
beloved by locals and well as being a firm is an event. de Lyon. If you are feeling flush, they have table as a walk-in. The menu is quite
fixture on the tourist map. (A bouillon Another great restaurant, and ideal if extraordinarily a two-course menu voyageur for €49 meat-heavy but also includes fish, and
was originally designed to be a place for you are sightseeing with children in tow, which they promise they can serve in 45 they have a few vegetarian options. Prices
working people to eat at midday). It now is the restaurant in the Musée D’Orsay. beautiful minutes. Otherwise, devour a sandwich are mid-level, with a daily special at €18.
has three branches in the capital, all of The decor is wonderful, adults can on the concourse before exploring their They continue to specialise in sauerkraut,
them with brass fittings, glass lampshades enjoy two courses for €31, and the €10 dining rooms relaxing, luxurious bar-lounge areas and still brew their own beer on the
December 2023 I French Living Brasseries 3
dressing? Then I fished up a lump of

Photo: Alain Rico

something else, which turned out to be
Dans Le Noir? pickled cauliflower. Eventually, realising
that no-one could see me, I finished off
A stork at the centre for
THE dining-in-the-dark concept has my starter using bread and fingers.
breeding and protection
been around for a while, and all sorts There is an infrared camera in the
at Parc de l’Orangerie in
of restaurants have flirted with it. Some kitchen for security, just in case anyone
organise it by making diners wear blind- should faint or become ill. "Sometimes
folds, but the Dans le Noir? chain really people can't deal with it," says Michel.
goes all the way. "Part of our job is to help guests relax, but
They have restaurants throughout if they really can't stand it, we let them go
France, including Paris, Toulouse, into another room and eat in the light.
Marseille and Strasbourg, and every one That happens very rarely though."
of them is completely and utterly dark. He says he enjoys giving people a taste
Not a glimmer, not the slightest ray of of the life he lives every day. "I was born
light enters their dining rooms. We went sighted, and used to be a florist until I
along to try it out. lost my sight. I am completely blind
You enter the dining room in a line, now, but I have won the French Archery
holding onto the shoulders of the person Championships for blind people five
in front of you. The leader is your guide times, and I have run marathons in Paris,
and server for the night. As you move New York, Berlin, Chicago, Amsterdam,
through one curtained area after another, La Rochelle, Toulouse, Mont-Saint-
you realise that you really cannot see Michel, and in October I ran the mara-
a thing. thon in Lyon. My 38th marathon. It's a
Our server, Michel le Besnerais, guided great way to travel."
us one by one to our places, and clumsily When the second course arrived,
feeling our way, we sat down. Michel warned us that the plates were hot
"I love this job," says Michel. "I enjoy but they were nowhere near hot enough
the human contact and it has also helped to burn us. Dabbing around with my
me to become more confident." He also fingers, I found fish, a carrot, rice, and
works as a secretary for the local rugby some sort of aubergine sauce. It is an
club three days a week. "Four years ago amazing experience to eat with your
someone I work with told me about this fingers. "Of course it's better," admits
restaurant opening, so I applied and was Michel. "But blind people generally
accepted for an interview. They were don't do it in front of sighted people!"
looking for blind people who can move He brought us a second glass of wine.
around a room autonomously, so I passed We were all beginning to feel more used
that, and here I am four years later with a to being in the pitch black, and conversa-
CDI." (A CDI is a permanent employ- tion was flowing. The room was increas-
ment contract). ingly noisy, which is apparently quite
Sitting round the table, we still could common. People in the dark tend to
not make out the slightest thing. We were speak more loudly than normal.
at a table for six (the restaurant has 48 By the dessert, everyone was laughing
places) and we began introducing our- as they drank sparkling wine and
selves as our fingers discovered napkins explored the variety of sweet goodies on
and cutlery, bowls of bread and carafes their plates, and then we left the dining
of water. Pouring water into a glass in the room as we had arrived, in a line, hand
dark is a tricky business. on the shoulder of the person in front,
Michel came back, but we only knew he and in the pitch dark.
was there because he told us that he was At the de-briefing afterwards, we dis-
putting plates in front of us. It was very covered exactly what we had been eating
strange, not knowing what we were about (burrata) and drinking, and discussed
premises, serving a house blonde, brune Eating à la carte at Le Bibent will not Above: France's to eat. I stabbed around and got some- the experience of dining Dans le Noir?
and dorée (flavoured with honey). break the bank, especially if you choose largest brasserie, thing on my fork. It was salty. Then there Everyone had loved it. "People really
Moving towards the Atlantic coast, the daily menu which is €30 for three Brasserie Georges was something herby, and a milk product. enjoy it," says Michel. "Some of them
another venerable and beautiful brasserie courses. This would be a good place to in Lyon Was it a cream cheese dip? A yoghurt come back time after time."
is Le Cigale in Nantes, which was found- eat cassoulet or a decent steak and there

Photos: Dans le noir?

ed in 1895. Open from 7.30pm to half are good fish options. But in all honesty, Intrepid diners and
past midnight daily, you can luxuriate vegetarians would be better off drinking an entré
entrée at dining-
in the surroundings for the price of a in the decor and the ambiance while in-the-dark sensation,
hot drink, or a glass of wine. enjoying a cocktail before eating some- Dans Le Noir?
The management say their brasserie is where else.
the most beautiful in the world, and it France’s oldest restaurant is reputed to
would be hard to dispute this ambitious be La Couronne in Rouen, which proudly
claim. The walls are covered in stunning declares that it was founded as a tavern
decorative tiles, and the staff take real in 1345, and that customers watched the
pride in their friendly service. (In fact, if torture of Joan of Arc from its windows
you are pushed for time and they are not in 1431. A dubious pleasure, but note-
too full, they will not even mind if you worthy celebrities who enjoyed a cooler
just walk around to look at the jaw-drop- and less fatal welcome include everyone
ping decor). Families go there on Sundays from Salvador Dalí to Grace Kelly. The
when they want to push the boat out list of illustrious names is in fact even
by ordering massive platters of seafood longer than their very long menu.
and delicious desserts. La Couronne’s website has lots of photos
Further south, Toulouse is also a won- of their ornate and exotic dining rooms,
derful city in which to eat out. It has a along with a whole series of menus
huge variety of restaurants to choose designed for groups. Do not let that put
from, but one of the oldest and definitely you off; look closely and you will see that
one of the most decorative is Le Bibent they can reserve a table for two, and there
on the Place du Capitole. are menus starting at €29.
Too often the restaurants on these If you have the cash, however, you could
large, formal central squares are over- try the ‘Julia Child menu’ for €65. This
priced, stuffy or just plain boring. Le was inspired by the famous American
Bibent, founded in 1843, is none of these food writer Julia Child, whose gastro-
things but you might miss its true glory nomic and culinary adventures started
if you sit outside. Go in for a cocktail at La Couronne. The paragraphs in Julia
(they are half price at Happy Hour) or a Child's book My Life in France (which
coffee in order to appreciate the opulent was turned into the film Julie et Julia
19th-century interior. This is reputed to starring Meryl Streep) are printed on
be the place where three Serbian students the menu, if you want to read them.
drew up plans which then led to the Who knows, you might even be
assassination of Archduke Franz inspired to embark on your very own
Ferdinand in 1914... odyssey through French cuisine.
4 Rencontre French Living I December 2023

‘It is true that you can feel extremely

lonely when you are diagnosed’
Théophile Larcher talks to journalist Alice Devès,

Photos: Alice Devès

who set up her own media company, Petite Mu, to
give a voice to people with invisible disabilities after
receiving a diagnosis for multiple sclerosis in 2021

hen Alice Devès Taking your personal experience
was diagnosed with with multiple sclerosis, could you
multiple sclerosis in break down the phases when
2021, she found herself someone is diagnosed with
confronted with an an invisible disability?
immense absence of information about Each disease and how it affects someone
some of her symptoms, mainly the pins is different. I was diagnosed after 18
and needles she felt in her right arm and months with symptoms. But I had not
leg, or her constant fatigue. considered it a disability. Coping with
She turned to Anaëlle Marzelière, a the disease was not particularly difficult
friend with mental health conditions. The because I was expecting even worse. But
two 27-year-old women founded Petite it took me six months to accept it.
Mu in May 2022, the first media company I have constant neuropathic pain that
to focus on ‘invisible disabilities’, with hurts my body daily, and a lot of chronic
Ms Devès supervising interviews and fatigue, which are both invisible symp-
Ms Marzelière drawing illustrations. toms. When I try to explain symptoms to
Petite Mu reaches nine million people, friends, all I get is “well, sleep more and
in other words 80% of all disabled people you will be better tomorrow.” It does not
in France, according to figures from the work like that.
association APF France Handicap. Still, It is a case by case study. I see it with
it is hardly mentioned by mainstream people with psychological issues, like
media. Annaëlle, who try to overcome their
The Connexion spoke with Ms Devès, conditions by hiding their symptoms.
an example of the new generation of It is exhausting.
journalists hoping to give more visibility There are similar experiences, however,
to disabilities that have previously been such as the months or years without
ignored, as well as help remove the stigma diagnosis, the announcement of the
around these conditions. disease and its acceptance phase.
“Welcome to Petite Mu, the media that
makes unseen disabilities visible,” says the My best friend was diagnosed with
company’s motto on its podcast, Insta- multiple sclerosis. Here’s what she
gram and website. told me when I asked whether she
considered herself a disabled person:
We have been talking about it in the “I was diagnosed so long ago that I
newsroom. I have asthma. Do I have no longer think about it. I do not talk
an invisible disability? about it because I do not want peo-
Yes (laughs.) Asthma is listed as a chronic ple’s perception of me to change.”
disease. The severity of the disease and its I think that way sometimes as well. I
spread will determine whether it is invisi- have talked about it through Petite Mu Above, Alice Devès Do you want Petite Mu to help those In the medical world, it is even more
ble or not. We interviewed someone with but I know there is a permanent mark of Petite Mu; inset, living with disability to feel included? complicated to question doctors’ au-
a form of asthma so severe that it requires on my head should I want to work some- Alice giving a talk This is how it was envisioned. We cre- thority. Medical studies do not have a
hospitalisation every week. where else. I gave up a part of my private with co-founder ated the media we would have liked for single course on invisible disabilities. It is
I have asthma but it does not affect me life that every potential employer now Anaëlle Marzelière ourselves. It is true that you can feel ex- clear from reading the comments on our
to the point of disability. Many people knows. tremely lonely when you are diagnosed. I Instagram that many doctors still do not
would be considered disabled if they had Petite Mu’s credo is to liberate speech felt completely out of step with my friends believe in endometriosis.
no treatment. because it affects so many people. There after the denial phase of my diagnosis.
is this social stigma about disabled That loneliness spreads quicker than Some argue that inclusivity is bound
What is the definition of people, as your best friend has noticed. you think. I noticed how friends had to fail for the most severe disabilities.
an invisible disability? We want to change that. more and more remarks about my What is your position?
No official definition currently exists. It condition, telling me that I should “take You cannot treat each disability in the
is a disability that cannot be seen. More Why is a disability often associated care of myself ” or “have a rest”. While not same way. Inclusivity has to be incorpo-
broadly, many diseases can be united with a wheelchair? Where does it deliberately malicious, I was no longer rated differently for a diabetic than for
within ‘families’. There come from? invited to events and parties. This is a someone with mental health conditions.
are neurodevelopmen- From the logo portraying slow exclusion.
tal diseases with the a wheelchair user, even I think Petite Mu helps a lot of people The government unveiled a €2bn plan

‘dys’ family (dyspraxia, though only 2% of disabled who have difficulty explaining their pain for disabilities. Do you fear invisible
dyslexia, dyscalculia people use one. A wheel- or feel hopeless and excluded from their disabilities will still be a lost cause?
and dysorthograph- chair is visible. Nobody can social lives. I do not know its content but I do not
ia), attention deficit question the disability. expect much. What I know is that the
hyperactivity disorder But it is often inadequate The amount of positive comments phrase was not even mentioned during
(ADHD) and people if you read some of the expressing gratitude and thankfulness the hour-long press conference.
with autism-spec- comments on Petite Mu. struck me. What does this say? The priority remains the management of
trum issues. There are They show that people That invisible disabilities are not talked people with mental health issues who are
auto-immune diseases have said to them: “You are We created about. That half of the people I speak with still stigmatised.
such as diabetes, seated, you can wait,” upon do not know what it is. That the State has
multiple sclerosis and showing a disability card. It the media not launched a single national campaign. The term ‘invisible disabilities’ is
Crohn’s disease or is unbelievable. That the European Union tells us that being used more in newspapers.
chronic diseases such With or without a disability we would France is behind other countries when What do you expect for the future?
as asthma or endometriosis. card, people receive the same remarks taking care of people with disabilities. Petite Mu hopes to touch as many people
Then there are psychiatric and psycho- and treatment. Now imagine having have liked Each association covers its own disease, as possible, but mainly to reach people
logical conditions such as anxiety, depres- an invisible disability. It is even more but there are no global movements for with no disability, in the hope that they
sion, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. difficult. for ourselves the cause. become aware of its existence.
6 Gardens French Living I December 2023

Get your French winter garden fix with

terrific topiary and super light shows
Garden lovers rejoice! more information, visit www.chateau

Photo © Château et jardins de Villandry/Guillaumette Mourain; adults €8 (€13 with chateau
As Sarah Beattie reveals, entrance), child €5.50 (€7.50), under 8s
visit for free.
there are still plenty of IF YOU would like to escape the winter
options to explore in weather, you could visit the glasshouses
at the southern edge of the Bois de
the cooler months Boulogne. The site first served as a botani-

cal garden from 1761, in the reign of Louis
XV. The turquoise-coloured Serres d’Auteuil
enerally very few gardens are were constructed by architect Jean-Camille
open for visits in winter and, Formigé at the end of the 19th century.
while that is understandable, The largest glasshouse contains a palm
it is a shame. Winter is the house, an orangery and a tropical garden.
perfect time to admire the There are now a further six contemporary
framework of a garden without the uphol- greenhouses near the Roland Garros
stery of leaves and flowers. You can admire tennis stadium.
the tracery of branches, see the architec- The gardens are open from 8:00 (week-
ture of the trees and shrubs. ends 9:00) until 17:00 daily – the glass-
Imagine a bright, cold day, seed heads houses shut at 16:00. Details, including an
and leaves rimed with sparkling frost, article entitled ‘Around the world in one
hedges dark against a blue sky or a misty day and six greenhouses’ on
morning in chateaux gardens, strolling In Lyon, in the middle of the park ‘Tête
parterres with a touch of Gothic romance. d’Or’, a greenhouse was constructed in
There are also special illuminations for 1888 to house the South American
winter in various locations around the (Victoria amazonica) waterlily. The first
country. of its kind in France, it was the pride of
At the Domaine national de Saint- Lyon’s botanical garden, one of the largest
Cloud (92), which has ‘Remarkable municipal gardens in France.
Garden’ status, there will be the third Its leaves are so big that rainforest deer
annual ‘Lumières en Seine’. Running from can stand on them – the specimen at Kew
November 17 until January 14, from 17:00 was famously photographed with a rather
to 23:00, the immersive interactive trail is sulky Victorian child sitting on it, complete
about 2km long with lights, music, floodlit with hair bow and pinafore. In 1982, to
sculptures and installations. There are improve its growing conditions, a network
‘chalets gourmands’ (food shacks) along of metallic veins, mirroring those of the
the route with hot and cold drinks, snacks underside of the lily itself were added to
and a magnificent carousel. the roof. Now there are more than 150
Although the organisers say the route is aquatic plants including Egyptian lotus,
passable (but difficult) with a pushchair, star lotus and prickly waterlily.
they advise the use of a sling or backpack Open every day from 9:00 until 16:30,
as there are some pebbly or gravelled sec-
tions and a few slopes – Saint-Cloud is a In Nice, the exceptionally temperate cli-
large natural park with a forest and cas- mate means you can enjoy the city’s botan-
cades. You need to book tickets (adults completely redone in 1965. They have Above: the majestic château!’ (Nature steals into the chateau at ical gardens all year round – the tropical
€20, children €16, www. lumieresenseine. 300 world-famous topiary, sculptures and gardens at Château Christmas). In the formal kitchen gardens and Mediterranean don’t stop flowering.
com) and entry is through La Grille parterres in yew, box, hornbeam and ivy. Villandry; below, you can see ornamental cabbages and Created in 1983, with over 3,000 species it
Clémenceau. You need to arrive by public Eyrignac has been opening its gates to the an installation at leeks, and wander through parterres, sepa- covers an area of 3.5 hectares. You can
transport as there is no onsite parking. public since 1987. Domaine national rated by clipped hedges, which from above reserve a place on a free guided tour which
The nearby Jardin des Plantes in Paris The gardens are open in the winter every de Saint-Cloud’s look like a huge pieced quilt. lasts about 90 minutes. The gardens hold
also has illuminations. No details were day from 10:30-12:30 and 14:30 until dusk. ‘Lumières en Seine’ There have been gardens since the national collections of sages and of agaves.
available at time of writing but in previous You don’t need to book in advance light show Renaissance at Villandry but at the begin- Closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s
years themes have been mini beasts with although it can be cheaper. Prices are ning of the 20th century they were rede- Day, the gardens are otherwise open from
huge illuminated dragonflies, butterflies reduced in winter and dogs are admitted if signed by Joachim Carvallo, who blended 8:00 (9:00 Wednesdays, Saturdays and
and creepy crawlies as well as the path of on leads. At the end of an avenue of majes- innovation with tradition to create his Sundays) until 17:00.
evolution with displays of sabre-toothed tic sombre hornbeams there is a Chinese sumptuous masterpieces. You can get a Free parking and free entry but no dogs.
tigers, mammoths and dinosaurs. pagoda with a verdigris roof, vividly con- sense of the scale of it by scrolling through
Check for updates at www.jardindes trasted against its red lacquered wood- their Instagram @chateauvillandry or for din-botanique work. Winter’s low sun will cast enormous
Photo: Lumières en Seine /FDacebook

shadows of the geometric-shaped topiary:

THE HISTORIC gardens of Château de la cones, spheres, cylinders, pyramids and
Ballue in Brittany near Mont Saint-Michel spirals are combined in complex patterns.
at Bazouges-la-Pérouse (35) were first laid Elsewhere in the gardens, in a less formal
out in 1620. After centuries of neglect setting, the gardeners have created a topi-
following the Revolution and two world ary farmyard of ducks and geese, a dog,
wars, the gardens were restored and sheep, a squirrel, a peacock, chickens and
expanded in 1973. rabbits. Although there is a restaurant and
Now classified as a ‘Remarkable Garden’, tea rooms on site, sadly they are both
it has parterres full of truly incredible box closed in the winter. All details can be
topiary in which to wander, including the found at
‘poulailler’ (chicken run) with topiary ani-
mals, temples, gateways and a maze. There THE GARDENS (and there are many) at
is a green tunnel of cypress trunks and a Château Villandry are open all year but
crinkle-crankle hedge surrounding an out- if you want to visit the chateau too you
door theatre. The only snag is that you will will need to go between December 2 and
need to be a guest in the luxurious bou- January 7 (excepting Christmas Day)
tique B&B – pamper yourself in their spa when you can see all the Christmas green-
and pool: ery festooning the interiors, from the din-
In the heart of the Périgord, the gardens ing room to the bedrooms in their special
of 17th century Manoir d’Eyrignac were exhibition ‘A Noël, la Nature s’invite au
December 2023 I French Living Gardening 7

Main image, violas
work well over winter;
inset: azaleas provide
showy blooms from
early autumn to spring

Main photo: Image by LoggaWiggler from Pixabay; inset: Sarah Beattie

Garden digest Tips for splashes of winter colour

Top of the stères Sarah Beattie reveals the best plants to pep up your French garden this season
’Tis nearly the season to treat the garden
lover in your life (or indeed yourself) with the pots of pelargoniums on the force a new flush of straight stems for
to a last-a-lifetime decorative item, and front steps. Their showy blooms stand winter colour.
French garden diary

nothing is more elegant than a glazed sentinel from early autumn to spring. You may associate clematis with spring
Anduze terre cuite (terra cotta) monu- Most supermarket azaleas are really and summer but there are fabulous win-
mental plant or shrub pot. inter need not mean several small plants, forced into flower, ter flowering ones. My favourite – first
Vases d’Anduze – made in the village Insta-jardins your garden is without and crammed into a pot. Water well and seen in North Yorkshire but now thriving
of Anduze in the Gard department Instagram is a brilliant colour and interest. leave to stand, tip the plant(s) out and in Gascony – is Clematis cirrhosa Wisley
(Occitanie) since the second half of the place to enjoy other With a little care and gently tease apart the roots. Plant up Cream. Masses of rich cream flowers nod
17th century – were traditionally planted people’s gardens in attention focused in individually in ericaceous compost in any breeze, giving off a perfume on
with orange or lemon trees (which needed France, with everyone spots you see and use in the coldest (terre de bruyère). I find they do better warmer days. There’s even a white-flow-
to be brought inside in winter) and from visitors to chambre months, your garden can give you as in terracotta pots. ered one called Jingle Bells for a very
became fashionable at grand houses. d’hôtes owners posting much pleasure as in the summer. Small-flowered cyclamen tend to be Christmasy feel. It associates well with
Available to buy from producer Boisset’s seasonal snaps and quirky Group pots by your front and back hardy. There are ones which flower in the large flowered hellebores, commonly
website: and from lead- updates from their gar- doors. You still have time to plant tulip autumn/winter and some from January known as Christmas Roses. Hellebores
ing garden centres – shop around for the dens (users can search us- bulbs but you can also find ready potted onwards (ivy-leaved cyclamen and cycla- are now available in all shades of pink
best deal. They come in many different ing the hashtag #jardins, bulbs such as crocus, Iris reticulata, mus- men coum). Large flowered ones are from the very palest through to deepest
sizes: expect to pay from €320.00 for a #monjardin, #jardinage cari, tiny narcissus and hyacinth in most houseplants and will collapse with the maroon which is almost black. The new-
70cm-high model. or #potager). supermarkets. Although these are sold for first frost – they don’t like it too hot est – and priciest – colour is a delicate
For some urban garden- indoor use, if you choose bulbs that are either and are fussy about draughts. yellow, so pretty with fresh greens.
Gardening jobs for November ing inspiration, follow just showing green, rather than those in Garden cyclamen, if happy, will carpet There are – as with Clematis cirrhosa –
jardin_de_ville_france bud, and plant them deeper in your pot, areas under trees and shrubs, all but dis- beautiful freckled flowers, speckled with
While it might not be especially enjoyable
who cares for – amongst
to be gardening in December, there is they’ll grow and put on a show at the end appearing in summer and re-emerging as purples or pinks.
many other plants –
plenty to be done. Jobs include planting of January. the weather cools and the days shorten. Pulmonaria has silver splashed leaves
succulents and cacti in
new rosebushes, properly weeding and Other instant colour to be found at Cornus are grown for their bare stems and you can find it growing wild on
a mystery town centre
cleaning your flowerbeds (rake up fallen supermarkets are bright polyanthus / so you can underplant with cyclamen. woodland edges but it’s a good garden
location in Charente-
leaves in borders), harvesting beetroot, primroses and pansies / violas. The range Avoid a colour clash – maybe the fluores- flower with a mix of bright blue and pink
carrots, cabbages, leeks and more. Aspar- of colours is huge and it’s worth being cent orange is not the best choice blooms. If you would rather have a
agus, shallots can be sown in the ground. fussy. You can create really lovely displays, with pale pink cyclamen but single colour, choose Pulmonaria
mixing them with small shrubs in a large would look good with a car- Blue Ensign or EB Anderson
A festive home pot as you would with summer bedding. pet of blue or white scilla. for an electric blue flash of
Adorning one’s French home with Skimmia’s tight pink buds can be picked Cornus stems look like colour, P. Ice Ball or
traditional festive plants is easily done up in a toning polyanthus – try a frilly smart Bond Street leather Sissinghurt for whites, P.
– poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) double or contrast with deep blues or in lush citrus shades of Rubra for reds or P. Victoria
are widely available in supermarkets and dark purples. Various silver-leaved, orange, lime and lemon – Brooch or P. Shrimps on the
garden centres at this time of year. They winter hardy plants, such as Convolvulus smooth with a rich depth Barbie for bright pinks.
are sometimes labelled ‘étoiles de Noël’ cneorum (hardy to -9˚C as long as it’s in a of colour. Chimonanthus praecox or
(Christmas stars). pot with good drainage), will look pretty You can also find cherry Wintersweet blooms in
If you would like to hang a garland on with cool lilac, mauve and white violas. reds and olives. Prune almost February with dainty yellow flow-
your door, use the word ‘guirlande’ or The two toned dark purple and orange to the ground each late spring to ers and a gorgeous perfume which can

‘couronne’ (crown) for your research look good with Ballerina or Queen of fill that part of your garden for a month.
or when asking in store. the Night tulips. If the weather is inclement, cut stems to
You will need to deadhead to keep a scent your room. Otherwise known as
good show of flowers. In my opinion Japanese Allspice, it makes a large shrub
violas work better over winter than the about 2m x 3m.
tempting large flowered pansies. Unless Emblem of the South of France, mimo-
you have a very sheltered spot out of the My azaleas – all from sas will often be in flower in January and
wind and rain, the velvety mixture is February too. Their fuzzy pompoms on
soon ragged and sad. kind dinner party ferny branches were cut and exported
Photo: jez timms Unsplash

These need not be the throwaway plants to florists in London to bring a touch
you might imagine – I split and repot my guest gifts – swap of spring sunshine in winter gloom.
primroses in April or May (after empty- Mimosas can’t cope with too hard a
ing the terrace pots to refill for summer. places with the pots frost particularly if their roots are wet.
They then spend summer grouped in Viburnum Bodnantense, however, is
the shade with the hellebores, cyclamen of pelargoniums on tough as those proverbial boots and
and azaleas). My azaleas – all from kind will give you pretty pink colour all
dinner party guest gifts – swap places the front steps winter long.
8 Interview French Living I December 2023

‘I always tell

women to be
bold because
no field is out
of bounds’
Théodore Larcher speaks to Claudie Haigneré,
the first French woman to go into space, about her
stellar career, the future of space travel, and what
the next generation of astronauts might achieve

n 2026, France will send a second L’Astronaute, the two latest French films
female astronaut, Sophie Adenot, to have explored space, because they differ
into space. For now, however, from the usual American representations
Claudie Haigneré is the only per- which tend to offer dystopian images
son to have accomplished this. or catastrophic situations that some
In 1996, Ms Haigneré was the first superhuman will save us from.
French woman to go into space – for 16 These two films have a human aspect
days aboard the Russian space station that is down to earth. These are films
Mir. She was only the second western about passion, commitment and dreams. I
European woman in space, after Briton think it is easier to relate to these qualities
Helen Shar­man, and the first woman to more than to the superhero-like characters
board the International Space Station, seen in films like Gravity or Interstellar.
for nine days in 2001.
Having passed her Bac at just 15 she How have your views on space
became a hospital doctor and medical changed since you went there? Above, Claudie Countries are balancing competition and ‘To go to the moon is to prepare for
researcher, eventually specialising in space There has been considerable technological Haigneré was collaboration, showing ‘hard power’ in Mars’ you said once. I assume that
medicine before becoming an astronaut. development to which I did not have the first French their technological capacities on the one is what you are thinking about?
Her achievements in the job have since access. Technology has helped to advance woman to go hand, and ‘soft power’ on the other hand The Destination Mars programme is
been recognised with ministerial appoint- research into climate science and the into space regarding their ability to forge alliances. driven almost entirely by scientific goals.
ments in 2002 and 2004, executive roles in science of the universe, as well as to The moon is on every space power’s agen- The idea is to understand a planet that has
big companies, medals and awards. Several improve things essential to our daily lives. da, attracting public and private actors. lost almost all its atmosphere, its liquid
French streets and schools bear her name. In 2000 we had no internet, I could not The scientific goal is a lesser aspect. water and one that has become a desert.
send an SMS, and my camera was loaded Moon impact craters are archives of our Data from Mars could help us make
How do you feel about no longer with film. We could only communicate solar system. Dating them will have great comparisons with Earth.
being the only French woman with ground control for 10 minutes at a scientific significance for understanding The second interest lies around the pos-
to have gone into space. time, whereas now the communication its formation and evolution. The dark side sibility of traces of prebiotic life or poten-
I am an astronaut of the 20th century! coverage is at 100%. I could not analyse of the moon is another goal. Scientists tial elements of life, considering Mars ini-
Luckily, a new generation of French and my experiments in orbit but had to wait hope to install long-distance telescopes to tially had conditions very similar to the
European astronauts has taken up the until I came back to Earth. This has con- unravel new mysteries of the solar system. Earth. It could shake up the relationship
baton. A strong scientific background is siderably changed the way we work and Finally, there is a whole new space econ- humanity has had with its environment.
important for our young women. analyse data on board. I find it amazing omy. Research aims to extend that econo-
I have coached Sophie Adenot through that people on the ground can have almost my to both around and on the moon. It is Were you aware of the scope of space
several steps of her preparation process the same experience as astronauts in orbit. at the moon’s south pole that we envisage exploration at the start of your career?
and I will keep this relationship going. This was particularly the case with astro- creating permanent bases, using the sun’s It was a dream for me when I was a child.
She is a multi-skilled woman with a rich naut Thomas Pesquet’s recent missions. energy and establishing a reservoir from Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had set

personality who takes great interest in There are also more private companies trapped meltwater. foot on the moon in July 1969.
sharing her experiences. working in space exploration and research, By using these resources in situ, we I was raised watching 2001: A Space
and they are sometimes more agile and could install life support and fuel supplies. Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick. When I went
Has it been hard to carry the burden faster than public organisations. It creates Taking advantage of the lower gravity up in 2001, I understood we were way
of being the only French woman more competition but also greater ambi- there, we would be able to refuel on the behind what was depicted in the film.
to have gone into space? tion. We now go faster and further, while moon itself, a complete paradigm shift for In 1985, France and Europe had great
I take pride in it, and it is more an honour lowering the cost of going into orbit. It in-orbit operations and distant destina- ambitions for space exploration with the
than a burden to bear. I do not consider
myself a role model but rather an example;
enlarges possibilities for accessing space
and helps new ‘space powers’ to arise.
Contrary to tions such as Mars. It is potentially an
economic option to be explored.
Hermès Project [for a European ‘space-
plane’]. That was 40 years ago and I was
someone who has accomplished her
dreams and had the audacity to try a chal-
People now ask questions that were not
asked before, such as what are the environ-
what Elon By 2030, France will have put in place
the first elements of an infrastructure to
convinced it was bound to happen.
Only now are we entering the mature
lenging, ambitious, and out-of-the-ordi-
nary career. That, I carry with pleasure.
mental consequences of deforestation, or
cyclones, as seen from space. As astronauts
Musk says, host crews for longer stays, enabling them
to learn to live and work on the surface of
phase of this project. France and Europe
should ask themselves about their
However, I fully accept the role on behalf
of young women, but I also want to talk
we act as ambassadors of research and
exploration in space, but also of Earth,
I do not celestial bodies. It will be a platform for
learning about destinations further afield.
contribution to that effort before every
possible scenario is preempted by others.
about how science, engineering, and tech-
nology can enlighten future generations.
which has fascinated scientists from the
time they first saw its fragility from space.
consider France and the EU are now long-stand-
ing, reliable partners of the US. Why keep investing in moon and
it too late The question then arises about the level Mars exploration when we have
Your opinion is always sought every There is a renewed interest of autonomy and interdependence neces- such urgent problems on Earth?
time a new film about space is in moon exploration. What are to save sary for the expression of European val- Because to do so will offer potentially
released. Are these films accurate? the goals around its conquest? ues and talents in this collective adven- game-changing solutions for Earth.
I want to highlight Proxima and We no longer use the term ‘conquest’. our planet ture for humanity. What is being done on the moon serves
December 2023 I French Living Green news 9

