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Sir agricultural growth over the past decades was hovering anywhere between one per cent and

two per cent But in the last few years agriculture GDP has grown at least by 3 to 4 per cent So that

has also contributed in a major way towards the overall when you calculate the GDP In this year

especially the agricultural GDP is poised to dip and it is going to dip sharply on account of various

factors some created by you and some not created by you but by nature We know the natural

factors of course that at some places we have drought we have excessive rains we have floods

and various other natural calamities have hit the farmer On the other side it is also man made

where you have not taken note of the increasing cost of the farm produce and you have not

factored that in giving remunerative prices to farmers Sir I am sure my friends from Punjab will

agree with me My friends from most parts of the country will also agree that today the farm

produce is not as remunerative as may be even a year ago The Minimum Support Prices have not

risen sharply whether it is of wheat or rice or soybean or cotton But agricultural export from India

last year was Rs 3 lac crores and agro-produce export was a record Where the export figures of

all other commodities have gone down agricultural produce exports have gone up from this

country Therefore Sir we should factor how we are able to give an incentive I am saying this

because Shri Sharad Pawar has been closely associated with it not only as an Agriculture Minister
but also in terms of a person who has kept agriculture close to his heart You and many of us know

the Prime Minister saw what all has been done He acknowledged that this is the way an Indian

agricultural model should be developed for the rest of the country Therefore I urge upon the

Government to give special emphasis to agriculture not only in this Budget but in all its policy

directions Sir in terms of industrial output the auto industry is one of the largest contributors to

the manufacturing growth of this country Almost 30 per cent of manufacturing growth comes

from the auto industry

Sir with lower fuel prices and so-called buoyant economy as you are claiming we should have been

seeing a flood of automobiles being sold Actual automobile sale has shrunk and that itself is

something which needs to be seen and understood by the Government When you talk of creating

more jobs where are we going to create the jobs? The more enthusiasm you show to do all these

things also you are leaving more and more residuary powers in the hands of small officers who

are more prone to abuse than to use it That is something which I think you need to see in whatever

enthusiasm you have about black money here or internationally Please do not forget that the

implementing authority is also going to be misusing that to some extent and that may also leave

a bad taste We are not against any issues Sir I also compliment the Finance Minister Some good
examples are also there about the gold monetisation about the gold bonds putting in

unproductive assets of this country of such a magnitude I do not think anybody has a realistic

estimate of how much gold is in this country Actually many people have not read the fine print It

is really going to help your banking system it will help a lot of foreign investment come in a sector

which otherwise would not have realised its potential So I think these are the steps in the right

direction and I would urge you to look at it Sir finally in earlier point I missed out on black money

Sir we had Foreign Exchange Regulation Act and Foreign Exchange Money Laundering Act only

because there was a problem in terms of implementation People were being harassed Now I hope

that whatever you choose to do you do not forget that the aspect of harassment is duly taken

care of in implementing these Acts Sir I have two more points One is the concern that I have which

is about the Government's resource mobilization plans This is currently depending almost

completely on direct and indirect tax revenue growth which in turn depends on corporate revival

Sir we must create more headroom for boosting Government revenues to enable spending on

infrastructure capital assets and absorb any external shock

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