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Hazrat Khadija bint Khuwaylid:

Even in her childhood, Hazrat Khadija had been known for her piety, and her great gifts of person and
Her father was Khuwaylid bin Asad and her mother was Fatima bint Za’idah.
She was first married to Abu Hala bin Zurarah. From this marriage, she bore her husband two sons: (1) Hala
(2) Hind. Therefore, she is also known as Umm-e-Hind.
After the demise of her first husband, she married Ateeq bin Aidh Makhzumi.
She had a daughter from this marriage, named Hindah.
As a widow, Hazrat Khadija lived a chaste life. She went to the Kaaba and offered her prayers regularly.
Hazrat Khadija was one of the richest, noblest, most respected ladies of Makkah.
She had made a comparative study of religions and was well grounded in Christian and Jewish Scriptures.
Trade partnership with Muhammad (Peace be upon him):
Hazrat Khadija’s father had died in the Battle of Fijar and had left her a large fortune.
She needed a man to lead her trade caravans to Syria and earn a profit for her.
Extent of her trade: her caravans were on one side and the rest of Makkah’s on the other.
Many nobles of Quraish recommended Muhammad (Peace be upon him) for this task.
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) agreed to lead Khadija’s caravan to Syria. He would receive half of the
profit from the trip.
Started when Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was 22 years old.
On the journey to Syria, Khadija’s slave, Maysarah, accompanied Muhammad (Peace be upon him). The trip
was a stunning success.
On return to Makkah, Maysarah greatly praised Muhammad (Peace be upon him)’s virtues and trading skills.

Marriage of Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and Hazrat Khadija:

Slowly, Hazrat Khadija was more and more impressed by Muhammad (Peace be upon him)’s character and
piety. When he was 25, she sent a marriage proposal for Muhammad (Peace be upon him) to his uncle, Abu
After consultation with his elders, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) agreed and married Hazrat Khadija.
At this time, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was 25 and Hazrat Khadija was 40 years old.
Importance of this marriage for Muhammad (Peace be upon him):
This marriage freed Muhammad (Peace be upon him) from financial worries and he was finally able to devote
his time to meditation.
In Hazrat Khadija, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) found a pious, loving and understanding companion.
This marriage gave Hazrat Khadija the greatest happiness.
She placed her loving companionship and her great fortune at Muhammad (Peace be upon him)’s disposal.
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) too was very pleased. In his later years, he counted these preprophetic days
with Hazrat Khadija as the happiest of his life.
Hazrat Khadija as a support for Muhammad (Peace be upon him):
When Muhammad (Peace be upon him) met the angel Jibril for the first time on Mount Hira, he was shaken
and afraid.
At this critical time, Hazrat Khadija’s encouraging and soothing words helped greatly.Her love for
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is shown by the fact that she did not sleep the night he was made a prophet,
but kept mumbling prayers throughout.
Next day, she took Muhammad (Peace be upon him) to her cousin, Waraqa bin Naufal.On return, convinced
of Muhammad (Peace be upon him)’s prophet hood, she declared her faith in his mission. Thus, Hazrat
Khadija was the first convert to Islam.
After publicly declaring his Prophethood, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was besieged at all sides by
During these days in Makkah, Hazrat Khadija fully supported her husband financially, with her influence and
with encouragement and unflinching support.
Offsprings of Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and Hazrat Khadija:
I. Hazrat Qasim
II. Hazrat Tahir ( Abdullah)
III. Hazrat Zaynab
IV. Hazrat Ruqayyah
V. Hazrat Umm Kulthum
VI. Hazrat Fatima
Demise of Hazrat Khadija:
Hazrat Khadija died in 619 A.D/on 11 Ramadan 10th year of Peophethood, 3 years before Hijrat.
At the time of her demise, she was 65 years old.
Her death was a great shock to Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and suddenly, everything seemed dark to
Muhammad (Peace be upon him)’s gratitude and love for Hazrat Khadija:
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) never forgot Hazrat Khadija, and even after her death, he remembered her
support and love for him.
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) did not marry any other woman while Hazrat Khadija was alive.
After Hazrat Khadija’s demise, whenever an animal was slaughtered by the Prophet (Peace be upon him), he
always sent a portion to ladies who had been Hazrat Khadija’s friends.
Once, Hazrat Ayesha bitterly expressed her jealously of Hazrat Khadija. In reply, Muhammad (Peace be upon
him) said:
“She believed in my mission at a time when everyone rejected it and lent me the support of her conviction
when there was hardly a believer. She enlivened my life when I was to be gone and opened the floodgates of
her heart when I felt lonely and deserted.”
At a later time, he said:
“Khadija’s love is given to me by Allah.”
“The noblest ladies of this world are Marium and Khadija”.

Hazrat Ayesha bint Hazrat Abu Bakr:

Hazrat Ayesha was born at Makkah, 8-9 years before Hijrat.
Her father was Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq and her mother was Zaynab bint Amir.
After the demise of Hazrat Khadija, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was inconsolable. Someone broached to
him the idea of remarrying.
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and Hazrat Ayesha’s marriage was consummated when Hazrat Ayesha was
at least 6.
Hazrat Ayesha enjoyed the company of Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and had freer access to him than
anyone else.
She was intelligent, quick-witted, well-informed on religious and historical matters as she imbibed divinely
inspired knowledge and wisdom from the very fountain head of Prophet hood.
Her apartment was the centre where Ayaat were revealed by the Divine Mercy of Allah. Thus she was given
the title of “Horizon of the ladies of Islam.”
She was very large hearted and benevolent. On one occasion, at one sitting, she gave away 70,000 Dirhams
while at another 1,00,000 Dirhams sent to her from Syria.
She was modest, pure, pious and extremely tender-hearted.
The Angel Jibril specifically greeted her and during her lifetime the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) gave
her the wonderful news that she would enter Paradise.
As she had a keen and inquiring mind, she dug deeply into the meaning of Ahadis and Ayaat.
She also remembered by heart hundreds of traditions and is thus given a high rank among narrators of Ahadis.
It was also by efforts of Hazrat Ayesha that conflicting points between the Holy Quran and Sunnah were
She also reviewed Ahadith of Muhammad (Peace be upon him) that people brought to her for confirmation.
Some 2,210 Traditions were narrated by her.
In accordance with Divine Revelation, Hazrat Ayesha did not remarry after Muhammad (Peace be upon
him)’s demise.
Hazrat Ayesha was very charitable and gave most her wealth away in charity.
She passed away on 17th Ramadan, 58 AH.
She is buried in Madina in the Jannat-ul-Baqi.

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