Photos: Top, Abaca Press / Alamy ; bottom, CNES

Image by Sikle/Facebook
Recycling food waste into
compost in Strasbourg
finance biodiversity,” he said, adding that
“we’d prefer the government to take the
Green news time to find these sums by taxing kero-
sene in France, for example.”
There are also concerns about the cards
City centre compost increasing risk of gaming addiction
Employees of Sikle, an eco-minded asso- among young people. “It’s a public health
ciation based in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), issue,” said Liberal Party MP Christine
travel around the city on specially cus- Lavarde, pointing to the “dangers of
tomised ‘cargo bikes’ to collect food waste gambling and the addiction it can create”,
from companies and private individuals while Socialist MP Angèle Préville, has
before transforming it into compost. denounced the lottery game as “green-
The service, which is used by restau- washing of gambling”.
rants, hotels, bars and cafés, bakeries,
florists, supermarkets and shopping Toys get a green rating
centres, costs €60 per month for one visit Family toy firm King Jouet, which is
per week. Sorting crates for various types headquartered in Voiron (Isère), has
of waste are provided. launched a ‘toy score’ to rate the environ-
“The idea came from the observation mental value of products on sale in its
terrestrial goals. Both planets share simi- over the last 20 years. I think that every- Top: Claudie Haigneré that a lot of food waste had not yet been stores. The 1,600 items in its 2023
lar issues. Humanity will develop new body is still being weighed down by gen- with Emmanuel recycled. In other words, when we put it Christmas catalogue are the first to
solutions only through imagination, der stereotypes. Macron at the Paris in a black bin bag, it goes to incineration, receive a score from 0 to 5, which is
exploration and innovation. There should be more examples of Air Show in 2023; which makes no sense because food marked next to the product price.
Contrary to what Elon Musk says, I do people who ‘made it’. above, during the waste is 80% water. We can transform Based on the concept of rating food
not consider it too late to save our planet. No door is closed today, but ‘some- Andromède mission this waste into a resource,” Joakim products, the ‘Jouet Score’ (toy score)
I do not consider that we should just thing’ needs to open it. to the Interna­tional Dangel, who founded the project, told scheme aims to promote environmental-
resign ourselves to having to develop the That something can be a dream, a Space Station in 2001 ly-friendly products, with marks awarded

capacity to become a multi-planetary spe- desire, or meeting someone who helps to Meanwhile twice a week, the association
cies. Our goal is to become more careful push that door open if a lack of self-con- also sets up collection points for 400
and responsible in safeguarding our plan- fidence is holding them back. households around the town centre.
et, not to resign ourselves to foregone I went into space engineering because Once mixed with wood shavings, the
conclusions. We cannot afford to behave I wanted to enjoy the path I chose. food waste is transformed into compost,
in such a manner. That the subject should Sophie Adenot says: “I swim in my and in a few weeks becomes a natural
be discussed, I understand. But it does own lane.” fertiliser to be sold by the bag (2.5 or
not mean it is hopeless. To renounce She is right. 40litre) or loose ‘en vrac’. Some of our suppliers
space exploration is to renounce Earth. There is no need to look at what others
do. But that attitude requires self-confi- Loto game is ‘biodiversity scam’ have come to us
What do you think of French people’s dence and determination. The French government has only just
attitudes towards science? Interna­ I always tell women to be bold because launched its ‘Mission Nature’ biodiversity asking how they can
tional educational studies show we no field is out of bounds to them. charity lottery, yet the scratch card game
do not have a lot of high achievers. Be bold and carry on. has already encountered controversy, with get a better score
There is a worrying lack of scientific cul- Take pleasure in the little steps one environmental association calling it a
ture in France. We need to arouse young forward. ‘biodiversity scam’.
people’s curiosity and amazement with You will not necessarily succeed but The game cards, which are available at based upon manufacturing processes,
scientific demonstrations at places like you will learn immensely from your Française des Jeux retail outlets (such as packaging and materials used.
the Palais de la découverte in Paris, and mistakes and gain self-confidence. tabacs, are intended to raise at least They worked with Ecomaison, the
make sure they have the key know-how €6million for the French Biodiversity organisation mandated by the French
to understand the changing world. What would future generations Office (OFB), in order to finance around government to look after the toy recy-
Science and technology should not be of yourself look like? twenty ecological projects – including the cling sector, to establish the ratings. “We
something to be feared. There is Sophie Adenot, for one, as well protection of peat bogs in the Hauts-de- give priority to FSC wood (from sustaina-
In school, students with difficulties as other European trainee astronauts, Somme region and the protection of bly managed forests) and products made
should be helped, but it is also important and there has been outstanding evolu- posidonia [underwater forests that serve from recycled materials,” said project
that those with the highest potential tion in the field. Only 10% of trainees as fish nurseries] in the Mediterranean. leader Coralie Gueydon, who told France
should not be slowed down. were women when I was selected. Of the €3 ticket price, only 43 centimes Bleu that the aim is “to pull the industry
The media could help too, with more The latest batch from the European goes to biodiversity projects (66% goes upwards and raise suppliers’ awareness.
science programmes, for example. Space Agency showed 24% are women. to winning players; 7.1% is tax, 6.6% goes As distributors, we have a responsibility
French children have a clear idea of the Eight out of the 17 astronauts chosen to FDJ and 6% to retailers) – a total to be transparent and to support consum-
roles of police officier, firefighter, doc- are women, almost 50% with no help which is unacceptably low, says France ers in their purchasing decisions.”
tor… but not the engineer. from affirmative action policies. Nature Environment, a national federa- It is already having an impact, she says:
They all had outstanding CVs. tion of associations for the protection of “since the launch of the ‘toy score’, some
You have said girls do not trust their They are smart, competent, and nature and the environment in France. of our suppliers have come to us asking
capacities enough to consider careers can work diligently. Its President, Antoine Gatet, also how they can get a better score. So we’re
in space engineering. Why is this? They give me great confidence for believes the €6million target is too low. delighted with this approach, because we
I have often asked myself that question a future where gender parity exists. “We need €500 to €600million a year to think it’s starting to take root.”
10 Nature French Living I December 2023

In awe of Palaeolithic paintings

Jonathan Kemp marvels Alpine Ibex Weasel
initiation rite for the people that under-
took the hazardous journey into the
at painted depictions of deep mountain (without all the security
of modern lighting methods which
animals in Ariège caves

can be relied on to last the time that a
visit takes).
eep inside an Ariège moun- These people were totally immersed
tain, about an hour from in nature, and it is now generally recog-
the Mill, is a cave that I nised that there is a shamanistic element
All photos: Sites Touristique de L’Ariège

think of as a womb; it is in similar practices that anthropologists

called la Grotte de Niaux. have encountered in other tribal cultures.
The 800 metre walk from the surface The danger that had to be confronted
car park halfway up the mountain is by the shaman and his acolytes, the sub-
through windings of labyrinthine com- mersion in the deepest bowels of mother
plexity; sometimes wide subterranean earth for what must have been considera-
river-gouged caverns (these caves are ble lengths of time, are factors that
always found in limestone country, which contribute to the intensity of their
is a water-soluble rock) sometimes tight are much older, a staggering 33,000 years experience and may lead to altered
passages where you have to be careful Bison before the present. It is impossible for the states of awareness.
not to knock your head. The small group, public to visit Chauvet as it is considered Thus I can well imagine the anxiety,
never more than 25, inevitably talks in necessary to preserve it in pristine condi- if not terror, that a young person would
hushed tones; to be in such a place elicits tion, but a facsimile – apparently very have to confront if left alone with a splut-
a sense of awe. good – has been constructed. tering torch and no reliable memory of
You are, of course, with a competent Sometimes the artists used the form of how to find their way back to the surface
guide, often an archaeological student. the rock to suggest the natural shape of and the comfort of family.
I have been several times over the years the animal – the curve of a bison’s belly Throughout many cultures, initiation
and they are always knowledgeable and for instance. Some are staggering in the was an important step often undertaken
engrossed in their subject. They stress, life force that emerges from the rock, as a doorway into adulthood, and indeed
however, that there remain many aspects others are not so well drawn. Oddly, some tribal people still maintain these
of the ingress by humans there that will sometimes they are superimposed one rites to this day, despite disapproval from
never be completely understood. Niaux, over another, and the scale varies widely. governing authorities. They can be very
and the other examples of prehistoric Obviously the animals depicted were dangerous.
cave art, will always hold their secrets. prey for the people who painted them; There can be little doubt that these
We are, after all, witnessing something some of the flanks seem to be pierced by caves represented sanctuaries to the peo-
many, many thousands of years old. extinct since the 17th century. spears, and parallels with other hunter- ple that penetrated them in the deep past.
Arriving, finally, in a large domed In Niaux, there are no human forms – gatherer’s practices show that an intense Carbon dating of the various pigments
chamber, known as the ‘salon noir’, the these are rare in Palaeolithic art. There identification with the animals is consid- used for the paintings has shown that this
guide asks everybody to extinguish their are, however, many geometric forms, ered a necessary preparation for success was a practice that continued for nearly

lamps. The silence and the darkness are some in a red pigment: series of dots, in this difficult and dangerous pursuit a thousand years, from 13,850 years ago
the most profound that I have experi- a vertical stick with a loop to one side of high-value food. It is interesting to until 12,890, perhaps not continuously
enced. We had been positioned by a rail- called a claviform, and a barbed sign note, however, that the animals depicted but certainly in two distinct phases.
ing, and when the guide illuminated the vaguely representing an arrow. were not the usual prey for these people, There was, therefore, a memory that
side walls of the cave the most wonderful The meanings of these signs are obscure; which is known to have been reindeer. lasted many generations and a cultural
line drawings emerge out of the rock. perhaps they are coded messages for The question remains as to why it was intention to access this difficult place
There was a gasp of astonishment at what others to read. However, there are over The animals considered necessary to travel so deeply which was not in the slightest way casual.
we saw there. 500 human footprints in the currently into the cave system to make these draw-
They are made with black lines, drawn inaccessible part of the cave, waiting for depicted ings. Clearly more was going on than just
with the assurance and precision that you sufficient funds to become available for preparations for a hunt.
see with truly great artists. They are of a thorough scientific study. were not I have asked myself what are the rea-
animals, some of which have long disap- You are looking at paintings 13 or sons behind such an undertaking. There
peared from the modern countryside. 14 thousand years old, drawn by the usual is, perhaps, a clue in the feelings that I
There are bison, horses, ibex, a deer. Magdalenian homo sapiens people, our experience when I finally emerge into
There are other representations in the direct ancestors, and now known to have prey for the normality of daylight, warmth and
part of the cave that is currently closed to been created over almost a thousand the expanse of the surface world. There
visitors – a weasel, which is only depicted years of different visits to these caves. these is a sense of relief, as if a trial has been
in Niaux and nowhere else; and aurochs, Other caves containing Parietal (wall) art, successfully passed through. Perhaps
a large cattle ancestor which has been such as the Chauvet caves in the Ardèche, people this hints at there being elements of an
A 55 metre Porch

In defense of spiders: arachnids are not aggressive, says specialist ‘Madame Araignée’
that in the unlikely event of being identified, and I use the opportunity

Photos: François-Gilles Grandin

bitten by one, most people wouldn’t to reassure people.”
Samantha David even notice. In fact, Christine Rollard points
“The majority of the 1,650 species out that spiders can be a blessing in a

of spiders found in France have fangs house. “There’s an old French saying
which are too small to bite a human, that the presence of spiders in a house
French biologist affec- and in any case not all spider bites proves that it is wholesome, but some
Right: A micrommate
tionately known as include the injection of venom.” species prefer damp places. Having
‘Mme Araignée’ says The Mediterranean Recluse spider said that however, spiders eat all kinds
virescens) taken
reports of a man dying (araignée violoniste in French) which of insects including mosquitoes, flies,
by a colleague of
from a spider bite last was blamed for the man’s death in fruit flies and dust mites, making
Christine’s, Bruno
June in Italy are inaccurate. “The Italy can theoretically cause necrotic them an asset in a house. They also
De Reviers. Above:
facts of that case cannot have been bites. “But spiders are not aggressive eat each other, so their propagation
A 4-spotted spider
established when it was reported,” towards humans. We are not their is self limiting.”
(Araneus quadratus)
says Christine Rollard of the Muséum prey.” An interesting fact about them is
that she caught in
National d’Histoire Naturelle. “Either She says that worldwide around 5-15 that not all of them spin webs. Some
he was already ill, or he died of an deaths a year are credibly attributed to hunt while jumping, others while
infection following an insect bite of spiders. “Even the famous Black running. “The best thing to do is work to do when it comes to educat-
some kind, but the truth is that spiders Widow is not aggressive, and just ignore them. Spiders don’t carry ing the public. “I do talks and pres-
don’t bite humans, and in the rare a bite would probably not be fatal diseases, they don’t attack humans, entations as often as I can but I
cases that they do, it will not be fatal.” unless the person was already medi- they don’t spoil food. They are very cannot be everywhere at once, so
She says that French pharmacists cally vulnerable. The enormous easy housemates.” I write books.”
are in the habit of blaming nasty- spiders occasionally found in banana After forty years of specialised Her book, ‘50 Idées Fausses sur
looking insect bites on spiders crates look scary but are not danger- research and study into spiders, les Araignées’ Editions Quae, 2020
without the slightest proof, and ous. People send them here to be Christine Rollard says there is still (in French) is particularly interesting.
December 2023 I French Living Cultural digest/Trending 11
From podcasts to love lessons Communauté de la Riviera
Française participants get
A round up of the arts and culture stories creating a buzz in France some expert zero waste tips

1. Top of the pods 3. Streaming services price hikes

Looking for a good listen to boost your Subscription prices for streaming servic-
French skills? Try a podcast... Latest es such as Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon
figures reveal that 172 million French Prime in France continue to rise.
podcasts were listened to or downloaded In October, Netflix bumped up the cost
worldwide during September 2023. Of of two of its four subscription models:
these, 134 million were in France. the ‘Essentiel’ version increased from
France Inter, the national radio station €8.99 per month to €10.99, while a
‘Premium’ subscription also rose

Image: After Foot/RMC

by €2 to €19.99 per month.

This is the fifth price hike since
the company launched in France
in 2014. “As we bring more value
to our members, we occasionally

Photos: François-Gilles Grandin

ask them to pay a little more,”
said a company statement.
Disney+, Amazon Prime and
Apple have all raised prices – the
latter’s basic subscription rose to
€6.99 last year, and now has gone
up to €9.99 a month.

4. Love is all around in Lyon

Lyon’s science centre and anthro-
pology museum, the Musée des
Zero-waste workshops: learn to
and part of France Radio, is the runaway
industry leader, with 41 million listens
and/or downloads in that month. Next
Confluences, gets gushy for a new exhi-
bition dedicated to love in all its forms.
A nos amours (English title, All our
help the planet and save money
comes French-Monégasque radio station loves), which has been adapted from the
RMC with 30.7m, followed by France exhibition De l’amour, held at the Palais Théophile Larcher reports on the increasing number of schemes
Culture (29.9m), RTL (29.6m) and
Europe 1 (11.9m).
de la découverte in Paris in 2019-2020,
reveals or rediscovers the universality
designed to encourage and educate people keen on reducing waste
The leading podcast is RMC’s long- of love and the diversity of human emo-
standing football talk show L’After tional attachment, be that to lovers, The Menton scheme was the third edition of the
Foot with 16.7 million downloads/ family and friends or even objects. waste programme organised by the CRF after two

listens – impressive given that it only Via 135 exhibits across four themes prior editions in Sospel and La Turbie, two nearby
launched as a podcast in May. It is based on Greek words for love – eros towns in Alpes-Maritimes. The fourth edition will
followed by RTL’s daily comedy radio (carnal desire); storge (family love), ore municipalities and intercom- take place in Beausoleil from February 3 to June 29.
programme Les Grosses Têtes hosted munal services around France are “Our goal is to look out for people who are not yet

Photo: Danor Aharon from Pixabay

by Laurent Ruquier, with 14.3m hits. offering zero-waste workshops to aware of our cause and its benefits,” said Erika
help citizens decrease their waste Tofani, responsible for the waste programme at CRF.
2. Slavery memorial confirmed consumption and raise awareness It is not just Menton which jumped on the zero-
In 2018, the year that marked the 170th of environmental issues. waste train. Paris launched its own first edition of
anniversary of the signing of the decree Such workshops – ranging from single events to ‘Le Pari(s) du Zéro déchet’, a play-on-words with
abolishing slavery in the French colonies, long-term teamwork events – have been implement- Paris and ‘pari’ (bet) last May 24. Many cities and
President Macron promised to erect a ed in places such as Paris, Menton, Colmar and the companies have followed suit.
memorial to the victims of slavery. Now whole of Corsica. The workshop pretty much revolved around the
a steering committee has unanimously Zero-waste workshops take inspiration from an same workshops, from learning to produce home-
decided that the memorial’s location will initiative by Richard Anthony, an American who made washing powder products to workshops which
be the Trocadero – the area (pictured) founded an association to promote the works of raise awareness on clothing manufacturing and
which overlooks the Eiffel Tower – with university professor Paul Connett, who wrote ocean pollution.
a completion date of 2025. The Zero Waste Solution as a new economic system “People are looking for simple and concrete solu-
“The symbolic significance of the site that would transition from throwing to reusing. tions to reduce their global waste,” said Joséphine
is strong, given that it is the site where agape (selfless love) and philia (the social The Connexion went to the final meeting of a Dabilly, founder of the company Ateliers Zéro
the Declaration of the Rights of Man bond) – it also assesses how societal and group of families in Menton (Côte d’Azur) who fol- Déchet. Her company organises waste workshops
was proclaimed and signed in 1948, and technological evolution has affected the lowed a nine-month long zero-waste programme for intercommunal structures and companies.
where the Musée de l’Homme is located”, expression of l’amour. led by the Communauté de la Riviera Française Ms Dabilly – who made waste management a life-
said the government and the City of “The exhibition explores so many types (CRF), an intercommunal structure comprised style at home – said it takes little time and effort and
Paris in a press release. The memorial of love, highlighting their biological phe- of 15 communes in southern France. saves a good chunk of money. She shot several
will “highlight the nearly 200,000 names nomena, their cultural codes and the “I learned how to produce my own household two-minute tutorial videos that are broadcast on
of slaves freed in 1848 in Guadeloupe, social issues they raise,” says the muse- cleaning products, something I never thought possi- France Télévisions and Youtube.
French Guiana, Réunion and um. “Thanks to a joyful and accessible ble,” said Julia Cataneso, a 40-year-old teacher and Each French person consumed 354 kilos of house-
Martinique”, it added. staging, the museum invites us to let our one of the participants. hold waste in 2019, according to Ademe, a figure
The next stage is to open a competitive hearts beat and our emotions speak for The household cleaning product session was one jumping to 536 kilos when communal waste is
process inviting artists and landscapers themselves. Runs until August 25, 2024, of nine workshops spread out over nine months by added and 1,800 kilos when professional waste (agri-
to submit design proposals. see the CRF. culture, hospital and industrial waste) is included.
The last workshop was centred around cooking It would need nine planets to live according to the
techniques to include parts of vegetables or fruits consumption standards of Qataris, 8.2 planets for
Photos: Musée des Confluences

that are often binned. The families learned how to Luxembourgers and 5.2 for people from Bahrain,
prepare ravioli, reusing radish tops in a base recipe the three countries with the highest consumption
composed of basil leaves and ricotta. according to Earth Overshoot Day for the calculated
This final workshop of the season also gave calendar date on which humanity’s resource con-
families the opportunity to evaluate themselves sumption for the year exceeds Earth’s capacity.
after their nine-month effort in reducing waste, The United Kingdom consumes 2.6 planets,
the CRF having asked them to monitor their overall France 2.8 and the United States 5.1 planets.

It turns out the figures compiled by the organisa-
tion showed important changes in all categories. The
families reduced their overall waste by 39%, packag-
ing waste by 16% and household waste by 58%.
Likewise, the yellow bin – suitable for plastic and
paper waste – was reduced from 1.92 litres to 1.61 Families reduced overall
litres, while the black bin – all sorts of waste – shrank
from 2.27 litres to 0.95 litres per person per day. waste by 39%, packaging
Each person consumes 2.27 litres of household
waste on average, according to figures from the waste by 16% and house-
Ademe, the government agency in charge of ecologi-
cal transition. hold waste by 58%
12 Recipes French Living

Entertaining in French st
In their interiors and cookery book exploring life in their renovated
Breton home, Vincent Farelly and Jean-Baptiste Martin offer some
delicious recipes to try at home, three of which we present. Below they
outline what winter brings and reveal how the kitchen got an overhaul

he light is getting paler, the days are growing restore the seven-
ever shorter, and the first frosts make their teenth-century sym- Vincent, Jean-Baptiste and
presence felt. But the winter sun warms our metry. We knocked dog Lili at the beach; below,
hearts as we sit on a stone bench in the down the modern the kitchen at Maison Lescop
garden, or by the sea on the rocks of nearby partitions forming
Lohic beach. these various small
In Brittany, it never gets very cold, and the mild weather spaces, thus making
means we can take long walks along the peninsula beside available some 27m2
the Small Sea of Gâvres. This haven of peace, once a sar- in which we could
dine-fishing port, can be reached by taking the water bus create the kitchen.
that stops not far from the house. We wanted to
On the wide expanses of the Small Sea, at low tide we design a living space
don our boots and, armed with a bucket and rake, we go in that would fit in
search of shellfish. Cockles, clams, and sometimes mussels perfectly with the
and wild oysters are ours for the taking, if we’re lucky! The rest of the house
harvest is often enough to fill a pan with shellfish, which and give the impres-
we then cook in butter, garlic, and parsley. sion that it had
In late afternoon, it’s best to stay inside where it’s warm, always been there. Our aim was to reproduce the feel of a
around a cosy fire in the living room. We snack on ginger- genuine, old-fashioned kitchen, with wood-work in the
bread, along with hot chocolate made according to a 1776 style of the epoch. For that, we opted for rows of low units.
recipe, served on French East India Company tableware. Thanks to Romain Chauveau and Supercraft, his interior
It’s the perfect time to focus on indoor activities. design studio, as well as Golfe Agencement, a local carpen-
In the kitchen, we tidy the cupboards and dressers and try company, all the cupboards feature mouldings whose
line them with sheets of domino paper. pattern was inspired by a cabinet fitted into the paneling of
In the small living room, we craft lampshades to light the the living room. Like eighteenth-century cabinets, each
long winter evenings. row of units has rounded corners. The edges of the oak
worktops are embellished with bec-de-corbin or 'billhead'
The kitchen at Maison Lescop moulding, again in the eighteenth-century style. Simple
The kitchen is without doubt the room in Maison Lescop wooden shelves, painted to match the colours of the kitch-
that has required the most attention. It’s an essential room, en, are used to display copper pans and moulds on one
a place of sharing and socialising. side, and plates, glasses, and cutlery on the other. Above
The layout of the house is very simple: on either side of the stove, a wooden extractor hood casing provides a
the central staircase each room provides a dual aspect onto visual echo of the fireplace in the living room.
both street and garden. The front windows once formed a As for the overall paint colour, we worked with the brand
perfectly symmetrical facade. In the 1950s, the room to the Ressource to develop a single shade of off-white that beau-
left of the staircase was converted into a garage, and the tifully enhances the copper utensils.
wood paneling was partly removed. In the centre of the kitchen, which we designed as a din-
Later, in the 1990s, this garage was divided up into four ing space, a very large vintage pantry table takes pride of
smaller spaces (bathroom, small kitchen, darkroom, and place. It immediately imposes its presence, while also mak-
boiler room). We felt it was both obvious and necessary to ing it clear that this is a place of true hospitality.
reinstate this room’s original scale. Rebuilding the facade
and recreating a new window gave us the opportunity to Storing dishes
In addition to providing storage, kitchen shelves can also
be used to display serving dishes, glassware, and copper-
ware. To store plates or dishes, an old system used in
pantries consists of two regularly spaced rows of round
wooden rods or dowels set vertically between two shelves.
The spacing depends on the diameter of the plates to be
Before we attached the shelves together, we drilled holes
for the rods 1cm deep to secure the rods between the
upper and lower shelves. The ends of the rods were glued,
then placed in the holes in the shelves before assembling
the shelf unit. It was then painted the same color as the
walls. This system allows the plates and dishes to be stored
safely, protected from possible damage, while also display-
ing them attractively. We fixed our unit above the second
kitchen sink, which is used exclusively for tableware.


Serves 4
Preparation time: 10 minutes Method
Cooking time: 15 minutes 1. Rinse the skate wing(s) under cold water.
2. Fill a large pot with salted water and add the vinegar,
Ingredients onion, and bay leaf. Bring to a boil.
1 x 800g or 2 x 400g skate wing(s) 3. Add the skate wing(s), reduce the heat, and let simmer A Year in the French
2 tbsp wine vinegar gently for 15 minutes. Style: Interiors and
1 onion, peeled and quartered 4. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the Entertaining by
1 bay leaf anchovies and capers, then remove from the heat. Antoinette Poisson
1 stick (113g) + 2 tbsp (150g total) unsalted butter 5. Carefully drain the skate wing(s) and place whole on by Vincent Farelly and
6 anchovy fillets in oil, chopped a serving plate. Drizzle with the melted caper-anchovy Jean-Baptiste Martin.
2 tbsp (30g) capers in brine butter, sprinkle with parsley, and season to taste with Photographs by
Parsley, chopped salt and pepper. Ruth Ribeaucourt
Salt and pepper 6. Serve immediately, with the steamed potatoes. (Flammarion 2023)
I December 2023 Food notes 13


Main Image by; inset, Amazon

Photos by Klaus-Maria Einwanger

From homemade to dazzling

luxury: take your pick of bûches
In our regular look at foodie tales, we look at the options
for that ultimate festive sweet treat, the bûche de Noël
flavoured with sugared chestnuts (marrons
Food notes glacés), chocolate or both, then rolled into

log form and adorned with little festive
6 to 12 scallops in their shells
hristmas and New Year pro-
vide perhaps the most eagerly
Many French people still make their own
(Connexion readers missing the UK could
2 tbsp (30g) lightly salted butter anticipated culinary highlights adorn theirs – like your Food Noter does –
Serves 6
2g Kari Gosse spice mix or piment of France’s already packed with a post box as a sweet aide-mémoire!)
Preparation time: 10 minutes
gastronomic calendar. but they can also be bought fresh or frozen.
Cooking time: 3 to 5 minutes d’Espelette
Not only is Noël a socially important These days, the shape and ingredients of
Method period (as in the UK and US) for families bûches de Noël vary wildly – some do not
1. Ask your fishmonger to open and clean the scallops, leaving the coral attached if to get together, but it is also a time for even have the formal cylinder shape
you wish. Preheat the grill. once-a-year treats, the chance to and might feature fruit mousses.
2. Select 6 nicely cupped shells and place one or two scallops in each, with the coral splurge on the best things that For big name pâtissiers such
attached if you desire. one’s budget allows. as Ladurée and Hermé,
3. Place 1 teaspoon (5g) of butter on each shell and a pinch of Kari Gosse spice mix Oysters, foie gras and they provide the chance
or piment d’Espelette. roasted chapon (capon) to get creative, with elab-
4. Place under the grill for 3 to 5 minutes, until the scallops are just cooked are the usual go-tos for a orate structures and taste
through (they should be opaque throughout). Serve immediately. French Christmas meal combinations.
(eaten over the course of a However, you need not
few hours on December 24, scour top-end Parisian cake
The real ‘showstopper’,
shops to indulge – equally
appealing and good value are
Serves 4 however, arrives at dessert time. frozen ones made by high street
Preparation time: The traditional bûche de Noël (simply put, companies such as Picard, while all major
10 minutes this yule log is a posh ‘Swiss roll’, as Britons supermarkets sell their own brand of bûches.
Cooking time: 45 minutes might know it) is a flat sponge cake (un And do not forget to lay out your groan-
Chilling time: At least two biscuit génoise) perhaps moistened with ing yuletime table with the 13 desserts of
hours a little strong fruit alcohol, slathered with Provence (see page 14) and some quality
crème au beurre (buttercream) usually macarons. Joyeux Noël!
4 × 6in (15cm) ramekins
Gadget inspector Now available
6 egg yolks
100g sugar
1 tsp orange blossom water
Grated zest of 1 lime
160ml whole milk, well
500ml heavy cream, mini-
mum 30% fat, well chilled
25g brown sugar

1. Preheat the oven to
195°F (90°C).
2. In a large bowl, whisk The perfect blend for Hello petal! Stay in the
together the egg yolks
and sugar until pale and
eco-friendly soup making pink with stylish fizz robe
thick. In domestic kitchens around France, ’Tis soon the season to indulge in a glass
3. Whisk in the orange the winter months mean one thing: hearty or two of champagne, but the latest version
blossom water and lime homemade soups featuring the freshest of Laurent-Perrier’s popular Cuvée Rosé
zest, followed by the milk and cream. Whisk until well combined and smooth. seasonal vegetables from the market. 100% pinot noir pink fizz can be brought
4. Divide the cream mixture between the ramekins, filling them three- At its Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrénées) factory, out time and again once the party season
quarters full. Moulinex makes this eco-designed blender is over, as its fine reusable metal ‘robe’ can
5. Bake for 45 minutes in a bain marie (roasting dish half-filled with hot water), from recycled plastic. With an ergonomic be used as a table centrepiece.
until just set. Cool to room temperature, then chill for at least 2 hours. handle and a 600W motor for optimal The ‘Pétales’ design features woven Dahl-
6. Before serving, sprinkle the brown sugar over the top and caramelise using a blending, it combines comfort and power, ia and Strelitzia petals in finely iridescent
kitchen torch or place briefly under the grill. as well as a 15-year repair commitment. pop colours. Limited edition, RRP €99,
Price €49.99,
14 Christmas desserts French Living I December 2023

13 desserts, a festive Provencal feast

The ‘treize desserts’ products and culinary specialities.

