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Homoeopathy And New German Medicine:

Two German Siblings

Author: Dr. Jaimin R. Chotaliya (M.D. Part – II)
Department of Repertory
Dr. V. H. Dave Homoeopathic medical college and research
Centre, Hahnemann House, Amul dairy road, Anand,
Gujarat. 388001


Medical science is a perfect example of unity in diversity.
Various therapeutic methods in the medical science make it
more glorious in its own way. Since many years, its different
healing systems provide a great aid to suffering
humanity. German New Medicine like Homoeopathy is
one of the gentle healing methods. As siblings, they have
some common features as well as their own unique features.
So, let’s explore a unique relationship between these two
Keywords: Homoeopathy, German New
Medicine (GNM), Healing methods
This relation is explained in the following ways.
1) Holistic aspect:
Both therapeutic methods are believed in holistic concept of
body. The disease condition in Homoeopathy and conflict in
GNM are very similar in expression as they are reflecting on
mental as well as physical level also. In Homoeopathy,
Mind, Body and Soul are one of the important trios to
understand the Homoeopathic philosophy. While in GNM,
Psyche, Brain, Body are important aspect in learning the
GNM. Let’s see these trio in their founder’s language,
• Homoeopathy:
Dr. Hahnemann in his oragnon of medicine, 6th edition
mentioned about a unity of materialistic body and vital
force. Last lines of aphorism 15 are as follows, “…although
in thought our mind separates these two unities into
distinct conceptions for the sake of easy comprehension.

• German New Medicine:

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, founder of GNM said that, “The
differentiation between psyche, brain and the body is purely
academic. In reality, they are one.”
2) Disease origin concept:

• Homoeopathy:
In Homoeopathy, disease originates from the dynamic
disturbances and followed by functional and pathological

• German New Medicine:

In GNM, morbid condition starts from conflict in the psyche
level and later it reflects on body. The common feature is
the disturbance is at the all levels of man.
3) Cause of disease:

• Homoeopathy:
In Homoeopathy, among the web of causations, psyche
(mind) is also considers as a cause of disease.

• German New Medicine:

So, in GNM, psyche is playing important role in cause of
disease. When Conflict starts, its dynamic effect perceived
first at mind level.
4) Individuality:
• Homoeopathy:
In Homoeopathy, diathesis is a predisposition for disease
condition. i.e. According to the diathesis every individual
suffers with their own individual morbid dispositions.
Rheumatic diathesis, gouty diathesis, etc. are the examples
of diathesis.

• German New Medicine:

In GNM, every individual suffers from the disease condition
after the receiving conflict. It is different and depending
upon the type of conflict they are receiving. E.g. lung
cancer- death fright conflict, cervical cancer –female sexual
5) Side affinity concept:

• Homoeopathy:
In Homoeopathy, provings and clinical experiences decide
the side affinity of remedies for body. It is for general as
well as particular symptoms. Side affinity of remedy helps a
lot in understanding the remedy profile as well as
individualization during prescriptions.

• German New Medicine:

This side affinity is also important in GNM. Clapping and
walking like gesture activities are the techniques used by
GNM experts to understand side affinity and effect of
conflict on body side. Many Homoeopaths are using these
techniques in their day to day practice and considers as a
good observation skill.
6) Body’s own healing mechanism:

• Homoeopathy:
Dr. Hahnemann in his book “Organon of medicine” had
mention about the regulatory and defensive role of vital
force towards the morbid process. in aphorism 72, he
mentioned about the defensive role of vital force and later
on origin of chronic morbid process when vital force
exhaust itself in this regulating process. In aphorism 76
again he mentioned that morbid condition arising from over
medication (drug disease) could only be corrected by vital
force. So, these are the example of understanding of vital
force’s works.

• German New Medicine:

In GNM, on studying GNM compass thoroughly we can
understand the conflict phase as well as healing phase
followed by crisis to regulate the normal Homeostasis.
7) Symptom’s understanding:

• Homoeopathy:
In Homoeopathy, symptoms are the reflection of dynamic
disturbances that are thrown by vital force is to defend
against the morbid process. Symptoms on the body are
secondary to the disturbance and considered under the
body’s healing mechanism. Perceiving of symptoms
thoroughly result in good understanding of morbid process.
After understanding of these morbid phenomena one can
manage the case very well.

