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University of Nueva Caceres


J. Hernandez Avenue, Naga City

Tel. No. +63-054-472-6100 local 119

(19-15854) Ferrer, Rutherford A. Time: 02:00PM-05:00PM (Monday)

BS ARCHITECTURE Subject: Rizal's Life and Works


ACTIVITY Constitution of the La Liga Filipina. Design a table (graphic organizer) with the aims of
La Liga Filipina in one column and examples of how these aims could be attained in the next



 Protection against injustice and  The La Solidaridad urged reforms in

violence. both religion and government in the
 Supporting agriculture and Philippines, and it served as the voice
commerce. of every Filipino that wants change
 Study and application of reforms. from the Spain government that also
 Mutual protection in every needs. became known as the Propaganda
 To protect the poor and support
his/her right against the powerful.
 Shops, stores, and establishment shall
be opened where the members may
be accommodated move economically
than elsewhere.
 To promote mutual aids through
projects like establishing cooperatives
to provide supports like legal
assistance, scholarship grants, and
economic loans that allows everyone
to help each other raise and attain
everyone’s wants and needs.

Answer the following questions based on the videos assigned as pre-class work. You can
answer in an

Essay format:

1. Describe the life of Jose Rizal as represented in the film.

2. What is your assessment about the film’s representation of Jose Rizal?

3. What is the main question that the film seeks to answer?

4. Describe the life of Jose Rizal as represented in the film.

5. What is your assessment about the film’s representation of Jose Rizal?

6. What is the main question that the film seeks to answer?

7. Identify leadership traits portrayed by Rizal?

8. What are the effects of the execution of Dr. Jose Rizal?

Jose Rizal was in Dapitan and was detained due to his defiance against the friars and
the government of Spain. Jose Rizal was forced to be a Christian in his early days at Dapitan by
his priest friend (Chris Michelena) but Jose Rizal stayed to oppose resulting to leaving the
parish. Jose Rizal assure that his stay at Dapitan has significance, he became physician,
agriculturist, teacher and engineer while being a prisoner that time.

I think I’m sure that the film accurately portray the life of Jose Rizal at Dapitan and also
we students can also learn how to be disciplined (not motivated only because of personal
desires) consistent, resilient and tenacious on what we committed to do or for short, to be a
one man army of our own self. The film really question how’s Jose Rizal’s feelings before he
died for us Filipinos since no one knows if he is happy, contented, or sad, regretful on what he
did for our freedom.

Rizal was tenacious, charismatic, and disciplined in a way that no bad luck or
misfortunes can distract his willingness to fight for our freedom, freedom of our country. After
Dr. Jose Rizal died, The Filipinos and KKK had a rebellious actions towards Spanish
government and had a guerrilla fight against the Spaniards to fight for the independence or
freedom from the Spanish government.

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