Main photo and inset: © Maison Jouvaud

If you’re patient and organised, these
including nougat, nuts, thirteen desserts can be made at home,
but they require a certain know-how.
dried and candied Pierre Jouvaud, who makes two versions
of pompe à l’huile – brioche and fougasse –
fruits, is a Provencal explains: “It all depends on taste and
desires. The pompe à l’huile pâtissière is
Christmas tradition lighter and softer. To make it, you need
high-quality flour and butter, fresh eggs
that dates back to the and good olive oil.”
For flavour, he adds aniseed and pastis.
Middle Ages, writes When the brioche comes out of the oven,
he brushes it with aniseed-infused olive
Patrice Bertrand

oil. “It seals the brioche and prevents it
from drying out,” says Pierre Jouvaud
In his novel Le Château de ma Mère whose specialty is candied fruit – straw-
(My Mother’s Castle) the writer berries, apricots, figs, plums, melons or
Marcel Pagnol recalls a childhood chestnuts – a refined preparation that
Christmas “with spit-roasted thrush- takes time and patience all year, according
es topped off with the traditional to seasonal harvests.
thirteen desserts in front of a crackling fire Fruits are cooked in copper pans in
[...] A memorable evening,” he writes, “the small batches. At Christmas time, they’re
longest I’d ever had. I gorged myself on sold individually or as part of thirteen-
dates, candied fruit and whipped cream.” dessert packages, beautifully presented in
Pagnol, a true Marseillais, spoke from his ceramic dishes.
heart. In his time – the early 20th century One of the oldest components of the
– Provencal families, religious or not, thirteen desserts is nougat, an ancient
respected a custom deeply rooted in delicacy of Arabic origin made in the
Provencal minds: thirteen (treize) Mediterranean basin since the Middle
desserts – not twelve, not fourteen – Ages. The best-known is made in
presented at the end of the Réveillon Montélimar, but it’s also produced else-
(the famous Christmas Eve dinner), where, such as in Sault, a perched village
commemorating the Last Supper and in the Vaucluse.
symbolising Jesus and the twelve apostles. There, at Confiserie Boyer, a bakery
Although today the bûche de Noël
(yule log) often replaces the thirteen broken in the same way that Christ broke Above: the 13 desserts
Photo: © Lamy OTCM

desserts, this sumptuous, gourmet custom bread, and never cut with a knife. presented ready-to-
lives on everywhere in Provence. Other staples include black and white serve by Maison
“In fact, there are almost as many lists nougat, representing good and evil, or, Jouvaud in Carpentras,
of thirteen desserts as there are villages in some say, black and white penitents. The Vaucluse; right: the
Provence,” says Pierre Jouvaud, head pas- soft white nougat is made with sugar, egg sweet treats are
try chef at the legendary Maison Jouvaud whites, pistachios, honey, and almonds served simultaneously

and the hard black one is made with and remain on the
honey and almonds. Also crucial are festive table for three
the four mendiants, symbolising the four consecutive days;
mendicant orders of the Middle Ages inset, left: Pierre
and the colour of their monastic robes: Jouvaud at work
dried figs for Franciscans, raisins for
Custom dictates that Dominicans, almonds for Carmelites,
and walnuts or hazelnuts for Augustinians.
all thirteen desserts be Beyond that, the choice is freer, but
should remain limited to local products:
served simultaneously apples, pears, winter melon, white grapes,
chestnuts, candied fruit, jams (from the
and remain on the méréville, citron melon), quince paste,
calissons (marzipan-like sweets made from
table for three days almond paste and candied melon), or
oreillettes (fried pastries dating back to
recounts how, one December 24, the
gluttonous Father Dom Balaguère hur-
famous for its nougat, Lucie Dutriaux
explains: “Traditionally, it was made in
Roman antiquity). The only exotic items riedly delivered midnight mass in order to the family, especially black nougat, fairly
in Carpentras, Vaucluse, who, like many tolerated are dates, mandarins and orang- gorge himself on Christmas Eve. Though easy to prepare. People used ingredients
bakers in Provence, offer a fine assort- es, evoking the Three Wise Men who Daudet evokes the profusion of dishes and they had to hand – lavender honey and
ment of Christmas desserts every year. came from afar. desserts, he’s silent on the Last Supper and almonds. They’d heat the honey over
“Depending on location, whether Nice, Custom dictates that all thirteen desserts the number thirteen, no doubt not yet high heat, add whole almonds which
Aigues-Mortes or Avignon, it’s always be served simultaneously and remain part of the custom. caramelised, and add sugar syrup. This
different. It depends on the baker, the on the table for three days. Three white It wasn’t until 1925 that ‘thirteen’ was nougat, which cooks quickly, is a hard
pastry chef, the locals or the family. But tablecloths cover the table, decorated with specifically mentioned in the Christmas sweet which can be chewed or melted
there are always some basic ingredients.” three candles, all symbolising the Holy issue of a Toulon newspaper, following in the mouth.”
In the film adaptation of My Mother’s Trinity. Accompaniments include spar- poet Frédéric Mistral’s late 19th-century She adds: “We produce it according to
Castle, Marcel’s father says: “stop, you kling wine (such as Clairette de Die), efforts to restore the Provencal language traditional recipes. Most non-locals prefer
gluttons, before you eat them, sweet Muscatel or vin chaud and to maintain its festivities and establish our soft white nougat, where the honey is
you must name the thirteen (sweet red wine with a little its customs. In La Pignato, Mistral’s disci- heated at a low temperature for several
desserts for me!” Indeed, cinnamon, simmered on ple Joseph Fallen wrote: “Here’s a quantity hours and stiffly beaten egg whites are
while some fifty variations the stovetop), and home- of sweets, delicacies – the thirteen des- added to the mixture, which results in
throughout Provence exist, made liqueurs. serts: you need thirteen, yes thirteen, not a very soft nougat.”
most Provencal inhabitants Where does this tradi- more [and] not one less.” Then, in the Whether homemade or purchased, the
can name the essential tion originate? The first 1930s, the Musée du Terroir Marseillais, thirteen desserts are, in every family, a
ingredients, handed down mention of an abundance now the Musée Provençal in Château carefully anticipated ritual. “People in
through generations and of desserts served at Gombert, Marseilles, devoted a room to Provence are very attached to this tradi-
integral to a Provencal Christmas was in 1683, in a the Christmas meal and drafted an official tion,” she says. “I’m married to a Provencal
Christmas. book written by a parish priest list of the thirteen desserts. and every Christmas, it’s a huge deal
First, whether homemade or pur- from Marseilles, Father François The tradition, definitively codified, con- deciding who’s bringing what…”
chased, they must include the famous Marchetti. But the number thirteen was tinues today. Every December, the town She adds, “Here, they don’t mess around
pompe à l’huile, a sweet cake or brioche not mentioned. Nor was it mentioned in of Aix-en-Provence, famous for its calis- with the thirteen desserts!”
made with olive oil and orange flower Provencal writer Alphonse Daudet’s short sons, holds a ‘13 Desserts Market’ featur-
water. At Christmas time, it must be story The Three Low Masses (1875), which ing traditional Provencal Christmas
December 2023 I French Living Wine and Cheese 15

Photos courtesy of Pate Papotes

What do winemakers actually do?
Vigneron Jonathan Hesford reveals the skills needed, plus some trade secrets

Main photo: Jonathan Hesford; inset: Wendy Corniquet from Pixabay

A year in the vineyard

hose of us who live in wine
regions will know what
vignerons, or grape-growers,
do. We see them pruning the
vines, driving their tractors
and harvesting their grapes. But growing
grapes is only half the story of wine. The
other part is the transformation of grapes
Cheese of into wine. It takes place behind the closed
doors of cellars, out of view of the locals.
Meet the producers the month:

What are those winemakers – the vinifi-
cateurs and cavistes – actually doing?
t La Ferme des Grandes Bleu de chèvre Harvest is the busiest time in the cellar
Tuileries in Sézanne (Marne) and most winemakers will hire extra staff

west of Paris, Jean-Baptiste to carry out many of the more laborious

Vervy and Caroline Payen tasks, much of which involves cleaning
grow hard wheat and make equipment. There is a saying that wine-
it into pasta. making is 90% cleaning up and 10%
The range is called Papote, a combina- not screwing up. It’s not quite true; wine- decisions are made. Does the juice need the wines in the cellar. This will involve
tion of the words ‘pasta’ and ‘pote’ (mean- making is about making lots of decisions sulfites adding to prevent oxidation or taking samples and measuring the densi-
ing friend), reflecting their approach to that will influence the style and quality of clean up damaged fruit? Should enzymes ty, sugar content, acidity and possibly
business. They consult regularly with a the wine. be used to get more clear juice from the other things to help make decisions about
team of volunteer tasters. Composing the cheese When grapes arrive at the winery, pressed fruit? In hot regions, winemakers additions and procedures to keep the fer-
Jean-Baptiste Vervy inherited the cereal platter for the big Christ- whether hand-picked or machine har- are permitted to add a small amount of ments on track and avoid any problems
farm from his parents, and is committed mas meal is a high-stake vested, they are usually put through a tartaric acid to their must (le moût) if such as the development of off-flavours
to agro-ecology; faming methods that affair in France and a machine called a de-stemmer (égrappoir required, while in cool ones they may like acetone, burnt-rubber, rotten eggs or
respect the environment. “He doesn’t leave minimum of three cheeses in French) which removes the grapes choose to add sugar to make up for lack vinegary smells.
the family cocoon at 4am each morning is recommended, with from their bunches. Some high-quality of ripeness. Above all, they need to make sure that
for the pleasure of polluting the food on something for all tastes. wineries will have a sorting table where White and rosé juice needs to be settled the yeast is kept alive long enough to
our plates and the planet for our children!” A classic trio would be bunches or even individual grapes are overnight at a low temperature to clarify convert all the grape sugar into alcohol
The couple use natural methods to con- Comté, Camembert, Saint- inspected and rejected if they are unripe, it and rack it off the heavy solids which and avoid the dreaded stuck-fermenta-
trol diseases and pests wherever possible, Nectaire and ewe’s milk mouldy or too raisined. fall to the bottom of the tank. The next tion that can result in wines refermenting
including vegetable mulches in order to blue Roquefort, while a After de-stemming and sorting, the day it will be pumped to another tank or and exploding in the bottle.
encourage earthworms to keep the soil more floral selection could grapes may be fed through a crusher, perhaps barrels, ready to be fermented. Small family wineries, without a univer-
healthy. The couple were pleased to be truffled Brie truffé which doesn’t really crush the grapes, Red juice may be kept under refrigera- sity-trained winemaker, will probably
be awarded the HVE (Haute Valeur (truly luxurious), Tomme it just breaks the skins to allow the juice tion for up to a week, protected under a make use of an oenologist from a local
Environnementale) label this year. aux fleurs, bûche de chèvre to flow out. blanket of carbon-dioxide gas, in order to laboratory to do most of the analysis
“We could have chosen to make bread,” cendrée (ash coated), and If the grapes are destined for white or extract colour from the skins without too and make recommendations on actions
says Caroline, who runs Papote, “but that Fourme d’Ambert. rosé wine, they will next be transferred to much tannin. to be taken.
is a whole different profession. You can For a twist on the stand- a press, either by pump or conveyor belt. Once ready to ferment, the winemaker After the primary fermentations are
learn to make pasta reasonably fast, and ard blue, why not pick Most modern presses are programmable has to make decisions about what kind complete, the work is not finished. The
we wanted to make something that people a bleu de chèvre (goat’s and automatic. All the winemaker needs of yeast to use. There are many commer- skins of the red wines need to be dug
cheese) – intense and melt- to do is select the appropriate programme cial yeast strains on the market which out of the tanks and then pressed. The
eat daily. We work with a local miller who
in-the-mouth but with a red wine then needs to settle in the tank
turns our wheat into flour and then we for the grapes and style of wine and then emphasise or reduce various characters
unique aroma.
make the pasta here at the farm. We don’t be on hand to pump pressed juice into in the wine or are more suited to the before it is racked off again to remove
Don’t forget the accom-
employ anyone. We do it all ourselves.” tanks and make sure nothing goes wrong. sugar or acid level of the juice. The wine- the yeasty sediment known as lees.
paniments: dried and fresh
Around 5-10% of the farm’s wheat pro- To make red wine, the skins are fer- maker may also choose not to add a Winemakers can also choose to put the
fruit, as well as various
duction is made into pasta. The rest is sold mented along with the juice, so no press- ny commercial yeast and rely on the wine through malo-lactic fermenta-
chutneys or jams.
wholesale. “We don’t have an enormous ing takes place at this stage. The grapes wild yeast growing on the skins of tion, which converts crisp
range of shapes and flavours because our Local speciality: are put straight into tanks, usually after the grapes. malic acid into softer lactic
acid – a process that can
research with our testers showed that peo- de-stemming and crushing but some- The temperature at which
ple tend to prefer the shapes they know, in Pain d’épices times as whole bunches. fermentation takes place take anything from a few
a natural flavour.” beer All of this equipment – the de-stemmer, can have quite a dramatic days to several months.
Finally, the wines are
They also sell a range of sauces which are the crusher, the press, the pumps, hoses impact on the resulting
made by a small ‘saucerie’ nearby, to reci- and tanks – all need to be cleaned ready flavour. Large modern transferred to their
pes developed on the farm. They are all for the next batch of grapes. In a winery wineries are equipped with chosen vessel to allow
vegetarian, and some are vegan. They are that processes a lot of vineyards, that may temperature monitors and them to mature for sever-
all made from locally grown vegetables. mean working around the clock in shifts automated refrigeration sys- al months or years. That
“63% of pasta eaten in France is import- to keep up with the fruit coming in. tems that allow the winemaker may be a stainless steel tank
ed, but we grow good hard wheat in At this stage, the first winemaking to programme the temperatures of for fresh white or rosé wine or a
France, and could make more pasta. each tank as they desire. In more arti- selection of oak barrels for red wines and

Photo: Fortwenger

Handmade pasta is more nutritious sanal wineries, keeping the fermentation richer whites. All the harvest equipment
because industrial pasta is dried very temperatures in the desired range needs to be thoroughly cleaned to
quickly at high temperatures. We dry the requires regular checking and adjusting remove tartrate deposits and put away
pasta for up to 24 hours at low tempera- of the refrigeration equipment. for next year.
tures in order to preserve nutrients.” Nothing evokes Noël quite The fermenting red wines need to be Once the finished wines are in their
The farm has an online boutique and like pain d’épices – a sweet ‘macerated’ on their skins to extract the chosen resting places, the winemaker
Papote is also stocked by local supermar-
kets. “We sell in quantities ranging from
and spicy gingerbread-style Once ready to desired amount of tannin, colour and
flavour. This is one of the most important
can take a well-deserved break. It always
amuses me when my neighbouring
cake – from Alsace.
500g to 5kg, and use protective packaging
to prevent the pasta being crushed in the
In the village of Gertwiller ferment, the wine- decisions in red wine making. It involves
regular pumping of the juice from the
vignerons, who take their grapes to the
local cave cooperative, assume that the
(Bas-Rhin), the Fortwenger
post.” company has been serving maker has to make bottom of the tank onto the top of the
skins or punching the skins down into
harvest work is all over once their last
grapes are picked.
up goodies since 1768,
from spice mixes for those decisions about what the juice using large plungers.
Either process is time-consuming and
Winemaking may take place behind
closed doors but the harvest isn’t finished
keen to make their own
cake or vin chaud, to stollen kind of yeast to use. needs to be done up to three times a day until about two months after the grape
growers have been on their holidays.
and Santa-shaped cakes. for each tank.
For the ultimate festive There are many As well as processing the incoming
tipple, why not try their fruit, keeping all the equipment clean, Jonathan Hesford has a Postgraduate
pain d’épices flavoured beer, commercial yeast monitoring the fermentation and carry- Diploma in Viticulture and Oenology
€3.50 for a 33cl bottle. Buy ing out the maceration routine, the wine- and is the owner and wine-maker of
from strains on the market maker needs to keep daily records on all Domaine Treloar.
16 Interiors French Living I December 2023

Antiques hunt gives interiors inspiration

In his new book, the

© Bruno Ehrs
illustrator, designer and
lover of shop interiors
Marin Montagut reveals
how his love for antique
decorative objects
began and takes read-
ers inside some notable
Parisian treasure troves

y parents were antique
dealers and my grand-
mother was an artist,
so I grew up surrounded
by a multitude of objects
of all kinds. As soon as I could walk,
my parents began taking me to antique
shops, flea markets, and even to auction

So this taste for collecting is a family
affair that has been passed down from
generation to generation. In fact, many
of my collections are
connected to childhood
memories. That’s true
for the artists’ palettes
I’ve accumulated; they
have the power to take
me back in time to my
grandmother’s house,
where I would spend
hours watching her
paint, fascinated by the
colours and patterns
that seemed to spring
from her hands. Just
looking at the palettes
conjures up a multitude place for at home. Above and below left: the rooms, which held collections of rare and everyday items to the most surprising
of abstract paintings, Whenever I travel, espe- remarkable collection of unusual objects, were found in the castles objects, fit for any curiosity cabinet.
which bloom from the cially to Italy and Portugal, Gaëtan Lanzani, where and aristocratic homes of Central Europe Upon entering, visitors are greeted by
dappled paint on their surfaces. I always return with suitcases full of mar- visitors are greeted by in the sixteenth century. My “wonders” a vulture with outstretched wings sus-
Another of my favourite collections vellous finds. thousands of pieces of are more modest, but they have the pended above the entrance stairway.
consists of plaster casts that find their For my work as an illustrator and furniture and accessories power to transport me elsewhere, and Hanging on the walls, stuffed animal
way into my home, where they recreate designer, they provide boundless inspira- from the Middle Ages to to inspire me. heads, framed by dozens of cases of
the atmosphere of the artists’ studios that tion. Each of my creations and watercol- the 1980s; left, portrait of My interest in objects is not connected mounted butterflies, call to mind a natu-
have always fired my imagination. I like ours says something about my world and author Marin Montagut to their value. They are often humble ral history museum. A warren of staircas-
to pose them on stands, where the light my memories. From Italy, for example, I tokens of everyday life and examples of es leads to a maze of corridors within a
plays on their contours and their pallor, brought back silver ex-votos in the shape folk art. I find them moving because they 3,000m2 labyrinth that holds an inventory
or even on the floor, to emulate the ambi- of a hand, face, foot, and heart, from convey a soulfulness. The traces of pass- the Surrealists would covet.
ence of a sculptor’s workshop. which I had moulds made to reproduce ing time are visible on their worn surfac- The most astonishing collection com-
Finding objects endowed with soul is them in porcelain. es. In them, I see history, heritage, and an prises hundreds and hundreds of chairs,
a passion that drives me every day. My In Portugal, I was fascinated by registos, expertise that has now been forgotten or piled together and stacked to the ceiling.
mother’s antique store, Coco & Co. in ancient reliquaries with painted and dec- lost. I even appreciate the flaws that make There are armchairs of all sorts: wing-
Honfleur, is one of the places where I reg- orated frames of unimaginable refine- them unique, singular, like the flecks on a backs, cabriolets, marquises, ‘toi et moi’
ularly discover treasures that I then find a ment; they constitute without a doubt my mercury mirror with pitted silvering, or or ‘confidant’ chairs, squat ‘crapaud’ arm-
biggest collection. I hung them together the faded colours and patina of a piece of chairs, club chairs; chairs made of wood,
to create a wonder wall along the stair- well-worn antique furniture. rattan, or cane; some of them upholstered
case that leads upstairs. Over the years, I have met many women with leather, or embroidered or brocaded
They were my principal inspiration and men, antique dealers and enlightened fabrics, or velvet. There are even untreat-
in creating my “window of wonder” amateurs alike. Like a kid, I have been ed wooden chair frames. This incredible
decorations. Interspersed among them on captivated, moved, enchanted, and sur- assortment echoes the location’s original
the wall are hearts that were once made prised by some of their collections. The function as a furniture manufacture.
by nuns using plain cardboard embel- idea for this book arose from those feel- The factory, founded in the 1930s by
lished with beads and embroidery. I’m ings and unique atmospheres. Gaëtan Lanzani, an Italian who settled in
overcome by their simplicity and beauty. Paris near Faubourg Saint-Antoine, initial-
Looking at them, I know that one day Gaëtan Lanzani, Prop and Scenery ly reproduced and restored period furni-
they will inspire me to make something Rental: Chairs, Decorative Items, ture and seating. After the war, the film
new. Furniture industry turned to the Lanzani business
When I go antiquing, I never approach Open the door to the courtyard of the for set supplies. Over the years, the estab-
it with a preconceived idea in mind. I rely establishment Gaëtan Lanzani and enter lishment gradually abandoned the manu-
on coincidence and luck. The unexpect- an unexpected world, a constantly chang- facture and restoration of furniture and
ed, curiosity, surprise, and the joy of ing cornucopia, where everything is for began specialising exclusively in renting.
finding something: that’s what I look rent and nothing is for sale. When decorators and designers come to
All photos © Pierre Musellec

forward to on days when I head out Extracted from Designers and decorators come here for Lanzani nowadays, they know they’ll find
in search of new gems to showcase in Extraordinary Collections: a wide variety of furniture and accesso- what they’re looking for. Whether it’s a
my house. French Interiors, Flea ries for movies, television, fashion shows, 1900s bed frame, a wicker basket, or a
At home, I wanted to reinvent the spirit Markets, Ateliers by and other events. Here, professionals chest of hatboxes and leather suitcases
of what the Germans call the wunder- Marin Montagut have access to more than twenty thou- evoking the past, they are sure to find
kammer, literally, ‘wonder room.’ These (Flammarion, 2023). sand objects. You can find anything, from the piece they need.
December 2023 I French Living Hidden histories 17

The art of glass in medieval Troyes

Medieval art historian Dr Julia Faiers 1 2
discovers the secrets of stained glass
in the church windows of Troyes

rom small beginnings as a storytelling in glass reaches another level.
Gallo-Roman town called Here, 16th-century windows recount the
Augustobona in the first century, story of the True Cross, of Saint Sebastian
the city of Troyes enjoyed a (who was tied to a tree stump and pierced
boom period in the Middle Ages. by countless arrows), and a magnificent
The town expanded rapidly in the 12th vision of the Tree of Jesse made at the
century, gaining new urban districts and, very end of the 15th century. This win-
of course, churches to serve the spiritual dow describes in fascinating detail the
needs of the burgeoning population. genealogy of Christ; from a tree that

Photo: GFreihalter, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0 license

Troyes’ 12th-century expansion coincid- grows directly from Jesse’s body spring
ed with the emergence of Gothic archi- branches bearing the figures of 27
tecture, a style developed by Abbot Suger descendants of Jesse.
in the abbey of Saint-Denis near Paris. Nearly 125 years later, one of the last
The pioneering work at Saint-Denis glass painters of the Troyes’ workshops,
transformed church building over the Linard Gontier, produced the now
subsequent centuries, allowing for much famous Mystical Wine Press window in
larger windows than was previously pos- 1625. Here, from the body of Christ,
sible. And with this, the art of painting shown lying beneath a wine press, sprouts

Photo: Julia Faiers

pictures and telling stories in glass took a vine with many branches – a vivid illus-
off in churches all over Christendom. tration in glass of a verse from the Gospel
In the medieval period, the majority of of St John, in which Christ proclaimed “I
people were illiterate, yet they could see am the vine, you are the branches.” And
and understand the rich complexity and to add to the visceral drama, the blood
drama of the Christian message in the squeezed from his body by the wine
windows of their local church. As well
as suffusing sacred spaces with ‘divine’
press is collected in a chalice in the
foreground at the bottom of the 3 4
coloured light, stained-glass windows window, where it can easily be seen by
provided a theological and spiritual edu- the congregation.
cation not only for the townspeople in A 15-minute walk from the cathedral to
the congregation, but for the clergy who the church of Sainte-Madeleine rewards
celebrated mass there. the visitor with more spectacular stained
Although Troyes suffered during the glass. The oldest church in Troyes, built
Hundred Years War (1337-1453), pros- in the 12th century, had a major facelift
perity returned towards the end of the in the 16th century, including new win-
15th century, fuelling renovation pro- dows around the chevet (the area at the
grammes in the city’s cathedral and east end). Look out for another rendition
parish churches. Troyes became widely of the Tree of Jesse, and to the right of the
known during this period as a centre apse, the richly detailed window that tells
for glass making. the story of Christ’s Passion. Each panel
At the cathedral of Saint-Pierre-et-Saint tells a separate story, including the Agony
Paul, the church of Sainte-Madeleine, in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Kiss of
the church of Saint-Pantaléon, and the Judas, and the Last Supper. And in the
basilica of Saint-Urbain, the whole of the prime spot at the bottom of the window,
Christian story plays out in the windows portraits of the donors remind worship-
Photo: AG - Troyes La Champagne

made by the town’s workshops in the 15th pers of their generosity and piety.
and 16th centuries. Richly coloured win- And if you want to enjoy stained glass
dows from the 13th century illuminate outside of Troyes’ churches, visit the
the east end of the cathedral, representing recently refurbished Cité du Vitrail muse-

Photo: Julia Faiers

popes and emperors, and telling the story um (City of Stained Glass), which tells
of the Life of the Virgin. the story of stained glass from the 12th
In the nave, however, the luminous century all the way up to the present.

5 1. The spectacular rose window in the south transept

of Troyes cathedral, a 19th-century copy of the
15th-century north transept rose window.
How did medieval craftsmen 2. Troyes cathedral’s famous 17th-century window of

make stained-glass windows? the Mystical Wine Press, which involves Christ, a
wine press, vines, and blood.
Almost everything we know about making stained glass in the Middle Ages comes 3. A close-up of Jesse in the Tree of Jesse window
from a 12th-century German monk called Theophilus. In his text On Diverse Arts, in the church of Sainte-Madeleine. The base of a
Theophilus (who was an artist as well as a monk), wrote about what he learned tree grows from the stomach of Jesse, the father of
from watching glaziers and glass painters at work, so that he could create beautiful David, first king of Israel, with each branch showing
windows himself.
To molten glass (made from sand and wood ash) craftsmen added powdered metals the ancestors of Jesus.
in order to change the colour. The coloured molten glass was blown into a sausage 4. The Passion window in the church of Sainte-
shape, then slit before being flattened into a sheet. Artists made the intricate stained- Madeleine, made around 1490, depicts in vivid
glass windows in medieval churches by cutting the sheet glass into shapes. If the artist detail the stories of Jesus’s life.
wanted more detail, they painted them on the glass with black paint. 5. A close up of the Passion window in Sainte-
They placed the pieces of painted and coloured glass onto a design board, and
Madeleine, showing the bottom right panes
Photo: Julia Faiers

fitted them into strips of lead called cames. To make the panel secure, the cames were
soldered to one another, and the windows waterproofed by inserting putty in between with the kneeling donors Catherine Boucherat
the glass and the lead. The whole composition was then placed in an iron frame and and her daughters.
mounted in the window.
18 Puzzles French Living I December 2023

Bilingual cryptic crossword by Parolles

Answers are in French and English
Across Down
1 Courage shown by Scotland’s top football 1 Philosopher, for example, looking into the
club (6) abode of evil spirits endlessly (5)
4 Left before one with a Shakespearean 2 Francine’s to warn girl about clergyman in
heroine (6) retreat (7)
8 Surprisingly Glen ate a little lamb in Cannes (7) 3 Monet’s half-heartedly drawn me in hospital
9 Jack joins motorists looking around racing department (9)
vehicle in Indonesia’s capital (7) 5 Nothing close to fury of a thunderstorm in
11 Extraordinarily tall at her age and very Nice (5)
popular (3,3,4)

Photo: Lee Walker_

12 Jean’s with Bill touring the heart of

Provence (4)
13 Run heading off she-bear in the French
Pyrenees (5)
14 Secretary Penny working to catch poor 6 Devious rival at work in Rennes (7)
butterfly in Nimes (8) 7 Rue fiat so absurd in the past in Grasse (9)
16 Baptiste’s to set off again with heartless 10 Kronenbourg’s to bring back a dark-brown
trapper to return to Ireland (8) liquor after sharp criticism (9)
18 Helping to make more pasta for a meal in
13 Jokes about English ships (3-6)
Lyon (5)
20 Elodie’s proud even though returning with 15 Submarine viewing aid in Marseille and
hesitation (4) Middlesbrough (9)
21 Muslin and khaki originally stored in side 17 Yvette’s back as sack repairer after pressure’s
board by a fashioner of clothes (10) off (7)
23 Girl from California seen with a medieval 19 Current pastor about to take a loan out to get
musical instrument (7) mechanical music maker (7)
24 Fellow in charge collecting books like an 21 Lawyer taking tea in a country house in
automaton (7) Russia (5)
25 Looks at getting a wide playground device (6) 22 Hervé’s to watch closely for first of emigres
26 Mend broken rapier (6) on jetty (5)

French-themed crossword by John Foley

Note all answers are words or names associated with France
Across Down
1 Centre-Val de Loire city where Jeanne d’Arc 1 And 14: remarks, whistles, etc., interdits et
has been honoured every first week of May punis by law since 2018 (8,8)
since 1432 (7) 2 Historical capital of Gascony, now of the
4 Milieu des voleurs and other malfaiteurs (5) Gers department (4)
7 Nicotine-rich plant (5) 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes department
9 Poison to avoid from animals such as famous for cheeses such as Beaufort
snakes (5) and Reblochon (6)
4 Paris mausoleum for distinguished citizens (8)
10 Six months to go before this comes again? (3)
5 Writer Jean _____ best known for Les
11 Dawn or a department in the Grand Est (4)
Bonnes and Notre-Dame-des-Fleurs who
12 Jug for water or wine (6) was born this month in 1910 (5)
15 List of errors & corrections in printed 6 French version of Charles Aznavour’s greatest
matter (6) international hit (4)
16 Historic Paris landmark housing some of the 8 Fictional elephant whose creator Jean de
world’s best-known art (6) Brunhoff was born this month in 1899 (5)
19 Gourde pour le potage (6) 13 Steamed or braised – à l’________ (8)
20 Occitanie city famous for its cathedral, said 14 See 1 down
to be world’s largest brick building (4) 17 Agglomeration peuplée de nombreux
21 “Presque personne n’est assez ___ de péchés habitants (5)
pour ne pas mériter un châtiment” – Victor 18 Carnet for daily notes (6)
Hugo (3)
19 Heavy cold or état grippal (5)
23 At last, finally (5)
21 “Le patriotisme, c’est aimer son ____. Le
24 Période précédant Noël (5) nationalisme, c’est detester celui des autres.” –
25 Cubic metre’s wood supply (5) De Gaulle (4)
26 Marine fish of the family Engraulidae (7) 22 Layperson – not of the clergy (4)
Solve the clues then unscramble the shaded letters to reveal un ancien poète
de langue d’Oc (10)

Fun French facts Like our quiz?

