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In general, programmers use two approaches to
writing repetitive algorithms. One approach uses
loops; the other uses recursion. Recursion is a
repetitive process in which a function calls itself.

PROGRAM 1 Iterative Factorial Function

FORMULA Iterative Factorial Definition

FORMULA Recursive Factorial Definition

PROGRAM 1 Recursive Factorial Function

FIGURE Factorial (3) Recursively

Every recursive call must either solve part of the problem
or reduce the size of the problem.

Example 1: Multiplication
• Suppose we wish to write a recursive function to multiply an
integer m by another integer n using addition.
[We can add, but we only know how to multiply by 1].
• The best way to go about this is to formulate the solution by
identifying the base case and the recursive case.
• The base case is if n is 1. The answer is m.
• The recursive case is: m*n = m + m (n-1). m, n = 1
m + m (n-1), n>1

Dr. Marwa Elshenawy

Recursive Function Multiply
int multiply ( int m, int n)
int ans;
if (n==1)
ans= m + multiply (m, n-1);
return ans;
Example 1: Multiplication …

multiply(6,3) = 6 + multiply(6, 2)
= 6 + (6 + multiply(6, 1))
= 6+ (6 + (6 )

= 6 + (6 + (6))
= 6 + (12) Substitution
= 18 phase

Recursive Function Multiply
multiply (6,3)

m is 6
n is 3
3 == 1 is false
ans is 6 + multiply (6,2)
return (ans)

m is 6
n is 2
2 == 1 is false
ans is 6 + multiply (6,1)
return (ans)

m is 6
n is 1
6 1 == 1 is true

return (6)
Example 3: Power function
• Suppose we wish to define our own power function that
raise a double number to the power of a non-negative
integer exponent. xn , n>=0.
• The base case is if n is 0. The answer is 1.
• The recursive case is: xn = x * xn-1.

1, n = 0
x * x n-1, n>0

Example 3: Power function …

int pow(int x, int n)

if (n == 0)
return 1; /* simple case */
return x * pow(x, n - 1); /* recursive step */

Fibonacci Series
• The Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following integer
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ……
PROGRAM 2 Recursive Fibonacci

FIGURE Fibonacci Numbers

Recursion vs. iteration
• Iteration can be used in place of recursion
• An iterative algorithm uses a looping construct
• A recursive algorithm uses a branching structure
• Recursive solutions are often less efficient, in
terms of both time and space, than iterative
• Recursion can simplify the solution of a
problem, often resulting in shorter, more easily
understood source code
How do I write a recursive function?
• Determine the size factor
• Determine the base case(s)
(the one for which you know the answer)
• Determine the general case(s)
(the one where the problem is expressed as a smaller version of itself)
• Verify the algorithm
(use the "Three-Question-Method")
Advantages of Recursive Function
● It makes our code shorter and cleaner.
● Recursion is required in problems concerning data structures and advanced
algorithms, such as Graph and Tree Traversal.
Disadvantages of Recursive Function

● It takes a lot of stack space compared to an iterative program.

● It uses more processor time.
● It can be more difficult to debug compared to an equivalent iterative program.

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