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Name Edward Tolson Date: 3/25/21

Class time: 11 a.m.

Video Reaction Form

Please complete one of these form for each video. Must be complete
sentences and typed.
1. Who is the author?
The author of the video is ABCNews.

2. What is the topic?

The topic surrounding the video is hate and white supremacy in

3. What is the date of the video?

The date of the video is October 6th, 2020.

4. What are the major concepts?

The major concepts described in the video are the various forms
of hate and and white supremacy that continues to plague our
country. The documentary goes on to describe the first large
occurrence where white supremacy was at the forefront and
pinnacle of its existence. White supremacy has remained a
common issue within our country since the 60’s with it being
more prominent and many being open about said subject. The
idea that you can cause hate and correlate that hate to an idea of
perfect society is unjust to say the least. Many white supremacists
within our country today, are very open with beliefs and some are
very influential within our society. White supremacy is prominent
within our society and is able to be flaunted so easily because
they belief that they hold the power within this country. We
always knew white supremacy existed but the idea that you can
show your face and not be punished for spreading an ideology of
hate and bigotry in this country is astonishing but on par with how
our country handles situations like this.

5. Relate this topic to the African American’s current political and

economic experience.
The current political climate for African American’s in the United
States is fueling high due to the most recent election. Donald
Trump lost the election which caused a frenzy of various
allegations from the supporters of Donald Trump. Many of the
supporters of Donald Trump were parts of various groups some of
which included white supremacy groups such as the KKK and Neo-
Nazi’s. This led to a storming of our nation’s capital due to the
enormous amount of Donald Trump believers suggesting that the
election was rigged. This caused an uproar amongst many African
Americans due to the high amount of security that was located at
the capital during the BLM protests. This relates directly to the
economic experience of African American’s because many white
supremacists come in different facets, and are honestly in the
workforce through the masses. The various jobs and opportunities
that African Americans may have been denied due to one’s
ideology is more than likely abundant. That is just one economic
setback that we may face when entering the workforce and the
sad part is we don’t even know the barrier that’s set forth in front
of us.
6. What can you learn from the video that you did not know before?
What I learned from this video that I didn’t know before is that
white supremacy is essentially a barrier that is held above many
African Americans head when entering the world. We have to
able to distinguish the legitimacy behind a white person
intentions towards us rather good or bad. Even though this may
be true for many no matter whom the person may be, white
supremacy is held at a higher regard due to the hate and stigma
that comes from it. African Americans have to be careful when
entering the workforce because we may be limited to an unjust
summit in our career due to someone’s ideology. White
supremacy has plagued our country for centuries and the epitome
of your average white supremacist changes everyday so we have
to be careful because distinguishing between pure and false
intentions can be difficult.

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