2 High riser 3 Gladiator, ready! Buy our quiz books
1 Midi magic
Photo: Michiel1972 /Wikimedia

THE 2,460m Viaduc de online at

TOULOUSE is the centre of the European Millau is, at 343m, the BULL-fighting is permitted
Photo: Krzysztof Golik, edited by Janke/Wikimedia

aerospace industry. Called ‘la ville rose’ world’s highest motorway in France and has been HORS SERIE NUMBER 2


Peo s
for its brick buildings that change colour bridge and is higher than claimed to be part of its cul- e
Plac ry

Histo uage

as the sun rises and falls, the forain the Eiffel Tower. It has an French?
tural heritage. There are are- Lan



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Linked to the Mediterranean at Sète by tectural jewels of France. ‘anti-’ groups. Some bullfights, such as course landaise and l e

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links 193km west to the Atlantic – water is supplied to the canal three years to build and to leap over or dodge the bull and to grab a rosette respectively.
the ch city
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was finished in 2014. Q: Which is the biggest French arena: Vic-Fezensac, M 072
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Q: What type of tree lines the Unesco-recognised Canal du Midi?

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Q: What river does it cross? Béziers or Nîmes? @b@q@f";

December 2023 I French Living Puzzles 19
Toughnut No.No.22
Toughnut 2 – Scribo Crossmots
- Scribo Crossmots Five French Facts:
To complete these dual-language puzzles called ‘Toughnuts’ you need to translate the clue
and then decide wherepuzzlesthe
called ‘Toughnuts’
answer require
fits into you toTo
the grid. translate the first
help the clue and thenofdecide
letter where is
the answer
Peers of the Realm

Photo: Collection Château Versailles/Wikimedia

the answer fits in the chance!
grid. To help the first letter of the answer is provided. Bonne chance! The French nobility no longer exists. Long live the French
provided. Bonne
nobility! Under the ancien regime the names of the higher
Find a location on the Monopoly board from the highlighted squares.
ranks of the Roman army came to be regarded as attached to
For more dual-language puzzles see
hereditary privilege. The Revolution abolished the privileges
A Kith (3) of the crusty old aristocracy on 23 June 1790 but Napoleon and
C Sweetie (5) the restored Bourbons created new titles in the 19th century.
E Aigle (5) Since the inauguration of the Third Republic on 4 September
E Water (3) 1870, all hereditary ranks of social superiority have had no
E Moteur (6) legal meaning. With respect (but not deference), anyone who
E Thereabouts (7) calls themselves anything more than “monsieur” because his/
E Même (4) her family can be traced back to the middle ages is putting on airs. A “de” in a surname, by the
E Oeil (3) way, can just as easily show pretensions to the aristocracy as genuine class.
F Thread (3) All that said, there is still a self-identifying nobility in France that maintains a sophisticated
G Pistolet (3) hierarchy. In case you want to know how low to bow or curtsy when you meet one of these
I Here (3) people, here is a short guide to the principle ranks you might encounter, in descending order.
I Intense (8) By Nick Inman
L Grand (5)
N Arose (3)
N Plume (3) 1. Duc (duke). Leaving aside “princes of the blood” this is the highest rank of the nobility. Of
O Opinion (7) the many dukedoms created over the centuries, most have become extinct but there are around
O Opens (5) 40 extant ones still, including the delightful title of the Duke of Cars (Duc de Cars). Note: it
P Pinch (6) would be impertinent to confuse the higher ranking “duc et pair” (duke and peer) with a “duc
P Tyres (5) simple” (ordinary duke).
P Problème (7)
Q Someone (8) 2. Marquis (marquess). The name derives from “ruler of a border area”. Perhaps the best-
Q Files d’attente (6) known fictional holder of the title is the Marquis de Carabas in Puss in Boots (popularised by
R Région (6) Charles Perrault) who is elevated to the nobility through the help of a cat more intelligent than
R Roar (11) he is. Certainly the most infamous man of this rank was the Marquis de Sade.
S Ferraille (5)
S Senate (5)
3. Comte (count). This is thought to be the oldest title of nobility historically speaking. It
was placed third in the pecking order by the authorities of the 19th century. Although Alexandre
S Whistle (7)
Dumas’ novel The Count of Monte Cristo is principally about France, the county in question is in
S Chante (5)
S Compétence (5)
S Fils (3) 4. Vicomte (viscount). What now sounds rather grand began as a job title for an assistant
S Rigide (5) administrator of a province working under a count. Many vicomtés have merged with other
T Firing (3) titles over the centuries reducing the number claimed today. Several place names, have the word
U Invisible (6) incorporated in them such as Vaux-le-Vicomté (Seine-et-Marne).
U Utilisation (3)
U Worn (4) 5. Baron. It’s possible that the name derives from the Old English word for a warrior. In
V Worm (3) Brittany barons are considered of higher status than the rest of France. The philosopher
V Vidéos (6) Montesquieu, pictured above, was a baron. The Rothschilds are another famous baronial family.

Test your knowledge of France

For all answers with our Connexion quiz
please turn to
Guess the region... French Living 1 A limited jury of just 600 readers is decid-
ing their version of the Prix Goncourt (to
10 Hendaye is the last town in France before
Spain and it has an SNCF train station and
France has 13 regions. Every issue we pick a spot, page 24 be announced December 14) – but why one other station – what is it?
was the jury restricted? A – They are the
all you need to do is work out which region it is in... first 600 to buy each book, B – They are all 11 French trains run on the left – except in
in prison, C – They are from the authors’ one part of the country. Where?
Clue: Presidential secondary schools?
12 France’s TGV service started on 27
September 1981 on what line?
proximity 2 Allée Jojo in Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle,
is named for what ? A – A chimpanzee,
B – A local tramp, C – A player from AS 13 What is the claim to fame of the rail station
Nancy Lorraine football club? at Bolquère-Eyne, in Pyrénées-Orientales?

3 Which is the oldest bridge in Paris? 14 The Réseau Breton metre gauge railway
A – Pont Neuf, B – Pont Alexandre III, network started in 1891 and served central
C – Pont de la Concorde? Brittany with 427km of lines. Today only
one remains open; which is it?
4 In 1875 Matthew Webb became the first man
to do what? A – Pose for a photograph, 15 Why is the Paris Metro underground
B – Have a car accident in Paris, C – Swim station at Gare d’Austerlitz different?
the English Channel without using aids?
16 This French leader born on August 15,
5 This year mainland France has 34,816 1769 was the second son of Carlo and Letizia–
what? A – New roundabouts, who was he?
B – Communes, C – New electric cars?
17 Who were the Grognards?
6 The 90 residents are called Ypsiloniens,
what is the commune’s name? 18 Beethoven dedicated his Third Symphony
to Napoleon – the Bonaparte Symphony –
7 Veules-les-Roses in Seine Maritime has but later changed the name to what?
been a tourist draw since the early 19th
century but the Veules river gives it what 19 Why did Admiral Nelson and Napoleon
singular claim to fame? both share a particular view of their battles?

20 Napoleon was known to prefer a particular

Photo: Ruben Christen on Unsplash

8 Why do many manhole covers have the

town name Pont-à-Mousson on them? Burgundy wine, what was it?

9 What do the villages of Beaumont-en

Verdunois, Bezonvaux, Cumières-le-Mort- Profile
Homme, Fleury-devant-Douaumont,
Quiz by Ken Seaton who has lived and
Haumont-près-Samogneux and Louvemont
worked as a journalist in France since 2009
Côte-du-Poivre have in common?
20 Reviews French Living I December 2023
French films Francis Cabrel Un morceau de Sicre
A critical eye on new AN hors-norme music rec- (1994 long-player Samedi soir sur terre prettiest lines is “Tu mets un morceau de
releases and classics ommendation this issue, in shifted nearly 4million copies alone, and Sicre dans ton café noir” (You put a piece
that our listening pleasure featured the superb guitar ballad Je t’aimais, of Sicre in your black coffee).
features not an album or je t’aime et je t’aimerai). Cabrel told Nostalgie: “Admitting that I
Un conte de Noël (2008) boxset re-release, but a The song, a folky shuffle in the classic am going to stop singing in a few years’
Dir: Arnaud Desplechin vinyl-only 45in single. Cabrel style, is entitled Un morceau de Sicre time, I wanted to do a round-up of all the
The singer is Francis – a play on ‘un morceau de sucre’ (a piece of people I wanted to thank.”
Cabrel, the Lot-et-Garonne sugar). It is a sweet tribute to both Cabrel’s The colour vinyl single, with sleeve
songwriting heavyweight friend, the singer Claude Sicre (76 years old) designed by Cabrel, is published by Baboo
with some spectacular who sings in the Occitan language, and Music, the little label that Cabrel formed
album sales to his name Toulouse, Sicre’s home city. One of the with his family in his village of Astaffort.

Books - The 20 minute review

We read recent releases with a link to France. To be fair, each gets 20 minutes’ reading time
EVERY few years we repeat our assertion
that one of our favourite French Christmas Holiday, Life in a French Country House, Death and Papa Noël,
Christmas films is Arnaud Desplechin’s
family drama, Un conte de Noël (A W Somerset Maugham, Cordelia de Castellane, Ian Moore,
Christmas Tale), which remains a must- Vintage Classics, €12.32; Rizzoli, €43.36; Publisher: Farrago, €12.32
see this festive season (you can stream it 009928658 ISBN: 0847870936 ISBN: 1788424255
on Amazon Prime).
Perhaps its theme of a dysfunctional ALTHOUGH he was British, WHEN you know that THIS novella
family thrown together during the festive W Somerset Maugham was born Cordelia de Castellane is from Ian Moore is
season appeals to the British sensibility – in Paris in 1874, spent much of his the artistic director of one of a series of
one critic at the time of its release, The life travelling, used Cap Ferrat as a Dior Home and Baby cosy mystery mur-
Guardian’s Philip French, compared it to base, and died in 1965 at the age of Dior, you will know why der stories in the
one of “those joyless, downbeat, yuletide 91 in Nice. this coffee table book is vein of Agatha
editions of EastEnders”! As a result, his writing about so beautiful. Matthieu Christie, but with
As such, ‘festive’, is hardly the best way France is effortlessly authentic, Salvaing has taken photo- more laughs. An
to describe the film’s set-up: matriarch although sometimes quite dark. graphs for Condé Nast ideal stocking fill-
Juno (the impeccable-as-ever Catherine 'Christmas Holiday', published in Traveller, World of er, it would be an
Deneuve, who last October celebrated 1939, contains a dark warning of Interiors, and is the author of the book 'Interior ideal companion
her 80th birthday) heads a fragmented what is to come. Voyages'. His images are absolutely stunning. for an afternoon spent book-worming
family. She and husband Abel have three
The hero, Charley Mason, is bright- Just dive into them for a delicious session of on the sofa. Because of its short
children in their thirties and she
eyed and bushy-tailed, fresh out of fantasy house-hunting, or even inspiration for length, it would be easy to finish it in
announces to them that a few weeks ear-
Cambridge University when he your own artistic efforts. one sitting.
lier she learned that she has leukaemia
arrives in Gay Paree expecting a fun Cordelia de Castallane gives helpful tips for Our protagonist, Richard Ainsworth,
and will soon die unless she receives a
and festive jaunt. But his old friend Simon living in a country house that apparently looks is happily looking forward to a peace-
bone marrow transplant.
is now an impoverished journalist rooting like a film set during all four seasons of the ful solo Christmas in the Loire Valley.
Will they agree to be tested as potential
for a Communist revolution and trying year. (There is no mud on her wellies, or dog There are no guests staying at his

donors? Will they stop bickering long
to eradicate his finer feelings in order to sick on her gleaming floors, of that you may B&B, so he plans to indulge in all his
enough? What unhappiness and lies lurk
be ready for the struggle. He introduces be sure!). Divided into four seasons, there are favourite festive television. His plans
amongst the offsprings’ relationships?

So many questions to ask, and much Charley to a Russian prostitute with a recipes, interior design, flower arrangements, are thwarted however, when Valérie
deception to be uncovered... and all this murky ex-lover called Robert who kills and remarks about what constitutes French d'Orçay turns up from Paris with her
played out by an exceptional cast (Mathieu for the fun of it. Charley begins to see style when it comes to entertaining. All this is teacup dog and an invitation to a mur-
Almaric, Emmanuelle Devos, Anne his sheltered, complacent life in the UK sprinkled with reminiscences about her glam- der game.
Consigny, Melvil Poupaud among them). through new eyes. orous lifestyle and famous friends. Richard inevitably ends up dressed
Grab a glass of vin chaud and thank This probably isn't Maugham's best work, but it's an interest- This isn't really a book for reading, however, as Santa and, as it becomes clear that
Père Noël that this isn’t your own family! ing look at whether people get more happiness from intellectual it's more like a fairytale picture book for some people are playing the game
Do you have a favourite French ideas or from carefree socialising blissfully unaware of unseen grown-ups offering a glimpse into a world that more literally than others, taking the
Christmas film? Let us know: email menaces. It is also an interesting study of Russian politics as does not exist, even for the author. (How could lead as chief sleuth. Of course we seen from Paris, which is all too relevant today. it, Cordelia de Castellane has four children!). know that he'll solve the mystery in
Maugham's writing style is elegant and crystalline, his ideas But it's nice to dream and sometimes the the end, with lots of jokes along the
Stream: Lupin flowing uninterrupted through each sentence. This would not ideas really can be used to transform a table way, because when he's not writing,
Netflix’s third season of the superb Lupin, make a good present for someone wanting a frivolous, unde- setting or a flower arrangement from merely Ian Moore is a stand-up comedian.
starring Omar Sy as the suave gentleman manding read about a romance under a the Eiffel Tower, but pretty to pretty stunning. Beautifully printed Other books in the series include
thief Assane Diop who is France’s most ideal for someone who appreciates good writing, and likes to on high quality paper, this is a book to treasure Death and Fromage, Death at the
wanted man, is now streaming. ponder new ideas. for years to come. Chateau and Death and Croissants.

French phrases featuring our four-legged friends Linguists on bended genous for reform
chats et chiens”, you would get a strange “You can be good at French, with its rich
look from a befuddled French person. vocabulary, creativity and argumentation,
Language notes The French you don’t

There are lots of lesser known, even and bad at spelling. And this is increasing-
learn at school

extinct, doggy-based phrases that evoke a ly the case today.” It continues: “The opaci-
his column has previously certain sense of humour tied with a neat ty of our spelling is partly to blame. And
featured some of the most subtext. For example, “Epouser un chien collective featuring some of the time spent teaching its quirks and
popular (and charming) coiffé” dates way back to the 16th century. France’s leading linguistic inconsistencies comes at the expense of
French phrases that refer It translates as “To marry the first nicely lights have written an open creative writing and comprehension.”
to dogs in order to express coiffed dog” and was used to refer to one letter to the newspaper Le So which ‘quirks’ are in their crosshairs?
certain human situations or emotions. or other of a pair of newlyweds who failed Monde pleading for a more Two proposed reforms are the simplifica-

Perhaps the best known is “Les chiens to find a suitable life partner until their adaptable approach to French spelling, in a tion of the passé composé tense used with
ne font pas des chats” (Dogs do not make latter years, when they plumped for the bid to simplify certain words and improve the verb avoir, with the participle remain-
cats), which is used when expressing the first person who did their hair nicely. the ever-declining spelling ability amongst ing invariable. This would mean for exam-
notion that we inherit most of our key As it is fairly disrespectful to the ‘dog’ the country’s school pupils. ple, that “la soupe que tu as cuite” (the soup
personality or aesthetic traits from our in question (be they male or female) it is Several dozen linguists, teachers, aca- you cooked) would become “la soupe que
parents – “the apple doesn’t fall far from barely used these days. demics and cultural figures (including tu as cuit” (ie no ‘e’ on the end of cuit).
the tree” is the closest English equivalent. Another gem of a phrase is used to Nobel Prize winner Annie Ernaux) are The second reform proposes that the
Travelling in the other linguistic direc- It is fairly describe a miser, who “n’attache pas son requesting a much wider application of unpronounced ‘s’ at the end of plurals
tion, there is one obvious trap to avoid: chien avec des saucisses” (Does not not tie the Académie Française’s (non-binding) would stay but an ‘s’ would replace the
the English phrase “it’s raining cats and disrespectful his dog up with [a chain of] sausages, the 1990 update on correct spellings (includ- ‘x’ on the plurals of words such as hibou
dogs” does not have the feline/canine implication being that the dog would ing doing away with the circumflex and (owl), caillou (stone) and genou (knee).
equivalent in French. Instead, they would to the ‘dog’ merely eat the bangers, escape and – oignon becoming ognon). “We advocate deleting letters that have
say “il pleut des cordes” (literally “it's rain- unthinkably for the tight-fisted owner – “Reforming spelling does not mean no function but add complexity to learn-
ing rope”). If you ever uttered “il pleut des in question he would have to buy more sausages. reforming the language”, said the letter. ing,” concluded the collective.
December 2023 I French Living Shopping/Did you know? 21

Photo: geoterranaute
The creation of the Republic of
Saugeais started out as a joke

New products, designs and ideas from around France

Wine on the wall

LOOKING FOR a gift idea for the wine-lover in your
life this Christmas? This map poster featuring the
French wine regions is both informative and stylish,
whether for the vineyard beginner or serious wine
aficionado seeking a chic wall adornment.
It is the work of Domitille Vichatsky, the founder of
Graphiste de Famille, whose illustrations on different
themes and media are printed and packaged in her
Nantes workshop. She also accepts bespoke illustration
commissions such as the family one below, for €100.
Carte des Vignobles de France, priced €19.99
(30x40cm, printed on ‘Print Speed’ 300g paper) or
€24.90 (50x70cm, printed on 180g matte paper)
– frame (cadre) sold separately. For shipping, each
poster is carefully packaged in a transparent pouch
with adhesive flap for maximum protection.

Elegance at bedtime Eco-friendly sapin

FOUNDED IN 2014 by friends Caroline and Martine, Fleurs
pois et Cie set out to make underwear that was like “a sort of
second skin for all of us from 10 to 97 years old.” Today their
WHILE its main business is the construction
of beds and other bedroom furntiture, Nantes
company La Fabrique des Potirons also
France’s other republics:
megalomania or fun?
range also includes beautifully elegant cotton pyjamas, 100% embraces the Christmas spirit with children
Made in France. Products pictured below: left to right, Léontine in mind.
and Estelle in 100% organic cotton, price €195. This wooden sapin de Noël
(Christmas tree) is centred around Blaye and its sur-
not only has rounding municipalities.
Did you know? Humour is a major component behind

credentials, thanks the establishment of such nations,
to its wood from republics or Principalities. The
responsible for- rance and its Republic are République du Saugeais started from a
ests, but it also actually the fertile ground for joke as well, much like the République
contributes to a myriad of inner ‘microstates’ de Montmartre in 1920.
your child’s devel- and Republics founded for Megalomania is another, particularly
opment – with its various purposes. in the case of Frank Samson, 56, a
stackable slats, Its most famous is the République du French lawyer with an infatuation for
your child can Saugeais, founded in 1947 and reigning Napoleon – and his official doppel-
participate in its over 11 municipalities of the Haut- ganger during Napoleonic battle
design. Doubs in the Doubs department), reconstitutions.
It is infinitely or the Principality of Aigues-Mortes Mr Samson reigns over the empire of
modular and can in the Gard. Basse-Chesnaie as its emperor Franck-
be assembled without tools. Price €129.00. But France counts many others with Marc the first. His empire? His one- no legal recognition. hectare house in Saint-Thual, 35
These include the self-proclaimed kilometres north of Rennes.
Basse-Chesnaie’s empire (Ille-et- Others have more poetic goals such as
Myth and magic Vilaine), the Principauté de Laàs
(Pyrénées-Atlantiques), Hélianthis
Olivier Touzeau, 50, the emperor of the
empire of Angyalistan or the juxtaposi-
PARISIAN jewellery company Collection (Gironde), Figuerolles (Bouches-du- tion of angyal – angel in Hungarian –
Constance is the brainchild and creative Rhône), the République de Montmartre and the suffix -stan (location in Farsi).
passion of Constance Fabry, who, when (Paris) or the Angyalistan empire. His territory? The horizon, an unfath-
living in Greece, found herself inspired by More than 20 of them reunite at the omable limit that coerces Mr Touzeau
‘the stunning architecture, the finesse of Organisation de la microfrancophonie, into an emperor in eternal exile.
materials and shapes, the elegance of the an association for the promotion of such “What lies behind these grotesque
goddesses of ancient Greece, as well as the states founded in 2016. While they have impetuses that give rise to laughter? We
meticulous work with precious metals, not been counted up, the organisation look to defend universalism, fraternity
which was a true revelation.’ And so told The Connexion it believes France and respect of the surrounding world.
began her bijoux-making venture... counts about 50 around its territory. These are our values,” said Frédéric C.,
She designs pieces that reflect the “The aim is to promote our territory. one of Mr Touzeau’s ministers in an
elegance and refinement of women It is apolitical and has no interest in interview with Le Monde.
from ancient Greece whom she sees meddling with religion,” said Vincent Many, however, are also founded on
as ‘role models of strength, wisdom, Merchadou, the prince of Hélianthis shadier grounds, often tax-evasion tac-
and femininity.’ Inspired by the gold- and a civil servant at Cenon’s mairie, tics or scam passport companies for
working traditions of the period, whose Principality began as a joke immigrants.
her brass pieces are shaped, matted, between friends on June 1, 2013. More than 400 micronations are
brushed or polished to give them the That joke turned into a more serious reported around the world. The United
desired appearance and have a three-year adventure. Mr Merchadou was crowned States has the famous Conch or Lakota
warranty. Everything is free of nickel, prince Vincent I during an official two- Republics while the United Kingdom
lead and cadmium, and hypoallergenic. hour-long ceremony at Blaye’s citadel has Austenasia, the empire of Adammia,
Sample price: green Hera bracelet, last August 5 to mark the tenth year of The People’s Republic of Podjistan or
pictured inset, €125. the principality’s existence. His empire the Principality of Sealand.
22 History French Living I December 2023

Marguerite Durand: France’s

very first feminist journalist
Samantha David reveals the backstory of 19th-century feminist Marguerite Durand, a former actress
who worked her way up the ranks to found a daily newspaper written and produced entirely by women

arguerite Durand’s life weapon, a publication which would affirm

Photos: left, Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain, and inset, Pierpont Morgan Library, Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand
(1864-1936) straddled their abilities, not only dealing with femi-
a period of dramatic nist issues, but enabling them to become
change. When she was professional journalists. The publication
born, Napoleon III was would be called La Fronde.
in power, the American Civil War was Marguerite left Le Figaro, and the first
ongoing, and women did not have careers. edition of La Fronde appeared in
By the time she died, women were estab- September 1897. Everything, from report-
lishing themselves in all sorts of profes- ing to type-setting, had been done by
sions. This was partly as a result of the loss women. The articles dealt with general
of young men during WW1 and partly news including politics, literature, sport,
due to women like Marguerite Durand, finance, and the Dreyfus Affair. (The
who did so much to liberate women from paper was a firm Dreyfus supporter). The
nurseries and kitchens. female reporters had to obtain special per-
Born in Paris, she was educated at a con- mission to access places like the Assemblée
vent and in 1879 (aged 15), won a place at Nationale and the Bourse de Paris from
the Conservatoire National Supérieur de which all women were normally banned.
Musique et de Danse. This was not a con- “Her work at La Fronde was double,”
ventional choice for a well brought up says Mary Louise Roberts. “On one level
young lady from a middle-class family. She she wanted to make feminism respectable
received good marks, and after graduating by making it the business of mainstream,
she joined the Comédie-Française, playing middle-class and attractive women (rather
a variety of ‘innocent young girl’ roles. than the somewhat eccentric types she
She left in 1888 to marry a lawyer and considered feminists), and on another
politician called Georges Laguerre. Her level, her interest in the paper was to make
husband was a great supporter of a move- herself respectable too. She went to great
ment led by the political mover and shaker lengths to make the offices correctly bour-
Georges Boulanger. geois and feminine. And she hosted par-
This entry into the world of politics and ties which were highly valued by bour-
journalism led Marguerite Durand to geois and upper-class men. Feminism gave
begin writing articles for the press. It was her respectability, while she made femi-
a way for a woman to contribute to public nism respectable: that was the formula.”
life, and to have a voice in the world. La Fronde was a daily paper until 1905,
“Marguerite Durand was a woman aware when it became monthly. It ceased publi-
of the power of her beauty,” says historian cation in 1905, and during its lifetime gave
Mary Louise Roberts. “She knew she could space to a wide range of female writers
walk into a room and turn the heads of and reporters. In 1903, Marguerite
well-known men. At the same time, she Durand was a co-founder of the socialist,
suffered from the reputation most actress- anti-clerical daily L’Action, alongside jour-
es garnered, of being readily ‘available’ as nalist Henry Bérenger and defrocked
mistresses or prostitutes. She wanted priest Victor Charbonnel.
respectability and middle-class status.” In 1904, during the centenary of the
After Boulanger committed suicide in publication of Napoleon’s Code Civil, she
1891, she turned away from Boulangisme, took the opportunity to attack it fiercely.
and left her husband. She began working “There is not a woman who should not
at Le Figaro, writing a column curse the Code. There is not a
called Courrier (Post). She woman, rich or poor, a great
divorced her husband in lady or a worker, who in her
1895 (divorce had been poverty or her wealth, con- Above, Marguerite outskirts of Paris) along with a lawyer
legalised in 1885), and cerning herself, her chil- Durand pictured in called Georges Harmois. It is still in use
a year later in August dren, her work or her 1910; inset, a hand today, and can be visited by the general
1896, gave birth to leisure, has not suffered fan once held by public.
her son Jacques, or will not suffer thanks suffragettes in Durand was indefatigable. In 1907, she
whose father, to the Code.” The Code France, now housed organised a Congress on Women’s Work,

Antonin Périvier, was Civil specified that mar- in the Bibliothèque and attempted to found an Office for
one of the directors of ried women should legal- Marguerite Durand Women’s Work within the Ministry of
Le Figaro. ly be considered as Employment. In 1909, she was involved
Evidently their rela- minors, that the husband in setting up another publication called
tionship was not harmoni- was the head of the family and Les Nouvelles and she was constantly
ous, because records show that could direct everything as he saw committed to the suffragette cause, forever
Périvier took the almost-newborn fit, including where the family lived, how arguing that women should not only have
baby from his mother, forcing her to children were educated, and how money
was spent. Women had no legal status,
She was always the right to vote but should also be able to
ask the Republican politician Georges run for office and be elected. As part of
Clemenceau for legal help in order to they could not witness documents, nor arguing that women the struggle, she presented herself as an
recover her son. could they sell or buy domestic items; they electoral candidate, knowing that she
She was by this time a committed femi- were legally obliged to obey their hus- should not only have would be refused.
nist, having been sent to cover the 1896 bands. Rape was not legally recognised In 1914, even though she felt that femi-
International Feminist Congress in Paris, within marriage. (Marital rape was only the right to vote but nism and pacifism went hand in hand, she
where she refused to write the negative criminalised in 1996 in France, and the re-launched La Fronde for several editions,
articles her editor had requested. status of a man as ‘head of the family’ should also be able with an editorial line encouraging women
“I was struck by the logic of their argu- remained in force until 1970. Women to find ways to support the war. She saw it
ments,” she said in 1935. “Their [the femi- finally won the vote in 1944). to run for office and as an opportunity for women to prove
nists] struggle was justified.” She described In 1899, Marguerite Durand co-founded their capabilities in fields normally closed
how she had the idea to give women a the animal cemetery in Asniéres (on the be elected to them, including industry, agriculture,
December 2023 I French Living Local history 23

Photos: top, Celette/Wikimedia, public domain; bottom, Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand; inset, bnf/Gallica

