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Poverty incidence in the Philippines has not gone down. This is evident in the areas where there
is low economic activity. On one hand, people who have access to better income opportunities
are not prepared.

Poverty is a multi-headed monster. It is characterized by the quality of growth and high

unemployment and underemployment, high inflation rate, inequality in income and assets, bad
governance and corruption. There is no protection from risks and vulnerability. There is
ineffective mechanisms for the participation of the poor. Worst is apathy among the Filipinos.
(Faces of Poverty, CEAP Aldaba, 2015)

Long-term community sustainability depends on developing human and social capital. Every
opportunity is taken to develop local skills and capacity. Building local capacity involves local
people in surveying their own situation, running their own programs and managing their local
assets. It could also be done by helping people to understand how planning processes work and
how they can be influenced, as well as communicating and holding cultural activities with them.

Aldaba (2015) provides that poverty can be reduced by building the assets of the poor through
assets and capacity build-up. The poorer sectors must be given opportunities to contribute to
growth via employment in small and medium enterprises or self-employment.
It was found out in a needs assessment survey conducted and focused group discussions in
2013 that only 30.1% of the town’s population finished tertiary education. Thus, the majority of
the people there were not able to graduate college. Main reason was the lack of financial means
to support and continue schooling.
These people ended up having minimal sources of income. Most of them became farmers.
These farmers are mostly residents of the far-flung barangay of Lettac Sur. It was also found out
in a needs assessment survey that most of the sweet potatoes and coconuts get rotten and
wasted because of their extreme abundance. Lettac Sur is one of the remote barangays of
Santol, La Union.
Based on the survey conducted and focused group discussions in 2013, the major economic
problems of the community are the insufficiency of income to meet household needs and lack of
opportunities in the community to augment family income.

The residents were engaged in farming, selling agricultural products, merchandizing with three
variety stores where bread products were purchased from nearby barangay and adjacent towns.
They encountered livelihood problems mostly related to marketing and transportation (Garcia &
Maranon, 2016).

Due to the minimal income of their husbands who are farmers, these wives were engaged in hog
raising to have additional sources of income for their daily expenses. However, they were not
able to continue doing so because of the lack of sources of capital.

In September 2015, Saint Louis College donated an Alay Pamaskong Pangkabuhayan of Fifty
Thousand Pesos (Php 50,000.00) through the Malanas Women’s Association in Barangay Lettac
Sur. Barangay Lettac Sur is one of the recipients of the Alay Pamaskong Pangkabuhayan of Fifty
Thousand Pesos (Php 50,000.00) through the Malanas Women’s Association for its cooperative
development. During the focus group discussions with the Officers of Malanas Women’s
Association, training on cooperativism is a major concern forwarded as a means to achieve a
sustained economic growth for the barangay as a whole and for the members in particular.
Assets and capacity build-up are opportunities for the socio-economic growth of the barangay.

The Malanas Women’s Association has undergone pre-membership seminar on Cooperativism.

On November 14, 2016, the Malanas Credit Cooperative was duly registered with the
Cooperative Development Authority with the help of Saint Louis College- Enrpreneurial By Us
(SLC-ENACUS) and Extension Services Office. Saint Louis College (SLC) of San Fernando, La
Union, Inc., a Catholic institution of higher learning founded by the Congregatio Immaculati
Cordis Mariae (CICM) Missionaries, strives to remain faithful to the CICM founding philosophy
and to the educational apostolate of the founding Fathers. As an institution of higher learning, the
College has trifocal functions of research, instruction and extension.


Project Title

Seminar-Workshop on Document Reports, Bookkeeping and

Accounting for Credit Cooperative

Overall Goal To impart necessary knowledge to the members of the cooperative

so as to assure the accuracy of its documents
Activity Plan and Activities Outputs Timeline Personnel Budget
Seminar- Well JPIA
Workshop on organized July ENACTUS Php
Document document 2017 PASOA 10,000.
Reports, reports on the 00
Bookkeeping Credit
and Accounting Cooperative
for Credit and

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