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DATA CENTER | 0, 1, 2, 3,

4, 5, 6 & 7 Levels of
August 7, 2022 | Bob Morris
When we look at commissioning a data center, in most cases,
there will be a project requirement to structure the process into
five stages, commonly referred to as ‘Levels.’ So what are the 5
levels of commissioning?:

 Level 1 – Red Tag – Factory Testing [Off Site]

 Level 2 – Yellow Tag – Component and System
Delivery / Pre-Installation [On Site]
 Level 3 – Green Tag – Pre Commissioning / Pre
Functional and Startup [On Site]
 Level 4 – Blue Tag – Component / System Functional
Performance Testing [On Site]
 Level 5 – White Tag – System Integrated Testing [On
The five levels, when we look at them in-depth, actually do not
cover the whole process that we need, so there can be instances
where clients and the commissioning agent / commissioning
team overseeing the process modify, tweak and add three
additional stages:

 Level 0 – No Tag – Design and Planning

 Level 6 – No Tag – Closeout and Turnover / Handover
 Level 7 – No Tag – Acceptance of Final Reports and
5 Levels. Is that the same Process as
ASHRAE Guideline 0?
Pretty much is, but we feel not as structured, so the two should not
be muddled up; delivering a data center commissioning process
Levels 1-5 will not mean a complete ASHRAE commissioning
process is conducted.

We would still deliver a complete commissioning process according

to industry standards [ASHRAE, BCxA, BSRIA, etc.] and bolt these
levels into it.
In case you are wondering, here is our article explaining the Commissioning Process in line with ASHRAE
Guideline 0.

Why use Commissioning Levels?

The purpose of utilizing the levels is to allow the project to focus on
the commissioning and control the outcome, maintaining the
quality assurance that the client usually requires.

Using the levels as a base, a complete process and structure can be

developed via flow diagrams, responsibility matrices, and programs,
using each stage as a ‘gate’ that needs to be completed before
moving onto the next stage.

Can a Data Centre be Commissioned

not using the Levels?
Yes, using the levels will not guarantee that the project will be
commissioned correctly; a data center can achieve the same
outcome of commissioning if a ‘general’ commissioning process is
implemented that would be used on an Office-type building.
The levels do not guarantee a quality-orientated process; they just
provide the base to work from and lay down the expectations for
the project to start from.

If we think about it, when we commission a Chiller control system in

an office vs. a data center, we would usually complete similar testing
[maybe minus the part-load testing in the office due to site

What are these coloured tags about?

Coloured tags are used to provide a visual indication of the status
of the system and components during the project construction and
commissioning phases.

 Level 0 – NO TAG
 Level 1 – RED TAG
 Level 2 – YELLOW TAG
 Level 3 – GREEN TAG
 Level 4 – BLUE TAG
 Level 5 – WHITE TAG
 Level 6 – NO TAG
 Level 7 – NO TAG

Information to be displayed on the Tags

The information that would usually be contained on each tag would
 Appropriate colour
 Level number
 Level reference
 Equipment ID
 Project number
 Date
 Contractor/vendor signature box
 Designer signature box
 Commissioning Agent signature box
 High-level description of the tag and next step

If want to see a typical checklist for commissioning a data center checkout our article DATA CENTER |
Commissioning Checklist
Level 0 – Design and Planning
This is the start of the levels and would equate to the pre-design /
design stage responsibilities within the standard commissioning

Tasks that should be completed during this level would be:

 Assemble the Commissioning Team.

 Write, create, and manage the project requirements for t
he owner.
 Create and maintain a basis of design document (BOD).
 Create a budget and scope for the commissioning
 The commissioning program should be written and
 Formats for commissioning reports should be developed.
 Specify and manage the acceptance criteria.
 Organize the commissioning documentation and finalize.
 Determine the training requirements.
 Complete and issue reports.
 Conduct meetings and workshops.
 Perform commissioning evaluations/commissioning
design review based on the design and project details.
 Create checklists.
 Select any software that is to be utilized to aid/monitor
the commissioning.
 Develop a high-level commissioning strategy.
 Create a high-level training programme.
 Create a framework and format for the operation and
maintenance manual.
 Interacting with the general/main contractor.
There will be NO TAGS provided on completion of this stage.
To read our 40 STEP GUIDE for delivering Level 0, see our article | LEVEL 0 – DATA CENTER
COMMISSIONING | Design & Planning
Level 1 – Factory Testing
Factory testing will usually be performed before any major/critical
equipment on a project is delivered to the site to confirm that it
fulfils its intended operating requirements, as the design stipulates.

The test will compare the equipment’s performance in the factory to

its stated manufacture and operating data within a laboratory-type
environment, which will be contained in the technical/material
submission or on its equipment datasheets.