Photos: Maison de Pays de Lucéram

Away in a manger: one
of Lucéram’s many
elaborate crèches

The Provencal village with

more than 500 crèches
Every year, the village of Lucéram in Alpes-Maritimes displays
hundreds of lovingly created public nativity scenes. Annaliza
Davis discovers its festive history and year-round attractions
with at least 10 of the 500 scenes. “I love
this,” she shared, “seeing my village all
Secret history of villages

decorated, beautiful and lit-up like this,
I’m absolutely delighted.”
n Alpes-Maritimes (06), 27km A true crèche should depict Mary,
north of Nice, the picturesque Joseph and the baby Jesus, the ox and
village of Lucéram appears as a donkey from the manger, and will often
cluster of terracotta-topped houses include the three kings and shepherds.
overlooking the surrounding valley. The crèches in Provence traditionally use
It is a village perché, a ‘perched’ village, santons, which are small figures made of
constructed on a high point in a strategic clay that depict ordinary people on their
defensive position, similar to several way to pay homage to Christ. Look out
other villages in the Alps. In other for figures representing the local mayor,
aspects, however, it is far from ordinary. priest and the fada (fool), who symbolis-
Despite being home to fewer than 1,300 es simple delight at Christ’s birth.
residents, Lucéram is famous for having Some of the most precious examples of
more crèches than any other village in the crèche scenes are preserved in the Maison
country, and this does not mean chil- de Pays de Lucéram, which is open to
dren’s nurseries, but Christmas nativity visitors throughout the year. Even if you
scenes. Across France, you will see model cannot make it to the main event, you
replicas of the nativity arranged in can still experience the microscopic
churches, schools and public spaces detail of some of the classic nativity
like town squares. Some scenes from the past 25 years. It
towns even organise a is worth visiting at any time.
full-scale crèche This rocky outcrop was
vivante, a live- once topped by a
action affair medieval chateau and
with adult ramparts, and you
actors. In this can see traces as
small medieval you explore, par-
village, howev- ticularly of the
er, the festive tower ruins. In
celebrations the late 1400s,
revolve around Lucéram was one
medicine, and transport. In Britain, She attempted to re-launch La Top, the Bibilothèque a circuit of up of the stops along
women won the vote in November Fronde between 1926 and 1928 with Marguerite Durand to 500 nativity the route du sel
1918. French women, however, were a mixed editorial team, using it as a in Paris; above, a scenes, placed salt-trading route,
still denied the vote, and both abor- voice for the Republican Socialist portrait of Durand in the streets, on and many of its archi-
tion and the advertising of contracep- party that she supported. In 1927, she in 1898 and, inset, window ledges, in tectural gems date from
tion were banned in 1920. presented herself again for election. her publication barns and even in the this prosperous period.
In 1918, she became involved in the In 1931, she gave her library and all La Fronde village bread oven. Construction started on Sainte-
defence of the feminist, Hélène Brion, its papers and documents to the city This Circuit des Crèches is an Marguerite church in 1487, and its
a teacher, a pacifist and a union mem- of Paris, creating the first Office de annual event proudly organised by the stunning interior was created in 1763,
ber who wrote La Voie Féministe. Documentation Féministe Français, Maison de Pays de Lucéram, starting on in the highly decorative and colourful
Brion had been arrested and jailed for which she managed as an unpaid December 2 and continuing until a grand Rococo-Italian style. There are also two
‘defeatist propaganda’ during the war, volunteer until her death in 1936. closing ceremony on January 7 at 18:00. chapels in the village, the Notre-Dame-
and was considered generally suspect The BMD library (Bibliothèque Now in its 26th year, the tradition started du-Bon-Cœur and Chapelle Oratoire
because she often wore ‘men’s clothes’ Marguerite Durand) still exists today. when a Provencal nativity scene was dis- Saint-Grat, both of which boast impres-
(trousers). The case became some- It also houses a bust of Marguerite played behind the Chapelle Saint-Pierre, sive wall paintings and are classed as
thing of a stage for feminist argu- Durand sculpted by Léopold which in 1996 grew to include over 100 Historic Monuments.
ments about the rights of women. Bernstamm in 1897. figures dressed to represent former trades This village feels like it is harbouring
In 1922, Durand organised an exhi- “I researched my book, Disruptive in period costume. This display was a hidden secret, with winding alleyways
bition of famous 19th-century women Acts: The New Woman in fin-de-siècle featured on the front page of the publica- that disappear around corners, cobbled
to finance the creation of a club for France at the Bibliothèque Marguerite tion Nice Matin and attracted a number streets and high walls that seem to shelter
female journalists, who were at that Durand, and at the Fonds Marie- of tourists. you from the modern world. Take time to
time excluded from male clubs. When Louise Bouglé at the Bibliothèque Since then, the Circuit des Crèches has explore the medieval structures and rem-
a feminist colleague called Séverine historique de la ville de Paris,” notes expanded, welcoming over 50,000 visitors nants of daily life such as the old lavoirs,
died, she bought her house in Mary Louise Roberts. every year. During last year’s event, communal stone troughs where villagers
Pierrefonds and turned it into a sum- Marguerite Durand is buried at 83-year-old villager Désirée Vivaldi would gather to wash their clothes and
mer home for women journalists. the Batignolles cemetery in Paris. explained that she had created or helped catch up on the latest gossip.
24 The big picture French Living I December 2023

Glimpse the future of history in Lyon

The renovated Museum

Photos: © Musée d’Histoire de Lyon/ Muriel Chaulet

of History in Lyon
provides a modern
take on the past, says
Samantha David

he newly re-vamped Musée
d’Histoire de Lyon is not to
everyone’s taste. “Older people
hate our new permanent
exhibitions,” says Lucie Drag-
on-Blanchard, their PR manager. “Before,
the displays were very old fashioned,
there were lots of sculptures of old white
men. Now, it is completely different, and
the museum reflects the whole of society
instead of just one small part of it.”
The four new permanent displays are
bright, interactive and fun. They are all
accessible to everyone but each has been
designed with a specific target group
in mind.
The first is aimed at visitors wanting an
overall understanding of the city’s history.
“Lyon is a UNESCO heritage site because
all the historical layers of the city are
visible; the Roman Amphitheatre, Vieux
Lyon dating from the Middle Ages, the
silk workers’ Canuts quarter, the 18th
century boulevards, the 19th century
construction of Notre-Dame de Four-
vière, the industrial expansion in the 20th
century and most recently the develop-
ment of the Confluences area between
the two rivers which flow through the
city, the Saône and the Rhône.” fish swimming upriver.” Above: The museum immigrants to Lyon. In order to bring
This is in stark contrast to most cities, The third exhibition aims to be particu- breaks with tradition these stories to life, we hired actors to
where old buildings have been successive- larly interesting for young people between to present many play the roles of various inhabitants we
ly cleared to make way for new ones. 12-16. It concentrates on the history of aspects of Lyon’s researched, and then we filmed each one
The second exhibition is particularly industry and work in Lyon, looking at the history in a contem- talking about their experiences.”
aimed at children and focuses on these silk industry that contributed to the city’s porary style; right: These documentary talking heads-style
two rivers and the role of waterways wealth, and the new industries leading the there is much for displays are very popular, especially with
in the city’s development. “In the past way in Lyon including pharmaceuticals, younger visitors younger visitors to the museum. The aim
the rivers were very central to the city biotech, banking and chemical industries. to enjoy of the exhibition is to encourage young
but after the catastrophic floods in the “We hope to inspire young people who people who are becoming eligible to vote
1930s, works were undertaken to prevent are just starting to explore the world of to take part in political life, to vote, to
flooding and the city in some way turned work and think about their future careers. have their say, and to join associations
its back on them. That is now changing. Feedback from this age group and lobby groups so that their voices
The riverbanks have been restored and has been really positive.” are heard.
pollution cleaned up.” The fourth exhibition, which opens this The museum, which is housed in a
The exhibition also deals with the month (December 2023) is aimed at peo- beautiful building in Vieux Lyon, was
natural world around the waterways, ple aged 18-25 and deals with civil society founded in 1921 and a century later still fascinating.” The displays stretch over
and how the city is trying to get fish back in Lyon. “We highlight what people have aims to be relevant. “History is being 33 different rooms covering 1,100 m2
into the water. “The problem is no longer achieved in the past, including political researched all the time, we are constant- of space. See the museum’s website for
pollution but the 19 dams between Lyon leaders, unionists, and artists. We look ly having to re-evaluate what we know opening hours and ticket prices:
and the Mediterranean, which prevent at the feminist struggle and the lives of about the past. That is what makes it so
Quiz answers from page 19 Answers from page 18 and 19 C CHÉRI,
1. B – Because they are all in prison. The Goncourt des Détenus sees 500 prisoners from 40 jails Guess the region Toughnuts E EAU,
reading the 16 works on the shortlist 2. A – The chimp was a well-known and well-liked part The Christmas market on Place Rihour, Lille (Hauts-de- E ENGINE,
of daily life in the city’s Parc Pépinière, where he would smoke cigarettes offered by passers-by. France) is adjacent to the main square, Place du Général de E EVEN,
He died in 2012 aged 60 3. C – Pont Neuf, where building started in May 1578 under Hen- Gaulle – named for the city’s most famous son. E EYE,
ri III 4. C – In 1875 he swam for 21hr40min before being able to land at Cap Gris Nez. It F FIL,
Bilingual cryptic crossword G GUN,
took five hours to beat the currents and, in all, he swam 66km to cover the 34km distance Across: 1 Hearts, 4 Portia, 8 Agnelet, 9 Jakarta, 11 All the I ICI,
5. B – Communes. But while there is a growing push towards amalgamating small communes rage, 12 Avec, 13 Ourse, 14 Papillon, 16 Répartir, 18 Repas,
to share resources the number dropped by only 10 in 2023 6. Y in Somme, lies 50km east of I INTENSES,
20 Fier, 21 Dressmaker, 23 Rebecca, 24 Robotic, 25 Seesaw, L LARGE,
Amiens 7. It is the shortest fleuve in France. A fleuve is a river that runs from its source to 26 Repair. N NÉE,
the sea and the Veules rises in a cress field in the town before running 1km 149m to the sea N NIB,
Down: 1 Hegel, 2 Avertir, 3 Tièdement, 5 Orage, 6 Travail, O OPINION,
8. They were made in the Pont-à-Mousson foundry there, today called Saint-Gobain PAM O OUVRE,
which makes about a million each year 9. They have a mayor but no residents. They were 7 Autrefois, 10 Rapporter, 13 One-liners, 15 Périscope, P PINCÉE,
destroyed in the First World War and rebuilding is impossible due to unexploded muni- 17 Arrière, 19 Pianola, 21 Dacha, 22 Epier. P PNEUS,
tions. The government made them monuments to the fallen in 1919 10. The Euskotren, a line French-themed crossword Q QUELQU’UN,
owned by the Basque government that runs to San Sebastian 11. Alsace-Moselle, as it was Across: 1 Orléans, 4 pègre, 7 tabac, 9 venin, 10 été, Q QUEUES,
German when rail transport was being developed 12. Paris to Lyon, which took 2hr 40min R REGION,
11 aube, 12 pichet, 15 errata, 16 Louvre, 19 courge, R RUGISSEMENT,
instead of the four hours previously 13. It is France’s highest. At 1592m it is used by the Train Jaune 20 Albi, 21 pur, 23 enfin, 24 Avent, 25 stère, S SCRAP,
on the Ligne de Cerdagne 14. The Carhaix-Guingamp-Paimpol line, which has been converted 26 anchois. S SÉNAT,
to the standard 1.435m gauge 15. It is under the roof of the mainline Gare d’Austerlitz station Solution No.22 (MONOPOLY) S SIFFLET,
Down: 1 outrages, 2 Auch, 3 Savoie, 4 Panthéon, S SINGS,
16. Napoleon 17. Soldiers who made up Napoleon’s Vielle Garde (Old Guard). They were S SKILL,
5 Genet, 6 elle, 8 Babar, 13 étouffée, 14 sexistes, S SON,
veterans and all were tall 18. Eroica (Heroic). Beethoven admired Napoleon as a champion
17 ville, 18 agenda, 19 crève, 21 pays, 22 laïc. S STIFF,
of freedom but changed the symphony name as he was disgusted that Napoleon made himself T TIR,
emperor 19. Because they both had eye problems. Nelson had lost the sight in one eye and Unscrambled letters: troubadour U UNSEEN,
Napoleon was myopic, or short-sighted 20. Gevrey-Chambertin, although many wine experts U USE,
Fun French facts U USÉS,
today believe it was more a style of wine from Côte de Nuits than a specific vineyard. 1 Plane trees, 2 The Tarn river, 3 Nîmes. V VER,
The Connexion December 2023 Practical 21

‘Risky’ cold medicines remain Students help seniors shop

ELDERLY people are getting a signing up, students arrange

on sale despite advice not to use

helping hand with their shop- to meet the clients at a
ping from students, thanks to Compagnons d’Emplettes-
an innovative service. labelled stand at a participating
Les Compagnons d’Emplettes, supermarket, and accompany
or Shopping Companions, was them around the store.
PEOPLE are advised not to use several launched in 2022 by start-up Supermarkets pay a monthly
over-the-counter decongestant cold medi- Medications affected: Mains d’Argent (mainsdargent. subscription for the service,
cines on sale in France due to possible n Actifed Rhume (Cold) fr), founded by entrepreneur which aims to improve the
side-effects, including strokes and heart n Actifed Rhume (Cold) day and night Héloïse Lamotte. experience of older shoppers,
attacks. However, the drugs cannot be n Dolirhume paracetamol It brings together pensioners as well as reduce queues at tills.
banned without European Union approval. and pseudoephedrine who want some help and com- To date, more than 1,000
The items include the popular cold reme- n Dolirhumepro (pictured, paracetamol pany while doing their shop- elderly people have benefited
dies DolirhumePro, RhinAdvil Rhume, pseudoephedrine and doxylamine) ping at the supermarket, and and 10 E.Leclerc supermarkets
Nurofen Rhume and Actifed Rhume. n Humex Rhume (Cold) students aged 18-30 who want have signed up, with outlets in

Photo: Scheenagh Harrington

In February, the French medicines agen- n Nurofen Rhume (Cold and Flu) to earn some extra cash. Nord, Brittany and Nouvelle
cy called for pseudoephedrine, a chemical n Rhinadvil Rhume (Cold, pictured, Students can become Shop- Aquitaine, as well as three
used in decongestants, to be reassessed at ibuprofen and pseudoephedrine) ping Companions under the Intermarché stores, including
European level to determine whether its n Rhinadvilcaps Rhume (Cold, ibupro- self-employed worker, or in the Pyrénées-Orientales.
benefits outweigh the risks. fen and pseudoephedrine) auto-entrepreneur, status. Mains d’Argent aims to
The agency recently issued its strongest They choose a time to work expand its number of partner
warning to date over treatments contain- effects, including a stroke or heart attack. discuss taking over-the-counter that is convenient for them and stores across France to around
ing pseudoephedrine, many of which are National Agency for the Safety of Medi- deconges­tants with their pharmacist. are paid €11 per hour. After 100 by the end of next year.
available without prescription. cines (ANSM) said: “The risk is very low ANSM has long campaigned to limit the
It said people with a cold should not take but these events can occur, regardless of use of decongestants, banning their advert- MONEY-SAVER
over-the-counter decongestant tablets.
These typically combine the drug with
paracetamol, ibuprofen and/or antihista-
dose and duration of treatment.”
The agency’s warnings surprised French
self-care trade association NèreS, whose
isement in France in December 2017.
Professional organisations including the
General Medicine College and pharma-
Round up cents and save
mines such as doxylamine, chlorphenam- director Luc Besançon told The Connexion: cists’ unions have also recommended that MOST of people in France French Bank also offers the
ine, triprolidine or diphenhydramine. “The conclusion of the European analysis decongestant tablets and sprays should (80%) put their savings into a chance to give to a good
The agency, which also cited support is expected to be delivered by the end of not be used to treat cold symptoms. state-regulated Livret A bank cause, as well as a choice of
from professional bodies for generalist and this year. We find it surprising that ANSM They said people usually recover within account, but it is not the only saving options (
ENT doctors and pharmacists’ unions, also is commenting on potential risk assess- seven to 10 days, but should remember to: way to look after the centimes. mr3cyhjh). Customers can
stated that the risks are increased if you ment and not waiting for the final conclu- n Moisten the inside of the nose with Many online banks and either have up to €5 saved
take these drugs at the same time as pre- sion, which might go in their favour or saline, mineral water or seawater sprays; apps now offer customers from purchases over €15,
scription decongestant nasal sprays. could go against their current advice.” n Drink plenty of fluids; round-up services, known or set a percentage.
Both medications relieve congestion and Because decongestant drugs are sold n Sleep with their head elevated; as arrondis. Plum users can automatic-
clear up blocked noses, as pseudoephed- across Europe, the decision to remove n Air rooms regularly; They allow the change ally add an extra euro to the
rine is a ‘vasoconstrictor’, a chemical that them from shelves or ban them has to n Keep the temperature at 18-20°C. from smaller purchases to amount rounded up (tinyurl.
causes blood vessels in the nose, as well as be agreed at EU level, allowing them to ANSM said it will maintain enhanced be deducted and put into a com/3sm7mhvw).
all over the body, to dilate slightly. remain on sale in France for now. surveillance of the drugs’ use and might savings account. For example, N26 allows users to multi-
However, people who have an existing Patients, especially those with a history impose further restrictions in the future a €2.50 coffee could be ply what they round up by
heart problem could face serious side- of stroke or heart problems, should always to protect patients. rounded up to €3 and €0.50 one, two, three or five times
set aside. Done regularly, it (

Local car-sharing schemes to reduce pollution soon becomes a tidy sum.

Most apps round up the
purchases to the nearest
Banking app Ismo does
things slightly differently
Each Monday, if you have
THREE communes have The firm operates in more return the shared vehicles to have been supplied by Citiz euro, but there are exceptions. accumulated at least €5 in
launched car-sharing schemes than 220 towns and cities, the charging stations. and are available to use 24/7. LCL customers can increase rounded-up savings, it takes
for their residents. from Paris down to tiny com- The second agreement is The other two are provided it to €5, and even split their that money and invests it.
They aim to save people munes. It manages fleets between Greater Cahors and by the commune’s own fleet, savings between their If you do not meet the €5
money but also to cut pollution. of electric vehicles and their cooperative network Citiz. and can be hired only when account and a charity threshold, it rolls to the next
Anyone in the communes of charging points. It aims to support the ecolog- they are not otherwise in use. ( Ma week (
Vergt and Sorges-et-Ligueux- For its Périvoit service, ical transition, get people out Citiz manages all aspects of
en-Périgord, in the Dordogne,
and in Cahors, in the Lot, can
borrow a shared car for an
Greater Périgueux provides
two cars at a flat rate of €5 per
hour, and limits their availabil-
of their cars and dovetail with
the city’s free urban transport
network and cycling plan.
the car-sharing process, while
insurance, fuel and mainten-
ance are included in the price.
Hunting safety app launches
hour or a few days. ity to between 17.00 and 22.00. “One shared car can replace Users can register on the A FREE app has been created by
The services are the results of Users can reserve their elec- up to 10 private vehicles on the site to reserve a car. a French developer to help pro-
different partnerships: the first tric vehicles using the dedicated roads,” said Véronique Métro, Lease prices range from €2.50 tect people in the hunting season.

Photo: Mikaël Wawrziczny

is between Greater Périgueux website (perivoitautopartage. Citiz deputy director. to €3.50 per hour for members, When 38-year-old Mikael
and EV sharing platform Clem. Drivers must Under the trial, four cars depending on the vehicle size. Wawrziczny’s wife said she was
worried about coming across a

Benefit explainer: Caregiver or compassionate leave allowance

hunter, he decided to try to help.
Mr Wawrziczny, who lives near
Vernon, Normandy, took inspi- The Chasse en cours app
IN OUR series on benefits and assistance The people receiving the care must be a planned leave is due to begin. Apart from ration from the Waze app.
available in France, we look at the daily close relative (spouse, child, sibling, aunt, that step, requesting Ajpa is the same for It allows road users to post real-time updates about accidents or
allowance for family carers, known as Ajpa. uncle, first cousin, nephew or niece) of self-employed people. incidents that could affect other drivers’ journeys.
the applicant. You can find a list of documents needed He created a similar system for his free app Chasse en cours
What is Ajpa?: The allocation journalière du They must have a level of disability that for the application at for iPhone and Android. It aims to keep everyone informed about
proche aidant (Ajpa), known as caregiver hinders daily life or personal autonomy, Benefit claimants can apply for Ajpa at who is out and about in the countryside.
or compassionate leave allowance, enables have suffered a work accident, or receive the website. Go to My Account, then “You have walkers, hikers, people walking their dogs, people
jobseekers and workers, including self- certain occupational disease pensions. click on the tab labelled simuler ou picking mushrooms, people riding bikes,” he said. “All these are
employed people, to take paid time off to Anyone elderly must be in receipt of the demander une prestation (simulate or people who are likely to come across hunters.”
look after a close relative with a disability, personalised autonomy allowance. request a service). Every month, you will The app allows users to indicate whether they are a walker or a
or who has lost their independence. be sent a form to fill in to receive Ajpa. hunter. They can set up an alert zone covering 500 metres to two
Amount: The amount of Ajpa is fixed at The tab labelled Mes paiements et droits kilometres that lasts for up to two hours.
Who can apply: Applicants must be resident €62.44 per full day and €31.22 per half-day. (my payments and rights) will keep a run- “It could prevent a hunting dog from coming face to face with
in France and be working or receiving Employees are entitled to a maximum ning total of your 66 days. a walker’s pet, a hiker or even a car,” Mr Wawrziczny said.
unemployment benefit. of 22 days of Ajpa in one month, up to a Non-benefit claimants must create an We note however that when we tried it on a Monday in November
Salaried staff and self-employed workers limit of 66 days over their working life. account on, then download an Ajpa we did not see hunts in progress indicated in any local areas.
can apply, as can those undergoing voca- After reaching that threshold, Ajpa application under the section ‘applying for Hunters using the Chasse en cours app can update fellow users
tional training or who work with a spouse requests can be renewed, but must not a benefit’ and the label Accident. about other details, such as the number of guns in a party, or
on a farm or in a craft, commercial, liberal exceed one year over an employee’s work- whether hunting dogs are present among the group.
or agricultural business ing life. Good to know: An employer cannot refuse a In January, the government said its Suricate app, which allows
Ajpa is not available to retirees or to any- request for leave and returning employees people to report issues such as pollution or signage problems
one being paid by their relative using their How to apply: Salaried applicants must ask should go back to the same or similar job while enjoying the outdoors, would be expanded to include the
personalised autonomy allowance, or receiv- their employer for caregiver leave in with at least equal pay. You can apply for geolocation of hunters. To date, it has not been listed among the
ing these benefits: writing at least one month before their Ajpa for every person you support. activities covered by the site.
Business Directory
Use these pages to find English-speaking tradespeople and firms across France. For your security, we check that all French
businesses listed here are registered. The listings are arranged geographically by the 5 landline telephone zones of France.
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Should expats in France use a ‘contract’ or ‘trust’ QROPS pension scheme?

One is less recognised in “FOR Britons transferring a UK pension common law countries. The reality is that pleased to work with those in France with
to France, the Qualifying Recognised trusts can encounter problems in France a trust-based QROPS who are considering
France and could create Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS) is and could potentially be rejected as a changing to a contract-based policy and
tax problems, warns expat widely promoted as a suitable option. pension by the French Tax Authorities look to achieve this in the quickest,
financial adviser Daniel However there is more than one way (FTA), so holders may end up paying smoothest way possible.”
of structuring these,” says Daniel who more tax on income and gains arising
Butcher founder of DTB reviews which is the most effective in the fund.”
Wealth Management. solution, a contract- or trust-based While on paper both schemes look
QROPS. as though they provide largely the same
“To make the best choice, it is important benefits when moving a UK pension across
to understand that each type is viewed to France, Daniel advises his clients to play
differently by common law countries, it safe and choose contract-based QROPS
such as the UK, and those which operate which can be declared to the FTA as a
under civil law, like France.” ‘pension’ or ‘pension étranger’, just as it
Examples of other civil law countries would have been classified in the UK.
are Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland; Daniel details three schemes: STM Malta,
common law countries include Canada, Sovereign Malta and Trireme. “We do not
India and Australia. have a preference between the three QROPS
Daniel continues: “Trusts can be mis- listed,” he says, “however STM has an
understood by civil law countries and, interesting fee structure which does not
although not illegal in France, they are include an establishment fee.” Daniel Butcher founded
not seen through the same lens as in Daniel concludes: “We would also be 06 72 34 48 50 DTB Wealth Management

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The Connexion December 2023 ALL OF FRANCE Directory 23

English-speaking insurance agency addresses concerns over health cover

complementary policies for retirees. After We understanding that many people does it operate? What is a dépassement
Based in Bordeaux, we are 3 years, 4 years and then 5 years of loyalty, are confused by the need for even a basic d’honoraires? (specialists’ excesses). The
the only SwissLife agency in we automatically enhance your level of level of protection let alone why one importance of requesting a prise en charge
France to work with English- Health Care Insurance, for free and offer would need additional cover for expenses hospitalière before an admission to the
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speaking clients all over Swisslife Santé. This is suitable for reimbursement. Hence we explain step by part of our ‘day to day’ telephone calls and
France. We offer a wide range customers aged 18 to retiring age. We step the procedures that are relative to an emails. We communicate the answers in
of healthcare insurance, offer nine complementary policies, all individual’s situation. clear English.
policies also include reimbursements Each case is different and there are many For more information regarding our
general insurance solutions for bills which are not reimbursed by misunderstandings based on hearsay or health insurance plans, general enquiries
and private banking, backed the French health system. inaccurate translations through a claim or questions on sales or claims procedures
by one of Europe’s leading Swisslife Hospitalisation only. These are reimbursement. Frequently asked questions contact our main administration office:
available for life-long cover but must be often relate to the care path and why at
insurance providers. subscribed before the age of 65. The top up times one receives a lower reimbursement +33 (0)5 56 28 94 64
AS you would expect health cover offered of any bills relates to hospitalisation only. than expected. Medical franchises and and speak to Marie
by Swisslife is comprehensive and we Swisslife santé Retraités and Swisslife certain common phrases used in the
enhance this with our helpful, English- santé provide full cover which includes healthcare industry can lead to confusion. Email:
speaking, customer service. hospitalisation, surgery Dentistry, Optical, Why do I need a health cover policy? Will
We are currently offering three principal doctor fees, specialists, xrays, Cardiologists, my medicines be free as they are in the UK?
types of health insurance cover: pharmacy. Essentially anything covered by Declaration de médecin traitant, what is Website:
Swisslife Santé Retraités appropriate the French health system will be reimbursed the importance of this, how do I proceed?
for retirees only. There are eight by Swisslife. What is the télétransmission system? How (in English)

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SOLLY AZAR... that works.
Ministry approved Please contact Hilary Decaumont

Contact Kasia, Catherine, AFNOR approved.
00 33 (0) 6 10 69 05 53
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Email: Tel: +33 (0)5 57 80 43 35
Offices CDG Airport Paris
Offices and Kennels Normandy Agence International Email: LIFELONG SWIMMING
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Siret: 397549551
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• Life assurance T: +44 1323 657320



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24 Directory ALL OF FRANCE The Connexion December 2023

Taking the paperwork and pain out of a left-hand drive vehicle purchase
their premises – meaning there is no need visit the area (easyJet and Ryanair fly into also provides a car sourcing service –
At Gary Automobiles near to worry about translation and paperwork nearby airports), Gary can come to collect meaning if they do not have the vehicle
Lyon, convenience and quality issues. Gary will issue your new carte you from the airport or train station, as you want in stock, they will find it for you.
are assured for customers grise directly from his well as arrange For further recommendation, here are
office and can even reservations or some previous customer comments:
buying a left-hand drive car arrange your French advise on local “Gary Automobiles made the whole
motor insurance and Lyonnais hotels. process as painless as possible.”
ARE YOU looking to buy a left-hand drive transfer your no Another part Colin Edwards
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Gary Automobiles is an English-owned “I remember how hard offered by Gary and deliver a new car in France. Since I
motor dealer based just outside of Lyon in it was to understand the Automobiles is don’t speak French it was a delight to deal
the Rhône-Alpes, specialising in the supply French paperwork and that they do not with Gary himself.” Tom Wall
of quality new and pre-owned, left-hand red tape when I made the put people under “Gary’s personal and English-speaking
drive, French registered vehicles to expats move over to France in pressure to make service has been really helpful and taken
moving to France. 2001. I am happy to assist a purchase. They the hassle out of buying and keeping a car
The company has been operating in fellow expats and take understand the in France.” James Greig
France since July 1 2003 and customers that burden away,” says Gary. logistics of moving abroad, so if they have
only ever deal with Gary personally. Reassuringly, they are fully French a suitable vehicle in stock they we will keep Gary Automobiles EURL
Convenience for the customer is a key registered company with Siret / Siren / and it until you are ready to collect – with no Telephone: 0033 4 74 43 89 51
element in the company’s ethos, which is TVA numbers and only supply vehicles with time limitations. Mobile: 0033 6 84 85 04 61
why Gary Automobiles now has the facility European specifications. Part exchange with your right hand drive Email: Gary at his office near Lyon
to register your vehicle in your name at For customers wishing to stay over and vehicle is also available, while the company

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The Connexion December 2023 ALL OF FRANCE Directory 25

A swimming pool for life and a return on investment...sounds like a dream!

forward process, if the pool professional is with 10-15 year lifespans. Gaius TA has a
Buying a swimming pool in France can be a challenging experienced and is willing to spend time philosophy of finding the best value, most
experience; multiple pool types and materials coupled listening and putting together a professional sustainable and longest lasting materials
with a wide range of pool companies….. how do you document. This consist of a ‘déclaration to create a beautiful place that can be
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ensure that the company you choose will understand is needed for all in-ground pools under many years to come. Gaius TA can give
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(MSc - CIWEM) from Gaius Terra & Aqua («Gaius TA») helps “Timescales of swimming pool installations solutions are not within budget, Alexander
often have to be flexible; bad weather can is happy to offer impartial advice and
you make sense of the French pool market and bring some cause delays to the build, but with the rapid recommendations.
clarity to what should be an extremely pleasurable process. install of a one of our carbon reinforced
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“BUDGET is more than often top of the list, builder has Assurance décennale and is a weather can easily be overcome. The whole
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let,” says Alexander. “Cheap pools are such as the highly respected Fédération in under 10 days.”
readily available in France but often come des Professionnels Piscine. It is also worth Gaius TA was founded by Alexander, a
with unforeseen or miscommunicated requesting references / case studies, and French resident who previously worked for
complications resulting in higher installation, even viewing a completed project first hand. 10 years in the high-end swimming pool
operational and/or maintenance costs. Alexander continues, “Planning and construction industry in the UK. He W:
Often the material costs are mirrored in applications and the bureaucratical pitfalls sees it is apparent that a throw away culture E:
the design and installation quality. It is of building or renovating a swimming has crept into the French swimming pool T: (UK) +44 (0)7983806244
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Blevins Franks Group is represented in France by the following companies: Blevins Franks Wealth Management Limited (BFWML) and Blevins Franks France SASU (BFF). BFWML is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority, registered number C 92917.
Authorised to conduct investment services under the Investment Services Act and authorised to carry out insurance intermediary activities under the Insurance Distribution Act. Where advice is provided outside of Malta via the Insurance Distribution Directive or the Markets
in Financial Instruments Directive II, the applicable regulatory system differs in some respects from that of Malta. BFWML also provides taxation advice; its tax advisers are fully qualified tax specialists. Blevins Franks France SASU (BFF), is registered with ORIAS, registered

number 07 027 475, and authorised as ‘Conseil en Investissements Financiers’ and ‘Courtiers d’Assurance’ Category B (register can be consulted on Member of ANACOFI-CIF. BFF’s registered office: 1 rue Pablo Neruda, 33140 Villenave d’Ornon – RCS BX 498
800 465 APE 6622Z. Garantie Financière et Assurance de Responsabilité Civile Professionnelle conformes aux articles L 541-3 du Code Monétaire et Financier and L512-6 and 512-7 du Code des Assurances (assureur MMA). Blevins Franks Trustees Limited is authorised and
regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority for the administration of retirement schemes. This promotion has been approved and issued by BFWML.
28 Healthcare The Connexion December 2023

Medical cannabis experiment extended

to help patients desperate for pain relief
by Samantha David new medication in France, so it is

normal that it is taking time to set

Photo: Frantz Deschamps

THE general authorisation of medical up the regulatory framework,” said
cannabis has moved a step closer Mr Deschamps.
with the French government granting In response to arguments that the
it temporary status for five years – state should not be paying for people
and scope for this to be renewed to get high, he said: “Patients suffering
indefinitely. We are lobbying for from untreatable pain, or who are
The price, prescription criteria and medical cannabis to be treated end-of-life, need effective treatment
reimbursement rate are still to be to improve their quality of life, even if
defined. In the meantime, patients like morphine: to be prescribed medications are classed as narcotics.
who are already using medical for home use, available in “With cannabis-based medicines,
Photo: Africa Studio_shutterstock

cannabis as part of an experiment these patients can find relief from

will be allowed to continue. pharmacies and reimbursed their debilitating symptoms without
Under the new proposals, products risking serious side-effects.”
will be authorised on a case-by-case so it is accessible to everyone He also stressed the difference from
basis and will remain restricted to a Frantz Deschamps, recreational cannabis use.
last-resort treatment, prescribed only “When it is used medically, we need
in hospitals. Santé France Cannabis to know exactly how it was produced
The decision follows months of complex regional pain syndromes.” high. “Because the efficacy is already adverse effects: “Unlike morphine- and what is in it so as to prescribe the
uncertainty and brings cannabis into He is not referring to CBD oil, which proven, we have been testing the based drugs, no addictions have been correct dosage.
France’s general medical framework is now widely available in France: practical possibilities of prescribing reported. There can be mild temporary “And, of course, it is used under
for the first time. “That is not a registered medication, and distributing medical cannabis in side-effects, such as sleepiness and medical supervision.
Frantz Deschamps, president of the production of it is not regulated, so France,” said Mr Deschamps. diarrhoea, but no severe ones.” “We are lobbying for medical cann-
Santé-France Cannabis, said: “This each brand has different ingredients,” “After three months of using canna- This is a massive advantage, he abis to be treated like morphine: to
is a major advance for patients at a he said. bis under medical supervision, 70% noted, because so many patients under be prescribed for home use, available
therapeutic impasse. Medical cannabis has been prescribed of patients with ‘insupportable pain’ treatment for chronic pain, or in in pharmacies and reimbursed so it is
“There is ample proof that it works, to a control group of more than 2,500 reported improvements. palliative care, end up taking a whole accessible to everyone, and we hope
particularly for neuropathic pain such patients since 2021. They receive it “It does not cure anything, of course. cascade of drugs, each one prescribed that can happen in 2024.”
as that endured by people with infect- either by vaping the flowers or ingest- But managing pain improves quality to alleviate the side-effects of the Medical cannabis is legal in almost all
ions, including shingles, HIV/AIDS, ing extracted oil. of life enormously. It allows people to previous one. other EU states.
MS, diabetes, stroke, trauma, cancer Unlike CBD oil, medical cannabis return to work, social and domestic However, the authorisation of med- This is also the case in the UK,
and treatments such as radiotherapy, usually retains at least some THC, activities, for example.” ical cannabis in France is proving a although it is effectively only available to
surgery and chemotherapy, as well as the ingredient that makes users feel He stressed there are no unexpected long, slow process. “It is a completely those with private healthcare.