• German New Medicine:

Dr. Caroline Markolin, mentioned about Dr. Hamer’s view
on disease with an article named “what is disease?”. Some
lines from that article gives us better understanding of the
concept of GNM. These are as follows, “Dr. Hamer also
discovered that every “Disease” runs into two phases.
During the first, conflict-active phase, we feel mentally and
emotionally stressed. Typically, we are totally preoccupied
with what happened, we have cold extremities, little
appetite, suffer sleep disturbances and lose weight. If we
resolve the conflict, we enter the healing phase, during
which psyche, the brain and the affected organ undergo the
phase of recovery. Since conventional medicine fails to
recognize the two phase pattern of every disease, many
symptoms of the repair phase such as inflammation, fever,
painful smelling, pus, discharge, blood in the stool, in the
urine or sputum (particularly when a cancerous growth is
broken down), or infections, are labeled as diseases
although they are in fact, manifestation of natural healing
process. “
8) Laws of healing systems:
• Homoeopathy:
In Homoeopathy, cardinal principles or natural laws are
strong pillars on which this healing system is firmly stands
in medical field.
These are as follows;
Law similia similibus curentur
Law of minimum dose
Law of single remedy
Law of dynamization
Law of vital force
Law of chronic disease

German New Medicine:

In GNM, 5 biological laws are main stem of GNM.
1) The Iron rule of Cancer.
2) Two phased nature of disease condition in conflict.
3) Deals with embryonic germ layers (ontogenetic system of
4) Deals with microbes (law for infectious diseases).
5) The quintessence

9) Treatment part:

• Homoeopathy:
In Homoeopathy, treatment includes following parts:
 Counseling of the Patient.
 Prescription with dynamically acting similar
Medicines/material doses of Mother tinctures.

• German New Medicine:

In GNM, this is regarding awareness. Dr. Hamer: “If the
patient has been made aware of all the facts, he will no
longer need to get frightened by his symptoms. He can now
fully accept these as the healing symptoms they are all of
which had until now caused fear and panic. In the greatest
number of cases, the whole episode will pass without any
serious consequences.”
This gives a better idea about the awareness and earlier
Some similarities and with some own characteristics, these
two healing methods are developing at a good length in
medical science. The main aim of these both methods is –
“to serve the suffering humanity in gentle way”. This article
is intended to present for those students and practitioners
who are believing in gentle healing and developing their
own unique case management skills with the application of
their practice.
1) Hahnemann Samuel, Organon of Medicine 6th edition
(Reprint edition, Aug 2016), published by IBPP, New Delhi.
(p. 100, 156)
2) Learning GNM study guidelines,
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2) Homeopathic Approach to Breast Cancer

Life ForceOct 26, 20222 CommentsOn Homeopathic Approach To Breast Cancer Treatment
Breast cancer is a quite concerning condition with 2.3 million women diagnosed with it and
685000 deaths occurring worldwide as per WHO in 2021. It is a malignant tumor that
develops from breast cells (a group of cancer cells). Breast cancer is the second most
prevalent malignancy in women diagnosed after skin cancer. Breast cancer can affect both
men and women, but it is considerably more common in women.

In breast cancer, normally developing healthy cells of the breast develop abnormally, expand
uncontrollably, and develop tumors. Due to a variety of factors, including early cancer
detection, a thorough understanding of the disease, and well-planned treatment regimens, the
number of breast cancer-related deaths has considerably decreased recently.

It is yet unknown what causes breast cancer. However, breast cancer patients have been
found to share a few common characteristics. It has been noted that women are more likely
than men to get breast cancer. Growing older is another risk factor because it has been
observed that older persons have a higher chance of breast cancer.

An individual is more susceptible to this illness if they have a family member who is afflicted
with it. The presence of the disease is not inevitable, though, as many patients have been seen
without a history of breast cancer in their families. There has also been evidence of parental
transmission of this illness. Other factors that raise your risk of developing the disease
include getting your period early, going through menopause later in life, having a child later
in life, drinking alcohol, never getting pregnant, and being exposed to radiation at any point
in your lifetime.