Once the factory witness testing has been completed satisfactorily,

it will then be approved by the commissioning authority to be
transported and delivered to the site for installation.
We have written more detail regarding Factory Acceptance Testing in our Article A Complete Guide To
Factory Acceptance Testing

The equipment will be provided with a RED TAG for verification of

level completion and signed by the contractor/vendor, designer,
and commissioning agent.
To read our 11 STEP GUIDE for delivering Level 1, see our article | LEVEL 1 - DATA CENTER
COMMISSIONING | Factory Testing
Level 2 – Component Verification
and Pre-Installation Checks
Once the equipment and components have been transported to the
site and before acceptance of the delivery for offloading,
verification/delivery checks should take place to ensure that the
items delivered match what was ordered and that they meet the
project requirements.

After these checks have been completed a ‘Storage Check and Pre-
Installation Check’ should be completed to ensure the project
process is adhered to and documented.

These checks are usually recorded via checksheets and form part of
the overall process.
We have written more on delivery checks in our article 3 Types of Commissioning Checklists, in the section
for the construction checks, we cover the delivery requirements for various systems and equipment.
The equipment will be provided with a YELLOW TAG to verify level
completion and signed by the contractor/vendor, designer, and
commissioning agent.
To read our 8 STEP GUIDE for delivering Level 2, see our article | LEVEL 2 – DATA CENTER
COMMISSIONING | Component Delivery

Level 3 – Pre Commissioning / Pre

Functional Testing
Level 3 will be centered around checking that the installations
completed by the general contractor and vendors have been
appropriately installed and align with the drawings, construction
information, design requirements, code compliance, and
manufacturers’ guidelines.

Once the system has been verified to have been installed correctly,
the pre-commissioning / pre-functional and startup testing should
All should be fully documented and form part of the overall
structured process.

There will be a few steps integrated into this level:

 General system installation checks

[pipework/ductwork/cabling etc].
 Equipment installation checks.
 Pre-commissioning / pre-functional checks and tests for
items that are required for the future commissioning
works [complete power testing through to pumps etc,
pressure testing, pipework cleaning etc].
 Energize Systems for pre-functional and start-up works
to complete.
 Manufacture startup tests and checks.
 Ensuring systems are ready for the next stage of
functional and site acceptance testing.
To read our 7 STEP GUIDE for delivering Level 3, see our article | LEVEL 3 – DATA CENTER
COMMISSIONING | Pre-Functional/Start-Up

The equipment will be provided with a GREEN TAG to verify status

completion and signed by the contractor/vendor, designer, and
commissioning agent.
Level 4 – Component / System
Functional Performance Testing
Upon completing the Level 3 inspections and startup testing, the
process will move onto Level 4, the functional performance and site
testing. This level’s quantity of work and coordination requirements
should not be underestimated.

Huge, huge amount of work and why it is paramount that this level
is planned out very early within the project. Anything hanging over
from the previous levels could seriously impact, so best to have
them all completed and signed off before moving to this step.

Over the completion of this level, various systems will be brought

together and integrated to allow the commissioning agent and
project team to verify they are operating as per the project
The strategy to deliver this stage should be detailed within the
commissioning programme to ensure that everyone knows their
roles as many different contractors and vendors will be involved.

A failure of any one of them could critically impact the whole

project programme.

For example, a high-level process to fully commission and verify the

operation of the CRAH Units [computer room air handling units] in
a data hall would be something like:

 Permits to works is in place

[electrical/mechanical/drainage etc].
 Any integrations with existing systems are understood
and planned for.
 All power circuits have been tested and are energized
from the utility through to CRAH Distribution board and
then through to the units themselves.
 All switchboards have been tested and are energized
through to the CRAH distribution board.
 All electrical systems have been earth tested.
 All drainage systems including local condensate, have
been tested and signed off.
 All pipework systems have been weld tested.
 All pipework systems have been pressure tested.
 Pumps are available and operating.
 Chillers are available and operating.
 The condenser system is available and operating.
 Load is available in the spaces being cooled [data halls,
UPS rooms etc]
 All pipework systems have been chemically cleaned.
 All CRAH have been backflushed.
 All insulation has been applied in line with the
specification and is vapor sealed.
 Chilled water circuits have been hydrostatically water
 Flooring/ceilings/containment systems [hot aisle/cold
aisle] have been completed and tested.
 Floor grilles have been installed where required and
 All doors are installed and air-tight.
 All wall and floor penetrations have been fire stopped to
stop any potential air leakage/infiltration to/from the
 CRAH controls and sensors are installed, calibrated, and
 CRAH has been pre-commissioned and set up including
all settings and any automatic valves being set up.
 BMS system and controls are integrated and operating
to allow all points to be verified back to the head end
and graphics.
 Fire systems are available for any tripping and alarming
As we can see, just in the above process, there will be input
throughout Level 4 from:

 Health and safety department

 Permit office
 Client team
 Commissioning agent
 Designer
 General/main contractor
 Flooring contractor
 Fire stopping contractor
 Fire contractor
 Electrical contractor
 Switchboard vendors
 Pipework installation contractor
 Insulation contractor
 Pump manufacturer
 Chemical cleaning contractor
 Water balancing contractor
 Plumbing and drainage contractor
 BMS contractor
 CRAH vendor
To read our 14 STEP GUIDE for delivering Level 4, see our article | LEVEL 4 – DATA CENTER
COMMISSIONING | Functional Testing

The equipment will be provided with a BLUE TAG to verify level

completion and signed by the contractor/vendor, designer, and
commissioning agent.

