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30. (D) 31.(D) 32. (C) 33. (D) 34. (A) 35. (C) Answers to Test 2 We need to consider Penelope and Ricardo as one ‘unit. I Penelope '§ a ee then Ricardo must be telling the truth. If Penelope is a liar, then Ricardo mus liar. uth-teller, then James must be or one truth tellers, meaning re, Penelope and Ricardo Now we must consider Brian and James. If Brian is a tr a liar. Since James is a liar, then there must be either zero that there is only room for Brian to be a truth teller. Therefor : must be liars. In this case, three people are liars (and have curly hair). itis also possible that Brian isa liar too, in which case James must also be a liar (Brian is lying about himself and James being different, when in reality they are the same.) In order to be consistent with James’ lie, Penelope and Ricardo must also be liars. Then this would mean that there are zero truth tellers (and so four liars), which would also work, but is not given in the options. Simply because Uncle Paul doesn't necessarily follow the advice of his own argument doesn't mean that what he says isn't true. However, Cora believes that the argument is flawed simply because it comes from Uncle Paul. If someone else whose behaviour is consistent with the advice said it, she would not come to the same conclusion about the same piece of information. The winner of the Davidson Art Prize must display both creativity and originality. However, the prize is selected from a pool of submissions that must satisfy these two criteria. Just because a submission satisfies both these criteria, does not mean that it will be chosen as the winner, so Jeremy's reasoning is correct. Elizabeth is also correct because if a submission does not have both qualities, then it is not eli Options (A), (B), and (C) all neither strengthen nor weaken the argument. (D) gives a reason for why humans want to protect animals that have been immortalised through their transformation into beloved characters in children’s stories. As their baby-like physical features were given greater emphasis and awareness in books, humans began to look upon these animals positively and to feel a greater need to protect them and their environment. For a number to be a perfect square and a perfect cube, it must be a squared number and a cubed number. 729 is the square of 27 and the cube of 9. 144 is only the square of 12, 81 is only the square of 9 and 256 is only the square of 16. If Moira were telling the truth, then today and tomorrow must both be truth-day However, there are no consecutive truth-days, If she were lying, then today Cd tomorrow must both be lie-days. The only consecutive lie-da ys are Wed Thursday, oe 56 Answers to Test 2 bourne, Moscow, and Nashville We know that Mel must be before Te 36:8) ance (Rulas 1 and 4). Hence, if Oslo is 2nd, then this would oe yo cannot be 4th if Oslo is 2nd, Push Tokyo up to at least 5th, so To! sy. (a) He used 6 oioks in total to defeat the warriors, meaning that 20 clicks are let the warlords. Ifthe warlords only required six clicks each, then it would hy faba liver only 18 clicks to defeat them. If the warlords required seven cies en would have taken Oliver 21 clicks. Since he only uses 20 clicks, one la ee required six clicks, and two would have required seven clicks, thus he duc ee ree warlords in total. 4.(8) The teacher's argument is based on the fact that ifa student speaks without rai their hand, then it will without a doubt lead to complete chaos throughout the class lass and the teacher will not be able to control the class anymore. However, in many ca might not happen, and this is not a logical way to construct an argument, as it tee on some rather strong assumptions. 39,0) The complete parellelogram should be constructed as in the image below: 40, : i (C) Let's assume that Mei’s class is 2F (the same logic would apply to 3E). Katie would be ‘old that the class was F, and since it is the only one on the list with F, then Katie would know what Tanya got. (This is a key piece of logic that needs to be applied throughout the problem.) s, then it can’t : ince Tanya has said that she knows for sure Katie doesn't know the clas in any class in Year 2 or Year 3 since there is no chance that it could be either 2F of SE en Tanya would not say that Katie knows for sure which olass It's) Itmust be a class in Year 4 or Year 5. Fi vee (th m the second statement (that Katie now knows), Mei must be in either 4C, 5B, sou Kate received A as her piece of information, it could be ether 4A or 5A ard a Not know.) now (she could not Now Ka “ Katie knows. if it was a Year 6 class, then Tanya would not Ki Se between 5B and 50). So it must be 4C. a7

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