Dog’s nose inspires a breath-test

to monitor diabetic glucose level
PRICKING a finger to monitor blood glucose A rendering of the
levels could soon be replaced by a hand-held reusable handheld
device that measures organic compounds in breath-test, which is
the breath. aimed at people
The breath-test is the brainchild of Toulouse- suffering from diabetes
based firm BOYDSense, and is nicknamed Lassie or those diagnosed as
Photo: BOYDSense

because of its unusual inspiration. pre-diabetic

CEO Ben Delhey said: “As we all know, dogs
have fantastically sensitive noses.
“They have been trained to sniff out Covid, for
example, and can even predict epileptic fits. living with diabetes worldwide – one in 10 of the
“So that’s the power we want to harness. Our global population. This is predicted to rise to 643
small, handheld device can show people’s blood million by 2030 and 783 million by 2045. More
sugar levels instantly.” than three-quarters of adults with diabetes live
The Breath Glucose Device is aimed at people in low- and middle-income countries.
living with diabetes. It is smaller than an iPhone, “Every patient with diabetes has different needs
albeit a little thicker, completely reusable, and and different lifestyles.
calculates blood glucose value within current “Some patients might only test once per day, in
accuracy standards. the morning, to calculate their insulin dose for
“It measures ‘volatile organic compounds’ in a that evening,” said Mr Delhey.
person’s breath and gives results in a few seconds, “There is a lot of discussion about personalised
sending them to a mobile phone,” Mr Delhey said. healthcare, matching it with lifestyles, personal
These compounds can reveal a lot about a lives, and sports.
person’s health and, in theory, monitoring them “With diabetes, there are no miracles. Patients
could flag up a whole range of diseases, including can manage lifestyle changes, lose weight, do
asthma and certain cancers. exercise, clean up their diet and minimise the
“We know that other scientists are working on effects, but it will always be there.”
these, but there are ethical considerations,” said He thinks the breath-test might also be useful
Mr Delhey. for non-diabetics in high-level sports, or people
“This device is in no way intended to replace who have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic.
a doctor, or to allow people to self-diagnose at “There are people in the healthy population
home without medical supervision.” who have legitimate reasons to track their blood
It is intended to offer an alternative to invasive glucose,” he said.
and non-discreet techniques for monitoring blood The company has just finished a clinical trial
glucose in diabetics, such as finger-pricking or involving 130 patients at the CHU in Toulouse,
sensors worn on the body. and hopes to have the devices on the market
It is hoped users will test earlier and more within the next few years.
often, making a positive impact on the long- “We need more developmental investment and
term management of diabetes. more clinical data,” said Mr Delhey. “We also need
According to the IDF Diabetes Atlas, there are to deal with the regulatory aspects and further
currently 537 million adults (20-79 years old) miniaturisation. So it will take a few more years.”
The Connexion December 2023 French life in numbers 29

Tax help, health card, IT: many Five things they don’t tell you...
about les rosbifs (the Brits) in France

ways France Services can help

by Samantha David

What would you add to the list?

Tell us at
by Samantha David
The government is
AS government services in smaller aiming for everyone
market towns are closed to streamline and to be within 30
centralise offices, people in rural areas minutes of a
often complain they have lost access to France Services
administrative help.
To remedy this, the government has estab-
lished a network of France Services offices,

Photo: John Gomez_shutterstock

2,379 of which were up and running across
the country in 2022, and more are being
opened all the time (search
Mapfranceservices. See also page 7).
They are designed to be a first point of
contact with French bureaucracy, offering
free help with processes and paperwork

Photo: HJBC_shutterstock
connected to health, family, law, 1. Le sexe interdits. And as for the mini
accommodation, taxes, job-hunting and jupes in winter, the big boots
digital services. The aim is that everyone EVIDENTLY, les rosbifs are with dresses and the blue
should be within 30 minutes of one of lacking in knowledge of hair... Très originale!
these guichets (service counters). matters romantic. They are
pudique (discreet) and 4. La politesse
1 Learn how systems work
reserved to the point that the
Staff can give information about how
6 Know what to expect when you are expecting
French have no clue how IT IS well known that British
systems work in France generally: such as, Staff can help expectant mothers declare their they manage to breed any people are too polite to ever
how to get into the health system, under- pregnancy, apply for benefits, find a local babies at all. All except the express their true feelings. It

Photo: Andrey_Popov_shutterstock
stand where your taxes go, why you have midwife, choose where to give birth, and deal lately departed, much-loved is, therefore, extremely hard
to answer questions about your swimming with employment issues, among other services. Jane Birkin, of course, who to understand how they
pool, or whether you have to pay for a For first-time mothers, this is an important was un sex-symbol mythique. function. Do they never
television licence. step, as maternity benefits are paid during Oh là là! argue? How is it possible to
pregnancy to women who follow the correct know an English person who
2 Complete admin tasks
parcours (ie. have filled out the right paperwork). 2. La cuisine only ever says “I see” or “An
They can help navigate a specific task, interesting point”. C’est fou!
such as filling in a tax declaration form, EVERYONE knows that the
setting up income tax deductions at situation yourself, France Services is the getting healthcare reimbursed. (Obviously, English eat anything, at any 5. Les pubs
source, and demanding or renewing a next stop. staff cannot offer medical help.) time of the day and night,
French ID card, a driving licence or a including jam with meat. DESPITE being cold and
carte grise (vehicle log book). 7 Land a job 10 Ensure your pension is paid
Tea-time is 17.00 and it is never expressing their true
Get help with job-hunting, advice on Get advice to establish your exact date of impossible to eat dinner after feelings,
3 Get IT help
CVs, and find out how to sign on at the retirement, and ensure your pension is 20.00. As for their refusal to in les
You can also get basic IT help, including to Pôle Emploi. Staff can often also give paid in full and on time. eat frogs’ legs and snails, well, pubs one
set up an email address, or print/scan doc- information on local employers who they simply know nothing can often
11 Settle disputes

Photo: Nomad_Soul_shutterstock
uments needed for official dossiers (files). are currently recruiting. about proper French food. find ros-
Staff can give advice to people faced with Bon appétit! bifs mak-
4 Navigate websites 8 Claim benefits
legal disputes: on how to avoid them, find ing a lot
Staff can show people how to find and You can pop into a France Services office a mediation service, settle out of court, or 3. La mode of noise
navigate the government’s various official if you are unsure of the social security if it cannot be avoided. They can also while
websites, do online simulations (eg. of benefits available to you, or how to apply explain which courts deal with different LES BRITANNIQUES playing
benefits they could get) and place requests for them. Staff can even help locate the kinds of cases, and supply their addresses. also know very little about peculiar
for documents (recent copies of French correct web pages to apply online. fashion, which is why the games such as darts, and also
birth certificates, for example). 12 Local offerings
men all wear les chapeaux slapping each other on the
9 Apply for a carte Vitale Offices are free to add other services melons (bowler hats). Also, back, and buying drinks for
5 Move problems forward
If you have issues with your carte Vitale – to the range on offer. You might also they do not know that certain total strangers. This is con-
Staff can contact the right people in other whether getting one in the first place, find help relating to rubbish collection, types of print and certain fusing but also part of the
offices to sort out intractable bureaucratic replacing a lost one or updating an existing parking queries, or opening hours of the colour combinations are charme des anglais. Tchin!
knots. If you just cannot sort out a difficult one – help is at hand. The same goes for local post office, for example.

with The Connexion’s in-depth digital

Fast-track your knowledge on living in France and downloadable Help Guides
PLUS For people Digital guide + updates 2023 €14.50 Understand Understand Digital guide + updates 2023 €14.50 For everyone
HORS SERIE No 19/Special publication from
regimes moving to when visas and the French What to do
for key foreign who lives
income types
For residents and second home owners France, or FRENCH NEWS IN ENGLISH SINCE 2002
residency cards healthcare FRENCH NEWS IN ENGLISH SINCE 2002
in France,
Inheritance Visas and French
ad 23
buying a second are required to system, how en 1
ms 20
du 3,
dd April or non-residents
Law and

residency cards
te d

home in France move to France you access it

Income with certain
da an
Up st 11

or come for an and how you French income

Wills in (cartes de séjour) extended stay are reimbursed Tax such as from
France for France How to complete your
Impôt sur le revenu
renting out
a property
Successions et testaments en France

This guide was + What tax is due The different types declaration/s (2022 income)
+ Formalities after a death
updated in August 2022
+ How to apply and
to include information on
France's 2021 law relating to rules for renewals PLUS ways to reduce
foreign inheritance law choices + Help to stay living + Income and healthcare your final tax bill
and children and in June 2023 requirements
with details of a challenge to that
French law and a warning
at home in older age + Retirees, workers, students,
+ Retirement homes
Photo: Alexander Shutsky_shutterstock

about automatic marriage second-home owners

regime changes + Brexit cards EXPLAINED:
Sponsored by + Your questions answered The new tax-site
declaration for all
€14.50 property owners

See See See See

InheritanceFrance VisasFrance HealthcareFrance Income-Tax-France

Order your guides and start reading via the links under each image or call Nathalie on 06 40 55 71 63
30 Heritage The Connexion December 2023

Versailles at 400: from hunting lodge to opulence

It has been 400 years Power plays, hot air and high winds: a timeline of key dates
since Louis XIII ordered Day of the Dupes, November 10 & 11, 1630 moners are summoned here by Louis XVI in what

Photos: Circle below: RMN-GP (Château de Versailles) - Château de Versailles/Thomas Garnier

Enemies of Cardinal Richelieu believe they have comes to mark the start of the French Revolution.
construction of a persuaded Louis XIII to dismiss him, but Richelieu Tennis Court Oath, June 20, 1789
‘humble’ hunting lodge follows the King to Versailles, where he is assured
of continued support.
Locked out of their official meeting place, the newly
formed National Assembly moves to the indoor ten-
at Versailles. Victoria Reception of the Doge of Genoa, May 15, 1685 nis court and vows never to separate until a written
Now a place of political business, Louis XIV constitution has been established for France.
Gibson explains how it receives the Doge of Genoa – the first reception of Proclamation of German Empire, January 18, 1871
grew to become one of its kind at Versailles.
Treaty of Independence, 1778 and 1783
Germany humiliates France when Bismarck uses
Versailles to announce the reign of the German
the world’s most iconic Benjamin Franklin is received at Versailles in 1778 Empire at the end of the Franco-Prussian War.
by Louis XVI, who grants the military assistance Treaty of Versailles, June 28, 1919
palaces, receiving that ultimately leads to the signature of the Treaty World War One formally ends as peace is signed in
of Independence of the United States of America the Hall of Mirrors. It holds Germany responsible
7 million visitors a on September 3, 1783. for starting the war and imposes harsh penalties,
month, and a symbol Hot air balloon flight, September 19, 1783
The Montgolfier brothers test their new invention
including loss of territory and demilitarisation.
Storm, December 25 & 26, 1999
of French political over the Château, with live animals as passengers Winds of 210 km/h see windows smashed, more
Gathering of the Estates General, May 4-5, 1789 than 10,000 trees broken or uprooted and 80% of
and cultural might Representatives of the clergy, nobility and com- the garden’s rare species destroyed.

IT IS HARD to believe that the Régime, it was used daily as a place mistress Madame de Pompadour. brought back to life. He wanted to At the beginning of World War Two,
Château de Versailles we know today of passage, waiting and meeting, Louis XVI was the last royal to live commemorate his family and the estate’s Versailles was shut down to the pub-
started off as nothing more than an frequented by courtiers and visitors. at Versailles and the celebration of his story by creating a museum dedicated lic, entrance areas were bricked up,
overnight base for a hunting-mad Exceptionally, it was used for ceremo- marriage to the Archduchess of “à toutes les gloires de la France.” windows were boarded and artworks
young king to pursue his passion. nies, when the sovereigns wanted to give Austria Marie-Antoinette in 1770 was After him, Napoleon III used the were moved to secret locations.
It was in 1623 that Louis XIII the greatest splendour to the entertain- one of the greatest events to take place palace as a venue for celebrations Although targeted by German bomb-
selected the game-rich forests of ment offered on the occasion of princely here in the late 18th century. including, in 1855, to welcome Queen er planes, it survived fairly unscathed.
Versailles for such a lodge. weddings or diplomatic receptions.” However, poor guidance from his Victoria and re-establish political The Château de Versailles was desig-
A few years later, he had a grander Louis moved his advisors and coun- advisers and his wife’s penchant for alliance with the English. nated a World Heritage Site in 1979,
palace built here, designed by the cil to Versailles from May 6, 1682. luxurious purchases made his down- English monarchs would continue to making conservation a crucial part of
architect Philibert Le Roy. To develop the gardens, he commis- fall almost inevitable. With the start of visit; King George VI in 1938, Queen the attraction’s operations.
It was the start of a series of aston- sioned architect André Le Nôtre to the Revolution, the family were forced Elizabeth in 1957 and, most recently, This has been monitored under the
ishing makeovers for the site, which embark on a huge landscaping project to flee Versailles and Louis XVI was King Charles III on his first state visit leadership of Laurent Salomé, direc-
today houses 2,300 rooms, spread alongside statesman Jean-Baptiste guillotined on January 21, 1793. as British monarch in September. teur du musée national des châteaux
over 63,154m² and encompassing 800 Colbert, artist Charles Le Brun and In the aftermath, Versailles was During World War One, Versailles de Versailles et de Trianon since 2016.
hectares of gardens and land. architect Jules Hardouin- mostly preserved, but there was acted as a hospital, soon falling into From the autumn of 2017 to 2021,
Over the centuries, four Mansart. Statues and foun- uncertainty about what to do with it. disrepair. Maintenance was necessary the palace experienced one of its larg-
more kings would reside tains were installed, an The Musée du Louvre offered a but funds were non-existent. est restoration projects.
here and leave their orangery built, and wood- home to various artworks and the Its fortunes changed when a fund- “The restoration of the Chapelle
mark, but it was Louis lands and meadows made remaining 17,182 lots that had not raising event held on June 30, 1923 Royale involved a multitude of trades
XIV, pictured, who was way for a canal – a monu- accompanied the royal family to the was attended by the American finan- and expertise essential to heritage con-
the great builder of mental task that, at times, Tuileries were auctioned from August cier and philanthropist, John D servation,” explained the spokesperson.
Versailles and its gardens. took thousands of men to 25, 1793 to August 11, 1794 and Rockefeller Jr. “Master roofers, master carpenters,
“During his reign, exten- labour on. mostly acquired by locals and traders. He foresaw its future as an interna- stonemasons, sculptors, master glass-
sions and embellishments Despite devoting 50 years to Over the coming years, the chateau tional treasure and donated $1million workers, glaziers, gilders, locksmiths,
followed one another in rapid suc- the palace, it remained unfinished offered guided tours, became a public (20 million francs) to repair leaking etc. were all involved.
cession, culminating in l’œuvre d’art upon Louis’ death in September 1715. depot and was even used to store and roofs and to restore the external fea- “All these skills were at the heart of
totale we know today,” said a Château The court abandoned it for Vincennes organise seizures carried out by the tures and roof timbers. this first major restoration project.”
spokesperson. and transplanted itself briefly to Paris departments of Seine and Oise. In 1927, he specified that 23 million Efforts continue to conserve this
Known as the Sun King, one of his the following December. When in power, Napoléon francs was earmarked for Versailles, extraordinary site for future genera-
biggest legacies was the Galerie des Versailles entered a period of neglect Bonaparte was well aware of the in particular the Grove of the Domes, tions. It means that, some 400 years
Glaces (Hall of Mirrors). and it was not until 1722, that a young palace’s image and chose to settle in the Ballroom Grove, the Queen’s after its inception, Versailles is still
“It is undoubtedly the most Louis XV made the decision to return the more modest chateau of Trianon, Hamlet and the Grand Trianon. very much “a work in progress.”
emblematic feature of the chateau. to the project, adding a few touches of situated in the northwestern part of Rockefeller’s involvement inspired
Over the course of its 73 metres, it his own. These included a grand thea- the Versailles estate. the Assemblée nationale to allocate 4 n To mark the anniversary, visitors
showcases France’s political, econom- tre and changes to the gardens, includ- It was not until the accession of million francs per year to the Château can explore a new layout of the Gallery
ic and artistic successes,” said the ing building the Petit Trianon (a new Louis-Philippe as ‘King of the French’ de Versailles in 1924, which was of the History of the Palace, tracing its
spokesperson. “Under the Ancien palace in the middle of them) for his in 1830 that Versailles was really increased to 5 million in 1932. evolution via 120-plus works of art.

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The Connexion December 2023 Community 31

Charity shop aims to raise €100,000 for animals

A CHARITY shop in a com- “The spring and summer ones
mune with fewer than 400
residents has raised €70,000 for
Photo: Carol Colborne
are held at ARK and around a
local lake. For the Christmas Resto du Coeur for feeding
animal associations this year –
and aims to hit €100,000.
ARK is based in the village
market, we invite the assoc-
iations to come and put up
a stall, show the work they do
pets wants to go national
of Sainte-Soline in Deux-Sèvres, and raise money.” THE FOUNDERS of an assoc-
Nouvelle-Aquitaine, and is run Support is also very practical, iation offering animal food
by Emma Parrack-Graves. with Mrs Parrack-Graves using for owners on low incomes
It supports 40 French and Facebook to find homes for aim to create a national fed-

Photo: Supplied by Charlotte Dufour

global animal associations, animals wherever she is able. eration of community outlets.
including the Brigitte Bardot “I recently posted about a Charlotte Dufour, secretary
Foundation, The Raggie Dog 13-year-old dog that needed a and volunteer, said: “We now
Retreat and Elephant Haven*, home after her two owners look after 190 members, who
with monthly donations. passed within four weeks of have between 450 and 500
Last year, it raised €86,500. each other,” she said. “It animals.”
The amount is impressive con- reached 5,000 people and the The Cantine des Patounes
sidering the challenges faced. dog was adopted a week on.” was founded last year by
“We opened in December When asked where she hopes Corinne Gester and Isabelle A few of the Cantine des
2018 and then came Covid,” to be in five years, she replied: Amiot. Based in Coutances Patounes’ volunteer team
Mrs Parrack-Graves said. “My plan is just to carry on liv- in Normandy, it operates in facturer Normandise, supply
Emma Parrack-Graves spends time with Maya, a dog
“We had one good year, but it ing my best life, raising all the the same way as the Restos up to 14 tonnes of meat or
whose owners both died within six months of each other
was our first so we had to buy money we can and playing shop. du Cœur association, which biscuits, while the E.Leclerc
the tills and everything else we as well as animals,” she said. the ladies volunteer to make “I love what I do, and the offers free meals to France’s centre in Coutances donates
needed for the shop.” “During Covid, I was helping friends and do something people I work with. I love the poorest households. its damaged food boxes.
ARK was launched after out with older people who more with their retired lives associations and the dogs we “The idea is to prevent “It’s really heartwarming
another organisation that she wanted to come and socialise. in France. see. I gave one association a people going without food because the service allows
volunteered for expanded. “Local people and my com- “We also have four men who shed at the end of the garden. themselves to feed their ani- them to keep their compan-
“I – and my team – wanted to munity needed somewhere safe wanted to be able to practise They bring a dog in each week mals, or abandoning their ion, to be able to feed them
stay small and local so I set up for them and it helped. French but also speak English. for adoption, and now all the pets because they can no well,” said Mrs Dufour.
my own association and the “It gives the volunteers a “It really is a team effort to customers bring in theirs too. longer feed them,” she said. The Cantine, with a team
team stayed with me,” Mrs sense of purpose too. make ARK not just a shop, but “I work hard during the “The price of everything’s of nine volunteers, currently
Parrack-Graves, 44, said. “I’ve been here for 20 years also a place you can come, eat week, and then on Tuesday gone up, so people are find- helps people in Coutances,
“We have one shop that and raised two children. I cake, chat and meet people, as everyone else works really ing it harder to give their pets but it has bigger ambitions.
opens once a week. We can wasn’t Emma, I was Harry and well as buy great items.” hard while I cuddle dogs. It’s good quality food.” “The aim is to become a
give funds to whomever we Maisy’s mum, or Kevin’s wife. To enable people to do the the best life ever.” Owners seeking help from federation, and later even a
want and tell our customers A lot of the people who moved latter, the charity shop supports One of the supported charities, Cantine des Patounes are foundation,” she said.
where their money is going,” over, especially the women, French-registered local busi- Raggie Dog Retreat in Maine- asked to pay €2 a month. In Even after becoming a
she told The Connexion. they didn’t work and the nesses, including an artisanal et-Loire, looks after disabled return, they receive enough nationwide network, the
As well as involving her fam- husbands did. honey producer, a fish and and elderly dogs that can be food to give their pet at least Cantine would remain a
ily and 26 French and British “So they weren’t Petrina or chip van, and florists. sponsored by the public. one meal a day for a month. community-based effort.
volunteers, Mrs Parrack-Graves Michelle any more. They were The fundraising goes beyond *Elephant Haven is a sanct- The food is handed out on “We will need as many
is keen to point out ARK is not someone’s wife who answered the shop, with online weekly uary for retired circus and zoo Thursdays and Fridays, the volunteers as possible as we’re
just about fundraising. the phone. Now they’re Petrina auctions, which raised around elephants in Haute-Vienne in same as Restos du Cœur. going to set up an action plan
“My number one goal is to or Michelle from ARK.” €35,000 last year, bingo nights, Nouvelle-Aquitaine – currently Several donors, including to create branches across
make it feel like a community Mrs Parrack-Graves, original- quiz evenings, Ritz-style tea home to two elephants and Vire-based pet food manu- France,” Mrs Dufour said.
of people all helping each other ly from Kent, added: “A lot of parties and three fêtes per year. soon adding three females.

Three reporters save their Community cancer support group celebrates

123-year-old newspaper 10 years and targets €1million in fundraising
THREE journalists have saved
their local weekly newspaper THE VOLUNTEERS behind “It is important to note that
that went into receivership an organisation supporting everyone in our association
after 123 years of circulation. people with cancer and their and our organisation are
Le Crestois’ owner Jean- families have set an ambitious 100% volunteers.
Photo: Le Crestois

Baptiste Bourde, great-great- €1million fundraising target as “Any money we raise obvious-
grandson of the founder, took they mark its 10th anniversary. ly goes straight back out to
over as director of the paper Mimosa Matters (mimosa- helping cancer patients.
and its printing press in 2009. was published on July 14., based on the “We do this as a labour of
However, as the print business Mr Chouraqui said the team Riviera, started out as a fund- love, though I use that term
Photo: Mimosa Matters

declined, so did revenues that was worried about how its raising effort for the brother loosely, because we all work,
kept the paper afloat. roughly 12,000 readers would of a committee member who we all have families and jobs.”
After years of struggle, react to a smaller paper, but had cancer. Future projects include a
Mr Bourde said he could no their fears were unfounded. Board member Juliette roadshow in primary schools,
longer continue and, in March, “Our readers were satisfied Clarkin, who moved to France speaking to children about
Mimosa hopes to educate youngsters about staying healthy
the paper and printers entered because, in the end, the paper from Ireland 11 years ago, said: being active and eating well.
receivership. kept its identity. “We ran our first gala ball bursts of colour that provide a cancer journey.” To date, “Forty per cent of all cancers
Shortly after, the three journ- “It’s easier to hold and more event and realised we’d tapped symbol of hope, the light after Mimosa has raised €750,000 are preventable by just making
alists, based in the Vallée de la pleasant to leaf through, but at into something unique,. the darkness, Ms Clarkin said. for the frontline organisations some small changes. If we can
Drôme in Auvergne-Rhône- the same time it remains a “We found it was a wonderful “We genuinely see Mimosa as and patients in the region. teach those small changes to
Alpes, decided to create a coop- ‘local’ paper.” way for the expat community a community, so there are the “We actually had set our- the next generation, who
erative production comp-any, He added: “We’re going to to get behind a cause and it individuals and the businesses, selves the ambition of hitting knows where we’ll be?”
known as a société coopérative act as a link between all the snowballed from there. but also very much the front- €1million before 10 years, Mimosa Matters’ project to
de production (Scop). They communes and the people, by “Now we’re hosting numerous line associations. We’re not but then Covid hit. educate youngsters could not
were joined by an extra person reporting on events, publishing events, including another black experts, and rely heavily on La “I think we’ll take that still as be better timed. A five-year
to run the administration. announcements that various tie gala ball this month. Ligue Contre le Cancer, who a success, having hit some real- health bulletin, published in
A Scop is a company whose players will be able to pass on to “We’ve all unfortunately been very much are at the front line. ly good, wonderful targets. We July, estimated there would
majority shareholders or own- us. It’s above all this usefulness touched directly or indirectly “We work with local hospitals, are hoping to reach €1million be no fewer than 433,136 new
ers, as in the case of Le Crestois, people wanted to save. from cancer. It is just a voca- who give the treatments, also and we have a jam-packed cases of cancer reported in
pictured, are the employees. “As far as we are concerned, tion and a desire to give back.” with Cancer Support Group schedule of events for the final France this year, an increase
After a six-week hiatus and in the Drôme valley in any The organisation was named 06 and the ISIS Association as few months of the year. of 51,000 on 2018.
led by publishing director case, the press is something after the mimosa tree, which well, giving those more gentle “We are already planning The report projects 57% of
Martin Chouraqui, their first that concerns everyone, an blooms in the south of France treatments and support and 2024 and have got some key them to be in men and 43%
edition, printed at 3,000 copies, entire region.” during the winter months, with aftercare for patients on a dates in as well.” She added: among women.
32 Practical The Connexion December 2023

Married, Pacs or cohabiting: your New TGV tax on foncière

bills – if you search for it
home rights after a partner’s death A NEW €5 tax to

Photo: Julia Grange

help fund the future
TGV Toulouse to
THE DEATH of a partner is an the death and remains valid even if will states otherwise. Bordeaux rail link is

Photo: Shutterstock_fizkes
emotional time but it can also throw you remarry. The simplest way to do After that, you can being levied on local
up bureaucratic challenges, including this is to notify the notaire involved keep the lease if you property owners. It
what rights the surviving person has in dealing with your spouse’s estate. signed it together or if is shown as the taxe
to remain in the family home. This right has a value based on a you and your partner spéciale d’équipement
Such rights might have been formula. If your share of the estate requested in writing to (special equipment tax) on this autumn’s taxe
addressed in the deceased’s will or is worth more, you can claim the the landlord or agency foncière bills but it is easy to miss.
be dealt with via another mecha- remainder; if it is worth less, you do to hold it jointly. Reader Julia Grange, 67, who lives in Magnan
nism such as a tontine clause in the not have to make it up to other heirs. Otherwise, you could in the Gers, told The Connexion: “The text for it
property deeds passing ownership request a transfer of is very small and didn’t jump out off the page
to the survivor. However, even if Tenants: You have the right to take the lease, but your like the tax percentages, which are a larger font.”
Your marital status plays a role in your rights
that is not the case, widows and over the lease, even if it was prev- partner’s descendants The tax aims to raise €29.5million a year to
widowers have a right to continue iously only in your spouse’s name. and ancestors can also claim it, in leave. You can ask the courts to part-fund the major rail scheme, the grand projet
to live in their home for one year You can claim a lifetime right to which case a judge will rule on this. intervene if you have young children. ferroviaire Sud-Ouest, which includes two high-
after the death of their loved one. use the furnishings. speed rail lines: one linking Bordeaux and Spain
After that, the rules depend on In the year after the death, the Living together Tenants: If you signed the lease, you by 2042, and the other connecting Bordeaux and
your relationship status and if you surviving partner can claim the rent have exclusive rights to it and can Toulouse, which is set to go live by 2032.
rent or own the property. We sum money from the deceased’s estate. Homeowners: No automatic rights carry on living in the property. If Taxpayers living in Bordeaux or Toulouse and
up some of the key points. apply, either for one year or for the the lease was signed by the deceased 2,339 communes across 14 departments nearby,
Pacs couples lifetime. only, you can transfer a rental lease, within 60 minutes of a future TGV station, are
Married couples If your partner bequeathed to you including for social housing, if: being levied with the charge. It applies to all
Homeowners: You only have a right in a will their share of the property n You were living with the deceased property-owners, both main or second homes.
Homeowners: You can remain in the to live in the property for or the right to use it and receive in a stable and ‘known’ relationship Ms Grange said: “Residents are paying for a link
family home for life, using its fur- one year after the death, even if rental income from it (and there is for at least one year before the they won’t ever use. If we want to go to Bordeaux,
nishings, whether you jointly owned you were joint owners. no conflict with other heirs), then death; we drive to Mont de Marsan and take the train
it or it was in your spouse’s name Of course, this is not the case if you can remain. n You can provide proof that you from there. There’s no way I’d drive to Toulouse to
alone (as long as they did not can- you inherited the property in full Similarly, if you owned jointly were living together, either from get the train to Bordeaux, or vice versa.”
cel this by will), but not if you ownership from your partner and with a clause that the property certificates from relatives, bills or
owned it jointly with other people. there are no other part-owners. passes to you on the first death. certificates of cohabitation. Tourist tax hike in Occitanie region
If other people now have a part- Pacs partners do not inherit If bought through a société civile If you lived together for less than PEOPLE holidaying in Occitanie communes will
share (eg. children of your spouse anything as an automatic right immobilière (SCI), the articles of a year, the landlord must agree and face a 34% hike in the regional tourist tax to fund
who inherited from them) you must and this must be put in a will. association could stipulate that you must sign a new lease. the Toulouse-Bordeaux high-speed rail link.
formalise your wish to benefit from you remain in the property. However, if you are disabled and From January 1, the increase in the taxe de
the droit viager au logement to give Tenants: Joint leaseholders are enti- Otherwise, the deceased’s share can prove that you lived together séjour will be imposed in Haute-Garonne, Gers,
you the right to stay there for life. tled to use the home and its furnish- passes to his or her heirs, who may with the deceased, you are entitled Hautes-Pyrenees, Ariège, Lot, Tarn, Tarn-et-

Did you know?