Level 5 – Integrated System Testing

The whole buildup through the levels is for this final step, the
testing of the integrated system.

It is all the hard work is about when it comes to the overall

construction of the data center – it’s not just the MEP contractor
that is responsible; it’s the designer, contractors, vendors, building
contractors, commissioning contractors, etc.

This level and documentation should be seen as being worth the

project’s total value because if it fails, the data center will not be
signed off, and the client will generally not be able to use or rent
the space.

Understanding why a data center fails can cause a major headache

and cost everyone involved a lot of money.

During this level, the focus will be on proving that all systems can
work together and meet the expected design and project

The testing will usually cover the Mechanical Systems, known as the
‘Heat Load Test,’ and the Electrical Systems, known as ‘Electrical
Integrated Testing.’

They are usually conducted separately as they have slightly different


Heat load testing is completed to prove that the thermal response

of the data hall under different heating load conditions and failure
scenarios are within the tolerances stipulated by design.

Electrical Integrated Testing is completed to prove that upon

certain failures across the electrical systems and incoming utility
supplies, the use of the data center will not be affected and will
maintain its operating status with no downtime.

Some high-level tasks that will be completed during this stage

usually involve:

 Ensure testing scripts are fully approved by all parties

with the testing outcomes being fully understood.
 If conducting these tests on a new installation but using
existing client systems such as chillers etc, discuss and
plan with the relevant parties.
 Ensure that everyone understands their roles to deliver
successful testing, and are available.
 Ensure that the previous functional testing of all systems
has been completed and signed-off.
 Ensure that the correct instruments and equipment are
available to monitor and capture data from the testing.
 Ensure that the correct temporary load is available and
can be stepped in the correct increments.
 Agreement on size of temporary loaders to be used.
 Agreement on installation method and positioning of
temporary loaders.
 Agreement on wiring and power arrangement of loaders.
 That all instruments and equipment are set up and ready
for testing, with locations being agreed upon across the
 Instruments and equipment have appropriate calibration
 Checking that spaces are completed and clean.
 If having specific screens built for capturing data and
allowing review during the testing, ensure that these are
created and developed ready for the Level 5 testing.
 All pre-requisites, as detailed within the approved scripts
are managed and completed.
 Conducting the testing in a controlled manner.
 Capturing data from the testing [BMS, sensors, loggers
 Full download of data from BMS and sensors upon
completion of the testing.
 Writing and approval of the full detailed report on the
testing completed.
To read our 16 STEP GUIDE for delivering Level 5, see our article | LEVEL 5 – DATA CENTER
COMMISSIONING | Integrated Testing
The equipment will be provided with a WHITE TAG to verify level
completion and signed by the contractor/vendor, designer, and
commissioning agent.

Level 6 – Close out / Turnover /

Some clients will request this level to allow a controlled closeout of
the project; it will usually involve creating a handover document and
working through it.

The document will detail the process that will be implemented to

allow the client to accept the project and testing information that
proves the systems and data hall are operating in line with project
expectations and specified design criteria.
To read our 9 STEP GUIDE for delivering Level 6, see our article | LEVEL 6 – DATA CENTER
COMMISSIONING | Closeout & Turnover
Tasks during this level would usually include:

Running the closeout process as stipulated by the

 Closing out and resolving defects
 Completion of any additional testing that may be
 Client acceptance that the systems and data center have
been proved to be operating as per the project
requirements and design.
There will be NO TAGS provided on completion of this stage.

Level 7 – Acceptance of Final

Reports and Documents
Once all the above levels have been completed, any outstanding
documentation will be completed/updated and issued for final

The client should accept the documentation and that the project
has been fully delivered and handed over.

Documentation would involve:

 Ensuring all Level 1, 2, 3 & 4 testing documents and data

are approved and accepted.
 Level 5 report is complete and accepted.
 Level 6 closeout process completed.
 Final commissioning report issued and accepted.
 Operating and maintenance manuals are complete and
 Final sign-off certificate issued and returned approved.
To read our 2 STEP GUIDE for delivering Level 7, see our article | LEVEL 7 – DATA CENTER

There will be NO TAGS provided on completion of this stage.

Level 0 to Level 7 Data Center
Commissioning Checklist

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