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Exercises 3 and 4

3.Answer the questions. Write the answer in your notebook.

1. Who did Pip live with?
He lived with his sister and her husband.
2.Describe the convict's clothes.
He was very stained with mud and had gray clothes, he also had an iron on
his ankle that was used to hold him back.
3.What did the man want from Pip’s home?
Some food, drinks and a file.
4.Why did Pip love Joe?
Because he looked after his sister.
5.Why was Mrs Gargery angry with Pip?
Because Pip went out of the house without permission.
4.Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences. Then number the
picture in the order they happened.
1. Mrs Gargery prepared…
a. a Christmas dinner for Pip and Joe.
b. some food for the convict.
c. a file for the convict.
2. Pip hid because…
a. the convict was trying to find him.
b. he was frightened of Mrs Gargery.
c. somebody was at the door.
3. The man lifted Pip up to…
a. put him in mud.
b. empty his pocket.
c. take him to the river.
4. Pip took… from the kitchen.
a. an iron chain
b. a file
c. some wine

5. Pip was crying because… .

a. he didn't have parents to give him presents.
b. he couldn’t find his parents.
c. Mrs Gargery died.

Exercise 3-4

3. Answer the questions.

1. Why did the soldiers go to Joe’s house?
Because the person who escaped from the prison was there.
2. How did the convict save Pip?
Covering up because he had helped him before.
3. How did Miss Havisham describe herself?
THe lady of the broken heart.
4. Why didn’t Estella want to play with Pip?
Because she think that Pip is simple and uneducated.
5. What was Pip’s opinion of Estella after their game of cards?
Pip’s opinion was that Estella is educated, pretty and arrogant.
6. How did Pip try to change himself?
Wearing his better clothes.
4. There are five mistakes in the picture. match A and B to make
sentences about the mistakes.
1. The clock had stopped e. at twenty minutes to eleven.
2. Miss Havisham is not wearing a. her wedding dress.
3. Estella and Pip have cleaned b. the room.
4. Joe is wearing c. his work clothes.
5. Joe and Miss Havisham are eating d. the wedding cake.

Exercise 3-4

3. Answer the questions.

1. describe Orlick. How did he behave towards Pip?
Orlick didn’t like him and he was terrible towards Pip.
2. How did Pip feel about his work?
He thought that was difficult and boring.
3. Why was Mrs Gargery angry with Orlinck?
Because Orlick didn’t work how he did it.
4. How did Mrs Gargery change after the attack?
She was never angry anymore.
5. How did Biddy help Pip?
With his studies.
6. What happened 25 years ago at twenty minutes to nine?
Miss Havishman fell in love with a bad person, because he used her to
have a lot of money.

Exercise 3-4

3. Answer the questions.

1. How did Pip change after he became a gentleman?
Pip studied with his tutor and analyzed how to be a gentleman.
2. What were Estella’s feelings for Pip?
Estalla didn’t feel anything by Pip.
3. What happened on Pip’s 21st birthday?
He became to save money or control his expenses.
4. How was Miss Havisham using Estella?
To have revenge with a man.
5. How did Magwitch become rich?
With a farm of sheep.
6. How does Pip plan to help Magwitch now?
He and Herbert though to send Magwitch to another country.

Exercise 3-4
3. Tick the sentence that is true for each of the people in the pictures.
1. a. He often saw his wife and child.
b. He saw his wife and child after many years.
c. He never saw his wife and child again.
2. a. He saved Miss Havisham’s life.
b. He killed Miss Havisham.
c. Miss Havisham saved his life.
3. a. She isn’t going to marry anyone.
b. She is going to marry a rich man.
c. She is going to marry Herbert.
4. a. She knew Estella’s parents.
b. She didn’t know Estella’s parents.
c. She was Estella’s real mother.
4. Answer the questions.
1. Explain why Pip bought a boat.
Pip wants to carry Magwitch to the ship.
2. In what way was Miss Havisham cruel to Pip?
She wanted Estella to stay with her but she didn't want to and Pip was
suffering a lot.
3. What did Miss Havisham try to teach Estella?
Miss Havisham touches Estella to be like she is now.
4. In Pip’s opinion, who was Estalla’s mother?
He thought that Molly is the mother of Estella.
5. What happened to Miss Havisham after Pip left the house?
She was burned by the dress.
6. Why was Pip excited when he heard Herbert’s story?
Because now things are starting to fall into place.

Exercise 4-5

4. Answer the questions.

1. How has Magwitch changed since Pip first saw him?
He became more friendly and more sentimental.
2. Who was in the bigger boat? What were they doing?
They were searching Magwitch.
3. What happened to Magwitch after he tried to escape?
The policeman sent him to a prison clinic.
4. How did Joe help Pip?
Joe helped Pip with debts.
5. What did Pip discover when he went to Joe’s house?
He discovers that they married that day.
6. How has Estella changed? What changed her?
The husband of Estella had died and she was sad. Now she understood
what Pip felt.
5. Match A and B to make sentences about the story.
1. Joe married d. Biddy
2. The police took f. Magwitch
3. Pip left e. for Egypt
4. Estella told a.Pip about her feelings.
5. Magwitch died c.before they could hang him.
6. Joe and Biddy had b. a son called Pip

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