This has to be done within a year of ings for a year, unless the deceased’s decide to sell and oblige you to to stay. Garonne, Pyrenees-Orientales, Aude and Hérault.

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The Connexion December 2023 Money 33

The Connexion
Money / Tax page

Do SCIs have to Changes at HSBC

and Crédit Agricole
have their own
CHANGES are coming from January 1 for
people with French accounts at HSBC after the
British bank sold its French retail banking.

Photo: PaeGAG_shutterstock
HSBC told The Connexion this is a strategic

bank account?
decision and not Brexit-related.
In a statement, it said it wants to focus on
investment, business and private banking on
the continent.
High street banking activities at what was
called HSBC France until three years ago (now
IF we buy property via an SCI, does it need its HSBC Continental Europe) have been sold to
own bank account for this transaction? J.F. Send your financial queries to an American group, which will run branches
under the brand Crédit commercial de France
WE DID not identify a law obliging SCIs to have
Hugh MacDonald at (CCF). There was a former French bank net-
a dedicated account in the SCI’s name and this Please ensure you mark work with this name that HSBC bought in the
was confirmed by bilingual tax lawyer Laurent your emails for the attention of Mr MacDonald early 2000s to turn into its French arm.
Gravelle, from Sophia-Antipolis, Alpes-Mari­times, An HSBC spokeswoman said there will be no
who said notaires generally accept funds from immediate change for customers, apart from a
shareholders’ own accounts that are paid pro rata
according to each person’s shareholding. What does it mean that notaires must ‘invite’ new RIB bank details document and the name.
HSBC Continental Europe has kept part of

disinherited children to claim compensation?

Even so, experts advise having a dedicated its portfolio of mortgage loans so there is no
account for the SCI from set-up to avoid compli- change for existing loans for now, but in other
cations later. This will be a compte pro as a person- cases, loans are being moved to the buyer.
al account cannot be in a company name. A RECENT Connexion article said that a in the EU at the time of death, and where a for- In an unrelated move, UK-based clients at
Mr Gravelle said: “For your accountant, it makes 2021 French law states that any children eign law was chosen that has no forced heirship. Crédit Agricole’s Normandy branches are being
things clearer and simpler, as they will be looking who have (according to French inheritance It says the notaire should inform any (blood- transferred to the bank’s Britline service instead.
at the company’s account only and won’t have to law rules) lost out because their deceased line or adopted) children of the deceased of the Britline is an internet-based service specialis-
take into account other accounts owned by share- parent made a choice of a foreign inherit- portions French law would have allowed them ing in UK clients and is run by the bank’s
holders. Plus, if there is a tax office investigation, ance law to apply to their will should invite (eg. half the estate in the case of one child). Normandy network.
it won’t look at the shareholders’ personal affairs.” them to claim compensation. What would If the children ask for this, the notaire should Some customers have expressed surprise at the
Also, for expenses (eg. improvements) to be this ‘inviting’ mean? Is the notaire obliged to set aside for them a portion to compensate for change. A Crédit Agricole spokesman said there
taken into account to reduce capital gains tax liab- agree, despite the wishes in the will? J.B. this out of any French-based estate. might have been communication issues but he
ility, you need bank statements showing where One notaire with international clients told The confirmed that, for now, this relates only to clients
payment came from, and it is clearer if they came THIS French law complicates matters with regard Connexion that in reality this would only happen in Nor­mandy who are UK tax residents.
from the SCI’s account, even if it may be tolerated to an EU inheritance regulation in force since automatically if the children and named heirs in He said there are no changes to the main bank
that a shareholder’s personal account was used. 2015 that allows people to choose the law of their the will agree to it. If not, he said the children charges and the main difference will be that the
Mr Gravelle added that some SCIs hold part of country of nationality to apply to their whole would have to apply to a French court to rule on customers will be the responsibility of Britline
their capital in an ‘unliberated’ form (eg. pledged estate. English law, for example, does not include the issue, which could usually be done without and its dedicated UK-specialist advisers, instead
by a shareholder) and when this is paid over, it any set children’s portions, unlike French law, so them having to come to France. of being attached to a high-street French bank.
should be paid into an account for the company. allows parents more flexibility. We are not aware of any specific cases so far. However, they will still be able to use day-to-
“Most importantly, you need a dedicated The French law applies where the deceased or The European Commission is considering sev- day services at the latter.
account when you come to sell,” he said. “Some one of their children was an EU citizen or living eral complaints about the French law. He said Normandy has many UK-resident
people open an account for the company initially, customers and it is better for them to be
then close it [seeking to avoid professional
account bank fees] but this is a mistake because Income from courses Taxation on vacant homes advised by specialists who understand the
post-Brexit rules on matters, including taxation.
when you come to sell, the notaire will only pay He said customers of Britline express high
out to an account in the SCI’s name.” At this late WE ARE UK residents. We ran short MY SECOND home is being renovated and has been satisfaction rates. However, this does mean
stage, many banks are reluctant to open one. crafts courses at our French home in empty of furniture since March 2021. I live in the that people will be assigned to online advisers,
Many banks offer accounts tailored for SCIs. 2021 and 2022. Is this small income of UK. Should I be exempt from property taxes? C.W. who can be contacted by private message and
It is worth negotiating over fees – for example, interest to French authorities? K.H. email, not face to face.
you could offer to leave a minimum sum on the TAXE foncière is generally payable whether a property is
account. Check the terms: some online banks
have low monthly charges but a high charge per
THIS would be seen as work income and
normally you would be expected to set up a
furnished/used or not. Taxe d’habitation (TH) is generally
not payable on property that is unfurnished and unused
Refund deadline looms
transfer above a set minimum. Customer service French self-employment business, pay social on January 1 of the tax year, so you could claim repay- IF YOU are a UK resident and paid French
might also not be easy to contact. charges, and declare the income to France ment for 2022. The main issue might be supplying proof, social charges in full (17.2%) on the sale of a
Documents needed might include a copy of the in the spring after the calendar year when if requested. An exception is where your commune voted property in 2021, you have only until the end
ID of the shareholder designated as the SCI’s it was earned. It would also be declarable to for TH on vacant properties but, if so, this only applies to of this month to make a claim for a refund.
gérant (manager), an extrait KBIS (see monide- the UK by self-assessment but a tax credit homes vacant for more than two years as of the relevant France agreed that only 7.5% should have, the statuts (articles of association), would be available to avoid double taxation. January 1. Com­munes deemed subject to housing been payable due to dispositions in the Brexit
and a copy of the Journal Officiel notice that You should note also that, post-Brexit, pressure have a separate ‘vacant homes tax’, which applies agreements but refunds are time-limited.
confirmed the SCI’s registration. Britons need a visa to work in France. to homes vacant for at least one year. Property rental income also qualifies for 7.5%
(check your tax bill for 2021). Residents of
The Connexion welcomes queries and publishes a selection with answers in The information on these pages is of a general nature. Do not take action, France with a UK S1 form are also affected,
every edition. However, please note that we cannot enter into correspondence or refrain from taking action based on this information. Seek professional
advice on the specific facts of your case. No liability is accepted in respect including, in their case, for investment incomes.
on money topics. Queries may be edited for length and style. Due to the sensi- of these articles. These articles are intended only as a general guide. Claims can be made by online message or by
tive nature of topics we do not publish full names or addresses on these pages. Nothing herein constitutes actual financial advice. writing to the tax office in the property’s area.
34 Money The Connexion December 2023

You cannot afford to ignore tax residency rules

This column is by Rob Kay, a Your foyer can be in France even if you spend ties with the UK, you could be deemed resident French residents earning UK income
senior partner at Blevins Franks more time out of the country. in the UK for tax purposes without realising it. Take care to declare any UK income correctly,
financial advice group (blevins- 2. France is your principal place of abode (lieu It includes three tests: following the rules of the France/UK tax treaty. Rob has decades of de séjour principal). This usually means you 1. Automatic overseas test: You are not resident You are obliged to report all UK-source income
spend more than 183 days in France in a in the UK if you spend fewer than 46 days there in France, even if you pay UK income tax.
experience advising UK nationals
calendar year, but might apply if you spend more in a UK tax year and were not resident in any of n UK government service income – Unlike
in France and features regularly days here than in any other single country and the previous three tax years. other UK pension income, government service
in the media discussing the cannot prove tax residence elsewhere. However, if you were UK-resident within the pensions remain taxable in the UK.
issues affecting expatriates here 3. Your principal activity is in France. For exam- last three years, just 16 days back could trigger Although the income is not taxed directly in
ple, your occupation or main income arises here. residency. France, you must still include it as part of your
REGULAR readers of this column will know 4. France is the centre of your economic Those who work overseas full-time and spend taxable income – a credit equal to French
that I often talk about reviewing your tax plan- interests – where your most substantial assets less than 90 days in the UK per year will not be income tax and social charges is given.
ning to ensure it is suitable and efficient for a are based; your assets are administered; your deemed UK-resident; n UK rental income – As above, UK rental
French resident. business affairs are; or where you draw a larger 2. Automatic residence test: You are UK- income is taxed in the UK but must be
The first step is to understand the tax residence part of your income. resident if you spend 183 days or more there in included on your French declaration.
rules in France compared to those of your home If you meet any of these criteria, you are liable the tax year, or your only or main home is in the n Capital gains on UK assets – French residents
country (for illustration purposes, I give the to pay French tax on your worldwide income, UK, or you work full-time there; must declare and pay tax on gains made on the
example of the UK). gains and property wealth. 3. Sufficient ties test: Otherwise, whether you sale of UK property and moveable assets (such as
If you live here and have assets elsewhere, you are UK tax-resident or not depends on how shares). Real estate gains are liable to tax in both
should also establish how any relevant double Timing your move many ties you have with the UK (family, work, countries, with a credit in France for UK tax
taxation treaty affects you. Make sure you pay France takes a ‘split-year’ approach. In the year accommodation) and how many days you paid. Moveable assets are generally taxed where
the right tax in the right country. of arrival, only income received after you arrive spend there.If you meet domestic tax-residency the seller is resident.
Tax residency can be complex. Many people is liable to French income tax. rules of both countries, double taxation treaty n UK savings/investments – Declare UK interest
think they are resident in one country but When leaving France, only income up to the tie-breaker rules determine where you pay taxes. and dividends within 15 days of the month end
actually meet the tax residency rules of another. date of departure is taxable. and pay the 30% prélèvement forfaitaire unique
Paying tax in the wrong place can prove costly, French-source income is always liable to Consider becoming a French resident (PFU) tax. This will be offset against the tax due
with back taxes, interest and potential fines. With French taxation, regardless of residency. While you do not have a choice – you either are on your tax return. ISAs and Premium Bond
today’s automatic exchange of financial inform- When relocating, you could avoid French tax or are not tax-resident under the rules – if you winnings are taxable in France if you are resident.
ation, you need to follow the rules carefully. by timing when you sell assets – but consider have flexibility, you can be careful with the Residency and cross-border taxation are
where you are tax-resident at the time and what number of days you spend in each country and complex issues. Getting it right from the start
France tax residence rules tax is due there. where you have assets and ties. will make life easier in future, so take specialist,
Under the Code Général des Impôts, individuals Weigh up whether you are better off selling France may have a reputation for being a personalised advice.
are deemed to be tax-resident in France if one UK assets while you are still UK tax-resident or high-tax country, but do not let that put you off
of four tests is fulfilled: waiting until you live in France. becoming resident here. n Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any
1. France is your main residence or home Restructuring your assets to make them statements concerning taxation are based upon our,
(foyer) – the place where your close family UK tax residence test suitable for a French resident can improve your Blevins Franks, understanding of current taxation
(spouse/cohabiting partner/dependent children) The UK’s Statutory Residence Test can continue tax liabilities – you might be surprised by how laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax
habitually live, or where most of your personal to affect British expatriates. much, especially if you are retired and living off information has been summarised; an individual is
life is centred if you are single without children. If you spend time in both countries or retain private pensions and investments. advised to seek personalised advice.
The Connexion December 2023 Ideas 35

Telescope gives stargazers an expert view App idea fills

gap for rural
by Brian McCulloch are still learning about it

FRENCH digital telescopes are

because it is so difficult to
view,” said Mr Marfisi.
meal deliveries
shaking up astronomy by giving The telescopes and software A GRADUATE who is bringing
amateur stargazers access to to run them are designed in restaurant deliveries to rural
equipment previously limited to Marseille but made in China. areas near her home says she
universities and large scientific Mr Marfisi said most buyers did not expect her app to be
institutions. are moving on from cheaper such a hit.
Made by Marseille firm optical telescopes, costing Chloé Nollet, 21, created the
Unistellar, they have even been around €100, after realising the FLM app (for flemme – ‘lazi-
credited with a scientific dis- limitations of their equipment. ness’) because services such as
covery by the journal Nature. However, around 30% are nov- Deliveroo did not operate in her
Unistellar co-founder Laurent ices buying their first telescope, home town of Albert (Somme).
Marfisi told The Connexion: who are attracted by the quality “I had the idea during lock-
“Because our telescopes are and the digital guides and sky down, when it was impossible
digital, the information can be maps that come with it. to get a hot meal delivered,” she

Photo: Unistellar
shared over the internet, which Unistellar’s Laurent Marfisi, inset
inset,, says the As well as the asteroid comm- said. “I later found a website
means data from many different telescopes work even in light-polluted settings unity telescope project, Unistellar which allows you to create an
locations can be collated to users can join a range of other app and I decided to dive in.”
discover things that might 2015 with the idea of using ers in the telescope are much screen images for a while now,” collaborative astronomy projects. Ms Nollet started her business
otherwise not be seen. digital technology to make a more sensitive than the human said Mr Marfisi. while she was still studying
“For example, when Nasa reasonably priced telescope eye. They can also receive light “But with an eyepiece you see n Another French company, entrepreneurship in Amiens.
recently crashed a spacecraft capable of magnifying the night for longer than the human eye and feel the infinity of space Vaonis, is making a name for She began by working with
into an asteroid to see if its sky a hundred times more than – for a couple of seconds – instead of a flat, two-dimension- itself with smartphone and tab- local restaurants in Albert,
trajectory could be moved, traditional models. whereas the human eye regis- al image, which is why we let-driven products described picking up the deliveries herself
there were at least five main Thanks to partnerships with ters light for just a millisecond.” developed the eyepiece model.” as a cross between a camera in her car. There are now seven
scientific inquiries. renowned scientific organis- The cheaper model, called Both models are linked to and traditional telescope. restaurants in the town that
“One had a university ations, the firm also lets users eQuinox2, costs €2,499 and software that identifies objects The firm, based near have joined the app, and two
researcher coordinating a team become ‘citizen scientists’ and does not have an eyepiece. in the viewfinder, allowing Montpellier, is due to launch a in nearby Corbie, where she
of 31 of our users. They were contribute to cutting-edge Images are displayed either users to get optimum pictures low-cost model called Hestia in has help for the deliveries.
not only the first to publish research. on a TV with an Apple TV of named stars or planets. June, which can be pre-ordered Since the app launched, she
pictures of the collision, but “Suddenly it is possible to see link, or on a mobile phone, The telescopes can be used in for €177 from its website. It estimates there have been 1,500
by keeping their telescopes stars in deep space and things tablet or laptop screen. cities and other places where claims this new model will deliveries, averaging 300 to 400
trained on the site for a month, such as nebulous clouds, which A similar model, this time light pollution normally makes provide images of the sky on per month.
they also gathered valuable previously had only been seen with an eyepiece developed using one difficult. your smartphone with five “The goal is to develop else-
data about the dust cloud in pictures from professional with Japanese camera-maker Unistellar also sells a filter times the resolution and 25 where and make it into a fran-
thrown up, how it dispersed, telescopes in universities and Nikon, costs €4,499. “Most enabling users to look at the times the magnification of chise, in areas where there is a
and the colour of the dust.” places like Nasa,” said Mr professional astronomers have sun safely during the day. most smartphone cameras. Its lot of demand and not much
The company launched in Marfisi. “The electronic captur- been used to working with “It is our nearest star but we other telescopes start at €1,500. supply,” she said.

‘Most French’
bike is 3 years Concerned about
in the making
AN E-BIKE manufacturer is resurrecting the
country’s waning bicycle industry by launching
your tax position
Photo: Clément Bonneau

what it believes to be the ‘most French’ bike of

in France?
the last 35 years – for more than €5,000.
Moustache Bikes, based in Vosges, released its Clément Bonneau on
‘J’ model in September, with most of its parts, a Moustache e-bike
including the frame, made in France.
Clément Bonneau, sales manager at Moustache time,” said Mr Bonneau. When the decision to
Bikes, said: “France used to have a really strong make the J model in France was taken, the firm
bicycle industry based around Saint-Etienne realised it would have to start from scratch. The
(Loire), but around 40 years ago it, and nearly all process ended up taking three years.
other cycle-makers in Europe, collapsed because “There was no one, apart from a few artisan
of competition from Asia. bicycle-makers, who touched bicycle manufac-
“Taiwan quickly became the world leader and ture,” said Mr Bonneau. With expert advice, France can Talk to the people who know
built on that position by continually innovating “However, we realised that France has experts actually be a tax-efficient place to
to make very good products. in forged aluminium because of the expertise live. Much depends on how you
0 805 112 163 (N0 Vert)
“However, for many reasons, we feel it is time to required for its railways and aircraft parts.”
hold your investments and assets.
make at least some of our bikes in France again.” The firm settled on a Marseille foundry to
Just three bicycles in 20 sold in France are make the frames, after which they are sent to a
made in this country. This figure rises to more company in Jura to ready them for the pedals, Blevins Franks has in-depth
than half (52%) of e-bikes sold if you include brakes and motors. From there, the bicycles go knowledge of the local tax regime
bikes assembled in France that qualify for the to Alsace for powder painting. and how to use it to your advantage.
‘Made in France’ label. Moustache Bikes sells a variety of different
Moustache Bikes was founded in 2011 at a models, the cheapest of which is around €2,500. Our French tax specialists can advise
time when, said Mr Bonneau, “it was very The ‘Speed’ range sees the battery and motor you on tax planning solutions, to
difficult to persuade people there was a future tuned for sustained 45km/h riding. lower tax for yourself and your heirs.
in e-bikes, especially expensive ones. In France, these models are required to have
“Our founders dug into their savings and number plates and insurance, and drivers must
that of their families to get the company off wear a motorcycle helmet.
the ground.” They are banned from cycle paths, but sell INTERNATIONAL TAX ADVICE • INVESTMENTS • ESTATE PLANNING • PENSIONS
From the start, the firm did most of the assem- well in Switzerland and Belgium, where there
bly in France, with frames coming from Taiwan, are fewer restrictions. Blevins Franks Group is represented in France by the following companies: Blevins Franks Wealth Management Limited (BFWML) and Blevins Franks France

electric motors and batteries from Germany’s “The few we have sold in France have been to SASU (BFF). BFWML is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority, registered number C 92917. Authorised to conduct investment
services under the Investment Services Act and authorised to carry out insurance intermediary activities under the Insurance Distribution Act. Where advice
Bosch company, and gears mainly from Japan. people who live in the countryside and cycle a is provided outside of Malta via the Insurance Distribution Directive or the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II, the applicable regulatory system
differs in some respects from that of Malta. BFWML also provides taxation advice; its tax advisers are fully qualified tax specialists. Blevins Franks France
“We wanted to make high-quality products long distance to work,” said Mr Bonneau, “but SASU (BFF), is registered with ORIAS, registered number 07 027 475, and authorised as ‘Conseil en Investissements Financiers’ and ‘Courtiers d’Assurance’
Category B (register can be consulted on Member of ANACOFI-CIF. BFF’s registered office: 1 rue Pablo Neruda, 33140 Villenave d’Ornon – RCS
but it was not easy finding people with the right most French buyers choose other models.” BX 498 800 465 APE 6622Z. Garantie Financière et Assurance de Responsabilité Civile Professionnelle conformes aux articles L 541-3 du Code Monétaire et

Financier and L512-6 and 512-7 du Code des Assurances (assureur MMA). Blevins Franks Trustees Limited is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial
skills and temperaments, and perfecting our The firm has a strong export market, mainly in Services Authority for the administration of retirement schemes. This promotion has been approved and issued by BFWML.

processes so products could be improved took Europe: 45% of its e-bikes are sold outside France.
36 Work The Connexion December 2023

As much paid leave as

Left: Fanette Peschaud started
her job 18 months ago

you like – and it works Right: This year’s gift wrap

trend is for a more stripped-
back, natural feel
WORKERS who are given knew of one case where a

unlimited paid holiday are gen- request was turned down,
erally more productive, a firm and that was because of a big
offering the perk has claimed. project on deadline.

in focus
France already has generous Most workers used the addit-
holiday rules. Employees have ional leave to help out family or
a minimum of five weeks paid friends, to move house or for big
leave, and there are usually also DIY projects, rather than going Gift packaging designer –
eight RTT days (réduction du away, except at the end of the
temps de travail) to negotiate. year when days are often used to Concepteur de décors
Depending on the industry, extend the New Year break. pour paquets cadeaux

That’s a wrap! Festive season

various other holidays can be “In general, removing the
taken – some media folk (not worry about how much leave
at The Connexion…) have 12 you have left means people are
weeks’ paid leave every a bit more relaxed and

is sewn up well in advance

summer, for example. productive,” Mr Chantala said.
Employment site Indeed “We are a service industry
has gone one step further, by and flexible, so it works for us,
offering no hard cap on the but I do not think it would be
number of days its staff take possible in a factory or building
off. Leave must be approved by firm, for example, where people
bosses, however, so it effective- have to be physically present.”
ly depends on managing your He added that the impact
workload well first. of unlimited holidays was
Senior sales director Charles probably less in France, with its
Chantala said: “We have done generous paid holiday system,
this since 2016 and it works than in the US, where there is
very well.” The company has very little paid leave.
12,000 staff worldwide and A study this year by Belgian
105 French employees. human resources firm SD Worx,
“On average, people take six or which has French offices, found
seven days extra,” Mr Chantala that 46% of workers here had no
said. “We are already very flex- opinion on whether unlimited
ible about where our employees paid holidays were a good idea.
work – in the office, from home Another 15% thought they were
some days, or even fully remote a bad idea.
– and having flexibility to take The study found that in com-
paid holidays when you need to, panies in France that offered
over and above the legal entitle- unlimited paid holidays, a third
ment, fits in with our style.” of employees never took them,
He added that staff are gener- another third took just one or

Photos: Creastyl
ally considerate about when two days extra, and less than a
they take leave, and it is noted quarter took many more holi-
down by human resources. days than they would otherwise.
“In practice, people normally A third of employers said they The design team usually starts work on the festive range in March, anticipating trends by working with a consultancy firm
talk it over with other members had not considered offering
of their team to see if it is feas- unlimited paid leave to staff, by Annaliza Davis wear.” After that, Fanette moved inspiration from them and festive company Clayrton’s. “As
ible. That way, they can make a third believed it would not to a role designing household rework them in-house until well as traditional wrapping
sure they will not be leaving work, and only the final third SHE used to sketch fashion linen before securing a position we get a design that is a perfect paper, we design kraft-paper
colleagues in the lurch.” thought it might be good for designs in her bedroom as at Clayrton’s in Roubaix. match for our customers. bags, bottle bags and labels,
Mr Chantala said he only their business. a child. Now 26, Fanette “I joined the company 18 “We analyse the themes, the most of which are printed here
Peschaud is a designer for a months ago to replace someone style of graphics, the textures in Roubaix,” says Fanette.
Free business skills training national gift-packaging
company north east of Lille.
who was on maternity leave,
then I was lucky enough to sign
and the season’s must-haves,
then decide on up-to-date
“We produce standard ranges
for all occasions, a children’s
OWNERS of small businesses manufacturing and accounting. Some of the festive paper and a permanent contract because colour ranges.” range and a Valentine’s Day
can brush up on their skills To be eligible, your business gift bags on shop shelves this the firm was looking to take on In practice, this means that range, and we also offer a person-
with up to three free training must be based in France and season were first sketched by a second designer,” she says. alongside the traditional festive alisation service for packaging
sessions. have been in legal existence Fanette and her colleagues more Fanette works on designs for combinations of red, green and and for the floral designs.”
Funded by the government’s for at least two years. than a year ago, before being two brands – Clayrton’s Floral gold, plus the elegant altern- Fanette finds Valentine’s Day
Covid recovery plan, France It must have a turnover of manufactured and distributed and Créastyl. ative palette of black and gold, the most challenging holiday
Num courses (francenum.gouv. more than €15,000 for the last ready for this Christmas. “There are five of us in the Fanette’s team usually adds new to design for.
fr) run for three to 10 hours, financial year, and not have “I’ve always been creative and, design department. Between ranges that reflect latest tastes. “It’s not necessarily an event
and are created by industry been declared in receivership. for as long as I can remember, us, we work on research and “This season, for example, that I celebrate, so I have to try
experts. They aim to help small Applicants need a laptop and I’ve enjoyed coming up with development, the liaison there’s a sense of nostalgia and to get myself in the mindset of
business owners get to grips internet access, and should not designs and working with my between design and product- going back to the simple things, a person with desires and tastes
with digital technology or have already registered for hands,” she says. ion, and essentially cover the so there’s a call for a more that are different from mine.
improve their existing skills three training sessions as part “When I was little, I dreamed whole evolution of each range stripped-back, natural feel that “On a technical level, bags
to improve profitability. of the same programme. of being a fashion designer from the initial sketches to the has a marked ecological aware- and cones are always more
Courses cover a range of sub- Coaching is collective, with and I used to spend my time finished product. ness,” she says. tricky to design than wrapping
jects, from communications between six and 20 people in designing outfits. I was partic- “Christmas starts early here, “We already manufacture paper, although they’re still a
and advertising to digital strat- a group. It takes place either ularly interested in working and although we generally with water-based inks and are nice little challenge.”
egy, and are open to all sectors. face to face, online or using a with patterns, but I never could begin creating the festive eco-friendly in our approach, She urges anyone with a
Some even target specific combination of the two. have envisaged the career I collection in March, it can be so this works well for us.” creative streak who would be
industries, including catering Find a list of courses at have now.” a lot earlier. For example, we Globally, France produces interested in this type of work
and accommodation, craft Her route into the profession are currently working on the and uses very little gift wrap: to take the plunge.
has not been straightforward. 2024 Christmas collection, an estimated 40 million rolls of “Even if studying art can be
Public shame for late payment “After my baccalauréat, I
studied psychology for a year
which will be presented at the
Christmas World trade fair in
wrapping paper are bought in
the country each year, and half
a bit of a scary choice, do it,”
she says.
FAST food giant McDonald’s, utility company Veolia and DIY before choosing applied arts, January, before being released of this is for the festive season. “Personally, I don’t believe in
chain Brico Dépôt are among 40 companies that have been where I discovered I really at the end of next year.” Créastyl is one of the few innate talent; for me, its pract-
publicly named and shamed for paying invoices late. enjoyed working with textiles. Much of Fanette’s role relies French packaging companies ice, desire and passion that
The list was published by competition policy and consumer “I took a BTS [similar to a on anticipating trends, rather with its own in-house design really bring results.
affairs body the DGCCRF, alongside the amount each firm had Higher National Diploma] in like the fashion industry. team. Founded in 1979 in the “Don’t put barriers in your
been fined for these breaches of the French Code du commerce. textile design, followed by a “To do this, we work with Rhône-Alpes, it relocated to way: stay curious, take pleasure
Payment must not exceed 60 days from the date of invoice, or 45 Licence Pro [vocational degree], a specialist consultancy that Roubaix near the Belgian in whatever you’re creating,
days from the month end. The DGCCRF warns late payment “is and this led to my first job as a helps us to predict upcoming border in 2014 when they and try out different tech-
seriously detrimental to the profitability of creditor companies”. textile designer for childrens- trends,” she says. “We draw were acquired by the floral and niques, no matter the result.”
The Connexion December 2023 Property 37