The most typical signs of breast cancer are a lump or thickening in the breast, changes in its
size, shape, and appearance, changes in the skin over the breasts, redness of the skin over the
breasts, changes in the nipples, and discharge from the nipples, among other things. Your
doctor will perform a physical exam to identify these symptoms. The doctor may use a
mammogram, breast ultrasound, or a biopsy to find breast cancer. The biopsy involves
collecting a sample of breast cells.

Stages of Breast Cancer

 Breast cancer in stage 0 (noninvasive, carcinoma in situ) is defined as having no
evidence of cancer cells entering or spreading to nearby healthy tissue.
 Breast cancer in stage I: The tumor is up to two centimeters in size at this point, and
there are no lymph nodes implicated.
 Breast cancer at stage II (invasive) occurs when the tumor is two to five centimeters
in size or cancer has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm on the same side.
 Breast cancer at stage III (locally progressed) has a tumor in the breast that is more
than two inches in size or that has spread to nearby lymph nodes or tissues.
 Breast cancer in stage IV (metastatic) has progressed to other parts of the body, either
close to or far from the breast, in addition to the breast, underarms, and internal
mammary lymph nodes.
 Breast cancer that has reappeared despite initial treatment is referred to as recurrent
breast cancer.

Homeopathy for Breast Cancer

A homeopathy is a fast-expanding approach that is used worldwide to treat various diseases.
Its power comes in its obvious efficacy in treating the ill person holistically by encouraging
internal harmony at the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels. There are numerous
potent homeopathic treatments for breast cancer, but the choice is patient-specific and takes
into account both the patient’s physical and mental symptoms.

Breast cancer homeopathic treatment pinpoints the disease’s underlying cause and attends
to the patient by considering her physical, emotional, and psychological generals. The choice
of the medicine needed to treat the patient relies on their symptoms, even though there are
many homeopathic medications available that are useful in the treatment of breast cancer.
The following is a list of some homeopathic medications that are effective in treating breast
cancer, along with the circumstances under which they should be used:

1. Pulsatilla

When breast nodes are present together with irregular menstruation, pulsatilla for breast
cancer is a natural homeopathic remedy that can be used. For girls going through puberty
who have breast lumps or nodes, pulsatilla is a great aid.

2. Scrophularia Nosoda

The homeopathic medicine Scrophularia Nosoda, which is uncommon but highly significant,
can be used to dissolve tumors, masses, nodes, or indurations in the breasts. The medicine is
effective at dissolving and eliminating breast cancers incredibly.

3. Phytolacca Decandra

Phytolacca is a natural homeopathic remedy that may be helpful for the treatment of breast
fibroadenoma when that condition is coupled with breast inflammation.

4. Calcarea Fluorica
The finest homeopathic treatment for fibroadenoma of the breast with nodes that are as hard
as stone is Calcarea fluorica. These stubborn knots in the breast happen to dissipate quickly
when treated with Calcarea fluorica.

You must be aware of the symptoms if you wish to prevent breast cancer. It’s critical to see a
doctor as soon as you detect anything unusual. Don’t avoid consulting the doctor. An early
diagnosis is always beneficial for an effective, speedy recovery. There are various forms of
breast cancer, and each form has a unique set of symptoms. Therefore, you must visit a
doctor if you suspect that you may have breast cancer.

If you don’t visit a doctor on time then it can get late. You should also be on the lookout for
changes in how you feel. You might suddenly start losing weight, for instance. Or perhaps
you have problems falling asleep. All of them are red flags indicating something about you
isn’t quite right.

The success of homeopathic medicine in the treatment of breast cancer is attested to by the
fact that many individuals who had the condition have recovered. Therefore, using
homeopathic treatments to treat breast cancer is a smart option. If you are thinking of opting
for homeopathy for breast cancer then keep in mind to take treatment from an experienced
homeopathy practitioner. It is also advised to never take any homeopathy medicine without a
prescription and a doctor’s consultation.

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