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CV. Buana Mahayasa Sakti 25.

January 2024
Alex Wartono
PO Box 9
59354 GEBOG

Quotation 32389105

Dear Sir or Madam,

Many thanks for your referenced enquiry. Enclosed please find our completed quotation
including all items enquired under your mentioned reference.

Your reference : Transfer Drum Filter 745-1-4-DF.U3

Reference date : 25. January 2024

Your contact : Mrs. Yesika Heryadi

Direct telephone : +65 6595 9-975
E-Mail :

Based on our "Terms and Conditions of Sale (export orders)", April 2021, our "Service Terms
and Conditions (Abroad)", April 2021, as well as our "Terms of Software Use", April 2021, we
are pleased to offer as follows:

Quantity, specifications, prices and delivery time of items offered are subject to alteration in
accordance with further technical development.

Important notice
Since the beginning of 2021, there have been significant shortages in the global supply of raw materials and
components, particularly but not limited to the supply of assemblies containing either electronics or power
supplies. As a direct consequence, the entire global industry is facing extended lead times and reduced supply
capacity, resulting in orders not being delivered in full or on time.

As the shortages affect key base components used by our suppliers and their subcontractors, it is currently not


Körber Technologies GmbH

Kurt-A.-Körber-Chaussee 8-32 · 21033 Hamburg · Briefpost / Letter mail: 21027 Hamburg
Tel. +49 40 72 50-01 · ·
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates / Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Stephan Seifert
Geschäftsführer / Management Board: Jürgen Spykman (Vorsitz / Chairman) · Dr. Jürgen Heller · Andreas Panz
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg · Registergericht: Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 141606
Banken: Commerzbank AG · IBAN: DE50 2004 0000 0122 9004 00 · S.W.I.F.T. (BIC): COBA DE FF XXX
Deutsche Bank AG · IBAN: DE29 2007 0000 0550 2315 00 · S.W.I.F.T. (BIC): DEUT DE HH XXX
USt-IdNr. / VAT: DE118619605 · Steuer-Nr. / Tax no: 27/183/00110

This document and all information therein are provided in confidence and may not be disclosed to any third party without the
express written permission of the disclosing party. The companies of the Körber Group take the protection of your personal data
very seriously. Read more under
Quotation 32389105

possible to forecast precisely the impact on our delivery times of parts, subassemblies and machines to our
customers. The critical global supply will further continue in 2023 and probably even beyond this year.

We are working very closely with our suppliers and have taken numerous measures to prevent as far as
possible the critical global supply situation from impacting our deliveries to our customers. However, the delivery
times we quote are based on the delivery times in place at the time of quoting and we reserve the right to adjust
these to the then prevailing supply situation at the time of ordering.

In the event of the unpredictability of the worldwide supply situation over which we have no control, we can
explicitly not exclude that, despite all measures taken, the contractual delivery time can be kept. You should
therefore take this into account in your planning.

We thank you for your understanding and will of course keep you informed of any changes affecting the delivery

Dispatch mode : Courier Airfreight

Terms of delivery : DAP Gebog

(Incoterms 2020)

Terms of payment : Invoice payable 30 days after date of invoice.

Value of goods EUR 5,116.70

Shipping fees EUR 521.90
Total price EUR 5,638.60

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Quotation 32389105

Item Details Quantity

Unit price Total

100 2267071-000-01 TF0000 1 PC 2,575.92 2,575.92

Net weight: 9.670 KG
Delivery time: 2 weeks / 1 PC

200 1756753-000-01 TF0725 2 PC 1,270.39 2,540.78

Net weight: 1.720 KG
Delivery time: 2 weeks / 1 PC
Delivery time: 12 weeks / 1 PC

EUR 5,116.70

Risk of damage or loss of the Goods shall pass finally to you in accordance with the agreed
Incoterm-Clause. From this point on, you are therefore obliged to insure the entire value of
the contract against all risks until the final acceptance of the Goods, if this has to be certified,
in any case until we have received full payment of the value of the contract. We reserve the
right to request from you appropriate evidence of this insurance.

This quotation is valid for all firm orders received until 31. March 2024

We hope our quotation will meet your expectations. If you should have any kind of queries
please feel free to contact us at any time.

With best regards,

Compliance notice
We advise that our employees are instructed to strictly comply with all applicable statutory
regulations and the Values and Principles of Körber AG. In particular, our employees are
not allowed to offer, promise or grant inappropriate favors and donations. You will find
further details in our code of conduct at

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