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Uterine Polyps

Submitted by Racheal Rai

3rd year GNM
Uterine polyps
Uterine polyps are growth attached to the inner wall of the uterus that extend
into the uterine cavity . Overgrowth of cells in the lining of the uterus
(endometrium) leads to the formation of uterine polyp also known as
endometrial polyps . These polyps are usually non cancerous( beningn) .
Although some can be cancerous or can eventually turn into cancer . ( pre
cancerous polyps)

Uterine polyps range in size from a few millimetres -no larger than a sesame
seed to several centimetres -golf ball size or larger . They attach to the uterine
wall by a large base or a thin stalk .
Uterine polyps
Different types of polyps


-Placenta -polyph retained bit of placenta tissue when adherent to the uterine wall get organized with surrounding blood clots .


-De novo
Secondary changes of Benign polyp is a clinical entity referring a tumour attached by a pedicle .

Mucus the commonest types of benign uterine polyph is mucus one. It may arise from the body of the uterus or from the cervix

-Fibroid polyps may arise from the body of the uterus or from the cervix .

Polyps : Abnormal tissue growth on a

mucous membrane.

Two types of polyps are commonly seen

1.Mucoid polyp: mucoid type of polyp
arises from the cervix . The pedicle may at
times be long enough to make the polyp
protrude from the cervix or reach up to the
vaginal introitus .
Causes or risk factor

Increasing age


Use of tamoxifen


Increasing the level of estrogen in the blood .

Clinical features

There may not be any symptoms . Polyps are visually discovering during
spectrum examination ,Hysteroscopy or Hysterosalpingography.

Irregular uterine bleeding is seen after either in pre or post menopausal

Contact bleeding .

Excessive vaginal discharge.

Diagnostic Evaluation
Transvaginal ultrasound examination.


Endometrical Biopsy



The part of the thick endometrium project into the clarify ultimately attains a pedicle . It seems to arise
from the basal endometrium surrounded by the functional zone , responsiveness to hormone . Multiple
polyposis in endometrial hyperplasia due to hyperestrogenism is excluded from such discrete polyp

Naked eye Appearance : show a small polyp size of about 1-2cm , look reddish and feel soft .

-The core contents strongly cells , glands and large thick walled vascular channel
the surface is lined by endrometrium may undergo squamous metapasia .Rarely
smooth muscle invade the poly and is called Adenomyoma .


-The polyph arrived from the endocervix and are rarely from the ectocervix . The
stimulus of epithelial growth is probably due to hyperoestrogenism.

Naked eye Appearance

Show the polyp of usually small size exceedingly 1-2 cm , single and red in colour
the pedicle may at times be long enough to reach the vaginal interoitus.

The storm consists of fibrous connective tissue with numerous small blood vessels
and cervical gland the lining epithelium is tall columnar like that of endocervix stroma
Dense and fibrous and the term fibrodenomatous poly is used .

Management and treatment

How are uterine polyps treated ?

Treatment will depend on symptoms and other factors that increase your risk of
uterine cancer , If you are still in your reproductive years and the polyp isn’t causing
symptoms, yours provider may monitor it . Instead of treating it . The polyp may go
away on its own . If you have gone through menopause and on if polyps are causing
symptoms , you may need treatment.
Methods of Treatment


Medications -Drugs that keep your hormones balanced , like progestins or

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone Agonists,may be used to relieve symptoms .
The symptoms usually return after you stop taking the medication .

Uterine polypectomy -Your provider will likely be able to remove your

polydusing hysteroscophy . A hysteroscophy allows your provider to insert tools
that can be used to excercise / cut and remove polyps.

You can’t prevent uterus polyps , you take

steps to catch then early so that they don’t
cause complications or unpleasant
symptoms. Getting regular gynaecological
checkups can allow your provider to catch
polyps early .
Endometrial polyps are common growth in the uterine clinging that can lead to various
symptoms and in some cases affect fertility . Endometrial polyps have been associated
with infertility.
Thank you

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