Bubble has not entirely burst Property Watch

Department 50:

on spherical 60s movement

MAIN CITIES/TOWNS: Cherbourg, Coutances, Granville, Avranches
MANCHE is the long ‘thumb’ sticking out into the English
Architecture Channel (in French this is known as La Manche –literally
‘sleeve’, and hence the department’s name).
of France... As many people who have raced to catch a ferry from
Cherbourg for Poole or Portsmouth will know, it is long –
around 150km from the south to its northernmost tip –
and most of its roads are two-lane.
bulles There are only 80km separating the south coast of England
from the north of Manche, but even so, the weather is almost
always that bit warmer and sunnier on the Manche peninsula
than the Isle of Wight.
A FRANCO-American couple are renovat-
It is one of the richest, if not the richest, agricultural
ing one of France’s distinctive bubble houses
in the Chartreuse mountains in Isère – and departments in France. Milk, apples, corn, beef and lamb
are shining new light on the architectural all grow to perfection most years.
movement behind it as they do so. Cherbourg is no longer the main port for transatlantic liners
Alice Christophe and Scott Lawrimore, but still has ferry crossings, as well as a slow train service to
both art historians and museum curators, Paris. The department is also a centre for nuclear submarine
have been working on maison-bulle Le building, nuclear power at La Hague, and, more recently,
Balcon de Belledonne since June 2021. assembling off-shore wind turbines.
The property is located at an altitude of There are still property bargains to be had, including old
1,200m and commands breathtaking views

Photos: Alice Christophe & Scott Lawrimore

farmhouses priced under €50,000 if you are prepared to do
of the Belledonne mountain range in the work. One example was a two-room 70m² house with stone
French Alps. walls and brick window surrounds. It came with two attached
However, it is the house that most people
barns and 1,169m² of land for €29,500 in La Colombe in
want to photograph. Its unusual curved
form dates from 1966 and is nicknamed the extreme south of the department. The walls looked solid,
‘The Whale’ by locals. some of the corrugated iron roof would need replacement, but
“There is a view where the back of the house could be camped in while work starts.
the house does look like the fin,” says Around 15% of properties are second homes, according to
Mr Lawrimore. 2019 figures from the state statistics agency Insee.
The property was designed by architects Alice Christophe and Scott Lawrimore, inset, bought the house on Leboncoin
Claude Costy and Pascal Häusermann,
whose work playfully reimagined ways of
never experienced my country the way I
have at Le Balcon de Belledonne,” says Ms
imposed by the government in the 1970s,
forcing a return to a more straightforward
What your money buys
building and living. It comprises a main Christophe, who grew up in north east aesthetic.
space of approximately 50m², plus two France amid tiles and half-timbered Only Antti Lovag remained committed Under €90,000
smaller connected elements measuring houses.“It has been a revelation.” to the game, creating the Palais Bulles
5m² each, and a 20m² annexe. Raphaëlle Saint-Pierre, a historian and between 1975 and 1989 in Théoule-sur-
A balcony and swimming pool were also architecture journalist, says she, too, was Mer, near Cannes. This is perhaps the best
built into the rock and slope of the land. taken by surprise when researching her known of all France’s maisons-bulles, and
The project was initially conceived as a 2015 book Maisons-bulles: Architectures was for many years the Riviera holiday
vegetarian restaurant but was actually used organiques des années 1960-1970. home of fashion designer Pierre Cardin.
as a wellness/leisure centre. Although unable to give a precise figure The restoration of Le Balcon de Belle-
When the original owner sold it in the of how many bubble houses were built in donne should renew interest in these
1970s, it briefly became a painting studio France, she estimates there are several fascinating buildings after a rather
and underwent modifications. dozen. They date from 1950 to 1970 and precarious few decades.
It was bought in 1995 by a couple who were mostly built by four powerhouse Successive periods of abandonment and
made the adjacent old barn their family architects: Claude Costy and her Swiss real fears for its future saw the Isère bubble A quaint country cottage with A pretty, detached two-bed stone
home. The bubble house was largely husband Pascal Häusermann; Jean Prouvé; house designated Architecture Contempor- one/two beds, situated just village house close to the market
untouched and soon started to deteriorate. and the Hungarian Antti Lovag. aine Remarquable in 2003 as part of efforts 2.5km from Barenton. town of Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët.
It was sold off separately to new owners The maisons-bulles architects wanted to to preserve it. This lovely cottage is located on the Located in the village centre, this
in 2007 before changing hands again when break free from the upright, rectilinear, Between 2007 and 2020, different owners edge of a small hamlet and has property is well maintained with a
wonderful views across farmland. delightful garden and a separate
Mr Lawrimore and Ms Christophe found it sharp-edged buildings within which tried to breathe life into it by changing There is off-street parking to the outbuilding. Ferries and airports are
for sale on classified ads website Leboncoin Grands Ensembles collective properties the original cooking fire pit and wrapping side and an enclosed garden. within two hours of this house.
and fell in love with it. and brutalist styles splintered and thrived the entire structure in a PVC liner in a €76,600 Ref: A23701LE50 €88,000 Ref: A19518RL50
They have split the renovation into two in the wake of World War Two. failed attempt to make the house liveable
phases and have just finished the first, the They wanted the antithesis, inspired year-round.
main house. Progress is being chronicled
on a dedicated website, and now interested
by the counter-culture and futuristic
architecture of the 1960s.
“I don’t want to sound too dramatic,
but when I removed the insulation on the
More than €159,000
readers can see it for themselves by book- Materials were lighter and forms circular, exterior, I literally felt the building breathe
ing to stay there. By doing so, they will with the lack of angles creating a more again,” says Mr Lawrimore.
fund the rest of the renovation. cocooning domestic environment. The couple are focused on using organic
“Our focus was on getting back down Ms Saint-Pierre says: “They sought an materials wherever possible to trap heat
to the structure of the house itself,” Mr architecture they considered more human in winter and keep the house cool over
Lawrimore says, “to go to the very essence and sensual. summer, making it liveable for nine
of the building’s texture and materiality.” “It is a mixture of primitive forms – a months of the year.
It was built using a technique called cave, a protective shell – which blend with To that end, they have already reached
‘veiled concrete’, where metal bars are bent nature. But there is also an element of out to the property’s original architect,
and spanned with wire mesh before being futurism – of flying saucers and domes.” Claude Costy, whose input has been
covered with concrete. The organic shapes Le Balcon de Belledonne still carries that invaluable. A large, three-bed rural property An immaculate detached three-
limited the footprint of the foundations, as heritage, albeit hidden under layers of “We had a raft of options, from very with exceptional views and a lot of bed house, set on land of
well as saving on material costs compared varnish or paint from successive owners, simple to very complicated,” says potential in a friendly area. 3,000m² in a quiet location.
to traditional ‘square’ homes. who did not consider the damage it might Ms Christophe. “She saved us so much A very comfortable house to live This property is located at the end of
“I had to learn so many new techniques cause the structure over the years. time and money because her approach in with land for small animals and a no-through road, is not overlooked,
and tools and materials,” says Mr Lawri- “I have been surprised by how the space is so incredibly simple.” outbuildings, including the possibility and has wide open views across the
more, “but in the end it was quite simple.” feels,” says Ms Christophe. “The way you Ms Costy, now 92, visited the house last to convert one to a gîte. Just 1.6km countryside in the village of Gorges.
from the delightful town of Le Teilleul. Within 30mins of the coast.
Investing in the unusual building “was feel wrapped and protected, the way it winter to check on progress.
no more odd than in a giant chateau in my integrates in the environment, like a rock “I think she was very touched to see it €159,450 Ref: A18204RBR50 €235,400 Ref: A22924JCO50
mind”, he says, and the couple are keen to in the midst of plants.” in this condition,” says Ms Christophe. Properties available through Leggett Immobilier
use their experience to better inform Its construction came at the tail end Mr Lawrimore adds: “The gratifying Tel: 05 53 56 62 54
people about the place such properties of the maison-bulle trend. The move- thing for us is knowing we’re part of this
have in France’s architectural history. ment’s decline can be linked to insulation building’s history and maintaining it for Next month: We look at Marne
“From an architectural standpoint, I have problems as well as new urbanism laws posterity.”
38 PRACTICAL: Property

LegalNotes Splurging on The Connexion December 2023

Your questions
€110 kit is key
to changing
Matthew Cameron, partner
with Ashtons Legal,
answers a
reader query.

What are rules for demolishing/rebuilding?

Q: I am considering buying a
French property to demolish
so as to rebuild on the site.
conforms to pre-existing
planning regulations, it
is usually permissible to
old door lock
What are the rules around that? replace it ‘like for like’. from experience that locks are
This is all-important when fiddly things and if one catch
A: FRANCE has well-estab- it comes to considering not or spring pops out, you are left

Photo: Nick Inman

lished procedures that apply just construction applica- with a confusing puzzle.
when you are looking to tions, but also demolition. I therefore decided to replace Replacing the old lock, inset, was
carry out development work There is a much-discussed Nick Inman the lock. It could not be that more complicated than envisaged
on a property. Less known case in which a property charts the ups difficult or expensive, could it?
is the fact that permission is owner wanted to demolish
also required to demolish and then rebuild. They duly and downs of The only marking on the lock the lingo: galet (steel peg that tion would be beyond my skills.
renovating was ‘Ferco 1991’ – the manu- goes into the door frame), However, I could not see a sim-
a building. submitted an application
facturer and date it was made. têtière or tringle (vertical steel pler solution and a locksmith
There is, of course, logic to knock down the existing an old My local DIY shop did not sell plate), and axe (the distance would cost twice the price.
in this. Part of the rationale building, which was granted.
of the planning process is to Yet their subsequent
French anything that looked like it so I between the edge of the door My son-in-law helped and I
farmhouse went online, hoping to find the and the middle of the keyhole. was grateful for that: it is useful
have an up-to-date directory request to construct a new
identical item. There were Ferco Get one thing wrong and you to have another brain to figure
of properties in each house was refused. The
“CLACK!” For the last 20 years locks but it was not easy figuring will end up with a lock that out the little tricks needed to
region, so it is important property was situated in a
I have been lifting the handle out which model was mine. does not fit. make the job work.
to authorise the destruction non-constructible zone.
of my farmhouse door when I I quickly realised I would have It is helpful to take a photo Fitting the kit required careful
of one, just as it is the Once they had demolished
turn the key in order for two to become a short-term expert if of the mechanism box (boîtier) measuring before I cut the steel
construction. the existing building, there
Planning authorities also was no ‘footprint’ left, so no metal pegs, top and bottom, to I was going to do it myself. so you can compare it with the bar with an angle grinder.
want to control building option to replace it. slide into place and block the The first question: what is my new one: all the holes must line Part of me feared it would go
location, type and density in The above is a rather way to intruders. thingummy called? In English, up exactly. wrong. The first cut had to be
a region to take into account extreme and rare example. This time it went “clack!”. I suppose we would say ‘multi- Eventually, I learned that my the final one – a mistake would
many local influences. It does, however, highlight Maybe it was just a spring that point lock’. In French, it is a lock was long out of date and have been a hundred euros
Land is generally split into the importance of detailed had worn out, but it sounded serrure trois points encastrable it was pointless searching for down the drain. Fortunately, we
different zones for planning preparation when looking ominous. What if the door got or a crémone barillet. an exact replacement. The got it right and everything fitted
purposes. Where it is desig- to develop land. Planning jammed closed or, even worse, The next problem was figuring manufacturers had decided it snugly.
nated agricultural or non- rules are complex and vary stuck open? out the specifications. was not worth their while to The last job was to move the
constructible, it follows that between areas. The extra Dismantling the mechanism After a little searching, I make all the old models. slot in the door to receive the
new building projects will expense of commissioning meant removing the entire found a company called Brico- Instead they make a universal upper bolt (the makers of the
probably be hard to justify, the expertise of a planning 170cm metal strip with the zor (, which had kit ingeniously adapted to fit a kit obviously had not allowed
if not impossible. Provided, consultant or architect will mechanism attached (the helpful diagrams and offered range of doors by cutting two for exact positioning of the
however, that a building be worthwhile. barrel with the key is a separate advice by email. prolongateurs (extensions) to 1991 lock), but that was a fairly
item). There was nothing Certain measurements are the required size. easy task.
Tel: +44 (0)113 393 1930  visibly wrong with it. I could essential to find the right The kit was expensive – €110 – n Next month: have opened it up but I know model. You also need to learn and I was worried the adapta- Missing timber

Couple’s frustration over home renovation grant

EFFORTS to claim €4,000 in state grants minds, and I called and emailed regularly.
for renovation work have been likened to We did not know what the outcome would
Can I build pond if pool has been refused? “banging your head against a brick wall” be,” said Erik.
Q: What is the position of however, is not permitted if by a couple who eventually gave up. Hearing of France Rénov’ from a news-
mairies on natural ponds with you are not allowed to have Connexion readers Erik and Jesica paper advertisement, Erik contacted the
a swimming area? There would a pool. Uzureau spent more than two years apply- public service platform for free personal-
be no chlorine, just filtration Ponds used for livestock, ing for the government’s MaPrimeRénov’ ised advice and was quickly given an
by reeds. We are not allowed which used to be found on scheme, which offers financial aid to appointment with an adviser.
a pool but is a swimming many French properties, improve the energy efficiency of homes. “They sat down with us, went through
pond permitted? have mostly been filled in. Mr Uzureau, an American, and his wife, the process, and basically told us we
Photo: Uzureau family

Farmers can no longer let who is French, sought the grant as part of would never get the grant because the
A: WHEN you say you are not animals drink directly from a €250,000 project to buy and renovate work was done before estimates from
allowed a pool, we assume rivers, or from ponds that their house in Bordeaux. RGE artisans had gone through the
it is because you are close might run into them. The energy work included installing a application process,” he said.
to a historic monument or However, there might still solar-boosted hot water system, insulating Erik and Jesica Uzureau and children “I strongly recommend anyone thinking
because digging will cause be one hidden on your land the loft and walls, and double-glazing the of MaPrimeRénov’ to go to France Rénov’
problems to communal that you could rehabilitate. windows. that things would not be plain sailing was first, because even when you think you are
infrastructure, eg. pipes. France has reasonably They said they initially used an online when MaPrimeRénov’ emailed to say the capable of dealing with paperwork and
Unfortunately, the same strict rules about pool calculator on the MaPrimeRénov’ website, proof of ownership of the house was not bureaucracy in French like we did, you risk
rules apply to a ‘swimming safety so consider these in which came up with the €4,000 grant figure. sufficient. banging your head against a brick wall.”
pond’ (piscine naturelle). your plans if you do make a “It seemed simple at the time, and €4,000 They eventually had to scan and upload By contrast, applying for a Prime Eco
If you already have a pond, swimming pond. would have been a great help,” Erik said. the papers received from the notaire. Energie grant offered by supermarket group
you can swim in it and, An alternative is to install “It was only when we went to the new “That took nine months because our Auchan, worth between €2,000 and €3,000,
with a bit of luck, manage an above-ground pool. France Rénov’ information service that we request was moved from one queue to “was like getting a letter in the post”, Erik
to make a beach and plant This does not require got a face-to-face interview with someone another,” he said. said. “The key document was an energy
reeds to keep the water authorisation, as long as who knew what they were talking about They were then told that one of the assessment from a specialist. Once we had
clean. you move it after three and who explained to us clearly that we artisans employed by the architect to that, it only took around two weeks.
Digging one from scratch, months. had done just about everything wrong.” insulate the walls did not have the required “The energy assessment, which we also
The couple had employed an architect for Reconnu Garant de l’Environnement needed for the MaPrimeRénov’ grant, cost
Tel: 05 61 57 90 86  the project who became the maître d’oeuvre (recognised environment professional, around €1,000, so Auchan covered that
(similar to a project manager). RGE) certification. and more.” “He informed us at the start that he did It meant the whole project had to be Prime Eco Energie grants are available
If you have a legal query send it to not work on the government grant side of resubmitted without the walls. Again, there from a number of large French companies
We select two questions to answer in each edition things and that we would have to do it was a long delay. as part of a deal agreed with the govern-
ourselves,” said Erik. The first indication “It was always nagging in the back of our ment to help reduce CO2 emissions.
The Connexion December 2023 Property 39
Bad solar panel
deal does not Rubbish way to create an arty home
cancel bank loan The Connexion meets

Photos: Sarah Henshaw

Derk-Jan and Honorine in front of Gallery/screening/
A HOMEOWNER who a pair of Dutch artists one of their converted barns performance room
claimed he was misled into
installing solar panels is still who have creatively
obliged to repay the bank loan cannibalised items
for the work, a court has ruled.
Previously, the law had from brocantes,
favoured property-owners house sales and even
where work was of poor
quality and the bank had not the déchèterie to
checked before paying the renovate their home
installer, or in cases where
homeowners said they were – and bring a smile
tricked into signing for panels to the community
in the first instance. An automaton in the studio
Solar panel cold-callers often
claim that bank loans will cover WHEN artists Derk-Jan could get people out of the bored. Here, that will never
the installation, with future Gerritsen and Honorine van main house and give everyone happen. There’s always some-
repayments met by selling elec- Citters started house-hunting their own space. It gave us the thing to do.”
tricity produced by the panels. in Nièvre in 1998, the plan was idea to set up a permanent gîte, Just to make sure, the couple
However, the case heard in simply to buy a small holiday which is now a useful income.” recently bought two additional
September ruled in favour of home as respite from city living Other parts of the property properties – an old mill not
the bank, after the homeowner in Haarlem, the Netherlands. have been creatively re-imagin- far from the farmhouse, and
stopped repaying his loan three After a tiny, tick-all-the- ed, including a huge room in what they describe as a ‘garden
years after a solar installation. boxes, two-room property fell the main building that serves house’ on an olive plantation
He argued that the panels had through, however, they panick- as a gallery/live music/film in Italy.
never produced the amount of ed and widened their search to replace – things were falling art is focused on making screening/party space. Unsurprisingly, both have
electricity promised in his con- to “anything and everything”, down. The previous owner had automatons from recycled Meanwhile, a barn that prev- next to nothing in the way
tract, and that the bank should says Honorine – even homes done the bare minimum to materials collected from iously stored farm machinery of traditional ‘comfort’ and
have checked the figures before outside their budget. keep the property standing. But brocantes, vide-maisons and has been flooded with light facilities.
agreeing the loan. The result: a sprawling, that didn’t scare us. We were the déchèterie, was quick to thanks to a new facade of recy- The guiding principle for all
He also said the bank should dilapidated farmhouse (and just in love with the place.” apply his unique creative skills cled windows. It is in here that these buildings is ultimately
have ascertained if the install- outbuildings) in a small village With cows still in the barn, to the renovation, fashioning Derk-Jan works on his Heath “restoration, not transform-
ation was prompted by cold- on the River Yonne, not far and no sewerage, heating, a pulley to hoist tiles from a Robinson-esque inventions, ation” – a soft-footed approach
callers. from Clamecy. indoor washing or toilet facil- moped wheel and an old which he periodically allows that has been informed as
However, the Cour de cass- “It had been empty for 30 ities, the couple initially had to photocopier motor. members of the public to view. much by environmental con-
ation noted that when the loan years and we were both 30 at rough it. They credit years of Honorine has been no less The couple also host a hugely siderations and limited funds
application was made, the work the time, so it felt like it had squat-living in creative comm- resourceful over the years, even popular annual Singer Street as a firmly-held belief that they
had already been done and the been waiting for us,” she says. unities in the Netherlands making her own paint for the Race. Another showcase for are merely custodians of the
homeowner appeared satisfied. Her husband, Derk-Jan, for preparing them for the interiors. their zany ideas, it features property.
This absolved the bank of admits the price was also an hardships, and Derk-Jan insists They both admit they were remote-controlled sewing “We try to re-use whenever
responsibility for any work attraction: “If you come from those early months of “camp- aided by volunteer labourers machines on wheels, zipping we can. We’ve always been
done before this, judges said. somewhere like Holland, where ing” yielded great memories. (mainly friends and family) around a challenging obstacle like that but when you start
every square centimetre has a What they were not prepared from Holland, who they rallied course in the centre of the living in the countryside, you
Estate agency value, the cost of property in
rural France feels like such
for, however, was the toll that
splitting time between the
in the early stages to help out
in return for free board and
village, and is open to all to
take part.
realise how it works in nature
and don’t just do it because
hit by domestic an opportunity.
“Even in the countryside in
Netherlands and their new life
in France would take, and they
“It took a bit of getting used
So, 25 years on, is the house
finally finished? No, laughs
someone on the TV tells you
to,” says Derk-Jan.
abuse scandal Holland, this farmhouse would
have been 10 times the price.
made the decision to move
permanently in 2000.
to,” admits Derk-Jan. “In
Holland we’d see our friends for
Honorine, “and it never will be.”
Derk-Jan says: “The house is
“In these properties that have
been here for 300 years, you
AN AWARD-winning chain “We ended up paying 250,000 Their first priority was fixing a few hours. Here they stayed patient. It says: ‘Okay, if you can’t help but realise you’re just
of estate agents founded by TV French francs (about €40,000). the front roof, which they did for a week. We ended up charg- can’t do it this year, do it next. a visitor.
star Stéphane Plaza has seen its Admittedly, the whole roof entirely themselves, without ing them a little per night, just I won’t fall apart straight away.’ “They were there before you
sales hit after allegations against had to be re-done, there were scaffolding or other profession- for food. Later, we converted “I think creative people are arrived on the planet and will
him of domestic violence. windows missing, a big beam al equipment. Derk-Jan, whose one of the outbuildings so we always worried that they’ll get remain long after you’ve gone.”
Stéphane Plaza Immobilier

New kind of viager equity release deal is ‘less morbid’

was launched in 2015 by
Mr Plaza and TV channel M6,
for which he presents several
property shows.
It has around 4,000 agents IF YOU want to release equity from The price depends on the value of the investors, not individuals.” €50million was in viager mutualisé,”
working from 700 offices your home while still living in it, selling property and the life expectancy of the For a viager mutualisé, institutional said Mr Guillaume. “From 2021 until
around the country, and is now en viager to an investment fund could seller when the deal is done. buyers usually pay a fixed sum for a now, the figure is more like €1billion.”
considered one of the ‘big five’ be an option to research. It has always had a bit of a morbid property, and no ongoing rent, with the Precise figures are not available, but
French estate agencies. This version of the en viager sale (where reputation, as buyers get the best deal property going into funds either as capi- Mr Guillaume estimates that institution-
Agents are mainly on five- the buyer does not take possession until if the seller dies quickly. tal reserves or as part of unit-based al investors now make up half of the
year contracts, with heavy pen- the seller has died) typically takes away Traditionally, viager deals have been assurance vie regulated insurance viager market. He warned, though, that
alties (around €50,000) if they much of the potentially off-putting between members of the public, but there savings accounts. investors are mainly interested in prop-
leave the network, and a clause morbid element of the traditional viager. is growing interest from institutional “If someone aged 60 has a €1million erties where the market is strong.
forbidding them from working In this sale, there is usually no regular investors, said Eric Guillaume, founder flat in Paris, and insurance tables “If you have a large, beautifully
for a rival firm for a year after. ‘rent’ for the seller in their lifetime, but of Virage Viager. estimate they will live for 20 years, restored property close to somewhere
Some agents say that allega- they can expect a larger upfront sum. “As someone working at a retirement the rental value of the property for 20 like Sarlat in Dordogne, they might be
tions against Mr Plaza from And the buyer is a relatively faceless fund, I became aware that the viager years will, for example, be assessed at interested. However, if you have a small,
former partners, which sur- institution, not a member of the public market was at best flat, in spite of the €350,000,” said Mr Guillaume. beautifully restored farmhouse miles
faced in September, led to who has essentially made a bet on your advantages it offered,” he told The Con- “That means an institutional buyer from anywhere, in rural France, you will
deals falling through. death coming sooner rather than later... nexion. The problem is that buyer and will pay a lump sum of €650,000 for the be much better off looking for indi-
Agents have reportedly Such institutional investors now make seller want different things – the buyer property, and the owner will live in it vidual investors, because the property
contacted lawyers to decide up half of the viager market in France, to pay as little as possible for the bou- until they die. market for that sort of house is slow.
if they can claim for both according to an industry expert. quet and to pay rent for as short a time “With a traditional viager, the €650,000 “Similarly, if you have a flat in Biarritz,
moral and financial losses In its classic format, a viager sale as possible, while the seller hopes to get is usually divided into a lump sum of on the seafront in Nice or at Saint-Jean-
due to the affair. involves the buyer paying part of the an advantage from their property and €200,000 with an estimated €450,000 in de-Luz, institutional buyers will be
Mr Plaza denies all allegations market value of the property to the a monthly sum to live on. rent payments over 20 years.” interested straight away.”
against him. seller as an upfront lump sum called the “With the increase in longevity, there Mr Guillaume started mutualised For people looking to invest in prop-
Before the scandal broke, his bouquet, often around 30% of the value. were more people who wanted to sell in funds in 2010, initially reserved for erty funds, Mr Guillaume said some in-
agency had been hailed agent The seller then maintains a lifetime a viager deal, but not many individuals funds with capital reserves in property. surance firms and banks now offer this.
of the year for a fourth consec- right to use or live in the property, while who wanted to buy. Unit-based funds for assurance vie were “It is possible to have an assurance vie
utive time by an In Marketing the buyer pays them a regular rent on a “The solution I came up with is a sys- introduced in 2017. account with half the units in a viager
Survey of 4,500 consumers. monthly or three-monthly basis. tem where the buyers are institutional “From 2012 to 2020, an estimated property fund and half in shares,” he said.
The Back Page The Connexion December 2023

First rule of French cooking? Rip up the recipe book

Celebrity chef Julia Child

Photos: La Peetch
Who was Julia Child?

Photo: Science History Images/Alamy

inspired legions of American praised both for
JULIA Child was a US cooking its clarity and its
fans to give French cooking a expert, author and TV personality, comprehensiveness.
go. Now, the new owners of credited with bringing French Julia also present-
cuisine into the American home. ed several television
her Alpes-Maritimes house Her expertise was acquired during cooking shows in
are continuing that legacy her years in Paris after World War the United States,
- but with an emphasis on Two (Julia’s husband was a diplo- where her humour,
mat) where she studied at the city’s exuberance and unpretentiousness
technique rather than Cordon Bleu cooking school. She earned her many fans. Her autobi-
tackling specific recipes. was the only woman in her class. ography, My Life in France, provid-
She went on to write the bestsell- ed the inspiration for 2009 film
Léon Xu pays a visit ing cookbook Mastering the Art of Julie & Julia, starring Meryl Streep.
French Cooking, which was roundly Julia Child died in August 2004.
TUCKED into the hills of Grasse in the Makenna Held and husband Chris Nylund in Julia Child’s former kitchen
south of France, the picturesque former Cooking’ programme are given “an Kendall Lane, La Pitchoune’s execu- During the summer season, the “There is this whole myth around
home of America’s first celebrity chef is immersive, recipe-free culinary tive chef, says students master nearly school is turned into a luxury hotel, Julia Child and French cuisine,” Ms
still bustling with culinary activity. education,” including shopping for all of the key French techniques, such with Ms Lane and Ms Held providing Held explained, “and if it’s put on a
Julia Child and her husband Paul ingredients at the local market and as sauces, braises, souflées, mousses three meals a day for up to a dozen pedestal, it’s scary.
built La Pitchoune (also known as learning what is in season. and sautéeing. But instead of specific hungry and food curious guests. “If you fail, it is sacrilege, but it really
La Peetch) during the 1960s. The website makes it perfectly clear: recipes, she teaches a ‘food pyramid’. Ms Lane’s husband Ross pairs the shouldn’t be. The only thing that mat-
It became their holiday hideaway “We are not a Julia Child Cooking This, she says, can be built on any wine, while Ms Held’s husband Chris ters in the end is if the food is tasty.”
in the Alpes-Maritimes village of School. Nor will we cook like her.” foundation, whether a vegetable, a entertains the visitors with stories Through the art of cooking, Ms Held
Plascassier for more than two decades. What the courses on offer do protein, or even a taste or spice. about the house’s history, as well as its hopes to introduce her students to a
The stucco house now offers the op- promise, however, is to “translate the Ms Lane then teaches students how illustrious former owners. wider philosophy for life.
portunity to master the art of French skillsets of French cuisine to creative, to base a dish around that ingredient, For both the school and hotel, the “Roll with it,” she said. “You mess up
cuisine, thanks to its second incarna- intuitive, fun-loving cooking.” using only what is readily available. menu is all about working with the a dish, it’s fine. Eat it, bin it, try again.”
tion as a cooking school. “We could teach you the recipe for an “If you find this one amazing recipe seasons and regional specialities. She reminds students that Julia Child
Makenna Held, a Colorado-born amazing raspberry pie, said Ms Held, online that you really want to try, but “We won’t serve you tomato soup and herself was beloved for her cheerful-
entrepreneur who went to the same “but then you go home and your ingre- you’re missing one ingredient, do you grilled cheese in winter,” Ms Lane said. ness and positive personality.
college as Mrs Child, saw the house for dients taste different, your eggs aren’t buy it online from across the world, or “When a student leaves our class, Although she often made mistakes
sale in The New York Times in 2015. the same size, and raspberries aren’t in find a substitute with something that’s they should be able to prepare a de- on screen while cooking, Julia re-
She bought it without even visiting. season. What do you do then?” already in your pantry?” licious, home-cooked meal wherever mained unflustered, encouraging her
The previous owners had already The principal courses, which cater It is French cooking, she claims, they are in the world. We teach them viewers to accept their mishaps and to
established it as a cooking school, but for up to seven people, cost around without necessarily being French food. how to shop, how to improvise and carry on regardless.
Ms Held was eager to add her own €10,000 per person for six nights. Students are mainly from the US, adapt to the season and the location.” That is the most important lesson the
signature twist. An alternative ‘Cook Camp’, which where Julia Child is still a household The aim, she says, is to make cooking current owners of La Pitchoune aim to
Over the course of one intensive can accommodate up to 19 guests, name, almost 20 years after her death – French or otherwise – more accessi- teach: no pressure, just keep cooking
week, students on her ‘Courageous starts from €3,772 per person. in 2004, at the age of 91. ble and a whole lot less stressful. and enjoy yourself.

UK pensions are about to

get more complicated.
The UK government is introducing new pension allowances for certain lump sums. Under HM Revenue Talk to the people who know
and Customs draft legislation, a £268,275 Lump Sum Allowance could result in you paying more tax in
future than in past years, as the legislation makes no provision to increase the allowance. It is not clear yet 0 805 112 163 (N0 Vert)
how this will impact overseas transfers, but with a start date of April 2024 there is limited time to explore
your options before the rules are introduced.
The Lump Sum and Death Benefits Allowance will have a £1,073,100 allowance, with amounts paid to
beneficiaries above this being taxed at their marginal rate of income tax, even if death occurs before age 75.
If you have built up higher pension savings, contact us now to learn more about the proposed 2024 changes
and what action you may need to take.


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Trustees Limited is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority for the administration of retirement schemes. This promotion has been approved and issued by BFWML.

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